San Jose City College Times, Vol. 17, Issue 9, Apr 27, 1966

Page 1

Sale, Baskets', Car Washes Peponis Decision •:•


High light Campus Activities Les Bluett es Give Baskets

car, and gave t hem better treatment than many of the commercial $1.50 car washes, said Murray. There were no unsatisfied custom-

Les Bluettes ha"e given 1\ln.y Day basl.:ets to the East Field Foster Home in CatUJ)bell, California.. The baskets wUl be filled with fruit, candy, small toys, and flowers . ChnJnmuJ for this project is Lu1)e Vasque-£.

ers. The activity was held at Rodger's Shell Service Station on the East side and on JC campus. Another car wash is planned for next

SJCC At Model U.N.

P eponis. r-esponsibili ty of the chai rman to insure t.he constitutionality of th e increase their current status of 30 I.C.C. clmrter, and tlmt hotd this members. This number includes been done the suspension issue five girls. could been avoide<l New members do not need a 'student body card for participatio n ' this semester, Murray added.

Model United Nations was held April 27, 28, 29, and 30 in San F1·ancisco, a nd hosted by Stanford University. San Jose City College represented Iraq. Aeeand ing were George Watts, Chairman; Ellen Foster Dave White Wood, Randy lVIuJrine, Jim Steele, Dona Johnson and Russ Summers.


Activ e Sports C lub Planning Activi ties Raising filllds for a future ral ly, SJCC Sportscar Club netted $33 during their car wash on April 30, according to David Murray, club member. Students charged 75 cents per



IO'}'o Discount to Students CY 3-0655 532 S. Bascom Ave. San J ose



TED's of Town & Country ~OREEN FUTTER collects a Banh: m a. recent Sl)ef:'Ch contest.


of America Awa.rd for het· part



636 Town & Country Yilla ge San Jose, Calif.

summer Earnings Program


(Continued from Page 1) ed unconstitut ion.."l-lly, they co uld { appeal to the student court o.r elt.h er approv:tl or dismissal ol their case, The Co mmissioner we111t on to . posl·t·on is to follow t · a t h IS say th the charter of the Inter-Club Council until ordered to do otherwise. He says that he 'has the complete backing of the Student Council in the whole mat1e1·. Kirbl' ~utd his group feel the suspensions r eveal irrespOnslbiUty

mont h .

Also the club plans to have a Folk Festival, however the date has not yet been picked. They are still looking for new members, to

Sale Set For May: Picnic .O n Agend a The Merchandising ch,.1b is very busy planning their bi-annual rummage sale, set for May 14 and 15, at rthe Flea Market in San Jose. Anyone wishing to contribute their rummage, please contact the business departmen t. This year the annual picnic for the club is being he1d at tJvas Meadows, on Monday, May 30, according to AI P eponis, publicity chairman for the club. Candidates running for office for next semester were: President, Rene Manzini, Gary Downey, and Pat Valenti; Vice P resident, Dave Reis, Dave Wood, John Hacker, and Steve Rubin; Secretary, Bette Arigoni, and Sue Powell; Treasurer, Mike Killen, Dave Reis, Rod King, and John Calame; I. C. C. Rep. Kathy Williamsen and Larry Lupo.

n, rt ot t.h e I.C.C. chairma em the paHe sta.ted that it was the


\Ved nesct~y evening, 1\fn.y 1Gth 1

is Oo·Rec Nlf;ht at Sun Jose City College. All City College st.udentt; are Lnvited to attend wha.t promlses to be an enjoyable and inte r estlng evening, Sports Nigh t begins at 7:80 P.~I. in the Women's Gym where featured activities will be badminton , basket.ball, ping pong, trampoline , four-sq uare, shuffle board, nnd 1 'quiet games." La nny La ndwehr a nd Chuck Armstrong will be fe:~ttu red a.t 9:10 in a. t umbling and tr:t.mllOiine ex· h..ibition..

-==== ===== ====•


Studen ts W anted S

., ervice Statio n p os1h ons

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Experienc ed

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Electro nics Dept. Holds Open House

Electronics Departmen t will hold open house on June 10, be· tween 9 a.m. and 10 p.m., accord· ing to Ray Creswell, Coordinato r of Industr,ial Education. 'The activity will be classed as the HistQry of E lectrortics from its beginnings to what it holds lot• the future. Also students projects of the preceding ye.·-.r will be on display. "Tndus-tcy is desperately in need of E lectronics Technician s due to the expansion of space exploration and automation ," he stated. 11\ \7e'r e gruduu ting ten s~udent.s .in Jup ~. however w e could place ten tilnes tha.t many or more," he e.'\':claimed.

outs mean something. " The change, passed over one abstention, provides for a try-out in the faJ l semester besides the one now held in the spring semester. The m ove was made to allow The Student Council has approved a by-law change that, in entering freslunen to participat-e the words of Coach Weiss, ''make 1n the song girl and ch eerleader the song gir l and cheerleader try

Changes in Try-outs


Placemen t Director Summer Earnings Program P. F. Collier, Inc. ' ' 640 Fifth Ave., New York, N. y;I0019


Pay As You Drive Pennies a Day

Please Mention Both Yo ur Summer and School Addiesses ' .

Key-Insurance Exchange For Your C a mpu• Agent

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ADMISSIO N: Students admitted fc'rthe program must meet regular admission qualifications of Chapman College and upon fulfilling its requirement s will receive grades and credfts in accordance with its regularly established standards. For a catalog listing courses for both the Fall and Spring semeste-rs along with rates ., tuition and in·port program costs, till in fue information below and mail it to:

---------------,1 I Chapman College, Orange, California 92666 I Pustnt Sfalml Collc&e/UI Iinaify 1 -~-- Freshman 1 0 ~~--------------~~~(Firs!) Nrune-- (Last)

--~----Director of Admissions 1r--Seven Seas Division I

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Spring 1967 Semesfer leaves Los Angeles February 7, duration 107 days; to La Gua ira (Caracas), Port of Spain (Trini. dad ), Salvador, Montevide o, Buenos Aires, Rio De J aneiro, Lagos, Dakar Casabl anca , Cadiz, Lisbon, Rotterdan\ (inland to France, Belgium and Ole Netherlands), Copenhagen , London, Dubl in (overland to}, Galway, arriving NewYork . City May 25, 1967.

Address 'p


City ·

Sophomoro h•r Senior

Graduii!O Telephone.



The Rynda.rn is under Netherl!'nds registry.

---- - .....


1 o 1 0 I D J 0



• 10


Ming Quong Invites McFarlin Announces Facu lty Senate Members Students To Show Art

Song Girls Chosen For 1966 - 1967

CHAPM AN COLLEG E, located in Orange, California, one of the oldest colleges in the West, is accepting applications for·admissio~ for two 107-day semesters for the fall of 1966 and the spring of 1967 aboard Holland-America Line's s.s Ryndam . This is the second year of operation of Chapman College's floating campus.

]eaves Nevi York October 20, duration 107 days; to Lisbon. Barcelona, Marseille, Ciyjtavecchia {Rome). Piraeus {Athens), Istanbul, Alexandria {Cairo), Port Said, Suez, Bombay, Colombo, Port Swetten· ham (Kuala Lumpur), .Bangkok:, Hong Kong, Kobe, Yokoh ama (Tokyo), Hawaii, arriving Los Angeles February 4, 1967,

College News

222 8 Soath B ascom Ave. (;A.MP B ELL e 377·808 3 Open Monday & Tl>ursday Eve n ings


ITINERA RIES: Falll966 Semester

Ceremony Dedicates Union to Buchser

Comp osite of Re lated Eve nts

20 East San Antonio

Outstandin g college and university students are invited to spend these semesters at sea, enrolled for 12-15 units of credit, applicable toward the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Music degrees, or 9-12 units toward the Master of Arts degree. Onboard, students will experience a situation of intense academic concentr»lion, ,suppleme nted by personal meetings ashore with men who are the world's leaders, monument s which are the world's heritage, and people whose apparent differences often prove to hide human similarities. College classes will be held during 56 class days at sea in modern, airconditioned classrooms and laboratorie s equipped with all facilities necessary for course work offered.

ICC Suspends Twelve Clu&s, Condemns 'Lack of Interest'

