San Jose City College Times, Vol. 16, Issue 2, Sep 30, 1965

Page 1


Thul'sday, Octobe>' 7, Jq65

'Betterment of Journalism' Confere Holds Organizational Gathering at c·

College Groups Elect Fall Semester Heads Club elections continued throughou t San Jose City College as the Ski and Cosmetology groups each selected officers. Heading the Ski Club-this term are Henri Block, ptesident, Vir-

Record Crowd Greets Rally Club

Under the guidance of Carl Palmer, SJCC J ournalism instructor, J im Noah of San Jose State and Dan Stern of_ th: San Jose Mercury an orgamzatwn may be fostered whic h will add to t he betterment of journalism in this

ginia Bolton, vice. president; Jackie Sporn, secretary; and Dave Anderson, treasurer. Inactivity of the club term because of failure to send in a~ Inter Club Conn ell r e presen:t'l.tive resulted in losing the c lu b cha.rter: In order to reclaim their c harter a nd start official activities, H enri sa id, a r e presentative must be a 1>pointed to attend the I CC .l\leet.

zation of this .type. Palmer pointed out

th at the Journalism Society, Beta Phi GamOn October 13 th e Sa n t a Clara rna, a t Cit y, wou 1d serve as a Cowtty High School Journalism ''big brother" for the association Associ a tlon will hold its organiza.tional mt>eti ng on th e City CoiJege campus. 'l'hc meeting will feature discussions, workshops, writing <·om1:.etltions ::t nd wi ll invite pro~ icssional journalists to speak,


According to John Migue!g01-ry, Sigma Eta Beta, the cosmetology vice·president of this year's RalJy club, has also appointed club of· Club, "we're playing a very im· ficials. Ann J ezior\ski will serve as portant part on campus t hi s se· President while Yoho Hayami is mester. Wilhout the Rally Club the vice -president. Yoho Hayam.i, we could not establish spirit ot any secretary; June Yonekura, treas.. wome n•-s 11011or - socte · ty on campus · h ld" kind. This year the club has set urer ; Fay Lundy, I CC; Betsy Con. LES BLUETTES, .... a Hget acquainted'~ at the Seventeen "Vest restau'r~~t i~ ~~~ an all time high in the member- nor, Hospitality; and H istorian Loretta Reyes, chair man of the club (left) and Anne Ale. d ship department with 113 mem- Barbara Hulsey, will also serve ~ Jos~. cha~rman of t he function gaze a.t the invitn.tion wllic h. in~~:: '::U bers." club officers_ \VOJntcn silltudbents 1"-?d faculty me mbers. E ntertainment and refreshe provtded. The RaUy Club llel<l its first The group plans to have- a sales- m e n s w m eeting last Tuesda.y and elected ma nshil> contest a-nd buy trophi es officers for the coming year. Those Cor the junior and senio r Wvisions. c hosen to fulfill these positions The stude nts with the most Bing Manning, ]>resident; 1\11- services will receive the trop hy. An annual rummage sale, spon- studen ts will exchange the duties gu elgorry, vice-president; Self services pretaJn to h ow many ~ored by: the' Jlv'!erehandising Club, of watchlng and selling the goods. Wood, treasurer; Nancy Ga m ez, cuts, tints, sets, a.nd comb-ou ts lS scheduled for the weekend of during each of the days_ secr etary; Leroy Miller, sgt.. at- the pe rson has dono. October 9• a nd 10 ·a.t the San Jose Donations are to be made by the a.rms; l'-'lil<e Burrows, membcrshit> Cosmetology will also sponsor a Flea :M arket. The time is from merchants themselves, but if any· chairman ; Djane Hart, I CC repre- homecoming queen. 6: 00 a .m . to 7 :00 p.m. a nd the one ·has something to contribute sen.ta.tive. The a dviser for the club they can take it to room B-1. is Doug \Vejss. "We want an new members to The members meet every Tuesparticipate- bec&use is is an ex· day in Room 33 and the Executive perience and an education in itRally Committee meets one eveself," urged Jen·y North the club's ning every week at a local reshost chairman. ' tauran t. Various posters were revealed Social events are being planned for the year such as a barn dance A one year study on Santa with 160 occupations, s howing sur- showing some of the activities the and hayride combined. These Clara County job opportunities has pluses, needs nnd imbalances. Best club has participated in a nd what scholars hips and tr.a ince programs events <; tentative as of today. disclosed that City Coll ege grad- plu.ceme nt for the 18 to 24 ilge are offered. The Rall y Club is still open for uates are seriously needed in servgrourJ s howed up to he irt profcsEach sem~ster $50.,00 is given, membership to all interested and ice occupation's. The study also si onnl, services ::wd technical trade by lhe Cu tco Company to a merenergetic st udents. revealed that the need for skilled areas. chandisi ng student with the highworkers is higher locally than on The study. provides are a est grade point average. In the the natJonal level. schools with mformat10n for long trainee program a student is capThe study, titl ed "OcupationftJ range plannmg by a nalyzing pres- able of going to school a nd trainNe~s and tJwir Educational ImpLook Great This Foil lications (or Schools a nd Colleges ent a nd future occupational needs / ing in a company at the same to Santu. Clara Cou nty," was di- in the county. It ide nti fies grade time. All interes ted students may SAN JOSE rected by voca.tional-tec hniea.I edu- levels best for teaching needed see RaJph Wildcrm~nn, Richard Casey, or Ross Atlunson ,·n the cato r Albert J. Ri.e ndeau. It dealt skills. HEALTH CLUB business building .

Merchandisers Sponsor Rummage Sale

(See page 4J

The Coeducatlonai-Recrenu 011 })~Ogram for next \ Vcd.n.esdar ~Aght~ ~v.m rollow the theme or: c lVIti e s N in-ht." The 11 ~ ~ ._ -~e · -... will last from 7:30 until 9:30.


iF:"~~:~:~:~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiii;;;iiii;;;;;;~~: l N EUROPE FOR PERFECTIC)N IN SAN JOSE

Repa ir of Volkswagen -

~ · ~. • ____

ing the one in Northel'n Illinois" surmiscd Sal Orlando, journa1is~ adviser at Mt. Pleasant High School. Orlando stated , howeve r, that the replies have boon below exl>ect.'ltiOns and unless n. large.r reS_l)onse is not received the conference DL'l.Y be canceled. " \Ve cnnnot force the .area ins tructors to attend," commented Orlando, 'lbut if they faiJ to meet, joumaltsm wiU be fhe on ly loser.'' Through Mr. Palmer's efforts,


Trained W er ner


Mercedes -



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Study Reveals Opportunities Available for CC Graduates

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dull driving habit. Step out in a lively Dodge Coronet.

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Son Jose Health Club 413 E. Santa Clara St. Call 295-9910




Personal Attention ancf

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Joined th

RESULTS IN 60 DAYS lose: I" off Th igh 3" off H ip

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dash for extra safety. Variable·speed electric windshield wipers and washers. ~ackup lights. Turn srgnals: Seat ~efts, two front and two rear. And, as some extra 'frosting on the Coronet cake a 5- year or 50,000-mlfe warranty.• ' ~nough said to get you really tempted? Now lets get away from the look-alike, drive·alikc, frrst·cousm cars with Coronel, a car wilh a li vely personality all its own.

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a slim 24' at the widest point. This narrows down the hunt for a park ing space conside rabl y. You ean ~!ide into almost any shady spot. Like just ou~side of English Lit, Hondas fit into s lim budgets too. Pnces start about $215*. Gas goes farther, up to 200 m1>4 on some models.'?nd cutting your wheels in half doesjust about the same thmg for insurance costs. Or more. This isthe sporty Super 90with its disti nguished T-hone frame. Tops 60 mph. Ju st one of the 15 Honda models that make other campus transportation strictly for the birds, See the Honda representative on your campus or write• American Honda Motor Co., Inc., Department Cl,

*HERE'S HOW DODGE'S S·VEAR SO OOO· MilE ENGINE A ~D DR I\! conftden tly wur~ nts ~II of the lolkl:,.tni villi puts of tis 1966 Clrs for 5E !:A IN WARRANTY PROTECTS YOU : Chrfs/er Corpor;tlion [,~~~~: ~~~ ~~a.!fovedefecth ive m maleri•l•nd workmAnship w1U be 1~pt!~ 0~;~,.,':':~" • 1•c'"•'"r'' comes first. dunn~~: wh tth lime Slness wtl out thar1e for such parts or l abor· tnline blodl h a rys tr Motors Corporal/on Aulhorrzr:d ~':d~~:~h".,.'i::,~: •ntvllll p.trts (uctpt•nl manu:~ I clukh). &Oroue convertir d:!:~~ 111~ternal par1ts, _tnlake mnifold. w-a ter IMl'"P· s. • . untvern 101nts. re;u u:le and thfteftnl~l.



A E~UI R£0 MAI~TENANCE : Th e lollowmg matn!ellance servtcts are r uutd u Of .000 m•lu. whiChever C()met Pirst ; tt:Ofacr 01 1 filter every second (Ill c~r> f!- r..;!" lha WMflnfy-cholnJ!I enamc cui nvrry J monfh:t b{~'T02 /e~i:{y :;c~~t~J! "'h"'h~urnis.h avrdentto! ttus rtt~u~red servrce to.lthr.ysi;C,:~~:::r;:;:, "111er ""'Y 6 ~YW~Ih:s 1nd rcpl.:tr.t' n UG ~~ nee dnd )'our car$ mtltaRt. Simple enouah for &ut:h lmporl '1 'r""t Autltou~ Ouler dnd r8QIIe$t • •n pro ec 10n.

Son Jose Health Club 413 E. Santa Clara St. Call 295-9910

The department of nursing edu· cation at San Jose City College received word this week it had won ''Reasonable Assurance of Accredi· tation" by the National League for Nursing. Such action qualifies the college for funds available-thi"''Ugh the Federal Nui'Sing Tvalning Act o[ 1964. J essie Watson, head of the City College nursing p1·ogram, said a p· plication for accreclita tion by the NLN was made following adoption · of the nlll·sing traimng act. League accreditation was rna d e a prereq· uisite in a pplying for federal funds under the new 1aw. J essie sald the law' was enac ted on the recommendation of t h e • c ltan I G Surgeon en era s . onsu h ht Group on N ursing wh IC soug t federal funds for advancing nursing education throughout the country. More than $283 million has been au thorized for the progra m to be u sed for student loans, teacher research, construction and scho1· arships. Under the student nurse loan · h progr-~m. w hich J cssJe says as first appeal to the City College department, the nursing school is required to match by one tenth the total sum a llocated by t he federal


Intramural Bowling, w11ie h WI.11 be he ld at Fiesta La nes on 1\lond;Ly a nd \ Vednetsdays at 2:10 and 3:10 p.rn., is stUI OJle.n to inter·

ested students of San Jose City CoJiege. The pin shooting w ill be held on the handicap basts. This means that the better pln.y ers will give up pins to the ave rage playe rs. In te r es ted bowle rs should see Couch Si Simoni. Inte rest ed I .C.C. c h n. i r me n should see Coach Si Simoni about organization of in tram ural foot. ball tenms to be sta rted in t he near future. The Campus Brass. with co-cat>tains Tom Beatty an d Jim Gama.. will this yea.r

Join the Dodge Rebellion at your Dodge Dealer's. WATCH iHf BOB HOPE CHRYSLER THEATRe··


West Alondra Boulevard, Gardena, California 90247.

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world's biggest


Brown at CC To Ey·e Vocational Program

Fall Semester Officers c 1· t y College's Merchandising

Club has recentl y elected new offi· cers for the F all semester. Bill Papones w ill act as president whiJe Herb~· Fong prest'des as vice ~ ..... presJ'dent. The treasurer is to be E ugene Della Ma.gmore,· the secree· tary, Lynda p 1·cketing·, and the I .C.C. representative will be P ete F arrell. Dur 1· ng th e month of October, Mr. Ralph W 1'J.d ermann, business 1·nstructor, wt-11 host a reception in hJ's home for members of the Mer· chandt's> '.ng Club, business maJ·ors, ancl anyone else who would like to part 1·CJ·pate. Refreshments will be served while students and faculty discuss wha t the Merchand~ing

Governor Edm und Brown visited I ment and training than would be City College last Thursday to re- possible if all th e schools foo ted view the hig h school vocational their own bills. program. While here he promised The director pointed out tha t to use his influence to win federal the program here could serve as funds for the program, a nd talked a prototype for similar vocational to several of the studen ts involved centers throughout California. The in it. students do not spend all day on Jack A,nderson, Director of the the CC Campus. Rather, they Vocational Center for the San J0se spend half a day in shop classes Unified Sch\)01 District. said that and the other ha lf at their h omo Brown seemed very jmpressed with school taking their academic tbe program. He also reported that courses. the governor agreed to use his Anderson dropped a reminder office to further the development that tbe high school pl'ogram wiU of the joint vocational h igh school be moved to a separate campus planned by four high school dis- on Hillsdale Avenue within two or tricts_ three years. Rather than being In addition, Brown took time out limited to the high schools of the to questio n J ohn Guerra about a San J o"se Un ified School District, cathode follower he was building, however, it will be operated jointly and also inquired about wages with other districts. The other earned by graduates of the ap- participants will be the Santa prentice plan. Clara, Campbell , and Eastside disAnderson pointed out that the tricts. At the outset there will be about GOVJ:!:RNOR JlR..O\ VN vlslted stude.llt!'j l.n the bi~h S<'hool Vocationul tra ining program offered here is Cente r wltil t) on campus Ju-Ht Thurs()a.y. Anderson, director of unique in Californi a in that several 19 schools participating. The vothe eente r, re ported he .. set~ m ed n •ry impressed-" schools share the cost of equip- cational center director expects ment a nd facilities. This system, t hat nwnbcr to increase lo 27 he asserted, makes it possible for eventually_ the s tudents to get better equip---------

Council Sends Students To Sacramento Conference A Governor's Youth Conference is scheduled to take place on November 11, 12, and 13 in Sacra· mcnto with four participan ts from the San Jose City Coll ege Student Council a nd two advisors attend· Jng, The purpose of the mid-decade confere nce for youth and adults is to examine with in sigh t a nd integrity our grow in g society through inventory, invention a nd involve{)lent. Inventory is ex· plaincd as a review of issues and answers, invention js the creation of new solutions to meet new situa tion s, and involvement as our comm itment to practical action. CotumunJ ca.tions with

yo uth -

an experience in understam.ling will be the thc ruf'". During the convention, each forum will divide into several workshops for discussion purpos2s. Education , personal values, human relations, participation in comm unity service, the fam ily, jobs, and you and the Jaw are among the catcgodes. T he Student Council is a lso seeking permission to br ing the Righteous Brothers to City College. Plans for the date a nd price arc still bein g worked out. Other future e-ntertainers . the Student Council hopes to prese nt are The New Chris ty J.ljnstrcls. and the Kingston Tl"io.

(( Student Council Picks Commissioners The slate of · appointed officers for City College's student govenl.ment has been completed with the selection of Commissioner of Elections Randy Mulrimer, Commis· sio ner of Public Rela tions Currine McGull veri and Commissioner of Acaoemic Affairs Mirlam Duval.

Commiss ionet· of Academjc Affairs Miriam Duval's duties include: distributing scholarsh ip funds to de· serving applicants, publicizing aU scholarship offers and informing the Student Councll of all grants.

Plans for future programs and goals for the yea r were recently discuSsed by the Baptist Student U n 1 on. Programs considered were, a. get-acquainted purty to be helcl in Octo ber, ~md ::..ttenda.uce a.t tiLe Buptist Student Union Co nference ln Los Angeles to be held October 23. In th e past, the club has had s uch J)rojects ns help ing in the blood drives, and raising funds b.Y m e mlS of car washes. They als o participated in various paper drives and sales.

Night Enrollment Increases- at City More than 5300 stude nts aJ.."C en~ l'olled ln 275 eveni ng class offerings this fall at San Jose City College, with day students to tailng 4200. T he total enrollment of 9,500 is a n ~ n crease over Jast years' e nrollment of 8,300. The rapidly increas ing enrollment in night classes is in part. due to its' design for meeting a variety of educational needs for students who must work during the day. These include college ttans[er courses for students seeking to complete the first two years of a four-year college program, a nd courses Jeading to the two-year AA degree. Also on the program are pre· employment training in various OC· cupational areas and trade cxten· s ion or upgrading courses f9r jou rneyma n workers seeking to keep abreast of new developments in their occupations. There is rela ted jnstrvction for a pprentices. According to Ben Sweeney, two of the most popular areas for the night class students a re mathem atics and business, with each of. ferlng 28 classes f6r some 1700 total students.

SC County Viewed For State College

A new state college for Santa Clara County appears to be inches away from the drawing board, thanks to Senator Rlchard Dolwir;. As the result o[ a recent state coJiege boa1·d trustees meeting in Los Angeles, w h en~ selections were discussed, a nalys ts favored a northern-county campus due lo a heavy population influx around San Jose. Santa Clara County's popu]ation will exceed the combined counties of San Francisco and San Mateo by 1975, according to anaiysts. Statistics show by 1967 Santa Clara County's number of high school graduates will be greater than any two northern counties. Senator Richard DoJWig, Republican representative of San ~ateo, advocated the construction of a state college based on future populations a nd related statistics in the County of Santa Clara.

Board of Trustees Offers Scholarships To CC Students

Two scholarships have been offered by the San J ose City College Board of Trustees, to be presented Other appointed officers serving by Miss May Duignan, Dean of for the 1965-66 fall semester arc: Student Services, a t the end of the Re~ordi n g Secretary Monica Edg1965-1966 coUege term. Each scholmon, Commissioner of Finance be taking on all con1ers. arship is worth S125. George Walts, Com.mistiioncr of So===~~=========-~<:;~l~u~b~i~s~a~n~d~w~h~a~t~p~c~og~ram~~i~t~b~o~lds~. Interested students will be chos: cial Affairs AJ Tetz, Commi ssioner en by thejr needs and how much of the College Union Dave Di Benprogress they have applied toward edetto, a nd Commissioner of Stu· their respective goals. Whether dent Activities Ernie LaScola. the students are to be graduates or Engineel's who start their higher slight edge, .wilh 60 per cent ,.,._ 0 her officers include Commis· continuin g vvill be decided upon by education in a junior college are porting 1961 incomes of $10,000 or sioner of Special Activities Sherry the committee. as successful in their professional more, compared to 54 per cent for T ocashiga, Commissioner of AthApplications for this particular careers as their colleagues who JC transfers, and ).5 pe..r cent of letics Jim Gamma, Commissioner scholarship will be available a fter take all their undergraduate s tud· the nat,ives placed in tbe over S15,- of Foreign Students Bill Hoefer, the first of the year and will have "The semester is off to a good ies at the University of California. 000 bracket, to 11 per cent of tb.e and CommissiQner of Fine Arts a deadline of April L "Vt/e feel that our students from tra.nsfer6. Howe¥er, notes Dr. Donna Leonti. start, '' rema rked Dean of Men There ar~ other City College Larry Anerich, Tuesday. "So fa r the school of engineering do as Case, the transfers tend to be These officers were chosen by scho(arships and awards offered by not a single campus theft has been well as any others, and that our among the more recent graduates~ council members. industry, community groups, and courses are fully acceptable," with less time to accumulate on· reported." other colleges. Outsta nding s tuTo be considered for a n appointHis statement s upports the gen- states H. B. F ord, department of the-job seniority and raises. dents who a re interested are en•ve office to student council, a can· eral consensus of many instructors, engineering chairman. ·~s~~C ofSupervisory Responsibili ty : 'More didate must have Melchoir Estrada. electronics in- l\1r. Estrada took' administrative couraged to apply for thls program. a 2.0 grade-point department heads, and student fers a complete lower diVISion en- JC transfers (51 per cen t) super· The Califomia Sta te Scholaraverage and have filled out an eli· structor, will be under the guid- courses at San Jose State and at government officials, that there is gineering program, so the students vise at Jeast one tcchnlcal person ~ibility report which includes his anc~ of the Trade and Technical the University of California to pre- ships are granted on the basis o( an improvement, though slight, in who continue their education are than do the natives {43 per centl. pare for this adntinistrative posi- ratings made on the Scholastic " But slighUy more natives !19 per Program, his teachers' signatures. Supen;sion Internship program student behavior this semester. tion. He has a Masters from San Aptitude Test of the College Ena nd grades to date. The office of during this sc}lool year. fully prepar ed . . h r Th nclusion is based on a de- cent) supervise more t an 1ve per· The Jaw enforceme nt (lepartment Jose State and a Supervision Cre- trance Examination Board. F or the Dean of Student Services ex· Part of his duties as a n intern . e co f UniversitY sons than do the JC transfers (17 head, Bill Nyhan, reJlOrts that at an1ines eacb chgibility report and lncJude vis iting other ju nior col· dential in Trade, Technicai and In- this the student must pay a testtailed surveY o 1050 • Utis time last year there were alumni who graduated from the per cent). . .. ing fcc o( $6.00 and be Wlder the leg~ to better acquain.t himself dustrial education. . · departments at Berke-Professional AcliVIlles: Af ter validates those which meet all reruany complaints of Uteft. In fact, Although the internship is to be age of 24 years at the time of with their vocationa l education of· quirements. there were so m:tny instances of ~ngm";;nr'! Angeles between 1947 they earn their degrees and start All elected officers and appoint- ferings and vocatio nal administra· under the direct supervision of Mr. application . Of this number, 47 per on the job, JC transfers take a 1ars being broken into that the ,::;d ~ Sidney McGaw, re;ional supervis · There are several requirements ed commissioners of student gov- tive organi:lations. · complete University somewhat greater part m all 'departtuent posted lookouts on top or, assisted by Lee D . Bodkin, su · to be considered for the applying Fifty percent of his time will ernment, with the exception of the cent werfe th freshman year phases of proCess ional life. They or the drama. building, out(ltted chairman and the recording secre- lean toward actual experience in pervisor of teacher education, with scholarship student: a minimum of products ' rom e · ·m b uymg · en · With binoculars. h roug h gra duation·• 40 per cent surpass· the nauves tary, are eligible to vote in the occupational surveys, industry the cooperation and ass istance of 2.7 grade point average, financial t ·ocr cal d book at At the bookstore there have had transferred to the UniversitY gin~rmg pen. al.l san. t sk,. - coundl meetings. The term of of· and 'or advisory committee con~ the directol:" of vocational educa- need, and the student must be a · th ir first two tendmg techruc meetings, a mg been no reported thefts. Robert after comp Ieung e · 0 fice for both elected a nd appointed tacts, curriculum construction and tion for the college, he will con- m~ber of the Associated Students - · college · and 13 gradua te work and spect·a~ tze Ryman, bookstore manager, states, years at a Jumor • · . h · 1 officers is · one semester with the revision, sutx:n·i.sion of inst1·uction, tinue to be an employee of the of San Jose City College, The stu rolled at t he Uni- courses, a nd wnling tee ruca uwhen students' books are stolen, dent must participate in somr per cent I1ad en exception o£ the Commissioner of accounting and procurement pro- college. they usuaily are without identify't a fter starting at another papers. When the electronics teacher phase ()f the activity program of the CoUege Union who serves for cedures, and public relations. All vers1 Y _ _ t' Patents : JC tra nsfers a pplied for ing m arks excluding the names of the .above mentioned arc under was questioned as ~Q' . what ~c the college in gqvernmen l, honor Which are easy to e1·ase. Probably four.yeal" msllthu wdn.d by Los An· more patents than natives (1 per one year. plans to do after his mtcrnshlp · societies chlbs athletics music or The survey, ea r~ e W Case as cent vs. 14 per cent, but a n al The Commissioner of Public Rc- the local district. equ there have been books .stolen , but fessor H a '" lations Quties involve on campus The State Divi sion of Vocational he answered, "A(ter the district drama ~nd al,l applications ~usl geles pro · ' 6 t) · both the student, knowing it's useless art of t he enginc.ering depart· proportion ( per ccn m publicity, all off campus publicity Education ActiYily will occupy 30 enlarges, a po~tion may be --open be co~pleted and accompanied by Without proof, doesn't report the P , Edu tiona! Development gl'oups have ~ctually been granted and the chairmansl\ip and selection to 50 percent .o f his tjme, incl ud- ?r I may remaJn as an electronics two lelters of personal r ecommentheft ment s drew· some specific com·· one or more patent$. dation. of a publicity committee. ing credential procedure, teac her mstructoL·." n the complete ca1eer Satisfaction : 90 per cent "If a stude nt is ~augh t trying Pro.g ra m, bet RandY Mulrimer, Commissioner I workshops, te a cher education, E strada has been at City ColOther ques tions about scholarts dubbed " na· in both groups said that they were to resell a stolen book, Ryman pai~Istm~ lege as a part time electronics ships and awards may be answered of ElecliOns, is charge? with the \ course a~pro\·a ~s, a nd o:ccupati~nal Umvel'SJlY pr .uc. • (JCl •ther "ve..ry satisfied" or "sa tis· continued, "he will be reported to . . .•• and the Jun.~_or college efied" J . supervision of all pnmary and contacts mcludmg pubhc relations. teacher since 1953 and as a full in the Student Services Office, with t heir choice of a n engi· the Dean's Office and disciplin ary uve:. general campus elections, while During the previous summer, tune electrql)j<;s j,e.,AA\) r 11!59. .B\lWfuli: A. a neeting education. actions, probably expuision, will tra nsfers: Income: The natives have

Engineers find JC's No Hindrance

Theft Rate Down According to Dean


3'' off Wa ist

vidual study chairs of s tyles, designs and colors. Having survived one year of reconstruction on the library building, the library staff and SJCC students can still look forw'ard to at least one more semester of occasional disruption of service$. The opening day of school saw carpet men laying carpets in all of the reading room areas. The carpets have greatly improved the appearance of the main readin._g room, and have already produced a marked quie ting effect on pa· trons, according to Robert E . Brundin, Director of Library Services. Students t.his year will have library facilities more favo rable and helpful to t heir s tudying than was the case in the past, he added. New library shelving is expected in the middle of October. Install ation of this shelving wiH complete the bookstack area except for the additions of study carrells along the walls, and will ena·ble th e staff to move the reserve books from their present location iQ room L ·5 to a new location behind the inain charging desk. R oom L-5 will t hen be con· verted into a listening room. Once new shelving has been instal led, the entire book collection of some 35,()(X) volumes will again have to be moved, in order to spread the books in Dewey Decimal order over t.he entire stack area. This might involve some interruption of circulation privileges, as happened las t year, but, according to Mr. Brundin, if this interruption proves necessary it will be kept to a minimum period of time. Come spring, the library staff governmen t for student nursing hopes a completed library will loans. greet second semester students. It Mrs. Watson not e d t hat the has been a long time coming, but Santa Clara Valley is "feeling the they hope it will have been worth shortage" of t rained nurses t his waiting for , year as a result of the new hosi~affl--openin ~and the increased pt;Ograms at tbe established hos- Merchandising Elects pitais.

