22-23 SJA Jeju Annual Report

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01 03 15 27 39 Our Mission Letter from The Head of School Elementary School Highlights Middle School Highlights High School Highlights Teaching & Learning Campus Operations Admissions & Marketing Atheletics & ASAs Residential Life

To teach good character by modeling and fostering compassion respect, responsibility, and integrity

To foster a love for learning by challenging individuals to pursue knowledge, creativity, and intellectual self-reliance

To encourage each individual to understand his or her relationships, rights, and responsibilities within a community that is itself part of the larger world

AltruismBuildi n g Rel a t i o pihsnn slabolG/lanoitaN/lacoL ssenerawA -gninraeLfoevoL iusruP t fo K n ow ledgeInnovation Compassion-Respect - Responsibility-Integrity capstones 5 - 8 - 12 01

As the Head of School, I am pleased to share the many positive changes on our campus during the 2022-2023 school year. Within this Annual Report are stories that capture the voices and narratives that defined the 2022-2023 school year

Our past stories and our future potential define St Johnsbury Academy Jeju This Annual Report highlights the courage, creativity, and compassion the SJA Jeju community experienced last year as we forged a school of excellence built on our school-wide pillars of Character, Inquiry, and Community.

One of the most significant achievements in the 20222023 school year has been the expansion of our curriculum and our renewed focus on inquiry-based learning. We've dedicated ourselves to refining our approach to inquiry-based learning by prioritizing Curriculum Alignment, Priority Standards, and Transfer Goals.

Our efforts towards curriculum alignment K-12 are regularly communicated to our faculty and parents through our "Curriculum News" newsletter, which keeps everyone updated on our progress.

In 2022-2023, the realignment and restructuring of our curriculum were critical elements of our school's development plan, with a particular emphasis on Inquiry-based learning. Inquiry-based learning is a pillar of our Home School, St. Johnsbury Academy, Vermont. We prioritize inquiry-based learning as an integral part of our educational philosophy here at SJA Jeju Our ultimate goal is to create a curriculum firmly grounded in the traditional approaches of our Home School, St Johnsbury Academy in Vermont.

In 2022-2023, we remained committed to the growth and development of our AP Program. To that end, we expanded our AP course offerings by four, bringing the total to an impressive 23 options for students By redesigning our AP program, we have made these classes more accessible, allowing more students to take advantage of these opportunities. The results speak for themselves: our AP Score Results for 2021-2022 were excellent. Over the past three years, we have doubled the number of students taking AP courses and exams by increasing student access At SJA Jeju, we now offer 23 AP courses, and in 2023-2024 we will offer 28 AP Courses This has led to exceptional results, with 48 94% of students earning a score of 5 and an impressive 97.87% receiving a score of 3, 4, or 5.

In addition to our educational developments, we have also made significant investments in our technology infrastructure These upgrades have enabled our teachers to enhance their instruction and provide students with more engaging and interactive learning experiences Alongside this, we have renovated several classrooms and improved our campus facilities. These enhancements have not only improved the campus's overall aesthetic but also provided more opportunities for learning. It's no wonder that we were able to achieve an impressive 90% retention rate for faculty in 20222023 This school year has truly been one of progress and success, and I couldn't be prouder of our faculty, staff, and students for their hard work and dedication With these positive changes serving as a solid foundation, we look forward to continuing to build on this momentum for many years to come.

Corey Johnson Head of School


There were many events held in the elementary school throughout 2022-2023 These events ranged from local cultural celebrations to inquiry museums that showcased many interesting curricular activities These events centered on inquiry and project-based education, where students’ learning culminated in a celebration of learning

Some celebrations that stood out during the year were inquiry museums and author celebrations The kindergarten team shared a unique geography museum that encouraged both students, parents, and faculty to interact with foundational geography concepts of landforms such as mountains, deserts, beaches, rivers, and volcanoes The museum also integrated local cultural aspects of social geography that included building rock walls to establish boundaries between properties Students freely shared their work with their parents and what they had learned throughout this investigative unit of study

Author celebrations were held to praise and support student writing; from the creation and sharing of non-fiction “How To” books to personal narratives. These were just a couple of wonderful ways that students and teachers celebrate an oppor



Building community has been a focus of the elementary school in 2022-2023. There have been many events and activities throughout the year that have brought our school community together. Collaborating with the middle school allowed us to introduce the House Team System to the elementary school The House Team System consists of six houses, DongMoolGoon, HaeByeon, Oreum, Pokpo, ShikMoolJi, and Seom, which were designed and named by the middle school Students have been sorted into houses from PK3 all the way up to fifth grade, with their houses remaining the same as they move into middle school This alignment builds a strong school community where collaborations can naturally occur

The elementary school also implemented monthly learner profile themes to reinforce attributes that exemplify our pillar of “character” and what we value here at SJA Jeju These themes provide an opportunity for learning to take place around what it looks like to be open-minded, principled, or communityminded, etc , in different areas of the school Students who demonstrate attributes associated with these themes can earn points for their houses House points are also awarded for events and activities that promote community, such as spirit weeks, field days, community recesses, and in-house tournaments, etc

