McCi:i;;·;;;noun;~;,s;;~~~~ Jaguar Band Featu res A Model United Nations Club M . b' r· . ' u5 Ic y· II ua na Brass A most challenging opportunity has ansen thts sem ester. T he MUNSJ CC, known officially as the M_odel United ~ations of San J ose Ctty College, IS a brand-new organ iza tion coming into exis tence as a clu b for the fi rst time at City College. Advisor t o t he group, Clemen t McGuire,. and student delegation chairm an, Dana J ohn son, have opened the club to students w~o w ish to f_ a milia riz e themselves wtth the Un1ted N ations and its operations as a world organization. T he c1ub, as a member of the Model Unit ed Nati ons, takes on the responsibility of a count ry. T he club members learn a bout and s t~dy the backg round of U1e appomte~ . country in such fie I d s as politics, econ omics, fina nce, and ~aw. With this background k now] edge, the delegation ch airman will select st uden ~ w ho wil1 at te nd the \Vest em Regional Conference, this year to be held in Portla nd, Ore. A club of t his ~alibre needs a good deal of backmg s upport. It needs studen ts who are willing to step up and wor k ·a s well as participate in aU t he fun. T he budget must be expa nded in order
Geor ge J. Botelh o, recent g-radua te o( S an J ose City CoUege bas cotnpleted Ids jet p ilot training wi t h Conti nen tal Airlines ut' Los .<\nge.l es Inte.- n :~tion a l Ai r port. H e is now based at Los A n ge1es as n. second offtcer a boa rd Contin PnbLI 's Boeing Gold e n J ets,
for as many members as poosible to a ttend the conference. In ordel' to develop a budget an effort must be m ade by each 'member. There is• a reward for the- effort and wor k put forth by mem bers of the club. They can be chosen to attend t he confe:re nce and participate in a mOOel UnHed Nations with other wes tern colleges. Exceeding the importance of t hat conference a s tudent wiJI pos sibly be selected to attend the Collegia te Counsel of t he United Nations. This counsel is held in New York for two weeks Students w ho attend wW experi ~nce, first hand, the actual United Nations operation. They w01·k with tha actual ·r epresenta tives of countries throucrhou t the wor ld T he"" MUNSJCC WBJ!tS interested students who e njoy develoPing the ir k nowledge of the United Nations and w ho a re willing to work toward a goa l. With t he backing of s t udents, a nd having a good~ s ized organization on t his campu s, City CoUege may have the Opportunity to become the first junior college in this area to receive a ma jor coun try as an appoin tment.
DRUG USAGE A THREAT TO YOUTH Talented Professiona~ Although drug usage may not be a mpheta mines or pep pill s to help as gr~at a t hreat to t he youth of them sta y awake ctuling exam Amer ica as some people may sus- t ime. pec:t, it is certain ly not.. found only Som e gir ls feel tha t it is d.iffiamong the low class, poor. or . cult to mix at a party so t hey t ake "beatnik" groups . pep pills to "ge t into the sw ing of It has become apparent, through t hings." One young girl re por ted a a survey sen t by the publication "frighteni ng reaction"- her mouth sta ff of the Seventeen Magazine, and ne ck became locked in. a th t th f h a r_ee- ourt s of. the girls who spasm, cau sing her to be hospital· h a ve t n ed dru gs, d 1d so between ized. •" vue ages o [ 15 a nd 17 ; b ut 18% A 17-ycar-old Virginia o• <YirJ were 14 or younger. smokes marijua na or more comOne thousand, one h undred re- monly expr eSsed ''blows pot.',' 4•f sponses to this survey came from Pnjoy ;t a nd don't fee l it's wrong," gi r ls 13 to 20 and from every state s-he s a id . A college freshman does in the union. The following results so beca 11 se ··eve rything is very nice we re comprised: half of t ;le girls you have a constant smile on •" ho have tried drug:s, used am- yolll· face." phetamine·s· (pep pills); almost Based u po n th is s urvey, it has h a lf, manJuana; and one in five. becomf' -appare nt t ha t t l1e1·e ..." re L ~D. About one girl in ten had 1 several factors lead ing to the usage smffed glue or swalJm..,•ed barbittJ- 1of drugs by yo uths . D r u~;s are used ra tes. . . ~l~ y youths bec a use th ey ar~ a tSurpr1s mgJy enough, approxi· te-mpting to "find th cme lves." I n mately half of the girls in the ~ur- certain groups, it has becom e "the "'·ey have _had or do have indirect thi ng to do.'' For some, taking contact With dr ugs. dr'ugs seem s to be almost necessary Thro ug h t he survey, it was found in oa·der to face l ife from day to that mos t youths have a low opin~ day. . to~ of others who use drugs. But Ma ny you ths want to rebel th ~ fact does not·kcep t hem from agaj nst socia l res t rictions so they bemg extremely c urious about take drugs, this usage is me rely drugs and their a pparent efrects. ·t heir wcty of "conforming to nonTh e youths \\o·ho have used drugs conformity.' ' P1·cssure from th e had various l'easons fo1· do ing so. c r·owd he lps t o induce the tryi ng of V.e ry few were found to take bar~ drugs, and t hus t he youths beco1ne b ttu mtes or sleeping pilJs, but the overwhelmed by the sta·ange world study fou nd that many have used. of d_rugs.
Lea d uItur a I prog ram
By KRIS VAUGHA1'1o"'" Saturday nig'h t City College's ca mpus was g r.aced wi t h a combination of good music, a m an w it h a love ly voice, a nd a comic wi th a great sense of freshness. T he ma n's nam e is Glenn Yarbrough. Ya rhroug h went t hroug h a ~, s~ries of sorigs from a fast movi ng "Good Time Music" to a soft ver· sion of "A Young Girl. " \Vhen Mr . Yarbrough sings he gives the i m pressio n that sin!;ng i_s the easi est t'hing in the wo rld to , To sta r t off t he Co-Ree progr a m, 1·ecrea t a·on stude nts will present a fun-filled acti vi t y night. Gam es and a ctivities include tabletennis, volleyba ll, sh uffleboa rd , basket ba ll, ca rds, checkers, and chess. At 9 o'clock t hE:re w iJl be a specia l eve nt, so be pre pa red. This specia l eve nt takes place in the women's gym. Co-Ree is a great opportu nity for guys, so come join the fun tonigh t, Wed nesday, at 7 :30-9 :30 in the women's gym . Refreshments are o ff·ered a lo ng w ith fri endship and fu n. All parti-cipants in Co-Ree must wear tennis s hoes and present ASB card at door .
The Sa n J ose
Band , the
City Co ll ege ] agu ar B an d, h as
opened its 1966-67 sea so n. The band co nsis ts of ap p roxima ll"'.l y
65 me m be rs. This iu ch JCles thr ee (3) twirle r s and· two (2) fl ag girls.
Mr. Darrel ] olm ston, director of the baud, is hop in g to wk e f irst pl ace in {he ] un.ior Coll e ge R ose Bow1 p a rade i n P as<.~ de n:. in No vem be r . uci ty" h as take n
first ( 1) p lace the l asl two ye ars in a r ow. In the p as t the ba n d h as been a sma ll skill ed hand. T h is yea r the ba nd is a Httle large r bu l still skill ed . T h e J a!;u ar b and is a con cert b and a nd <loes no t , RICH PREOSTE , drum major, and Ka re n D' A ttlo, band ma nager, m arch exce pt fo r th e Pa~<.~ d e ~a o discuss future p'lan s of t he b and . pa ra de. •T he h!:m d main ly pl ays m m~ic arrang:.-· d by th e T ijuana Brass. os le, sp ent. a week this snmm el" Ka r en D ' Attl o . I'm su r e wi tJtout 'T' hi~ su ap p y fast-bea tin g m wric a t clrnm ma j ors' sch oo l a t Squ aw Ka r en 's h e lp the h and would live ns u p o ur foo tb all games. Valley. h a V P tmnb le ge ttin g along. The b and m a na ge r ls M iss T< ore n also p l a ys the clarin e t for T h e dru m m a j or, R ich Pre · th e b a n d. The Ja g11 a r Band is tmi que in tha t it i s o n e of tl1e fe w college b a nds th a t allows wmne n to par· ti cip a t e in its a c ti vi ties. Anoth e r inte r esting thing a bou t th e band js th a t the y wear g ree n blazers. The r e is a little s t o r y a b out l his. IL seem s !hat wh e n th e hand - w e n t Lo buy· th eir b l az e rs, the s tu den t co un· c il o f th a t se mes te r w as we aring on r school color of l avender. The s tud en t council tha t
NO BODY but coun cil is to wear that color. So the b a nd bought '
... #
g rec11 bhze r s. Pre t ty chil<Hsh,
n o?
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Traffic Citations Given By Campus Police
L aw el1fo rcement "officials h ave It is aJ so requested tha t cars be been issuing traffic ci tations since locked when una ttended for the awa re of t he change to a two- yet to reorganize he expects a lot Monday, September 19th. T o avoid ca r owner's protection. By !\liKE O'CONNOR such contact, all students drivi ng T he Law Enforcement group semester card and the resul ting of cooperation from them. It's budget deficit time again. also has t he a ut horiza tion to issue Atten tion all you red-hot freshincrease in price, and the other is to school must park in the desigSan J ose City citationS> r esulting The Associ a ted Student Body is t ha t some students Qo not really m en \vi th desire and s.o me spare going througti another one of its- know the value of holding an ASB time. There are still positions open nated a reas. Added to t his warn - in fines and court orders if a ny f or ASB offices 'a.lld committees. ing, Dean of Men Larry Americh person persists in violating t hese twice yea rly financial contortions card. These positions are open to any emphasizes that a ny cars parking regula tions. President Hodgki ns went on to to make income from student body If a student should receive a card ·s ales meet the student coun- say t hat t he sales campaign is di- studen't, preferably fres hmen, ac- on the property l oca ted sout hwest campus citation, he should reJX)rt cording to ASB Pres. Curt Hodgrec'ted at Stud ents who a re not now cil's projected fi gure. This semesof the campus (th at on both sides to the fi nance office and a court kins, who is carrying 10 or more aware of these advantages. ter the council has mounted a "dyof th'e stree t entering t he campus appoin t ment will be made. If this According to Felix P acheco, uni ts and possesses an ASB card. namic" Sa les program aimed a t Th e offices open a t the present off Bascom) will be subject to a citation is ignored, parking privi· "educating the student body to the sophomore cl ass president , full use leges may be revoked. time are : Commissioner of Ath- tow away fin e of $16.50. advantages of buying .an ASB will be m ade of pledge cards or- in· GLENN YARBROUGH L etics, Comm issioner of Student formal contrac'ts in which the s tucard." The f ollowing are th e s imple The annual deficit is around dent promi ses to buy a card with- Activities, Commissioner of Spe~ out actually payin g tlle twelve cial ACtivities, and Commissioner campus dr iving r egu la tions : $11,000, about 1200 cards. of Fine Arts. I n addition to t hese, S t uden't Body President Curt dollars. 1. Obtain a. p arking permit at The pledge cards are t hen given t here are also Students needed on Hodgkins says tll at he is not worthe Academic Ret reat Committee, the f inance offj ce, located between ried about the even t ual outcome to the finance office. T he s tudent Studen't Union Committee, Rally the book store a nd t he facuJ ty can then pick up his card a t th~ of the card s ales drive. H e's confi Club Committ ee·, plus positions on lounge. T here Is no fee cha rged for By JUDY BECK den t th'a t the s tudent body will get fi nance ·o ffice. t he staffs of Study Magazine, a this permit. P acheco feel t hat t his will behind t he pW!h to bring the inEach semester the San J ose comment and critical pub· come up ~ o the JX)int t ha t we may speed up the paper work and ma ke campus d M use, a 1·ater~ 2. Do not pa.rk in r eser ved zones. Glenn Ya rbrough doesn't wea r most popula r groups in folk music. lication, a n campus City College Associated Studen t it e-asier on both the s tudent and By the summer of 1963, the trav~ go a he'ad wi t h the entire program ary magazine. These spaces are f or 1acu1ty mem- Body sponsors an Academic Rehis hair over his eyes, Nor does he council. planned for 't his semes ter . grow weeds on his chin. H e has no eling life began to pall on Glenn. Porter Kearton, c h a i r m a n of F or more 'information on t he bers only. trea t. This retreat is open to ASB Hodgkins feels that the differmore glamour than a ham sand- He decided it was time t o pack t he Inter-Club Council, told the d uties of t he commissioners and ence beltween eXpected a nd a c!tual 3. Do not back into parking card holders only, wi th t he only it in. wich. T I MES that he will head the camother requirements being a grade He spent i:he next year a ttend- revenues ~s "unfortuna te" and "is the sta.'ffs of the magazines, con- s talls. But Glenn Yarbrough is an offa r esult of the inter action of t wo paign to bf!ing 'the on campus clubs beat folk-s ingi ng g reat. He loves ing to his four boats. H e also set tact ASB Pres. Curt Hodgkins in 4.• A bide b y t he 15 m.p.b . 81,eed point average of 2.0 or better and different 'factors: one is the f act in to t he sales drive. Kearton said Room U-202 in the Student Union. Hmit. Laswell Street Is part of t he a modern folk and pop music. "Take up a cosmetics company, bought t hat even t hough a ll the clubs have genu ine desire to participa te in that returning studentsr were not young fellows like Bob Dylan and an apartment house in Los Ancampus an d regula ' tions will also the discussions of controvers'ia) Bob Gibson," s t ated Ya rbrough geles, and organized his musict opics in a n informal atmosphere. "their music is alive, so closely publishing firm. be enforced t hCre. You After must a year also read one or two of t his sort of "loafattuned t o our times." chosen reference books to be dis· "And take the Bcatles ... " Yar- ing," Glenn swung ba ck into accussed at t he retreat. This re· brough pa used, "they're really fin e tion. He put together an enter tain· musicians, and I t hink t he songs ment "package" consi s ti n g of quirement is not as ha rd as it may they're singing today will be t he himself, a jazz combo, and a come· sound to you at first a nd I urge dian a nd arr anged a tour of t he standards of t omorrow." you not t o be kept from a pplying When as ked if t hat was why he Uni ted Sta tes and Canada. It was was oragnized and decla red ready for th e retreat because of it. T hey such a smas hing success t hat after was doing so many rhythm numfor function on October 1, 1958. two years, it's s till on t he road. bers these days, he answered, are merely used for starting the S an Jose City Coll ege, of course, Between concert appearances, •'That's rig ht. Songs like 'Baby, retrea ters off on a common ground has other involvement with NASA the Rain Mus t Fall' and 'It's Gonna Glenn has cut all those a lbums I for discuss ion groups. l n the past at their Bay Area ins talla t ion, Be Fine' have a dri ving, upbeat and singles, enlarged his business F or the t hird annuil year, the it has been traditional t o show Ames R esear ch Center at Moffe tt enterprises, a nd cut a dozen popuquality that a ppea ls to me." F ield. Nwnerous studen ts a re em- Associa ted Student Body and the one or two movies t hat are rele· In 1956 he st arted as a f olk lar spot commercials. How mq.ny -ployed V'al'i.ous · th e t h erne for times have you heard ';Th ings go T he in work donecapacities. at Ames Re- Philosophy D epar t ment are spon· van t f or d eveIopmg s inger. H~ worke d as a single for sorjng the Philosophy Symposium. the particular retrea t sched uled . better with Coca-Cola, things go three years, until he chanced to sear ch Cente r is concerned with run into a cou ple of fellows named better wi th Cok e"? Tha t's Glenn . laboratory and flig ht research in This sym posium will be held NoE ach 'I"€t reat is based upon a Lou Gottlieb and Al ex Hass ilev. He calls it "my biggest h it." unmanned space flight projects and vember 1~. 1966. t heme or topic chosen by the Aca· With Glenn on t his tour is come~hus was born the Limeliters. in aeronautics. T he fiel ds of inter· demic Retr eat Committee, wi th . I d f d I h . The faculty committee is headed s uggestions eagerly accepted from Over the next f o u r years t he dian Biff Rose. Glenn Yarbroug h est inc u e un amenta P ySlcs· , by William B. West, cha irman of Limeliters t oured the nation, estab- wm be here Saturday, September materials, guidance and control, the Philosophy Department. The both members of the student body lishing t hemselves as one of the 24 a t 8:30 p.rrt in the Men's Gym. chemistry and life sciences . Ames other m embers of t he committee and faculty. I n the past couple of aeronautical projects incl ude the are Eleanor Maderis and William semesters we have had topics t ha t . ., ;.. have dealt with "Man vs . Society" GLEN YARBROUGH .......................... Sat., Sept. 24 -8 :30 p.m.- M. Gym Superson''c transport ' V/ STOL o..u. ~ G reen. It is their h ope t hat not research The a nd "Relimon: Aid or Anchor? " BISHOP P IKE ........ .............................. Tues., Oct. 4 - 8:30p.m . - M. Gym Opera tions Craft a nd · only s t udents and f acul ty will att:o · MAST ERPLAYER S OF LUGANO Sat., Oct. 15 -8 :30 p.m . - The ater space fli ght projects involve m an- tend, b ut that any inte rested per~ We, as a committee, are looking BARBARA McNAIR .......... .................... Sat. Oct . 22-8 :30 p.m. · Theater a gement of scie ntific probes and son will also. fon vard to some good topic s ug· satellit es, and payloads for fli g ht gestions from you; this is your re~ REP E RTORY MUS ICIANS ............ Su n., Nov. 13 · 3 :00p.m. - Theater experiences. This year's topic is "The Arts 'trea t and we would li ke to know GORE VIDAL ............................ ------ Thurs., N ov. 17 - 8 :30p.m. - T heater Further student 'Q nd ins tructor and Academic Freedom.'' There wha t you want to talk about! THEATRE FLAMENCO .................... Fri., J an . 6 -8 :30p.m . - Thea ter 'interest in NASA programs was will be a pa nel of three. E ach As I have told many people who PERSINGE R TRIO .... ........... Sun., J a n. 15- 8 :30p.m. - T heater developed l ast June at t he Asso· member of tha t panel will give a have expressed an inte res t in this J 6..-...........ETAOINS HRDLU cia ted Engineers a nd Scientists presentation on his special interest -qctivi ty, "The retreat is an excelAward banquet whe re Dr. D. concerning t he topic. T his will be· lent opportunity for you to get to Smith, manager of t he biosatellite gin at 10 a. m. There will be a know your fellow studen ts a nd fa c· progra m spoke of this and o ther lunch break at 11 :30 a.m. and the u] ty members. It is an oppor t uni ty space programs and pointed out panel will begin to cross question to escape the everyday grin d of the necessity of in te r meshing vari- each o ther a t 1 :30 p.m. At this classwork and overcrowded class· o us academic a nd technical disci · time, they will a lso answer ques· rooms where th e opportunity is plines required in the planning, de- tions from the a udience. not always there for you to engage NASA WEATHER SATELLITE velopment and design of space projDr. Richa rd T a nsey or th e S an in exchanging any attit udes or Curl says t hat he wishes to The Regis tration Dance was F c>r those who may not be faects. It is becoming increasingl y J ose State Art Departmen t will philoosophies. a{X>logiz.e for the long wait to get "a wacking great success!" so s ays into the dance a nd steps will ·be ' A most 'interesting collection of miliar with t he part NASA is play- important for persons to be versed be speaking on the visual arts. Dr. If you are in terested in app1Y· our S tude nt Body President Curt taken in t he future to trY and see photographs has been called to our f f ing in our nation's space program, in more 1 ed t han ti a s ingle a rea o or- J a mes Clark of San J ose Sta te ing fo r the retreaL for t hiS sem.esattention by Mr. Andrew McF arHodgkins. uca on. t er, · which has been t entattvely la nd j chainnan of the Engineering we might quote in part from the rna There were approximately 1100 that this doesn't happen again. National Aeronautics and Space Throug hout the coming year, t he Englis h D epartment has chosen set for the weekend of November If you enjoyed the first dance students in attendance at our first you will be ha ppy to k now that and Drafting Department . Administration Act (NASA Act) Associated Engin eers and S cien- literature and dramatics. From t he 11, 12 a nd 13, watCh t his paper dance of the year. T he music was t here will be ano ther dance t his Th is displa y, in the library, was of 1958, w herein the goals are tists (AES ) will from time·to-time Oa kland Art Museum, the curator, and by all means watch bulletin provided by Vince Collins' Soul developed by a j uly of prominent s tated briefly as NASA's program show various NASA films at their P aul Mills, will explain the partie- boards for the announcements. riday, September 23, after the Seekers and The Perspectives in F "Big Game" with West Va lley to photographers who culled t hrough activity for the remainder of t his regular Thursday meetings held at Sound . It w as reported that t he kick off the football season. If you t he finest pictures t hat had I w ould like to see as many of by decade will increase our scientific 11 a.m. in Room 25, announced Mr- ular problems of an art gallery in bands d id a real wild job. the selection of paintings and the you as possible, as past retreaters were not in a ttendance why not go 1958 been t a ken of t he U.S. ven- knowledge of t he universe, will ad~ McFarland, AES advisor. Most of the students in attend- to t his one and see how it goes? t ures in to space. Their selection vance our space technology, and The library display will be on judging of a rt shows. will tell you this is a n opportunance at the dance were from t he It could turn o ut to be qui te an of more than 100 rema rkable shots, will support the applica tion of this ca mpus until the e nd of S eptemi ty t hatbeshould'ded not be W est hopes that the sympooium J passed t k tup h it fres hman class and the dance was most of them in color, 1tP hotog· endeavor to operational systems. ber. I nteresting folders published it can avoa . us as m experience. - will stimulate t he community to a nd they WI- " be glad to tell youe of seemingly en joyed by all. r aphy fro m Five YE;ars in Space," bY NASA are availa ble a t th e c1 r· In science, interests center on lJI as the exhibit is entitled, is on loan the properties of the earth, on l cu~l~a~ti~o:.:n_:d:::es=:k::_._ _ __ _ __ _~thin ~-~k:_:a::::bo::u::_t~th::.::e_t~-s~s::_ue::;s~p::r:::es::e::n;;t;ed::·:_:t::_he::i:_:• l; ::x:;p:.=:, en::·e::;n::ces ::;.::I':m :~s=ure ::..:..~-from t he National Ae ronautics and earth-sun rel a tionships, on the Space Ad ministration (NASA ) . The pictures cover t he highligh ts moon, on th e space environment, WED NESDAY, Septembe r 2l .... F irst Co-Ree Night, 7:30p.m., w omen's of the U. S. space progra m - on the physical n a ture of the uniGym manned flig ht, space science and verse, and on the possibilities of t H URSDAY, !:ieptcmber ~2 .... Student Council, 10:00 a-m., Rm. U-200 life in space. a S tudent Court, 11 :00 a.m. R rrt U·205 pplications, and advanced reIn techn ology, NASA is consearch and technology. First Club Meetings cerned wi th providing knowledge To pu l the collection together, Wa ter Polo vs San Joaquin Delta, H erej the best photographers from Life, pertinent to spacecraft and launch 4:00p.m. N ational Geogr a ph ic , t he New vehicles, aircraft, propulsion, space FRIDAY, Set>lember 2S .......... .... Supreme Court, 1 :00 p.m .• Rm. U·205 power, human factors and elecFOOTBALL vs WEST VALLEY, H ere, York Times, a nd N AS A were examined a nd the best chosen. The tronics. Exploration wi11 concen8 :00p.m. Water P olo-C ab r i 11 o Invitational, selections we re m ade by Allan trate on the moon and the planGould, American Society of Maga- ets. In the applications area, work There, All Day zine Photographers; Maurice Louis, continues in support of meteorBo\TURDAY, September 2L ...... Water Pole>--C a b r i II o Invitational, honorary m ember and fellow, Pho- ology and communications sys· There, All Day Cult ural Series, GLEN YARBROUGH tographic S ociety of America, A. C. terns ; NASA will assist in the deS urrunerville. associate, Photo- velopment of V/ STOL (vertical SHOW, 8:30 p.m., Men's Gym gra phic Society of America, and a nd short ta keoff and landing air· _,., 2 No Special Events SuNDJ\ V, S r p tP n~cr • --- .... QNS FOR QUEEN CAN· vice chairman, Pictorial Division, craft}, and other aircraft, includMONDAY, S cpte<n lwr 26 ..........NOMINATI EGIN Photographic Society of America ; ing the s upersonic t ransport. DIDATES B The U.S . aerona utics and space a nd George T a mes, New York ~u s S tudent Council, 10 :00 a.m ., Rm. U·200 progra m has been NASA's mission A E SDAY, cpt.:mber 27 ........ ... Student Court, 11:00 a.m ., Rm. U-205 T imes. The exhibit, to w hich NASA pe· since 1958. The NASA A ct of 1958 First I .C.C. Meeting, 11 :00 a m ., Rm riodically a dds outstanding photo- became a law o n July 29 of t hat U-200 JOB' S DAUGHTERS' drill team of Bethel 129, will be pe rforming at holf.time Se pt. 23, for our Sophomore Class Meeting, 11 :00 a .m., gra phs made since the originaJ year, stating, a s U.S. policy tha t West Valley game. This past summer t he girls took si~ first place ~~ar~s, and four .., cond place five-year span. has bee n seen at "activities in space should be de· Rm- F -6 awards in competitive e vents, At t he California State F1eld Compet 1hon tn Santa C lara , they took Freshman- Class Meeting, 11 :00 a.m., over 200 universities, colleges, m u- voted to peaceful purposes for the second place .u State Drill Team C hampion .. benefit of all mankind.' ' NASA oewns, and public libraries. Rm. F -7 r
A.S.B. Card Key to Academic Retreat
Cultural Series
'It's Cionna Be Fine'
NASA Sate.llite Featured; Symposium Campus Library Display 'The Arts andEntitled
ACad em·cI freedom'
Reg. Dance 'A Wacking Success'
City College Weekly Bulletin
~ Ci LO IE
'Dynamic' Sales Program Started by A.S.B. Council
do. But when he sings he puts every t hi ng in to it. As he goes into a version of "Baby, Th e Rain Must 'F all," you al most fee l a part of t he song. The qu art et that provided t he music for t he program, t he Stanyan Street Quartet, pl ayed the m usic "in dividuaJly" as Yarbrough put it. Bu t it was stiU great ! Biff Rose, the comic wi th Glenn Yarbroug h, is· equipped with a nat· ural wit, a n incredibly mobile face, a t a lent for acting a nd mimicry, a fine sense of the incongruous and a political awareness of g reat length. Would you believe the Mer chandising Club is ta k ing a 17 mile trip down t he Russian River in canoes? Well, it 's all going to happen Oct . 2. T he club will s tart out on the canoeing car a:van at 6:30 a. m. in army jeeps from t he Men's Gym, eat breakfa st at Berkeley Fa rms in Nova to, and then proceed to t he r q. pids of Russian River to begin the 17 mi.le trip. Wi t h any luck and co-ordina tion, t hey should comple te the trip in a pproxima tely eigh t a nd one~ h alf hours. AIJ fun-l oving and water-loving people who wa nt t.o s ign up, see Mr. W ilderman n.
