ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY Weekly Newsletter
Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher Grassyards Rd Kilmarnock KA3 7SL 01563 526144 Twitter: @StJoAcad
INSPIRE AND TRANSFORM: The Service of Light at the S6 Leavers’ Mass. One candle for each pupil and their parent or carer.
HELLO... and GOODBYE! The last few days have been strange for senior pupils at St. Joseph’s. We have welcomed back our new Senior Phase pupils into S5 and S6, but at the same time bid a fond farewell to S6 who will, no doubt, enjoy a last hurrah at the Prom. S6 Leavers’ Mass We held our annual Mass for pupils leaving S6 later than usual due to the timing of study leave for pupils. However, we were delighted with the attendance at the Mass by almost all of the S6 cohort and a record number of parents and carers. Mass was said by Fr. Chambers who focussed in his Homily on the goodness in all of us and dished out a few edible prizes at the same time. Music was provided by Mr. Whyte, with a solo vocal performance by Claire Williamson who sand Green Day’s ‘Time of Your Life’. This was a suitably reflective piece of music to mark the conclusion of six years in school. As photographs of every member of S6 played on the plasma screens, Head Boy and Head Girl Natalie Smith and Blair Welsh gave their valedictory addresses looking back over their time at the school and forward to reunions and opportunities. Thereafter came short speeches and reflections from Mrs. McInally and Mr. Davis. After Mass the congregation enjoyed catering produced by Miss Northcote’s S4 class who had cooked a fabulous array of cakes and snacks. Over these nibbles pupils,
parents and staff swapped contact details and reminisced, making promises to stay in touch. We wish all of our leavers well and will miss out outgoing S6. Senior Induction On Monday and Tuesday of this week the new S5 an S6 pupils returned to two days of team-building, presentations and options re-interviews. The seniors were presented with the full range of outstanding opportunities available to them including Caritas Awards, community service, YASS (Young Applicants in Schools Scheme) courses and many other prospects. They participated in a charged and stimulating debate on Scottish independence and listened to presentations on positive mental health and wellbeing and mindfulness. Later in the programme they enjoyed a range of teambuilding activities designed to challenge their skills and promote responsibility, collaboration and leadership and were offered the chance to take on leadership roles in the school next year. Numeracy Booklet published The Maths department has issued a booklet that they have put together to promote better numeracy across the curriculum. The booklet is designed to help teachers, parents and pupils see the connections between different uses of numeracy and can be read online via our blog or by visiting: