Thurs~ay, becember 2, 1965 r ·~e·ceive
Turiey 'Dinner
Needy Families Happier
law Enforcement Training Acad~my
Women Form Cage Team
Thanks to Campus Clubs ~~~~:~~~~~ "Les Bluettes," the women 's honor society, and the Cosmetology Club of San Jose City College, made some needy f-amilies a little happier Thanl<sgiving Day, by pre~ senting them with complete ''tur~ key and all the trimmings," dinne1·. The families were selected from the Woodrow \Vilson Junior· Hjgh School area, and t he Brandon H ouse of the Sanla C1m'a Welfare Agency. " \Ve provided the e nti re tlinTHANKS TO THE COMBINED _E FFORTS of Les Bluettcs women's honorary society, and t11e Cosmeto logy Club, needy r~tmiJie~ in San ta ners," said 11 LCS Bluettes" c hairCla r a .comtty we re tl·eated to a Tha nksgivi ng dbmer with aJJ t be mfill Lore tta Reyes, "including t h e tTinumngs. Shown he r e a r e Lc:s lUnettes members Loretta R eyes a nd tablecloth and d ecorations." T h e Geam1e 1\' displayin g their food basket. --"'-""=::::...===::::..."-'-""-"X::J!~~C!_..~~~~~----------1 25 member group co ntributed S1 e<LCh wor t h of canned goods and other dinne r preparations. The tur-
keys were contri buted by Jten a Fru.bon y and Linda. Davis, so<'iety ad , ;sors. For the Cos m e to 1 o g y Club, Thanksgiving baskets have been
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given annually for the past six years. They have received many letters of "thanks," from t'he de· servin g an d very appreciative fam · ilies. All the s tudents in the Cosmetology Club partjcipatcd by filling a basket containing enough
Pric:e for a week to anyone bringing in two new people.
San J ose
grad uated 32 law enforcement offood for a family of six. 1\.'farlia ficers recenlly. The 32 graduates Dodson. was hospitality chairman J'epresent four police agencies in of the clubs Thanksgiving Day Santa Clara Coun ty. charity. The 10·week training course is Lois Lf'e , of the Co~meto l ogy co nducted by CC's d epart111ent of Club said, "They're a lways e ntllu· Ja w enforcement, and is atte nded si!tstic nOOut he lr,ing, nnd Utey ar1• b_y fu ll -time Jlolice officers who Ute first to thJnk or it. I never been st."lt>C'tt-d by their own h iLVe to prompt them." deJu\rtment..s to :t.ttend the t'la'-;ses duJ'ing their workin g hours. Representin g the San Jose Police Depat·tment in lhe ce,·emonies wh ich took place in the college theater: Jerry Albel"icci, Rjchard Area, Dave Batholomew, Charles New pledges for Beta Phi Gama Belveal, Charles Blackmore, Louis Honorary Journalism Fraternity Cobarruviaz, Dave Crandall, Mich~ have been announced tcx:lay in a ael Destro, John Diehl. Bruce Fair, Paul Farlow, who was the clasS membership meeting. , Rob Borz.onP, Bill Bny1ey. Rosa- president; Pete Guedn, Ken Herrlie Castello, Linda Czuj, Ron Gree n, mann, Bruce Hodgin, John Kracht, Curtis Hyde, Kathy Moore, L ee Jack Morris, James McElgunn, Norman, )fike O 'Co nnor, and Jim J ames Silvers , Gary Thompson. Schroeder are t he students under Joseph \>Veinreb, J ack Woodal, consideration. Ron Williams, and John Trussler. The graduates who represented To qualify, students must have a 2.6 grade point average, l1ave t he Santa Clara County S heriff's taken at least two journalism Department ~lr e: ~ li c hae l Fine, COUI'Ses, and "express interest an(} Ja.m es 1'ower-s, and Je.l;Ulue Vogel. enthusiasm fOT· journalism." J an Duke, Timothy Hart, Mi~ The High Sch6ol Press Associa- chael Koop, Floyd Worley, and tion and the Ladies Man on Cam- Myron Zaccheo J'ept·escn ted the pus conle:-.t ar-e included for this C ity of Sa n ta C lara Police Depart· •1l€\.'ll''s slate of f1·atel'nity uctivi· mcn t, and Don Stefcmi hailed f1'0m ties. _!--he Campbell Police Depurtment.
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Stop in a t Son Jose's largest and finest · ski headquarters and get ac:quainted.
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· Under Collier Bill
P,etitions Due For Spting ASB Offices
WJNNIXC? S'I'YL}: is displaye_<l by Shirley Silveria, gradu-
ate of Ctty Co_Uege _m 1963. :\Irs. Silverm is returnJng to campus 88
a teac her tramee 111 t-h e cosrnetolog-y depa1·tment. Fo llowing two years Jn the fi e_ld as a licensed bca uticia.n, !\Irs. Silveria will be in a te1\Cher training progra m for two semesters and in vocatlonat tra.tnJ (()r one semest er befo1·c co mple ti ng he r teachlng require ments at thn: Uui vt! rsiLy of Cali (orniu.
Cosmetology Trainee Silveria Returns to City in New Role Returning to her alma mater, not as a student but as a teacher trainee, Shirley Silveria, 22, of San Jose, has realized her life's fondest dream . An outstanding cosmetology s tudent, Shirley received her AA degree fmm San Jose City College in 1963. She has been very success· ful as a licensed beauty operator for the past two years.
"I h.:we received su,>eri or trabt-
ing ns a. student. and would lilie to
(See Page 2)
~-~-.-~----------~N~o-.:9--------------------------------~~S~A-N__J_O-SE-.-C-A~_.L-IF_O_R_N_I_A_,-TH_U_R~S~D~A-Y-.-N-O_V_E_M_B-ER--IB-,-~-9-65----------~------~---,.-.~ --------------~P-no_n_e_2-98--2~1~8-l/~a-t.-2~3~0
Journalism Society Announces Pledges
<lii t~ ([olltgt .~i mt1t
(See Page 4}
Unusual English Class
be a ble t.o give my futnr e stud en ts t he same kind of trai ning," Sh irley expJained, as her drc:t.n1 to retu rn to t he San Jose City CoJiege Cosmetology Department came true, The [eachcr trainee program Shirley is involved with consists of two years of actual work experience in the field after receiving the AA degree, ~wo semesters of
teacher training in a jun ior college, one semester of vocational classes. She will complete the vocational course requlrements at the University of Ca li(ornia next semeste r. \Vh.ile a. s tml ent, Shirley woa t wo t rollhies !'or outstanding hair· styling, as well as n $1 00 sch.larship t o 'fm·ther her studies in advanced styling. Carrying her excel· lent work and interest into t ile professional field , she won tour more trophies in hairstyling competitiOn. As a member of the San JQ!E! affiliate of the Natio na l Cosmetology Association, Shirley was sele·c led to be a member of the San Jose Hairstyling Panel. The 2()-.member panel is respon sible for introducing ne\\1( hair styles to the association. · Sh~ley, a native San Josean. hopes to teach at a junior college in the area wh~n she completes her training program. "My prefer· ence,'' she sai_d, "is naturally San Jose City College." and
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Students May Have To Repay State For Their Education '
"PetitionS for Associated- Student BodY omces must be filed by Mon· daY, November 22, in the Student services o.f.fice. Flfty s ignat ures o f activity card h olders are nec':sary to place a person on t he pr1mary pallot. There are five offices open to nominees. ASB President, ASB Vice-President, ASB Correspond~ iJlg SecretarY. Freshman Class ~de:nt, and Sophomore C~ass president. Candida tes -are requiTed to have a 2.0 grade point average for t he semester previous to tho o ne in which they seek office. They mus t also have a 2.0 GPA on their work ~in-progress at the time they file their petition to run for office Or become a write-in candida te. Aspirants mu st have activity cards.
be due when his income reaches $4,000 per year, if he is sing le, or $5,000 per year if he is married. A person holding a masters de~ gree will not be required to begin payment'i until his income reaches $5,000 per year if he is sing le, or $6,000 if he is married. DOC•rORATE F or persons holding a doctorate, VAJtlABL}J R EPAYMENT the paym.e nts wi ll begjn when l1is The bill provideS for a variable income 1·eaches $7,000 per· -year, rerepayment pla n .based on Lhe de· gardl ess of his marital s t a t u s. gree the student earns, his madThese figures reJa[e only to l he ta l status, ana his income after time 1hat paymenL'> ·begin. In adgraduation. r n the case of a perdition there is a maximum income NOMINATIONB son holding a bachelors degree or lhut, when reached, makes th e less, ten per cent of the note will The Nomhuttion Assembly will FOUR EDUCATIONAL LEADERS from Gertnnny on tour of the United St~:Ltes und er the auspices of tota l note balance immediately be held 'ru escl-a y, Nu \1ember 20, a.t t he Depnrtment ol Health, Education a nd Welfare came to Sa.n J ose yestercJa.y to inSJ1~t the program payable. This is in the a 1-ea o f offered at San Jose City Coll ege. H er e City Coll ege President H. R. Buchser, s~ond fl·om left, greets ,1 ~ :t.m. in the Quad. The Crutdi~ the visitors, leJt to right: Dr. H. Deis.~,jJer, stn,te ins1:.ector or secondary s c h o o I s, DeutSch land, $21,000 per yem~ for bache iOI'S and masters degtee holde1-s, and> $3·1,000 dates' Ra ll y is s c h e d u l e d for Germa.nJ; D1·. R-olf E. Hauer, Ueput:y state director, school section or Dowe r s:--xony, Hannover, ~~r ma.ny; Hanns J(essel, state supervisor of schools, Bremen, Germ any; and \ylnJneU Borg1~n1nn, Engln;h, ~r year for doctors . Thu.rslhLy, D ecember 2, s11Jlle time, Latin :md Physkal Education instructor a.t a coll ege pre pnrut.ory schoo1 m Mwtster, Ger!ua ny. City NJ;W C O;NCEI~ _aame phiee, as is the President',s College is the only junior college t he group will visit during tlwlr two-month tour of A1uencn.. 111is i s a new concept in educa· Debate, 'l'uesdu.y, December 7. lion as far as California is con ~ cerned, but 45 out of the 50 s tates The primary election,,\December 8, will decide t hose Leland L Medsker, vice-chairman of the Univers ity of California have a progrnm simila r to this one. contests where there are o nlY' two Center for• the Study of Higher Educa tiion at Berkeley, called fol' Although the bill failed Lo gain enOugh support at the last sess ion nominees. In those with more tJhan more job tra ining courses in California junior colleges in a talk to 500 of the legisla ture, it may be r·etwo candidates, a general election j unior college officials and fa cul ty members recently. in tnxluced ,in future sessions. Monday, December 13, will pit the Medsker, the state's leading exAny person interested in obtW n~ two in each div is ion receivi ng the pert on junior college education, it is h ard to decide which studen ts Plan~ to redesign t he SJCC cam · build another one. The Evergreen ing information about this bill, ~reatest number of votes in t he t old the assemb1y that in th e con- should go to them. The present pus and construct a n associ a~e area, in east San J ose, seems to J ack E llis, chairma n of t he San temJX)rary world, most young peo- junior college, he added, is the the "Learn Earn, and R eimburse primary. Plan," rna; receive a. copy o f the college are soon to be negoti ated, be a li kely site for the next cam:Jose City Co11 ege Business De- ple need an education be-yond high place where many students face EXPENSES bill by writing to the California says Richarcll Goff. The Citizens pus. partment, has stated the dire need sch ool. However, he continued, for the first time tile decision Campaign expenses per camll- Advisorjll Committee recently met legdslature and asking for assemb~ "Our campus can not h old the most junior colleges tend to ignore whether to pursue an academic or date may not exceed $70 for both. and determined that City College fu ture growth of this district," of a two-year curriculum for an ly bill number 600. the primary an<l general election~. not only needs to redesign its accordi ng to Richard Goff. assist- Associates in Arts degree in the vocational programs and maintain a vocational curriculum, and both techni cal a nd academic programs, sh ould be available there. An rite.mized expense sheet is to 1Je current campus, but also needs to ant superintendent of business Real Estate field for students in {rom w~hich rq.any student s cannot turned into tile Commissioner of services. " Therefore it is manda- the- San J ose etey· ollege '!liS"' benefit. Eiections by 5 p.m. t he day of the ~ tory tha£somethi ng be dorfe aw." H e proposed that the California B id s for the Sophomore class SJCC has called u pon the inter~ trict. primary and aga in the day or the Peter Fraus ich, CC counselor. ,. Winte r Formt~l s h oul d be ordered nationally know firm of Skidmore, Charles WUcle r, a lso nssocin.teil Junior College Association conduct &Cneral election. 1n advance of sule da ys, class Owjngs and Merri ll to do t he job. the business depart m ent of tills a study of students wilh culturaJ h as been asked by the Jun.i or ColA survey of City College student Limits on campaign materials President Tom Bouska a-nnounced An example of their wol'k is ill'le college, called a. meeting to deter- and educa tional defic iencies to de- lege Council to ser ve as chairma n counseling s hows 17,304 contacts termine h ow lhe present program of tJhe personnel Policies and Pro-!1-re: 15 posters, 22" x 28"' or 15 in ICC last Tuesday. "There are Crown Zellerbach building in San mine whether a R ea l Estate curwere m ade during !Jhe 1964-~5 photos, 8" x 10", or any combina~ bids available for only 150 (',ou ples, Francisco. riculwtl! WitS n.eec.lccl a nd w h a . t can be changed for their benefit fessiona l Standards Committee- of year. Progra m planrung a nd cha ngH e said that many young people the CounciL t;ton; -§,000 throw-a.ways, not to ex- an<l since t ills is the biggest dance SJCC has, in the last month, courses ami. other aspects would ing appears as t he student's main Because of his "exceptional tal~ ceed 4" x 6"; and five banners, or the year, t hey go fast and should h ad p eo p 1 e 1irom six different be~t serve t h_e needs or both the today aren't emp loyable immediconcern, accoun t ing for 48.2 pel·ately after leaving hjg h school, 2' X 8'. be reserved." Sales be~;in Decern- countries on campus gettin g ideas studentB and th e real estate incent of the survey. Long range ber 6. Cost will be eith er four or (rom th e cam pus curriculum. dustry. A Real Estate Advi.sory and that social pressures will inPROSECT APPROVAL educational planning covered 10.2 creasingly require n early all All plans for special projects nve dollars per couple !or th e States Goff, "We are curricularly Com.mittee inc luding E<lward V. youngsters to continue their edupercent, and generaJ informatio n, must be approved by the Commis- floating dunce, which will IJe held one of the leading junior colleges Jacobsen, Char I e s D . 1\lonroe, cation beyond high school. 