Building community is an important aspect of our mission statement at SJA Jeju The house trophy is awarded during our monthly assemblies to the house with the most points. There is a ceremony that promotes pride and inclusivity with a message that we are all part of something larger than ourselves Every student plays an importan within the SJA Jeju the house progra a sense of pride a being the best Hi



Elementary Robotics Program

The 2022-2023 school year was the launch of the SJA Jeju robotics program in the elementary school Robotics is an exciting and engaging way to integrate STEM into learning and teach students skills in problem-solving, teamwork, design, and coding During this school year, we have seen the creation of an ES Robotics team as well as the development of a robotics curriculum integrated into classes

ES Robotics Competition Team

It has been exciting to involve the 5th-grade students in this new program this year. The students first proved they were proficient in coding, and then they began building.

ES Robotics in the Classroom

Along with VEX IQ for our after-school competition program, VEX has also been adopted into the ES tech curriculum For our K-2 students, and to introduce classes to robotics and coding, we have begun using VEX 123, a simple yet exciting robot that allows students to practice coding and develop their skills with algorithms and problem-solving We also have VEX GO kits for grades 3-5 students, a slightly more advanced set that teaches students not only programming but also gives them the opportunity to build and assemble robots

This is the first year for robotics, and we hope to expand classroom access to robotics in the coming years through story-telling, design challenges, and student-choice programs

As a school, we have adopted VEX Robotics as the platform we use and the VEX IQ Challenge as the competition to participate in. The VEX IQ Challenge this year, Slapshot, involved using our robots to release pucks from traps and then shoot them to the other side of the field. The field had point values for certain areas and for releasing the pucks from the traps Along with the middle school team, the elementary school robotics team competed with other schools in the GEC and in several SJA Jeju tournaments between our ten teams This gave students the opportunity to see other designs and rethink their own as they developed their growth mindset and robots Since this year has gone so well, we are excited for the program’s expansion for next year



The elementary school sets a strong foundation for the Arts as students continue to grow, develop and move into secondary. This is accomplished not only through our strong programming throughout the year but also with outside artists that support student learning. Our art specialists had many opportunities to highlight student work and growth as learners this year. In the fall, all of our students, from our youngest learners in PK3 all the way to grade twelve, shared in a collaborative work effort on a mural project. The mural project encompassed the pride we have as Hilltoppers and allowed for creativity to shine through as students represented important aspects of SJA Jeju and our lives here on Jeju.

Another exciting collaboration between all divisions this year focused on the art of weaving. The passion and love of the art of weaving encouraged all students to create their own designs. This whole school collaboration centered around a special student-driven weaving installation. Weaving is an ancient art, and students are fortuitous to have the opportunity to learn and grow as weavers. This special unit was introduced by our art specialists and culminated with a final installation unveiled during The Festival of the Arts.



Students are at the center of every decision at SJA Jeju Middle School. Our first priority is to have a student culture that reflects our mission. We want our Middle School students to demonstrate Character by being kind towards all, demonstrate Inquiry through their approach to learning, and create Community by growing into leaders who can build a better world. During the 2022-2023 school year, the SJA Jeju Middle School implemented new programs and practices to build and nurture a positive student culture.

On August 10th, the first day of school, the Middle School launched a House program. The six House identities celebrate aspects of Jeju while also highlighting habits of learning that are important for the s of our Middle School students. The House program fosters e relationships across grade levels and a stronger sense of ing to the school. Friendly House competitions are used to forge relationships within the House, deepen the understanding of rning habits, and reinforce positive behaviors such as speaking outside the classroom and wearing the full uniform. During assemblies, students sit together as a House. They are excused to have lunch in their Houses, which promotes eating together.

Middle School assemblies are another important place where student culture is built. By the end of the 2022-2023 year, the Middle School l have held forty assemblies. Each one is an opportunity to build ture. Student presentations and performances model excellence d collaboration. The growth and successes of our teams and clubs e celebrated. Another example of deliberate culture building at semblies is when Mr. King, the Assistant Principal, tells stories about dividual students chosen by their teachers (seventeen students so this year) for the Middle School Character/Community awards. It is tant for Middle School students to feel they have a safe and rtive environment in their school. They are more likely to take and challenge themselves within this environment. That also to a culture of participation in competitions outside the friendly es of SJA Jeju.

JA Jeju Middle School found new opportunities this year for students to shine while developing their interests

The Middle School

Robotics team competed in the National Tournament at the Gwacheon National Science Center on February 4th This was the tournament where all the middle school teams from around Korea gathered to compete Students traveled to Seoul International School on February 25th to compete in the National History Day Korea contest Working with their teacher Ms Lindsay, they submitted research projects that were evaluated by historians at the event Middle School students performed in the AMIS music festival in Bangkok on March 16th after being selected to play based on their auditions Another opportunity in April was the Model United Nations conference in Taipei SJA Jeju Middle School students will attend the conference as ambassadors trying to solve complex real-world problems Middle School teachers prepare students for these opportunities through high expectations, and the support students need to excel



Similar to building student culture, there has been intentionality in moving away from the privatization of teaching practice. The Middle School administrative team has worked with the faculty to embrace the growth mindset with an open-door policy supported by a robust supervision and evaluation program. By the end of the year, all teachers will have had three meetings and four documented observations. The meetings focus on professional goals chosen by the teacher and self-reflections based on the criteria in the annual evaluation. In an anonymous survey of all Middle School teachers in October, 95.7% of teachers said their strengths as an educator have been recognized by the Principal, Mr. Beck, and 86.4% of teachers said that observations and meetings have helped them to improve their teaching practice. Themes from one on one meetings are reinforced in Middle School faculty meetings.

At the time of writing this report, the Middle School has had over twenty divisional meetings this school year. These meetings serve to build capacity by modeling and sharing best practices. The teachers are also supported by the Principal’s newsletter, Looking Back, Moving Forward, which builds the reflective capacity of teachers on the craft of teaching. Each of the eighteen newsletters so far this school year draws from teacher observations to make connections across disciplines.

Excellence in teaching is also supported through professional development. Middle School teachers worked actively with TC2 throughout the year. One impact has been to move towards using “guides to success” in assessments for students. Early in the school year, the Middle School took on the responsibility of moving the school forward around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Eight Middle School teachers attended the DEI X Conference in Seoul They also formed the foundation for the MS DEIB Committee, which works on issues in the Middle School and is contributing to a school-wide process of a DEI Commitment Statement



Partnership with parents is critical to the success of a student’s education. The Middle School administrative team has worked hard to be transparent and open with parents. At the start of the school year, virtually all of the parents of Middle School students had not been inside the Middle School building to see where their children learn or meet their teachers in person. It was a delight to hold in-person parent conferences inside the Middle School building in front of the very classrooms students learn in. Between conversations with teachers, parents were welcome into classrooms to look at student work and see the learning environments that had been created by the teachers. Soon as Covid restrictions allowed, the Middle School held all Parent Coffees in person. These events always include sharing with students and teachers. In January, large groups of parents were on campus for all four performances of the musical Moana Jr. while enjoying the “best seats in the house” front and center Several parents volunteered many hours helping with Moana, including the make-up team. The Parent Association (PA) facilitated volunteering for the musical and generously donated to the production The PA also inspired the creation of an 8th-grade trip which will take place in June of this school year

Some of the most important communication with parents relates to the reporting of student progress The Middle School sought the opinion of parents about the report card. Out of 109 responses, 90.3% of parents read the comments carefully However, 49% of parents said they do not find the current comment process helpful, while 92% of parents would prefer if each teacher wrote a specific comment in English about their child, even if that meant they needed to translate the comment on their own. The Middle School will move to narrative comments written by each teacher about each one of their students on future report cards. Open dialogue with parents helps the Middle School to target specific areas for improvement


Some positive changes in the Middle School for the 2023-2024 school year include adopting a framework for grade-level focus Sixth grade will concentrate on “Me” Programming in advisory and across the grade will target executive functioning skills The mission focus will be on Character and the Middle School learning habits of being Gritty and Reflective. Seventh grade will concentrate on “You”. Advisory and grade-level programming will build empathy. The mission focus will be on Community and the Middle School learning habits of Caring and Collaborative. Finally, 8th graders will concentrate on “We”. Their grade-level theme explores issues in society. This ties into the 8thgrade Capstone program. The mission focus will be on Inquiry and the dispositions of Risk-Takers, and Open-Mindedness. Our advisory curriculum will help drive Student Led conferences as students articulate their growth in these specific important areas. Additionally, students will receive feedback on these habits of learning on their report cards.

Starting this spring, the Middle School will be on a three year whole division local field trip and study program. In April, our entire 8th-grade class will visit the 4.3 Peace Park in Jeju. They will present their reflections to the rest of the Middle School in an assembly. The 6th and 7th graders will have their own experience at the peace park as part of our final enrichment week of school. Next year, the whole school will visit a different location and topic of study in Jeju.



The health and general well-being of adolescents has always been paramount at SJA Jeju. The impact of the global pandemic on the development of children has been well documented. Now, perhaps more than ever is the time to support the whole child. The Middle School has developed new programs and positions that match the advantages of learning on Jeju island and the strengths of our faculty with the needs of the students we serve.

In 2023-2024, we will increase our Health offerings. Currently, the Middle School has a very robust 7th-grade Health Program. A highlight of the program this school year was a Mental Health Fair that the 7th-grade Health students put on for the entire Middle School. Next school year, all 6th graders will take a Health class twice a week in semester two. This will be the second part of their Academic Foundations course. There will be a new Health elective in the 8th grade. This course connects to the 8th-grade focus.