No. 2
Wednesday, September 21, 19M
Faculty Times
Dance Anyone ..?
Published each W e d nesday of th e school ye ar by th~ journalism classes at San Jose City C ollege. Su!)porl~d. in pilrf·, by As!.Oor::i ated Student Body funds . Member C.1lifornia Newspapet Publishers Association. Second Class postage pa id at San J ose, Calif. Subscript ion rates: $1 .00 per year or J O~ per copy. Phon e 298-2181
ut . 230.
A Da nce Club, containi ng n performing group of s tudents, a nd a prospective concett by this group are just two of the pla ns of Jimmyle Swope, a new \Vomen's Physlcal Education instructor at City CoJJege this fall. Havi ng obtained her bachelo r 's degree in dance f rom Butler U n i v e r s i t y in Indianapolis, Indiana, and her maste r's degree in dance from Columb ia Univers~ty in New York, Miss Swope has had a great deal of experience in dance instru cti on, h ig hligh1ed by numerOLL'\i pel'fOJma nces of this a r·t.
...... Ch ris Vaug ha n
Feature Editor ................ JudY a~ck
Sports Editor -···· Chet W ood Ad visor ........ ~............. C. W . Palm er
A t th e b eg in ni n g of li iC sn n• m e r SecrNa o·y of D e fense McNa nHl ra tllad e :l sugges tion of profound inlerest to coll ege· age Ame~: ica n s. Thi s. was hi s Monlr ea l speech . in wh ich he d eclared that th e ideali sm o f thi s ge n e!'ation sh ou ld be tapped ; so thal tl10se wh o pre fe n ed to give na tiona l ser v ice o f a non -m i litary nature sh ou ld be wbl e to d o so o n a vo lu ntary bas is ( pro v idin g, of course, that mi li ta ry n eed s are fi ll ed first ) . -T hi s sn ggest ion is re markable . If implemented , it conld in one mo ve e li minate much of th e n egative strife ove1· Viel Na 111, th e draft, and mi lita ry se n ·ice. It could, instea d, subs tim te a p osilive st rife- lh e strife for acco mplish m en l agains t lh e 1i1an y non-mi litary n e~ d s of th e cou ntry. No tes a n d News : Tt h as been b rought to my att en t ion th a l our F inan ce Of fice, wh o h ires th e ti ck e l-lak e rs for th e dan ces and th e ga~1es, h as refused to h ire studen ts for ·tl1is pos ition. - It seems th at ·there is no requi1·e ment for th e job that a student cou l d not fill. Ju sL asking ... . Curt · Hodgkin s, ASB Pres., announ ced toda y tl1at th e Execu tive Counci l h ad appointed M ike Bak e r to the p osition of the Commission er of the Student U nion Good luck Mike, you' ll n eed -it!
Wailing Student Flings 'Tears~ By JP.\1 K ELL E Y
Pt122~MENTs (Ant w e r.t ~low)
fend the delicate sensibilities
you have?
I'~ < •
24th September 9 p.m. to I a.m. Free· bevera ges L"d'es & members admi tted free.
What else? Last Friday's Reg. Dance was a whacking s ucc~ss. But _I personally offer my a pologies for the Jong wait to get in. At next Friday's after-game dance, we will make every effort to speed up the process. '!ite game is against West Valley and I hope . we have somet hing to dance about when it's over.
No bigcer than a pack or gum - but padu: the punch of a big deal! Refills available U.S.A, Get book store!
It any stationery
If you want to change one of your classes, you would be
wei.! advised to bring a s leeping bag and a t hree day supply of food. It wili probably take you that long to reach the head of the line leading to room 303. Then you will more t han likely . find t hat the section ..YOU wa.n.ted has already been closed anyway.
an cc s , Mi ss Swope has d some cho.r:·eog 1·a t>hy H . · er exne~"· ence m this field incl d n. M u es a ovemen t Education film ' duced and released by MichfroState University, some work
WJIM-TV of East Lansing M· or 1gan. a. n d • ICh. a n education flnt, "Haiku," produced by Colun:b. Unive rsity.
A nyone in teres ted in the Dance C Jub, under Mi ss Sw , · ·• opes dir·ection, may .Atte nd the firSt
.me-eting Wednesday, S ept. 1n the Women's Gym .
2 Locatio ns 804 LIN COLN
Cornc;.r of Sunol
Between MorgtHet ond Virginio S t~.
Phone: 377-9971
KARAT E 298•5594
Fea · tur·e
Bowling & Football
Harriers Dump West Valley ·
The City College c1·oss -cou n tr y team ope ned the dual meet season by posting a 38- 22 win over West VeJ lley. The race was run over t h e four mHc c ours e at Lexington Dam. Pacing the J~ gs were Bob Wooclliff a nd Ralph Kearns, a lo ng with Louie J ensen. Woodliff won the r ace in 23:02. Kearns finis hed in 24:13, good for a third place finis h. Jensen rounded out the top five when he came in at 25:05. Other Jags who finis hed in th e top were : Ron O'Costa, C h ris Henry, Gil Palacios and Manue l Lopez. Several to p J ags d id not compete in the openi(lg meet. Veterans Jim R occa, George Puentes and Howard McCa le bb all missed the meet. On Sunda y s ix San Jose Ci ty College runners competed in t he g rn eljng 5.7 mile course at Walnut '"~' C1·eek . The meet featured 185 runners, among them were the county's best runne1-s. Again \:Voodliff a nd Kearns pa ced the team finish ing 29 and 44 respectively. Chris Mlller of the Athens C lub won th e meet in a fine Z7 :20. Woodliff was cloc ked in 30:27 a nd Kearns in 31 :18. The tea m h as a n off week and will r eturn. to competition on Oct. i at Golden Gate Park. The meet will be one of the biggest of the year with all schools be ing represented. The Golden Gate In vitational is a four miler. After t he CCI the team will journey to Sacramento for the Sacramento Invitational
letics. The intramural progr am includes
tag football , basketball, softball. bowling an d golf. In addition to t he!{e sports, t here arc toul'naments in volleyba ll a.nd badmin ton .
Friday night the 1966 J ag football gridi ron wars aga ins t the West Valley Vikings. Coach Ji m "Wheels'' Wheelehan thinks the game could become a n atural rivalry, a la Giants and Dodgers. The game will be played here and kick-off time is 8 Jj.m. I
guard spot has a pounds is t he small m an on tlt e
Coach -Wheelehan
B!~d Be lt Instruction Under the Direction of: J 1m,_ Tra c y - AI T·racy- Tom~s Connor, Mgr. 1409 W . SAN CARLOS
Wheelc han has a good id ea ns t o who will be on the fi eld at kiclcof1' time. 1\vo f T' e s h m en are cuiTently
n .;
• g"me wnt prove to be ex- competing fm; the split end posiCttrng, as th e .fngs a r e g-oln~ io lion. Bill Romet·o and Tom Davis a w id t<J o1..e 11 o rte 1t.Si~. 'l 'h t" temn have I he im~ ide track on the job will h t k c t.o th ~ a ir (!'om a nywh e r e and one of the two will start f 1· o 11 t h e fie ld and " \V heels" hns •the Jaguars. Romet~o is from Mt. P leasant and Davis from Samuel four bette r -th a.n -a ve rilge pa!i>sers. Ayer. Both a re fast and possess A ll four quarte t-bitcks can ru n well , fine hands. Rome ro missed part of so the dt: f ense wil l ha Ve t o s tay the early season practice because h o nest. of a broke n nose. Wheelehan hopes that his team Jim Cuevas, a 6 fool, 200 pound will be at fuJj strength at game left tackle, is slated to open at time, but as of n OW', key linemen that spot. If Cuevas is unable to are injured. All three s hould be go, 6 foot, 4 inch, 200 pound Frank ready by game lime. Starting Dully will fill in . Dully was AlltackJe Jim Cuevas, a freshman GGC honorable mention last year, from O verfelt, has a bruised knee but has been slow rounding into a nd is s la ted to s t ar·t, but he form. The left g uard will be Ed might not be able to go 100 per Walsh who s a w acLion for the cent. T he back-up man at center. Jag 11 las t year. \¥alsh is 5 fool, FJ·ank Lope--t: from San J ose High , 10, 185 pounds. is nu rsing a pu ll ed muscle. Randy Th e ccnte 1· !S l ot will he m n n.n e<l Olson who is slated to see much 1 by De nis Ha.g b1s, w ho at lrfO
sit out last season because of' an "best ever" team. Contra Costa injury. The biggest Jinernnn on wiU have 14 returning lettermen . t he stnr ti ng t en m wi ll be r-i ght tackle Roge r Blu! no. H e is a G fuot 2, 220 p ound fres tunu n from Sr. n J ose High.
The tight e nd s pot belongs to rrom Hi.Jde1·bnmd who is 6 foot, 2 and 185 pou11ct.s, Hildet•brand sat out las t yea!' because of a bmkcn Wl'ist. The fl a nker wilJ be Jim Heckendorn who missed the league record for receptions last year by only one. Jim hauled in 33 passes. The qua1·te1·back job has developed into a two m a n fight between Bob Pera of Willow Glen and veteran Manny Gonzales. Rudy Guzman, ha rd running fu llback, will return to pack the mail for the J ags. Pressing Guzman is freshman Ken Black well, another fine prospect from San Jose Hi gh. Mike Gooclm~ui was the tea m's leading gro und ga in e r lnst year nnd wUJ be hack to n dd ynrd s to his clea.ts . Lan oe Ca iJowny from Just year's{ team has looked impressive
th e
COACH WHEELEHAN League champs San Francisco City College will be better ha n ever. "Wheels" .stop,.;:od here and decided that "they are all going to be rough; t his will be a s trong
sw:,c:::e:!p:•::_·- =-_2._:.::.::::=:=:::===========--
but they might h a ve trouble ha nging onto their jobs. 'T'wo of the many o utstanding fres hme n on this year 's team are Barry S he ppa rd an d Ron Rinde. Sheppard. who preppe(l at James U ck, was an Ali-MHAL se lecti on for two yca t·s a nd a lso in his las t year l1e was voted to the Hi gh School All-America water polo squad. Rinde was also an MHAL selection while he attended Pioneer Hig h. Rinde has the tough task of guarding t he goal Rinde looks to be the number one goolie on this ye<"ir'r:· rearft . ... Another n ew face which could help the tea m is that of AJan Hubbard . Hubbard attended Lick and graduated in 1962. He went to State for a year {where he played freshman water polo). and the n joined the Navy. Hubbard's experience couJd help the t eam . For the first time, wa te r polo will be recognized as a Go lden Gate Confe rence sport. The leag ue this year will include fi ve tea ms. Foothill again fields a team and seems s tronger than ever a nd is rated as the team to bea t . Th e Ja gs' best eve r squ ad makes them a solid second pla ce pick . The J ags do have the a bility to upset the Owls a nd go all th e way.
111ailgirl •••or executive secretary? Job s ga]ore for June graduates. W h ere you stnrt depends on your skill s. \Ve give on-the-j ob t rai u ing at full pay. How far you go dep ends on your ability and yo ur aJnbition. \Vr give r egular sala ry increases and u nlimi ted op· portuoities to a dvance. N o malter whe re you s ta rt, yo o' ll h ave the fun and challenge of work ing in the , ita I comJnunjcations indus try. See th e Placem en t Office for details or check with ) ou r coun se llor~
Pacific Telephone
TRACY'S lltDftl~IIJIIIill:li~II~U· IWII U~II~Q !HUll
I ~I
look Great This Foil
SAN JOSE HEA LTH CLUB Personal Attention
Gain : 3" on ... Ch;st 111 on Arms 2" on Th ig hs
tJ ~e
Lose :
1" oH Wai:r.t Gain or Lose 12-1·5 lbs:
J" off Thigh 3" off Hip 12-15 lb<. WI.
Gain: 2" on Thigh
l" on Calf 2" on Busf 3" on H ip
EXERCISE IN Pleasant Remodeled Surro~nding s
Son Jose Hea/f/t Club 413 E. Santa C lara St. Call 295-99 10
OPEN 5 NiGi-fTS~ 'TIL 9:30 SATURDAY 9:30 TO 5:30
Just in time for back-to-campus. Your Honda dealer is having hls Fall Sales
Spe~tacular. You'll-find the kind of low down payments you've always looked for. The terms are so .easy you'll barely notice them. Drop by your Honda
dealer:s today. Learn why some people have all the ftm. · )(IW ~.
Now! The
Jag line . Bi ll l\{cQueu ry wiiJ be give his opinions as to the league's The s tartin g line-u p is not set the rig ht guard. Th~ 6 foot, 200 overall stre ngth. "Wheels" feels ns of t hi s w riting, bu t coach IlOimd l\l cQuea ry was forced to that Diablo V aJl e.Y wil1 have a
Aqua-Jags Host Delta Prep for Tourna ment
action at a thigh bruise.
ASB Secreta ry:
(A cross fro m Bonanza )
Thank you, Anne M ag nie '
The Ultimate in SeJf.Defense and Physical Toning
might get by with
Please visit our office, when you ar.e free, for any information or help T can g ive - or just to get acqu ainted.
~---~ ---__:
course, IT IS worth twenty-five extra points (points are second only . t.o ~ he "packet" in the academic hierarchy), a nd he did
hint th'\t
Co llege will affOr d .some o( the richest exper ien ces of your life. Enjoy them, lea rn from them, and make ihe most of them.
HOURS: 9 A.M.- I A.M. . Ladi es play fr ee on S wtdays f.adws a.nd Genl.lem.en welcom e a.t all t im es.
went on to San Jose State whet·e he spe-cialized in baseball , while obtaini ng his B.A. and M.A. degrees. From college he went int.o pmfessiona.l baseba II whe1 e he pitched for the Cincinnati organizalion for five years. When Oldham went into teaching and coaching, he went back to his old high school, Campbell. for fi\·e years . He then went tc Westmont High fm· two yecus COACH SIMONI previou;; to coming to SJCC. l n hi gh school he coarh('d hasf'hal 1 and bas ketball n nd was t h P P. l~ . !n!ol;tmur~l s I! u u Dep.·wtme nt f'hah·tn <m al bnth or these· schools . Pol' ~~ny busclwl! pbyt'l'\ wi sh ing to ll'Y out. f or val's i!y h; L•:eiJa JI in the s p1 ing, coa ch O ldh a m is · t amu 1 rogram ra P holding a m e e t i n g to be he ld · Th e J aguar m r \:Vednesday, Sept. 21 , a t 2:30 p.m. under Dario " Si " Simoni meets the in the lobby of the Men's Gym. needs of a JJ s tuden ts. The program is set up to allow t hose students who ·h aven' t th e time or Skill to compete on the coll ege level a cha nce to remai n ac!:'ive in ath-
Jag Gridiron Kick-off Fri. With W est Valley Vikings
Th e first two act ivities of the (all semester will be in tramural bowling a nd touch football. The intramural bowling pl'ogram \\lill be run on a h andicap basis this year , giving th e novice and t he o ld pro the same opportunity. The teams will meet at 3 p.m. at Fiesta Lanes. There are special rates for Tomorrow the aqu a-Jags will' ASB card holders. The teams will open t he season here again st Delta College at 4 p.m. The game will consist of four members each, in- be the rubber game in a threecluling at least o ne girl per team. game series, each club won a game · last year. Both games last year Any team which would like to were decided by a single goa l so bowl s hould make a li st a nd turn the co ntest s ho uld be interesting. it in to coach S imo ni. If YQU wis h For coach Bob Jones ~ the ga me to bowl and do not k now anyone w'ill serve ~s an im rx>rtant warmelse w ho does, just sign -up in up for the 12-team Cabl'illo Tourney which will be held over the COACH OLDI;iAM, either the me n 's or women's gyms. weekend., am very happy with this position, F ootball returns to' the intraThe Jags drew a bye in the which T feel is a p romis ing ad. first round and will play t.he winmural program again this fall. vancement. I a m looking forward n er of t he Menlo-Modesto game to a very enjoyabl e year at SJCC," There will be two ., leagues. one. at 2 p:t)"}.J'ritlaY. It fh.e team \Vths Oldham explained enthusiastically: for clubs a nd one for independent they will play at 10 a.m. SaturThe in teresting background o( teams. If a nYone is interested in day; if they lose at 8 a.m. Saturthis school's newest coach ,is q uite participatipg, there are rosters day. Foothill looms as t he big respectable to prepare him for available in t he gym office. The huhll e in the J ags' bid for a title. the college level : Oldham was Coach Jones promises that he graduated from campbell High league Will start as soon as t he will field a best ever team t his Schoo l where he pa rticipated in clubs get organized and start to season as he has many fine reall three major sports. H e t hen meet. turnees and also fine frosh pros~~;;;;;;;;;:,~;;~;;;:~~=================================jipects. The teams' ~nree scorers, Wayne Reek , Jim Best and Lanny Landwehr, are all back to give the J team a solid offensive punch. Reek was an AII-Northet·n California water polo player last year for the J ags. Tom Akrop, Paul Watts, Ron MacLennan and Jim Tiplett are all back to aid the cause. Jones has five starters back from last year,
the All College Chorus, but, of
playing " Mary Had A Lit'tle Lamb_" for my piano final instea.d of Auld Lange Syne." I tned to expla in that I couldn't sing a nd s uffer from a terrible infei-iority co;nplex. It didn't make any difference. So I better get gOi ng or I will be late for chorus practiCe.
make yo u r pres ence known, no one else wjll do it fo r you. · I nvolving yourself in ca mptt~ activiti.e s is a g ood w ay of getting to k now othe r s, and of becoming known. Ma ke a real effort to meet n e w people. High school fr iendships a r e val ued but s hould not be used as ~ crutch. Rather, use them as stepping-stones to n e w fr iendships. College is a me lting pot; you will find all kind s of people. Get acq uainted with t he m.
17 19 S. Bascom
John Oldham Joins Staff; Will Head Horsehiders A welcomed addition lO SJ CC nth leLics coaching s t aff U. baseball specialh:;t John Oldh am. c:'ldham, a Campbell High ath lete. JS c~m ing to t his schoo l a_Yter coac h~n g tor seven year s m local ht gh schools. Oldham will be replacing Doug Weiss as baseball coach for t he Jaguars. Cooc h Oldham is looking forward to a prom ising team tbis spring, rely ing heavily on in-coming freshmen, who look like they w ill be "the type of team I like, with speed and dept h. They promtse to pinY d. n exciting bro nc.\ nf ball," claims Olcth am. " I am looking fmward t o the new experience on the C()llc ge level, having previous ly coached in high schools. Judging from the first few days, I expect to enjoy the cali ber of st udenbo and faculty a t this school," says Oldham. Besides ha ndling the task of coaching basebal1 in the spring. h~ is he 1ping with the wres t Ii ng team, and is teaching P .E. COUl~es in bowling, soccer, weight trainin.L?;, and Theory a nd Skills classes . Oldham 's p leasures emphasize the outdoors; hiking. fishing and. of course, baseball. Along with this, is a su·ong interest in music. "For future aspirations, I am looking toward counseling and administration. But, at present, 1
.-------~ ---------
..S.~-·-L, -- -® ~I N C•. Long Island City, N.Y. 11101
water basket weaving with a side course in Swahinian Logic, then by God.._ you are going to take underwater basket weaving with a s ide course in Swahillian Logic a nd like it~,_even if you are an English majo r.
W he n It's Cle a n-up Time fo r Your Au t o or Honda
everyw_here, Uncondi!ionally 1ua ranteed.
In college you attai n a new status; you become your own boss. Independence, along with responsibi li ty, is t hru st upon you. If you are no t prepared to meet these, your college expedence can be a pretty un.. satisfying o ne. Do not expect to be soug h t o ut . If you do no t
3" off W aist
Ut1cluding 1000 naples) La rger size CUB De1k Stapler cmly $ 1.49
If the "pacl<et" StlYS th at your
name is 568-60-2365 and that you are going to take under-
S f. aw .!Jnlern alionaf :Jf..alred
Tot Stapler
I urge you strongly to become part of your college by participating in Hs activities . Colleges a r e noted ' for overlooking the individu al. In an ins t itution: as large as ours, it does not take effort- to be overlooked.
~~ "'~~~~~~,!'
Gordon Shadwick, your hard driving Comrnisar of Finance has arranged it so the S tudent Union Opens at 7 AM and Food
T his is th e
i ~tra.ti o~tryi g run this place I1ke Jt wa busm ess cutting ou r corner s n the process. It i ~ not a business but rather a n educa· tiona] institution. It needs a library open when the people it was built for ~eed to use it. If you are as mad as l am about this then Jet's ma!<"e some noise until th ey (the people that control the money) have corrected their mistake.
the entire school year with a refund if you are not }]ere in t he spring.
CY 3-0655
the '"packet" says, and I have learned the hard way t hat the "packet" is the ultimate sciurce of all i'nform~tion. Decisjons are fina l. appea l is useless, a nd mercy nonexi stent.
As one of the demi-gods stepped (rom out of 303 to anLast but not . . 1 • ? Somebody nounce that section 1433 was closed the gentleman in front of said, " H ey Student Body Pres., m e got quite excited and rushed why don't t hey have the library up to the head of the lin e s houtOpe!,l on the weekends?" "Good ing "Bingo ! Bingo! 1 made it! question," I replied with presiI made i t! He got quite indigdential concern. So I c-alled the nant when they wouldn't pay library and spoke to Mrs. Ethel him off and tore u p his card and Crockett, who is Director of Lileft mu tter ing somethin g about brary Services this semester going to Las Vegas next tim e. I while Mr. Brundin is on leave. got in to o ne line that looked She told me that they do not shorte.r tha n the rest, figuring have the money to hire t he staff t ha t It must lead somewhere. required to keep the library open It dld. The women's r·estroom. four hours on Sunday afternoon as it has been in t he past. Then , of course, my music teacher didn't really come right The following is my opi nion: out and say that I HAD to join Once again we see the admin-
At only $12.00 iV is good for
I'LO RIST I Ojl0 Discount to Students
C all 296-7928
Service s tarts at 7:30 AM. Al'io T).Cw, breakfast food for those early risers; at a reasonable fee.
God awful situations where I have five minutes to do a three hour job. What is on my mind 1 Students. Why is it that more people do not buy student body cards? City College has such a high level group of people t hat it can .not be due to stu pidi ty. It must be beca use some people have not taken the time to find out what a good investment the card is. Your student body card is the thing that gets you into the thj ngs that happen on campus.
AUD ITIONS • TA PES and Persona l Ma nog"":'ent
and what do
it's 568-60-2365. Th at is what
I find myself in one of those
S peciali:ring in
TOT Staplers,
[2 ] Take two TOT Staplers from three
Dul'ing registration le~·ned , much to my amazement, that I have been deluding myself for the past twen ty-two years. My n ame ls n ' t reaJJy Jaines Kelley,
ASB Card: Vital ~lement of College
* , A TTENTI O N * * Internatio nal Pl ayboy Club DANCE
532 S. Ba scom Ave. San Jo:r.e
to take my life in my hands a nd proceed anyway,
U ndoubtedly, beCause t his is my first - semester here, what l have to say will probably of-
[I ) Do they ha ve a 4th of Jul y in England ?
fiscate my ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO EAT GRANNY GOOSE sweatshirt, I am going
ging ego and jot d bwn a few impressions garnered duri ng my first week at SJCC.
. Swingline
some Of the' old tifners. However, I find comfort in the fa ct tha t Drew Pea rson has been sued for libel twen ty-six times and only lost once. So at the risk of having the Administration con-
Being a newcomer to San Jose
trouble, I have retreated to the Times office to bolster my sag-
Dear Student, Since I was selected to serve as your Corresponding Secre· tary, I think it fittin g to address my first correspon dence to you. \Vhat 1 have t o say is directed to t expe~ien cin g college life for the first time.
Re g iste r Early Next Semester . . . Avoid Tire d Feet
standing in line to show for my
"H e will be a troubleshooter The college admi n istraUon's fo r · ins truction," emphasized D r. pre-school rush ' is a time of t ight Benson, as he described some schedules and of taut nerves. of the d uties that the new AssistI t is a time of trying to do too a nt Dean of Instruction wi IJ be m a ny thi ngs in too little time. performing when the choice is Such was possibly the case of fin ally made. The position, which Dr. Percy Bliss, SJCC vice presiwas orig-inally to be filled in den t. Dr. Bliss was taken sick in 1967, will be filled some time .... mid-Au~ust with a heart condiin the near future. tion. He is temporarily on a The job, whic h was created complete rest schedule and is \Vhen the Division Chairman's reported im proving steadily. pOsiti on was extlnguished, en' It is thought that will retai ls li' long list of never-end ing turn for part-time work as earJy work. The new Assistant Dean as t he first of October, pending of I nstruction will work on t he the outcome of an examination catalog, schedule classes for stuSept. 23. den ts, act as a liaison between The faculty, the s tudent body, office and various department a nd the "Times'' join in wishi ng chairmen, make room changes Dr. Bliss a speedy recovery. where necessary and. when he has the time, assist the Dean of Instl uct ion.
many ~
Secretary Urges Participation
City College, I have been wanq~ri ng arqund I ike a lost souJ for the better part of this hectic first week. With nothing bu t sore feet. a messed up schedule, and a conditioned reflex against
Wednesday, S"ptember 21, 1966
- . . . . . . . . . .,- .
"A· ~
Free Brochure: Write American Honda Motor Co., Inc.,Department C-7, Box 50, Gardena, California C19G6 AliM
Wednesday, September 21, 19M
Faculty Times
Dance Anyone ..?
Published each W e d nesday of th e school ye ar by th~ journalism classes at San Jose City C ollege. Su!)porl~d. in pilrf·, by As!.Oor::i ated Student Body funds . Member C.1lifornia Newspapet Publishers Association. Second Class postage pa id at San J ose, Calif. Subscript ion rates: $1 .00 per year or J O~ per copy. Phon e 298-2181
ut . 230.
A Da nce Club, containi ng n performing group of s tudents, a nd a prospective concett by this group are just two of the pla ns of Jimmyle Swope, a new \Vomen's Physlcal Education instructor at City CoJJege this fall. Havi ng obtained her bachelo r 's degree in dance f rom Butler U n i v e r s i t y in Indianapolis, Indiana, and her maste r's degree in dance from Columb ia Univers~ty in New York, Miss Swope has had a great deal of experience in dance instru cti on, h ig hligh1ed by numerOLL'\i pel'fOJma nces of this a r·t.
...... Ch ris Vaug ha n
Feature Editor ................ JudY a~ck
Sports Editor -···· Chet W ood Ad visor ........ ~............. C. W . Palm er
A t th e b eg in ni n g of li iC sn n• m e r SecrNa o·y of D e fense McNa nHl ra tllad e :l sugges tion of profound inlerest to coll ege· age Ame~: ica n s. Thi s. was hi s Monlr ea l speech . in wh ich he d eclared that th e ideali sm o f thi s ge n e!'ation sh ou ld be tapped ; so thal tl10se wh o pre fe n ed to give na tiona l ser v ice o f a non -m i litary nature sh ou ld be wbl e to d o so o n a vo lu ntary bas is ( pro v idin g, of course, that mi li ta ry n eed s are fi ll ed first ) . -T hi s sn ggest ion is re markable . If implemented , it conld in one mo ve e li minate much of th e n egative strife ove1· Viel Na 111, th e draft, and mi lita ry se n ·ice. It could, instea d, subs tim te a p osilive st rife- lh e strife for acco mplish m en l agains t lh e 1i1an y non-mi litary n e~ d s of th e cou ntry. No tes a n d News : Tt h as been b rought to my att en t ion th a l our F inan ce Of fice, wh o h ires th e ti ck e l-lak e rs for th e dan ces and th e ga~1es, h as refused to h ire studen ts for ·tl1is pos ition. - It seems th at ·there is no requi1·e ment for th e job that a student cou l d not fill. Ju sL asking ... . Curt · Hodgkin s, ASB Pres., announ ced toda y tl1at th e Execu tive Counci l h ad appointed M ike Bak e r to the p osition of the Commission er of the Student U nion Good luck Mike, you' ll n eed -it!
Wailing Student Flings 'Tears~ By JP.\1 K ELL E Y
Pt122~MENTs (Ant w e r.t ~low)
fend the delicate sensibilities
you have?
I'~ < •
24th September 9 p.m. to I a.m. Free· bevera ges L"d'es & members admi tted free.
What else? Last Friday's Reg. Dance was a whacking s ucc~ss. But _I personally offer my a pologies for the Jong wait to get in. At next Friday's after-game dance, we will make every effort to speed up the process. '!ite game is against West Valley and I hope . we have somet hing to dance about when it's over.
No bigcer than a pack or gum - but padu: the punch of a big deal! Refills available U.S.A, Get book store!
It any stationery
If you want to change one of your classes, you would be
wei.! advised to bring a s leeping bag and a t hree day supply of food. It wili probably take you that long to reach the head of the line leading to room 303. Then you will more t han likely . find t hat the section ..YOU wa.n.ted has already been closed anyway.
an cc s , Mi ss Swope has d some cho.r:·eog 1·a t>hy H . · er exne~"· ence m this field incl d n. M u es a ovemen t Education film ' duced and released by MichfroState University, some work
WJIM-TV of East Lansing M· or 1gan. a. n d • ICh. a n education flnt, "Haiku," produced by Colun:b. Unive rsity.
A nyone in teres ted in the Dance C Jub, under Mi ss Sw , · ·• opes dir·ection, may .Atte nd the firSt
.me-eting Wednesday, S ept. 1n the Women's Gym .
2 Locatio ns 804 LIN COLN
Cornc;.r of Sunol
Between MorgtHet ond Virginio S t~.
Phone: 377-9971
KARAT E 298•5594
Fea · tur·e
Bowling & Football
Harriers Dump West Valley ·
The City College c1·oss -cou n tr y team ope ned the dual meet season by posting a 38- 22 win over West VeJ lley. The race was run over t h e four mHc c ours e at Lexington Dam. Pacing the J~ gs were Bob Wooclliff a nd Ralph Kearns, a lo ng with Louie J ensen. Woodliff won the r ace in 23:02. Kearns finis hed in 24:13, good for a third place finis h. Jensen rounded out the top five when he came in at 25:05. Other Jags who finis hed in th e top were : Ron O'Costa, C h ris Henry, Gil Palacios and Manue l Lopez. Several to p J ags d id not compete in the openi(lg meet. Veterans Jim R occa, George Puentes and Howard McCa le bb all missed the meet. On Sunda y s ix San Jose Ci ty College runners competed in t he g rn eljng 5.7 mile course at Walnut '"~' C1·eek . The meet featured 185 runners, among them were the county's best runne1-s. Again \:Voodliff a nd Kearns pa ced the team finish ing 29 and 44 respectively. Chris Mlller of the Athens C lub won th e meet in a fine Z7 :20. Woodliff was cloc ked in 30:27 a nd Kearns in 31 :18. The tea m h as a n off week and will r eturn. to competition on Oct. i at Golden Gate Park. The meet will be one of the biggest of the year with all schools be ing represented. The Golden Gate In vitational is a four miler. After t he CCI the team will journey to Sacramento for the Sacramento Invitational
letics. The intramural progr am includes
tag football , basketball, softball. bowling an d golf. In addition to t he!{e sports, t here arc toul'naments in volleyba ll a.nd badmin ton .
Friday night the 1966 J ag football gridi ron wars aga ins t the West Valley Vikings. Coach Ji m "Wheels'' Wheelehan thinks the game could become a n atural rivalry, a la Giants and Dodgers. The game will be played here and kick-off time is 8 Jj.m. I
guard spot has a pounds is t he small m an on tlt e
Coach -Wheelehan
B!~d Be lt Instruction Under the Direction of: J 1m,_ Tra c y - AI T·racy- Tom~s Connor, Mgr. 1409 W . SAN CARLOS
Wheelc han has a good id ea ns t o who will be on the fi eld at kiclcof1' time. 1\vo f T' e s h m en are cuiTently
n .;
• g"me wnt prove to be ex- competing fm; the split end posiCttrng, as th e .fngs a r e g-oln~ io lion. Bill Romet·o and Tom Davis a w id t<J o1..e 11 o rte 1t.Si~. 'l 'h t" temn have I he im~ ide track on the job will h t k c t.o th ~ a ir (!'om a nywh e r e and one of the two will start f 1· o 11 t h e fie ld and " \V heels" hns •the Jaguars. Romet~o is from Mt. P leasant and Davis from Samuel four bette r -th a.n -a ve rilge pa!i>sers. Ayer. Both a re fast and possess A ll four quarte t-bitcks can ru n well , fine hands. Rome ro missed part of so the dt: f ense wil l ha Ve t o s tay the early season practice because h o nest. of a broke n nose. Wheelehan hopes that his team Jim Cuevas, a 6 fool, 200 pound will be at fuJj strength at game left tackle, is slated to open at time, but as of n OW', key linemen that spot. If Cuevas is unable to are injured. All three s hould be go, 6 foot, 4 inch, 200 pound Frank ready by game lime. Starting Dully will fill in . Dully was AlltackJe Jim Cuevas, a freshman GGC honorable mention last year, from O verfelt, has a bruised knee but has been slow rounding into a nd is s la ted to s t ar·t, but he form. The left g uard will be Ed might not be able to go 100 per Walsh who s a w acLion for the cent. T he back-up man at center. Jag 11 las t year. \¥alsh is 5 fool, FJ·ank Lope--t: from San J ose High , 10, 185 pounds. is nu rsing a pu ll ed muscle. Randy Th e ccnte 1· !S l ot will he m n n.n e<l Olson who is slated to see much 1 by De nis Ha.g b1s, w ho at lrfO
sit out last season because of' an "best ever" team. Contra Costa injury. The biggest Jinernnn on wiU have 14 returning lettermen . t he stnr ti ng t en m wi ll be r-i ght tackle Roge r Blu! no. H e is a G fuot 2, 220 p ound fres tunu n from Sr. n J ose High.
The tight e nd s pot belongs to rrom Hi.Jde1·bnmd who is 6 foot, 2 and 185 pou11ct.s, Hildet•brand sat out las t yea!' because of a bmkcn Wl'ist. The fl a nker wilJ be Jim Heckendorn who missed the league record for receptions last year by only one. Jim hauled in 33 passes. The qua1·te1·back job has developed into a two m a n fight between Bob Pera of Willow Glen and veteran Manny Gonzales. Rudy Guzman, ha rd running fu llback, will return to pack the mail for the J ags. Pressing Guzman is freshman Ken Black well, another fine prospect from San Jose Hi gh. Mike Gooclm~ui was the tea m's leading gro und ga in e r lnst year nnd wUJ be hack to n dd ynrd s to his clea.ts . Lan oe Ca iJowny from Just year's{ team has looked impressive
th e
COACH WHEELEHAN League champs San Francisco City College will be better ha n ever. "Wheels" .stop,.;:od here and decided that "they are all going to be rough; t his will be a s trong
sw:,c:::e:!p:•::_·- =-_2._:.::.::::=:=:::===========--
but they might h a ve trouble ha nging onto their jobs. 'T'wo of the many o utstanding fres hme n on this year 's team are Barry S he ppa rd an d Ron Rinde. Sheppard. who preppe(l at James U ck, was an Ali-MHAL se lecti on for two yca t·s a nd a lso in his las t year l1e was voted to the Hi gh School All-America water polo squad. Rinde was also an MHAL selection while he attended Pioneer Hig h. Rinde has the tough task of guarding t he goal Rinde looks to be the number one goolie on this ye<"ir'r:· rearft . ... Another n ew face which could help the tea m is that of AJan Hubbard . Hubbard attended Lick and graduated in 1962. He went to State for a year {where he played freshman water polo). and the n joined the Navy. Hubbard's experience couJd help the t eam . For the first time, wa te r polo will be recognized as a Go lden Gate Confe rence sport. The leag ue this year will include fi ve tea ms. Foothill again fields a team and seems s tronger than ever a nd is rated as the team to bea t . Th e Ja gs' best eve r squ ad makes them a solid second pla ce pick . The J ags do have the a bility to upset the Owls a nd go all th e way.
111ailgirl •••or executive secretary? Job s ga]ore for June graduates. W h ere you stnrt depends on your skill s. \Ve give on-the-j ob t rai u ing at full pay. How far you go dep ends on your ability and yo ur aJnbition. \Vr give r egular sala ry increases and u nlimi ted op· portuoities to a dvance. N o malter whe re you s ta rt, yo o' ll h ave the fun and challenge of work ing in the , ita I comJnunjcations indus try. See th e Placem en t Office for details or check with ) ou r coun se llor~
Pacific Telephone
TRACY'S lltDftl~IIJIIIill:li~II~U· IWII U~II~Q !HUll
I ~I
look Great This Foil
SAN JOSE HEA LTH CLUB Personal Attention
Gain : 3" on ... Ch;st 111 on Arms 2" on Th ig hs
tJ ~e
Lose :
1" oH Wai:r.t Gain or Lose 12-1·5 lbs:
J" off Thigh 3" off Hip 12-15 lb<. WI.
Gain: 2" on Thigh
l" on Calf 2" on Busf 3" on H ip
EXERCISE IN Pleasant Remodeled Surro~nding s
Son Jose Hea/f/t Club 413 E. Santa C lara St. Call 295-99 10
OPEN 5 NiGi-fTS~ 'TIL 9:30 SATURDAY 9:30 TO 5:30
Just in time for back-to-campus. Your Honda dealer is having hls Fall Sales
Spe~tacular. You'll-find the kind of low down payments you've always looked for. The terms are so .easy you'll barely notice them. Drop by your Honda
dealer:s today. Learn why some people have all the ftm. · )(IW ~.
Now! The
Jag line . Bi ll l\{cQueu ry wiiJ be give his opinions as to the league's The s tartin g line-u p is not set the rig ht guard. Th~ 6 foot, 200 overall stre ngth. "Wheels" feels ns of t hi s w riting, bu t coach IlOimd l\l cQuea ry was forced to that Diablo V aJl e.Y wil1 have a
Aqua-Jags Host Delta Prep for Tourna ment
action at a thigh bruise.
ASB Secreta ry:
(A cross fro m Bonanza )
Thank you, Anne M ag nie '
The Ultimate in SeJf.Defense and Physical Toning
might get by with
Please visit our office, when you ar.e free, for any information or help T can g ive - or just to get acqu ainted.
~---~ ---__:
course, IT IS worth twenty-five extra points (points are second only . t.o ~ he "packet" in the academic hierarchy), a nd he did
hint th'\t
Co llege will affOr d .some o( the richest exper ien ces of your life. Enjoy them, lea rn from them, and make ihe most of them.