Nursing Education Receives ]Assurance of Accreditation'


RESULTS IN 60 DAYS Ga in: 3'' on Chest 3" off Wo!Jist

Money Problems Slow L• , P'~.n~o-:~;e fu::~~ ~,.;snc;;":~: 1brary S Completion

Area Growth Foreseen

San Jose Junior College District Due to problems relating to has been turned over to District ,money allotments and bid specifi. cations, the new library fur niture Trustees. promised City College for this fall Headed by Rev. Phil \V. Barrett, semester will be late. a 4-8 member Citizens' Advisory SJCC has put up three dollars Committee completed a.nd pre- for every one dollar gran ted by the sented the re1>ort to Trusees dur· state. This was a major problem the summer. the college had to face for the Topics of primary concern were reconstruction oi the library build· school population, a distric t master ing. plan, and additional coUege sites. A legislative bill, that was introThe committee estimated en· duced to Congress by Al Alquist, assemblyman in San Jose's 26th rollment will reach 7,600 st udents district, greatly helped pay for the by Octobet· 1969 and 13,000 by library reconstruction costs. The October 1974. Current enrollment state funds have so .far con tributed is around 4,000. $118,000, which means SJCC had Committee m e m b e r s urged to raise at least $350,000 to reTn•stees to Hmove with out dela.y " ceive the government gra nt, which to em1>loy edueation31 consulta-nts was completed a couple of months and architects to start a master ago. plan. Trustees are now in the When CC fWld s were at a bidprocess of finding a suitable ar- ding point, Richard W. Goff, Direcchi tectural firm. tor of Bus iness Services, went out Additional college sites a re also with his associates to bid on liurged by t he committee so t he brary furniture but found nothing District will have a sufficient which met the quali fications set number to meet the demand when The furniture finally purchased it arises. As of now two s ites are cost $9,000 less than all the furniture previously looked at and was being considered. It was r ecommended t hat the of higher quality. The college was then told by the Trustees f i n an c e these p lans lhrough bonding and t ha t a bond furniture manufacturer t hat t he election be held as soon as a library order might be ready by professionaltly drawn master plan Christmas. The new furniture consists of and education needs determine t he financial s ituation of the district. chairs, tables, couches and indi-



fSee page 21




"This has been done very suecessfully in other parts of the country, the most nota ble job be·

Flag Girls Wantefl

Phone 298-2181 / Ext ~ 230


Vol. II>




City ·college 'Titnes

New Parking Rules

City College facilities will be avai lif _necessary, and would do abJe and dinner will be served at t hrng possible to help t he grou

the cost of $2.00 a person. Follow- successful. ing· will be discussions concerning the problems of starting an organi-



To act as representative of the athletic department and rally committee ls the job of the Commissioner of Athletics, while AI Tetz, Commissioner of Social Affairs, or· ganizcs a ll social func-tions, and hearls lnter-C'Iub Council. Commissioner of Student Activities pla ns all Associated Student assemblies and appoint..-,., with the approval of the president. Pla n ning "Big Game Week" events and a.cts is ting the Commissioner of Foreign Students are the duties of the Special Activities Commissioner.

Elec;:tronics Instructor Begins TTS Internship








ThursC!ay, Septemlier 30, 1965

City~ College


Published each Thursd ay of the sehool year by t he journalism cla sses at San Jose City Colle ge. Supportad, in pa rt, by Associated Student Body funds. Mem ber Cl lifornia Newspape r Publich11s As!ociatiofl. Second C lau pos.t·a ge pa id a t San Jo~e. Ca lif. Subscription rates: $3.00 per y~a r or 10, per copy. Phone 298-218 1, od. 230.


Palmer Hosts First Journalism (o.nference

Tlieatriear Gazette New Drama Dept. Publication

A roaring fi re- soon subs ided to coals as the sound of sizzling w einers fi lled t he September nigh t. Such was the settin g for t he first journalism conferenc e held yesterday a t the h'Ome of Carl Palmer, advisor of the Times and head of the journalism department. The journa lism st aff, depar t mental journalism classes, and a few faculty members exa m~ned problems in t he area o f journa lism and studied ways of sus taining high s tandards or colle ge pu blications for the bettermen t of the college. T he confer ence was called to a id those interested in purs ui ng a

A new publicat io n, the S.TCC Theat r 1caJ Gazette, ha s made its · a ppearance on campus . T he oneAdv. Mgr. JOHN MIGUELGORRY page per iodical is s upported by t he Busioeu Mgr. .......... BRUCE RIGGS drama depa rtment. Night Edito r .... DO N KAWASH IMA The Gazet te will contai n educaStell Artist .................... BI LL LANCE t ional items on thea ter, essays



Jaguar Eleven Battered Again; Third Enthusiastically.Greet .!!~~~-~!! nCabrillo Tourney


careet• in journa lism about. new sw t•it i n g a~qua inted peop le wt~i tin g s to r j e s fm· 1.' imes wi t h th e paper's staff


- - CITY COLT.EGE TJl\tE8-ll

6~ l:' tU~ O JQ, ~~~

a l' 1"1 u I ro rl'~el H Fla nke r Mike l\.lathedy. • f Gonzales completed four o SC\en passes for t he Joca l glidder~ during h is stint, one for 61 yaJ d~ to end J en -y Cox to se t up the fmaJ TD plunge. . . ng Along with Gonzales, recet\'1 Sa n J ose got on the scoreboard kudos from coach \Vheeleha n wus a fter 2 :53 had elapsed in the firSt cant o, with qua rterback Bob Toledo conn<'c ting: on a 52 yard toss to fla nk f' l"back J im lTN'kendol·n fo r th o ra ll y.

