Editing Checklist ud RW 16 Nov 09

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Editing Checklist Checked?

To check for


Overall Does the writing fit the brief? Is it format-specific? (e.g. Does it take account of difference between printed page and screen)

Has all the key information been included? Is it focused and to the point? Is it professionally written and presented?

Structure Is the structure logical? Does it make overall sense? Does the writing flow?

Style Is the tone appropriate to the context? Does it target the audience effectively? Does the piece ‘show instead of tell’? Is it free of cliché and hackneyed phrases? Is it interesting? /Is it entertaining? Is it original? Is it intelligent?

Meaning Is the meaning crystal clear? Is the writing concise? Are the language choices precise? (E.g. Use strong and specific verbs instead of vague or generalised ones) Remember to use a thesaurus

Is it free of clutter? (E.g. Free of repetition and unnecessary qualifiers)

Grammar: Common errors to check for include: Fused or run-on sentences Fragment sentences Incorrect subject-verb agreement Switching between active and passive voice

Punctuation and spelling: Proofread for: Incorrect use of commas/semi-colons/colons Incorrect or inappropriate use of contractions Extra or missing apostrophes Accidental typos (Use a dictionary and spellchecker) Words with same sound but different meaning (e.g. formerly/formally etc)

Commonly confused words (E.g. affect/effect etc) ©Rachel Wilson, UWIC Academic Skills Team, November 2009

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