Little Egotism Stamps· LMOC Contest Entries

Internation ally famed soprano return to t he " pop" field, Time :Eileen Farren, who The New York- Magazine wrote With Ladies Man On Campus er Magazine has identified as "the "To the casual record browser on its way, ~ore. contestant s well the most exciting finest dramatic soprano now before it might signify returned their entry blanks. have talent to come the pubUc," will appear in concert new popular singing Knapton, a 22-yew-old Rich is not at San Jose "City College April 29. along in years. But the voice freshman who has such fonner drafinest the to Miss Far rell is appearing on the new. I t belongs honors as the World's Greatest E'·enlng Cultural Series being pre- matic soprano in the United States Lover 1965 and Commissio ner of sented t his year by the co llege. - Eileen Farrell." Public Relations, is a contestant More than one-third of the cam- suspended and put on probation. reinState themselves by the end of The series will conclude this years in the running. With measurepus clubs have been suspended In order to regain their seat on this semester. presentatio ns with Dot\·i d Susskind ments of 38-24-36 (WOW! !t) he : following t!he are or lubs c 12 organize The to able be to and ICC from the lnter·Club Council; the on May 7 and Hans Conried on feelS he· is . qualified because "of and Engineers suspension will mean a loss of ap- participate in on·campus activi- Art Club, Associate extreme good look s, I am hum. my :1\la.y 22 . Miss Farrell"s concert will InternaClub, Chess for petition Scientists, to have \.vill they ties proximatel y $512 from lhe treas3.nd very lovable (try me). begin at 8:30 p.m. in t he ~len's bie Sigma; Sigma uries of the clubs involved. The readmission to ICC and attend tionaJ Club, LDS; ~ are the things which rriak:e These Initla· ·student Club, s (lynma.shun. Lettermen' meetings. consecutive move w8s made by Bill Peponis, four perfect Ladies Man On the me The American public first "beElectronics Club, Their treasuries are, in effect, in tive, Hawaiian Commissio ner of Socia·l Affairs Rich's manager is J oAnn Campus. Newcame acq uainted with Miss Farrell the and Club and Spanish frozen Club, are funds Their and chairman of 1CC, after what limbo. · leiger. Sch during the l940s when she ap~ he called a "lack of concern and available to no one, and accord- man Club. Hodgpeared on her own weekly program Curt is the there to in revert Right will of lack Peponis, to the ing Peponis attributed interest among the clubs." School High n for CBS radio. In 1947 sh e made Washingto of not do kins le clubs the if unbelievab fund "an to general attendance are they now, tand s As the clubs her debut as a 1·ecitalist and ever lack of spirit and cooperation ." He and with measureme nts of 36!36· cross~coun­ annual since has made stressed the fact that the clubs 36 (rather odd don't you think?) try tours, appearing as recita list have· been repeatedly warned at he is well i n the race. This (N" and soloi st with the foremost symICC meetings and that he had put Fulbright Scholar to Alviso . w~s· phony orchestr as. off placing them on probation until also chosen Telephone Pole of the The Sn.turdu.y Evening Post, in Year in 1957. CUrt thinks he is im he saw no other remedy. a six-puge. profile, called her "the Peponis offered the traditional ideal LMOC because ''l'tn modest. most accomplish ed soprano fnr the drop-off in activities during the I dOn't let my generous God~g1ven world today." She has won naspring semester and internal prob- physical and• in't:ellectua l endoW· prosaid Club, ives \V Faculty wives at San Jose City the Faculty tional prominence among television lems in the clubs themselve~ as t he ments hamper my grea.thess . .I'm College will again sponsor t heir ceeds from the program will pro, .JewerS with avpeu.rance s on the reason for the lack af atten d- sweet but not too sweet, hwnble . only deserving a annua l Spring Scholarshi p Pro- vide a scholarship to D~y K aye sh ow, the Teleph one ance at the inter-club organizatio n. but not too humble." gram April 30, featuring a musical student at City College. George Watts, last year's LMOC, Hour, Gn.rry l\loorc show, a nd Ed commented that he h ad done He presivice 1\lrs. Edward Schuster, program presented by local perout to retain his "crow.n." is club Sullivan show. revjtalize to power his dent and program cha.irmun, said all in former Jane Nickols. feels " I am not a Greek, George h'at The metropolit an Opet'a debu\ t say to on went e H activities. d The program wUI be presented 1\lrs. Nichols will be accompanie Diane Hart, his enough." that's OCCUI't'Cd on December 6, 1960, in of some were a musiQ "unfortun ately. they ih the College Theatre starting at by pianist Kbn Peterson, tall (OK!), "He's says manager, campus on Gluck's "Alcetis" and her ovation clubs active most the teacher in the Los AltoH ScflooJ 2 p.m. Ticket-s are $2.50. ( ?) , rich r debonai handsome, was described by the SatlU'day last semester." Mrs. Leon Papkoff, president of System; that cer· as h nd a nice!) (that's all EILEEN FARRELL Review of Literature as "an earinvited ICC of chainnan The Mrs. Nichols' $-how is a comap(YES???). since touch has tain She din." interested splitting posite of eight excerpts from dif· students who are either T he infamous J ohn Miguelgorr y nt coun cil jeared at the Met singing the leadferent muslcal s hows. They include in the workings of stude he's qua lified because, " Let's Giaconda," feels "La in roles complaints ing soprano delightful dance and singing num- and ICC or who have Students are again r eminded gang, I have been on this it face concerning "'FoiL:a del Destino," "Cavalleria tha.t social securit-y .numbers will make to suggestions or bers and a character dialogue. 23 years now, and I for and route come Chenier," to to feel free Rusticana," "Andrea Mrs. Roy G. Hendrickso n, pub· these bodies r eplace registr ation numbers for across a "muff" I ran never parand meetings the of "'Ariadne Auf Naxos." any to lic'ity chairman for the- Faculty students wishing to attend Snn (Qh? ) . please." with couldn't appeared for as a desire 1\lliis FarteU h Wives, said the public is invited to ticipate. He expressed Jose City College in the tall is Steve Burch, running Also phases aU in on participati outstanding success before audi- semester, a.ocording to D ean student the program. For informatio n call t to remove Ron Berki and Dave Wood. F or ences in London, Berlin, a nd in Rudolph Wilderman n, 298- of student governmen Mrs. with Beeker, h ead of Admissions . concerned was court The from the their qualificatio ns see next w eek's recent meeting of the Stua In campus the of control italy. In 1964-65 she made four Students must have and bring the number of tickets that had 1174, or the college finance office, issue of the TIMES. few." the chose.n of tive "the of •'pop" albwns which have become representa hands a Court dent t helr social security number card been issued by the campus patrol 298-2181, ext. 273. best sellers. Commentin g on her to their cowlSeUng appolntmen t campus patrol attempted to elimiand then had been dismissed by for fall registration . Students nate areas of mutua1 .misunder-:. one -o-r-the Wusttces;-The'"poUoo""Were . ----; . ~- -"~~. will not be able to· 800 their standing in which the students had anxious to get the feeling of the counselors \\1thout thelr t;OO.lal had become sometimes come out on t he bad court on areas that security caroo. them. to problems end. At the conclusion of the meeting these decisions had been made: (1) A parking pel' sign required on the dirt road leading to Bascom At the dedication ceremonies , After May third, the now nam~­ A venue from the south end of the bronze plaque will be placed on a less student u nion will be known campus. (2) A change of policy Un- the brick walJ adjacent to the en· College Buchser R. H. the as allowing parking permits to be to the ion .~ Formal dedication ceremonies trance to the union near taped on. (3) Students who have next faculty lounge. quad the in place take will failed to appear in court on their Tuesday at 11:30 AM. appointed date will have their The ceremonies will be attended pictures is May 16. There will be parking privileges revoked until City, County, and State offiby each for a popularity vote award that appearance . {4) Reaffirmat ion An invitation has been sent cials. call media. For informatio n please of the fact that all student vehicles to. Governor Brown, but as yet L. Allinger at 867-0115. no confirmatio n has been received. Mrs. William Kierstad, Ming Mrs. R. must h ave permits, including motor Andrew McFar1in, chainnan of The idea for the renaming origprivate scooters B.nd cycles and the the election committee of the Fac- Quong Guild president, announced in a Student Counci1 meetinated cars of police officers taking ulty Senate, has recently an- today that professiona l and amaing last March 17, and was carnounced the members of the 1966· teur artists are invited to donate classes here. ried unanimous ly by the Board 1967 Faculty Senate. a nd exhibit t heir paintings at the that agreed Trustees on April 12. present of those of All Song Girls f or 1966-1967 were Area representat ives are Rich· Ming Quong Strawberry Festival In a letter to the Board, Jim the campus pollee both of goal the chosen last week after a lengthy ard Dallas, area 1; Robert Kress, ALBERT E. DiPIPPO, City Col- Steele, ASB President said in Show and Auction. and the sb..dent court w as a. r educ- lege English ~troctot, has writarea II; Dale Wolfe, area III; John Art audition w,hich required both a part, "By passing this resolution ten "F.rom Sentence to ParaFestival is scheduled for Satur- compulsory and original routine tion' ln the number of eltnttons. Graham, Doug Weiss, area IV; Buchser graph/' an · English book J)Ub- we hope to give President Van Phillips, area V; Garth Nor- day, June 4, in Los Gatos and is a his long and for recognition some "The Hall. Prenttse by Ushed plus an interview. ton, area VI. book came as a resuJt of 12' untiring efforts to make San Jose benefit for the Ming Quong ChilAlong with the five chosen now, teaching," states DiPipJ)O. The City College the outstandin g inThe remaining members are drens' Center. two more girls will be chosen in book is exJlOOted to reach forNeely, en K I; it is today." area Ballard, Joan eign marketi as weU as class- stitution will include an two These falL the three in made be may Donations The entire procedure was kept area II; Eliot Wirt, area III; Marc rooms throughout the U.S.A. alternate. secret until the formal announceMarcus, area IV; Ethel Crockett, media: Oils, watercolor s and mixed The head song girl for the year area V . ment, in fact the Board meeting media. Deadline for contributin g is Linda Johnson. The others inthat passed the resolution was t-large members-a Newly elected clude Bea EmetJI, Carolyn Ranoa, privately so as to exclude called Robert ar-e Evonne Davenport, Jan WaJther, and Alice WonneU. H. R. RUCHSER Mr. Buchs~1 who nonnally sits l>oerr, William Gl'ecn, William ... union wUJ W. name meeqng~ the on Nash, and Edwin Tyson. Slgn-UJ:tS sta rt i\ln.y 2 for the

Give Blood



Met Soprano Eileen Farrell Allows Readmiss ion Petitions Appears in Concert on 'Friday

Student Court, Campus Patrol Agree on Goals


Vol. 17

Phone 298-2 181/ Ext. 230


No, 9

Faculty Wives Sponsor Spring Scholarship Fete

FOR COLLEGE MEN • Above Average Earnings •15 $1,000 Cash Scholarships • 3 All Expense Paid Trips Abroad

(See page. 2)

(See Page 3}

Builcli•g 6 296-8458


Hawaii Swim Winner

The Jones

AA GRADS : AREYOU BRIGHTENOUGH IN A SAVAGE attack again st dull cam)mses Goorge Green En glish instr uctor, raises h~ rusty hoe to strike a. blow


ASTOR'S ? ? ?


10% Discount with A.S.B. Card


against "temporary " classrooms and overcrowde d teacher's offices. H ere Green is pret,a ring tbe growtd in front of the Socia. I Scien ce, Math, and English Dej)artme.n ts for instaUtt.tion of an 1 'inspiratiou ul" garde n, hereafter to be Jmown as George's Green. The proj ect is financed by eveTy fa cui ty member of t he th.ree departmen t.s, each chipping in $8.50. However as ins tructor Garth Norton noted uwith $700,000 in the District emergency fund, money is of no concern!' Norto)t added that the gard en was the second coup in a ge!terul rebellion, t he first coup be1u g the acquisit ion of a. water bott le for the Social Science Dept. The garden s hould be ?JffiJ)feted in two weeks, and Will mclude a. patio, ga-zebo and M· , sorted tTees. Preside nt Bucl 1s er has given full consent to the project and a-ccor.dlng t~ Norton, has also contributed mvaluable advice 011 compaction and puddling !5tructure problems.

Good H~nds for All Hor NEEDS, Coli onytime



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Part Time Job Earn $3.00 per hour c:ommiuions ca lling on established ~ustomers in Campbell, Cambrian area for Fuller Bru sh route. Must be ohle to wor~ IS hrs. per wL or more,

Give Blood


1-- - - - - ----- ---




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FOR MORE INFORMATION write K. R. Kiddoo, ProfessiOila l ·f nia LockPI acement Manager, P.O. Box 504, Sunnyvale, C a lI or ' heed is an equal opportunit y and F/M employer.

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appolnt~ne nts.


poJntments and there(ore registration times are on a first come first served basis. Students are reminded t h at you must have a. social security num ber before you nlllke your appointmen t.

duced rute.

Lockheed Missile s & Spac:e Comp anY

s she Fini p (or ma Dra """"'"""""""""""""""""""""""'= 'Kiss Me Kate' Cast

NEW CHEERLE ADERS for l9GG-l967, from lett to right: Carol Gross~ Ton.t Kaska, h ead, and Kathy &ya.n. Tbe head cheer· leader was c hosen by \ Voodf vtCe rr-estdent in tho a bsence o ASB . p,...ldent Jim Steele. Toni then chose carol ru1d Ka th y to assist her.

City C ollege Week ly Bulletin

S. SPRING FORMAL, B l u m o, THURSDA Y, April 28 Town k Country, 8 pm. to am., Rm. 10 Counci~ Student 1. of Bill Calh oun (Lucentio) . Greg nv SAL LI LARGE am. 1 U-200 Castini for the spring musical, plu.y~ in the fi..rst pL""Ly to be pcr- 2. Nomination s Assembly, 11 am., MONDAY, May 2 ''Kiss Me Kate," has been com- form e r in the n ew theatre, "'The 1. S IGN-UP WITH COUNSEL Quad. pleted and the show is well into Crucible." Mnry ShuntJf is another 3. Supreme• Court, 11 •a.m., Rm. ORS FOR PBOGRA~I APnewcomer, and plays the role ot rehearsals. PROVAL U-205 The s how , a. .fine example ot a Lois Lane (Bianca.). Steve Dlnl 4. Music Recital, 11 a.m., Rm. F-7 2. Student Court, 12 Noon, Rm. "play u;.trun a play," or a "play pla.ys GrlUllio. U-205 Baseball, San Jose City College Al Show and Joe Broda play 5. w1thtn a .m usical," lnYolves a. San Jose City College 'VS. Golf, 3. pm. 3 !£ere, CCSF, vs. troupe of actors gh-tng a. perfonn- two gangsters with a flak for the Merritt, There, 1 pm. a ncc of Shakespea re's ''Tami.Ji.g of dramatic. The role is a switch for FRIDAY , April 29 TUESDAY , May 3 the S hrew," and, incidentall y, lh1- Joe, who played a chaplain in 1. Student Court, 1 pm., Rm. U-205 1. Student . Council, 10 am. , . Rm . "Mother Courage." Asa Berger is 2. Go1f, San Jose City College vs. . U-205 ' ing i t out In their own lives. Chabot, There, 1 pm. The leading actors include some appea(l'ing as Gremjo, and Mike 2. I.C.C. Meeting 11 am., Rm. newcomers, as well as some who Wood takes the role of Hortensia. 3. Tennis, San Jose City College U-200 vs. Merritt, Here, 2:30 pm. have performed at San Jose City James Harris, who played in "AnY3. COLLEGE UN ION· DEDICACollege in the past. Richard Hoo~ thing Goes," has the role o[ Harri- 4. Swimming, N. CaJif. JC ChamTION, ll:SO am., QUAD pionships at C.O.S., All Day 4. Peace Corps Representa tive, 9 ver, who plays Fred Graham son Howell, and another player, (Petruccio) . is new here, but his Roger Thompson from "Babes in 5. Film Series, DEAD BIRDS, am., Quad Theatre, 8 pm. leading lady Kris Leith, who plays Arms," is cast as Biondello. 5. HIGH SCHOOL VISITS, 9:30 The musical opens May lO, and 6. Cultural Series, EILEEN F'A.R·Lilli Vanessi) {The Shrew) , is a am. to 11 :30·am. RELL, 8:80 pm., Theatre veteran of sucb plays as ~·Babes will run the 21st, 26th, 27th and 6. Tennis, San Jose City -CoUege in Atms," "Skin of Our Teeth." 28th. It featu res dancers, under vs. Santa Clara, There, 2:30 April 30 the direction of Lynda Davis, and SA T\)RDA Y, and others. pm. 1. Swimming, N. Calif. JC ChamJose City CoUege · Greg Andrade Js both a. new- music, under the direction of Vinpionships at C.O.S., AJI Day 7. Baseball, San is direction There, 3 Valley, comer a.i.d an oudtlmer. Rkently cent Carter. Technical' Diablo vs. 2. JANE NICHOLS, "Musicals in out of the service, h e returns to suPplied by Ben Shelton. Costume pm. Minialul~ ' 2 pm., Theatoo. Sa.lwfo!lll:CI.ty; CoJJ-ill.r... .thQJo.le. design-is -by · Barbara Neililen.


_! .-::_S-l _ _m E_Tlll G_ :.::~:.:: LE ::.:: T1' c:..:o~·L ~6.>___ _ __:C::I.::::..~ Woonesilay, April 27, 196

Weilnes<!ay, Xprll 27, 1961!

Published each Weclnescfay of the school year by the journalism claues at San J ose City College. Sup ported, in pa rt, by Associated Student Body funds. Member California Newspaper Publishers Association, Second Class posta9e paid at San Jdse, Calif. Subscription rates: $3 ,00 per year or 10¢ per copy, Phone 298-2181 , ext. 230.


Honor Society· Lists Tutors Campus Hums

Campus Fencing

Those persons listed below are · 40B; Sa lvador Gascon ; Technical on t he spr ing list of tutors com. Math 101, A. J .. Va n Breen ; Texpiled by Alpha Gamm a Sigma, tiles, Donna Leonti, Marsh a Rios. The above·named students' adhonor society: Accounting lOA, Ri chard M. dresses and p hone numbers can be McGee, Gary Williams ; An·a torny, attained by consulting the li sts Rosalie C. Fisher; An thropology, posted in t he admi nistration build-

ing Tournament to be h eld in

With Activity


gru dge again~t il s contributors. Most of th e a rticles appe aring in STUDY reflect truth, tlwnghtfulness a nd inte lli gence. For the R . Boa z. E nglis h, Darline Ashby, Andrey mo st part STUDY i s worth th e t im e and effor t of i ts s taff. P a yne; Com position, Noreen Fut. Th e only part of th e magazine the TIMES questio ns is its t er, Don Phelps; l A and lB, Cathedito.-ial content written by Miss Nonn a Eslinger and A d visor eri ne Shie lds ; French, Christine Geor~e Green onder the ti t le '' Edi tori a L Opinion." (An Advisor M iglian ; Gener al I ns., Bruce Anwriting Editorial Or;iuion . . . ? Perhap s " Advisor's Opinion" drade; H ealth Ed., P hyUis Cunwould have been a uniqu e in sert, Norma. ) n ingh a m , Tony Shellaba1·ger : HisTh e pa<ticular edito rial th e TIMES would like to q nestion tory 17A, 17B, Don Phelps Noreen and dif"cuss i s the E sl inge r tirade printe d on p age two (April F utter: Logic, Da rUne Ashby; 1966, STU DY ) that begins .. . " The SJ CC Times h a s clon e it Math, Darline Ashby ; P.E., Judy again." I mu£t admit , .• it is sh ockin g h ow m_uch "corn" some B eek. editors ge t away with. Physiology, Rosalie C. Fis her; Highl-i~h ts of the e ditori al includ ed su ch Eslinger t o uch e 's as Political Science, Don Phelps: . "general vacuousness," " lack of sen se a.nd inte grity," " runs Principles of Real Th t at e, Bruce of blan dness," .:extreme ly p ecu lj ar t y p e of jOltrna lism," ' 'with out Andrade: Psychology, Jud y Beck, reference,"' 'underhan d ed journa lism ," " h yste rical reactio n," Noreen Futter ; S horth and, Audrey "stock Times reaction," .''over·reactio n," '~intentional tri ck," an d P ayne: Spa nish 20A, 20B, 40A, ajoum alistic tactic.''· Thjs STUDY edito r al so saw fit to du b one of the finest m e n on campus as " KK Karl P a lm er," while m uti lat· ing my name with - ~I\'Tc ull-in" a nd "Mc~Iul li n." (It's MuJJins, baby, or don't you proofr ead your stuff ?) The STUDY editor wen t on to r evea l h er own psychological observa tions as to my Hneed to i nsult a teach e r ," ( re Mike 1\fcGujre, Editor's note, March 23, TIME S) and m y " n eed to djg. claim r es pon•ibil ity" fo r the A pthe ker-Hoover A rticl es. (March 9, TIMES ) She infers tha t th e a rticles wer e pl aced next to e ach other to warn, fri ghten an d infl u en ce. a n d she h as t h e n erve (s) Lo stale that I said Mr. Palm er h a d pu t th e a rti cl es whe re th ey wer e. (I placed th em there Miss E s li nger. No one else shoul d accept th e credit.) Th e STUDY ed itorial is ty pical proof of M iss E •lingcr at l1 e r


Club, " WW be C..'\J\Celled as o{ today H 60 bids ha\'ll't been sold/' stated George Wa,t ts. Bids are $9.110 wlllb ASB C.'IJ"(ls and $10.00 without.

Bid s are avalla b!e In the Cafeteria.

radical best . . . ignorant muc kraking wi thout proof or reaso n-

'Study Misses Again'

discover scientifi c phenomena instead of just demonstrating it, w as discussed here FI"iday, April 15, by instructor:s from the Junior Colleges of Northern CaJifornia, in-

PAUL A L LI G UIE won the S wim.

t o Hawaii eon test. In or der to win, Paul h ad t o swim 650 ht ps of1Jle pool. Panl stated, ''I swru:n about 100 laps a day, rain or s hine."


* *

Candidate Dance The Commissioner of Election, J ohn Hacker, is sponsoring a "Can· didates' Dance" with tile view of I promoting "election sp1nt and to

* Sports*Day Co-Ed

get the kids t? meet the~ cand ~dates," accordmg to Ka~h 1. Brum, assistant to the CommJssio~er. The dance is t o take place m the Wo me n's Gym on May 6, fro~ 8 to 12 p .m. ASB cardhold ?rs w ill be charged 25 ce nts, t heu- da tc 50 cents, and non-holders $l.~O.. Accordi ng .to ~he Co~miS~l~ner cand idates wi ll giVe their positiOns to t he students during the intermission a nd will be ava ilable for questions during the entire dance. Music is to be provided by the Bass F ive and a large turnout is expected.

San Jose City College and West Valley College will co· host a Sports Day here on th e J aguar campus

Give 8/ooi/ F ffiST P LACE winne r in Cla ir. to ing contest. ol' Ca.yorl, D. K. Left t, stand ing: rig hhair-color K. Ericson , and L Oha nian. Seated a re m odels; (] eft) ~Irs. S. Mailman, (rigbt) ~Irs. M.





as far norih as Santa Rosa and south as Salinas, will gather for a day of various sports activities such as baseball, volleyball, tennis, fencing, and others . · Trophies for each winninng event are being made by members of WPE Department and MPE Department. All studen ts are encouraged to attend the program which will begi n with registration in the quad a nd choosing an event to begin a t nine (9) in the morni ng. City College will compete against all

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comers .

Oha nian. ~~~~---------

Letters to Editor

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What you notice is • • • ~ /'

Pitchers Hot

E. Son Fernando

ing with.

Attorney P aul B . Smith on the question, Resolved : The United States Should End I ts Commitmen t in Viet N am. T hJs d ebate w as a great success, a nd we hope to plan m ore for the fu ture. On behalf of both of the debating pa.rtkllpa nts, t hey wtsb to com pliment the S tudent Body o n taking such an interest in the problems t ha t faoe our country. Once aga in, thank you. incer ely, Ron Berkl, Freshman Class President

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for t he North~rn Ca 0 ~.a.h finrsl~ n.nd he is hopmg for a. ug · C ll in t his show or Northern a • ro ritia. powerhouses.

Cont r a. Costa h~td a. one m~u1 show in Rick Rogers who eapture<l f irsts in t he L ong ,l ump (28-4), the 120HH ( 14.9 ) , ftn d in t he 330 ( lnt. ) H urdl es (89.9 ). Cont r a. Costa al~o won the 440 Rel ay 0 2)

-Special Discount


April 22, 1966 Fellow Students: r wish to pe rsonally extend m y thanks fo each and e ver y onet you for m aking t he d ebate be tween

. Lee E vans seems to make It a habit to either tie or break school records, and t h is week was no exD ·t the fact Evans · espi e cept10n. was not " feelin g too weJJ ," he s ti11 managed to break the school rec· ord in the 220 with a clocking of 21 _9 on a tum . Evans also won the 440 by coasting to victory in 48 flat. Con tra Cost a. beut the J ags, 86. b 50 und spoiled their bid a t cUm ~ tog over t h e .500 m a rk. T he J ags flnjshed ou t of t he league wi th a

Golfers Eye Fourth Spot


Signed, Curt Hodgkins


Jones Third Boys In Circuit Finals


:::===================="'==== ===il

"OPEN SESAME " for your future.

pete in the largest tournament held in the United Stat~. The tourney featured over 1,000 players competing in 16 divisions. J ;> V' representatives l\lan1 Par· ' "!> sons , Angel Al t:l m nrino a nd Jacl\ Nash :Lll played \Ve l! accordin g to coaeh G~orgf' A llison. A ll t hre-e pla.yf' rs lost to Southern California

