November 14th Weekly Newsletter 2014

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Ben Davis, Acting Headteacher Grassyards Rd Kilmarnock KA3 7SL

ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY Weekly Newsletter

01563 526144

ISSUE 8.3 Twitter: @StJoAcad


Re m e m b ra n c e 1914 - 2014






In the week beginning November 10th our focus as a whole school was firmly on acts of Remembrance. Our Deputy Head Boy and Head Girl had already attended the wreath laying ceremony at the Kilmarnock Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday and the rest of the week involved pupils across the school in ensuring the the centenary of the start of the the Great War was marked with solemnity and respect. Trench and Poppy Installation


This week we broke ground on our replica trench, located at the back of the school. This is a project that is being undertaken by a large number of pupils through the S3 Interdisciplinary course. The first stage was to build a basic structure of hazel branches which will form the basis of the front of the trench. This was completed this week. The next step is to dig down to create the trench itself before reinforcing it with sandbags, all of which will be made from scratch by the pupils. Other pupils are created poppies out of steel, each one of which will be planted in the ‘no-man’s land’ area and accompanied by information about a casualty of war. Another group is researching and building trench artefacts to bring the installation to life. it is intended that, once complete the project will serve as both a learning resource and a memorial. Service of Remembrance


On Tuesday November 11th all pupils took part in Services of Remembrance in Home Room. Each short service was led by pupils and contained a number of prayers and readings. The whole school observed the two minute silence at 11 am. In the Assembly Hall five pupils from each Home Room participated in a service led and devised by the Pupil Leadership team. This combined music, prayers, poetry and readings to explore the importance of remembrance and to remind us of the human cost and sacrifice of war. The end of the two minute silence was signalled by an original piece of music written and performed by S6 pupil and Head Boy Daniel Johnston, accompanied with footage of the Great War. We were especially delighted that a number of pupils attended the Service of Remembrance in the outfits of uniformed organisations including the Scouts, Guides, Cadets and Boys’ Brigade. The text of the Home Room Service of Remembrance is printed below.

Book of Remembrance


On Wednesday we opened our November Book of Remembrance. This is located in the street, near the foyer and offers all members of the school and guests to the school the opportunity to write a short dedication to relatives and friends who have passed away and, if they served in the armed forces, to commemorate them by telling their story. So far a large number of entries have been made. The Book is accompanied by two large artworks created by Tatenda Tapatapa and Nadia King, both of which are reproduced in this newsletter: Tatenda’s on the front cover and Nadia’s on page 3. The Book will be open throughout the month of November after which prayers will be said in memory of all those mentioned in the Book. Parents and carers are very welcome to come into the school and make an entry into the book. Guest Speaker


We were delighted to welcome Sandy Brown, the Chair of New Farm Loch Community Council, to the school on Thursday to give a talk during Home Room to pupils on his great-uncle and grandfathers who fought in World War 1. Sandy kept the audience fascinated throughout Home Room as he described how his maternal grandfather, Alexander, ran away from home to join up in 1907, before serving throughout the Great War in Palestine, France and Iraq. His great-uncle, Robert, joined the Seaforth Highlanders and fought in France before being killed in action in 1918. His paternal grandfather served the British army from 1916 to 1953, through two world wars and in multiple theatres of combat rising to the rank of Warrant Officer. Sandy was able to share with us a number of pictures, reproduced here, and show the medals of his predecessors. Higher Drama Great War Plays


The first of four plays devised and performed by pupils undertaking N5 and Higher Drama was presented on Friday during Home Room to an audience of S1 pupils. Called ‘Holding Down the Fort’ the play explored the experiences of a group of women, all of whom had male relatives serving on the Western Front in 1916. The pupils who wrote the play had researched, written, directed and performed the play which was very well received by a thoughtful audience. Three more plays, all commemorating WW1 will be performed in this way before Christmas. As the session continues we will hold more Remembrance events.




was invested as House Vice-Captain and, inspired by the example of Christ, St. Andrew and St. Joseph, promised before pupils, teachers, clergy and parents to live out our shared Gospel values, lead and serve others, demonstrate in all things our high standards and expectations and work for the greater good of the school and its community on this day the TWENTY-SEVENTH of SEPTEMBER in the year 2012.