8.9 percent. Poor scholarship counSa.tu.rda.y, December 18. The Har· in the state, and t herefore one of Howanl W. Ra.thbLm, Bill Gilbland, seling accoun ted fo1· 4.1 percent Of sioner of Elections five days beMedsker is opposed to separate bour Prince will leave Fisherman's the best in the n at ion. "Conse- It h e t t Dcehan and Rlcha rd ~f. the total, while outs tanding schol. fore the e lection. vocational schools because, he said, Failure to eom()Jy with nny one \Vharf at exactly 9 p.m., and r e- quently, we h ave chosen excellent Stark, who are loca.l San Jose arship sessions were li mited to 5 of these regulations will c:mse dis- turn to the dock at midnight. architects to design buildings we banks, in suril-llce (•omp~mJes, and percent. Students counseled for personal can be proud of." commercia.l and inve stm ent r ealties Inst ructors Starting ::_ Once a contract is received from we re ))resent a t t he m eeting. problems amounted lo 4.6 percent, B'lo og'lca useum Skidmore, Owings and Merill, a and t hose with complaints about master plan will be drawn up a nd Stark pointed out that the Uni~ John Hassur and Leon Papkoff personnel or policies came to j ust a bond electio n wi11 take place in versity o( California was no long~ of the City College biology de1Jart6 percent. Those seeking employ.. February 1966. Construction will er offering the basic Re'al Estate ment a1-e slarting a mounted bird ment counseling were unusuaJly cbeesg·si·n[uli.n 1969 if lhe bond is sue- certificate program it once did. and an imal museum al San Jose small in number, totaling only 8 Instead the Uni versity left this State College. percent. The survey also discloses one sidelight. Apparently spring causes students lo feel much less conPete r FranusiclJ . .. the S J h a lready taxiderm man Ue pieces of birds or cerned about their schooling, as Pbet Alan Ginsberg a Buddhist debate. Most or t he motorcyclists expres:d animals. They are wi lling to put·· ents" the Council would like hlm voluntary interviews for the month peace ch ant, and tw~ t iny brass came from t~e San Jo~~e g~oyu;~ aL jobs that aJ·e open and! ready chase or accept as a gift, any con- to attend the CT A ( CalifmTria of April were extremely lower than cymbals drew attention, as 3,000 the Night Rid ers a nd (or real estaet degree students. Te'B.chers Association) m eeting on the rest of the year. tributions. November 19 al Parnada Inn, near Students called in for counsel· •tucten ts, including many Ci ty Col- J okers. the International Ail"JX)M. ing,- as well as those w ho came In lege studen ts, crowded in to the Ginsberg contended that the The Council is composed of JC volunta1'ily were covered by the San J ose State cafeteria last Fri· H ell 's Angels would physically at· . . CI'A chapter p1-esidents. CfA is survey. lt was released by May day to escape the rain and to heal' bl" Laws agamst lhe burrung of ' tack pol ice, the press, the pu IC, taking care of aU the expenses, Duignan, Dean of Studenl Services. debat es between molorcycle gmups draft cards could be deemed una nd the Vi et Nam Day Committee. Ol" the marchers dul'ing a which includes flight both w ays. constitutional, according t_o Rep. The meeti ng will discuss teacher There was only one representa· peace march, Fl'iday, Nov. 20, m Don Edwards, San J ose congress' central theme was provided by the evaJ ua tion. tive of the H ell's Angels at the Berkeley. man. That rai n that poured down One Gypsy Joker rerused lo give He said that it a test case went over the weekend did not dampen book "Wa lden U," which had to do . name as other than Rich , fo1- before the U.S. Supreme CoUJ·t, the spirits of the 64 students and with a positive utopia. '11 ltls- semester's i\f erchandislng 1liS Discussions centered around the f the court would probably rule the faculty members who pat•ticipated Club is in the mldst of a. very Vandalism in the student union '"g a motorcycl ing custom o questions would such a utopia 10\v u• federal Jaw was un constitutional in the Fall Academic Retreat. actl\·e season, according to Ea.rlia- is becoming a problem, according work, as presented by the authO!;', onJy g iving his nickname. "It's because it violated the right of free The towering t-edyvoods and rus~ to Dave Di Benedetto, commis~ B. F. Skinner; would it have nega- menta rU•n AI P eponls. . eas ier that wa y when the trOUble speech. tic log cabins of Camp \Vasiata, tive- or positive value; would il be · Club members are look a~ for· sioner of the student union. In a starts," he expla ined. "A person has the right to make near La Honda, set the scene for a possible solulion to lhe problems wa.rd to their annua l nustletoe recent motion before the s tudent ked if he would fight in Viel a gesture of pt-otest. such as s hak· in tense discussion of the theme, · · t ., hunt t"lae end o f November. Alter council. Di Benedetto asked for As m our socte y . · . ing his fists," stated Edwards. "The Future: Ma n vs. Society.'' "Growing Up Absurd," the olher co llecting large quan.btles of mls-- special powers to deal with the Nam, Rich, a Navy veteran, re· Some college students th roughout Discussions or variations on the book providing djscussion material, t ie toe in the motmta.ins, ~ost:! problem. · plied, "I'd go over right now to the country h ave demonstrated cen tral theme were not limited to Di Benedetto said that while at presented the ills of OUI' society as be so ld for profit to reta ou e fi ght if _I could take mY motor~ theil· protest against American the formal periods held Saturday · in San J ose. the present time vanda lism is not military action in Viet Nam by morning and afternoon, but were its author, Paul Goodman sees Also on t he agenda for this se- serious, he feels that it is increas~ cycle." burning the ir draft cards. This is continued informally all durin g the them. mester is a Christmas Banuuet ing. H e wanted authority to deal He said the VDC's protests were j ust another symbol of protest, two days. No specific conclusions were Decem ber 8, which wiU be at the with the trouble without going because "They have equated with shaking one's fists, Tbe retreaters viewed the Japa - reached by the participants, but Prelude Dinner Club. The club through the council. not J.US tif"ed I ' nese film, "Dd Ru" on Friday most felt t h at the opportunity of members will work off the calories a right to vote, the President is in some people's opi nions. ASB p resident Tom Beatty apMr. Edwards is a member o[ the night, after which there was an exchanging ideas had been very gained u.t dJnner-aad-danCing pointed a fi ve man committee to ed so t hey should stick by I t , eec House Judiciary Committee and informal discussion over coffee be n e f i c i a I. The weekend was evening by going on two club work in conjunction with the union him." termed "a great success' by He. sponsored ski trips to Lake Tahoe director a nd Robert Ryan and the also chairman of lhe Americans and cookies. during Christm:.1s vacation. for Democratic Action. After th e English movie, ''The treat Chairman Curt Hodgkinds. commissioner. Marc Marcus, P sychology inThe club, trying for the chab A German co nve rsa.tiona.l grou)l CC ALU!Ul\'US K en n e t h E. Speaking of the Viet Nam con- Ang ry Silence," shown on SaturDi Benedetto reported Lhat dam· Stephenson has been named gen- will meet every T uesday in Room troversy, t he congressman said day evening, t he g roup sPent the structor, received the title "Was- spi ri t trophy awarded e' 'ery semes· age was due to "irres}X)nsibiUty eral agent .f or the Bankers Life 27 according to Doctor Charlotte that he was definitely a gai ns t fur- time in relaxation and casual con- itata W arrior" for contributing ter. has worked for the blood and a Jack of concern for student 0.f N ebraska.'s San Jose office. 1\(~ntandon. Anyone interested In ther bombing of North Viet Narn. versation, while some of the mem· most tb the discussions. "Watiusa dri\re, put on a. Dr. Casey-Kildare property." ~tevhen son, who now resides in Witch" was the title a w arded to skit ror the blood drh·e rally last He plans to place "subtle .. signs OS <?atos. joined the insurance one hottr of speakin g entirely Ger- " While I'm not the get-out~of- bers furnished en ter tai nment. ~rm rn 1957 after attending San man is invited sh.e s~tid. Vietnam-type,' Edwards said, "I The conversations were anythi ng student, Susan H aas, for havi ng week worked a.t the pledge card around the union. If th is move is received the most benefit from lhe tal}les' ami'' Iona.'-"DU •-• 18 ·" ~e quantities jneffective then he may remove ~se City College. .He is a. n1en1Thi:l provill.e s a n op)lOI'tuni ty to feel that a ny esca lated bombing of bu t casual during the day, when th r of Delttt. Sign1a frat.e rnity, discussions. The titles were award~ of blood. Private club-spOnsored any piece of damaged furniture, North Vjet Nam will bri ng both those on the retreat J)ractice broke the up into trmguage, in addition e Campbe ll Chamber of Com\•ltles. are a.lso well atte ncJ.e,d. · th 1 .. ~rce, the l\·Ten 's Club of St. to nmulenlic study_, arcordin.g to commucist China and Russia into five formal discussion groups in ed at an informal party after the fes't' :;.;;"~..;_~========;;;;· eventually emptyJng e ounge. iii a:~nels. Co.brini C hurch, and is Sl)()kesmen. t he conmct." the morning and afternoon. The group returned Sunday evening. V ve m the Red C ross. the nited lfuntt, and the l'lliCA.
New legislation t.h at would re-quire students to reimburse t he state for lheir use of public institutions of higher learning h as been proposed. Assemblyman J ohn Collier (R-Pasadena) recenlly introduced a bill to the California legislature that would! require students attending state colleges and universities to pay a spec i fie d amount rf()t" the instruction they receive. The prop6sed program wou 1d require studen ts who we1·e unable to pay for instruction at lhe lime of enrollment to reimburse the state
Discloses Plans To Redesign Campus
AA Degree Sought In Rea IEstate f •leld SayS Jack EIII•S
on an installment basis, aft er leaving t he college. The student will be required to sign a nole in fa vor of the state, which will carry a six per cent interest, and will be- issued a life insu rance policy, with the state named as be neficiary for the duration of his indebteQness.
Vice Chairman of UC Asks More Job Training
franusich Gets Post
q:;u~a~ru~·~~c~a~t~lo~n~·===~~-===-=~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I
Survey Examines Student Problems
• v DC c IStS, I students Hear CY /Dtbate US Viet Nam Policy Solon Cla·1ms Anti ~;:"c;f~ii~i=~::::;:~~=t~: ~~::~~::~~:~~:~::~1~~:~~1~ While Poet Chants
• Laws :;,seSJ~~a thea~~fessionCard Burnlng May Be Held Illegal R . F .I t p t D a In a I s 0 u am per 0 n Fa II Aca dem I•c Re f reo t plann~d
Vandalism Plac:~ues CC Student Union
f,~;i;; ~oll~~:;~m::~~· Published ea ch Thu rsday of tile school yea r by the journ a lism dane t S J C rfy Colle ge. ' Supported, in part , by Ass ocra ted Stude nt Body fu~d ~n ~se Californ ra. N ewspa~er_ Publishe rs Asiocia tion Second Class posta ge p~id a~mSae~ ~~:.• Subscnphon ra tes: $3 00 per or 10¢ per co py. Phone 298-2 ISJ,
==Sp=ea=rkin~,=a=ut=d· l/ Richard Davis Teaches
1 /1 .!::::::=
Sculpture Arouses Controversy
• • •
Unusual English Class .
By MANNY MAR TINEZ other than the m tcnded fun ctiona] A recen t mc1den t 'concerning a purpOse. The a rtis t proceeded to sculpture display on San J ose City use the sculpture as a new ap· College campus by an art st udent, proach to the attamment of aesthe tic va lue m metal. has aro used a con troversy. The individua l res pons 1bJe for Abo u t three wee ks ago, I r eceived a phone ca ll fro m a studen t the sculpture's removal ordered a at college, who told me of an un- jan itor to take It to a secluded us ual mece of bronze sculpture on spot_ out of rea ch of nasty minds. exhibit tn fron t of the campus ad- However, 1t ts evJden t that the Inm tm st ration bUJldmg Bemg a n art dividual, due to his author1ty as a dea ler, my interes t motiva ted me faculty member, a utomatically warrants the fmal decisiOn m art t o inves tig a te fu r ther
f01· them which m akes my JOb ma ke ffi ts takes from lim~ to t' , By K EN ROE DS "To best unders ta nd the, ""easwr and helps them succeed m Each week mormng a t 8 a m., Editor - - · - ·- - RON GREEN Adv. Mgr. J O HN MIGUELGORRY Ci ty College mstructor Richard class. Most Important, probably, ts lion," Dav1s explains, "I tryrto~ Aut. Edit. - · - · · - LEE NORMAN Elu$iness Mgr. ···-····· BRUCE RIGGS Davis g ree ts a roomful of s tudents t heir high degree of mo tivation myself con tmually 1n their PI ~ Nows Ed;t. - ···-·--·- SUSIE JON ES Night Ed,tor ... DON KAWASH IMA unlike any other class on campus They rea lize t ha t Eng lish IS a m ust 'If I were m t heir country, l "< Fulvro Dul .. ,__ JIM SCHROEDER He opens t he roll a nd starts for them 1f they are to ge t a long myself, 'how would I rea~t : Stall Ad lot .. _....... -..... BILL LANCE ' Sporn &Ht. ----·- BOB BORZO NE down the hst-"Akraminejad, Sha· whtle m t hiS coun try, and as a r e- would I feel?'" Adviser .. ---··-·--· C. W . PALMER " Wi t h th 1s type of a pproa, , koon , Abondt, EbrahlmJan, Ioan- sult t hey are extremely consctenDavis says "I fmd my job IS ~ mdes, Kazembaya tbashi, Khoda· Uous. ba ndehloo, Tantra pho1 . ." Secondly, they have a deep de- and the foreig n s tuden ts sen~~ H IS ;ob - t o help 45 st udents stre to help one a nother When a understanding on the part of tit from all over the world learn th e f ellow studen t describes 'b itter insb·uctor " proper wr1tten a nd spoken use of tea' when he meant t o say 'better This fa ll some 86 foreign s]J. O_nce a gain 1J1e l~ne is d r awing n ea r for t h e !:'l ude nL bod the E ng hsh language. tea,' a fell ow classma te ts t here to dents are enrolled at City Coli I n reference to people who have I found the arttst, Noa Os teen e leciJon s. T h e d ead li ne for fiUiu g p e t1ti on s for ASB off•ce i~ Bu t, accordJng to Davis, his two show htm the r tgh t pronun ciatiOn wtth I ran represented by thegr-e~ n ex t Monday. H e re ts t he c h ance fo r ~all th ose c r il1 cs of th e qua li· had been asked by a faculty mem- not been exposed to the s ubJect of fore tgn studen t EngJ1sh classes at and expl am t he reverse meanmg est number wJth 49. t y of student gove rmne nt to r u n for office and do some thing ber, to bnng some sculpture to the art appreciation, I will conclude by C1ty College, which represent some of the terms " campus a bout it. l\ios t like ly th e y wo n ' t . suggestmg one last thought, re- 12 d1ffere n t countries of t he world, Davis, m his firs t yeat· a t City As usual, . most o f lhe critics wi ll sta nd Hll y b y durin g the After the unve1hng of t he me tal gardmg the art of sculpture do not crea te as much of a probCollege, has discovered that his el~cll on~ savmg the1r e uc r gy ~o r th e post e lection gripi ng. The y ObJect, the s tories descnbing the The pnmar y lesson in workmg lem for the mstructor as one might knowledge of Chmese and German ~11! cr y about the poor quahty of tl1e candid a tes, the lac k o f sculpture became distor ted. At th iS unagme. Issues, a nd the sa d s la te of City C ol1ege. No malle r who is e lecte d pom t I d ecided to evaluate 1ts wtth sculpt ure is to learn to ap"Befor e the studen ts come to has helped him considera bly m In h e w 1U be. the worst possible choice in the vte w of t h ese pro: worth for myself, so I visited lhe preclate form in its simp hc1ty this country for study," Davis ex· structing such a class so diverse in f ess1onal c n llcs. arti st's stud to and saw wha t had Whethe r t he subJect be a bst ract native languages. or represen tationa l and whether tt pla ms, "they mus t have had some . Stil1, these sam e st ude,nts, wbe n a ske d t o h e lp, wi ll be tJ 1 e been cJassifted as obscene. ty pe of E nghs h study m their own " W e teach the s tudents no t to first o nes ~o say t hey ;lon .• h ave th e t in1e. T h e y h a ve mor e imThe s hape was one of a s eries s ugges t pleaSant or unpleasan t as- lands to pernut them to grasp the be afraid or embarrassed when By LYNN CZUJ ' s ociations 1 s purely a re fl ection of port!lnl thm gs to d o . _fh e1r surf_ bo a rds need waxing, t ii cl r ski that Noa ha d cast in bronze; a ll va rtous s ubJects ta ught in Ameri· they make a nus take m class," K1ddmgly, husband seeking f• o u~f1ts h ave t.o be read1e d for ac uon, Lheir f ri e nds in th e s tu deo l of which were m tended to be can- the VIewer's pas t experiences, de- ca n colleges " Davts says, "an d, as a result they male students iu·c constantly be~ UJl.lOU \-\.'l.J) m iSS t he m. dle holde rs One spectfic cand le Pendi ng on how his mi nd has been "Then too," he says, "the stu- are not afratd to s peak ou t m ch1ded for the dedication Wilh T he T i.m es h op es that such stude nts wi ll keep c1uie t and le ave holder, however, nlade a s ta tement cond itioned to inter pret morality. dents two important traits gomg class and are aware that they Will w h1ch t hey pursue their MRS d~ the .cotllicJ l free to go abo u t the hus jness of J1a ndling s tuden t gree a f f a u s. R.G. Seriously, these girls are ~ smart cook1es. After a ll, where •• There has been r ising dtscontent prevents t he colleges from serving does one fmd a s torehouse ri By L YN CZ UJ ' vat 1mg though t, opponen ts can be crushed by the cailmg of van ous over t he scholastic standards set the needs of jobless youths prop. available educated men? AnsYoer, People, when faced VVIth a n op-pc(c l. t OO S out' glittermg gener alllJes 1 e. Com- by 'the Caltforma jum or colleges erl y, particularly those f rom nu- S1mp le, m col1ege. And what ty~ -f-D f"' AS B. offt t. c B y JERRY CULL rx>s mg vtew are always , ready to d,.,.tll• ..c. N -~ 2. 