. mond (48.0), rmd t h e l\Jtle Re l ay (3 :2 . . till rates as one o[ Thursday's th · · Other place finishers for the c vtctones isfying sat the most locals have had this yea r. T he J ags were Lou Jensen (Mile and Bob Hale and Jerry Stewart got · an d cam e 2 Mile-3 rci), Howard McCa.lebb hot in the first half and boosted J C J)layNs. In doubl es action ParJags showed great spint (440-3rd), Lance Calloway (100- the Grunks to a 72·50 win over the sons tHid Nash showed fin e foml across with the bi g PIays when d 2nd and W - 3rd), Del Rodgers Batman in the opening round of ill a. losing effort to ].fetr OfWllttan . they were neede · (120 HH and 330 Int. Hurd.-3rd), the Intramural Basketball p layoffs C onferen('e eh am plons Valley ColSa n Jose drew f irst blood ut t ho on ored C Tom Shellabarger (Shot Put- Monday. lege. game when Tim Harpe r s 2nd), Mickey Hill (Shot Put., The second tilt was played Tues· In recent Golden Gate Conferrightfielder, Tom Henson's s~cl'i3rd) Larry Johnson (2nd) and d ay, but the score was unavailable ence action the netmcn lost to the fi ce f ly. The lc..·H1 wa.~ short hved Jim 'Carlton (3rd) in t he Diseus, at press time. Foothill Owls by a 5-2 count. In S--1- reco rd. thong!~ ns t he Owls scored in the . Don H a nd came t h rough with Vern Erickson (Pole Vault-3rd), the singJes action no local was Hale chipped in with 13 of hts fo iJowing inning on two wa II~ s am I a ble to muster a win. The doubles another double win for the Jags Steve Blaser (2nd) a nd Oscar 14 markers and Stewart 11 of his a succes.•<tf ul doub le sten I · se_h_it_s_. _ _ proved different, however as both as h e captured the 880, (2, 01.~ ) Reyes (3rd) in the High Jump, a nd 18 points in the opening h alf, :; i T he Owls scored · aga in in the ~lo~w:'ed':':'..~o:-_n~ly:_t::"::'O~"::_'a:_l:::k:s_:.: teams turned in wins. Marv Par- and .the. Mile .<4 :41 ·4 >· ~and s bid Prentiss Gary who leaped a fine ing the Grunks to a 41-23 halfsLxth inning oh a two·strike ~· for 2nd place in t he Triple time erlge. T he Babnen bounced sons and J ack Nash teamed to fo r a tnple w~ was s~mled wh~n squeeze play that caught the_ lo' 6-0 3 6 he came up wtth a s1dc ache m back behind Bruee McCall's 21 p. Jum Ralph however Mile Two win the featured doubles . ' . ' t he cals napping. The score remam~ Coach B aker and will diget~ to pull with in the final 7-5. An gel AltamarinG and Bob Kearns of the ' Jags wen t on to 2 ~ 1 Fo~lh~ll llntil the dramatiC J'onrne;y to F resn o t hiS S.lturda.y . , . Ramirez teamed fot)t a 6-4, 6·1 etgh t h mnmg. capture the race m 10 .2'-'· 3. w in. Ve rn Gidley Ie<1 the eighth off with a ·base on ba lls. Riclt G a.rd:l flew out a nd th en Paz R ocho h it his second sing le of t he day t o j cente rfield. Tim Harper then fiP\\' out for th e second out. Both Gid1:00.7 timing in the 100 for a fift h B y PAZZLE ROCHA ley nnd Rochlb ad van ced when t hP Jaguars from S a n J ose City Col- place. In the 200 Ron was edged Owl tJllrd sa.c ker m ishand led F r ~ud ' lege ga rne•·cd a th ird place in l<~ ~ t out by Way ne Lear of San Mateo Wrig ht's ground baJl and a U hn nd-. week's GOlden Gate . Conference for t he runner-up spot and had to were safe. Dennis Hn.g tns, wh o championships. The a q u a j a g s settle for a third. He was clocked _ scored 228 poinls to edge out Di· in 2:10.6. The fres hm a n led for tJ1e a blo Va lley , wh o scored a total first 150 ya rds but faltered at lhe of 207 digits. Footllill Col lege finish. J im TripJett nabbed a second swept the fi eld to score 612; San Mateo followed with 430. The place finish in the gruelling 400· NCAA point scoring system was yard IM event with a time o·f used, ihis is a twelve-place system. 4:47.2. Jim was fourth in the race The tanl{ers swum well as th f"y after the butterfly and backs troke, f'ither · broke or tied ten ot t he- pulled ahead in the breaststroke RC.h ool's re<·o rds. Fresluna n. ~~om but could not muster enough in Al<rop set t he pctce as he set mar1{S the freestyle to gain the top spot. in the 200, 500 and 1650 ynrd free- Triplett placed fourth in the 200st)lles. In the 200 Tom sw::uu to a. breaststroke with a 2:23.3 clock1:51.9 t iming t o garner a. fourth in g. p lace. Tom took another fourth in t he 500 as he was cl ocked ln 5 :13.4. A krop move<] u p a. coup le of notches to a. second Jllnce in t he J650 wi t h a. t ime of 18 :21.2. Th e winner was t imed in 18:17.7 . With fou r matches remaini ng in Ak rop also swa m in t he 800-yard frees ty le r e lay, as he a nc h ored tlw league action the J ag golfers can firm ly etch themselves into fourth J ag-s to 9 thJrd l'lace fi nish. Ron MacLennan broke two rec- place. The remaining matches are ords in the 100 and 200-yard back- against Chabot and Merritt, with THf HARPER currently tied • .. GGC Home R un Lead er stroke races. MacLennan swam to w hom the locals a re for fourth spot. Th e. ~J ags ~ta r.ted th e seaso n ~ . losing t hrffe :t"'traig ht then c:tme strong to win fou r out of thelr • FACULTY n e:d fiv e, bu t the t eam has hit. • STUOENTS • ALUMNI n mld·season slump and dropped as little as iust present your staff or t\vo stra igh t t o second place Dl~ ASB cerd ablo Va lley. B oth losses were lopMovie & Still sided c ontest..;; with DV chalking * Supplie-s * Cameras Per Da y up 80 a nd 25 poin ts respectively * Equipment on Th ree * Proiectors I a match to the Jugs 5 and 10 Months Reatal poin ts. The onl y no table event in develo ping - printing the m a.tches wa~ t hat Larry Lupo re ntal. - repai" SLACKS, JEANS and WALK SHOR~S wilh FaraPress ®NEVER NEED IRONING e "Choose from hundreds" s hot a. one unde r par back nh1e to FARAtl MANUFACTURING CO., INC. • El PASO, .EXAS e Try our Re nt-to-Own Plan de'feat t h e GGC n umber one ma.n


Ddt- Ed.ltor :

A Jetter o-l recognit ion and thank s. Last F riday, Sa.turday, and S unday, the Academic Retreat wa-s held at the San F ra ncisco Y.M.C.A. Conference G rounds near La Honda.. T he week end outing wns ing. She told me tl1at ber proof was tbe fa ct th at Steele had r e- a great suC<!ess. Speeia.l reeognlfe rr ed to one of S meth urst's p oin ts in his article. Sh e had con- t ion should be given t o Dennis eluded front tha t reference th at Steele had seen Smethurst's P ercy and his com mittee mem bers w ho worked hard to see t-h at a U statement b e fore wri t ing hi s o wn. Act ually, that reference would ltave been th e ba si s fo r a was f·WlctionJng well du ring our healthy su spicion, but by presenting i t as a h ard fa c t STUDY stay. Thanks should also go to has maligned its o·w n integr ity a nd libeled not only tJ1e TIMES, S tuden t Council for t J1 e good judgment nnd f oresigh t they showed bnt the ASB P resident. If No rma had inves tiga te d h e r su spicions, sh e woul d have by au t horizing suffi cien t funds to found that Steele's insigl1 t h a d com e from a co nfer en ce between make t he Retreat a l'eality. The topic 1'R.ellgion: Aid or the two a.ntagoni sts before eithe r a r ticle was writte n. Betty R ei ll y, Commissioner of Foreign Students, was a lso present ; sh e should Anchor " was well r eceived by t he m ore than sb.."ty peo ple, both facbe glad to testify to w hat was sai d . T here is no way to kno w if STUDY w as aware of t h e truth ulty and stud en ts, t ha t were. able and chose to ignore i t o r if its editor was lvilHng to b eli e ve a ny to attend. A pa nel discussion by three rumor she picked np if it would m ake tbe TIMES loo k bad . In either case, whether disho n est y o r incompe te n ce, the whol e inci· <Jiergymen, Fathe r Wrig ht from dent shouJd make stndPnt!; wear y of pl acin g thei r full confiden ce Santa Clara; Rev. Akers f r om GrMe Baptist Church; and Elder in anything that STUDY p r in t.s in the future. George P ace f rom the 1\-[ ormon Mike O'Conno r, N ews Ed itor Church of P aJo Al to, was t he high 1 point of Saturday afternoon. I t was a great pleasure lor me to a.ttend t ltis spring's R e trea.t as a parttcJpant... I had a. very good tim e . through out. Of speci al pleasure to m e was meeting and talking with raeulty and s tuden ts ln a con genia l atm osphe r e away fr om the classroo m. I feet t hat it is unfortunatet hat the re is not more sociable So'Clat ln tel'tl.Ctio n o-n campus as weU as off. I want to point ou t that a. r etreat Is only a good as the people who attend . T he retreat was atte nded by an ac ti ve, trt.e ndly, g oodnatured group t Hat I enjoyed be-

A College Education Can Be.Your ...

p]nyed most of th e gam e badly cut spike wound, was t hen hi t by a pitch a nd t he tying run scored . Tom Hen son thPn came th rough wi th one of th e biggest hits of t he yea r when he lined a. shot that hit the nmpil•p to brin g in th e winning run. Jim Ht'Ckend. orn t hen smashed a two. t:: D BSCOBAR run d ouble to ri g l1 t cen terfie ld to . . . F ires a. S hutout put th e ga m e ou t of r ea.<' h. ,Tim I his second league win in a Phillips fan ned t w o out of t hret' in t he ninth a nd HPnson, the m an week. Escobar's performance has of the day mad t> a d.h'ing g rub or to be rnted as one if not the best e ffort this :year by a. Jag a Hne drive to end the ga me. Tuesday t he Jags rode the CJnn 1 Tim Harper provided the­ of Ed Escobar and the bat of Tim works for the loca ls by smac m g Hal'Per lo a fine 7-0 victory over .a solo homer and k nocking in _three runs with three hits. Left [1elder Lhe Chabot Gladiators. Escoba r fanned four a nd a l- Vern Gidley a lso had a fine day

by a.


'i dent Union.

For a demonstrati on of the new technique in mechanics, they ba la nced a rectangular board on a pivot. Pennies were placed on t he board and then students were as ked where o ther pennjes would have to be placed to bala nce it. Bunge continued that the students had to figure a scient ific Jaw to solve any balancing situation of t his type. ''This new method lets students simulate the chall enging situations which go on in a real science laboratory,'' he r easoned.

The San Jose City College Base· bailers tool< a giant step towards a first division finish last week by defeating Chabot by a score of 7-0 and then knock~ng o!f t_h e Foothm Owls on the wmner s dla-

Ne0tt~'!}11~~ Harriers Drop Comets Tilt, ~;.:·~~~~:~':!!:~~ Evans Rips CC 220 M~~~


cluding SJS and SFS, in the Stu-


Horsehiders Surprise, Garner Two Straight


.1. ..:

A regulnr s•umner n >eren.tion JJrogram wi.U take pla.ce as soon as the semeste r Is over.

Spring FonnaJ, sponsored by the freshmen c lass and the S ki

was third. - ---- ---1 -----rating

The method of l etting students


Tho campus swinuning pool will be open on Saturday and S•mda.ys from 1 until 5 P!\1. Admission will be 20 cents .

ab le back-up materi al and comm on sense. Witb th e bases l oad e d , she has cocked her ink y ba t for a G rand Sla m Hom er .. , a nd has struck out. As one edito r to anothe r, I call .. . "Foul p l ay, Mi ss Eslinger. You should be sent t o th e showe rs to le t an o ther - J DM take your p lace."

.once had plen ty o f r es pect fo r STUDY Magazine . I still h a"e some, hut the lates t issue m a d e m e s le p back a nd ta ke a n · ] e(1ito ri a1 sta f f a n (1 ils po1jcies. ot I1er ·1oo k· at t1e I r efer to tht:> STUDY Pditorial th a t was supposed to give City College the inside story a_b out the written debate b e twee n Kevin Smethurst, then STUDY c cl i Lor, ami Jim S teele, A SB P resi dent. E . ach student gave hi s views on whe ther or not th e student government was f11iling at City College. STuDY sta ted f latly ~ h at th e- T IMES had gi.ven Steel<> au unfair advantage by a llowj n g him to read Sm e thu rs t 's article b efore writing h is 01.Vn. Since I h a n<11ed th e e n tire article, I was interested jn knowiu g h ow STUDY h ad come abo ut thi s in[or mation- because th e f act i s, it is noth i n g m ore than a Jie--I a•ked Norma .Eslinger, STUD Y editor, wha t made he r th ink tlu 1t th e TJl\1ES was guilty of h e r accusation. H e r answer was amaz·

to more creativity ' in Physical Science, according to Mark Bunge, PilysicaJ Science instructor· a t SJCC.


'Foul Play'


New Campus Method

Darline Ashby ; Biology 21A, Rosa- ing.

Sports Editor ........... _ FRED JONES C. F is he r, Nor·een Futter. Ad •. Mgr. __ JOHN MIG UELGORRY lieBus . Data P roc. 91, 113, 114A, Ph oto .......... ROYAL CHAMBERLAIN Anyone who has nny "good1' 115, J ose C. Elaydo, Len , 114B , Ad visor · -···-·-· ..·-· C. W . PALMER P epper; Bus. Ma th, Bru ce Andrade ; mmmage that they would Uke to Ch emistry 30A, Rosalie C. Fisher ; d Onate to the Merehnndlsing Club 15 or 30A, Robet·t MilJer, P ar- Rummage Sale is asked to contact ni z Sedagh ty, P a.ul S tarn , Geor ge t he Business D e pa rtment~ The Souza; Draft ing. Rosalie C. Fisher; c lub's sa le wtu b e he ld Ma l' 14-1 5 The Tll\JES is not an ti-STUDY Magazine n'or does h bear a Electronics, Glen Taylor, Wilson n.t the Flea Market.