The Middle School will add the position of Dean of Student Wellbeing in 2023-2024. This position was created specifically to provide more support and care for students. The Dean advocates for students while building and nurturing a healthy student culture. The Dean of Students and Wellbeing oversees the character and social-emotional programming of the school. Ms. Nakai, a beloved Social Studies teacher, will serve full-time as the first SJA Jeju Middle School Dean of Student Wellbeing.

Two new Science electives will leverage local resources for learning. Marine Biology will be offered as an elective for 7th-grade students, while Farm Science will be offered for the 6th grade. Both of these hands-on courses will include fieldwork and research as they investigate the sustainability of Jeju’s resources These courses were developed to take advantage of local resources while helping students develop more skills and content knowledge in Science

To better meet the needs of our students with low English proficiency, the Middle School has designed three new courses: Sixth Grade Transitional English, Seventh Grade Transitional English, and Eighth Grade English Foundations Students in these courses will work in smaller settings with EAL teachers four periods a week for the entire school year The goal is that students demonstrate enough growth to only be in the course for a year The Middle School is increasing the support and the expectation for growth

Parents and students requested that the Middle School have a counselor who is fluent in Korean Ms Kim, a bilingual Korean American counselor, will join the SJA Jeju Middle School team for the 2023-2024 school year In addition to providing counseling for students, Ms Kim has experience with clinical assessments, including neurodevelopmental evaluations Her expertise will help the Middle School fully support all of our students

The SJA Jeju Middle School continues to build on the foundation from Elementary School and successfully prepare students for the rigors of High School while meeting their particular developmental needs




During the 2022-2023 contract season, 94% of current high school teachers eligible for contract renewal chose to remain at SJA Jeju for the next academic year This is the second year in a row that the high school retention rate exceeded 90%, demonstrating a positive trend of high faculty satisfaction and a vote of confidence from the high school faculty regarding the strength of our supportive working environment

The rollback of pandemic-era restrictions on student gatherings meant that once again, we were able to meet in larger groups, to attend student activities together as a community, and to gather once more as a high school for important events. As student passion, intensity, and interest were allowed to flourish, the sense of community and the identity of what it means to be a Hilltopper came roaring back to the high school campus.

During SJA Jeju's inaugural year, 79 students made up the total population of the high school In the 2023-2024 academic year, the high school student population will expand from 380 students to reach a full enrollment of 440 students This will mark an average of 33% annual population growth over the last six academic years To meet the needs of an increasing student population, the high school faculty will grow next year with the addition of two college counselors, one English teacher, and one math teacher Additional teachers and staff will allow the high school to meet the educational and counseling needs of an increasing student population while expanding our core and elective course offerings in alignment with student interests.

The 2022-2023 school year was characterized by a resurgence of student life and student activities both inside and outside of the classroom


During the 2022-2023 academic year, two EAL teachers joined the high school faculty This infusion of expertise allowed the high school to provide significant English as an Additional Language support to high school students in three important ways

First, all students who were identified as needing additional language support through WIDA testing were scheduled into English Foundations - an English language support class designed to quickly help students improve their vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency

Second, EAL teachers joined the instruction in core classrooms throughout the high school to provide co-teaching and co-planning support EAL teachers also worked individually with students to support their English language needs in content areas classes

Third, EAL teachers held regularly scheduled EAL-focused professional development sessions with high school departments to provide ongoing professional learning on EAL-focused topics, including integration of WIDA language standards, best practices in relation to coteaching models, and many more

This three-strand approach allowed 46% of the students originally scheduled into English Foundations to exit the program at the end of the first semester an incredible success rate for students in a short 18 weeks.


New Computer Science, STEAM, and Art teachers joined the high school in August of 2022. The addition of these new teachers allowed the school to greatly increase the elective courses offered to students in these very popular areas of study

In the Computer Science department, the addition of a new faculty member allowed students to enroll in foundational and intermediate-level classes in Web Design and Video Game programming. Additionally, the department is now able to offer multiple sections of the popular Computer Science Principles and Computer Science A Advanced Placement courses. Finally, for the first time, the department launched a Software Development class that simulates the real-world team approach to planning, designing, building, and testing, a fully functional software application

In the Art department, the addition of a new teacher led to specialized classes in painting, architecture, and graphic design, as well as additional sections of the AP Studio art classes.

In the Engineering department, the addition of a full-time STEAM teacher allowed the department to add classes focused on Electronics and Product Design

These additional elective offerings provide students with new and important opportunities to be exposed to new ways of thinking, new ideas, and new passions.



The post pandemic easing of social distancing allowed the high school to restart weekly assemblies during the 2022-2023 academic year These assemblies, which are planned and facilitated by Student Council and Student Ambassadors, serve as a visible and important avenue for increasing student ownership and student agency in the high school As a result, students created community building and celebration events for the larger communityreinforcing and perpetuating student leadership in the school

Assemblies serve as a singularly important community event featuring student announcements, celebrations of academic and athletic achievement, and friendly competitive contests between different advisory groups. Each assembly reinforces our identity as Hilltoppers and emphasizes the value of community at SJA Jeju.