comer· from Hawaii. w ho packed Coach J ones did not smgle o_ut th~ leather l \\ lCe for 17 fya.rds. B y PAZ RO C HA any one sing le player as h e 1sard, < 13 1 ed lh Abo ut 45 s t udents and · l d in a Gonzales pass 01 San Jose City College P ac "This was a team e ffort aJ e attended t he con fe rence. ~:~.,. a nd re turned a kick off for h . d in 1as t. wcek "s tourn am en t way.' ' an addi tional 20 yards. ~e;~ a t Cabri llo College pooL_T he :_::=:.-.____________ _ t faith in J ag tank~rs led th in gs off With a SWimming in s tructo r s \Vh t~ l el uul ne ,·e r los "' 1ur Adviser ·······-···--·-·-·· C. W. PALMER concerning CC produ ctions, and in. len<·ed r csPrves, I .esou nd 'J n g 21-9 t ri um ph over ,~.v. onneeded to aid in the Handi<,.<l h .)'O ltng lne xpe r terey P en insu la College . Then t e ~ fl~MEN] · . ::t.t~ .... to b c. T lte. •·te r·ia l l' Ombumbon s formation about theatrica l associSwim P rogram. wh ich is SUPa-. an,.ythjng but wha.t it was n nti C JI) gi \"l n K St"\'ernJ Jlf>\.\"CO me r s their Loca ls m et de feat as College of Sa~ ~.'J a t ions on camp us, · · k d hrtve been th e l on E" vised by t h e Sa n Jose Recreati~ r Bob To le d o t o Cra.ig S hu pe :uul Ju11 1-lec en orn ' · . . 11 f l r -.1 f'h n m ·e t o sh i n P for t he ,mrple of the North ern Ca llDep a r t m e n t. offeJLfi i\'e b-r ig ht s pots, as the ba ll ca rriers ha ve onl y bee n able to t>Icl~ The editor is drama major, Kay Ma teo, one th J ags !J il d w hit.-. Cornia powerhouses stung e . The p rog r am Will start Oct• 11p two or t hree yards :Lt a.. s hot. \ Vi til fr eshm a n qun.r tprhaf'k iH ~ u u y Lampe, who is working under 3d .. k lh . al · a.t t:lf' h sh o u Ill c·on 16-l. 'The J aguars cam e back a ~d 1\o<'<lley fough t back a fter the Gotrza-les s h ow in g ~mr 1J ri se ta.len t last \H e . e • r ber 7, a nd r un throu gh May, It · · __ visitor J ohn Owen s. eld m •· n .. I . I SJCC mcu·ke r s lO scocc wi th in vol ves h e lping for OM hour 1 I . ed o ne o f the ir besi gam es m tUUie to ~ rnth er solid. fl owP vCr, r It e rumun g- (I r ,,1r b·t(·kri • . Della rm· 111 1 Ill . h . ond p ay defeating Sa n J oaqllJJ1 6 Owens s tated tha t the Gazette's week, Th ursdays from 10:30 b 12:56 remaining 111 l ~ s~oc tnust impl'ove. . " pu rpose a t present is to acquai nt J ENNIE VOC AL is be ing shown f ingerr>rint ch::t rts by Geor ge. Pa.yWith a few bre ak s t he locals could conceiva bly wm t h.1·ee l ca.., ~le ,Ja ~ u :ll' ri' M·r vr·c; l.olo le thr s h ow stanza, on an 80 yurd dJ·tve tn 11 t hi rd pl ace in t he tourn ey 7- . 11 :30 a.m., at the Y.M.C.A. · th e gndtle t·s· wtll tlt n·i n g tlw \a tlc r· mo rn •·ll l"' or th e more s tud e n t s w ith Bertold tilts. H ow eve r, unless the )'Ushing game tmpmves, plays, capped by a o ne yard plu;:;_: F oothill we re the cha m l>s as they "In t he pas't t he r.., have beeJ head of t he law enforce men t d epartm ent. . J enn ie is the f irst I n tl1is world th e re a re the p arll c• p~m ts and th e no n paro c J- Brecht, author of this year's drar'na ton, bea t College of Sa n Ma teo 10-7. policewoman t o e n r o ll in L aw E nfo rcemen t 1\. cademy. by sign al caller Frank ,Moms .. many City Co ll e g e studenu bave a toug h ti m e de nt ing the win column. T his m a rks t he second install. . d' f' o n U•!ii t, a ftf' t' Rf><•dl ey had seem. pants. The parti cip ants are t h e d oer s. They m a ke things wor k. production "Mothe r Courage." It is T iger try for point was dera tle<~ The de fe nse a ctue.U y h as pl ayed a Io t bel t e1 · th a n th e ·sco res . m tL eu ding tht?' Ja gs in the 1\to.n wor kin g ln this program,'' saM ment of the close-up previous of Their ener gy and their ability a re the guid es of progress. An enterprising Ci ty College by Jag li nebacker R ic h M ila n,. t t e re y gu m e was L a nn y L a mhvehr ho ped this will ena bl e s tudents to cate The fron t line a nd the linebackers h ave co ntributed crcdt t~ ble ingly put 111e gu mc out of sight. Lou She lled'a, a volunteer work~ t he cross-count ry prospects for the · s tudent took a book h ome from keep t he toeal e leven on to p Wit h who s t ung the n ets Jor flve .go:lls . The nonparlicipants ar e the inact lve on es. They a re co n te n t see Brech t's work . on i t s own showings, but the de fensive seconda ry h as been bur ned on va nous h~msel f. ' 'An yone wit h above av. T hird line signal ca1le r Ma nny season. T he team in depth is as a sli m 7·6 lead. the library called "H ow to Hug." t o sit on t h e corne r a nd wa tc h the world go b y. Whe n th e dust terms, TIUs seem ed to b e an game erage ability in t he wat er is in· occasio ns . f h. h have Gonzales go t t he nod from head I mag 1 n e his disappointment from the Lra ffi c grows t.hl ck they complain, a nd i f it b ecomes Many fu ndamental mist a k es have cos t t he J ags, mos t o . w l C . v ited t o he lp io the program,• ment or Jim Wheele han to t ake fo llows: San Jose grasped gam el y to its f o r the l ocals as they h a.d eJcven Owens expressed h ope t ha t the [2] A storekeeper c' 'w hen he d' i s cove r ed h e h a d intolerable they move to anoth er co rn er. But that is about all Lee Cae!-y may be in the top t en one point ma r gi n un ti l 8 :10. re- m en i n t h e sco r ing c olumn. The been due to jnexperience. T he coac1ung s taff has been trym g to rtpen he added . . over the Jagua r offen sive rei ns, t heatrkal depa r t ment will offer The la unchi ng of t he fi rst Sputhad 17 TOT Staplers. B unge sa id that the new tech- picked up Volwne 7 of the enthey do. · the:ir g r een sq uad as q u1ckly a s poss1·bl c, b u t 1·t see ms th a t someth mg and 1·esponded by leading the J ags real soon ; Ray Chavez, S ta~e ma ini ng in lhe hal f, whe n Ttger San i\fu,t eo contest was not .th P F or further information cor,. nik in 1956 br oug ht a bout t he r e- nique prepared by the University cyclopedta. All but 3 were sold. . gro wth . T he coaches. have the boysJ 68 yards in four plays to score on v.-Testli ng champ giving it a go m QB Monis pic ked off his own de - Ja ~·s game as the Bullclogs J USt haS t e mporarily stu n ted lhe1r The Tim es is si ck to d e a th of th ose who c a n do nothi n g b u t mor e works wi th pertinence to tac t the R ecr e ation Department How many did1 <><:-.....A'm-1)-,. think ing v ictory a nd t his fa ctor may b)•ing ma tu rr ty to the ~ oc 8 the final play from scri mmage-a distance run ning ; Prentiss Gary, flected pass a nd rambled p as t J ag flte up t h e loc11 J t anke rs. sit in th e Co ll ege U nion , and g ri p e abo u t th e sa il sh a p e they ot he r depa rtmen ts on cam pus, es- vision of the phys ics program in of California at Berkeley will be 12 h e have left? a rea l effor l m a n wit h one of the ctefendel's t o the S a n J ose 01 ":.e eleven sooner tha• n .rs expec t cd . \V e hope so, beca use nex t season JS s 11ppose this sc hool is in . Someon e, th ey are convinced ought to pecially politica l science and phi- seconda ry educa ti o n \Vh ich, accord- used for t he first t ime at San J ose The S a n J oaquin Delta game _ ing to scientific a uthor ities, until City College this semester in the fi nest kicks on the squad ; Ralp_h yard stripe . The dri ve w~s culml~ w a s by far the best ove~a ll game mont hs away. do some thin g abou t it. This som eone, of cotar se, is someone else. losophy. T h e philosophy for um in tha t time ha d been fifty years be- physics 4B class. This method preKea rns has only two year's expen ~ nated on a fou r yard ae r·Ja l t o e n p la y ed by the S an Jose City wa ter Af ter a ll , they're busy . November w ill be on BrC'cht . hind recent rapid advancement . sents an elect rical a na1ogy of mee nce bu l has desire to be on top; Joe Reynolds for t he go-a head 12 -7 polo ists this season. Jtm Bes t a nd A l ook i_nto t h e future sees the G itlnts niPI'' t~,e- t he D odge~ ~Y N ot that t h ey d o n ' t b el ie ve in .b e tte ri n g th e wo d fl . T h ey do. Now, ten y ears l a ter , SJ CC is a cha nical phe nomena. For example, J ohn Leydsman has bel'n away ha lftime scor·e. The publication will acce pt esW ayne R eeks, b o l h a ll-MHAL single g a m e fo r t h e Na.tio na.l Lcng u .pen na n t . 'l' he ncw: r-sa y-d u. · e< s And som e d ay, when th_e y've gra du ated from co llege an cl a t e we 11 pa rti cipa n t in the new a dva nced the fligh t of electrons t hroug h a fl·om competitio n fo l" four years \\iU finish t h r ee gn..mes off t he p ace. 'l'h c (liaut~ Wil l en:oy 11 0.~l e ,gfl~l ~ 'l.'he J agua rs f•o ul c.l rl' t ho ltl biU·k picks from last season, Jed the est abl isl1e d in the ir job, a nd h a ve some tim e to s pare th e y will s-a ys f r om En glish I B st uden ts a nd a pproach in physics. cathode r a y tube may represe nt but is attempting _a comeb~ck ; Llw ~ef'd l f' y sel·o nd h a lf r esurg- scoring. Best potted thr ee go.a Is facul ty members w ho are in ter ll blllge after Sa.t u rility's itetion , n n d " ri ll· b u <'k int o t he t h · ~.· C .m<'mn!l . , ff work fo r the improvem ent of the ir commun it y; Th rough the e fforts of Mark the flight of a ba ll through t he Howard McCa lebb, in his malden cn r c :l"i liLt~ 'l'ige rs r e le n tl essly r a n a nd R eeks scored t wo. Roundmg ested in Brech t's works . 1 will. beat t h e Gian ts in the sea.'>on finu le, hu t . l\lil wau l.:~c wrll l~n oc k o Bunge, p hy sics and p hysical sci- gravitation a l field. In using t his voyage as a d ist :.m ce man; and lh l' ~oo~• Bu t it doesn' L wo rk tha t w ay. P eo ple don?r c h an ge thjngs five, (: This is the ' o r e. lo 2 4 ~ 7 ~'t the e nt1 o r t h e ou t t he scori ng for t lie . J agu a rs the D od gf"rs to send Sa n F rahc iSC'O into .t he \ Vor l d Se r ieS. Each wee k c oach Wheelehan Glen McKewen, a hard worker t h ird qnurter, o n a ~ ten , o r twent y years from now, Som e da y is today, and toda y is Owe~ o ffered to s peak ~bout e nce ins t ructor, the phys ics depart- met hod, t he concepts of physics, · o r TD ~ Ca p ta in Jim Ogde n a nd parr and his st a ff w ill select two m~ n WC L .... •· h whe n th ey h ave to start. lt doesn ' t have t o be a b ig change. lt can Brecht in a ny English class inter- men t h as been k eeping up with sci- ins t ead of it s application, wilJ be a ls o in his initial season. one homb o f 30 a n d 72 y ards fr om L a nn y La ndweh r· both W Jt Fra nk Linzy of the Gian ts a nd J un Lefevbt~e o f .L.- A. a: e battlrn g ·who have performed br llliantly m ' be stude nt govern m ent, a club, or a camp us p lthl ica ti on. Bi g ested a nd a dded, "Bre ch t is a po- e ntific technology. E 1 e c t r o n i c s t r essed. oa l. T h is game was the best deOthers i n c 1 u de Tom Nelson, g the las t ga me , as their pick for ~l o n i.s. , it ou t fo r " Rookie-of-the -Year" honors. As of th rs wrlt mg L mzy st: .ms h te r ch a n ge often b egins at th e roots a n d e ven the ta llest tree to ppl es li tical a nd social figure of our equipmen t, such as t h e cathode r a y The new equi pment was purthird man in the MHAL c ross Reedley was n' t just cont e nt to fensive ga me pla yed by t e wa Back a nd Lineman of the week. times, who le nds himself easily to tube now tak es th e p lace of the chased lhrough the National Deto have t h e nod. The Giants bes pectacled .right-h a ~ders =~s i:,cisc~ when the roots di e . . d n boys. They let down a little bit as This week for their Outstandi ng cou ntry meet last year; Gil _P~ l a­ 9-3 mar k besides reg is ted_ng 14 saves. Wtthout htm c play marbles, a nd contJnll;e . o th ~ game w as c;ontro lled b y SJCC B ut w hen e nterin g an y projec t it is best to go i n h a r d. It is no being 1a bas is of discussion by sev- .ba tteries and wire used in prevjous fe n se Educa tion A ct, in conjuncperform a nce in t he Reedley game, cios, t he squad 's dark horse, IS Jm- with the ir number one unt t mto .. · h · a mes er a out l disciplines.'' · la b classes. ti on with City College. good to go ha lf wa y . M u c h time i s was te d and no real good is wo~~f:~b~; hta~rd~;~v~:'ed clu tch .hi ts, but his overall batl~ng a;er age our Back _ of _ the . week is Mike I)I'Ovin g ra pidly; Geor ge Puentes, a th e final can to agai nst San J ose b ut t he le t down made t he scor e a d on e. A great de a l of tim e a n d e ner gy m ust b e e xtended to bring bit more close t ha n t he type of powN·fu l run ner with good speed; is only .239. H is fie lding brings back s·h · ?f the fa?Jed ose aga n, Good man, a nd t he Lineman-of- thereserves. al ga me pla yed t h e 1 0 c a 1 ta nke r s . an y worthwhile achi 3vem ent to a cause, h uL t h e effo r-t is w o rth iL. J im Rocca, is one of the top prosweek is Fra Mike nk Dull G o y. o Both d m of a n these led the loc he char es everyth ing, even bloopers m to the outfield. . . pects in the team; Bill Rumph, a grou nd attack rackin g up 39 ya:ds W h en p eople latch on to th e ir s li ce o f wo rl d and l e ave it in as l\lore tl~u n Uke ly Li nzy w iU receive th e awa rd ~[ th~ G_ran~'> ~vinb ~~ men wer e instrume ntal in San Ia te star ter who has been . h~ m­ in six carries, w hile forme r h r ~h J ose's offe nse a nd defense. b e tte r sh ape than they fo<md it, the n they have the knowl e dge H ·r t h e Dodgers l>revail Lcfe\'hre w rll pl ob." JI :o, e e by illness; Dan S_ttrlm ~, school teammate at L incoln, Jtm th at the y d i d som e thin g. Whe r e o th e rs at a n d comp la in e d , t h ey ::~we:.";:e~~:ttcr who wins t he penn~~ nt. Linzy deserves t he honor. i\like, ,... f halrbacl• wh o pered Nor Cal hurdle champ t1-ymg hiS Heckendorn topped all r eceivers (indudinc l OOO •tapl ~s) AUTO ELECTRIC GRACE ~lcBIRN EY Is h ard a.t worl< setting type for one of the accomplish e d . T h e ir d eed s m ay n o t b e e arth sh atte rin g, and ma y " Com ing t o t he United S tates many signs displ a yed around camt>us. S h e i s one of t he many II hn ils fr om Lilu•oln J.ligh, ·tS "I!!' LO" hand at distance running : and Bob with five receptions for 82 yards. L arger size CUB Desk n ot even be well known in th eir own com mn nit y. B u t, at least ( B y P recis Featur es) lhough , you mus t send lhree dol- h as been the m ost exciting and Room SO who help with public ity f o r stud ent projects. Room 30 also " After t h e initia l w eek of Pigskin Picks. Fred J ones ~ nd mlyselt[ha rde Stapler only $1.49 Wha le n if he can better hi_ time ta U a nd weighs ! 65 Jtounds; h e w as t h ey kno w they did some thin g. I - R.G. . ds h ·1 P a z R och a 1S a c ose 1r Q uartc r ha<: k Bob 'l'oledo c omAfter a na lyzing the r ecord s of lars. If you score hig h enough , you con fus in g experience in my life," handles lost and fo und f or studen t lt.rtic les. Grace, Ve lma. Ha r~ from la~t year the Jaguars will be N o bigger lhan n pack o f gum- but ~ack !ll tied fol~ th e ctop spo t _l W5l t3h 7a-~dr~~yr H:;ri~:n 4-4, are figh ting for the I'Most Val uub le P tra:-,·cr" In the • • • By Carl p le-ted nine of 18 passes ror 126 t"• th• punch of a big dea l! Re fills ava11able 19,000 people, the Carnegie Insti- may take the M e nsa e ligibili t y g rins Noruz ( Ali) Edjla li, one of Be tty S hort, L ois Pezzag lla, a n d Virginia Silvers aU wor k t~ better at 6-2. P a t ava ruo , - , , helped greatly. everywh ere. Unconditionally guar~ n t e ed .j CC P ublic Re lations. l\lo un t H am ilton Athlct i(' Lea g ue yu rd s, u nd h is understud y , O o n ~ tute of Technology esti mated that tes t. • Bre~k e Servic e M ade in U .S . A. G e t it a t any sta hQPCfY• app roximately twenty I r a nian stuCoach Baker is very high o n za les c· lm lke<l up 86 yard s J ll h is v a rie ty, book s tore! E ven if your I .Q . isn 't of t h at de nts attending SJCC. 90% of the peopl e w ho "fiail" in . t o· pick a game this week pitting SJ CC vs. bye, l.ast yea r IUld hcllled keep Lin('oln t his year's squads ' chances . He • Inboard-Out board fo ur <·om ple tlo nl'i. e a re gomg . . k d bye ··s the winner we fe lt he ... tit le cooJtCJJ<Icr. In t he l{eedl ey life do so because t hey a r e un-a ble le vel, as long a s you h a ve a per Repa ir AU, born twent y -five years ago Cavaodds ta iO pte ree ls. ''wi th the ta le n t .m our cross OO.t' w h e n eve ryone but .bl As ae resu lt... w e cancelled' the ga me. ..., J Even though losi ng by a big to deal inte lli ge nt ly wi th ot hers. sonal code of e thics andr responsi- in T eh r an, Iran, is ma jorin g in po• Ge nera l Re pair s · s t im possr e · · game, Mik e lugged t he ~~ II 6 times country group for 1965 the agSuccess, the n, must depend on bi1i ty, you may s ucceed. Responsi- Ii tic a l science and economics . After was up a g a m k th e r et urn of Slipper y lto('k to ou r pi cks. T he r 6 5 average uars should be a competitive _chal- margin the J aguars pi cked up 319 • Boot a nd Trailer T w eek mar s I b t l is c•tm (Yti gn as t hey fo r 39 y nr lls, i l . me . Tall, good looking g irls are ve ry today or tomorrow. Tryouts ;m yards lotal offe nse, 225 in th e a ir your a bility to get a long with bility is t he pr'inicpal sign of ma- he r eceives his bachelor's degree Wirinq Rocke ts h ave an tmbelie \·ab ly lousy c u t • ~c SJcC isn't tlte rw>r car ry. M ike also was It stal· lenge for a ll opponents. Jn ter- and 94 on the ground, a com pa much in demand, an dl not by who m Frida y. r at uri ty; oft e n it can surmo unt many others . The power o f con versation, . from S a n J ose State, he plans to t ·ug lettermen on t he t e:.un. So yon • ~·squad competition has been keen you might t hink. The Flag girls, a Applicants are to be over 5 fot tively good evening's work . DISCOU NTS TO S.J.C.C. onJy place S LX r e th urm especially ,the a b i 1 i t y to list en, diffic ulties. These two qualities s tudy in Germany. He's now Hbonwar t on defense, t~.S time l fafter only a t's got t r oubles. b k thus fa•• for· the top ten spots, and Oi.ItJitandi ma kes for more difference t hal'll a have beeru found by ps ychologis t s ing up" o n German here a t City crack marching team, wou ld like 6, w it h •march ing exper ience, ar.i n g 1 i n e m an fo r Sa n STUDENTS AND FACULTY t ime he (':une up from his ha n~ the intPrest shown by all runners taH girls, prefer ab ly w i t h march- a wi llingness to pra ct ice. h G' t ·s ~et ting poor er k e key tockles. • J.ose were R i c h M iJan, Frank sterile I.Q. A per son w ith the in- to be t h e m a in c a u se s of lasting College. R uss Hod~es. t.he u n talen ted voice of t ~ ta Phone 292-6442 n .s. ~' ci t h ·rua tion. J?OSition ~ . ~ m a . • has been outstanding.' 438 S. Bascom ing experience, t o a pply ror me~­ "There will _p";jba bly be fll teHigence a nd al so the facility to achievem en ts. -. • o;mriime--a ba tte-r eomes co the pl nte m a u c - s ASkea why he- wan ts • t o go 'to \v.l ll be coun t ed on hen..v rJy ·n pen on Dully, a nd Je r ry S he lley. bership. hOurs" or P r actice a week," ~Y t he da~. ~v e. J :.T · his ,·s probably the bigges t moment so a nd so has i\li ke The leag ue season Wl o Another n eeded q uality to get G ennany, he said, " My people are communica te w ell w ith othe rs is a 'old R u ss . m serts, Four or six girl s are wanted to LaVerne . "The gi rls w ill have 'o a head is objectivity, as all jour- fond of t he G e r m a n s beca use rarity. in h is bi g league career. , b k to lead th e Jugs to sorne Jc.o.gue October 15, at San Mateo agai ns t. f fill out the presen t team of two, work es peciall y h d t he fint hadWto a ce CCSM and CCS.F'. n S pah n was h ur 1-mg a gains t t he Mets a few weeks d d ac two' vict ori es. Those wi t h a high le ve l of intel- na lists know. An o bj ective pe rson they've don e a Jot for Iran. T hey Pat Urba n and t he c apt ain La- w eek 1 , because our firs t date ~ is trusted and rec e ives the confi- h ave b uilt bridges a nd d ams, which arre I d with runners on firs t and secon an F •ank a rreshman tackle a so "' "'"' , "'" "' "' , , ligence who wa n t to develop their and h a d a seven_ r un. ea Kasko s tepped up to the pl•a te, Russ conVerne Brought on. If bhey are a c- perform is t h e 8 t h of October.' • , nd ";;!;.""'~,.-,.-,"',.""~"'", ,., , , "" \\. E dd hails from L incoln High, he sla s "',, commun1icative pOwe rs, ca n t hrough de nce of his f riend s and associates. is a necessity if a coun t ry is to cepted '( into t he sq uad they will be He m'us t have been wa tchin g a diF fe re nt 6 •4 • ta ll and t ips the scales at 200 Mensa, a worl d -wide orga nization H e carr a lso defi ne a nd evaluate become modern." issued new white satin brocade his own p roblem s wi t hout preju' t be long before he's p ut ou t to' pas ture. pounds. Frank as selected .as our "" .. I " The U nited States," he added, th a t a ccepts people with I .Q.'s of costumes, with green satjn1 trim ,game. t won Linema.n-o f-the-week for out146 or above (by i ts own tests) dice, w hich jg one or t he hardest " has a Jot m ore jus tice tha n Euro- min g. B ALONEY: It's tragica lly rumo red that ex-J ag .base- st a nding defensive play m lhe ,, ~" a nd gives them rhe opportuni ty to lhings to do, and carry out a jud i- pean coun tries. None here can They will a lso get an a i rpla n e ASSORTED 'd e n t a Uy s·h ot by a Beaver hunler. durmg ta. Reedley ga me, he invariably was ~{ ~~ cious solution. ball J ·m G a m a was acc1 • ~ p ulJ any stun t t hroug h status. meet w ith a nd lea rn from the The main meas UJ~e of fina l suc - Everyone is equal. There is a lot trip to t he Junior Rose Bowl game et I h t Fred Jones w eek ly Beaver Scoutmg rcpor . the frrst m an in the Reedley back- :{ • Topes 52.98 Gnd up ~( other m embers. These people de in P asadena this December. Those recent B eaver,' oo ;..~,~ .49'er punt return man W nyne Swinford ought field w hen their Quarte r b a_ c k '~ • Complet e L; ne of ~; velop th e tr cap abilities toge ther, cess is h a ppiness . Whe n a g roup of security here, too." wishj ng to try out fo r the team Reedle y- poor .. .. 1\1 b of e will get st u ck o n his h ands .. . . \\~e dropped back to pass. !ran~ rs t: ~~! M ensa was ask ed, "It it diffiPre-Recorded Topes \~ Allhoug h the U.S. is considered because t hey're n ot satisfied with to try s n tffi n_g glut~at ria_leLs~~r was n' t able to m ak e it to My_t hology real ha rd worker a nd IS goJng ~~ ~~ cult for the very in telligent to fi nd "ca pitalistic, " there is a little too should contact LaVerne Bro ug h ton jus t being sn;>art. in her office in the m usic building, are sorry to h ea r If the Gia nts win the pennan t, Mansanon Mura~ t 1 bolster a )'eal fin e Jaguar )l • Custom Re co,dings t,.~ ha ppiness in t he ir s ucces s? " abou t You can ta ke the tes t at home class las t w ee k. · · · uch materialism , accor di ng to tfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj . t awberry feed Happy to hear le P ~' fo r All Mode ls ~\. two-t hi rds though t th at t h eir intel- m Ali. by sending a s tamped, self-adkami is goin g t o put onL a bm ass lve s _r ked Ul> by sor~~~~e-ev~n t hough line . on your "' • SOe Diseount to A.S.B. ..,.. ligence m ade s uccess easier t o Stoff Don •s on was J) •C' . Congr a t ula tions men . \.. ,.., " I like everything a bout t his dressed e n v e 1 o p e to American thn..t 4:9'e r· ca~ . . . Any rebroadcas t re production or w wm that ....., Ca rdhol de rs on a 11 ,, come by, a nd t hat t h e y w e re hap - country, even the wome n ; but JJY by a. t a x.1 t.lr1ver . · · · ' t outsta nding play, no ..... Cust om Made Ta pes .,.., KAREJ!i.1" R AY, new social scien ce jn sttuctor, shows a stud ent on e of Mensa Se lection Agency, Box 86, pie r t han t hey would be if they it wa.s O J . without the emphatica lly expressed consen opener "'; th Diablo Valley. FLQRIST ....., '~ t he souvenirs she acquired wh.ile \"isitl ng New D elhi, capi tal of India. Gravesend Station, B rooklyn 23, wer e less i n t e-lligent, but tha t they they are not as feminine" as t he other use o f t his co umn . I 0"/ Discount to Students 0 I r a nian women. S he should be like SJ1e traveled there before teaching. Karen was In New D elhi a year New York, The test is free . If believed that intellige nce was n ' t a flower, aJways p retty a nd deJiand extended her tour a s fa r as Kaslunir. 532 S. S.seom Ave. CY 3-0655 you 'd like to lea rn your score, San Jose the most necessary q u a lity, c a te for the man." Edi!or - -----.. ·--- - - RON GREEN Asst. Edit. - ............ lEE NORMAN News Edit . ....- ......... SUSIE JO NES Feature Desk ........ JIM SCHROEDE R Sports Ed;t. .............. BOB BORZO NE