HOURS: 9 A.M.- I A.M. . Ladi es play fr ee on S wtdays f.adws a.nd Genl.lem.en welcom e a.t all t im es.
went on to San Jose State whet·e he spe-cialized in baseball , while obtaini ng his B.A. and M.A. degrees. From college he went int.o pmfessiona.l baseba II whe1 e he pitched for the Cincinnati organizalion for five years. When Oldham went into teaching and coaching, he went back to his old high school, Campbell. for fi\·e years . He then went tc Westmont High fm· two yecus COACH SIMONI previou;; to coming to SJCC. l n hi gh school he coarh('d hasf'hal 1 and bas ketball n nd was t h P P. l~ . !n!ol;tmur~l s I! u u Dep.·wtme nt f'hah·tn <m al bnth or these· schools . Pol' ~~ny busclwl! pbyt'l'\ wi sh ing to ll'Y out. f or val's i!y h; L•:eiJa JI in the s p1 ing, coa ch O ldh a m is · t amu 1 rogram ra P holding a m e e t i n g to be he ld · Th e J aguar m r \:Vednesday, Sept. 21 , a t 2:30 p.m. under Dario " Si " Simoni meets the in the lobby of the Men's Gym. needs of a JJ s tuden ts. The program is set up to allow t hose students who ·h aven' t th e time or Skill to compete on the coll ege level a cha nce to remai n ac!:'ive in ath-
Jag Gridiron Kick-off Fri. With W est Valley Vikings
Th e first two act ivities of the (all semester will be in tramural bowling a nd touch football. The intramural bowling pl'ogram \\lill be run on a h andicap basis this year , giving th e novice and t he o ld pro the same opportunity. The teams will meet at 3 p.m. at Fiesta Lanes. There are special rates for Tomorrow the aqu a-Jags will' ASB card holders. The teams will open t he season here again st Delta College at 4 p.m. The game will consist of four members each, in- be the rubber game in a threecluling at least o ne girl per team. game series, each club won a game · last year. Both games last year Any team which would like to were decided by a single goa l so bowl s hould make a li st a nd turn the co ntest s ho uld be interesting. it in to coach S imo ni. If YQU wis h For coach Bob Jones ~ the ga me to bowl and do not k now anyone w'ill serve ~s an im rx>rtant warmelse w ho does, just sign -up in up for the 12-team Cabl'illo Tourney which will be held over the COACH OLDI;iAM, either the me n 's or women's gyms. weekend., am very happy with this position, F ootball returns to' the intraThe Jags drew a bye in the which T feel is a p romis ing ad. first round and will play t.he winmural program again this fall. vancement. I a m looking forward n er of t he Menlo-Modesto game to a very enjoyabl e year at SJCC," There will be two ., leagues. one. at 2 p:t)"}.J'ritlaY. It fh.e team \Vths Oldham explained enthusiastically: for clubs a nd one for independent they will play at 10 a.m. SaturThe in teresting background o( teams. If a nYone is interested in day; if they lose at 8 a.m. Saturthis school's newest coach ,is q uite participatipg, there are rosters day. Foothill looms as t he big respectable to prepare him for available in t he gym office. The huhll e in the J ags' bid for a title. the college level : Oldham was Coach Jones promises that he graduated from campbell High league Will start as soon as t he will field a best ever team t his Schoo l where he pa rticipated in clubs get organized and start to season as he has many fine reall three major sports. H e t hen meet. turnees and also fine frosh pros~~;;;;;;;;;:,~;;~;;;:~~=================================jipects. The teams' ~nree scorers, Wayne Reek , Jim Best and Lanny Landwehr, are all back to give the J team a solid offensive punch. Reek was an AII-Northet·n California water polo player last year for the J ags. Tom Akrop, Paul Watts, Ron MacLennan and Jim Tiplett are all back to aid the cause. Jones has five starters back from last year,
the All College Chorus, but, of
playing " Mary Had A Lit'tle Lamb_" for my piano final instea.d of Auld Lange Syne." I tned to expla in that I couldn't sing a nd s uffer from a terrible infei-iority co;nplex. It didn't make any difference. So I better get gOi ng or I will be late for chorus practiCe.
make yo u r pres ence known, no one else wjll do it fo r you. · I nvolving yourself in ca mptt~ activiti.e s is a g ood w ay of getting to k now othe r s, and of becoming known. Ma ke a real effort to meet n e w people. High school fr iendships a r e val ued but s hould not be used as ~ crutch. Rather, use them as stepping-stones to n e w fr iendships. College is a me lting pot; you will find all kind s of people. Get acq uainted with t he m.
17 19 S. Bascom
John Oldham Joins Staff; Will Head Horsehiders A welcomed addition lO SJ CC nth leLics coaching s t aff U. baseball specialh:;t John Oldh am. c:'ldham, a Campbell High ath lete. JS c~m ing to t his schoo l a_Yter coac h~n g tor seven year s m local ht gh schools. Oldham will be replacing Doug Weiss as baseball coach for t he Jaguars. Cooc h Oldham is looking forward to a prom ising team tbis spring, rely ing heavily on in-coming freshmen, who look like they w ill be "the type of team I like, with speed and dept h. They promtse to pinY d. n exciting bro nc.\ nf ball," claims Olcth am. " I am looking fmward t o the new experience on the C()llc ge level, having previous ly coached in high schools. Judging from the first few days, I expect to enjoy the cali ber of st udenbo and faculty a t this school," says Oldham. Besides ha ndling the task of coaching basebal1 in the spring. h~ is he 1ping with the wres t Ii ng team, and is teaching P .E. COUl~es in bowling, soccer, weight trainin.L?;, and Theory a nd Skills classes . Oldham 's p leasures emphasize the outdoors; hiking. fishing and. of course, baseball. Along with this, is a su·ong interest in music. "For future aspirations, I am looking toward counseling and administration. But, at present, 1
.-------~ ---------
..S.~-·-L, -- -® ~I N C•. Long Island City, N.Y. 11101
water basket weaving with a side course in Swahinian Logic, then by God.._ you are going to take underwater basket weaving with a s ide course in Swahillian Logic a nd like it~,_even if you are an English majo r.
W he n It's Cle a n-up Time fo r Your Au t o or Honda
everyw_here, Uncondi!ionally 1ua ranteed.
In college you attai n a new status; you become your own boss. Independence, along with responsibi li ty, is t hru st upon you. If you are no t prepared to meet these, your college expedence can be a pretty un.. satisfying o ne. Do not expect to be soug h t o ut . If you do no t
3" off W aist
Ut1cluding 1000 naples) La rger size CUB De1k Stapler cmly $ 1.49
If the "pacl<et" StlYS th at your
name is 568-60-2365 and that you are going to take under-
S f. aw .!Jnlern alionaf :Jf..alred
Tot Stapler
I urge you strongly to become part of your college by participating in Hs activities . Colleges a r e noted ' for overlooking the individu al. In an ins t itution: as large as ours, it does not take effort- to be overlooked.
~~ "'~~~~~~,!'
Gordon Shadwick, your hard driving Comrnisar of Finance has arranged it so the S tudent Union Opens at 7 AM and Food
T his is th e
i ~tra.ti o~tryi g run this place I1ke Jt wa busm ess cutting ou r corner s n the process. It i ~ not a business but rather a n educa· tiona] institution. It needs a library open when the people it was built for ~eed to use it. If you are as mad as l am about this then Jet's ma!<"e some noise until th ey (the people that control the money) have corrected their mistake.
the entire school year with a refund if you are not }]ere in t he spring.
CY 3-0655
the '"packet" says, and I have learned the hard way t hat the "packet" is the ultimate sciurce of all i'nform~tion. Decisjons are fina l. appea l is useless, a nd mercy nonexi stent.
As one of the demi-gods stepped (rom out of 303 to anLast but not . . 1 • ? Somebody nounce that section 1433 was closed the gentleman in front of said, " H ey Student Body Pres., m e got quite excited and rushed why don't t hey have the library up to the head of the lin e s houtOpe!,l on the weekends?" "Good ing "Bingo ! Bingo! 1 made it! question," I replied with presiI made i t! He got quite indigdential concern. So I c-alled the nant when they wouldn't pay library and spoke to Mrs. Ethel him off and tore u p his card and Crockett, who is Director of Lileft mu tter ing somethin g about brary Services this semester going to Las Vegas next tim e. I while Mr. Brundin is on leave. got in to o ne line that looked She told me that they do not shorte.r tha n the rest, figuring have the money to hire t he staff t ha t It must lead somewhere. required to keep the library open It dld. The women's r·estroom. four hours on Sunday afternoon as it has been in t he past. Then , of course, my music teacher didn't really come right The following is my opi nion: out and say that I HAD to join Once again we see the admin-
At only $12.00 iV is good for
I'LO RIST I Ojl0 Discount to Students
C all 296-7928
Service s tarts at 7:30 AM. Al'io T).Cw, breakfast food for those early risers; at a reasonable fee.
God awful situations where I have five minutes to do a three hour job. What is on my mind 1 Students. Why is it that more people do not buy student body cards? City College has such a high level group of people t hat it can .not be due to stu pidi ty. It must be beca use some people have not taken the time to find out what a good investment the card is. Your student body card is the thing that gets you into the thj ngs that happen on campus.
AUD ITIONS • TA PES and Persona l Ma nog"":'ent
and what do
it's 568-60-2365. Th at is what
I find myself in one of those
S peciali:ring in
TOT Staplers,
[2 ] Take two TOT Staplers from three
Dul'ing registration le~·ned , much to my amazement, that I have been deluding myself for the past twen ty-two years. My n ame ls n ' t reaJJy Jaines Kelley,
ASB Card: Vital ~lement of College
* , A TTENTI O N * * Internatio nal Pl ayboy Club DANCE
532 S. Ba scom Ave. San Jo:r.e
to take my life in my hands a nd proceed anyway,
U ndoubtedly, beCause t his is my first - semester here, what l have to say will probably of-
[I ) Do they ha ve a 4th of Jul y in England ?
fiscate my ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO EAT GRANNY GOOSE sweatshirt, I am going
ging ego and jot d bwn a few impressions garnered duri ng my first week at SJCC.
. Swingline
some Of the' old tifners. However, I find comfort in the fa ct tha t Drew Pea rson has been sued for libel twen ty-six times and only lost once. So at the risk of having the Administration con-
Being a newcomer to San Jose
trouble, I have retreated to the Times office to bolster my sag-
Dear Student, Since I was selected to serve as your Corresponding Secre· tary, I think it fittin g to address my first correspon dence to you. \Vhat 1 have t o say is directed to t expe~ien cin g college life for the first time.
Re g iste r Early Next Semester . . . Avoid Tire d Feet
standing in line to show for my
"H e will be a troubleshooter The college admi n istraUon's fo r · ins truction," emphasized D r. pre-school rush ' is a time of t ight Benson, as he described some schedules and of taut nerves. of the d uties that the new AssistI t is a time of trying to do too a nt Dean of Instruction wi IJ be m a ny thi ngs in too little time. performing when the choice is Such was possibly the case of fin ally made. The position, which Dr. Percy Bliss, SJCC vice presiwas orig-inally to be filled in den t. Dr. Bliss was taken sick in 1967, will be filled some time .... mid-Au~ust with a heart condiin the near future. tion. He is temporarily on a The job, whic h was created complete rest schedule and is \Vhen the Division Chairman's reported im proving steadily. pOsiti on was extlnguished, en' It is thought that will retai ls li' long list of never-end ing turn for part-time work as earJy work. The new Assistant Dean as t he first of October, pending of I nstruction will work on t he the outcome of an examination catalog, schedule classes for stuSept. 23. den ts, act as a liaison between The faculty, the s tudent body, office and various department a nd the "Times'' join in wishi ng chairmen, make room changes Dr. Bliss a speedy recovery. where necessary and. when he has the time, assist the Dean of Instl uct ion.
many ~
Secretary Urges Participation
City College, I have been wanq~ri ng arqund I ike a lost souJ for the better part of this hectic first week. With nothing bu t sore feet. a messed up schedule, and a conditioned reflex against
Wednesday, S"ptember 21, 1966
- . . . . . . . . . .,- .
"A· ~
Free Brochure: Write American Honda Motor Co., Inc.,Department C-7, Box 50, Gardena, California C19G6 AliM
,Circle K--DoesWhat .Campus
Wedne>day, September 2l ' 1966 . ~
Circle K, the Kiwanis associated fraterllity on campus, has a startling if not revolutionary idea for a school dance th is fail-a "Playboy Bunnies" dance. Along with its other school service activities, Circle K designed this da nce with By M IKE O'CON N OR the idea in mind ". . to give the students m ore for their student body cards," sta ted F elix Pacheco, \VImt d o you th i,nl< a bout Defe nse S ccretnry 1\l dNama 1·a.•s id sopohomore class presiden t , a mem. -ms t cacI o f ac t·ave serv•ce . for conscie.n tlou . b' ea ot I ber of the club. vo u n t ary se rvtce s o Jeeton! Membership is open to any male studen t with satisfactory scholarBob P enny - Psyc ho l ogy ship and a desire to provide service Tt's a good de-al, not only for the people 1 -nvo1ved to the college a nd the com munity. but for the government. The people involved Students interes ted in the activionly get their military obligation out of th not . e way ties of Circle K a re invited to t hey he lp. then· country in a way that they f ' atte nd meetings and meet the morally r 1g ht. eel ot her members every Thu rsday at 11 a. m. in r oom 205.