During the 2022-2023 academic year, high school students from SJA Jeju ventured abroad for the first time to experience new countries and cultures and to apply their learning in novel and unique settings.

In March, SJA Jeju's MUN team headed to Tokyo to participate in an MUN conference at the American International School of Japan.

In May, art students from SJA Jeju also traveled to Tokyo to explore landscaping, architecture, urban design, animation, and character and set design.

These trips and the many more that will follow in the years to come, underscore the need and importance for students to be exposed to novel ideas and concepts outside of the classroom This



AsignificantaspectofSJAJejuhighschoolis preparingstudentstomatriculatetoworld-class universitiesaroundtheglobe.

Thisyear,wecontinuedtoexpandourAPCourse offeringsandworkedtomakecoursesmore accessibletoahigherpercentageofthestudent population.Inaddition,thefollowingnew courseswereintroducedforthefirsttimethis yearbasedonstudentfeedbackandaneedto enhanceourcourseofferingsinavarietyof subjectareas
















The College Counseling department is having a very successful year This year, the department dramatically increased the number of parent information sessions (both virtual and in-person) offered to families of students from grades 9-12

The department also began distributing regular newsletters, launched a new website for students and parents, and distributed monthly recorded video sessions focused on important topics surrounding the university application process In addition, 45 universities visited campus this year to meet with students and provide information sessions specifically focused on the application process for international students

In order to support individualized college counseling for our expanding student population, the College Counseling department will expand next year from our current staff of three counselors to a staff of five counselors for the 2023-2024 academic year Four counselors will support students applying to universities outside of Korea, and one counselor will continue to exclusively support the Korean University application process.




Based upon the NEASC report, the SJA Jeju strategic plan has laid out goals and tasks to work toward and complete. These action items are essential as we continue to build a guaranteed and viable curriculum As we begin to shake off the constraints of the global pandemic, it is remarkable how much we have accomplished this past year Some examples include:

Continued teacher growth and improvement support through Folio, a teacher-centered professional growth platform Folio has allowed teachers to be reflective in their quest to enhance their craft as educators. In addition to renewing our EARCOS membership, we have also joined KORCOS opening new opportunities for professional development and allowing SJA Jeju to host sponsored events in the coming years The revival of the Just Learning Conference took place in March. Just Learning is the first in-person tri-school professional development conference since the pandemic allowing teachers to connect and collaborate with educators from the schools in the GEC The creation and development of a curriculum review cycle, a renewed approach to unit planning, the writing of transfer goals, and the adoption of priority standards have been just a few of the monumental accomplishments of the SJA Jeju team this year

We are excited by the passion of our community as we operationalize the action items within our strategic plan As we progress, the SJA Jeju community will reap the benefits of this foundational work.



Professional learning is essential for teachers to stay current with the latest teaching strategies, technologies, and trends in education During the 2022-2023 academic year, SJA Jeju doubled the monetary support for teachers to access professional development and provided 172 faculty members access to virtual and in-person professional development opportunities.

Strengthening our commitment to the SJA Jeju mission, we partnered with The Critical Thinking Consortium (TC2) to ensure inquiry-based learning is at the forefront of our curricular goals and professional development. In addition to online coaching and professional development, TC2 spent four days on campus working with teachers guiding inquiry-based learning strategies. Their practical ideas and suggestions allowed teachers to tweak and fortify their units for more student engagement. Teachers implemented changes allowing TC2 to observe lessons in real time and provide feedback.

Finally, access to professional development enables teachers to meet the diverse needs of students. SJA Jeju joined the Korean Council of Overseas Schools (KORCOS) this year. This membership gives teachers free access to KORCOS-sponsored professional development within Korea.



We are pleased to report on our curriculum’s continued growth and alignment this year. We have significantly invested in curriculum development and alignment across all grade levels to ensure our students receive the highest quality education. To support this effort, we have added new stipend positions to our staff, including a Curriculum Coordinator in each division and a school-wide STEAM Coordinator. These professionals will bring a wealth of expertise and experience to our school and will be instrumental in helping us create a cohesive and well-rounded curriculum that meets all our students’ needs.