Someday Is Today

The J aguar foot ba llcr s d r aw a w elcome bye this week as they atwnpt to r egroup a fter t wo consec u tive disheartenin g performa nces. 'f}teY dropped the sea son opener to Fresno 24- 13, and were s tunned by oeedley la st w eek end , 38-14. . . ·s 1 ce 1 ro T h e offe n se, alth ou g h It has shown spora.uJ . 1· C s •tgns of· b rt ltan ' . g a tt ac·k . T l1c rt •shing game has been ]1:1\'ing to re l y sole ly on its passm . .

SC\ C'Jl yard

Scoring o n their first and Iast plays from s c r i m rn a g e wasn' t enough for th ~ J aguars last Sat~ urday nigh t, as they were routed l)y Reed ley College 38-14.

sw·t nglt-n e



Harriers In Depth


Physics Department Advances With latest Scientific Technology




t Dully,Goodman


Ciiven Awards








Swingline Tot Stapler

Is Communication the


To Success and Happiness?

Irania n Finds U.S.· Exciting


Flags Will W ave A gain











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~~u~ t~~s ~~~~;i.te li~:.



The Seventeen ·w est restaurant In San Jose sets t he scen e lor the Fal l SoCial t h is year, s ponsore d by the Les B le uettes,

a wom en's honor society on ca mpos. The occas ion, to which a U wom en students and lacuJ ty m e m be rs are invited, w iU be \Vednesday, October 6, f rom 7:30 t o 9:30 p.m. Entertainmen t an d r e:freslunents w i1J be pr ovided.


New lnstructo·r Returns From Year in India . By ROS ALIE CASTELLO K a ren Ray, just starting he r teaching career hel.'e in a nthropoJ. ogy and sociology, ended a n exciting year in India last s prin g. WhlJe Jiving in New Delh i, the capital of Ind ia, she traveled and studied t he different cult ures of

the ~ndian people. She . fu rthered her s tudies in anthropology at the Uni ve-rsity of D elhi, a nd ex tended her Lravels through I nd ia as far as Kash m ir . A lmos t a U of her traveling in India w a s done by trai n. "The India ns were very fri e ndly an d almost adopted any fr iend into their family," She said . K aren slept on rope beds, cooked on a s m a ll ke rosene burner , traveled around the city on a bicycle a nd boug ht fre sh food fr om ·a m a rket place d aily. S he lived in a sma ll room on the roof of an a partment house. In spi te of a ll t he hardships s he would like t o ret u rn someday. While in India, Karen was interested in the social change of native Indians who ha d moved to New Delhi and a lso in t he fast indus t r ialization the capi val was experienc ing as a modern growing city. After arriving t he re s he traveled wi th t he governme nt to diffe ren t villages that ha d s uffered loss and d amage durin g I nd ia's annual mo nsoons. Before her departur e from the states, Kan,n learn ed to s peak Hindi an d Urdu a t the Uni versity of Was hington in Seattle where she r eceived her masters degree in anthropology. The trip she and e ig ht classmates m a de to India was sponsored by the Aid to In ternational Deve lopment, an organizatio n whic h tak es gr a dua tes on a one year training tour.

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Baltimore Buffalo

OCTOBER H 8:00p.m. 8 Fn. .- D"a blo Valle y ... T 8:00p.m. 16 Sat .- Foothill T 8:00p.m. 23 St~ t.-Chabof .. H 8,oo p.m. 1

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ThursC!ay, Septemlier 30, 1965

City~ College


Published each Thursd ay of the sehool year by t he journalism cla sses at San Jose City Colle ge. Supportad, in pa rt, by Associated Student Body funds. Mem ber Cl lifornia Newspape r Publich11s As!ociatiofl. Second C lau pos.t·a ge pa id a t San Jo~e. Ca lif. Subscription rates: $3.00 per y~a r or 10, per copy. Phone 298-218 1, od. 230.