Editor - --· - - - - JEFF MUlliNS Ant. Editor ........ CHRIS VAUG HAN Nows Editor ...... MIKE O'CONNOR Night Editor_ DON KAWA SHIMA

tile City College intermediate team competed against fencing t eams of San J ose and Hartnell College last Surieya SompUilth placed New teaching methods may lead in her meet and the over-an



In preparing for the Napa

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Ed a pitch· Garciain and Eddie horns Rossette, locked athletes. ing dual in last Tuesday's lntramural Softball action. Garcia's strong two-hi t pitching lead the Horsehiders to a 3-1 victory over

the Regents. Both clubs scored runs in th e first frame, but t he Horsehiders banged across tvro tallies in the bottom of the fourth inning to secure the win_ In other action the Pussycats downed the- Wrestlers 2-1, in a la te inning rally. Jerry Langridge blasted a basis·1oaded double in t he last half of the final inning to bang across the final run for the 'Cats. The fine slants of Mike Carini claimed the win, while Norm Jenks got credit for the loss. Last campaign's champions, Ma hu s got off to a flying start, dumping the Clowns 7 ·5. The Mahus, behind hurler Bruce R abidou , broke into a 7-2 lead in the bottom

half of tile third, but t he Clowns shot back with three markers in the top of t he last inning to pull to tile final tally.

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Weilnes<!ay, Xprll 27, 1961!

Published each Weclnescfay of the school year by the journalism claues at San J ose City College. Sup ported, in pa rt, by Associated Student Body funds. Member California Newspaper Publishers Association, Second Class posta9e paid at San Jdse, Calif. Subscription rates: $3 ,00 per year or 10¢ per copy, Phone 298-2181 , ext. 230.


Honor Society· Lists Tutors Campus Hums

Campus Fencing

Those persons listed below are · 40B; Sa lvador Gascon ; Technical on t he spr ing list of tutors com. Math 101, A. J .. Va n Breen ; Texpiled by Alpha Gamm a Sigma, tiles, Donna Leonti, Marsh a Rios. The above·named students' adhonor society: Accounting lOA, Ri chard M. dresses and p hone numbers can be McGee, Gary Williams ; An·a torny, attained by consulting the li sts Rosalie C. Fisher; An thropology, posted in t he admi nistration build-

ing Tournament to be h eld in

With Activity


gru dge again~t il s contributors. Most of th e a rticles appe aring in STUDY reflect truth, tlwnghtfulness a nd inte lli gence. For the R . Boa z. E nglis h, Darline Ashby, Andrey mo st part STUDY i s worth th e t im e and effor t of i ts s taff. P a yne; Com position, Noreen Fut. Th e only part of th e magazine the TIMES questio ns is its t er, Don Phelps; l A and lB, Cathedito.-ial content written by Miss Nonn a Eslinger and A d visor eri ne Shie lds ; French, Christine Geor~e Green onder the ti t le '' Edi tori a L Opinion." (An Advisor M iglian ; Gener al I ns., Bruce Anwriting Editorial Or;iuion . . . ? Perhap s " Advisor's Opinion" drade; H ealth Ed., P hyUis Cunwould have been a uniqu e in sert, Norma. ) n ingh a m , Tony Shellaba1·ger : HisTh e pa<ticular edito rial th e TIMES would like to q nestion tory 17A, 17B, Don Phelps Noreen and dif"cuss i s the E sl inge r tirade printe d on p age two (April F utter: Logic, Da rUne Ashby; 1966, STU DY ) that begins .. . " The SJ CC Times h a s clon e it Math, Darline Ashby ; P.E., Judy again." I mu£t admit , .• it is sh ockin g h ow m_uch "corn" some B eek. editors ge t away with. Physiology, Rosalie C. Fis her; Highl-i~h ts of the e ditori al includ ed su ch Eslinger t o uch e 's as Political Science, Don Phelps: . "general vacuousness," " lack of sen se a.nd inte grity," " runs Principles of Real Th t at e, Bruce of blan dness," .:extreme ly p ecu lj ar t y p e of jOltrna lism," ' 'with out Andrade: Psychology, Jud y Beck, reference,"' 'underhan d ed journa lism ," " h yste rical reactio n," Noreen Futter ; S horth and, Audrey "stock Times reaction," .''over·reactio n," '~intentional tri ck," an d P ayne: Spa nish 20A, 20B, 40A, ajoum alistic tactic.''· Thjs STUDY edito r al so saw fit to du b one of the finest m e n on campus as " KK Karl P a lm er," while m uti lat· ing my name with - ~I\'Tc ull-in" a nd "Mc~Iul li n." (It's MuJJins, baby, or don't you proofr ead your stuff ?) The STUDY editor wen t on to r evea l h er own psychological observa tions as to my Hneed to i nsult a teach e r ," ( re Mike 1\fcGujre, Editor's note, March 23, TIME S) and m y " n eed to djg. claim r es pon•ibil ity" fo r the A pthe ker-Hoover A rticl es. (March 9, TIMES ) She infers tha t th e a rticles wer e pl aced next to e ach other to warn, fri ghten an d infl u en ce. a n d she h as t h e n erve (s) Lo stale that I said Mr. Palm er h a d pu t th e a rti cl es whe re th ey wer e. (I placed th em there Miss E s li nger. No one else shoul d accept th e credit.) Th e STUDY ed itorial is ty pical proof of M iss E •lingcr at l1 e r


Club, " WW be C..'\J\Celled as o{ today H 60 bids ha\'ll't been sold/' stated George Wa,t ts. Bids are $9.110 wlllb ASB C.'IJ"(ls and $10.00 without.

Bid s are avalla b!e In the Cafeteria.

radical best . . . ignorant muc kraking wi thout proof or reaso n-

'Study Misses Again'

discover scientifi c phenomena instead of just demonstrating it, w as discussed here FI"iday, April 15, by instructor:s from the Junior Colleges of Northern CaJifornia, in-

PAUL A L LI G UIE won the S wim.

t o Hawaii eon test. In or der to win, Paul h ad t o swim 650 ht ps of1Jle pool. Panl stated, ''I swru:n about 100 laps a day, rain or s hine."


* *

Candidate Dance The Commissioner of Election, J ohn Hacker, is sponsoring a "Can· didates' Dance" with tile view of I promoting "election sp1nt and to

* Sports*Day Co-Ed

get the kids t? meet the~ cand ~dates," accordmg to Ka~h 1. Brum, assistant to the CommJssio~er. The dance is t o take place m the Wo me n's Gym on May 6, fro~ 8 to 12 p .m. ASB cardhold ?rs w ill be charged 25 ce nts, t heu- da tc 50 cents, and non-holders $l.~O.. Accordi ng .to ~he Co~miS~l~ner cand idates wi ll giVe their positiOns to t he students during the intermission a nd will be ava ilable for questions during the entire dance. Music is to be provided by the Bass F ive and a large turnout is expected.

San Jose City College and West Valley College will co· host a Sports Day here on th e J aguar campus

Give 8/ooi/ F ffiST P LACE winne r in Cla ir. to ing contest. ol' Ca.yorl, D. K. Left t, stand ing: rig hhair-color K. Ericson , and L Oha nian. Seated a re m odels; (] eft) ~Irs. S. Mailman, (rigbt) ~Irs. M.





as far norih as Santa Rosa and south as Salinas, will gather for a day of various sports activities such as baseball, volleyball, tennis, fencing, and others . · Trophies for each winninng event are being made by members of WPE Department and MPE Department. All studen ts are encouraged to attend the program which will begi n with registration in the quad a nd choosing an event to begin a t nine (9) in the morni ng. City College will compete against all

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comers .

Oha nian. ~~~~---------

Letters to Editor

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E. Son Fernando

ing with.

Attorney P aul B . Smith on the question, Resolved : The United States Should End I ts Commitmen t in Viet N am. T hJs d ebate w as a great success, a nd we hope to plan m ore for the fu ture. On behalf of both of the debating pa.rtkllpa nts, t hey wtsb to com pliment the S tudent Body o n taking such an interest in the problems t ha t faoe our country. Once aga in, thank you. incer ely, Ron Berkl, Freshman Class President

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for t he North~rn Ca 0 ~.a.h finrsl~ n.nd he is hopmg for a. ug · C ll in t his show or Northern a • ro ritia. powerhouses.

Cont r a. Costa h~td a. one m~u1 show in Rick Rogers who eapture<l f irsts in t he L ong ,l ump (28-4), the 120HH ( 14.9 ) , ftn d in t he 330 ( lnt. ) H urdl es (89.9 ). Cont r a. Costa al~o won the 440 Rel ay 0 2)

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April 22, 1966 Fellow Students: r wish to pe rsonally extend m y thanks fo each and e ver y onet you for m aking t he d ebate be tween

. Lee E vans seems to make It a habit to either tie or break school records, and t h is week was no exD ·t the fact Evans · espi e cept10n. was not " feelin g too weJJ ," he s ti11 managed to break the school rec· ord in the 220 with a clocking of 21 _9 on a tum . Evans also won the 440 by coasting to victory in 48 flat. Con tra Cost a. beut the J ags, 86. b 50 und spoiled their bid a t cUm ~ tog over t h e .500 m a rk. T he J ags flnjshed ou t of t he league wi th a

Golfers Eye Fourth Spot


Signed, Curt Hodgkins


Jones Third Boys In Circuit Finals


:::===================="'==== ===il

"OPEN SESAME " for your future.

pete in the largest tournament held in the United Stat~. The tourney featured over 1,000 players competing in 16 divisions. J ;> V' representatives l\lan1 Par· ' "!> sons , Angel Al t:l m nrino a nd Jacl\ Nash :Lll played \Ve l! accordin g to coaeh G~orgf' A llison. A ll t hre-e pla.yf' rs lost to Southern California