The Curriculum & STEAM Coordinators have already begun working closely with the Director of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning to develop and implement a rigorous and challenging curriculum that aligns with standards They have also been instrumental in developing a curriculum review framework to ensure all students receive a consistent education, regardless of their grade level or teacher We are proud of the work that has been done to develop and align our curriculum, and we look forward to continuing our efforts to provide our students with the best possible education



In 2022-2023, late start Wednesdays continued to give the teachers purposeful, and collaborative learning opportunities focused on vertical and horizontal curriculum alignment This time has been invaluable to teachers as they work collaboratively to build a guaranteed and viable curriculum that represents the SJA Jeju mission and vision The results of this collaborative work time have been extraordinary They include the following:

The review and implementation of priority standards across all three divisions have built foundational relationships between teachers in different divisions

Vertical alignment of standards from PK3-12 has ensured SJA Jeju students have a curriculum that progresses each year

Teachers have been able to meet by subject across divisions leading to more purposeful, powerful, and precise unit planning

The creation of school-wide transfer goals ensuring students can apply the knowledge, skills, and understanding they have gained in one context to other contexts or real-world situations

The Wednesday late start provides crucial collaborative time and has allowed SJA Jeju to create a curricular foundation that will support students for years to come



The importance of a solid foundation for Campus Operations is hard to overstate Under this umbrella are individual teams tasked with:

Finance & Management

Human Resources

Facilities & Operations

Academic Support

Information Technology

Each of these teams plays a vital role in the success of our school, and working together, they provide a Firm Foundation upon which Students and Faculty can thrive

The 2022-2023 school year began with several additions to the SJA Jeju Business and Administration teams - Mr Michael McCarthy joined as our new Director of Business and Administration, Mr. Asif Abdul as Director of Technology, and Mr Seung Cheon Oh transferred from a sister school to be our Academic Support Team Leader.

A strong financial position, along with a knowledgeable and competent management team, is essential to the long-term sustainability and success of a school, and SJA Jeju is fortunate to have a qualified team of professionals accounting, managing, and planning for the financial health of the school.

Led by Mr. WonSoek Choi, the Finance & Management team was instrumental in SJA Jeju receiving an unqualified audit opinion for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. An unqualified opinion means an independent auditor has judged a company's financial statements to be fair and appropriately represented.

Additionally, during the fall, the team provided training to divisional staff on our Groupware system for budget monitoring. It implemented a new Monthly Budget Statement to track and forecast our revenues and expenses timely. The steady hand of our Finance & Management team has proven invaluable this year.

The SJA Jeju Finance & Management Team


The 2022-2023 year opened with an ama large group of staff, with over forty new h joining the SJA Jeju team.

From medical exams to visas, bank accou orientation, working with Operations on and cell phones, and completing the indu process, the Human Resources Team, led leader Ms Ji Yu, exceeded expectations in welcoming over forty new employees and families to the SJA Jeju community

For this coming year, we have eighteen new faculty joining us at SJA Jeju Our HR team has diligently prepared for the arrival of this new staff for the 2023-2024 school year

In between the contracts and immigration work, our HR team organized a team-building outing for all Business Office related staff We appreciate all of the hard work of our HR team this year Their professionalism and hard work are greatly appreciated


Perhaps nowhere is the Firm Foundation of our school more keenly evident on a daily basis than through the work performed by our Facilities and Operations Team The work of this team is to keep our school facilities functioning at a high level, in good repair, and continually planning for the future

Taking words from Herodotus, the work of our team is "stayed neither by snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness from accomplishing their appointed course with all speed "

After working long hours to prepare for the opening day of school, our intrepid team almost immediately faced the impending landfall of Typhoon Hinnamnor, followed closely by Typhoon Nanmidol The team, led by Mr DaeHo Koo, worked tirelessly to prepare for the typhoon, and with solid preparation, the school "weathered" both storms with only minor damage

Water leaks have been an ongoing structural defect challenge since the opening of the school.

The SJA Jeju Human Resources Team


Determined to resolve the water leak issues, the SJA Jeju team has developed a comprehensive and thorough plan for substantive repairs to the roofing and drainage systems across the campus.

Commencing this March and scheduled to take almost 100 days, this repair work will finally create a "leak-free" environment for our students and staff.

Department, and improvements were made to the landscape of the school

The team has also been working on several new projects, including the renovation of the reception area, resurfacing the gymnasium, the addition of a new "SJA Jeju Store," renovation of the cafeteria, and the consideration of an allweather Athletic and Activity Field An allweather field will allow for sports and activities throughout the year and enhance the school's ability to host games and tournaments



Reaching into every corner of our school to directly support our academic faculty and staff is our Academic Support Team, led by Mr Seung Cheon Oh.

The team provides administrative assistance in each of the three school offices and handles purchasing, receipt of goods, verification of shipments, and distribution for all academic and programmatic related materials, including textbooks, supplies, assets, and support supplementals required by our SJA Jeju teaching staff

The team is also directly responsible for coordinating transportation services for students and staff, food and catering services, medical services, and uniform contracts, along with assisting in planning school trips.

The team works particularly close with Operations and Finance to ensure best practices for accountability and economy


In just a few decades, computers have moved from a highly technical novelty to a ubiquitous integration into every classroom and aspect of teaching. It is only possible to operate a modern school with the extensive use of technologysoftware, hardware, collaboration, wired, cloud, SAAS, or wireless.

The ICT Team, under the guidance of Mr. Asif Abdul, is deeply connected to our school's academic and operational sides. Helping teachers integrate appropriate technology into classroom lessons, repairing a laptop, verifying email protocols, diagnosing network problems, or reconfiguring a printer is all in a day's work for the ICT Team.