Ben Davis Acting Headteacher

Claire McInally Depute Headteacher








Saint Joseph’s Academy Grassyards Rd Kilmarnock KA3 7SL 01563 526144

R e@StJoAcad m e m b(Twitter) rance Headteacher: 1Acting 914 - 2Ben 0Davis 14

H O M E S e r v i c e

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R e m e m b r a n c e

In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen 1. Introductory Reflection Today we remember those who have died in conflicts since 1914, particularly those who were combatants. Remembrance Day was created to mark the end of the First World War on November 11th, 1918. However, as we know the guns did not fall silent that day. Within a generation another World War was underway involving even more countries and leading to even greater loss of life. Since 1945 over 7,500 British servicemen and women have lost their lives in conflicts across the world and thousands more have been wounded. We all strive and hope for peace, so today we recognise that even in the horrors of war there are moments of courage, of honour, of deep and lasting friendship. We pause to reflect on these moments. We also recognise that people who have gone before us fought and died to create the hope of a better, more peaceful, more just world. We pray that their pain and struggle was not in vain and we appreciate their sacrifice. We think of the lives of noncombatants touched by war: the parents devastated by loss and worry, the children orphaned, refugees displaced, families torn apart. We pray for them too. We pray particularly of those who fought in the First World War, a war that was supposed to ‘end all wars’ and think especially of members of our families who were affected by this conflict.

Thinking of those close to us who we wish to remember, especially those who have died, we pray together: Our Father... 3. Two Minutes Silence Now we, like millions of people across the country and across the world, pause for two minutes of silence to remember the dead. 4. Music and Reflection Now we will watch a short presentation containing a poem that reflects on the war dead set to music by Daniel Johnston in S6. 5. Closing Prayer Lord, You sent Your Son to lead us into the peace of Your Kingdom. Look with kindness on all who have served the cause of peace in our armed forces. Send Your comfort and healing to their families, and to all who suffer due to war and conflict. May Your Son’s Gospel message of peace burn ever more brightly in our hearts, our words and our actions, and lead all to fullness of life in You. Amen. And may Almighty God bless us: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray: We come together today to remember in faith all who have served, and continue serving in our armed forces, especially those who have died and those wounded in battle. We also pray for healing and peace; that one day, all peoples will lay down their arms and embrace one another as brothers and sisters in one human family. 2. Bidding Prayers Now we listen to our bidding prayers and answer each one with Lord, hear our prayer:

Pictures from top left: James Brown; Robert Allan; Alexander Brown. Courtesy of Sandy Brown.

For all who have served the cause of peace in our armed forces, we pray... Lord, hear our prayer b. For all who have lost loved ones due to war, we pray... Lord, hear our prayer c. For all who continue to suffer due to war, we pray... Lord, hear our prayer d. For all whose bodies bear the marks of war, we pray... Lord, hear our prayer e. For all whose spirits bear the scars of war, we pray... Lord, hear our prayer

Remembrance in Pictures Top left: Olivia Gater, Povilas Vincauskas and Ruari Heron Cunningham with guest speaker Sandy Brown; top right, Tatenda Tapatapa performs at the Remembrance Service; middle, pupils from uniformed organisations; below left and right, senior pupils who created and led the Service.



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Study leave will not be granted during the prelim examinations. Pupils are expected to attend all classes when they are not attending an examination. During the exams, pupils should continue to wear full school uniform. Any pupil who attends school during the exam period out of uniform risks being sent home to change and missing the start of their exam. Please support your child by ensuring that he/she is properly prepared for each exam: that they know the times of papers, where they should be, that they have the proper equipment etc. If you feel that circumstances outside of school, such as a family bereavement, mean that your child may be disadvantaged in the exams, please contact Mr. McGinn or your child’s Pupil Support teacher to discuss possible assessment arrangements. !/-66#J-/'&#H-66

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S5/6 Prelim Timetable, January/ February 2015 The S5/6 Prelim diet of examinations in St Joseph’s Academy begins on Monday, 26 January 2015 and continues until Thursday, 12 February 2015. S5 & S6 pupils have been issued with prelim examination timetables today.

