May 26th parent news 2014

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ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY Weekly Newsletter



INSPIRE AND TRANSFORM: U-16s take the Cup 6-4 against Kilwinning Academy


Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher Grassyards Rd Kilmarnock KA3 7SL 01563 526144 Twitter: @StJoAcad

Success for the U-16 team

P7 Commonwealth Games Event

The U-16 football team, after losing the league to Kilwinning Academy, found the fire needed to seek redress. Last week they won the Ayrshire Cup 6-4 against Kilwinning after an amazing match.

It’s not long until the Games come to Glasgow, but we brought them to St. Joseph’s for a day when pupils from our Learning Community primary schools took part in a wide range of sporting activities and competitions.

The team were, at one stage, four goals down and again staring defeat in the face when a goal from Conner McMillan opened the game up. Then Jordan Doolan scored a second goal, followed by Aidan Shearer and Kieran Kelly to level the score at 4-4.

The day had been arranged by the PE department and Active Schools Co-ordinator Marc Wilson and involved pupils in everything from javelin to running to shot-put.

With the result still hanging in the balance victory was secured through a second shot on target from Connor McMillan and a penalty taken by Connor Shearer. Coaches Mr. Howson and Marc Wilson were delighted with the result, as was Aidan Shearer who was declared Man of the Match and interviewed at the end of the game by Youth Football Scotland.

The youngsters were excellent and took part very well. We were especially delighted to welcome back to the school a cohort of students from Ayrshire College who helped out with the event by leading and arranging activities. They were led by former pupil Alan Johnston (who left the St. Joseph’s in 2000) and now works as a lecturer at the College. You can see pictures from the event and the results inside this issue.

End of Term Calendar

Online Survey

Want to know about all the events planned until the end of June? Look no further than the next four pages which display a cornucopia of happenings alongside some outstanding artwork from S3 pupils.

We are currently undertaking our broadest ever survey of opinions to contribute towards our vision for the next five years. If you receive this newsletter you should also have received an email with a link to an anonymous online survey through which you can provide you thoughts and opinions about the school. All feedback is welcome! The survey closes on May 30th at 11.59 pm. Don’t miss out on your chance to have your say.

As you can see it is a very busy few weeks right through June with celebrations of success, sports events, induction programmes and all manner of other events.

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