Urban Triggers Group Marbelous!

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blogpost 01 group: marbelous!

Sjaak Velthoven Jona RoĂ&#x;mann Marion Teigseth

GEOGRAPHY | fauske in norway

fylke: Nordland


Fauske marble statue

Kommune: Fauske

Fish drying in Lofoten

Traditional boat in Bodø harbor

Triggers in Fauske

Sulitjelma resort

Svarthamarhola cave system 2

GEOGRAPHY | things in fauske

Recreation Institutions Stores Industry Transport Service

GEOGRAPHY | from train station

5 Minutes walk 10 Minutes walk

Scale 1:50

Triggers in Fauske


GEOGRAPHY | walking from center

5 Minutes walk 10 Minutes walk

Scale 1:50

GEOGRAPHY | sidewalks

Triggers in Fauske

Scale 1:100


DEMOGRAPHICS | composition of population CompositionComposition of Populationof Population Composition of Population Children in Fauske 0-17Children years in Fauske 0-17 years Children in Fauske 0-17 years

Persons entitled to vote Persons by entitled to vote by sex, 2019 in Fauske sex, 2019entitled in Fauske Persons to vote by sex, 2019 in Fauske

Recipients of retirementRecipients of retirement pension, 62 years or older in pension, 62ofyears or older in Recipients retirement Fauske Fauske pension, 62 years or older in Fauske

DEMOGRAPHICS | employment Employment Establishments by number of employees and year in Fauske

Employees and employments by sector and quarter in Fauske

Employees and employments by industry and quarter in Fauske

Triggers in Fauske


NATURAL RESOURCES | energy Energy Production

Fauske Lysverk AS 1913 Founded Fauske, Norway Headquarters Area served Norway Key people

Ove Sørdahl (CEO) Leif Roar Stavnes (Chairman)

Revenue Number of employees

NOK 54 million (2009) 36 (2007)

Salten Kraftsamband AS

Founded Headquarters Area served Key people

Revenue Number of employees Annual power production

1956 Fauske, Norway Salten Liina Veerme (managing director) NOK 40 million 150 (2007) 1800 GWh (hydroelectric power

Fauske Lysverk AS is a private power company that operates the power grid in Fauske with 6,000 customers and 440 kilometers of grid • The company does not have any of its own power production • The largest owner is the municipality (44.64%), Bodø Energi (12.4%) and Salten Kraftsamband • Fauske Lysverk was founded in 1913 • As of May 2004 the number of shareholders in the company were 552

Salten Kraftsamband AS (SKS) is a private limited company owned by municipal authorities in the county of Nordland, and the energy companies Bodø Energi AS and Jämtkraft AB (SWE) • owning and operating 21 hydroelectric power stations in the municipalities of Fauske, Bodø, Gildeskål, Beiarn and Rødøy. • Annual production is about 2,2 TWh • The company is owned by the City of Bodø (47.72%), Troms Kraft (20.35%), Municipality of Fauske (12.83%), Nordkraft (8.86%), Sjøfossen Energi (6.92%) and Skjerstad Kraftlag (3.32%) • The Head offices are located in Fauske

NATURAL RESOURCES | wood removal Wood removals Commercial roundwood removals (mÂł), by assortment and year in Fauske

Commercial roundwood removals (NOK 1000), by year in Fauske

Triggers in Fauske


INDUSTRY | real estate marked Real Estate Market Transfers of dwelling propertie with building, free market sale in Fauske

Total purchase price (1000 NOK)

Transfers of holiday properties with building, free market sale in Fauske

Total purchase price (1000 NOK)

INDUSTRY | shippingShipping

Triggers in Fauske


INDUSTRY | hunting

Hunting Male hunters as per cent of male population, 16 years or older, by year in Fauske

INDUSTRY | land use Land Use Land Use in coastal area divided by technical influence, per cent