Big Plans Made for Merchand ising Club '
New Class in The OHering
Traditionally the largest club on John Tolson, is the only one being taught in the United States in a campus, members hip chairman Jim day program. It will prepare a stu- Pio stated that " •.. we anticipate dent to earn $500 to $575 a month a total membership of over two after only nine months of class- hundred members for the fall semester." This membership goal room training. The class meets five days a would make the club the largest wee-k, four hours a day. Each day in its history. Faculty advisor Ross there are three hours of lab work Atkinson added, "Drive, determiand one hour of lecture. Enroll- nation, enthusiasm and co-ordinament for the class will be held tion will again m ake this club the open until Sept. 23, and it is most active on campus!" tuition free. Students interested in the mer"Students should not be scared chandising Club and its activities by the narne, vacuum technology, are invited to attend the meetings or by a Jack of scientific training," every Wednesday night at 7:30 Tolson said. p.m. in room B-1.
g--.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . ..,. . . ..,. . .,.,.. .,. . ...
Psychology Club Plans _Big Year
If Your H a ir Isn't Be coming _
You Sh oul d Be Com in9 To Us.
Harold Ba uer Speaks To C. C. German Club Germany and the German way of life will be the topic discussed by Harold Bauer tomorrow at 11 in room 26, when the German Conversation Group gets under way with the fall semester's activities. Bauer, the first speaker of the semester, is a German student
.cr..r..r/.r / /.cr J/.r .r..r ....o:IO'".r/..r~
The Psychology Club, commonly
known as S.I .P. (Students in Psy§ chology), has started its spring ~ semester campaign, At their Sept. 20 meeting, the students were § given an orientation to the club's
• •
just beginning hjs studies a t City College. Having com pleted the equivalen t of high school in Germany, Bauer came to the United States about a year ago, After working in New York for a t ime he decided to QlOVe to S an Jose to attend classes here. Wit h plans to become a language ins truct or, Ba uer is spending his first two years at City Col1ege. He will la ter t ransfer to San Jose State College and t hen to a university where he plans to master five languages t o obtain his Ph .D. When asked a bout his impression of the United S tates, he replied, "It's very different from E urope. There are better opportunities here." Whe n asked the same question in regard to San J ose City Col1ege, h e a nswered that he
Chorus Needs Singers
so. """"""""""'""'""'""""'""'""'""'""'""' The women's honorary service group, Les Bluettes, will be active this semester, beginning wit h the F all Social, an evening social for women . The primary interest of this organization is to provide se1vice to the schooL At the first meeting, the officer s will be elected.
H §
Invitation to Attend Un iversity Day
,; Fr ee fxchan9e
Repair of Volhwage ns -
Mercedes -
Office Mac hines Co. 124 E. San Fe r nando St. NeKt to C.!!l Book Store Free Po!!lrking
Fr~ e Delivery
850 lincoln Ave. San Jose 25, Calif. 295 _9082
MASTE R MECHANI CS Trained in Germany
Werner Zollenkopf
T he Santa Barbara campus is located near Goleta off Highway 101, 10 miles up the coast !rom the city of Santa Barbara. Details of the program ar~ in the hands of the senior counselors. All grades are welcome.
• Equ ipment RepCJirs 394 BIRD AVE.
2 97• 0177 '
" Qucrlil~ ond Service Firs t "
Drive-in C le ane rs 60 RACE STREET
Desp ite fiendish torture d y namic BiC Duo writes f irst time, every time!
Physica l Ed uca.tion. No, because I don't think they should make excep tions for some if they don't want to fight, Some people in t he army already will say the same thing. Jot's not fa ir.
• • •
IO Day Mortey Back Guaral'ltee
Call for Appoinfmen~ 292-040? BROOKS - 217 W. Jul io!!!n St
2nd Floor, Son Joso
• • • Taffy - Eleme nt::uy Education I think that th ey can do somC' good if they don't want to fi g ht. At least they can use their knowledge. H t hey have a reason for not joining the army, ~h e n something li ke this is j ust as good, if it's for t he country. I-t's not t he killing, it's the serving that counts.
E velyn Hodges - B usiness I th ink i t's r ather bad tha:t they should •be, dra!ted a"ny\va..y: I think t hatr t here should be no draft in the first place. I t hi nk the whole t hing should be voluntary, If they don't want to fig ht I don't see why they should. I s hould be voluntary. It's supposed to be a free country,
Ch uc l{ Gullo - l\fa rketing I say that if t hey're really to a point where they're against fighting, t hen they shouldn't have to go. I mean, th at's my opinion and I'm in the National Guard . I don't think he would do any good any\Niay if a person is against it.
• • • CHf ford Jardine - Biology If they fee] that it 's really wr ong, I guess they could help other nations, as long as t hey're really against it. and not trying to fool t hemselves ..:.r anyone eise.
At one t ime, the PhilosophY F orwn was lim ited to phiJosophY fo rum lecture1·s only. Now, all types of speakers at·e presented. T his semester's speakers and their fi elds will be: J ames Nielson. Phychology; AJex, Spani9 h ; Mel Ru bin Art· and Chris· ti anc Cook of' San' Jose State, F rench Literature. All meet ings will be in room F-7. The time and dates will be an· nounced soon.
***********************' Literatur e does not. lead mep
astray !
***********************~ Eaf l eef for H e o lflt
Meat Co., Inc. 81C Finl Point
BiC's rugge d pai r of stic k pens wins in unending w ar. agains~
ball-po int skip, clog a nd
sm~a r !.
Despite horrible punl~hmen t by mad research scientists. ate still writes first time, every time. And no w onder. ate's "Dyamite" Ball is the hardest metal made, encased in a solid brass nose cone. Will not skip, clog or smeOJ" 110 matter what devilish abuse is
devised for them by sadistic students. Cet both BICS at your-campus store now. The BIC Medium Point for lecture notes, sneak e)tams and everyday use. The BIC Fine Point for really important doouments ... like writing home for &sh.
1; nil
2~ l
SEPTEMBER 30th - 8:30P.M.
SAN JQSE C IVIC A UDITO RIUM Ticket ,; $4 .50 -
3.75 -
3.25 -
on solo • I SAN JO SE BOX OFFICE 40 W, San C<!!rlos Son Jose, Colif.
Castillo, Beams Are Ace Auto Trouble Shooters
By CHARLES STEVENS H ans Conried, nationally-promi SJ CC is in firs-t place thus far in nent radio and television person the Plymouth Trouble Shooting ality. will present a perContest, sponsored by the Ply- formance May 22 on the San Joso mouth-Chrysler Corporation, held at the Fairgrounds on May 10. Richa rd Castillo anrl Don Beams. Auto 1\Iechanics stuclents t ra ined by E usta quio Cortez, Auto instructor, wo rked against t\\•o--man teams ;from H artnell and i\fotlesto J unior
Got a high paying iob in sal~s, . dis· tribution or market resei!lrch r1 ght on your own campus. B&eome a cllmpus representt~tive for over forty r'f'lll~a· zincs, American Airlines. Oper": 1on M"tch, etc., &nd earn big part-tlje money doing interesting work. A~P Y right away! Collegi.,te Marketl"t Dept. H, 27 E. 22 St., New Yor' N.Y. 10010.
The students are now scheduled for 'a final cont~t and a banquet in Ft·esno on May 27. Winners of the final contest will receive approximat<>ly $15,000 in scholarships and an aJl-expense paid trip to Detroit t~ survey t he au to plants. A total of 35 two-man teams competed in two consecutive contests. Hig h school studen ts competed against each other Lo attend the national contest in Detroit. T hey are competing for abo u t $17,000 in scholarships and $20,000 in tools th ere. Junior colleges were competing in a state contest. Preil etermined bugs were J1l acec1 in th e aml students h ad to find t h•!se problems to get the e:u s ru.nn in g agn.ln, ~u · cord in g to Roy F rflsf'r, or N. \ .V. Ayf'r, Advf'J·tiNirlg AgenC'y fo t· the Cht·y~lcr Coq)oration. Bugs we1~e placed in fuel systerns, electrical systems, battery cables, ca,·buretor a nd in the gen~ el·al engine, he continued. "It takes a real trained eye to tlnd problems like these and correct them," he stated.
HANS CONR IED City Co 11 e g e Evening CuJtUJtal Series. Conried 's program, w hich teatures dramatic readings and interpretations, wiU be held in the Men's Gymnas ium on campus starling at 8:30 p.m. Conried has enjoyed a successful theatrical career which has spanned some three decades. He first gained prominence wit h the national AmC!J.·ican audience whe n he ente1-ed Hollywood r.adio in 1936 when he played second leads in support of tl1e late John Barrymore in a broadcast series, "S treamlined Shakespeare." He appeared regularly on radio duri ng the years t hat followed in programs for I rving Reis, Arch Oboler, Norman Cotwin and Orson
SAN JOSE, Clo.UFO'RNIA , -THURSDA')", MAY 19, 1966
U pset vi cto ries wer e score d yes te rd \ty as De no .i.s P e rcy de· fe are d-AI P eponi s fo r th e job of ASB Vi ce P r~s id en t. and A~ne M agnie ed ged o.ul. donn a Le onti for Secre ta ry. F e lix Pach eco, who carr·i ed n n ear m a jo r it y of vo res i n last
Wells with whom he worked for five consecutive y e a r s. Of his tl;wusa nd of radio roles, he is proba.bly bes t known for his role as Schultz on ;,Life with Luigi .. and as Prof. Kropotkin in ''My Friend I rma'' which he played for seven years. He has also had experience as a radio director. He has pcrfotmed on many out~ standing shows on network television including Playhouse 90, Alcoa Hour, Bob Hope Show, J erry Lewis Show, Georg~ Gobel Show, Hall· mark !'!a ll of Fame, The Danny T homas Show and the Jack Paar S how.
FRIDAY, MAY 13Judicial Council met thi s morning on wh at a few have declared "Black Friday" and by a 2-1 vote recommended that last Wednesdays' primary e lection be declared null and void. CIUe r Ju ~d i c Roy \ Vhit..e and Justi ce Nea l Porte r listed four counts disfavorin g the election's validity, while Justice Russ Sonune-rs defemled E lection Commissioner J olm H acke r's decis ion to accept writein votes where J)eople forgot t o nl:krl< an "X." In official letters to Hacker and ASB President Jim Steele, Summers stated that, "The intention of the voter was entirely clear without the "X" mark, and that H acker's decision (to accept writeins without the "X") wag within his power, therefore the election was valid." White sta:ted that "Al though a voter took time to write i n a candidate's name, t h e, voter still should have read the instruct ions on t he ballot and COI:npliod with them!'
Vet Education Aid Papers Are Available Applicat ions for Veterans educational benefits for students at S an Jose City CoJlege are now availab le at t he Records Office. st~ud e nts s hould give carefu l cons ide ratio n to thelr choice ot an ed ucatloo l'l.l progra m (item 24 ). It would be wise for ' 'ete-rans to lis t t heir rinal objeeth•e as a n AA deg ree and transfe r, due to the t hat the law permit 8 yo u to make only one change ot progr ~tm wlthout loss of benefits. T he length of educational bene ~ fits is calcuJated on the basis of a
th e G ..ass '
tion by the Veterans Adminjstration you will receive a Certificate I of EnrolJmen t. Applications should be mailed to Veterans AdministraA ch a n ce to e n joy the warm s prin g trump e t ; Rich a rd Pristoe a n d W a rren tion., Regiona l Office, 49 Fourth weather, and ·severa l musica l se lec ti o ns wil1 T o wsend, clarin e t : N an cy B oekenoo:ren, ~ Street, San Francisco. Add itional be affo rcled the stud en l body Tu esday, te n or sax ; ] a m es Flores, trombo ne: \Va l L :~ information must be obtained from M ay 24, wh e n the City College J agu ~ r Co nJones, strin g bass; and ~farcello So li,•en , ~ the Veterans Administration office, cer t Band will present a uPo ps Co ncert o n dnnns. San Francisco. !h e Lawn." Directo r of I he program wi ll be Darrell --------Th e progra m wi ll b e presented o n th e J.ohns ton, a nd Stud e nt Directo r , JH c k Eve n· bi g grass lawn between th e L ib rary a nd th e SIZer. e tolort)' Bui ld in cr. A no th e r a dd ition to the (HOgra m w ill be o T h e program w illo featu re th e "C omth e ne w a cous tica l cei llng t hat will cover m a n do .M a r ch ," Barber: '·P jct ures a t a n the b a nd durin g t heir p e r fo rm a n ce. Exhib ition," Moussorg:sky; '~T itus Over" This new ceiling is des ig ned to imp r ove tlll'e," :M oza r t; and '"Di xiel a n d J amb oree/' th e sotmd ," s aid J o hn ston. " \Ve h ope Slll· ~ \\ ' arrington. dt':l..tls wi ll brin g lh eir bo o ks o r l un ch. and ~ Marti.n Dreyfuss, chairman of F eatu red soloists wi ll b e B o h Taormina, r e l a.x whiJe they e njo y t he music.'' ;~ the Mathematics Department at San J ose City College, has been chosen pr esident-elect of the 3,100member California J unior College -~ Faculty Assn. A staff member at City College -~ since 1958, Dreyfuss wi U serve one year as presiden t-elect starting July 1. His presidency will begin July 1, 1967. DreyfUss bega n his teaching career at City College following many years in_ public admi n istra· tion. He has been employed by the state government of New York, as TOOTfNG THEIR H ORNS fo r the Tuesda.y , 1\la y 24 "Pops Con cert on t he Lawn" a re from left, •ol.oists Ro bert Taormina, h;HOll:tet; Ja mes Flo1·es, t roooboJle; J ack Evensizer, S tude nt Direct.or, imd · city manager for the city o! Fair· field, Calif. and as finance director Director Da rrcll J ohnston. . ,!>"~~~~.A,;.O...,~ - ~"""~~~ ~ ""'-~ for th e city of Lodi, Calir.