Palmer Hosts First Journalism (o.nference

Tlieatriear Gazette New Drama Dept. Publication

A roaring fi re- soon subs ided to coals as the sound of sizzling w einers fi lled t he September nigh t. Such was the settin g for t he first journalism conferenc e held yesterday a t the h'Ome of Carl Palmer, advisor of the Times and head of the journalism department. The journa lism st aff, depar t mental journalism classes, and a few faculty members exa m~ned problems in t he area o f journa lism and studied ways of sus taining high s tandards or colle ge pu blications for the bettermen t of the college. T he confer ence was called to a id those interested in purs ui ng a

A new publicat io n, the S.TCC Theat r 1caJ Gazette, ha s made its · a ppearance on campus . T he oneAdv. Mgr. JOHN MIGUELGORRY page per iodical is s upported by t he Busioeu Mgr. .......... BRUCE RIGGS drama depa rtment. Night Edito r .... DO N KAWASH IMA The Gazet te will contai n educaStell Artist .................... BI LL LANCE t ional items on thea ter, essays



Jaguar Eleven Battered Again; Third Enthusiastically.Greet .!!~~~-~!! nCabrillo Tourney


careet• in journa lism about. new sw t•it i n g a~qua inted peop le wt~i tin g s to r j e s fm· 1.' imes wi t h th e paper's staff


- - CITY COLT.EGE TJl\tE8-ll

6~ l:' tU~ O JQ, ~~~

a l' 1"1 u I ro rl'~el H Fla nke r Mike l\.lathedy. • f Gonzales completed four o SC\en passes for t he Joca l glidder~ during h is stint, one for 61 yaJ d~ to end J en -y Cox to se t up the fmaJ TD plunge. . . ng Along with Gonzales, recet\'1 Sa n J ose got on the scoreboard kudos from coach \Vheeleha n wus a fter 2 :53 had elapsed in the firSt cant o, with qua rterback Bob Toledo conn<'c ting: on a 52 yard toss to fla nk f' l"back J im lTN'kendol·n fo r th o ra ll y.