Potentially accessible coastal area per inhabitant in square meter

Triggers in Fauske


seet (1225), #Skulpturlandskapnordland (1470), #Amfifauske (730), #Gatafestivalen (468), #Gata (),#Svarthammarhola (161), #Valnesvatnet(213), #Sørvika(915), #Bringslifossen(114), #Kvænflåget(108), #Finneidfjellet(151), #Sulis(16768), #Sulitjelma(7784), #Salten(15510), #Mittsalten(16456), #Visitsalten (2808) #Klungsetmarka(776), #Storsteinfjellet(148), #Toktdalen(5), #Sjønstå(219), #Sjønstågård(71), #Lund(used as a geo locator, not so much a #), #Nordlandsbanen(2648), #heggmotinden(1163) #Skyfitness (22451) (#Skyfitnessfauske(74)something Visitbodo Has their own instagram page, and on that page they show that shows that skyfitness is a big thing on social in Fauske). somemedia of the top things to do in salten which is

Tourism | hashtags and instagram

#Visitfauske has 432 posts on instagram nstagram gs and Instagram

#Fauske has 17364 Mostly nature photos, quite a few from the s 432 has posts onposts instagram #Fauske#Fauske has 17364 auske 432 on instagram has 17364 centre of Fauske with the Hashtags and Instagram hotos, quite a few from thefrom centre Fauske the with the nature photos, quite a few theofcentre of with Fauske fountain and some activities. activities. nme and some#Fauskekommune(862), activities. #Fauskebygdetun #Visitfauske has 432 posts on instagram #Fauske has 17364 une(862), #Fauskebygdetun (774), #Nordlandsmuekommune(862), #Fauskebygdetun (774), #Nordlandsmu(774), #Nordlandsmuseet Mostly nature photos, quite a few from the centre of Fauske with the (1225), #Skulpturlandskapnordland (1470), kulpturlandskapnordland (1470), #Amfifauske (730), (730), 225), #Skulpturlandskapnordland (1470), #Amfifauske fountain and some activities. #Amfifauske (730), (468), #Gata (),#Svarthammarhola (161), #Valnesestivalen (468), #Gata (),#Svarthammarhola (161), #Valnes#Fauskekommune(862), #Fauskebygdetun (774), #Nordlandsmu#Gatafestivalen (468), #Gata ørvika(915), #Bringslifossen(114), #Kvænflåget(108), 213), #Sørvika(915), #Bringslifossen(114), #Kvænflåget(108), seet (1225), #Skulpturlandskapnordland (1470), #Amfifauske (730), (),#Svarthammarhola (161), #Valnesvatnet( 151), #Sulis(16768), #Sulitjelma(7784), #Salten(15510), dfjellet(151), #Sulis(16768), #Sulitjelma(7784), #Salten(15510), #Gatafestivalen (468), #Gata (),#Svarthammarhola (161), #Valnes213), #Sørvika(915), #Bringslifossen(114), 56), #Visitsalten (2808) #Klungsetmarka(776), #Storsteinlten(16456), #Visitsalten (2808) #Klungsetmarka(776), #Storsteinvatnet(213), #Sørvika(915), #Bringslifossen(114), #Kvænflåget(108), #Kvænflåget(108), ktdalen(5), #Sjønstå(219), #Sjønstågård(71), #Lund(used #Finneidfjellet(151), #Sulis(16768), #Sulitjelma(7784), #Salten(15510), 48), #Toktdalen(5), #Sjønstå(219), #Sjønstågård(71), #Lund(used #Finneidfjellet(151), #Sulis(16768), #Mittsalten(16456), #Visitsalten (2808) #Klungsetmarka(776), #Storsteinr, so much a #), #Nordlandsbanen(2648), #heggo not locator, not so much a #), #Salten(15510), #Nordlandsbanen(2648), #hegg#Sulitjelma(7784), fjellet(148), #Toktdalen(5), #Sjønstå(219), #Sjønstågård(71), #Lund(used #Mittsalten(16456), #Visitsalten (2808) #Skyfitness (22451) (#Skyfitnessfauske(74)something en(1163) #Skyfitness (22451) (#Skyfitnessfauske(74)something as a geo locator, so much a #), #Nordlandsbanen(2648), #hegg#Klungsetmarka(776), #Storsteinfjellet( skyfitness is a big thing onnot social media inmedia Fauske). ows that skyfitness is a big thing on social in Fauske). motinden(1163) #Skyfitness (22451) (#Skyfitnessfauske(74)something 148), #Toktdalen(5), #Sjønstå(219), #Sjønstågård(71), #Lund(used that shows that is and aFauske bigFauske thing onkomsocial media hashtags and geo locators for Fauske nd both hashtags and geo skyfitness locators for and Fauske kom-in Fauske). as a geo locator, not so much a #), of them has a page instagram. but none of them hason a page on instagram. #heggmotinden( I#Nordlandsbanen(2648), can find both hashtags and geo locators for Fauske and Fauske kom1163) #Skyfitness (22451) mune, but none of them has a page on instagram. heirHas own instagram page, and on that they show do their own instagram page, andpage on that page they show (#Skyfitnessfauske(74)something that that skyfitness isarea aisbig thing on do inshows salten is and closer and fthings the toptothings to doHas inwhich salten which and area closer Visitbodo their own instagram page, andmore onand that more page they show social media in Fauske). Fauske from bodø. on this list you will find; Rago ble from than Fauske than from bodø. on this list you will find; Rago some of the top things to do in salten which is and area closer and more