'l. accord mg to members of the State nority groups of woman would attract fue before call nam es .. It's m uch easJCr to ~~·nist, r!ircher, Ex tremist, Capt- Coord inating Council fo r Higher Under t he proposed d ismissal mentiOned s ubject most? Answ£r• Good ly governme n t IS God's Je we l 8 Jst, ft Wmg, Rtght Wmg, Edu cation. A growmg number of l' be la bel opposition tha n to a t tack its Radtcal, etc, b ut this is the cowpo ICY mg C011S1 dcred by the Agam stmpl y, a n educated ort Its golden spl endot· is God's tool found a tions Depend mg on the pre- a rd's way. No thmg ts all black and ;~~ceSstaatree'SbJ euinn•gor hccoruU'degecrs·•tfJoCirZibe ng_ Board , t he s tudents wt th less than And w here would a fema le be best h 1t · S howing the way to t ru th a nd a C average would be automati - educated? Answer: Yep, yougot t~ w e · · JUSt as nothmg IS al l mg too eager to f lunk out t he'r light • ca ll y flunk ed ·out If they couldn't college. J ean Davy wlU take ono or t he good or bad A man who has to pooret· students. So, w1th all this in m ind, I pro. h regain a C average wtthm two se. Sprea dmg mercy and justice w1th le ading ro les m "L'A nnonce FaJ te resor t to these tactiCS 1· pose the add1tion o r a MRS deg., a J:\.l a r ie (4'The Tidings Brough t to m danger of ''bemg ~ 0:~: :~~.. A Harbor City member from the mesters. If t he proposed pohcy IS VJctonous might 1\farJ!" ) wh en it a n.pc~1 rs 10 t he S t' k State Board of Educat'IOn fears approved, t•t will go mto effect July to the regula r AA a nd AB degroo ,~ IC s and s tones are acc.redtted 1 1966 g tven at Ctt_y. So famt ly now echoes a command J\Jo ntgom erJ! T hea.ter Decembe r 5, that a dtsm1ssal pol1cy now under ' with breaking men, but a few Raymond J . Daba , an A therton Adm1sswn for thiS degree wou!ll 2 throug h the night at p.m. and 7 p. m. cons1dera tion by the Board and T h.e ou ..·· t·, .. dln~ 1 b p uJ g rea t men have been broken by a Board member, disagrees s hat'Tlly carty the same general rules, but ..., • ' L eo P ay Y a the Counc11 may p u,t a fi rush to the P As it wh ispers t h roug h leaves tn Cl d 1 ill shou ld be lmuted to the femai! .m c w I>1<t.y ror on 1Y t wo per - thoug ht] ess name thrown by a cow- "open door" policy of California's wi'th Scott. H e says t ha t the s tate the gltttermg twdtght f •• b has a r tgh t to msis:t on nurumum students, except In special cases. 1 11 orma nces a m \v• e done in a rdly n val junior colleges. He feels tha t thi's The hubby-catchmg de gree IS Let's put on t he breastplate of 0 F r ench. Other a ct r s in clmle granted generally wtthm the two truth my son Fmnce Desca u t, vlmes, year penod, but the actual time A llee Rerchcn, Pa ul Descombes, For t on tg h t t he battle for freedom Daniel Gall a nd J ea n Pommier. ..ME!! ••r un .for a n ASR offi cd'?' E rrol! Garne r , acclaimed p htno may vary accordmg to the individ lS won ! uaJ and her dedicatio n, thougb Dear Edt tor m etrically opposed to the KKK pla.yer, will ap pear in conc ert to- some more 1ntellectual m isses may In regards to you r editorial and JBS. morrow night at the Sa.n Jose Civic want to continue on to higher '"masterpJ ece" of Nov. 4, 1965, I The KKK hates Jews Catholics Auditoriwn for his only perform- levels of P,ursutt. should like to question yow- source Or ten tals, Negroes and 'let's thro~ ance in t he Bay A rea. The concert Course req~irements should mof m aterial I s hould also like to m a few Mex1 cans a nd Puerto RIc1u de · Beg~nrun g Housework, Sn<r wiLl begin "t 8:80 p.m. ask what pom t you \"Vere try m g to cans j ust f or good measure. The mg AppreciatiOn, Cofifee M~ ma ke ? r m ust, however, m all fair- JBS hates communists, 1 e, RusA su ccessfU't conil)oser, Ga rner (1 hou.r lecture and 2 hours lah\ ness, s tate my position as bemg Sia ns, Chmese or wha t ever has more thaJJ 100 co m pos itions to S ur vey of A m nac r 1 c a n Vacuura By MIKE O 'CONNOR Mosle ms don' t "d nnk, sm oke or t hat of a left-wmget· who IS, to By J IM SCHROEDER tiona l or et hmc g roup they may his c r ed it. His son g , " l\lis ty,'' has Cleaners, Improvement of Disfl ru n arotmd." Th e effect 'is tha t q uo te yours elf, "blmded by reT he views of I:radj Kiachia n been recorded by so m e 60 ,lrtists On your way to class, you often be, a nd the Umted Nations. The Washm g T echmque, and Remedial a li ty." hear tidb1ts of conversations t hat presen t t he Amerrcan student Wlth most Moslems lead •·at her somber VDC ha tes a war to which they through t he world a nd haS been Pocket P1ckmg (suggested nighl bves w hen compared wi th those oi In the f1rst p lace, I can see how a gJtmpse of a life q uite different arouse your curiOsity, so yo u tune are morally opposed Does your re- rated as one or t he most signHtc.;mt course) . Americans one can generalize and d r aw com- la tJOns hlp lie m th e fact that each in nke radar trackmg an enemy from h1s own standards ot th e 1>a-s t d oou de. Though this course is loaded College age Persians don' t date. parisons between the Ku KJ u..~ submarme. Usua ll y you hear a few T o begm \Yith, opport.umttes for wlth homework, the study matenal I n fact, most man·1ages are ar- Klan and the J ohn B1 rch Soc1ety group ts opposed to somethmg ? Tickets for t he Er roll Garner really leading llnes and you can't h1 gher education ll1 Ira n arc limTo quote your e<:h tortal, "Not aU may be researched m a variety ot ranged by the parents. K tac hta n but where, W l thm th1s frame of concer t a re :a."ailable a.t t he \ Vc nresist the urge to eaves drop. Ited. To be admitted to one of the feels that t hts as a good 1dea He references, does t he Viet Nam Day groups can go t heir own way re- dc l\ Wa.tkins B ox OffJce located in atmospheres 1 n c l u d 1 1t1 g football umversJ tles a s tudent must have H owever, the part ~ou hear IS says that paren ts are often W1se1· Committee fit in? Do they seek fus mg to be blinded by reality, bu t t he Sherma n Clay (d owntown) at games, p tzza parlors, drive-ins, col· t remendous grades, satd the I ransomet1mes mJsleading. For examand are able to choose a life-long stmtlar goals ? Ar e their methods these th ree a re ma kmg a go of 1t" 89 South F irst St., San Jose. Tel- lege parties and dances. Like any tan,. as well as pass a stiff en t rance ( I fmd th1s sta tement r hetoricaJ ple, you are followm g an apologetic partner wtl h more objectiVIty. ephone informa tion may be ob- other degree, tt IS sooner attaJiled t he same? I s it that all three deviexam Most s tudents don' t make tt young man and a gtr l w ho seems wtth an extensive homework-study Couple th iS w1th t he e xagger- a te from some vague cultural and I am fo rced t o mter pret ) A talned by callmg 293-6252. due to extreme competition. ' ated ptcture of American a fflu ence norm ? Jus t what is the relatiOn· go of w hat? I am completely opto be somewha t trrJtated and he program attacked with VIgor and pOsed to the KKK and t he JBS F r-om t he l.ime he enters fi rst presented to many for eign coun tr1es, ship ? zeal. says, "I'm sorry for what happened but I believe them cognizant, l ast rught I guess I got carrted g t·ade, the Perstan is u nder ex- and it tsn't d1f ftc ul t to understand Accordmg to psychological st ud- though m1sgwded, of reality. And away." Ri ght here you are all ears. treme pr essure H1s outside activi- why so many P ersians come to the Ies done at bo th S a n J ose Sta te as for t he VDC, what IS more real As you listen yo u hear him apolo- ties are hmited In most cases he Umted States College a nd the Unj versity of San than the t hrea t of total war whJCh I rarnans draw their opinions of gize for pourmg too much coffee IS responsible for nothmg but good Francisco, the character ma ke up hangs over mankand? Amenca from movies shown there. into a mug and sp1lling it on her grades. of the membership of conservative T otal war mvolvi ng nataons wtth By the tune lraruans reach col- T hey arer;a.'t Ill a pos itiOOJ to screen groups (such as the KKK and the new dress. Wh at a disappomtment' the nuclea r abilities to k ill a nd lege level they have two years of out the fiction and misrepr esen taJ BSJ and of the liberal groups) mutilate a major percentage, tf Sometimes you hear the s tart of specialized courses rn one of three tions W hen someone w ho doesn' t (such as the VDCJ tend, generally, not the entirety, of the popula Uon a joke and so you follow withm fields . matllematJcs, liberal arts, or know much a b out the Urn ted to be as follows: heanng distance. J ust as the story of the earth. If t his is not reali ty, States, says Kiachian, sees a moVIe medicme I n fact, according to teller is about to get to the punch Con servative Liberal I unplbre you what Js? Are you Kiach.ia.n, the average Pers1an high h ke "The In terns" he natura Uy llne the group makes a s harp left s ure "that the VDC's opt ruons school gradu a te can hold his own thinks all the stud<mls here lead F asctstic Democratic t urn and you m1ss it Gale-s of bear no relation to fact . . ,"? with most Amertcan coUege sopho- w1ld and licentious lives. Bigoted Tolerant laughter resoWld and you contrnue mores. As to the last sentence of your Asks t he Near Eastern studen t. InsensJhve Sensitive on your frustrated way. edttorJal dealing wtth their horHe says, "'You can sec that with w ho wouldn't make aJ bee-line for E tc. Etc. T he reverse IS also true. You school so hard there, people come a country where everyone 1s nch, rtbly chosen tacucs, wh1ch, of a In s ho r t, character WISe, as well hear a great punch line and no here!" dnves a btg car, and takes a difchOice of three, do you Prefer ' as philosophically, the VDC apstory to g1ve it meanmg. Eaves~ Another factor is the Mos lem re- ferent blonde to the beach every pears, to me at least, to be dia- a pathy, violence or non-VIolen t d roppjng has m a ny setbacks. demonstration. R. Chn stensen ligiOn, predomin ates in I ran Good weekend? He said this false unpresston leads Persrans to more or less "go wild'' in antic1patJon when t hey do get here. Whil~ o n the subject o r false ImpressiOns Kiach1an mentioned that he seldom meets a n Amencan who knows what he is talkm g about with regards to Iran. His maJor complain t JS tha t Americans thmk that Iran and Persta are two separate countnes. He added that Persia does have telepho nes, tele-
Study Material f~ College MRSdegree Takes Diligence
People Are ,Namecallers • • •
God's Government
JC Standards Cause Rising Discontent
_:.:_:..:::___::~~~~~~;~~-·~~:~~~~~~~:~~~~~fpe~I·;fo;r~ ma;n~c;e~s;ta;n;d~a;rd~s~;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;,
Letter to Edl.tOr
Eavesdropping Foreign Student Submits Has Setbacks Glimpse of Iranian Life
San Jose
light Opera A ssn's
stago performM cc of
"MY FAIR LADY" Mon tgomery Theater Sc:~n Jo$0 C 1vrc Aud .torium
(With coup on o nly $1.00) THIS SUNDAY MATINEE ONLY at 2: 00 P. M. Aud itorium Bo.x Office Open
Da ily from 12:30 to 5:30
Jagged Jottings
The 48-6 defea t bestowed on the J ags by San Francisco las t week
was the worst ba ttermg tha t the locals have suffered m histor y. The .{ game was never m dou b t after halftime, but San Francisco left in hclr starte r s for t he en t1re fray t The U~:uus• co.tching stnrr unmer Cifull y poured It on the weath etlasllcd Jags . S J)ectac ul ar haJfbnck 0 . J . Simpson was in the J:".Hne fo r almost ever y offensive an d defensive })lay, as is evident by Ju s record· setting si~ touchdowns. It's ha rd to determine who t he San F ra uclsCft.RS were t rying to itupress, especially when you r eAlize t ha t th e oOC wltJJte r ts pledge<l to compete 1n the Prune Bowl. If the Rams were ahnln ~ nt a hid fro m somethin g like th e Jmtior Rose Bowl t hen theY would lnt.\'e :t bit of justifi cation fot their torturo \as pe~formance ; ~· 15 lt Is, ,,n ex plan ation would be appreci ated. There 1s nO dou bt t ha t CCSF IS the best team thaL San J ose has faced in three ycm·s, bu t had the weather condit ions been a ny th mg near no1m a l t he t tl t would have been a ~ot closer. Still, lt's doubtful ,, 1r the Jags could ha ve beaten the talent-lad en 'F r isco crew on a dry field. S1mpson IS a treme ndo us runner, possibly bette} tha n Con tra costa's ex-great Trav is \V'ilhams However, any team posscssmg the blg, fast herculean h nemen s uch as San F ranciSCO, makes It easy for the back s Some of the holes t.hey opened up wer e big enough to dnve trucks through. *I ' ... The wea t her elemen ts took t he pun ch out of the Jags. Qua rterback Bob T ole do was n't a h le to g rip th e muddy )llgsl<ht in his us ua l u m n.·' ner, and resnl tnntly t he vassmg game \\'as st.if led. Just t he same Sa n Jose is a good ball cl u b , :md t heir showmg or las t week must be \\ rl tten ort as jus t one of t hose things.
,J ~
* * *
Basketball , wh1ch is freq uently regarded as SJCC 's number one sport, is about ready to take over the headlmes fi'Om the footballe rs . Last year's hoopsters were ranked fourth m the s ta te, and this season's aggrega t iOn promtses to be just as good if not better. AU-Stat e cen ter C lyde Dawson Is missing fr om t he scene t h's carupaign, a..~ is GG C sco ring clmmp Jnck Matultch. However , both P az Rocha a nd Jirn Kuhlman, sbtrters on last year's team, a re back to fo rm the found ation of the t ea m. Taking over the center post is big Cllf.f \Valker , wlille flash y gua rd Bruce R ,lbidou, and hatchetman .forwa rd Dave Olsen rou nd ou t the starting five. New head coach George Allison is expe dmentmg wit h a platoon system, and JUdgmg from early scnmmages, this new w r mkle may tw"n out to be a gold mme. The cagers open the1r ex hibitiOn season on Dec. 1 at Civic Audttonu m agamst the Umve1-sity of S anta Clara F ros h In a 6 p.m encounter.
~1Er-fflE RS of t he 1965 Jaguar water t>olo .squ.ld whi ch fashioned an Impressive 16-8 ma rk ar e (top l ef t to ri...h t ) : Coach Bob Jones, l\l g r. Bob Ree k, Pa~l Alll gue •iom\Voodwaul i\lik e Brow n ; Um d row: pl et t P ·wl \~<ttts :uHI fl:l-r ry 'w iUttal ; second t·ow: ll<e BrO\;.ll, :,nd 's t>otswood ; bottom row: \Vaytt e ltccl<.
Ron i'\facLemuut, L ,mny L.mdwehr, J lt n Best , B tll Young, l< Burry, Jini .M oo1·o, Jim Trlp-
Yeo, JJ III Jun g, .Bob Co ly:1rd ~hH ,:rotn, Alan J uu Odgc n, Tom Aluop, ~tn ~111 au m .
The Oaks were completely bamB y PAZ ROCHA boozled by the Jag machme and The Jaguar water polo team were lucky that they even got picked up two victorres last week their suits wet. Lanwehr once and lost one, to bring their season again 1e9 the charge, th1s ume he log to 16-8. ThiS is the best wonlost log ever compiled by a SJCC htt for 6 scores. San Jose City College wiU be the water polo squad in the history of :site for- t h1s year's Northern Callthe school The Aqua-Jags are now forma Tourney this Friday an~ settmg thear stghts on the North· Saturday This will mark the ellern Cai Jfotrua W ater Polo Tourney. max of t.J;1e season for the locals. The Tankers clobbered the San Should they capture fa-st or second J ose W ater Polo Club 20-12 and n the meet they wtll get an HWJtaMenlo College 22-2 for their two 1 wms last week with their loss tlon to the State Tourney he ld a t Long Beacb Dec. 3 and 4 There coming from a very powerful FootWlll be SDC teams m the tournah•ll College 14-4 Against the Watet· P olo Club t he men t three from the Va lley Conpolo1sts romped from the start of fercn~e and t h ree from our Golden the game to completely drown the Gate Con fer-ence. T he Va lley r ep resenta.ti Vf'S will WPC defense Top pomt p roducers for the Jags were Lanny La nwehr bo M od esto, Amc rJCa n. River, aJ td and Jtm Best \\'ith h ve and four J oaquin De lta. T h e GGC wiU send fu.vo red FoothJJl a nd S nn Mapotnts respectl\·ely T he Owls continued l heir su- teo along with da rkhor se San J ose. The schedule of games for the premac y over th e IOC.l iS with th ·ir 14-4 COIH(UCSt. The wa.ter boyS toumey ts: we re only in t he g.une a.t t he sta r t 9 30-College of S a n :Ma teo vs. as F ooth lll fs the' to1> JC team in Modesto Jun10r College. t he state :utd J)ro b.lbly t he ma.t1on. 11:()()-San J os~ C1ty College v s. P lul Brown led t he Jags wit h two Amer tca.n River JC. g oals. 1 :30-Winner game 1 vs. FoolAfter being swamped by the hill. Owls, the Jaguars took out their 3·()0.-Winner game 2 vs. San aggregation on a weak Menlo ColJoaquin Delta JC. lege squad t o the tune of 22-2.