. mond (48.0), rmd t h e l\Jtle Re l ay (3 :2 . . till rates as one o[ Thursday's th · · Other place finishers for the c vtctones isfying sat the most locals have had this yea r. T he J ags were Lou Jensen (Mile and Bob Hale and Jerry Stewart got · an d cam e 2 Mile-3 rci), Howard McCa.lebb hot in the first half and boosted J C J)layNs. In doubl es action ParJags showed great spint (440-3rd), Lance Calloway (100- the Grunks to a 72·50 win over the sons tHid Nash showed fin e foml across with the bi g PIays when d 2nd and W - 3rd), Del Rodgers Batman in the opening round of ill a. losing effort to ].fetr OfWllttan . they were neede · (120 HH and 330 Int. Hurd.-3rd), the Intramural Basketball p layoffs C onferen('e eh am plons Valley ColSa n Jose drew f irst blood ut t ho on ored C Tom Shellabarger (Shot Put- Monday. lege. game when Tim Harpe r s 2nd), Mickey Hill (Shot Put., The second tilt was played Tues· In recent Golden Gate Conferrightfielder, Tom Henson's s~cl'i3rd) Larry Johnson (2nd) and d ay, but the score was unavailable ence action the netmcn lost to the fi ce f ly. The lc..·H1 wa.~ short hved Jim 'Carlton (3rd) in t he Diseus, at press time. Foothill Owls by a 5-2 count. In S--1- reco rd. thong!~ ns t he Owls scored in the . Don H a nd came t h rough with Vern Erickson (Pole Vault-3rd), the singJes action no local was Hale chipped in with 13 of hts fo iJowing inning on two wa II~ s am I a ble to muster a win. The doubles another double win for the Jags Steve Blaser (2nd) a nd Oscar 14 markers and Stewart 11 of his a succes.•<tf ul doub le sten I · se_h_it_s_. _ _ proved different, however as both as h e captured the 880, (2, 01.~ ) Reyes (3rd) in the High Jump, a nd 18 points in the opening h alf, :; i T he Owls scored · aga in in the ~lo~w:'ed':':'..~o:-_n~ly:_t::"::'O~"::_'a:_l:::k:s_:.: teams turned in wins. Marv Par- and .the. Mile .<4 :41 ·4 >· ~and s bid Prentiss Gary who leaped a fine ing the Grunks to a 41-23 halfsLxth inning oh a two·strike ~· for 2nd place in t he Triple time erlge. T he Babnen bounced sons and J ack Nash teamed to fo r a tnple w~ was s~mled wh~n squeeze play that caught the_ lo' 6-0 3 6 he came up wtth a s1dc ache m back behind Bruee McCall's 21 p. Jum Ralph however Mile Two win the featured doubles . ' . ' t he cals napping. The score remam~ Coach B aker and will diget~ to pull with in the final 7-5. An gel AltamarinG and Bob Kearns of the ' Jags wen t on to 2 ~ 1 Fo~lh~ll llntil the dramatiC J'onrne;y to F resn o t hiS S.lturda.y . , . Ramirez teamed fot)t a 6-4, 6·1 etgh t h mnmg. capture the race m 10 .2'-'· 3. w in. Ve rn Gidley Ie<1 the eighth off with a ·base on ba lls. Riclt G a.rd:l flew out a nd th en Paz R ocho h it his second sing le of t he day t o j cente rfield. Tim Harper then fiP\\' out for th e second out. Both Gid1:00.7 timing in the 100 for a fift h B y PAZZLE ROCHA ley nnd Rochlb ad van ced when t hP Jaguars from S a n J ose City Col- place. In the 200 Ron was edged Owl tJllrd sa.c ker m ishand led F r ~ud ' lege ga rne•·cd a th ird place in l<~ ~ t out by Way ne Lear of San Mateo Wrig ht's ground baJl and a U hn nd-. week's GOlden Gate . Conference for t he runner-up spot and had to were safe. Dennis Hn.g tns, wh o championships. The a q u a j a g s settle for a third. He was clocked _ scored 228 poinls to edge out Di· in 2:10.6. The fres hm a n led for tJ1e a blo Va lley , wh o scored a total first 150 ya rds but faltered at lhe of 207 digits. Footllill Col lege finish. J im TripJett nabbed a second swept the fi eld to score 612; San Mateo followed with 430. The place finish in the gruelling 400· NCAA point scoring system was yard IM event with a time o·f used, ihis is a twelve-place system. 4:47.2. Jim was fourth in the race The tanl{ers swum well as th f"y after the butterfly and backs troke, f'ither · broke or tied ten ot t he- pulled ahead in the breaststroke RC.h ool's re<·o rds. Fresluna n. ~~om but could not muster enough in Al<rop set t he pctce as he set mar1{S the freestyle to gain the top spot. in the 200, 500 and 1650 ynrd free- Triplett placed fourth in the 200st)lles. In the 200 Tom sw::uu to a. breaststroke with a 2:23.3 clock1:51.9 t iming t o garner a. fourth in g. p lace. Tom took another fourth in t he 500 as he was cl ocked ln 5 :13.4. A krop move<] u p a. coup le of notches to a. second Jllnce in t he J650 wi t h a. t ime of 18 :21.2. Th e winner was t imed in 18:17.7 . With fou r matches remaini ng in Ak rop also swa m in t he 800-yard frees ty le r e lay, as he a nc h ored tlw league action the J ag golfers can firm ly etch themselves into fourth J ag-s to 9 thJrd l'lace fi nish. Ron MacLennan broke two rec- place. The remaining matches are ords in the 100 and 200-yard back- against Chabot and Merritt, with THf HARPER currently tied • .. GGC Home R un Lead er stroke races. MacLennan swam to w hom the locals a re for fourth spot. Th e. ~J ags ~ta r.ted th e seaso n ~ . losing t hrffe :t"'traig ht then c:tme strong to win fou r out of thelr • FACULTY n e:d fiv e, bu t the t eam has hit. • STUOENTS • ALUMNI n mld·season slump and dropped as little as iust present your staff or t\vo stra igh t t o second place Dl~ ASB cerd ablo Va lley. B oth losses were lopMovie & Still sided c ontest..;; with DV chalking * Supplie-s * Cameras Per Da y up 80 a nd 25 poin ts respectively * Equipment on Th ree * Proiectors I a match to the Jugs 5 and 10 Months Reatal poin ts. The onl y no table event in develo ping - printing the m a.tches wa~ t hat Larry Lupo re ntal. - repai" SLACKS, JEANS and WALK SHOR~S wilh FaraPress ®NEVER NEED IRONING e "Choose from hundreds" s hot a. one unde r par back nh1e to FARAtl MANUFACTURING CO., INC. • El PASO, .EXAS e Try our Re nt-to-Own Plan de'feat t h e GGC n umber one ma.n


Ddt- Ed.ltor :

A Jetter o-l recognit ion and thank s. Last F riday, Sa.turday, and S unday, the Academic Retreat wa-s held at the San F ra ncisco Y.M.C.A. Conference G rounds near La Honda.. T he week end outing wns ing. She told me tl1at ber proof was tbe fa ct th at Steele had r e- a great suC<!ess. Speeia.l reeognlfe rr ed to one of S meth urst's p oin ts in his article. Sh e had con- t ion should be given t o Dennis eluded front tha t reference th at Steele had seen Smethurst's P ercy and his com mittee mem bers w ho worked hard to see t-h at a U statement b e fore wri t ing hi s o wn. Act ually, that reference would ltave been th e ba si s fo r a was f·WlctionJng well du ring our healthy su spicion, but by presenting i t as a h ard fa c t STUDY stay. Thanks should also go to has maligned its o·w n integr ity a nd libeled not only tJ1e TIMES, S tuden t Council for t J1 e good judgment nnd f oresigh t they showed bnt the ASB P resident. If No rma had inves tiga te d h e r su spicions, sh e woul d have by au t horizing suffi cien t funds to found that Steele's insigl1 t h a d com e from a co nfer en ce between make t he Retreat a l'eality. The topic 1'R.ellgion: Aid or the two a.ntagoni sts before eithe r a r ticle was writte n. Betty R ei ll y, Commissioner of Foreign Students, was a lso present ; sh e should Anchor " was well r eceived by t he m ore than sb.."ty peo ple, both facbe glad to testify to w hat was sai d . T here is no way to kno w if STUDY w as aware of t h e truth ulty and stud en ts, t ha t were. able and chose to ignore i t o r if its editor was lvilHng to b eli e ve a ny to attend. A pa nel discussion by three rumor she picked np if it would m ake tbe TIMES loo k bad . In either case, whether disho n est y o r incompe te n ce, the whol e inci· <Jiergymen, Fathe r Wrig ht from dent shouJd make stndPnt!; wear y of pl acin g thei r full confiden ce Santa Clara; Rev. Akers f r om GrMe Baptist Church; and Elder in anything that STUDY p r in t.s in the future. George P ace f rom the 1\-[ ormon Mike O'Conno r, N ews Ed itor Church of P aJo Al to, was t he high 1 point of Saturday afternoon. I t was a great pleasure lor me to a.ttend t ltis spring's R e trea.t as a parttcJpant... I had a. very good tim e . through out. Of speci al pleasure to m e was meeting and talking with raeulty and s tuden ts ln a con genia l atm osphe r e away fr om the classroo m. I feet t hat it is unfortunatet hat the re is not more sociable So'Clat ln tel'tl.Ctio n o-n campus as weU as off. I want to point ou t that a. r etreat Is only a good as the people who attend . T he retreat was atte nded by an ac ti ve, trt.e ndly, g oodnatured group t Hat I enjoyed be-

A College Education Can Be.Your ...

p]nyed most of th e gam e badly cut spike wound, was t hen hi t by a pitch a nd t he tying run scored . Tom Hen son thPn came th rough wi th one of th e biggest hits of t he yea r when he lined a. shot that hit the nmpil•p to brin g in th e winning run. Jim Ht'Ckend. orn t hen smashed a two. t:: D BSCOBAR run d ouble to ri g l1 t cen terfie ld to . . . F ires a. S hutout put th e ga m e ou t of r ea.<' h. ,Tim I his second league win in a Phillips fan ned t w o out of t hret' in t he ninth a nd HPnson, the m an week. Escobar's performance has of the day mad t> a d.h'ing g rub or to be rnted as one if not the best e ffort this :year by a. Jag a Hne drive to end the ga me. Tuesday t he Jags rode the CJnn 1 Tim Harper provided the­ of Ed Escobar and the bat of Tim works for the loca ls by smac m g Hal'Per lo a fine 7-0 victory over .a solo homer and k nocking in _three runs with three hits. Left [1elder Lhe Chabot Gladiators. Escoba r fanned four a nd a l- Vern Gidley a lso had a fine day

by a.


'i dent Union.

For a demonstrati on of the new technique in mechanics, they ba la nced a rectangular board on a pivot. Pennies were placed on t he board and then students were as ked where o ther pennjes would have to be placed to bala nce it. Bunge continued that the students had to figure a scient ific Jaw to solve any balancing situation of t his type. ''This new method lets students simulate the chall enging situations which go on in a real science laboratory,'' he r easoned.

The San Jose City College Base· bailers tool< a giant step towards a first division finish last week by defeating Chabot by a score of 7-0 and then knock~ng o!f t_h e Foothm Owls on the wmner s dla-

Ne0tt~'!}11~~ Harriers Drop Comets Tilt, ~;.:·~~~~:~':!!:~~ Evans Rips CC 220 M~~~


cluding SJS and SFS, in the Stu-


Horsehiders Surprise, Garner Two Straight


.1. ..:

A regulnr s•umner n >eren.tion JJrogram wi.U take pla.ce as soon as the semeste r Is over.

Spring FonnaJ, sponsored by the freshmen c lass and the S ki

was third. - ---- ---1 -----rating

The method of l etting students


Tho campus swinuning pool will be open on Saturday and S•mda.ys from 1 until 5 P!\1. Admission will be 20 cents .

ab le back-up materi al and comm on sense. Witb th e bases l oad e d , she has cocked her ink y ba t for a G rand Sla m Hom er .. , a nd has struck out. As one edito r to anothe r, I call .. . "Foul p l ay, Mi ss Eslinger. You should be sent t o th e showe rs to le t an o ther - J DM take your p lace."

.once had plen ty o f r es pect fo r STUDY Magazine . I still h a"e some, hut the lates t issue m a d e m e s le p back a nd ta ke a n · ] e(1ito ri a1 sta f f a n (1 ils po1jcies. ot I1er ·1oo k· at t1e I r efer to tht:> STUDY Pditorial th a t was supposed to give City College the inside story a_b out the written debate b e twee n Kevin Smethurst, then STUDY c cl i Lor, ami Jim S teele, A SB P resi dent. E . ach student gave hi s views on whe ther or not th e student government was f11iling at City College. STuDY sta ted f latly ~ h at th e- T IMES had gi.ven Steel<> au unfair advantage by a llowj n g him to read Sm e thu rs t 's article b efore writing h is 01.Vn. Since I h a n<11ed th e e n tire article, I was interested jn knowiu g h ow STUDY h ad come abo ut thi s in[or mation- because th e f act i s, it is noth i n g m ore than a Jie--I a•ked Norma .Eslinger, STUD Y editor, wha t made he r th ink tlu 1t th e TJl\1ES was guilty of h e r accusation. H e r answer was amaz·

to more creativity ' in Physical Science, according to Mark Bunge, PilysicaJ Science instructor· a t SJCC.


'Foul Play'


New Campus Method

Darline Ashby ; Biology 21A, Rosa- ing.