In addition to keeping up with daily issues, the team must constantly prepare and plan for the future, including a full-scale upgrade and replacement of the existing SJA Jeju network to bring us in alignment with the best institutions in the world for educational technology

The SJA Jeju Academic Support Team


As St. Johnsbury Academy Jeju is reaching its 6th year at the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic school year, we are coming closer to our target of total capacity. Our graduating classes have grown each year, and our students have successfully entered prestigious Korean and international universities worldwide. We await our first group of University graduates as SJA Jeju Alums in 2024, and we look forward to engaging with our SJA Jeju Alumni in the future to network and support the students at the school and be future ambassadors for the school.

Recruitment began rapidly this year with the completion of round 1 applicants in mid-December, and initial offers were made to 218 new students. We received an 80% increase in applications compared to our first year of enrolment in 2017, and we have had our largest group of applicants in 2022-2023 of 879 individuals who completed applications. We expect to surpass this number in 2023-2024, and the admissions team is working diligently to make this our most successful year



Applicants to the school have increased year on year, with the largest group of applicants in 2022-2023 of 879 applications completed. From these applicants, we successfully accepted 359 new students to the school. The chart below shows the growth percentage in applications received from each previous year.

2022-2023 28.6% 2021-2022 22.6% 2019-2020 17% 2018-2019 16.1% 2020-2021 15.8%

This year our international students came from 15 different nationalities, with the highest number of international students from the United States and China.



In 2022-2023, we were fortunate with the lifting of covid restrictions to hold in-person information sessions in Seoul and Busan, as well as continue to hold virtual info sessions online via zoom for those families not in the major metropolitan areas Each event was well attended and allowed us to reach out to families looking to gain more information directly by engaging with the admissions department personally or online at the live events.

We look forward to inviting parents and families to in-person information sessions and tours starting next September at SJA Jeju and attending student testing and interviews at the school. We will also continue to reach out to families by continuing our online information sessions and encourage families to attend our in-person events at a later date.

We also took the opportunity to introduce our new Head of School and discuss the new leadership with an in-depth interview with the Head, Mr. Corey Johnson, in Forbes magazine, published in December 2022. We will continue seeking substantial branding opportunities like this to promote our specialized American-based curriculum school in Korea and how our curriculum will provide children with the skills, academics, and leadership to attend top universities in the U.S. and worldwide.



High School Sports Middle School Sports

Boys and Girls Volleyball Boys and Girls Soccer

Boys and Girls Tennis Boys and Girls Badminton

Cross Country Baseball



Cross Country


SJA Jeju Athletics was excited to start the year off. We were able to resume events like normal. Students participated in friendlies with other GEC schools and competed in KISAC Tournaments on Jeju and the mainland with excellent results.

Our Middle School girls soccer team traveled to Busan for their competition while the boys had their tournament at NLCS. The boys placed 3rd place while the girls' team came in 5th place.

Middle School girls' badminton was hosted at SJA Jeju, with our best-placing girl finishing fourth. The Middle School boys' tournament was held at KISJ, and our singles players placed first and second, while our double teams placed first and third.

Our tennis teams were also very successful this fall We placed 1st and 3rd in boys' singles and 1st and 2nd in boys' doubles. Our girls' doubles team also placed first. Way to go!

Cross Country was held on an Olle Trail this year! Our top runners placed first in the boy's division and first in the girl's division, along with our MS boys placing first and second

Our HS Volleyball was excited to play this past year They were able to attend the JIT Tournament hosted by KISJ, with the boys placing fourth and the girls placing fifth. They then rallied and had great finishes at KISAC The girls finished first place, and the boys finished third.

We look forward to an exciting future!



High School Sports Middle School Sports

Boys and Girls Basketball Boys and Girls Volleyball

Table Tennis Table Tennis

Swimming Swimming

In season 2, we have fewer sports, but our students stay active! Table Tennis was newly introduced as a KISAC sport. Our students took home multiple medals with students placing second and third in both singles and doubles.

Our Swim team had a strong performance, with our HS Boys, HS Girls, and MS Boys all taking first place and our MS girls taking second place at KISAC this past year.

MS Volleyball

was also back for the first time in two years. For many, this was their first time playing competitive volleyball! The girl's team traveled to Busan for their tournament, where Bdivision girls placed 3rd! SJA Jeju hosted the Boy's tournament; the Boys placed 1st place, and the B division girls placed 3rd.

High School Basketball

Season was back for the first time in two years. We were able to have friendlies against the other GEC schools and KISAC! Our Varsity boys did not miss a beat and placed first in KISAC, and our girls placed 6th.