comer· from Hawaii. w ho packed Coach J ones did not smgle o_ut th~ leather l \\ lCe for 17 fya.rds. B y PAZ RO C HA any one sing le player as h e 1sard, < 13 1 ed lh Abo ut 45 s t udents and · l d in a Gonzales pass 01 San Jose City College P ac "This was a team e ffort aJ e attended t he con fe rence. ~:~.,. a nd re turned a kick off for h . d in 1as t. wcek "s tourn am en t way.' ' an addi tional 20 yards. ~e;~ a t Cabri llo College pooL_T he :_::=:.-.____________ _ t faith in J ag tank~rs led th in gs off With a SWimming in s tructo r s \Vh t~ l el uul ne ,·e r los "' 1ur Adviser ·······-···--·-·-·· C. W. PALMER concerning CC produ ctions, and in. len<·ed r csPrves, I .esou nd 'J n g 21-9 t ri um ph over ,~.v. onneeded to aid in the Handi<,.<l h .)'O ltng lne xpe r terey P en insu la College . Then t e ~ fl~MEN] · . ::t.t~ .... to b c. T lte. •·te r·ia l l' Ombumbon s formation about theatrica l associSwim P rogram. wh ich is SUPa-. an,.ythjng but wha.t it was n nti C JI) gi \"l n K St"\'ernJ Jlf>\.\"CO me r s their Loca ls m et de feat as College of Sa~ ~.'J a t ions on camp us, · · k d hrtve been th e l on E" vised by t h e Sa n Jose Recreati~ r Bob To le d o t o Cra.ig S hu pe :uul Ju11 1-lec en orn ' · . . 11 f l r -.1 f'h n m ·e t o sh i n P for t he ,mrple of the North ern Ca llDep a r t m e n t. offeJLfi i\'e b-r ig ht s pots, as the ba ll ca rriers ha ve onl y bee n able to t>Icl~ The editor is drama major, Kay Ma teo, one th J ags !J il d w hit.-. Cornia powerhouses stung e . The p rog r am Will start Oct• 11p two or t hree yards :Lt a.. s hot. \ Vi til fr eshm a n qun.r tprhaf'k iH ~ u u y Lampe, who is working under 3d .. k lh . al · a.t t:lf' h sh o u Ill c·on 16-l. 'The J aguars cam e back a ~d 1\o<'<lley fough t back a fter the Gotrza-les s h ow in g ~mr 1J ri se ta.len t last \H e . e • r ber 7, a nd r un throu gh May, It · · __ visitor J ohn Owen s. eld m •· n .. I . I SJCC mcu·ke r s lO scocc wi th in vol ves h e lping for OM hour 1 I . ed o ne o f the ir besi gam es m tUUie to ~ rnth er solid. fl owP vCr, r It e rumun g- (I r ,,1r b·t(·kri • . Della rm· 111 1 Ill . h . ond p ay defeating Sa n J oaqllJJ1 6 Owens s tated tha t the Gazette's week, Th ursdays from 10:30 b 12:56 remaining 111 l ~ s~oc tnust impl'ove. . " pu rpose a t present is to acquai nt J ENNIE VOC AL is be ing shown f ingerr>rint ch::t rts by Geor ge. Pa.yWith a few bre ak s t he locals could conceiva bly wm t h.1·ee l ca.., ~le ,Ja ~ u :ll' ri' M·r vr·c; l.olo le thr s h ow stanza, on an 80 yurd dJ·tve tn 11 t hi rd pl ace in t he tourn ey 7- . 11 :30 a.m., at the Y.M.C.A. · th e gndtle t·s· wtll tlt n·i n g tlw \a tlc r· mo rn •·ll l"' or th e more s tud e n t s w ith Bertold tilts. H ow eve r, unless the )'Ushing game tmpmves, plays, capped by a o ne yard plu;:;_: F oothill we re the cha m l>s as they "In t he pas't t he r.., have beeJ head of t he law enforce men t d epartm ent. . J enn ie is the f irst I n tl1is world th e re a re the p arll c• p~m ts and th e no n paro c J- Brecht, author of this year's drar'na ton, bea t College of Sa n Ma teo 10-7. policewoman t o e n r o ll in L aw E nfo rcemen t 1\. cademy. by sign al caller Frank ,Moms .. many City Co ll e g e studenu bave a toug h ti m e de nt ing the win column. T his m a rks t he second install. . d' f' o n U•!ii t, a ftf' t' Rf><•dl ey had seem. pants. The parti cip ants are t h e d oer s. They m a ke things wor k. production "Mothe r Courage." It is T iger try for point was dera tle<~ The de fe nse a ctue.U y h as pl ayed a Io t bel t e1 · th a n th e ·sco res . m tL eu ding tht?' Ja gs in the 1\to.n wor kin g ln this program,'' saM ment of the close-up previous of Their ener gy and their ability a re the guid es of progress. An enterprising Ci ty College by Jag li nebacker R ic h M ila n,. t t e re y gu m e was L a nn y L a mhvehr ho ped this will ena bl e s tudents to cate The fron t line a nd the linebackers h ave co ntributed crcdt t~ ble ingly put 111e gu mc out of sight. Lou She lled'a, a volunteer work~ t he cross-count ry prospects for the · s tudent took a book h ome from keep t he toeal e leven on to p Wit h who s t ung the n ets Jor flve .go:lls . The nonparlicipants ar e the inact lve on es. They a re co n te n t see Brech t's work . on i t s own showings, but the de fensive seconda ry h as been bur ned on va nous h~msel f. ' 'An yone wit h above av. T hird line signal ca1le r Ma nny season. T he team in depth is as a sli m 7·6 lead. the library called "H ow to Hug." t o sit on t h e corne r a nd wa tc h the world go b y. Whe n th e dust terms, TIUs seem ed to b e an game erage ability in t he wat er is in· occasio ns . f h. h have Gonzales go t t he nod from head I mag 1 n e his disappointment from the Lra ffi c grows t.hl ck they complain, a nd i f it b ecomes Many fu ndamental mist a k es have cos t t he J ags, mos t o . w l C . v ited t o he lp io the program,• ment or Jim Wheele han to t ake fo llows: San Jose grasped gam el y to its f o r the l ocals as they h a.d eJcven Owens expressed h ope t ha t the [2] A storekeeper c' 'w hen he d' i s cove r ed h e h a d intolerable they move to anoth er co rn er. But that is about all Lee Cae!-y may be in the top t en one point ma r gi n un ti l 8 :10. re- m en i n t h e sco r ing c olumn. The been due to jnexperience. T he coac1ung s taff has been trym g to rtpen he added . . over the Jagua r offen sive rei ns, t heatrkal depa r t ment will offer The la unchi ng of t he fi rst Sputhad 17 TOT Staplers. B unge sa id that the new tech- picked up Volwne 7 of the enthey do. · the:ir g r een sq uad as q u1ckly a s poss1·bl c, b u t 1·t see ms th a t someth mg and 1·esponded by leading the J ags real soon ; Ray Chavez, S ta~e ma ini ng in lhe hal f, whe n Ttger San i\fu,t eo contest was not .th P F or further information cor,. nik in 1956 br oug ht a bout t he r e- nique prepared by the University cyclopedta. All but 3 were sold. . gro wth . T he coaches. have the boysJ 68 yards in four plays to score on v.-Testli ng champ giving it a go m QB Monis pic ked off his own de - Ja ~·s game as the Bullclogs J USt haS t e mporarily stu n ted lhe1r The Tim es is si ck to d e a th of th ose who c a n do nothi n g b u t mor e works wi th pertinence to tac t the R ecr e ation Department How many did1 <><:-.....A'm-1)-,. think ing v ictory a nd t his fa ctor may b)•ing ma tu rr ty to the ~ oc 8 the final play from scri mmage-a distance run ning ; Prentiss Gary, flected pass a nd rambled p as t J ag flte up t h e loc11 J t anke rs. sit in th e Co ll ege U nion , and g ri p e abo u t th e sa il sh a p e they ot he r depa rtmen ts on cam pus, es- vision of the phys ics program in of California at Berkeley will be 12 h e have left? a rea l effor l m a n wit h one of the ctefendel's t o the S a n J ose 01 ":.e eleven sooner tha• n .rs expec t cd . \V e hope so, beca use nex t season JS s 11ppose this sc hool is in . Someon e, th ey are convinced ought to pecially politica l science and phi- seconda ry educa ti o n \Vh ich, accord- used for t he first t ime at San J ose The S a n J oaquin Delta game _ ing to scientific a uthor ities, until City College this semester in the fi nest kicks on the squad ; Ralp_h yard stripe . The dri ve w~s culml~ w a s by far the best ove~a ll game mont hs away. do some thin g abou t it. This som eone, of cotar se, is someone else. losophy. T h e philosophy for um in tha t time ha d been fifty years be- physics 4B class. This method preKea rns has only two year's expen ~ nated on a fou r yard ae r·Ja l t o e n p la y ed by the S an Jose City wa ter Af ter a ll , they're busy . November w ill be on BrC'cht . hind recent rapid advancement . sents an elect rical a na1ogy of mee nce bu l has desire to be on top; Joe Reynolds for t he go-a head 12 -7 polo ists this season. Jtm Bes t a nd A l ook i_nto t h e future sees the G itlnts niPI'' t~,e- t he D odge~ ~Y N ot that t h ey d o n ' t b el ie ve in .b e tte ri n g th e wo d fl . T h ey do. Now, ten y ears l a ter , SJ CC is a cha nical phe nomena. For example, J ohn Leydsman has bel'n away ha lftime scor·e. The publication will acce pt esW ayne R eeks, b o l h a ll-MHAL single g a m e fo r t h e Na.tio na.l Lcng u .pen na n t . 'l' he ncw: r-sa y-d u. · e< s And som e d ay, when th_e y've gra du ated from co llege an cl a t e we 11 pa rti cipa n t in the new a dva nced the fligh t of electrons t hroug h a fl·om competitio n fo l" four years \\iU finish t h r ee gn..mes off t he p ace. 'l'h c (liaut~ Wil l en:oy 11 0.~l e ,gfl~l ~ 'l.'he J agua rs f•o ul c.l rl' t ho ltl biU·k picks from last season, Jed the est abl isl1e d in the ir job, a nd h a ve some tim e to s pare th e y will s-a ys f r om En glish I B st uden ts a nd a pproach in physics. cathode r a y tube may represe nt but is attempting _a comeb~ck ; Llw ~ef'd l f' y sel·o nd h a lf r esurg- scoring. Best potted thr ee go.a Is facul ty members w ho are in ter ll blllge after Sa.t u rility's itetion , n n d " ri ll· b u <'k int o t he t h · ~.· C .m<'mn!l . , ff work fo r the improvem ent of the ir commun it y; Th rough the e fforts of Mark the flight of a ba ll through t he Howard McCa lebb, in his malden cn r c :l"i liLt~ 'l'ige rs r e le n tl essly r a n a nd R eeks scored t wo. Roundmg ested in Brech t's works . 1 will. beat t h e Gian ts in the sea.'>on finu le, hu t . l\lil wau l.:~c wrll l~n oc k o Bunge, p hy sics and p hysical sci- gravitation a l field. In using t his voyage as a d ist :.m ce man; and lh l' ~oo~• Bu t it doesn' L wo rk tha t w ay. P eo ple don?r c h an ge thjngs five, (: This is the ' o r e. lo 2 4 ~ 7 ~'t the e nt1 o r t h e ou t t he scori ng for t lie . J agu a rs the D od gf"rs to send Sa n F rahc iSC'O into .t he \ Vor l d Se r ieS. Each wee k c oach Wheelehan Glen McKewen, a hard worker t h ird qnurter, o n a ~ ten , o r twent y years from now, Som e da y is today, and toda y is Owe~ o ffered to s peak ~bout e nce ins t ructor, the phys ics depart- met hod, t he concepts of physics, · o r TD ~ Ca p ta in Jim Ogde n a nd parr and his st a ff w ill select two m~ n WC L .... •· h whe n th ey h ave to start. lt doesn ' t have t o be a b ig change. lt can Brecht in a ny English class inter- men t h as been k eeping up with sci- ins t ead of it s application, wilJ be a ls o in his initial season. one homb o f 30 a n d 72 y ards fr om L a nn y La ndweh r· both W Jt Fra nk Linzy of the Gian ts a nd J un Lefevbt~e o f .L.- A. a: e battlrn g ·who have performed br llliantly m ' be stude nt govern m ent, a club, or a camp us p lthl ica ti on. Bi g ested a nd a dded, "Bre ch t is a po- e ntific technology. E 1 e c t r o n i c s t r essed. oa l. T h is game was the best deOthers i n c 1 u de Tom Nelson, g the las t ga me , as their pick for ~l o n i.s. , it ou t fo r " Rookie-of-the -Year" honors. As of th rs wrlt mg L mzy st: .ms h te r ch a n ge often b egins at th e roots a n d e ven the ta llest tree to ppl es li tical a nd social figure of our equipmen t, such as t h e cathode r a y The new equi pment was purthird man in the MHAL c ross Reedley was n' t just cont e nt to fensive ga me pla yed by t e wa Back a nd Lineman of the week. times, who le nds himself easily to tube now tak es th e p lace of the chased lhrough the National Deto have t h e nod. The Giants bes pectacled .right-h a ~ders =~s i:,cisc~ when the roots di e . . d n boys. They let down a little bit as This week for their Outstandi ng cou ntry meet last year; Gil _P~ l a­ 9-3 mar k besides reg is ted_ng 14 saves. Wtthout htm c play marbles, a nd contJnll;e . o th ~ game w as c;ontro lled b y SJCC B ut w hen e nterin g an y projec t it is best to go i n h a r d. It is no being 1a bas is of discussion by sev- .ba tteries and wire used in prevjous fe n se Educa tion A ct, in conjuncperform a nce in t he Reedley game, cios, t he squad 's dark horse, IS Jm- with the ir number one unt t mto .. · h · a mes er a out l disciplines.'' · la b classes. ti on with City College. good to go ha lf wa y . M u c h time i s was te d and no real good is wo~~f:~b~; hta~rd~;~v~:'ed clu tch .hi ts, but his overall batl~ng a;er age our Back _ of _ the . week is Mike I)I'Ovin g ra pidly; Geor ge Puentes, a th e final can to agai nst San J ose b ut t he le t down made t he scor e a d on e. A great de a l of tim e a n d e ner gy m ust b e e xtended to bring bit more close t ha n t he type of powN·fu l run ner with good speed; is only .239. H is fie lding brings back s·h · ?f the fa?Jed ose aga n, Good man, a nd t he Lineman-of- thereserves. al ga me pla yed t h e 1 0 c a 1 ta nke r s . an y worthwhile achi 3vem ent to a cause, h uL t h e effo r-t is w o rth iL. J im Rocca, is one of the top prosweek is Fra Mike nk Dull G o y. o Both d m of a n these led the loc he char es everyth ing, even bloopers m to the outfield. . . pects in the team; Bill Rumph, a grou nd attack rackin g up 39 ya:ds W h en p eople latch on to th e ir s li ce o f wo rl d and l e ave it in as l\lore tl~u n Uke ly Li nzy w iU receive th e awa rd ~[ th~ G_ran~'> ~vinb ~~ men wer e instrume ntal in San Ia te star ter who has been . h~ m­ in six carries, w hile forme r h r ~h J ose's offe nse a nd defense. b e tte r sh ape than they fo<md it, the n they have the knowl e dge H ·r t h e Dodgers l>revail Lcfe\'hre w rll pl ob." JI :o, e e by illness; Dan S_ttrlm ~, school teammate at L incoln, Jtm th at the y d i d som e thin g. Whe r e o th e rs at a n d comp la in e d , t h ey ::~we:.";:e~~:ttcr who wins t he penn~~ nt. Linzy deserves t he honor. i\like, ,... f halrbacl• wh o pered Nor Cal hurdle champ t1-ymg hiS Heckendorn topped all r eceivers (indudinc l OOO •tapl ~s) AUTO ELECTRIC GRACE ~lcBIRN EY Is h ard a.t worl< setting type for one of the accomplish e d . T h e ir d eed s m ay n o t b e e arth sh atte rin g, and ma y " Com ing t o t he United S tates many signs displ a yed around camt>us. S h e i s one of t he many II hn ils fr om Lilu•oln J.ligh, ·tS "I!!' LO" hand at distance running : and Bob with five receptions for 82 yards. L arger size CUB Desk n ot even be well known in th eir own com mn nit y. B u t, at least ( B y P recis Featur es) lhough , you mus t send lhree dol- h as been the m ost exciting and Room SO who help with public ity f o r stud ent projects. Room 30 also " After t h e initia l w eek of Pigskin Picks. Fred J ones ~ nd mlyselt[ha rde Stapler only $1.49 Wha le n if he can better hi_ time ta U a nd weighs ! 65 Jtounds; h e w as t h ey kno w they did some thin g. I - R.G. . ds h ·1 P a z R och a 1S a c ose 1r Q uartc r ha<: k Bob 'l'oledo c omAfter a na lyzing the r ecord s of lars. If you score hig h enough , you con fus in g experience in my life," handles lost and fo und f or studen t lt.rtic les. Grace, Ve lma. Ha r~ from la~t year the Jaguars will be N o bigger lhan n pack o f gum- but ~ack !ll tied fol~ th e ctop spo t _l W5l t3h 7a-~dr~~yr H:;ri~:n 4-4, are figh ting for the I'Most Val uub le P tra:-,·cr" In the • • • By Carl p le-ted nine of 18 passes ror 126 t"• th• punch of a big dea l! Re fills ava11able 19,000 people, the Carnegie Insti- may take the M e nsa e ligibili t y g rins Noruz ( Ali) Edjla li, one of Be tty S hort, L ois Pezzag lla, a n d Virginia Silvers aU wor k t~ better at 6-2. P a t ava ruo , - , , helped greatly. everywh ere. Unconditionally guar~ n t e ed .j CC P ublic Re lations. l\lo un t H am ilton Athlct i(' Lea g ue yu rd s, u nd h is understud y , O o n ~ tute of Technology esti mated that tes t. • Bre~k e Servic e M ade in U .S . A. G e t it a t any sta hQPCfY• app roximately twenty I r a nian stuCoach Baker is very high o n za les c· lm lke<l up 86 yard s J ll h is v a rie ty, book s tore! E ven if your I .Q . isn 't of t h at de nts attending SJCC. 90% of the peopl e w ho "fiail" in . t o· pick a game this week pitting SJ CC vs. bye, l.ast yea r IUld hcllled keep Lin('oln t his year's squads ' chances . He • Inboard-Out board fo ur <·om ple tlo nl'i. e a re gomg . . k d bye ··s the winner we fe lt he ... tit le cooJtCJJ<Icr. In t he l{eedl ey life do so because t hey a r e un-a ble le vel, as long a s you h a ve a per Repa ir AU, born twent y -five years ago Cavaodds ta iO pte ree ls. ''wi th the ta le n t .m our cross OO.t' w h e n eve ryone but .bl As ae resu lt... w e cancelled' the ga me. ..., J Even though losi ng by a big to deal inte lli ge nt ly wi th ot hers. sonal code of e thics andr responsi- in T eh r an, Iran, is ma jorin g in po• Ge nera l Re pair s · s t im possr e · · game, Mik e lugged t he ~~ II 6 times country group for 1965 the agSuccess, the n, must depend on bi1i ty, you may s ucceed. Responsi- Ii tic a l science and economics . After was up a g a m k th e r et urn of Slipper y lto('k to ou r pi cks. T he r 6 5 average uars should be a competitive _chal- margin the J aguars pi cked up 319 • Boot a nd Trailer T w eek mar s I b t l is c•tm (Yti gn as t hey fo r 39 y nr lls, i l . me . Tall, good looking g irls are ve ry today or tomorrow. Tryouts ;m yards lotal offe nse, 225 in th e a ir your a bility to get a long with bility is t he pr'inicpal sign of ma- he r eceives his bachelor's degree Wirinq Rocke ts h ave an tmbelie \·ab ly lousy c u t • ~c SJcC isn't tlte rw>r car ry. M ike also was It stal· lenge for a ll opponents. Jn ter- and 94 on the ground, a com pa much in demand, an dl not by who m Frida y. r at uri ty; oft e n it can surmo unt many others . The power o f con versation, . from S a n J ose State, he plans to t ·ug lettermen on t he t e:.un. So yon • ~·squad competition has been keen you might t hink. The Flag girls, a Applicants are to be over 5 fot tively good evening's work . DISCOU NTS TO S.J.C.C. onJy place S LX r e th urm especially ,the a b i 1 i t y to list en, diffic ulties. These two qualities s tudy in Germany. He's now Hbonwar t on defense, t~.S time l fafter only a t's got t r oubles. b k thus fa•• for· the top ten spots, and Oi.ItJitandi ma kes for more difference t hal'll a have beeru found by ps ychologis t s ing up" o n German here a t City crack marching team, wou ld like 6, w it h •march ing exper ience, ar.i n g 1 i n e m an fo r Sa n STUDENTS AND FACULTY t ime he (':une up from his ha n~ the intPrest shown by all runners taH girls, prefer ab ly w i t h march- a wi llingness to pra ct ice. h G' t ·s ~et ting poor er k e key tockles. • J.ose were R i c h M iJan, Frank sterile I.Q. A per son w ith the in- to be t h e m a in c a u se s of lasting College. R uss Hod~es. t.he u n talen ted voice of t ~ ta Phone 292-6442 n .s. ~' ci t h ·rua tion. J?OSition ~ . ~ m a . • has been outstanding.' 438 S. Bascom ing experience, t o a pply ror me~­ "There will _p";jba bly be fll teHigence a nd al so the facility to achievem en ts. -. • o;mriime--a ba tte-r eomes co the pl nte m a u c - s ASkea why he- wan ts • t o go 'to \v.l ll be coun t ed on hen..v rJy ·n pen on Dully, a nd Je r ry S he lley. bership. hOurs" or P r actice a week," ~Y t he da~. ~v e. J :.T · his ,·s probably the bigges t moment so a nd so has i\li ke The leag ue season Wl o Another n eeded q uality to get G ennany, he said, " My people are communica te w ell w ith othe rs is a 'old R u ss . m serts, Four or six girl s are wanted to LaVerne . "The gi rls w ill have 'o a head is objectivity, as all jour- fond of t he G e r m a n s beca use rarity. in h is bi g league career. , b k to lead th e Jugs to sorne Jc.o.gue October 15, at San Mateo agai ns t. f fill out the presen t team of two, work es peciall y h d t he fint hadWto a ce CCSM and CCS.F'. n S pah n was h ur 1-mg a gains t t he Mets a few weeks d d ac two' vict ori es. Those wi t h a high le ve l of intel- na lists know. An o bj ective pe rson they've don e a Jot for Iran. T hey Pat Urba n and t he c apt ain La- w eek 1 , because our firs t date ~ is trusted and rec e ives the confi- h ave b uilt bridges a nd d ams, which arre I d with runners on firs t and secon an F •ank a rreshman tackle a so "' "'"' , "'" "' "' , , ligence who wa n t to develop their and h a d a seven_ r un. ea Kasko s tepped up to the pl•a te, Russ conVerne Brought on. If bhey are a c- perform is t h e 8 t h of October.' • , nd ";;!;.""'~,.-,.-,"',.""~"'", ,., , , "" \\. E dd hails from L incoln High, he sla s "',, commun1icative pOwe rs, ca n t hrough de nce of his f riend s and associates. is a necessity if a coun t ry is to cepted '( into t he sq uad they will be He m'us t have been wa tchin g a diF fe re nt 6 •4 • ta ll and t ips the scales at 200 Mensa, a worl d -wide orga nization H e carr a lso defi ne a nd evaluate become modern." issued new white satin brocade his own p roblem s wi t hout preju' t be long before he's p ut ou t to' pas ture. pounds. Frank as selected .as our "" .. I " The U nited States," he added, th a t a ccepts people with I .Q.'s of costumes, with green satjn1 trim ,game. t won Linema.n-o f-the-week for out146 or above (by i ts own tests) dice, w hich jg one or t he hardest " has a Jot m ore jus tice tha n Euro- min g. B ALONEY: It's tragica lly rumo red that ex-J ag .base- st a nding defensive play m lhe ,, ~" a nd gives them rhe opportuni ty to lhings to do, and carry out a jud i- pean coun tries. None here can They will a lso get an a i rpla n e ASSORTED 'd e n t a Uy s·h ot by a Beaver hunler. durmg ta. Reedley ga me, he invariably was ~{ ~~ cious solution. ball J ·m G a m a was acc1 • ~ p ulJ any stun t t hroug h status. meet w ith a nd lea rn from the The main meas UJ~e of fina l suc - Everyone is equal. There is a lot trip to t he Junior Rose Bowl game et I h t Fred Jones w eek ly Beaver Scoutmg rcpor . the frrst m an in the Reedley back- :{ • Topes 52.98 Gnd up ~( other m embers. These people de in P asadena this December. Those recent B eaver,' oo ;..~,~ .49'er punt return man W nyne Swinford ought field w hen their Quarte r b a_ c k '~ • Complet e L; ne of ~; velop th e tr cap abilities toge ther, cess is h a ppiness . Whe n a g roup of security here, too." wishj ng to try out fo r the team Reedle y- poor .. .. 1\1 b of e will get st u ck o n his h ands .. . . \\~e dropped back to pass. !ran~ rs t: ~~! M ensa was ask ed, "It it diffiPre-Recorded Topes \~ Allhoug h the U.S. is considered because t hey're n ot satisfied with to try s n tffi n_g glut~at ria_leLs~~r was n' t able to m ak e it to My_t hology real ha rd worker a nd IS goJng ~~ ~~ cult for the very in telligent to fi nd "ca pitalistic, " there is a little too should contact LaVerne Bro ug h ton jus t being sn;>art. in her office in the m usic building, are sorry to h ea r If the Gia nts win the pennan t, Mansanon Mura~ t 1 bolster a )'eal fin e Jaguar )l • Custom Re co,dings t,.~ ha ppiness in t he ir s ucces s? " abou t You can ta ke the tes t at home class las t w ee k. · · · uch materialism , accor di ng to tfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj . t awberry feed Happy to hear le P ~' fo r All Mode ls ~\. two-t hi rds though t th at t h eir intel- m Ali. by sending a s tamped, self-adkami is goin g t o put onL a bm ass lve s _r ked Ul> by sor~~~~e-ev~n t hough line . on your "' • SOe Diseount to A.S.B. ..,.. ligence m ade s uccess easier t o Stoff Don •s on was J) •C' . Congr a t ula tions men . \.. ,.., " I like everything a bout t his dressed e n v e 1 o p e to American thn..t 4:9'e r· ca~ . . . Any rebroadcas t re production or w wm that ....., Ca rdhol de rs on a 11 ,, come by, a nd t hat t h e y w e re hap - country, even the wome n ; but JJY by a. t a x.1 t.lr1ver . · · · ' t outsta nding play, no ..... Cust om Made Ta pes .,.., KAREJ!i.1" R AY, new social scien ce jn sttuctor, shows a stud ent on e of Mensa Se lection Agency, Box 86, pie r t han t hey would be if they it wa.s O J . without the emphatica lly expressed consen opener "'; th Diablo Valley. FLQRIST ....., '~ t he souvenirs she acquired wh.ile \"isitl ng New D elhi, capi tal of India. Gravesend Station, B rooklyn 23, wer e less i n t e-lligent, but tha t they they are not as feminine" as t he other use o f t his co umn . I 0"/ Discount to Students 0 I r a nian women. S he should be like SJ1e traveled there before teaching. Karen was In New D elhi a year New York, The test is free . If believed that intellige nce was n ' t a flower, aJways p retty a nd deJiand extended her tour a s fa r as Kaslunir. 532 S. S.seom Ave. CY 3-0655 you 'd like to lea rn your score, San Jose the most necessary q u a lity, c a te for the man." Edi!or - -----.. ·--- - - RON GREEN Asst. Edit. - ............ lEE NORMAN News Edit . ....- ......... SUSIE JO NES Feature Desk ........ JIM SCHROEDE R Sports Ed;t. .............. BOB BORZO NE