S1 Citizenship Events S1 will be involved in two activities to raise awareness of important social issues and to develop their skills in dealing with life. The first is a Road Safety presentation on November 21st from 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm.The second is an online safety and cyberbullying event on November 26th. S1 pupils will attend during period 2 and S2 during period 3. Race for Life, May 2015 We’re running the race again next May. All those who have signed up should pay their £10 by Friday, November 21st. Well done to all pupils On Thursday we hosted a conference for over 100 guests from across East Ayrshire. Many of them commented positively on the pupils in this school. One in particular said, ‘Every time I come to this school I’m so impressed by the pupils. They are always polite and helpful and not just the ones who are helping or the Prefects, but those you pass by in the corridors or speak to in the street.’ St. Joseph’s Credit Union Save your money safely with the Credit Union!!

What is it? This is a not for profit organisation, run by its members to help us to save safely. Who is it for? All pupils and staff in St Joseph’s. When? Savings will be collected once weekly by our volunteers within the school. Where? Savings will be collected in the Nurture room, opposite Mr Dorrian’s class. Further information and application forms to follow soon. Any questions, please speak to Mrs Kirk in Pupil Support. EDF Energy Career World EDF Energy have launched a Career World on Plotr – an independent, not-for-profit careers website built around a free, online psychometric testing game to help young people aged 11-24 match their personality, skills and interests to real and relevant careers. Upon completion of the game, users receive a personalised report summarising their character and providing inspiration on a range of careers they may enjoy along with links and insights into companies who can offer those roles. To play the game go to It’s A Wonderful Life Christmas Trip Every year at Christmas time a wee troop of pupils make a pilgrimage up to the Glasgow Film Theatre, to see the Classic Christmas movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”. This year, the trip is open to all pupils from S1-S6, so if you are interested in attending please give your name to Mrs Kirkwood by Friday the 21st of November.


Reports to S4 pupils

November 18th

November 25th 4.00 - 6.30 pm

Diocesan Youth Forum, Ayr

S3 Parents’ Evening

November 20th

December 2nd Christmas Fair

Daniel Johnston with Piping Instructor Mr. Gilmour at the East Ayrshire Gala Concert last week



Day/Time Monday - Thursday 3.30pm - 4.30pm Tuesday Lunchtime Friday Lunchtime Tuesday 3.45pm Wednesday 1.10pm -1.40pm Wednesday 3.30pm Tuesday 3.30pm Wednesday 3.30pm Wednesday 3.30pm Tuesday Lunchtime - 1.20pm Monday 3.30pm Various 3.30pm (See Mr Ritson for details) Various 3.30pm (See Mr Ritson for details) Various 3.30pm (See Mr Ritson for details) Various 3.30pm (See Mr Ritson for details) Tuesday Lunchtime Thursday 3.30pm - 5pm Thursday 3.30pm - 5pm Wednesday 3.30pm - 4.30pm Tuesday Lunchtime



Activity Supported Study Junior Singing Vocal Ensemble Concert Band (Kilmarnock Academy) Netball Netball Strictly Come Dancing Football, Basketball, Dodgeball, Climbing, Fitness Suite Cake Club Science Experiments Craft Club Design and Manufacture Supported Study Expedition Orienteering, Map Reading, Outdoor Cooking Interaction Design Project Computer Programming Supported Study - N4, N5, H Art & Design Supported Study - N4, N5, H Photography Senior Debating Society Lunchhub (Games, activities, crafts etc)

Department Maths Music Music Music PE PE pe PE Home Economics Science IDL, Enterprise & Technologies IDL, Enterprise & Technologies IDL, Enterprise & Technologies IDL, Enterprise & Technologies IDL, Enterprise & Technologies IDL, Enterprise & Technologies Art & Design Art & Design English PE classroom (run by St Matthew's Church)

ACTIVITIES Year Group S1-S6 S1/S2 S1-S6 Brass And Woodwind pupils S1/S2 Girls S1/S2 Girls S5/S6 S1-S6 S1-S6 S1 S1-S6 S3 & S6 Seniors S1-S6 See Mr Ritson S1-S6 S4-S6 S4-S6 S4-S6 S1-S3

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