and area closer and more accessible from Fauske than from bodø. on this list you will find; Rago National park(288), Sjunkhatten National park(1339), Finneskua (165) & Finnesjuran(169), Fykantrappa - stairway to heaven(1767), Bringslifossen( 114), The arctic hideaway(217), Manshausen(2379), Svartisen Glacier(1541), Langsand beach sandhornøya(6308), Hovdsundet(1311), Bøsanden beach(1148), Rødøyløva mountain(3047), Hamarøyskaftet mountain(1218).

I can find both hashtags and geo locators for Fauske and Fauske kommune, but none of them has a page on instagram.

Visitbodo Has their own instagram page, and on that page they show some of the top things to do in salten which is and area closer and more accessible from Fauske than from bodø. on this list you will find; Rago National park(288), Sjunkhatten National park(1339), Finneskua (165) & Finnesjuran(169), Fykantrappa - stairway to heaven(1767), Bringslifossen(114), The arctic hideaway(217), Manshausen(2379), Svartisen Glacier(1541), Langsand beach sandhornøya(6308), Hovdsundet(1311), Bøsanden beach(1148), Rødøyløva mountain(3047), Hamarøyskaftet 88), Sjunkhatten National park(1339), Finneskua (165) al park(288), Sjunkhatten park(1339), Finneskua mountain(1218). accessible fromNational Fauske than from bodø. on this list(165) you will find; Rago I can find both hashtags and geo locators for

169), Fykantrappa - park(288), stairway to heaven(1767), Bringsliesjuran(169), Fykantrappa - stairway to heaven(1767), BringsliNational Sjunkhatten National park(1339), Finneskua (165) Fauske and Fauske kommune, & Finnesjuran(169), Fykantrappa - Svartisen stairway Svartisen to heaven(1767), Bringslie114), arctic hideaway(217), Manshausen(2379), The arctic hideaway(217), but none of them has aManshausen(2379), page on instagram. fossen(114), The arctic hideaway(217), Manshausen(2379), angsand beach sandhornøya(6308), Hovdsundet(1311), (1541), Langsand beach sandhornøya(6308), Hovdsundet(1311), Svartisen Glacier(1541), Langsand beach sandhornøya(6308), Hovdsundet(1311), h(1148), Rødøyløva mountain(3047), Hamarøyskaftet en beach(1148), Rødøyløva mountain(3047), Hamarøyskaftet .in(1218). Bøsanden beach(1148), Rødøyløva mountain(3047), Hamarøyskaftet mountain(1218).

Triggers in Fauske



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