Simpson Swamps Jags~ 48-6; Hoopsters Open Campaign Bulldogs Foe in GGC Finale Against SCU December 1
ond hne f1eld general booted the mud a nd dumped him for an 18 By FRED J ONES Basketball has started a nd the boards and has showed some fmc mgskm three t1mes for a 46-yard yard loss 0 t h c r top defensive SJCC Jaguar qumtet looks very shootmg m scrmunages; Oscar Attempl mg to gam thc1r hrst a\'crage, h1s Lop effort of the dw tn· work came when J ag Imemen Reyes, looks qU1ck and 1s gotng to w mnmg season under head coach r stopped S1mpson for no gam w cth optamistlc w1th a large crop of be one of the fmcst s hootJng dling campaign outstanchng transfers and high J 1m Wheelehan, the San Jose City Ca\ u.tuio W itS al so th e J .• ~; hero four minutes rcmainang tn the half school players the hoopsters seem guards the hoopsters wi ll have thts College Jaguars venture to College late In the tilt, ••s he hool<ed u}> Oes1Jit e t he conclitlo ns, Q IJ B ob year; another guard hopeful ts of San Mateo tomorrow to meet with back R ud y G uzm an on a. 32 Toledo t h.rcw ror l20 y:u-<ls to to have a lot of talent This yeat-s Gary A nderson, a :sharp-shootmg team IS the reverse of last years t he BuUdogs at 2 pm yard a.e ri:LI wit h 1:5:04 rermd ning break t he 1\ ln g conrercn<.'O pJaye1· from James L1Ck. Sportmg an overall 4·4 slate a nd 111 the thing, for the onl y J agmt r shuul.1rd for one senson with 1054 team, havmg a large amou n t o( T h e hig hs th at luwe con t rlbu tell players over s1 x foot t hree Last In tramural ehg 1bi h ty a t th ~ school tS due for a w holesale inves ti· 4-2 Golden State Conference mark, SCO I'e . to t he J ag terun ~c rfelt, Bl~ yea~: the • Ratpack" h ad only one ~ gation I nlrarnura l ducctor Darto ''S1" S1mom has t wo basic rule~ for the J aguars also have hopes of San J ose 's most mspu cd defenser; Floneer, Carling; S1u1 J ose, ma n over s ax foot two his program. 1 ) Any person who has taken p art m varsity competi tion thelr best ever co n fer~nce position. Sive effort came on CCSF's scr1es The Jags have seven returru ng n.eyes. 'l' h c!SC a re loc:tl schools and at this or any other college as mehgJ ble fo a· mtramura1 ac tiOn ; 2) All fo r a wm wiJl solidify second spot of downs before the Jocals score, lettermen. They hope to have an ca n be proud of t hclr })layers.. (j~ intramural participants must have a student body card The league seems to be one of m the GGC for the local gr1dders. when defens1ve tackle Tom Sha lloutsta ndmg season this year. The The sport9' s taff IS wondermg 1f a th trd r ule should be added The Wrappmg up their careers for abager crashed through the Ram transfers a nd htgh schools have the toughest m the state and t he rule w ould be s tated accordmgly Intr-amural rules No 1 and No 2 the purple and wh1 te w1ll be · two lme and convinced the enemy quarput a lot of balance in th is years qu mtet from San Jose has to fight terback tll'at he was every game to have a chance for slippmg an the are vmd if the participant is the student body presiden t year lettermen, linemen, J erry squad the state champ10nsh}P The Jag· Since ru le No . 2 bas been s trictly enforced in t he past, w hy Shelley, Richard Mtllan Bob Kuh1The annual Turkey T rot IS Puz ltoch a, good· ba ll handler, is uars are look'Ing forward to a state shouldn't r ule 0 1 also b e enforced ? \Vhen c:oach D oug " 'eiss \:anted mann, R1ch Sotelo, Jerry Cox, and qutckly nearmg wtth many quali· t he only ret urrung star te r ; Jim berth. to rlm in t he t u r l{ey trot :a. coupl e of yea rs :Lgo, the int ra mural director Ray Harnson, a nd backs I rv Ro"Coors" l{ uhlnm.n sixth m a n lrom f1ed cntr1es m the race. The physiforced hi m to bu~· a A.S.~. ca.rd bc(orc nclrn owledging hls ent~~· u scnbwJ!. Pat Cavat~o. !llch Ru1z, cal education department entdcs last yeu r s team ls back l r om H a.1 is n't tlm.t we d oJ~'t w.•nt to 800 presiden t Tom Be:ttty tnkc pa r t n ...slan - Jones, ... Danny Romero, and wull read y t o play; Bruce R rLbldou, are AI Seegar and Les Taylor repin tramura.l ~tctlon, but ra t her that a. rul e is a. rtlle :wll should be e n- M1ke Matherly. chu.nky s ha T'(l-sh ootlng g u a r d ; ,.. f orood as su cJt. \Ve anticil)ate that this o\ ersigh t will b e corrected as Slg:na.l calle r Bob Toledo got his Despite the hornd weather and a resentmg Coach Baker and Ed Dln'e Urun i, looks very tough so ·~ u.a m e atop tlte list of GGC q uar- powerlul san Franci sco Ctty Col- MorrJson and Steve Blasei· reprc- ra r in pr:Lctlco; Larry 'Va ll,er , t he soon as pos~;ible. terbacks, in last wecWs wu.ter Jog- lege team that overpowered the sentlng Coach ,AI IIson. Other cn- jurn}>lng gaxelle ; and T 91n UchiThi s year's Jaguar w-restling ged fra y in Frisco. T oledo now Jags' last week, there was a fe-w ·'· yama, a r e a.ll 1he gua.rds retu rning. On next Mo nday nagh t sports fan s throughout t he count ry will be owns conference nHuks i n, most bright rays of light to look back tncs are Al Arevalo from MerPete Kendall. leads the forward team will open tts 1965-66 'home h t'?"eated to a maJor comedy On that e vcrung Cassius Clay w11J shadow passes complet ed in one ~aso.n upon. Selected as Back-of-the- chandtsing Club, Dave RoJas a nd bngade, he has been lookmg very slate by hostang a double dual meet box Wi t h F loyd Patterson for the heavywe ight champiOnship of lh e ( 77 ), most y:u ·d s ga ined V'J u, aJC Week was Pat Cavataio, and as Bruce Robidou both runnmg inde· sharp so far a nd ts looking for a tomor-row afternoon. The teams m aU (1054 ), u.nd most TD 1msses Lmeman·Of-the· Week J erry Shel- penqcnl. f1rst strmg job; The transrers that wtll compete m the match arc Arner1can R1ver, Sacramento City, ' . worl~e last hea vyweigh t 1itle fi ght, wh ich pitted Sonny 'I llkc to s leep' (14) . CCSF 48 SJCC 6. ley. Any m r n c.1n sti ll ente r in the seem to be the ones that w1U help Foothill, and San Jose LISton agamst Clay, w as such a farce tha t Playtex awarded It t he Mud, ra m. wmd, and a man Pat IS a sophomore quarter-back competitiOn J) r ovldln g that they out the team the most as t hey have The operung painngs will fmd named 0 J, doused a ll tatle hopes and defensive safety who stands the tall boys that can control ha\!e not. the ente red in in terco ll eb "ia.t.e ''Fa ls ie of the Year " honor for 1965. F gob•g to . and a b1d to the Prune Bowl lor 6'0" and weighs 195 pOunds A 1960 track. Turk e y will be gh en to t he boards for the J ags Cliff Walker San Jose wrestling Sac 0 1ty and Clay wh o ha.s su c h •" b1g mouth that th e Air •orcc was • I f 8 pro f ight P atterson, w hose g1ass t he Jaguars last Fnday afternoon , graduate of Lmeoln High School. \\inn tors :Lnd t h e best time w ill leads the centers, he can Shoot a nd F oothiU tanghng with Arn.encan use it a.s a hangar. h as never OS · . ,erson Rwer. The squads will t hen fortun e teiUng, IS t 11e on 1Y 1 as San Fr-ancJSCO mudded to a con- he a lso has played on to G G.C take the tro1111y. Jump very tough, Denrus Reynolds ja.w a lmo:;t fo rced hun t o go Into opponents wtth the Jags tak1ng vmcmg but uncalled for 48-6 shp Champion baseball teams In the ts another btg stud and possesses ever to win t he title twice. . H tly stated "The and s hde over the aun on t he Beavers of ARJC and locals on the San Francisco game P at passed Intramural grid actton closed very fast hands for a tall man; The c hampiOn calls Patterson the rabbit. e r ecen .' I the Owls clashing With sec. t Cassms docs not scare, am wtnner's pond _ SlX times, completing three for 41 out the farst half of the season last Dave O lson, the baby bull of the b rabbit may move as fast as a hare, u Lc~tdm g t ins year's g r a jl plc r s Only thm g l'rov{'d by t he he~wlly yards and San Jose's lone touch· week w1th the Campus Brass w m· Jaguars, IS one o( the mainstays wilt be Dic k Vaug hn, who too k secso great I will wm m eJgh t .'' d 't last long enough for J:terciJ>Jtatcd til t. w.•s tlmt CCSF's down: while for the season he halli mng the Club league a nd the E1c- or the team's control of the boards. o nd in th e St.··\.t.e Jast The heavyweight tit le fl gh t usually oesn t to momentarily laugh year; l rv The frcghmcn also have been colorful ha lfb,,ck 0. J , Sim1,so n completed 12-17 fol' 96 yards and mrnts taking the Open league Ro~e nberg, t llird m Ute S t ate in anyone to get their rad10 d1al set So lf yo~ t~ose lyrtcs ought to give looking very impressive m pracBoth teams ended the ftrst half r ouJd nu1 through mud, wh Ue his a fme 706 percentage. in deligh t tun~ m the fig ht on Monday mg 1 h '6 J., will be back art-er a. year's ~b monst ro us blod tcrs pushed t he unPat also is the J~ IJUDtcr a nd of play with imprcs.c:;ivc marks of tice. The h1gh schools have put scnee; . a ' run for Ius money. T l1e J'"re poor e noug , CassiUs D B yers, a. s t rapJung forth some tall boys and also the dersuod J ag·u ar d c I e. n 5 e m eo a,::-atnst Sa n l•".randsco he pu ntNI 4 wm~ and no rlefC'ats. soph back from last year; and The second ha lf or lhc football c hun ky type. The forwards ha ve a roUlld as 1! they WE' re on skis. Utrec times for 138 yards and a D a\'e F ranson, a transfer f rom J ' weekly Beaver Scouting reSunn<U"ln did though plod (or 304 rtn e 4.6 y:t ffi average })Cr p u fl t, onr tills wall begin next week and a ll looked pretty mean agatnst the ChlCO State who ll c e p p e d at AS:SOR T.I!:D BALONEY : Fred. ones Does anyone know why p az y• ..ds 'an '"-d SJX touchdowns through of these pun ts took 1'1!M'e early m teams w1ll be t rymg to shoot the older men. Steve "S lim" Blaser has Camden. rt : San Ft·anctsco ... p retty ducky ·. · ' k• T hose you ng ~ league leaders out of the top spot. looked terrific in has shOOting and k f this past wee . . · · the s:wamp, a Golden Gate Con- the game uo d t ra' e led 55 yards · The rest of the squad will conplay-making , Ron Carling the bigRocha has bee n gnnnmg 11 e a ox the paper thls week will have ference mark. as he played needJerry, a sophomore plays offensist of mostly freshmen. Mr'. ladies w ho expected to see t heJr nt~ mes mmcster before gatrung their nosave guard a nd as 5'11" and tips the Tntr1Lmur.1.t t.e nnJ.S is starting to gest o f the frosh is tough on the Wheelehan strongly urges anyone to wa tt u nt ll t he fm a l Issue of the se f a t last week 's SJ CC· Jess ly through the entire mess. scales at a lxmncmg 205 pounds, s lmfi<' mto rorm with many entries mterested in wrestJmg to contact toriety ... The seagulls outn umber ed t he :~r other usc o f lhts col · Bnght spot for the losmg local~ he played hJs high school ball at ln th(" s ingles ph'-). Some of the enhim Immediately. CCSF tilt. . Any rebroadcas t, rcp r oductLot 'of the author- lS stncUy Jtes, on the other hand. was the lrvmgton in Fremont. Jerry has t ri('':t arc J\ ngeJ Altomir::mo, Gary GGC STANDING umn Wi t hout the expressed wn t ten conscn puntmg of Pat CavataiO. The ~~I been doi ng a great job for tlle Jags ThleSSf'n, Annond Ve negas, John TEA~I W L GB f~~~~~~~~_,,, enco ur-aged. th1s season and 1s often overlooked :"\lonroe, John Cu,,ples, Tore San FranciSCO ............ . 6 0 2, Ted L<'f', Dermis Mar· San J ose . - ...... _....... 4 tine'7., llf'mm n &h ra nz, B a.rl"y Lo- Foothill .. ·-· 4 2 ponent he has come across and did r(' nzo, and l\tan·m Parsons. Inter- D1ablo VaUey ............. 3 3 . 50 agm n In t he San Francisco ested r.t<'ketrne n c..'l.D. still sec Chabot_, . .................... 3 3 Coaf'h Sl . imonl for infor mation. San Mateo .............. 2 4 1game When San Jose's passmg atContra Costa ..... -· 1 5 PAT RAY PAZ tack goes, 1t goes because of !me Oakland ................... 1 5 1 FRED BOB 10 H A RRISON ROC HA line-blocking and Jerry has led this / BABY'S DIAPER SERV I CE I JONES BORZONE C AVATA (47 29) 44-32) 1 attack stand mg out m h1gh !ash~~ Spec:ial Student Rates EA M .1 I (50-26) i (47-29) I 10 n. !'ext week when the Jags drop Wo med;c.oto all baby's d;ape" wah :~ DEP E NDA B LE TV RENTALS , (5 2 · 24 ) SJCC SJCC I back to pass, Look at what •s gomg DIAPAR~NE SAJll JOSE CC SJCC I SJCC SJCC on m front of the passer. and you SteriiR.ed and s.n ... Soft Fini~bed 38b Race St reet BATTEN'S ART Vs. I wtll see nwnber 61 knockm~ San 77 No. 4th St. Phone 294- 1933 I ' ~, " , ..,#~~'>."-.~";.'~~~~.~-':.~,.)~ FLORIST ..,. ..... SA N MATEO San Jo~e Fre~mo 11 Su Jose Mateo people all o\·er the field. . I ___ ( l O% Discount, to Students SAN JOSE STATE San Jose 532 S. Bascom Ave. CY 3-0655 ~ y, Son Jo•• Sta nfo,d Stanfo,d CaiHo.nla San Jos• FRESNO STATE 1
* * *
Turkey Trot Due Tuesday
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* * *
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f,~;i;; ~oll~~:;~m::~~· Published ea ch Thu rsday of tile school yea r by the journ a lism dane t S J C rfy Colle ge. ' Supported, in part , by Ass ocra ted Stude nt Body fu~d ~n ~se Californ ra. N ewspa~er_ Publishe rs Asiocia tion Second Class posta ge p~id a~mSae~ ~~:.• Subscnphon ra tes: $3 00 per or 10¢ per co py. Phone 298-2 ISJ,
==Sp=ea=rkin~,=a=ut=d· l/ Richard Davis Teaches
1 /1 .!::::::=
Sculpture Arouses Controversy
• • •
Unusual English Class .