High School Sports Middle School Sports

Boys and Girls Soccer Boys and Girls Basketball

Badminton Golf

Swimming Swimming

Track and Field Track and Field





Building off last year's success with schedule adjustments and timetables, we have seen the students enjoy all our facilities and ASAs Elementary students have been enjoying full access to the gym for basketball and badminton clubs, dance studios for K-pop dance and ballet, and the soccer field for T-ball and soccer

Students have also enjoyed different activities at other schools, including MUN conferences, Battle of the Books, and other elementary sporting events This year we offered over 240 different ASAs for elementary students and over 550 school-wide

Our High School students have enjoyed the chance to lead different ASAs We have over 40 various student-led activities ranging from Rocketry, Medical Clubs, Computer Programming, and Art Clubs

We are excited about all these clubs and the skills our students will develop outside the classroom


Next year we look forward to adding a competitive E-sports team at all levels. Students will learn about different games and compete with other international schools in our area.

We will add new sports for the 2023-2024 school year: Cheerleading, Ice Hockey, Middle School Tennis, and Robotics at the Middle School and High School levels. As a school, we are excited to add these sports as we now offer the most varsity sports in the GEC.





The launch of The College Application Support Program (CASP) is a significant achievement for the Residential Life team this year. It is part of the team's efforts to improve the weekend structure and programs offered to students. The initiative's success can be attributed to the team's triangulation approach in research and implementation, ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of the students.

The CASP offers students three potential options: volunteering, skill-based, or sports-based activities for a 10week block of 2 or 3 hours per week each semester. Students can choose the activity that best suits them, and they can even communicate with their parents to make the best decision. This flexibility ensures that students enjoy the program and are not forced into any activity that they do not like.

In addition to the experience and enjoyment, students will also receive accreditation for their efforts. This accreditation will be a valuable addition to their college applications, showcasing their dedication to extracurricular activities. Students can log their volunteering hours using the VMS system used throughout Korea, which is an efficient and reliable way to keep track of their hours

The success of the program can be attributed to the valuable feedback from parents and students The team appreciates the feedback and has used it to improve the program The initiative's eagerness and enthusiasm shown by the students are inspiring, and the team is optimistic that this will positively impact the students' lives

While the program is primarily for high school students, middle school students are welcome to participate in some of the more fun-based experiences, such as the Jeju-Tourist experience This experience will help middle school students learn more about Jeju Island's culture and history, providing them with a unique perspective that will be useful in their future academic endeavors

In conclusion, the Residential Life team's launch of The College Application Support Program (CASP) is a remarkable achievement The program offers students the flexibility to choose from three different activities and receive accreditation for their efforts The team appreciates the feedback received from parents and students, which has been used to improve the program The team is confident that this program will have a positive impact on the students' lives and will make a valuable contribution to their future academic pursuits



One of the Residential Life team's significant endeavors this year has been to provide students with access to the internet in their dormitory rooms. With the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years, future-proofing the dormitories and making the dormitory bedrooms more homely and comfortable for the students was an important goal. The team underwent several trials and tests throughout the year to make it happen, and they are now delighted to announce that every room in the dormitory now has direct WIFI access.

The provision of WIFI in the dormitory rooms has also enabled the team to update their policy on internet usage. High School students can access the WIFI from 6:00 am to 12:00 am during the weeknights, which are from Sunday to Thursday, and 24 hours during the weekends, which are on Friday and Saturday. Meanwhile, Middle School students have a similar policy, except they can only access the internet until 11:00 pm on weeknights. The Residential Life team is pleased to see that the students are adjusting to the routines, and they commend the students for their patience throughout the implementation period.

Overall, providing WIFI access to the students' dormitory rooms is a significant step in enhancing the student's experience in the school. By making the dormitory rooms more homely and comfortable, the students can feel more at ease and less homesick. Internet access ensures they can stay connected with their loved ones and access educational resources conveniently.



The Residential Life team has been working hard to improve the structures and routines provided to dormitory students. Firstly, the team would like to express their gratitude towards the foundational team, whose hard work allowed them to build upon a solid framework for residential routines and structure.

One significant change the team introduced was the introduction of meal checks. Proctors check dorm students' breakfast and dinners nightly to ensure they eat well-balanced meals. Being away from parents grants dorm students certain freedoms not afforded to day students, which in turn presents more challenges for parents, including what their children eat and drink. The introduction of meal checks allows the Residential Life team to ensure that students are eating correctly and to be quickly aware of any issues linked to food. This allows for more effective communication with parents in the case of a problem.

Another change that the team has implemented is the new weekend leave return time. This is intended to encourage students to return for evening study time on a Sunday, promote healthier routines before school on a Monday, and help reduce some of the academic issues experienced in the past. The Residential Life team hopes that this system will continue to be refined to allow parents to make informed decisions about weekend leave and encourage student participation in the boarding program across the weekend.

Proctor scheduling has also been restructured this year, with proctors working in teams on set days and times to improve the consistency of the duty teams. This new system lets students know what team is on duty each week and whom to go to if they need support. With the launch of the College Application Support Program (CASP) next year, proctors will work on their appointed activity for a whole semester, which further improves the proctor scheduling and enhances the students' boarding experience.


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