Sports Editor ........... _ FRED JONES C. F is he r, Nor·een Futter. Ad •. Mgr. __ JOHN MIG UELGORRY lieBus . Data P roc. 91, 113, 114A, Ph oto .......... ROYAL CHAMBERLAIN Anyone who has nny "good1' 115, J ose C. Elaydo, Len , 114B , Ad visor · -···-·-· ..·-· C. W . PALMER P epper; Bus. Ma th, Bru ce Andrade ; mmmage that they would Uke to Ch emistry 30A, Rosalie C. Fisher ; d Onate to the Merehnndlsing Club 15 or 30A, Robet·t MilJer, P ar- Rummage Sale is asked to contact ni z Sedagh ty, P a.ul S tarn , Geor ge t he Business D e pa rtment~ The Souza; Draft ing. Rosalie C. Fisher; c lub's sa le wtu b e he ld Ma l' 14-1 5 The Tll\JES is not an ti-STUDY Magazine n'or does h bear a Electronics, Glen Taylor, Wilson n.t the Flea Market.

Editor - --· - - - - JEFF MUlliNS Ant. Editor ........ CHRIS VAUG HAN Nows Editor ...... MIKE O'CONNOR Night Editor_ DON KAWA SHIMA

tile City College intermediate team competed against fencing t eams of San J ose and Hartnell College last Surieya SompUilth placed New teaching methods may lead in her meet and the over-an



In preparing for the Napa

417 South Ist Street San Jose

A pair

of former San Jose High

Ed a pitch· Garciain and Eddie horns Rossette, locked athletes. ing dual in last Tuesday's lntramural Softball action. Garcia's strong two-hi t pitching lead the Horsehiders to a 3-1 victory over

the Regents. Both clubs scored runs in th e first frame, but t he Horsehiders banged across tvro tallies in the bottom of the fourth inning to secure the win_ In other action the Pussycats downed the- Wrestlers 2-1, in a la te inning rally. Jerry Langridge blasted a basis·1oaded double in t he last half of the final inning to bang across the final run for the 'Cats. The fine slants of Mike Carini claimed the win, while Norm Jenks got credit for the loss. Last campaign's champions, Ma hu s got off to a flying start, dumping the Clowns 7 ·5. The Mahus, behind hurler Bruce R abidou , broke into a 7-2 lead in the bottom

half of tile third, but t he Clowns shot back with three markers in the top of t he last inning to pull to tile final tally.

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Notes and News

(See Page


This week the Fr iday Night

Nursing _Pro fession The California N urses Assocition will sponsor a welcoming pro. gram for all graduating students who plan. to enter ~he field of nursing. The event wi ll take place May 3 at O'Connor Hospital. Dr. Sidney McGaw, Director of Vocational Education at SJCC, will be the guest speaker. All students from the n u r s in g programs t hroughout Santa Clara Valley will be attending, Refreshments will be provided along with a n informal social gathering to discuss future medical careers.

'Clinic Award' The Dental Assis ting students of SJCC recently represented our campus at the Northern California Denta l As s i s t i n g Association's

Two ·Hundred Spells Out Campus Renovation in Quad Attend Fourth 5

Jazz.Concert Kicks Off Blood Drive '~~~!~~

CI RCLE K . 1\IEl\-ffiERS, le tt to right : R ic h Scardina., Jim Pacelli, and• Russ Johnson present candy donations for childre n at the County Hospital to Reba. Chappele. Circle K m eetings- are held TJtursdays, 11 a.m., in Room B-205.

Music Department has been "recruiting" future members. T o interest high school gradua t es in City College's Mu sic Department, the college band, stage band, a nd choir h ave been presenting 45minute programs for the surrounding high schools. I n addition to letting the interested high school students know what is offered at San Jose City College, lt g>ives the members of t hese musical groups a chance "to react to show experience," stated Darrell Johnson, a Last Thursday, April 21, stu- music instructor on this campus. dents on this campus had the opJ ohnson and Vincent Carter, portunity of listening to some jazz also a m usic instructor on c a mpus, selections presented by the Music have also been busy. Both hcwe Department. · The program also featured students improvising in been judging at high school music the blues. The soloists were James festivals. Some of these festivals, Flores, baritone sax, and Bob T or- held on college campuses, have a mina, trumpet, T he program w as been held at Chico State, Sacrapresented in prepa ration for the mento St3!te, College of Notre Jazz Festival, April 29th, to be Dame in Belmont, and Chabot held at San Jose S tate. Junior Col1ege in Hayward. the In addtion to the festival,

Music Departm e nt

Scholarshi p Availab le A one hundred dollar schoLarship , w ith the p ossibility of ten more such gr1111ts, has been est.nbllsh ed for Wgh school graduates

wish ing to .ente r the Vacuum T echnology program offered on campus. A student wishln.g to apply must be a high scbool graduate with acceptable grades, must be inter-

ested i..n VaCuum Technology, and sh ould be able to work with his h a nds as well as his mind, stated W . J ohn Tolson, Vacuum Tech in-

structor. A lthough th e schol.a.rshlp is inten ded for inoomlng high school

Everybody's talking about it. Everybody's doing it. Operation Match. It's camp _ It's campus. It's the modern way to meet. It whamm o's blind dates. It sta rted at Harvard. The original Operation Match-featured in TIME, LOO K, and the coming May GLAMOUR. Already there are over 100,000 ideal dates in ou r computer's memory bank. Now's the time to line up your Spring Fling. Let our IBM 7090 Computer (the world's most perfect boy/ girl matcher) select 5 ideal dates for you-right from your ca mpus area. (Now a gal can really choose ·t he k ind of guy she wants, not just wait and hop e he comes along!) Just send us the coupon below ___ we'll send you the Operation Match Quan t it ative Personality Projection Test Questionnaire. A nsw er the questions about yourself, what you're like, and what you like. Return th e q uestionnaire with $3.00. Then we put our 7090's memory bank to work. It reads ou t the qualifications of every member of the opposite sex in your college area, and programs 5 or more ideal dates for you. You receive names, addresses, and p hone numbers. Guys call the gals. You're just a telephone apart. Also, your card is kept continuously active. You receive as many dates as the 7090 fi nds matches. The sooner you apply, the more dates you may get. Let the 7090 take the blinds off blind dating. Get modem. Get electronic. Get set q uick with your ideal dates.

graduates, City College students who f ulfill the qualifications can a lso a pply. T he initial $100 grnnt was given personally by Paul Bryant, h ead ot the Educational Committee of t h e National American Vacuum Socie ty. Because ot this, the group has named the first scbolarship the Paul Bryant Scholarship Fund. SJCC is the only jwtior coUege camvu s in t11e United S tates to- orfer a Vacuum T echnology program to its students.


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By CHRIS We'r'e always hearing a lot about ~hool spirit-its presence or absence. In the Spring, 1954, the Vetf'ran's Club on our campus took their school spirit and started City College's o\vn blood bank for stu~ent faculty, administrative personn~l and college employees. ,. This year's Blood Day Commit-


is J..icklng off its drive with a Rally and Jazz Concert tomorrow

at 11 a.m. in the Quad, Du.rreU Johpso}t, fJiom t;lae l\lusic Det)art-

mcnt, '"'111 perform. Sign·u P Days will be April 25 Mtd 26. There wiJJ be lists in the Quad and one near the Library. The tables will be open from 8 until 3 each day and from 6 :30 to 9 p.m. on the extended day program. The blood drive \\1ll be held April 27 in th e Women's Gym from S.S and from 6:80 w1til 8:30 l).m. Mercha ndising Club will helpunload the equipment from the truck and the Law Enforcement will reload the equipm ent. Typist for the drive. w ill come from the Psychology Club, BSU, Ski Club, Rally Club and Phi Beta Lambda. Donors mu.y give their blood to tbeir Clubs and they will receive credit for it or they can donate lt .:0 the Defense Deparhnent for Viet Nam. Either way your cJub wiU E~ece iv e c redit for your blood. Com,,e tition wiU be held between clubs, "A Club Service Award wW be gi~en l\lfi.y '5 ," stateu Rocl King, ChaiMna.n of the Blood Drive. Competition wil1 be held with West Valley. Last year they won· by seven pints. This year's motto is: "Blood Today May Give Life Tomorrow."

Over two hundred people, students, faculty and people from the community, filled the amphitheatre-lecture room, F-7, last Satur· day morning and afternoon to hear Dr. J. R. McCullough, professor of philosophy at San Jose State Col lege, and Rev. Sidney Peterman. pastor of the First Unitarian Church, San Jose, give presentations on the subject "Religious Truth and Concept of God." This was the fourth l'hUosophy Symposium jointly sponsored by the Associated Students and the Philosophy Department of San Jose City College. A routine exa.nlln a.tlon will b e During the afternoon session, 1ulmln..istered to all prospective 4) (C n 'nue donors on the day of the drive.

VAUGHN ' Parenta l consent sUps for those not yet 21 years of age are required. These slips, ple dge cards, a nd blood m embe rship cards may be obtained from Ed. 1\logler. Specific requirements are included in order to give blood. Among these a re : a minimum age of 18, 110 P.Ottnds minimum weight, no serious illness within the past month, no heart surgery within the last six mont hs, and no active allergies or mononucleosis within the past 2 years.


r:::io':.. Dean

Beci;er, ' head


An extensive 51-page re.port out~ lining the- specific needs for master planning the San Jose City College campus was turned over to district architects this week following offic.ial approval by the Board ot Trustees. The report, c om pi 1 e d a.fter months of study a ntl research b.y the district's Overall Planning Committee comprised of fn.cul ty and administrators, speUs out the reno\·atlons a.nd expnnsion that need to take place on the present


1\toorpar-l\ cam1>us as llart of the

of Related Events

For tho~ students- who do not alrea(ly ha.v e u. so<"i"l security number they may obtain them from the Social SL'Curity Admin-

1 .i.• F, "II m FeSTIVa Starts Tomorrow

·College ews 1n Brief McFarlin Lands Committee Post Andre'?" l]. McFarlin, San Jose City CQ.lfege engineering instructor, has been named to ,the executive committee of t he American Society for Engineering Education's Pacific Southwest Section. · McFarlin, who has taught engineering at City Co1lege since 1959, is the only junior college represent-

Berkeley Visitors Book Store Sells Speak at College Art Reproductions Dr. Price Gittinger and James Clark of the University of Call~ fornia Office of Relations with Schools nill be here to talk on May 10 instead of April 28. The visitors will meet with students at

11:00 a..m. to 1:00 p.m. bt Room B-207, and they w ill moot with tho ative s e r vi n g on the executive couru;elors at 2:00 p.m. in U-200. , c;omnuttee. Students invlk->d to t<tlk to ot:" t Focus, the 2nd Annual Film Fes- · e University of Cal Visitors about th !ivai, presen~ed by the Associated admissions, l>roblems, Joans, and Students will begin tomorrow at



a.m. with a JazZ' eon<ert reaturing Mondo Cane and the Red


Nothing can take the ptess out of Lee-Prest slacks Not that it's on his mind right now. And it needn't be. Those Lee~ 'Prest Leesures can't help but stay crisp and neat. No matter what you 'put them through: They have a new permanent press. So the crease stays in. The wrinkle.s stay out. f'ermanently. And that's withou t ironing . ~No' ,touch-ups, either. They're made from Lee's special blend of 50% polyester ,and 50% combed cotton. For wash and wear ... with conviction. Incidentally, that permanent press is the only change we've made in Leesures. They still have that Jean, honest look __ . smart, tailored fit. New Lee-Pres! Leesures. Test their permanent press yourself. It isn't $6.00 to $S:oo. From necessary, but it's a great way to spend an evening. ' .


H . 0 . l~ C\.lmpal'l'f, I nc., t<tnYs City. Mo. 64141 AL SO .-.VAILABLE ltl CANADA.