By MANNY MAR TINEZ other than the m tcnded fun ctiona] A recen t mc1den t 'concerning a purpOse. The a rtis t proceeded to sculpture display on San J ose City use the sculpture as a new ap· College campus by an art st udent, proach to the attamment of aesthe tic va lue m metal. has aro used a con troversy. The individua l res pons 1bJe for Abo u t three wee ks ago, I r eceived a phone ca ll fro m a studen t the sculpture's removal ordered a at college, who told me of an un- jan itor to take It to a secluded us ual mece of bronze sculpture on spot_ out of rea ch of nasty minds. exhibit tn fron t of the campus ad- However, 1t ts evJden t that the Inm tm st ration bUJldmg Bemg a n art dividual, due to his author1ty as a dea ler, my interes t motiva ted me faculty member, a utomatically warrants the fmal decisiOn m art t o inves tig a te fu r ther
f01· them which m akes my JOb ma ke ffi ts takes from lim~ to t' , By K EN ROE DS "To best unders ta nd the, ""easwr and helps them succeed m Each week mormng a t 8 a m., Editor - - · - ·- - RON GREEN Adv. Mgr. J O HN MIGUELGORRY Ci ty College mstructor Richard class. Most Important, probably, ts lion," Dav1s explains, "I tryrto~ Aut. Edit. - · - · · - LEE NORMAN Elu$iness Mgr. ···-····· BRUCE RIGGS Davis g ree ts a roomful of s tudents t heir high degree of mo tivation myself con tmually 1n their PI ~ Nows Ed;t. - ···-·--·- SUSIE JON ES Night Ed,tor ... DON KAWASH IMA unlike any other class on campus They rea lize t ha t Eng lish IS a m ust 'If I were m t heir country, l "< Fulvro Dul .. ,__ JIM SCHROEDER He opens t he roll a nd starts for them 1f they are to ge t a long myself, 'how would I rea~t : Stall Ad lot .. _....... -..... BILL LANCE ' Sporn &Ht. ----·- BOB BORZO NE down the hst-"Akraminejad, Sha· whtle m t hiS coun try, and as a r e- would I feel?'" Adviser .. ---··-·--· C. W . PALMER " Wi t h th 1s type of a pproa, , koon , Abondt, EbrahlmJan, Ioan- sult t hey are extremely consctenDavis says "I fmd my job IS ~ mdes, Kazembaya tbashi, Khoda· Uous. ba ndehloo, Tantra pho1 . ." Secondly, they have a deep de- and the foreig n s tuden ts sen~~ H IS ;ob - t o help 45 st udents stre to help one a nother When a understanding on the part of tit from all over the world learn th e f ellow studen t describes 'b itter insb·uctor " proper wr1tten a nd spoken use of tea' when he meant t o say 'better This fa ll some 86 foreign s]J. O_nce a gain 1J1e l~ne is d r awing n ea r for t h e !:'l ude nL bod the E ng hsh language. tea,' a fell ow classma te ts t here to dents are enrolled at City Coli I n reference to people who have I found the arttst, Noa Os teen e leciJon s. T h e d ead li ne for fiUiu g p e t1ti on s for ASB off•ce i~ Bu t, accordJng to Davis, his two show htm the r tgh t pronun ciatiOn wtth I ran represented by thegr-e~ n ex t Monday. H e re ts t he c h ance fo r ~all th ose c r il1 cs of th e qua li· had been asked by a faculty mem- not been exposed to the s ubJect of fore tgn studen t EngJ1sh classes at and expl am t he reverse meanmg est number wJth 49. t y of student gove rmne nt to r u n for office and do some thing ber, to bnng some sculpture to the art appreciation, I will conclude by C1ty College, which represent some of the terms " campus a bout it. l\ios t like ly th e y wo n ' t . suggestmg one last thought, re- 12 d1ffere n t countries of t he world, Davis, m his firs t yeat· a t City As usual, . most o f lhe critics wi ll sta nd Hll y b y durin g the After the unve1hng of t he me tal gardmg the art of sculpture do not crea te as much of a probCollege, has discovered that his el~cll on~ savmg the1r e uc r gy ~o r th e post e lection gripi ng. The y ObJect, the s tories descnbing the The pnmar y lesson in workmg lem for the mstructor as one might knowledge of Chmese and German ~11! cr y about the poor quahty of tl1e candid a tes, the lac k o f sculpture became distor ted. At th iS unagme. Issues, a nd the sa d s la te of City C ol1ege. No malle r who is e lecte d pom t I d ecided to evaluate 1ts wtth sculpt ure is to learn to ap"Befor e the studen ts come to has helped him considera bly m In h e w 1U be. the worst possible choice in the vte w of t h ese pro: worth for myself, so I visited lhe preclate form in its simp hc1ty this country for study," Davis ex· structing such a class so diverse in f ess1onal c n llcs. arti st's stud to and saw wha t had Whethe r t he subJect be a bst ract native languages. or represen tationa l and whether tt pla ms, "they mus t have had some . Stil1, these sam e st ude,nts, wbe n a ske d t o h e lp, wi ll be tJ 1 e been cJassifted as obscene. ty pe of E nghs h study m their own " W e teach the s tudents no t to first o nes ~o say t hey ;lon .• h ave th e t in1e. T h e y h a ve mor e imThe s hape was one of a s eries s ugges t pleaSant or unpleasan t as- lands to pernut them to grasp the be afraid or embarrassed when By LYNN CZUJ ' s ociations 1 s purely a re fl ection of port!lnl thm gs to d o . _fh e1r surf_ bo a rds need waxing, t ii cl r ski that Noa ha d cast in bronze; a ll va rtous s ubJects ta ught in Ameri· they make a nus take m class," K1ddmgly, husband seeking f• o u~f1ts h ave t.o be read1e d for ac uon, Lheir f ri e nds in th e s tu deo l of which were m tended to be can- the VIewer's pas t experiences, de- ca n colleges " Davts says, "an d, as a result they male students iu·c constantly be~ UJl.lOU \-\.'l.J) m iSS t he m. dle holde rs One spectfic cand le Pendi ng on how his mi nd has been "Then too," he says, "the stu- are not afratd to s peak ou t m ch1ded for the dedication Wilh T he T i.m es h op es that such stude nts wi ll keep c1uie t and le ave holder, however, nlade a s ta tement cond itioned to inter pret morality. dents two important traits gomg class and are aware that they Will w h1ch t hey pursue their MRS d~ the .cotllicJ l free to go abo u t the hus jness of J1a ndling s tuden t gree a f f a u s. R.G. Seriously, these girls are ~ smart cook1es. After a ll, where •• There has been r ising dtscontent prevents t he colleges from serving does one fmd a s torehouse ri By L YN CZ UJ ' vat 1mg though t, opponen ts can be crushed by the cailmg of van ous over t he scholastic standards set the needs of jobless youths prop. available educated men? AnsYoer, People, when faced VVIth a n op-pc(c l. t OO S out' glittermg gener alllJes 1 e. Com- by 'the Caltforma jum or colleges erl y, particularly those f rom nu- S1mp le, m col1ege. And what ty~ -f-D f"' AS B. offt t. c B y JERRY CULL rx>s mg vtew are always , ready to d,.,.tll• ..c. N -~ 2. 'l. accord mg to members of the State nority groups of woman would attract fue before call nam es .. It's m uch easJCr to ~~·nist, r!ircher, Ex tremist, Capt- Coord inating Council fo r Higher Under t he proposed d ismissal mentiOned s ubject most? Answ£r• Good ly governme n t IS God's Je we l 8 Jst, ft Wmg, Rtght Wmg, Edu cation. A growmg number of l' be la bel opposition tha n to a t tack its Radtcal, etc, b ut this is the cowpo ICY mg C011S1 dcred by the Agam stmpl y, a n educated ort Its golden spl endot· is God's tool found a tions Depend mg on the pre- a rd's way. No thmg ts all black and ;~~ceSstaatree'SbJ euinn•gor hccoruU'degecrs·•tfJoCirZibe ng_ Board , t he s tudents wt th less than And w here would a fema le be best h 1t · S howing the way to t ru th a nd a C average would be automati - educated? Answer: Yep, yougot t~ w e · · JUSt as nothmg IS al l mg too eager to f lunk out t he'r light • ca ll y flunk ed ·out If they couldn't college. J ean Davy wlU take ono or t he good or bad A man who has to pooret· students. So, w1th all this in m ind, I pro. h regain a C average wtthm two se. Sprea dmg mercy and justice w1th le ading ro les m "L'A nnonce FaJ te resor t to these tactiCS 1· pose the add1tion o r a MRS deg., a J:\.l a r ie (4'The Tidings Brough t to m danger of ''bemg ~ 0:~: :~~.. A Harbor City member from the mesters. If t he proposed pohcy IS VJctonous might 1\farJ!" ) wh en it a n.pc~1 rs 10 t he S t' k State Board of Educat'IOn fears approved, t•t will go mto effect July to the regula r AA a nd AB degroo ,~ IC s and s tones are acc.redtted 1 1966 g tven at Ctt_y. So famt ly now echoes a command J\Jo ntgom erJ! T hea.ter Decembe r 5, that a dtsm1ssal pol1cy now under ' with breaking men, but a few Raymond J . Daba , an A therton Adm1sswn for thiS degree wou!ll 2 throug h the night at p.m. and 7 p. m. cons1dera tion by the Board and T h.e ou ..·· t·, .. dln~ 1 b p uJ g rea t men have been broken by a Board member, disagrees s hat'Tlly carty the same general rules, but ..., • ' L eo P ay Y a the Counc11 may p u,t a fi rush to the P As it wh ispers t h roug h leaves tn Cl d 1 ill shou ld be lmuted to the femai! .m c w I>1<t.y ror on 1Y t wo per - thoug ht] ess name thrown by a cow- "open door" policy of California's wi'th Scott. H e says t ha t the s tate the gltttermg twdtght f •• b has a r tgh t to msis:t on nurumum students, except In special cases. 1 11 orma nces a m \v• e done in a rdly n val junior colleges. He feels tha t thi's The hubby-catchmg de gree IS Let's put on t he breastplate of 0 F r ench. Other a ct r s in clmle granted generally wtthm the two truth my son Fmnce Desca u t, vlmes, year penod, but the actual time A llee Rerchcn, Pa ul Descombes, For t on tg h t t he battle for freedom Daniel Gall a nd J ea n Pommier. ..ME!! ••r un .for a n ASR offi cd'?' E rrol! Garne r , acclaimed p htno may vary accordmg to the individ lS won ! uaJ and her dedicatio n, thougb Dear Edt tor m etrically opposed to the KKK pla.yer, will ap pear in conc ert to- some more 1ntellectual m isses may In regards to you r editorial and JBS. morrow night at the Sa.n Jose Civic want to continue on to higher '"masterpJ ece" of Nov. 4, 1965, I The KKK hates Jews Catholics Auditoriwn for his only perform- levels of P,ursutt. should like to question yow- source Or ten tals, Negroes and 'let's thro~ ance in t he Bay A rea. The concert Course req~irements should mof m aterial I s hould also like to m a few Mex1 cans a nd Puerto RIc1u de · Beg~nrun g Housework, Sn<r wiLl begin "t 8:80 p.m. ask what pom t you \"Vere try m g to cans j ust f or good measure. The mg AppreciatiOn, Cofifee M~ ma ke ? r m ust, however, m all fair- JBS hates communists, 1 e, RusA su ccessfU't conil)oser, Ga rner (1 hou.r lecture and 2 hours lah\ ness, s tate my position as bemg Sia ns, Chmese or wha t ever has more thaJJ 100 co m pos itions to S ur vey of A m nac r 1 c a n Vacuura By MIKE O 'CONNOR Mosle ms don' t "d nnk, sm oke or t hat of a left-wmget· who IS, to By J IM SCHROEDER tiona l or et hmc g roup they may his c r ed it. His son g , " l\lis ty,'' has Cleaners, Improvement of Disfl ru n arotmd." Th e effect 'is tha t q uo te yours elf, "blmded by reT he views of I:radj Kiachia n been recorded by so m e 60 ,lrtists On your way to class, you often be, a nd the Umted Nations. The Washm g T echmque, and Remedial a li ty." hear tidb1ts of conversations t hat presen t t he Amerrcan student Wlth most Moslems lead •·at her somber VDC ha tes a war to which they through t he world a nd haS been Pocket P1ckmg (suggested nighl bves w hen compared wi th those oi In the f1rst p lace, I can see how a gJtmpse of a life q uite different arouse your curiOsity, so yo u tune are morally opposed Does your re- rated as one or t he most signHtc.;mt course) . Americans one can generalize and d r aw com- la tJOns hlp lie m th e fact that each in nke radar trackmg an enemy from h1s own standards ot th e 1>a-s t d oou de. Though this course is loaded College age Persians don' t date. parisons between the Ku KJ u..~ submarme. Usua ll y you hear a few T o begm \Yith, opport.umttes for wlth homework, the study matenal I n fact, most man·1ages are ar- Klan and the J ohn B1 rch Soc1ety group ts opposed to somethmg ? Tickets for t he Er roll Garner really leading llnes and you can't h1 gher education ll1 Ira n arc limTo quote your e<:h tortal, "Not aU may be researched m a variety ot ranged by the parents. K tac hta n but where, W l thm th1s frame of concer t a re :a."ailable a.t t he \ Vc nresist the urge to eaves drop. Ited. To be admitted to one of the feels that t hts as a good 1dea He references, does t he Viet Nam Day groups can go t heir own way re- dc l\ Wa.tkins B ox OffJce located in atmospheres 1 n c l u d 1 1t1 g football umversJ tles a s tudent must have H owever, the part ~ou hear IS says that paren ts are often W1se1· Committee fit in? Do they seek fus mg to be blinded by reality, bu t t he Sherma n Clay (d owntown) at games, p tzza parlors, drive-ins, col· t remendous grades, satd the I ransomet1mes mJsleading. For examand are able to choose a life-long stmtlar goals ? Ar e their methods these th ree a re ma kmg a go of 1t" 89 South F irst St., San Jose. Tel- lege parties and dances. Like any tan,. as well as pass a stiff en t rance ( I fmd th1s sta tement r hetoricaJ ple, you are followm g an apologetic partner wtl h more objectiVIty. ephone informa tion may be ob- other degree, tt IS sooner attaJiled t he same? I s it that all three deviexam Most s tudents don' t make tt young man and a gtr l w ho seems wtth an extensive homework-study Couple th iS w1th t he e xagger- a te from some vague cultural and I am fo rced t o mter pret ) A talned by callmg 293-6252. due to extreme competition. ' ated ptcture of American a fflu ence norm ? Jus t what is the relatiOn· go of w hat? I am completely opto be somewha t trrJtated and he program attacked with VIgor and pOsed to the KKK and t he JBS F r-om t he l.ime he enters fi rst presented to many for eign coun tr1es, ship ? zeal. says, "I'm sorry for what happened but I believe them cognizant, l ast rught I guess I got carrted g t·ade, the Perstan is u nder ex- and it tsn't d1f ftc ul t to understand Accordmg to psychological st ud- though m1sgwded, of reality. And away." Ri ght here you are all ears. treme pr essure H1s outside activi- why so many P ersians come to the Ies done at bo th S a n J ose Sta te as for t he VDC, what IS more real As you listen yo u hear him apolo- ties are hmited In most cases he Umted States College a nd the Unj versity of San than the t hrea t of total war whJCh I rarnans draw their opinions of gize for pourmg too much coffee IS responsible for nothmg but good Francisco, the character ma ke up hangs over mankand? Amenca from movies shown there. into a mug and sp1lling it on her grades. of the membership of conservative T otal war mvolvi ng nataons wtth By the tune lraruans reach col- T hey arer;a.'t Ill a pos itiOOJ to screen groups (such as the KKK and the new dress. Wh at a disappomtment' the nuclea r abilities to k ill a nd lege level they have two years of out the fiction and misrepr esen taJ BSJ and of the liberal groups) mutilate a major percentage, tf Sometimes you hear the s tart of specialized courses rn one of three tions W hen someone w ho doesn' t (such as the VDCJ tend, generally, not the entirety, of the popula Uon a joke and so you follow withm fields . matllematJcs, liberal arts, or know much a b out the Urn ted to be as follows: heanng distance. J ust as the story of the earth. If t his is not reali ty, States, says Kiachian, sees a moVIe medicme I n fact, according to teller is about to get to the punch Con servative Liberal I unplbre you what Js? Are you Kiach.ia.n, the average Pers1an high h ke "The In terns" he natura Uy llne the group makes a s harp left s ure "that the VDC's opt ruons school gradu a te can hold his own thinks all the stud<mls here lead F asctstic Democratic t urn and you m1ss it Gale-s of bear no relation to fact . . ,"? with most Amertcan coUege sopho- w1ld and licentious lives. Bigoted Tolerant laughter resoWld and you contrnue mores. As to the last sentence of your Asks t he Near Eastern studen t. InsensJhve Sensitive on your frustrated way. edttorJal dealing wtth their horHe says, "'You can sec that with w ho wouldn't make aJ bee-line for E tc. Etc. T he reverse IS also true. You school so hard there, people come a country where everyone 1s nch, rtbly chosen tacucs, wh1ch, of a In s ho r t, character WISe, as well hear a great punch line and no here!" dnves a btg car, and takes a difchOice of three, do you Prefer ' as philosophically, the VDC apstory to g1ve it meanmg. Eaves~ Another factor is the Mos lem re- ferent blonde to the beach every pears, to me at least, to be dia- a pathy, violence or non-VIolen t d roppjng has m a ny setbacks. demonstration. R. Chn stensen ligiOn, predomin ates in I ran Good weekend? He said this false unpresston leads Persrans to more or less "go wild'' in antic1patJon when t hey do get here. Whil~ o n the subject o r false ImpressiOns Kiach1an mentioned that he seldom meets a n Amencan who knows what he is talkm g about with regards to Iran. His maJor complain t JS tha t Americans thmk that Iran and Persta are two separate countnes. He added that Persia does have telepho nes, tele-
Study Material f~ College MRSdegree Takes Diligence
People Are ,Namecallers • • •
God's Government
JC Standards Cause Rising Discontent
_:.:_:..:::___::~~~~~~;~~-·~~:~~~~~~~:~~~~~fpe~I·;fo;r~ ma;n~c;e~s;ta;n;d~a;rd~s~;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;,
Letter to Edl.tOr
Eavesdropping Foreign Student Submits Has Setbacks Glimpse of Iranian Life
San Jose
light Opera A ssn's
stago performM cc of
"MY FAIR LADY" Mon tgomery Theater Sc:~n Jo$0 C 1vrc Aud .torium
(With coup on o nly $1.00) THIS SUNDAY MATINEE ONLY at 2: 00 P. M. Aud itorium Bo.x Office Open
Da ily from 12:30 to 5:30
Jagged Jottings
The 48-6 defea t bestowed on the J ags by San Francisco las t week
was the worst ba ttermg tha t the locals have suffered m histor y. The .{ game was never m dou b t after halftime, but San Francisco left in hclr starte r s for t he en t1re fray t The U~:uus• co.tching stnrr unmer Cifull y poured It on the weath etlasllcd Jags . S J)ectac ul ar haJfbnck 0 . J . Simpson was in the J:".Hne fo r almost ever y offensive an d defensive })lay, as is evident by Ju s record· setting si~ touchdowns. It's ha rd to determine who t he San F ra uclsCft.RS were t rying to itupress, especially when you r eAlize t ha t th e oOC wltJJte r ts pledge<l to compete 1n the Prune Bowl. If the Rams were ahnln ~ nt a hid fro m somethin g like th e Jmtior Rose Bowl t hen theY would lnt.\'e :t bit of justifi cation fot their torturo \as pe~formance ; ~· 15 lt Is, ,,n ex plan ation would be appreci ated. There 1s nO dou bt t ha t CCSF IS the best team thaL San J ose has faced in three ycm·s, bu t had the weather condit ions been a ny th mg near no1m a l t he t tl t would have been a ~ot closer. Still, lt's doubtful ,, 1r the Jags could ha ve beaten the talent-lad en 'F r isco crew on a dry field. S1mpson IS a treme ndo us runner, possibly bette} tha n Con tra costa's ex-great Trav is \V'ilhams However, any team posscssmg the blg, fast herculean h nemen s uch as San F ranciSCO, makes It easy for the back s Some of the holes t.hey opened up wer e big enough to dnve trucks through. *I ' ... The wea t her elemen ts took t he pun ch out of the Jags. Qua rterback Bob T ole do was n't a h le to g rip th e muddy )llgsl<ht in his us ua l u m n.·' ner, and resnl tnntly t he vassmg game \\'as st.if led. Just t he same Sa n Jose is a good ball cl u b , :md t heir showmg or las t week must be \\ rl tten ort as jus t one of t hose things.