Someday Is Today

The J aguar foot ba llcr s d r aw a w elcome bye this week as they atwnpt to r egroup a fter t wo consec u tive disheartenin g performa nces. 'f}teY dropped the sea son opener to Fresno 24- 13, and were s tunned by oeedley la st w eek end , 38-14. . . ·s 1 ce 1 ro T h e offe n se, alth ou g h It has shown spora.uJ . 1· C s •tgns of· b rt ltan ' . g a tt ac·k . T l1c rt •shing game has been ]1:1\'ing to re l y sole ly on its passm . .

SC\ C'Jl yard

Scoring o n their first and Iast plays from s c r i m rn a g e wasn' t enough for th ~ J aguars last Sat~ urday nigh t, as they were routed l)y Reed ley College 38-14.

sw·t nglt-n e



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Is Communication the


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Flags Will W ave A gain











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The Seventeen ·w est restaurant In San Jose sets t he scen e lor the Fal l SoCial t h is year, s ponsore d by the Les B le uettes,

a wom en's honor society on ca mpos. The occas ion, to which a U wom en students and lacuJ ty m e m be rs are invited, w iU be \Vednesday, October 6, f rom 7:30 t o 9:30 p.m. Entertainmen t an d r e:freslunents w i1J be pr ovided.


New lnstructo·r Returns From Year in India . By ROS ALIE CASTELLO K a ren Ray, just starting he r teaching career hel.'e in a nthropoJ. ogy and sociology, ended a n exciting year in India last s prin g. WhlJe Jiving in New Delh i, the capital of Ind ia, she traveled and studied t he different cult ures of

the ~ndian people. She . fu rthered her s tudies in anthropology at the Uni ve-rsity of D elhi, a nd ex tended her Lravels through I nd ia as far as Kash m ir . A lmos t a U of her traveling in India w a s done by trai n. "The India ns were very fri e ndly an d almost adopted any fr iend into their family," She said . K aren slept on rope beds, cooked on a s m a ll ke rosene burner , traveled around the city on a bicycle a nd boug ht fre sh food fr om ·a m a rket place d aily. S he lived in a sma ll room on the roof of an a partment house. In spi te of a ll t he hardships s he would like t o ret u rn someday. While in India, Karen was interested in the social change of native Indians who ha d moved to New Delhi and a lso in t he fast indus t r ialization the capi val was experienc ing as a modern growing city. After arriving t he re s he traveled wi th t he governme nt to diffe ren t villages that ha d s uffered loss and d amage durin g I nd ia's annual mo nsoons. Before her departur e from the states, Kan,n learn ed to s peak Hindi an d Urdu a t the Uni versity of Was hington in Seattle where she r eceived her masters degree in anthropology. The trip she and e ig ht classmates m a de to India was sponsored by the Aid to In ternational Deve lopment, an organizatio n whic h tak es gr a dua tes on a one year training tour.

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l'hursday, Sept mber 30, 1965 ,



Dean Announces Enrollment Down; Students Attempting Heavier Loads Student population is a pproximately 400 below estimated pTedictions, announced Dea n of Admissions, Paul Becker. The day enrollment is 4,121. The college, expecting an increase in population, hired a number of new instructors to handle the enrollment growth. Howev~r, despite tlle smaller turnout mo;re ~tudents are taking heavier loa4s. Tltis is attributed to the severe draft deferment policy which has been employed this year. "Apparently more men in the 18-26 age group are taking full, 15-hour loads because of new Selective Service policies," Becker pointed out. explained Selective The they only concerned wereService that with the progress of the student. In order for them to progress properly 15 hours each semester must be taken. In the past students were deferred if they maintained a program of 12 hours a semester. San Jose State College contl·ibuted to the situation by accepting more freshmen than earlier anticipated.

While the day program is lingering below expectations, night enrollment is up 687 this semester to 5,266. Becker continued his report to District Trustees by discussing the possibility of purchasing data processing ·equipment rather than co!lltract with a private firm for registration services. A detailed report on the computer program for schools will be brought before the Board in the near future, according to Becker. New systems are being devel-


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ope<l which are .consiclered better than the present ystem as far as Becker and Richard Goff, assistant superintendent of business are concerned. Presently, the proposed contract of Albert C. Martin Associates for architectural services for the district will be examined by the Board. The firm was nominated in order to investigate present college facilities and a new college jn East San Jose in a long-range program.

Introd uces' Nelw RuIes


Gain: 3" on Chest 3" off Waist

"Operation Spirit" will be put into effect at the next home football game which will be October 8 with Diablo Valley. The cheerleaders have initiated the awarding of trophies to clubs who boast the best spirit. Toni Kaska, head cheerleader, encourages all club members to support them at games and if possible join the rally club. "There will be a great (\ea] of preparation into m aldng this program a success. All that it take for your club to be outstanding on campus is spirit and interest. It is all so sirnt)Ie," he beamed. All clubs will be informed of this new idea at their next meeting. Be sure to attend so you will know what res u 1 t s h ave been reached, she continued. "So get out,. there and win that trophy," Toni concluded.

cc par kI•ng c0 mm•Ittee·

Although they consider the City College law enforcement and student court departments to have been most successful in reducing parking violations on campus, a few changes have been made by t he Committee on College Park· ing. San Jose City College will con-

San Jose Health Club 413 E. Santa Clara St. Call 295-9910

tinue to utilize its law enforcement department by having officers patrol the various sections of the school at different time intervals. The officers wUl issue parking tlcl{ets to those who violate traffic laws. Last year's students were required to pay one dollar bail to arrange for a court hearing. "A student cited for a violation should immediately see ~ secr etary in the Finance Offic ' to arrange for a court hearin If the student feels the citation i~ unwa rranted," commented tbe committee. The student court will continue to serve as the court of appeals. "If a person receives more than two separate citations, except for Section 507, (reckless dl'iving) , he shall have his parl<ing privileges revoked for the remalnder of the semester ot· two months whichever period of time is longer ," pointed out the parking committee. A Section 507 violation will cause immediate suspension of all parking privileges. "Failure to abide by the revocation will be cause for suspension from all classes," concluded the group.

Tr9phies Awarded To ·c lubs Boasting Best School Spirit

Merchants Issue Warning that the rear area is surra by fences and the only ent~ . ~ is through th f e ront dr1v~ "W wi 11 have a sign posted e unauthorized cars will be ~ away at the owner's expense; : we cer-tainly don't wish to this," he added. Two stores will open for bus.. ness this week, the San lllo Bridge Center at 814 and ... "' beauty parlor a t 812. "If ~ ~g .can be done to clear up Itt sttuanon we would certainly not handle student parldng." He continued by pointing out preciate it," concluded Maclean.~ P arking, a problem which faces the San Jose City College student year after year, has extended beyond the school parking facilities. Local business owners have com· plained to college officials and if th~ situation i~ not altered penalt1es could anse. "The buildings direetJy across from County Hospital, 800, 810, 812, llltd 814, South Bascom, hM•e ,·ery limited parking areas, , s ta.ted R. l\1. Maclean, "and we just can-


Cortez Foresees Expansion Possible expansion of the mechanics vocational department of City College is hoped by Stock Cortez, an instructor of auto mechanics here. Cortez said that such expansion wouid occur after the hlgh school students City College for the new vocational center in about two years. He continued by saying he saw the possible expansion of his department into the area now occupied by the high school workshops. "The growth of the vocational program to small engines such as outboards, motorcycles, and other small engines is likely in the future," commented Cortez. The mechanics instructor a dded that lie hoJ)ed to start a course in cons umer mechanics. Such a course would answer the questions that most students find in dealing with automobiles sucl1 as, "How do I buy a new battery, how do I buy good tires?" and would be coeducational.


For those students who do not plan to make a living in mechanics, a course may be offered concerning consumer problems, he r evealed. "At the present time," stated Cortez, "the shop c 1 asses are carrying a 20 percent overload of students.

D'Anna 's Beauty Salon 92 N. BASCOM AVENU E

Tltis week's Co-R-ee program will offer "Pajama. Festival" as its theme and Frank Lynch, program chairman, promises many hllartous and exciting events. The dress will be your favorite pa-i r of "PJ's," worn over your own clothing.


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YOll can date for less in Lee Leens. (With the authority of the leen-look, you can convince her that going out ••• is out.)

German Club Plans Year The German Club is beginning an active year, according to Dr. Charlotte Montandon, club advisor. Tomorrow night, October 1, the j club will meet at her home to elect officers, decide upon activities for this semester, and view slides of Austria. Any student interested in the Germa n language, or the customs a nd country, is invited. Dr. Montandon suggested t h a t anyone knowing a German-speaking per;on bring him a 1 on g but they :Should first contact her in either 26 or 27A.

"These extra-curricular activities are a broadening experience," Dr. Montandon concluded. "One finds out painlessly about many interesting people, customs and faraway places." A dance will be held for the German coJru)1unity this Saturday in Germania H a ll on First Street at 7:30, Dr. Montandon informed. Also, radio station KLOK broadcasts in German once a week. Sat· urdays the program starts at 10:15. Those interested in improving their ~nowledge of the language s hould listen, says the German instructor.

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