BaUoon, • ~~ The se<iQnd feature will be ~lerr Wlto.II'read on' Tails" 'rith \V. C. Fields Friday, April 22, in the The.R.tre a.t g p.m. Liv:e ~ntertainment will be pi'e· sented Sa t~r~ay, ApeiJ 23 by the Rovers, in the Quad. Sidney Po1tt8r ~ wU( star · in "Rabin in the Sun." S unda.y, April 24, at 8 p.m. tn the -Theatre. Admission to all above -events is free.

man of the Overall Planning Committee, said the master plan study for the Moorpark campus will pt--o~ vide for a maximum full -time enrollment of 5,000 students. The re1)0rt is a. compilation of exhatL-.tive studies mad e by 11 area g roup subcommittees involvblg operationa l services , stu.dent services, library a.nd materials center se r~ vices, pltysical e d u c a t j o n and health, language skills, fin e and applied arts, science, mat h and b een re tu!ne(l by the"""'fiistrict to de- engineering, business and btL<siness rela.ted, h ealth sciences ce nte r vovelop the overall master plan. Dr_ Elsner, who serves as chair- cn.tlonal an<l pre-employment, and

district's overa ll master pl anning program . Dr. Paul Elsner, district director of planning and resources, said the report will enable the architects a nd their engineers and designers to visualize the scope of the needs of the Moorpark campus as seen by the faculty a nd staff f or t he development of the '"ideal campus." The San. Fra.ncisco~ba.sed firm of Skidmore, Owi.J1'S \Qn'd.. ~(e rrill ha.s

Facuity Spring Dance Pledges Fun and Frolic

or Composite

t&tration Office at 1010 The Alameda, San Jose. Foreign students and out-ofstate students may also obtain a social security n wll.ber. Students must have and bring their social security number card to their counsellftg appointment tor Iu.U registration . Stude nts \\i ll not be able to see their counselors ll-ithout t h eir socia l serurity cards. ' .


Extensive Master Plan ins Trustee Approval

Students ·are- rem.bul~d •tJJat sO-· dal secud.ty numbers will replace PU C KERED UP FOR the .City College Blood Drive Rally' are jan concertests Robert Toarmina, trumrnJstration fiwnbe'ts for students pet; James Flores, trombone; J ack Evensizer, sax 1 and conductor Da rrel l Johnston. wishing to ·attend San Jose City College in . the .. fttll semester, ac-


Phone 298-218 1/ Ext. 230


No. 8

'College Hour' Rally

Film Series will present "Dead 1

(See page 2)


Vol," l7

'Dead Birds' Plays Birds" by Robert Gardner in the SJCC Theater, April 29, at 8 p.m. "Dead Birds" is a film about the Dan:i a people dwelling in the Grand V~lley of the Baliem high in the mountains of Western New Guinea. These people were the object of a.n intensive photographic and ethnographic study. In this film the action was fol lowed not directed. It is an attempt to document a life from within a nd to see if even such stra ngers as the Dani can tell us something not only about themselves but about ourselves.

Mono Hits Kate's Kisser


state meeting in San Francisco on April 17, 18, and 19. A "Clinic Award" trophy was grantedt to the students on behalf of Karen Lyons , Linda Farmer, and Marcia Abinanti, who presented a lecture and demonstration on orthodontics. The girls al so attended other educational programs, clinics, and exhibits which highlighted the con~ vention.

Seniors On Campus A total of 1,855 college-bound seniors from ten area high schools will be visiting San Jose City College campus during three separate sessions on April 26, and IVIay 3 and 5. The program will commence with a general assembly in the men's gymnasium with ASB President Jim Steele as Master -of Ce~:­ emonies. Larry Arnerich. Dean or Men, and May Duignan, Dean of Student Services, will be the guest speakers. From tlJen a tour of tthe campus and a ·c onference period will follow where twenty-eight instructors '3.lld cotmselors will hold discussion groups in their particular fields. Eac h student will choose his own interest area,

JpeeiaJ Swim Team


Wednesday, April 27, 1966


D. Walton Wins Honor Bricklaying· ·


San Jose City College this week announced publicadon of .its new Summer Session bulletin for 1966 now available at the college administration office. Some 46 different courses will be offered during the session from June 27 through August .5. Registration will begin J une 23. Ben Sweeney, dean of the sum~ mer session program, said the sixweek session pro\rldes for a. maximum six Wllt load which is the BookStore until all tbe reproduc- equival ent of 18 units during the tion a r~ sold out stated Ryman.. regular school year. H e said although the c onte st paralle ls the same courses in regular session, the pace is faster. In sb: weeks, students complete ,\•o rk which

would take 18 weeks during the reguL.1.r sem ester. Courses will be offered in the

following subject fields: Art. Bi· ological Science, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, English, Math, Healt h Education, Music, N ursing, Philosophy, Physical Scie nces, Psy~ chology1 Soci al Sciences, Speecb, a nd Welding T echnology.

Ladies' Man Contest S~Qks.Sexy Charmers Sex appeal a nd charm are among the characteristics that are shown by th~ candidates for Ladies Man on Campus. Application blanks are available· in the TIMES ?ftice. The only thing necessary lS a lady campaign manager. 'I'he ele<'tion is to be held on Ma.y , U , with students l,aying •• Pe!U1J• a vote to pick thei r LMOC. The proceeds g-o to a scholarShip ht.nd of Beta Phi Gumma, honorary journallsm society. Deadline for appljcations is Aptil 26. P,jctu res will be taken by the pus." Tu[Es' photoirapher. ·


The a n .n u a I a rt reproduction saJ6 is now being held in the Bookstore to R obe rt Ryman, manager. Included tn the year's sale a re such famous master's prints as Van Gough and Picasso. T h ere are also se\•eraJ modern and impressionistic ret>rodu"Ctfons, a iong with son1e collages constructed l rom vart.ous ~ and bottle labe ls. The sale will c ontinue In the

S J G; C apprentice bricklayer Dennis Walton, 24, has won sec~ ond place irt_ a recent st~tewide . bricklaying competition in San Francisco, sponsored by the California State Conference of Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers Inter'national Union of America. H~ competed against 17 appren · tices and is one of about two dozen students at JC enrolled in the apprentice bricklaying program.

Prizes will be donated by various local merchants. An eArly entry, Paz Rocha , a sophomore, is a graduate from A. Lincoln High School. Am ong his forme r honors, Paz was chosen as a beauty quePn at Santa Cruz (in a two-tlie<.>e) . His m casurf'ments are (get this. gir.l!5!) 36-2435. (Not bad, Paz!) Paz feels he is qualliied because 4'1 don't know anyone e lse who Is a.thactive, has a great bOdy, the finest Mkles and 11hysJque Uke mine on

e.x lstlng institution of San Jose C ity College; and to in<llca.te the directions toward which the college co mmunity aSJllres a nd whlch wouJd be .reflected in plawl.lng and

All employes of Snn Jose City College are invited to join in t'he fun frolic Saturday, April 23, when the campus chapter of t he C.T.A. (California Teacher's Association) will sponsor 3.1 spl"ing dance at the Los Gatos History Slub. 1\lusic is to be provided by the 4-Faculty 4: + 3," fcatlll'ing exTommy Dorsey Band membe r Jerry Davis on trumpet, loC'.al faculty member 1\larc Marcus demonstrating his outstanding cla.rinet talents, and e.x:-Jimmy Dorsey song stylist, Glotia Stark, on vocals. The dance is being held in an attempt to raise money for student - ~ ~ ......... scholarshjps,MARC MARCUS • - • outstandCost ts $S for this event which will last from 9 p.m. t-o 1 a.m. in g clarinet talents highlight There wlU be door prizes and re- facu lty spring dance. t-reslunents. One of the hi ghli ghts of the evening will be a Greek dance rou Students looking for on-campus tine by a San Jose State College faculty wives group headed by jobs! The r e are . n ow positions Carolyn Jacklin of tihe local psy- available at SJOC unde r t he Worh:· chology department. Study Progrn.m. Anyone Interested contact 1\lrs. P eterson in

Summer Session Bulletin Available

Caren Exra Wins Study Scholarship Caren A. Exra, 20-year-old San J ose City College student from K e n y a . East Africa, has been awarded . a full summer scholarship to study African Political Systems at Macalesler College in St. Paul, Minn. l\liss Exra's award is made by the Women's Africa CommJttee of the Afrlcan-American Institute antl includes tuition and fees, living and tra.Mportatlon expenses.

SOXG GffiL finals nill bp held April 22 fr<'m 2 until 3:30 p .nl . in the rtlen's Gvm.. Song Girls from 1965-1966 are from lef t to right: Linda Johnson," Sandy Turner, and Jan 'V.allller. AboUt. ZS gida are. tiy1ng eu~



A fourth semester science education major at th e college, Miss Exra plans to <;ontinue here studies at San Jose State College in the fall a nd the n return to teach _,


social behavioral scienc:es. District trustees this week also approved two add itional reports submitted by Dr. Elsner a nd the Overall PJanning Committee-Educational and Plnnning Objectives, and Educational Programming. Both reports, Dr. Elsner said, also were compiled to offer guld· ance to the architects in the formu lation and preparation of pla ns for a ll campuses of the junior col~ lege district. Dr. E lsn<: r explained that t he ~'O bjectiv e.~ Report" iS a. cornpUa.tion of ' 'iews or all me mbers of the. coUege community--student-s, fft.C... ulty, classified staff, admln.istrn.tors and tMIStees - concerning " those vaJues that a.:re f elt to be an integral part or the junior '!.Ollege; to portray the nature of the

development." The report emphasizes that future planning must keep in mind that a basic purpose of the college is to facilitate instruction so that students are provided an optimal environment for learning. 4 jThe impact of the total coUegc emironment," the report statee, "should be such that he (the stndent) \\'ill have matured in his ability to confront a rnpldly changing wor ld because he Is better trained , cnn exercise his powers or reasoning with greater facl.lity, understands better the worJd he lives ln., has begun a. search fof a.blding vnlue6, .and is lncreMingly perceptive- about a. greater varlet)' of cultural stimuli." The report recognizes the ''unique opportunity of the architects to translate, insofar ·a s this is possible, those ideas into spati a l and physical form." The "Programming Report." Dr. Elsner said, wiJl assist the architects in assessing the district's space needs in light of existing efficiency. The r eport details pres· ent c lassroom utilization during the day hours and compares ~ present utilization with the potential capacity.

Cit y College Weekly Bulletin THURSDAY, April 21 Student Council, 10 a.m., Rm. _U-200 Supreme Court, 11 a.m., Rm. U-205BLOOD DRIVE RALLY-JAZZ CONCERT, PhiloSophy Forum, 11 a.m., Rm. F-7. , Baseball, San Jose City College vs. Foothill, H ere, 3 p.m. Film Festival, MONDO CANE & THE RED BALLOON, 8 p.m. Theatre. FRIDAY, -Al>ril 22 Student Court, 1 p.m., Rm. U-205. Golf, San Jose City College vs. Diablo Valley, H ere, 1 p .m. Song Girl Tryouts, 2 p.m .. Men's Gym. FUm Fes tival, l\lEN \VHO TREAD ON TIGERS TAILS, \V. C. Fields in t he BARBER SHOP &: THE PHAR)lAClST, 8 p .m., Theatre:. T~nnis,

Ojai Tournament. Swimming, Golden Gate Conference Championships, Here, AU Day.

SATURDAY, April 23 Track San JOse City College vs. Con tra Costa, Here, 10:30 a.m. ACT ~~anunations. Here, 8 a.m. to Noon; Math Placement,. S 2. p.m., Rms. S-1 and S-2. Fi~n Festiva l, THE ASTRONAUTS & HELP, ~~ !\NOWl\lAI'f JS BU RNING DOWN, 8 p.m., Theatre. . Tennis, Ojai Tournament. Swimming, Golden Gate Conference Champwn rps, Here All 1\) Day.



SUNDAY, April 24 Film F esti,•al, RAISIN IN THE SUN & THE:f%.f AL GLASS OF-BEER, S t).m., Theatre. 1\lONDAY, AprU 25

BLOOD DRIVE SfGN-UPS, 8 a.m., to 3 p.nT. 9 p.m... Quad and Library Areas. ASB OFFICE PETITIONS DEADLINE. Student ·Court, 12 Noon, Rm. U-205.


(gl. ti :30 p.m.,


:I'UESDAY, A1lril 26 BLOOD DRIVE SIGN-UPS, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. a nd 6 :30 p.m. to 9 p.m., Quad and Library Areas, ASB Candidates Meetin, 11 a.m., Rm. U-203. SI Meeting, 11 a.m., Rm~ D-101. Math Placement Test, 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Rm. 32.

WEDNESDA1'1 April 27 BLOOD DRIVE DAY, 8:30 a.ID. to S p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8:30

p.m., Women's Gym.

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