,J ~
* * *
Basketball , wh1ch is freq uently regarded as SJCC 's number one sport, is about ready to take over the headlmes fi'Om the footballe rs . Last year's hoopsters were ranked fourth m the s ta te, and this season's aggrega t iOn promtses to be just as good if not better. AU-Stat e cen ter C lyde Dawson Is missing fr om t he scene t h's carupaign, a..~ is GG C sco ring clmmp Jnck Matultch. However , both P az Rocha a nd Jirn Kuhlman, sbtrters on last year's team, a re back to fo rm the found ation of the t ea m. Taking over the center post is big Cllf.f \Valker , wlille flash y gua rd Bruce R ,lbidou, and hatchetman .forwa rd Dave Olsen rou nd ou t the starting five. New head coach George Allison is expe dmentmg wit h a platoon system, and JUdgmg from early scnmmages, this new w r mkle may tw"n out to be a gold mme. The cagers open the1r ex hibitiOn season on Dec. 1 at Civic Audttonu m agamst the Umve1-sity of S anta Clara F ros h In a 6 p.m encounter.
~1Er-fflE RS of t he 1965 Jaguar water t>olo .squ.ld whi ch fashioned an Impressive 16-8 ma rk ar e (top l ef t to ri...h t ) : Coach Bob Jones, l\l g r. Bob Ree k, Pa~l Alll gue •iom\Voodwaul i\lik e Brow n ; Um d row: pl et t P ·wl \~<ttts :uHI fl:l-r ry 'w iUttal ; second t·ow: ll<e BrO\;.ll, :,nd 's t>otswood ; bottom row: \Vaytt e ltccl<.
Ron i'\facLemuut, L ,mny L.mdwehr, J lt n Best , B tll Young, l< Burry, Jini .M oo1·o, Jim Trlp-
Yeo, JJ III Jun g, .Bob Co ly:1rd ~hH ,:rotn, Alan J uu Odgc n, Tom Aluop, ~tn ~111 au m .
The Oaks were completely bamB y PAZ ROCHA boozled by the Jag machme and The Jaguar water polo team were lucky that they even got picked up two victorres last week their suits wet. Lanwehr once and lost one, to bring their season again 1e9 the charge, th1s ume he log to 16-8. ThiS is the best wonlost log ever compiled by a SJCC htt for 6 scores. San Jose City College wiU be the water polo squad in the history of :site for- t h1s year's Northern Callthe school The Aqua-Jags are now forma Tourney this Friday an~ settmg thear stghts on the North· Saturday This will mark the ellern Cai Jfotrua W ater Polo Tourney. max of t.J;1e season for the locals. The Tankers clobbered the San Should they capture fa-st or second J ose W ater Polo Club 20-12 and n the meet they wtll get an HWJtaMenlo College 22-2 for their two 1 wms last week with their loss tlon to the State Tourney he ld a t Long Beacb Dec. 3 and 4 There coming from a very powerful FootWlll be SDC teams m the tournah•ll College 14-4 Against the Watet· P olo Club t he men t three from the Va lley Conpolo1sts romped from the start of fercn~e and t h ree from our Golden the game to completely drown the Gate Con fer-ence. T he Va lley r ep resenta.ti Vf'S will WPC defense Top pomt p roducers for the Jags were Lanny La nwehr bo M od esto, Amc rJCa n. River, aJ td and Jtm Best \\'ith h ve and four J oaquin De lta. T h e GGC wiU send fu.vo red FoothJJl a nd S nn Mapotnts respectl\·ely T he Owls continued l heir su- teo along with da rkhor se San J ose. The schedule of games for the premac y over th e IOC.l iS with th ·ir 14-4 COIH(UCSt. The wa.ter boyS toumey ts: we re only in t he g.une a.t t he sta r t 9 30-College of S a n :Ma teo vs. as F ooth lll fs the' to1> JC team in Modesto Jun10r College. t he state :utd J)ro b.lbly t he ma.t1on. 11:()()-San J os~ C1ty College v s. P lul Brown led t he Jags wit h two Amer tca.n River JC. g oals. 1 :30-Winner game 1 vs. FoolAfter being swamped by the hill. Owls, the Jaguars took out their 3·()0.-Winner game 2 vs. San aggregation on a weak Menlo ColJoaquin Delta JC. lege squad t o the tune of 22-2.
Simpson Swamps Jags~ 48-6; Hoopsters Open Campaign Bulldogs Foe in GGC Finale Against SCU December 1
ond hne f1eld general booted the mud a nd dumped him for an 18 By FRED J ONES Basketball has started a nd the boards and has showed some fmc mgskm three t1mes for a 46-yard yard loss 0 t h c r top defensive SJCC Jaguar qumtet looks very shootmg m scrmunages; Oscar Attempl mg to gam thc1r hrst a\'crage, h1s Lop effort of the dw tn· work came when J ag Imemen Reyes, looks qU1ck and 1s gotng to w mnmg season under head coach r stopped S1mpson for no gam w cth optamistlc w1th a large crop of be one of the fmcst s hootJng dling campaign outstanchng transfers and high J 1m Wheelehan, the San Jose City Ca\ u.tuio W itS al so th e J .• ~; hero four minutes rcmainang tn the half school players the hoopsters seem guards the hoopsters wi ll have thts College Jaguars venture to College late In the tilt, ••s he hool<ed u}> Oes1Jit e t he conclitlo ns, Q IJ B ob year; another guard hopeful ts of San Mateo tomorrow to meet with back R ud y G uzm an on a. 32 Toledo t h.rcw ror l20 y:u-<ls to to have a lot of talent This yeat-s Gary A nderson, a :sharp-shootmg team IS the reverse of last years t he BuUdogs at 2 pm yard a.e ri:LI wit h 1:5:04 rermd ning break t he 1\ ln g conrercn<.'O pJaye1· from James L1Ck. Sportmg an overall 4·4 slate a nd 111 the thing, for the onl y J agmt r shuul.1rd for one senson with 1054 team, havmg a large amou n t o( T h e hig hs th at luwe con t rlbu tell players over s1 x foot t hree Last In tramural ehg 1bi h ty a t th ~ school tS due for a w holesale inves ti· 4-2 Golden State Conference mark, SCO I'e . to t he J ag terun ~c rfelt, Bl~ yea~: the • Ratpack" h ad only one ~ gation I nlrarnura l ducctor Darto ''S1" S1mom has t wo basic rule~ for the J aguars also have hopes of San J ose 's most mspu cd defenser; Floneer, Carling; S1u1 J ose, ma n over s ax foot two his program. 1 ) Any person who has taken p art m varsity competi tion thelr best ever co n fer~nce position. Sive effort came on CCSF's scr1es The Jags have seven returru ng n.eyes. 'l' h c!SC a re loc:tl schools and at this or any other college as mehgJ ble fo a· mtramura1 ac tiOn ; 2) All fo r a wm wiJl solidify second spot of downs before the Jocals score, lettermen. They hope to have an ca n be proud of t hclr })layers.. (j~ intramural participants must have a student body card The league seems to be one of m the GGC for the local gr1dders. when defens1ve tackle Tom Sha lloutsta ndmg season this year. The The sport9' s taff IS wondermg 1f a th trd r ule should be added The Wrappmg up their careers for abager crashed through the Ram transfers a nd htgh schools have the toughest m the state and t he rule w ould be s tated accordmgly Intr-amural rules No 1 and No 2 the purple and wh1 te w1ll be · two lme and convinced the enemy quarput a lot of balance in th is years qu mtet from San Jose has to fight terback tll'at he was every game to have a chance for slippmg an the are vmd if the participant is the student body presiden t year lettermen, linemen, J erry squad the state champ10nsh}P The Jag· Since ru le No . 2 bas been s trictly enforced in t he past, w hy Shelley, Richard Mtllan Bob Kuh1The annual Turkey T rot IS Puz ltoch a, good· ba ll handler, is uars are look'Ing forward to a state shouldn't r ule 0 1 also b e enforced ? \Vhen c:oach D oug " 'eiss \:anted mann, R1ch Sotelo, Jerry Cox, and qutckly nearmg wtth many quali· t he only ret urrung star te r ; Jim berth. to rlm in t he t u r l{ey trot :a. coupl e of yea rs :Lgo, the int ra mural director Ray Harnson, a nd backs I rv Ro"Coors" l{ uhlnm.n sixth m a n lrom f1ed cntr1es m the race. The physiforced hi m to bu~· a A.S.~. ca.rd bc(orc nclrn owledging hls ent~~· u scnbwJ!. Pat Cavat~o. !llch Ru1z, cal education department entdcs last yeu r s team ls back l r om H a.1 is n't tlm.t we d oJ~'t w.•nt to 800 presiden t Tom Be:ttty tnkc pa r t n ...slan - Jones, ... Danny Romero, and wull read y t o play; Bruce R rLbldou, are AI Seegar and Les Taylor repin tramura.l ~tctlon, but ra t her that a. rul e is a. rtlle :wll should be e n- M1ke Matherly. chu.nky s ha T'(l-sh ootlng g u a r d ; ,.. f orood as su cJt. \Ve anticil)ate that this o\ ersigh t will b e corrected as Slg:na.l calle r Bob Toledo got his Despite the hornd weather and a resentmg Coach Baker and Ed Dln'e Urun i, looks very tough so ·~ u.a m e atop tlte list of GGC q uar- powerlul san Franci sco Ctty Col- MorrJson and Steve Blasei· reprc- ra r in pr:Lctlco; Larry 'Va ll,er , t he soon as pos~;ible. terbacks, in last wecWs wu.ter Jog- lege team that overpowered the sentlng Coach ,AI IIson. Other cn- jurn}>lng gaxelle ; and T 91n UchiThi s year's Jaguar w-restling ged fra y in Frisco. T oledo now Jags' last week, there was a fe-w ·'· yama, a r e a.ll 1he gua.rds retu rning. On next Mo nday nagh t sports fan s throughout t he count ry will be owns conference nHuks i n, most bright rays of light to look back tncs are Al Arevalo from MerPete Kendall. leads the forward team will open tts 1965-66 'home h t'?"eated to a maJor comedy On that e vcrung Cassius Clay w11J shadow passes complet ed in one ~aso.n upon. Selected as Back-of-the- chandtsing Club, Dave RoJas a nd bngade, he has been lookmg very slate by hostang a double dual meet box Wi t h F loyd Patterson for the heavywe ight champiOnship of lh e ( 77 ), most y:u ·d s ga ined V'J u, aJC Week was Pat Cavataio, and as Bruce Robidou both runnmg inde· sharp so far a nd ts looking for a tomor-row afternoon. The teams m aU (1054 ), u.nd most TD 1msses Lmeman·Of-the· Week J erry Shel- penqcnl. f1rst strmg job; The transrers that wtll compete m the match arc Arner1can R1ver, Sacramento City, ' . worl~e last hea vyweigh t 1itle fi ght, wh ich pitted Sonny 'I llkc to s leep' (14) . CCSF 48 SJCC 6. ley. Any m r n c.1n sti ll ente r in the seem to be the ones that w1U help Foothill, and San Jose LISton agamst Clay, w as such a farce tha t Playtex awarded It t he Mud, ra m. wmd, and a man Pat IS a sophomore quarter-back competitiOn J) r ovldln g that they out the team the most as t hey have The operung painngs will fmd named 0 J, doused a ll tatle hopes and defensive safety who stands the tall boys that can control ha\!e not. the ente red in in terco ll eb "ia.t.e ''Fa ls ie of the Year " honor for 1965. F gob•g to . and a b1d to the Prune Bowl lor 6'0" and weighs 195 pOunds A 1960 track. Turk e y will be gh en to t he boards for the J ags Cliff Walker San Jose wrestling Sac 0 1ty and Clay wh o ha.s su c h •" b1g mouth that th e Air •orcc was • I f 8 pro f ight P atterson, w hose g1ass t he Jaguars last Fnday afternoon , graduate of Lmeoln High School. \\inn tors :Lnd t h e best time w ill leads the centers, he can Shoot a nd F oothiU tanghng with Arn.encan use it a.s a hangar. h as never OS · . ,erson Rwer. The squads will t hen fortun e teiUng, IS t 11e on 1Y 1 as San Fr-ancJSCO mudded to a con- he a lso has played on to G G.C take the tro1111y. Jump very tough, Denrus Reynolds ja.w a lmo:;t fo rced hun t o go Into opponents wtth the Jags tak1ng vmcmg but uncalled for 48-6 shp Champion baseball teams In the ts another btg stud and possesses ever to win t he title twice. . H tly stated "The and s hde over the aun on t he Beavers of ARJC and locals on the San Francisco game P at passed Intramural grid actton closed very fast hands for a tall man; The c hampiOn calls Patterson the rabbit. e r ecen .' I the Owls clashing With sec. t Cassms docs not scare, am wtnner's pond _ SlX times, completing three for 41 out the farst half of the season last Dave O lson, the baby bull of the b rabbit may move as fast as a hare, u Lc~tdm g t ins year's g r a jl plc r s Only thm g l'rov{'d by t he he~wlly yards and San Jose's lone touch· week w1th the Campus Brass w m· Jaguars, IS one o( the mainstays wilt be Dic k Vaug hn, who too k secso great I will wm m eJgh t .'' d 't last long enough for J:terciJ>Jtatcd til t. w.•s tlmt CCSF's down: while for the season he halli mng the Club league a nd the E1c- or the team's control of the boards. o nd in th e St.··\.t.e Jast The heavyweight tit le fl gh t usually oesn t to momentarily laugh year; l rv The frcghmcn also have been colorful ha lfb,,ck 0. J , Sim1,so n completed 12-17 fol' 96 yards and mrnts taking the Open league Ro~e nberg, t llird m Ute S t ate in anyone to get their rad10 d1al set So lf yo~ t~ose lyrtcs ought to give looking very impressive m pracBoth teams ended the ftrst half r ouJd nu1 through mud, wh Ue his a fme 706 percentage. in deligh t tun~ m the fig ht on Monday mg 1 h '6 J., will be back art-er a. year's ~b monst ro us blod tcrs pushed t he unPat also is the J~ IJUDtcr a nd of play with imprcs.c:;ivc marks of tice. The h1gh schools have put scnee; . a ' run for Ius money. T l1e J'"re poor e noug , CassiUs D B yers, a. s t rapJung forth some tall boys and also the dersuod J ag·u ar d c I e. n 5 e m eo a,::-atnst Sa n l•".randsco he pu ntNI 4 wm~ and no rlefC'ats. soph back from last year; and The second ha lf or lhc football c hun ky type. The forwards ha ve a roUlld as 1! they WE' re on skis. Utrec times for 138 yards and a D a\'e F ranson, a transfer f rom J ' weekly Beaver Scouting reSunn<U"ln did though plod (or 304 rtn e 4.6 y:t ffi average })Cr p u fl t, onr tills wall begin next week and a ll looked pretty mean agatnst the ChlCO State who ll c e p p e d at AS:SOR T.I!:D BALONEY : Fred. ones Does anyone know why p az y• ..ds 'an '"-d SJX touchdowns through of these pun ts took 1'1!M'e early m teams w1ll be t rymg to shoot the older men. Steve "S lim" Blaser has Camden. rt : San Ft·anctsco ... p retty ducky ·. · ' k• T hose you ng ~ league leaders out of the top spot. looked terrific in has shOOting and k f this past wee . . · · the s:wamp, a Golden Gate Con- the game uo d t ra' e led 55 yards · The rest of the squad will conplay-making , Ron Carling the bigRocha has bee n gnnnmg 11 e a ox the paper thls week will have ference mark. as he played needJerry, a sophomore plays offensist of mostly freshmen. Mr'. ladies w ho expected to see t heJr nt~ mes mmcster before gatrung their nosave guard a nd as 5'11" and tips the Tntr1Lmur.1.t t.e nnJ.S is starting to gest o f the frosh is tough on the Wheelehan strongly urges anyone to wa tt u nt ll t he fm a l Issue of the se f a t last week 's SJ CC· Jess ly through the entire mess. scales at a lxmncmg 205 pounds, s lmfi<' mto rorm with many entries mterested in wrestJmg to contact toriety ... The seagulls outn umber ed t he :~r other usc o f lhts col · Bnght spot for the losmg local~ he played hJs high school ball at ln th(" s ingles ph'-). Some of the enhim Immediately. CCSF tilt. . Any rebroadcas t, rcp r oductLot 'of the author- lS stncUy Jtes, on the other hand. was the lrvmgton in Fremont. Jerry has t ri('':t arc J\ ngeJ Altomir::mo, Gary GGC STANDING umn Wi t hout the expressed wn t ten conscn puntmg of Pat CavataiO. The ~~I been doi ng a great job for tlle Jags ThleSSf'n, Annond Ve negas, John TEA~I W L GB f~~~~~~~~_,,, enco ur-aged. th1s season and 1s often overlooked :"\lonroe, John Cu,,ples, Tore San FranciSCO ............ . 6 0 2, Ted L<'f', Dermis Mar· San J ose . - ...... _....... 4 tine'7., llf'mm n &h ra nz, B a.rl"y Lo- Foothill .. ·-· 4 2 ponent he has come across and did r(' nzo, and l\tan·m Parsons. Inter- D1ablo VaUey ............. 3 3 . 50 agm n In t he San Francisco ested r.t<'ketrne n c..'l.D. still sec Chabot_, . .................... 3 3 Coaf'h Sl . imonl for infor mation. San Mateo .............. 2 4 1game When San Jose's passmg atContra Costa ..... -· 1 5 PAT RAY PAZ tack goes, 1t goes because of !me Oakland ................... 1 5 1 FRED BOB 10 H A RRISON ROC HA line-blocking and Jerry has led this / BABY'S DIAPER SERV I CE I JONES BORZONE C AVATA (47 29) 44-32) 1 attack stand mg out m h1gh !ash~~ Spec:ial Student Rates EA M .1 I (50-26) i (47-29) I 10 n. !'ext week when the Jags drop Wo med;c.oto all baby's d;ape" wah :~ DEP E NDA B LE TV RENTALS , (5 2 · 24 ) SJCC SJCC I back to pass, Look at what •s gomg DIAPAR~NE SAJll JOSE CC SJCC I SJCC SJCC on m front of the passer. and you SteriiR.ed and s.n ... Soft Fini~bed 38b Race St reet BATTEN'S ART Vs. I wtll see nwnber 61 knockm~ San 77 No. 4th St. Phone 294- 1933 I ' ~, " , ..,#~~'>."-.~";.'~~~~.~-':.~,.)~ FLORIST ..,. ..... SA N MATEO San Jo~e Fre~mo 11 Su Jose Mateo people all o\·er the field. . I ___ ( l O% Discount, to Students SAN JOSE STATE San Jose 532 S. Bascom Ave. CY 3-0655 ~ y, Son Jo•• Sta nfo,d Stanfo,d CaiHo.nla San Jos• FRESNO STATE 1
* * *
Turkey Trot Due Tuesday
C ava.tajo, Shelly Re ceive Pra ise
Wrestlers Host Meet Tomorrow
* * *
__.,. , t. ~- P1·gsk1·n P1·cks l ~:nt~:e~~~";~·t~~::c~~:~~:~: I meS --~~~~-~~J~~:-I -__J~:_:_::_:-_-=~:;=--;--:---;;;;;;~::~--PAl:--~ I' I
Poloists Host Nor-Cal Tournament Saturday
! l
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Tliui'Stlay; November 18, 1965
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November I9, 20, 21 - Fn.., sa t ., 8 P.M. at the BAR N H ighway 17 near Santa's
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l t~~ board · O utboa r d
Re pa ir • Gettera l l cpoirs • l oot and Trailer Wi riR9
e.g lrtntr.a •ympGPI'I ericolly g vid e 4
Free! , re -Condit ion ing' classes Wed . nites - H a rtel Meller Sa~ J os• State Colleqt Ski Coa t;h Regist er Now!! 440 SO. WIHCHUlll Orrosm: MY'STUY HOUSf
1 44-0110 SAN JOSI
l - - - - - - - - -- - - - . l
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1--ClTl' COLLEGE TlllfES - - ''l'Rursaay, 'Novemller ' 18, 1965
Women's PE Creates Basketball Squad
'Awareness to Community Problems' Purpose of Student Initiative Club
Student Ini t iative, the newes t dent aware ness t o commu nity club to be formed on cam pus, has problems . It is a new kind of c lub. Victor as its purpose, the arousal of stuTalvera, club president sn.ys
,~, ~$-f-1-
'1/C E~'\~
For the fnture , the club is t hinkin g in terms of a tutor·ia I program a.t nn east side junJor hig-h school, adult literacy classes, tmd a work st11dy program.
Free! Pre-Cond ition ing classes Wed. nites- Hartel Melle r San Jose State Colle ge S~i Coach Register How!! o440 SO. WINCHESTER OPPOSITE MYSTERY HOUSE
244-0UO 5AN JOSE
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GUARANTEED BRUSSELS: The I ntern ational Student lnformation Service an nounced that 800 students \\ill be accepted in 1966 from an an ticipa ted 4,000 applicants, Jn the past [our years I SIS has placed more than 1.500 studenLs in jobs abroad
Y~"' ar·round and summer.
" \VhiJe we plan to enjoy oursel ves, our m a in purpose is not solely to fw:t. but to "eduC'ate•' t he college student to tl1e fa ct that t her e defin.ite problems in onr community/' Along with t hjs, m embers hope to show w ha t can be done to alleviate these obstacles to communi ty developmen t. ' Vic tor commen ted t hat the club is now going through o rganizationa l s teps. At t he present time, they a re concent r a ting on formi ng a strong nucleu s of people interested in working .
-r:he fi rst f'dition of their 32-page mnga· zme JOBS AD ROAD is packed with on·the-spot photos. sto ries aot.l infonna· tion nbout your job ab road.
l earn how ISIS guarantees you a job abroad anyti me of the yenr.
Read how to cover your expenses of a thrilling trip abroad for: FUN· CUL-
SI Sil\lONI HAl'PJLY DISPT... AYS the telegram he r ecei\'ed rece ntl y f1·?n~ F . L. Greiner, City Clerk, appoi11ting him to the Spor ts Coni~msswn or San Jo!»e. Simoni. veteran City Co llege physica l ed uca.tion m structor, was also the h ead of last yea r 's Society for CriJ)pled Children itnd Adhlts of San ta Clara. County.
Anthropology Group Hears San Jose State Instructor
The .flrRt such field tri1, is sch ecluled for Saturday, Nov. 20, from 12:80 to 4 at t.he Irulian burial grounds in Alame<la Cowt ty. Tltis 11 Nancy is a very good student," particular excursion has 1noduced beamed M ary Dejani, depa rtment Indian arrow heads, skeletons and head, "and she has won m any tro· other items from early Califor nia phies in the past." Imlian cultures. Through competition cosmetology S a turday evening, folJ owing the stmlents are able to progress furfield trip, there wilJ be an in fo rmal ther in their tmi1dng. One of t he gathering at one of th e homes of area's larger beauty shops has re- a membe r wi th further details cently request ed an interv iew wit11 being g iven on the trip. two of l\'liss Dejani's top stud ents. Anyone wishing to join "In the past CC students have need only possess the interest a nd had somewhat more polish jn customer relation as well as in their cur iosity of a n inquisit ive student. scholastic trainln g," commented A. J . Thompson, Beauty Bank Salon JERRY AULDRlDGE Stale Farm Insurance represen tative. IN~u•".,.'"·
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For your copy of l obs Abroad air mail $ 1.00 to : l SIS, 133 rue Hotel 'des Monnaies, Brussels 6, Belgium.
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Phone 259-5-488
point o! view, and showed slides f rom an Tmli:m burial gr ound i~1 Alameda. Cotm ty. The hopes and aims of t his newly for rrled organiza tion are to meet the needs of students with simila1· inte rests in m an's beh avior through s timula tin g informal discussions and informat ive fie ld tri ps.
Nancy Souza Garners Trophy - San Jose City College and its Cosmetology department continued to impress in competition a s third semes ter s tudent Nancy Souza copped a first pl ace a wa rd in hair styling a t Ha rvey's CJub in Nevada. Out of 24 entrie s from the United• Sta tes Miss Souza's "current trend" ha ir-do completely impressed the Nevada judges. The City College student was with he1· parents in their Lake Tahoe home w hic.h enabled her to enter the contest. She was the onl y participant from the I.ocal school .
Basketba ll S trategy & 'D h · Sociological Aspect 5 0 f ~ mqu~ Dance. The confe port & renee- was con eluded with a Conf erence Banqu •· wi th Dt·. Smith USC h e.., speaker. ' t e guest
Price for a w ee k to anyone brinCJinCJ in two . new people.
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GARAGE EUROPA Repair of 'lolkswagen -
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defense, and react very well to the baH. They also have shown some evident wealmesses which we hope to exploit." Jaguar signal caller Bob Toledo could be the key to the local' s chances of a n upset win. Toledo has complet ed 70 of 123 passes for 934 yards and a conference shattering 14 touchdown aeriaJ s. S a n Jose's air la ne director is also nearing the GGC record for most completions (72 , Chuck Hunt, CSM 1964) a nd total yards passing (1020, also Hunt, 1964) . San J ose will also get an added boo8t with the returning to the lineup of aJI-len.gue cen.te r Rich l\UIInn. Millan has been sidelined with a bndly s1nalned anl<le. Also coming orr the injury shelf w ill he taekles Bob 1\olartinez and Bu tch \Vinn. The J a guars have run .into problems with fullba ck-defens ive back Rich Ruiz, ge tting trea tmen t for a pulled te ndon, and defens ive safety Bill Ballard being declared through for the year with a split sca lp. The claw twins , flanker C raig Shupe and split end Jim Heckendorn, are also etching their way into the confe1·ence r ecord books. The ru/ty Shupe entered ihe mark
Prints 112
Theodore Bikel, whose remark able talents have won him inter · national fame as an ac tor, fo lksinger, author and lecturer will be the next featured performer on the Evening Cultu raJ Series at San Jose City College November 14. B i,kel's progra m will begin at lead ing man in the Rodgers a nd 8 :30p.m. in the Men's Gymnasi um. Hammerstein Broadway m us ical, General admission is $2 for adu lts •·The Sound of Music," a role he and 50 cents for children under 12. played for two years. I n add ition to his reputation as Stude nt body Card holderS from area schools may purchase tickets an actor, Bikcl has gained worldat $1.50. Cit y Coliege card holders wide reknown as a folksi nger . H e si ngs songs from twenty lands in are admitted free. Born in Vienna in 1924 and edu- their native tongue. He appears freque ntl y in o necated in Israel, Bikel has won prominence in t he motion pictui'e man concerts at New York 's Carfield, a ppear ing in many fi1ms negie Ha ll and ot her major concer t including "Moulin Rouge," "The halls throughollt the country and Pride and the Passion," "My F ai r overseas, and his sixteen rf.cord Lady," and "The Defiant Ones," al bums fo r Elektra Records have in which he was nominated for an been co n s i s tent best sellers Acad emy Awa rd in 1959. th roughout the years. His book, "Folksingers a nd Footnotes," pubLEADING MAN H e was cast as Mary Martin's ' !ished in 1960, went into scvcntl printings within months of its a ppearancE'.
setting circus last week against Contra Costa, r eeling in three TD passes for scores in the tilt. Old mark, held by three others, including SJCC' s Mike Goodman, at two in one game. Shupe also caught his sixth touchdown toss of the year (p revious record, five, Eural Smothers, 1964) . Heckendorn, on t he other hand, i s rapidly gaining on the league's reception r ecord . San J ose has fa ced CCSF th ree t imes, all in Golden Gate Conference competition and holds a 2-1 lead over the Rams. The loca l grld<lers won in 1962, 12-7 ; 1963, 8- 6 ; and lost last year 26-22.
Theater Buffs May Be Missing Chance For Writing Prize
But Beneficial
Stock Frames to
Phone 298-21 8 I /Ext. 230
City College theater buffs who focus all of their attention on the p roduction of "Mother Cour age" m ay be overlooking a chance to collect $100. A playwrit ing contest being sponsored by the drama department a t Sa n Joaquin Delta College is offering a $100 first prize fo1· the bes t complete, original, unpublished , unproduced, full-le ngth, one-author, English play to be subm jtted by a st udent enro11ed in Anyway any accred ited California univers ity, college, or junior college. The p urpose of t he contes t according to a n a nnouncement received a t SJCC is ''to s timulate orig inaJ thinking and experimenta tion for the open stage, and the betterment of the American Two members of t he student council have r e turned from an Asso- theater." ciatio n of College Unions Conference held a t Re no, and have r eported Entries must be legibly typethe trip was W.\)rth the money involved. written on one s ide of white paper, In his report to the ,.student council Dave DiBenedetto, commis - a nd a ll pages must be bound . To sioner of the student un.iOllt stated be considered, an entry will have that information gathered on the f.A:·esented . This can be a t tribufed to be postmarked before midnight, tt·ip, while benef icia l, did not jus- to the efficiency and . ha rd work February 1, 1966, a nd must not of th e s tudent government at C ity bear the author's name. tify the financial ou tlay. All ent ries must be accompanied The ACU is an organization to College, " he said. In his report, Di Benede tto said by a completed entry blank. Entry promo te. the jmpr oved use of student facilities. At the r ecent con- tha t of the s ix works hops a ttended blanks and further infmmation are ter e nce, the C ity Co11ege represen- by the City College delegation, a vailable from Bernard S. Rosentatives attended a seri es of discus- only two were of real bene fit. blatt. Director of Dramatics. His sions designed to pinpoint and These were on publicity and e valu· address is San Joaquin Delta College, 3301 Densington Way, Stocksolve problems arising from stu- a tion of stude nt act ivities. ton, California, 95204. den t operations. Also on the trip was Steve Holeman, advisor to t he student counSpen<..oer WUUam s is the Santa cil, and Ed Mogler , assistant dean Clara. Count-y Counsel and has been of student ser vices. According to Mogler, the main In that l)()St ·f o r t he last 15 years. problem was that most of the He Is not a. Santa Clara County schools were four-year colleges CoWlcll membe r as was rei.Hlrted The San Jose Junior College Diswhose problems were not compat- on page four of last week's Times. The Tlmes wis hes to apologize ible with our own . "We have altrict announced this week j t would ready put into operation or reject- Jor :u1y emba.rrassme nt His mJ st::tlce enter into negotiations with the ed as unusable many of t he ideas may have caused Willi...'Ulls.
Jose Paint
(See Page 4)
B y Fred J ones This Friday a fter noon m arks the day of reckoning for t he San Jose City College J aguars , as they venture north to face the City College of San Francisco R ams, a t 2 p.m. on the Bay City's gridiron. Powerhouse S a n Fra ncisco, 5-0 in Golde n G a t e Conference action, has mesmerized its r ival opponents. The Rams ha ve cha lked up victories over Foot hil l 32-20 , Olabot, 42-6, Oakland 34-7 Contra Costa ~4-8, and San Mat~o 47-6. San Jose , cinderel1a team of the conference, has notched a surprising 4-1 slate thus fa r , to place second in the GGC behind the mighty Rams. A pair o.r fine running backs in t he pe rson of 0. J . Simpson, the confe rence's leading sco rer, and versa.tlle R on Fassler, lead the "Fogtown's" explosive offensive. Tile R a ms also boast definite size in top no"U'h linem en Mike '.rn.ylor, 6'5 258, Joe Ross, 6'0 260, and Su:tesoe 1\'Iu ln.e, 6'2 215, ns wen as carrying a bevy of receivers. Assistant m en t or H a rl ey Dow, mentioned a fter scout ing the conference ju g g er n auts, "They (CCSFJ will be one or the better clubs we'll face a ll yea r. They hit • ·ell , pl a y extre mely hard-nosed
WARREN MILLER SKI MOVIES Free Showing 8 p.m. Freeman's Sport C enter ,
(See Page 3)
Eve. Concert Features Theodore Bikel Gridders Face CCSF Famed Author, Folksinger For Loop Championship Displays Ta Ients Sunday
Victor feels that emphasis in these efforts should be on more personal co ntac t wi t h the people to be helped. "People who don' t continue the ir educa tion m ay feel a lack of pe rsonal identifi cation 'Wit h the comm o n I y a ccepted goals." He we nt o n to say that in O.A.F., Outstanding_An thr opolomany of the poorer homes t her e is an atmosphere complete,Iy for- ,gist of the Future Club, counseled by Karen Ray, a n th ropology and eign to that necessar y for/Study. sociology instructor, me t for the "These people need soh,eJne to first time Monday in room D101 cultivate a fee ling of per~onal listen to San Jose State instructor Dr. Geor ge H ester. worth." SI a1so pl ans to hold a workThe Doctor spo1ce on the history shop about t he fi rs t of December. 1 of California from the Indians'
SJCC has formed its own girls' basketball te am this semester, wh ich consists of t welve co -eds . . l d lh . Th e gtr s, un et• e ms truction of Evonne Davenport WPE are the followjng : Toni Kaska, Mary Guerr a, Marty S a ntos, J oyce B laser, Kathy Ryan, Diana Hart, Linda Kinnard, Betty Menacho, Linda Ca rrerow, Claire Carmichae1, P eg Southcott. Suriya Sompunth. The r·e is still room for those interested girls wishing to participate. This past weekend the W omen's Physical E ducation Dept. i.nstru~ toxs n.ttende<l t h e Western Society fox :Physical FAuca tion of College Women . he ld a.t Asilomar. The conference consisted of various discussions such as : Adva nced
City Wins Bi g Game
Clubs Lose Charters
Councilmen Find Trip Not Worth Financial Expense
~ -~
s,ve Money if you ho~~ve ll ~~~ or Better G.P.A. You
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Now! New Chevelle SS 396 by Chevrolet·
DEl\JONSTRATING HIS FORTE is Theotlore Bikel, one of the highlights or the Clty College Evening Cultural Series. '.fh e Vienna born actor, autltOI', lecturer and .folksinger will presen t a. concert Sunday, Nov. 14, in the men's gymnasium. Bikel will perform some of the so ngs from his mnny top selling ~Libums as well as a. nmnber yet wtrecorded. Tlckeb m ay be purchaSt.'tl at thl?' student fi.nance offlc:e or Rot t he box offJce. City College student body Ml.rd hold erhl wlll be admitted without charge.
Delinquent Traffic Offenders Disturb Members of Court
Television hus a1so brought the t'a len ls of T heodore B ikcl be fore the Amer ican public, including aP" pearances on Kra[t Theater , Studio One, Alco-d P resents, H a llm ark Hall of Fame, The DuPon t Show of th e Month, GE Theater a nd m any others . Tickets may be purchased for the Bikel concert stal' ting November 8 at t he student fi nance office, San J ose City College, or a t the box office the night of t he performance. For informa tion call
The City College Student Court is dis turbed by the number of delinquent tra ffi c offenders, a nnou nced Curt H odgkins, s upreme justice of the Student Court. "P eople fail to realize tha t getting a ticket on campus is a fa ir ly se1--ious matter," he st a ted. At the present t ime. Hodgkins said, the Court has a list of delin- 298-'2181. This semester's Blood Drive d ay Ieete<! 158 pints of blood, for a quent offenders numberin g about 50. A list of about the same leng th will be Tuesday, Nov. 16, from trophy. Ra11y cha ir man, Diana Hart su- has been sent to Dean of Men 9:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m. for day stu- pervised t he en ter tainment , which La rry Arnerich for disciplinary dents and from 6:30 p.m. to 9 :00 was furnished by B illy King a nd action. "Any student who has rece ived p.m. for extended day s tudents, ac- t he K ing's Men and b y six clubs a t icket on campus and has not Ten clubs h ave had the ir charcording to Blood Drive Chainnan which presented skits. These clubs , contacted lhe fi nance office," he which are t he tm·s revoked by the s tudent coun· most ac tive com petiRuss Sommers. He s tated, "This tor s for th e t rophy, are the Inter- said, "should do so as soon as ci l. AI T etz, commissioner of st udrive will be tl'ui~ most competitive national, H awaiian , Mercha nd ising, poss ible. He will choose a court den t a ffairs, told the council tha t ever held ." A successful r ally held Newma n, a nd Rally Clubs and Phi da t e at tha t time and if this t he clubs had fa iled to a ttend appointment with the- Cour t is not Inter-Clu b Council mee tings either yesterday in the Quad ki cked off Beta Lambda. kept , the s tudent will then be subthis semes ter's d1ive. las t semester or this one. Ever yone fr om 21 to 60 years of T he c lubs are: A ss o c i a t e d 'l:he rally was the beginning of age, in good general heal th and poe na ed to the Court. P enalties range from a warning Women S tuden ts, Circle K , F olk a massive competition among cam- weighing a minim um of 110 pounds, to suspension from school, he said, Music Club, Gamma Alpba De lta, pus clubs to obtain a collective is eligibl e as a blood donor . Those and any nerson who receives three Honor Service, Business Invest· goal of 175 pint s of blood. City Col- 18 to 21 years, unless married, violations may have his parking lege as a unit will also compete must have their pa ren ts' consent. privileges revoked. ,;If a s tudent ment Club, Recreation Association, Sport s Car Club, Wesley F ounda· with West Vall ey, which has colAfter donating a pint of blood, comple tely jgnores th e ticke t, his t he donor automa ticall y becomes a na me will be placed on the d elin- t ion, a nd the Young Democrats. T he clubs arc not officially repmember of the Blood Credit Club quen t lis t, and his gr ad es m ay be and r eceives a club card. Since wit hhe ld at the end of the se- resen ted in the ICC , and legally do not exist o n campus . All m oney blood is very expens ive and is often mes ter. credited to them is froz en until needed fo r an accident or s urgery, "This is an example of students this can be ver y beneficial. The ha ndling st udent problems ," Hodg- they arc- reinstated. Good stand ing c lubs in th e I CC bearer of this credit card, and his kin s concl uded. rema in so if they can ma in tain an nationally known Sa n Francisco immediate fam ily, are e li gible to A new record will be set at SJCC attenda nce record of onl y one archi.tectui'al firm of Skidmore, draw blood agai nst the cred it of Owings and Menill for develop- San J ose City College. when 720 City College students sit missed weekly m ee ti ng per semester. U r epresentatives of any club ment of a comprehensive district T wo days have been set aside down to take the ACT test. The miss more than five sessions the test wUI be given on Saturday, master plan. for pledging-Nov. 10 and Nov. 15. club's charte r is re\'oked. To be District Superint endent H . R. There wi ll be secretaries in the Nov. 13, at 8 a.m. rei nstated the club must follow Buchser sa id the Skidmore, Owi ngs Quad and in the L ibrary accepting The record at tlte prese.n t time and Merrill finn has gained a n in- pledge cards a ll d ay a nd during ex- for !itudents taking t he test ts 869. the same procedure as t hat o f a new club. ternational r eputation from its tended day classes. projects, which locally have inHiram Okuma, Barb a ra cluded the C row n Ze ller bach Olivas, Blythe Olson, Richard Building, the John Hancock B uild Oyama, Irving Ozawa, Gary ing, the Hartford Insurance Com~ Parks, Lawrence P avlak, Robert ~ pan y Building, and th e Alcoa Penny, Willia m P eponis, Leon- ~-· Build ing, all in S a n F rancisco. ard Peterson, Me lvin P e terson, ~ Buchser comme nted that the Earlene Phillips, Da n Pickerel, trustees wer e par licularly imThomas Pierce, Joel Porter, '~ pressed with the firm's e>..'p e r ience Bert Provost, Judith Purdy, in the educa tional fi eld, hav ing developed master p lans for the Marvin Quirt. J oseph R a n d a z z o, Robert U niv~rs ity of Buffalo, Sout hwestReader, Betty Reilly, Juanita ~~ er n Oregon College, Uni vers ity of Renshaw, James D. Resell, N evada, State Uni versity College Steven A. Resz, Crai&: E. Riley, at Oswego, New York , the U. S. Ai r Force Academy, University of Steven Robinson, Rita RodriI llinois, U ni vet--sity of Cali fornia, gu~. Patrici a Rosa , Maryann Ot·egon State University, t he CaliRose, Richa rd Rose, Arthur fornia State College a t H ayward, R osigana , J erry L . R oszman. and presen tly for the Civic Center Shir ley Saye rs, J a ne t Schoen-~ brun, Darrell Sedgnick, Gordon \~ campus of the P eralta Junior College D istrict. Shadwick, Sally Sharpe, Hisayo In o ther fi elds, Buchser said th e S h iba t Hiromi Shigemoto, Sa rah Shirhall, Curtis Short, ~ firm has been involved in de velopWalter Simmons, Jeffrey Smith, ~ ment of Rockefeller's Ma una Kea Beach H otel in Hawaii. Judith Smith, Leland Smith, Buchser said Dr. Paul Elsner. Maria Sousa, Gayle Spencer, district director of insti t utional Bill Stephenson, Gerald Stewplanning, will work closely with art, Eric Stoddard, Marilyn the architect in developing the Stout, Michael Sunseri. master plan to cover district needs Donald Tallerico, Allan Tafor at least the next ten years. naka. Robert Tarlen, Patri,cia
Blood Drive Tuesday 'Most Competitive Ever'
Ten Campus Clubs Lose Legal Status
JC District Announces ~Start Of Architectural Negotiations
""~~- ~=='#,;~~~£~~~~-;,
Equipped with a Turbo-Jet 396 VS, special suspension and red stripe tires. These cars weren't meant for the driver who is willing to settle for frills. They're engineered from the chassis on up as no-compromise road machines. Standard output of the new Turbo·Jet 396 VS-which powers both models-is 325 hp. This remarkably efficient power plant is also available ma 360-hp version. So much for what happens on straightaways. How about curves? You ride on a special SS 396 chassis-with fiatcornering suspension and wide-base wheels. A fully synchronized 3I!Peed transmission is standard- Or you can order a 4speed or Powerglide-also Strato-bucket front seats, center console and full instrumentation. Sound like a car yon could get serious over? That, as you'll see at your dealer's, is precisely how Chevrolet engineers planned it. Seriously.
,:Ntlli '66 Chwelle SS 396 Con~ertible and Sport Coupe.
_See the new '66 Chevrolet, £hevelle, Che~ ~. Corvair and Corv~e at YC!Uf l!hevrolet dealer's
Dean's List Honors Spring Students ~
Honored for their scholas tic standin g dur ing the spring semester of 1965 are 199 City College studen ts, a n incr ease of 17 over last semester' s total . To a ppear on the Dean's List a studen t must have a 3.0 GPA for the semester. The Dean's Lis t is as follows: Reza Ab rishami, Stanley Agol, Annem ar ie Alexander, Lawrence L. Anderson, Josephine F. Antolin. Geo rge D. Barry, Alyce Bell, Dawn Beck, Ba rbara Benedict , • Asa J . Berger, Dave Berrios Jr., Fra nk S . Berry, Yvonne Berry. ~ Ken Be rtaccini, Dorris Bevis, ~ Audrey Black, Lenora Blouin, ~ Roger Boates, He inrich Bodeker, Gary Bodman, William Boie, Randolph Borene, Francine ~ Bowman , Charles Breitweiser, Russell Britschgi, Bruce P . , Browne, Ma rilyn BrowneU , Joanna Browning, Jennie Bujuklian, George W. Burns. Donna Cayori, Philip Kun Chi, Royal Chamberlain, Michael W ai Chan, Henri Ann Chel nella, Mary Clymer, Jackie F. ~ Cole, Judie K. Cole, Allie Coleman, Stephen Connolly, John F. Connors, Gordon Cook, Pamela -~ Cope, Ronald Covell, Daniel Crowl. Cletus Daniel, Michael Daugherty, Scott Davi, Erich David, Richard C. Da vis. Michael Destro, Willard Dixon, Gary E. Donkin, Diane Dorrien, Jake
: 1
Drion, John Dubuque, Jean Dunnigan, Robert K. Duvall, Gerald Engel, Richard Erickson, Edward J. Erler, Bill Evert, Elroy Fellman, Barbara Fields, Henry Finla y, Madeline Fjelst ad, Nicloeos Fkiar as, Noreen Futter. Michael Gallagh er , Vernon GaHiart, Alfred Gann , Lydia Garcia, Ruben Garcia, Thelma Gairett, P a tricia Gerow, George Gilfeather, Zoe Rena Gomez, Art Gould, Donna R . Grace. Richard W. Hale, Tom Hamilton, Cleveland Harden , Roberta Hare, Eugene H arris, Roger Havens, Sandra Hively, Daphne Hogan, Daniel Hollinger, Tim Hollingsworth, Cynthia Hughes, Socrates Ioannides, Kenne th Jenks, Thomas Jennings, Linda M. Johnson, Frederick Johnston , Thomas Joiner, Ma rgie Jones. Janet Keeley, Daniel Kelley, Joseph Ketchum, Mohsen Khoshnevisan, DonaJd King, Robert Kliss, Richard L. Knowdell, Richard Knuth, Maureen Krueg· er, Bonnie Lacourt, Salli J. Large, Harlyn Lanner, Lisa Lawrence, John D. Lawson Jr., Mary Ann Lucido, Haren Ludviksen, R ichard McDonald, John S. McGurie, Cannella Maria, Carol M. Markwalder, Bernard Mirkin, Pat Montagna, Roland Morin, Peter Muhleman, Penelope Neal, N ayaireh Nikkhah, Alan N or th am, PhHip N orton, Pa tricia N uovo.
I ~
Thiel, Donald Tietgens, Kenneth Tottori, June Turturici, Margaret Upson , Mark E. Wa rnock, ~ Tom R. Watkins, Raymond Weaver, P earl Weiner, Theodore V. Wes t, Han na Wiesel, Franklin Williams, Leotta Winslow, -~ Ron aId Wohnoutka, Martha .~ Wolfinger, Wai Ling Wong, ~ Shirley Wright, E arl T. Wylie.
The Civil Rights Forum has changed its meeting date to Tuesday at ll a.m. lnstead of Tltur~ da.y, in order that individuals pa.l'ticipa.tlng in other a. cad em i c activities on Thursdays wm have the opportunity to attend, accor<ling to 1\ Jolmston, chaJrman. Th.e meetings are held in D105, in t he Speech-Arts Department .
DIS1'JNGCJSHED ·viSITORS from the Hawa.iJan hl~ds and the educ!ttionaJ field to San Jose recen tly to visit San Jose City CoUege a nd leam the ms an.d outs or J~lor college develop~uent. Dr. P. ~~- Bliss, left, vice president of the college, escorted th~ n slto_rs who Rny ~Von. dJJ"cctor of f<apiohwi P olyteclwie School; Lucian Paulus, adlmnlstrahv~ ofl1cer, Ha" ru' Comn~uruty College System; George San.o, Maul Technical School; John Nothom, d1rector, H01~olulu Tecl.m•cal cho?l; i{l)•oshi Kubota, director, Kaual Technical School; and Emest H. Regents, curr1cuJum ass•!-Jt.a nt, )law Technica l School, The I slands will soon start their own two-year community college progratu.