o~s On
! Martin Dreyfuss Becomes CJ•c•f •A•
§ 8
I Ext. 2-30
\Vcdn esrl ay's Prim nry, wo n castly over J im Pi o fo r So ph o mot·e Cl ass Pres iflent. or 470 votes cast, Percy collected nearly 75 per .cent for a 214 vote, 338 to 124 win over Peponis. The surprise victory was landed by Magnie who nosed out Leonti by nine votes and a 231-to-222 margin. Pacheco took Pio. 177-99. The Gen erftl E leetion a lmost fn ile(l to ge t off Its· Wedn esday
st a rting bloch: as a. F ri dny .13,"J u di da I Cmmcil r f"comme nda.tion to th e Ei cction Board. d ecla •·ed the. l)rlmfu·y "null a nd void." Monday morning, May 16; during a closed session, the Board tossed out Judicial Council's . proposa~
Judicial Council Says Primary Is 'Null~ Void,'
mon th of service on active duty after J an. 31, 1955, not to exceed 36 calendar months of training. Vete t~ans mu.<;t complete their educational objective within eigh't years after their last discharge from active duty. T he different requireme nts for t he va rious types of programs are defined as : a lull-time stude nt as a s tude nt tnking 14 semester hours, a % tJme s t ude nt as a stud ent tak lng between 10 and lS Yz semest er ho urs, and a Yz ttme stude nt as a student taking between 7 and 9Yz ~ ,.._,~~""""""'" sernester hollfS. • ,, ......~';t',;..""~~,t;:~~, ...,~ .,vh_,,"""'~~~..,.,~~.ot#~~~ U[X>n approval of you1· appJica-
Phone 298-2181
·Percy, Magnie, Pac 0 lh Fall Semester ASB·Pos·tions
Ha ns Conried· Speaks Here Sunday, May 22
Co ll ege~.
• • •
81C Medium Point 19t
N o. 12
F elix P .t:t d Leco - Bus iness Education Ideal·i stica lly it's a good jdea. I have my doubts about it realis tically. I don't see how it would work. It wou ld be one side'd . I'd r ather not go into t hat. It's so easy to be a conscientious objector.
Once agai n, t he Philosophy Department will be pr esenting the Philosophy Forum. This forum originated 10 years ago. At first, it was a small p hilosophy seminar conducted by Mrs. E leanor Maderis. It has since grow n into a formal lecture series. Mrs. Maderis is chair m a n of t he faculty committee ; worki ng with her are William B. W est, chairman of t he P hilosophy Depar tment, and John Richard C hristian cha ir man of the E nglish Depa~e nt. Each year a studen t chai rman is chosen. At present, this pos it ion is not filled.
Vol. 17
Pity fe lt for Henry Haven is m er e l y self-pity, and . . . . . . } essw Haven . .. wh a t is h er secret ? \V ha t m ak es h e r more than the woma n sh e is? 1n jt s second lwld-ove r week end r nn " THE HAVEN" ?1a y be seen at 8:30 p .m., F r·jJa y and' Satur(lay nj ghts, m th e San J ose Acto rs Heper to r v T he a tre , a cross the street fro m t h e Studio Thea te r, two dOze n p aces west on 25 W est San Salvador St. San J ose. . Stu cleut ticke ts se ll f or Sl.SO, :ren eral a dm ission is S2. Ph o ne 297-4197 for reser va tio ns. Come hail or h igh waf e r I tucre ever yo ne 10 witn ess "THE HAVEN." lt p1 1ts s ucl1 '~eckend c ompet ition as ''Cat. B a llo u" and ~~ Dar li n g'' in a n e mbar- rassin g secomJ place. J eff Mullin s, Edito r
Sandrtl. Tru·ner -
Philosophy Department Plans, Semesters Forum
Hare i~ rh e occas~on t~ a t wa n ·a nts a fron l. page e ditorial. R,n cr ye t \ S an occas1on (m t hi s decad e. of comme r c ial pu lp and putt er ) when a thea tric al prmluct ion of an o r icr inal phl y war ra nts rmy k ind of a n e di to riaL .But the n i t 0 isn ' t ever y day w h e n so me t hi ng like . . , " TH E H A V EN" em erl!es to rave a bo u t. "THE H AVEN," a n ori gin al two-a c t pl ay writte n and directe d b y J am es J. Clark of San Jose S tate's E n • l ish De0 partm ent _and present ed by th e San j ose A c to rs R e p ertory 1 T h ea te r, JS a tense a nd unbeli evabl y ' belle·vab le" drama that takes pl ace in Eas te rn USA . Bri efl y-, jt is a bout a woman . . . who is a wmn an . .. three m e n and h ow each of them co urt life in a soci c t v th at h as tu r ned them into weaklings, " bums" a nd mi sfit~. I t shps i n th e face th e prudi sh , purita ni ca l symbo l of BoS· to nian moral tunl ethi c, and w h en i t is o ver yon wa n t to c •:;n~ h in,to the (~rt t~e e vi] pa r t o f socie t y th a t h:1s t u rn ed good hum a n hem gs mto th e slaves of a h e rita ge we have outgro wn . W i th th e h ones ty of an origi n al ·~Pe vton ( the novel) P la ce," BTHE HAVEN" ye t hints of Te~nessce \l' il1iams wit h cha r nc ters so rea l yo u can n o t h e lp i t wh e n you associa te with each of them. · LcQ Haven. is a ge n tle m an 's " Bu d" wh o looks like Arnol d P almer. . \Vh en } u linn walks on s tage, r attles n a k es cra ck th e ir
tad s.
* • •
professors and university officials,
~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~have lunch in the University Center and attend a short assembly.
• • •
For this annual uuniversity Day" event, t he campus will be ' open to a ll interested students, their counselors, p a r e n t s and friends from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visitors are in vi ted to see the res idence halls, classroom buildings and other [acilities on the 632 acre seashore site. Participants will have a n opportunity · to talk with
Gaylord Cornia. - Psych ology I think it's a lot better for a lot of people. I heard in the news t hat one g uy got t h ree years in the federal prison because he didn' t want to go to Viet Nam. It's better for the people who are really morally against it because you' ll have to shoot them before they cha nge their minds. They won't do a nyone any good in pr ison, but t hey could help someone.
All students on campus are cordi ally invited to join t he All Col· lege Chorus whi ch meets every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 1 p.m . in room F7, Members ar e entitled to one unit of credit and participation in a concert. "The ability to carry a tune and the desire t o work wi th a group for a finished performance are the only qualificat ion," says Vincent C;llter, chorus instructor. St udents may sign u p by picking up their card in t he Registrar's Off ice as soon as possible. T his is a great class for anyone who loves to sing and does not often , get the op[)Ortunity t o do
thought it a very good organizaactivities for the seme-ster. Activi- tion. "T he people are very friendties to be scheduled this semester ly," he continued. After completing ~ L. LYON S- Res. 259-2713 1912 E. San Antonio St. are films of special inter est to the his education he pla ns to remain L GARDNER - Res. 258-0243 Sa n Jose, C a lif. club's members, demonstrations on in California to start his teaching perception, hypnosis and any other career.,.,.,. .,. J.:l <=<=c===---"'".r..r.rJ..§ interests that the students would Anyone wishi ng to hear Bauer like to pursue. Guest speakers on speak, and who has an interest related fields of Psychology are or even a smaH understandi ng of also being planned by the club's the German language, is invited to president and vice president. attend th is f irst meeting. Jim Mount, president for this semester, said, "Field trips will be LOW STUDENT RA TES scheduled as the interest of the students progress." Some possibilities for field trips are the Santa Clara Mental Health Facilities, Agnews State Hospita1, All Makes - All Models and San Jose State CoHege's Rat Laboratory. ,t Fully Gu a r anteed Anyone interested in JOtrung Psychology Club should come to Hjgh school and junior college campus of the University of CaJi,t Rent to Own room 38 on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. students throughout the state are fornia on Saturday, October 15, during AU College Hour. invited to visit the Santa Barbara 1966. ,1 N o Dep os it
In My Opiniorn • • •
Merchandising Club president, t he faU schedule of events for the Rene Manzini, in the first weekly club. Highlights of the schedule meeting of the semester, presen ted include the following: Sponsoring a queen for the "Big ·Game Week," a skit in the blood drive, the semi-annual rummage s~e at the Flea Market, a reception for new and old members and their g uests, a Christmas decSan Jose City College wiil offer orations sale, a mist1etoe hunt, a a course in ''Vacuum Technology" Ch ristmas banquet and dance, elections of club officers, and emthis year open to all high school ployer-employee banquet, and a graduates who are interested. The ski trip, during semester break. course, according
I ~
" I t can be a_rgued th ut thi s vote is t he will of t he mn. jori ty of t he vot ers," \ Vhite continued, " but i t i s the opinion of t he J udicial OoUJlcll that e \•en th e w ill o f t he maj ority cannot cUsregnrd th e ltl.W.''
Commissioner Hacker's attempt to call an emergency meeUng of the Election Board to decide the fate of the primary was 1Jhwarted when a member of the three-person Board could not be loeated. Board member May Duignan, Dean of Student Services, told Hacker that she would not hold a meetjng without Student Government Advisor Steve Holman, who had left t he campus earlier in the afternoon, and the session was [>Ostponed until Monday, May 16. In wlu[t was ter med a. quick election , lastin g only four hours, tq a very cJose ballotin g, the new offi cec~ of th e Mercha nCIIsing Olub were elected. T he new ofncers as follows : Rene :a-t anzini, president; Dave Reis, vice l)r esident ; Sue P owell, see.retary ; R od King, treasurer ; and Kn.thy \ Villiam Sf'n, ICC re)). U nlike oth er elections, tile losers decided to host the pn rty for t he wbmers. At the party, the UIJComing club picnic to be held l\lay SO a t Uvas Meadows was discussed. Jt· w as decided to invite all students who are in ter ested In the M e rc ha ndising ChiD to the picnic. The nex t forma l fun ction, tl\e lns t a Uation of officers will ~ he ld J une 1 a.t Pa olo's Resta ura nt, The ba nquet is expected t:o draw a la rge e rowd as usua l. Everyone is iJn·l ted to a tte nd t iLe 1\fe rchand.islng Club meetJugs, \Vetlnesd::t.y evenings at 7:30 in .R.oom B-1.
Sassy 'Kate' Opens 27th By SALLI LARGE "Kiss Me Kate" will open May 27 at 8:30 p.m. in the College Theatre and will play Saturday the 28th, June 2, June 4, with a matinee on J une 5 at 2:30. "Kate" first opened on Broadway in the fall of 1948. Typical of the enthusiastic reviews the show received was the following quote from Tim e magazine. ". , 1948's last new show, and by far its best musical .. _ Full-blooded and sassy and enormously gay.'' By January of 1949 the show was sold out through May. Part of the reason for the show's popularity is the musical score by Cole Porter. "Another Qpening, Another Show," "Wunderbar," "So In Love," "Too Darn Hot," a nd "Always True to You In My F ashion," are some of the numbers from the show which are still [>Opular. Anothet• reason fo r the show's popularity is that, li ke many populat• music a 1 s today ("MY Fair Lady," "Sound of Music," etc.), lhe show is taken from a successful story, or book ''Kiss Me Kate" was based on Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew," which has long been [>Opular.
Primary, Curt Hodgki ns was definitely pleased with yesterday's General E I e c t ion outcome. He openly supported Percy and Pacheco and unofficially favored an Anne Magnie win for secretat"Y'. According to TIME:S Asst Editor Chris Vaughan, who wi~esSed last njghfs ballot counting, ''A Noreen Futter-lcQ commHtee has been form e d to investiga Le .the Election Board and also offer proposals to courrcil which ar_e hoped to make the Board more representative ofi the student bodY.'' . Putter, who disfavo1·ed the Board"s deci sion to val1daLc the Primary Election. has staLed that two administrators and one S tu~ dent does not fully rcpresenL a vast student majority, In view of the liberal element
ANNE MAGN IE which would have extended the Associated Student Body election indefinitely. Relaxing from h is recent presidential JandsUde victory in the SJCC's th_ree t op chess playe rs wer e awarded. this morning af ter t he conclusion of t he recent (lhess competition. Copping first place t r ophy w ith a total of 1000 points was Lee N orri s. Coming in a nQt too d istant secon d was George Corey with 800 points. Bagging t he t h ir d place trophy w as sur• prise contender, Bob Gow, with FELI X PACH ECO 600 [)Otnt.. l\'larles Ahtlmo, Commissioner of freshly elected, an anonymous ~Stud ent Un.lon u.ild c h aln n an for member of Election Commissioner th e tourn ament, said t hat this John Hacl<er's baUot counters reyear t her e \Vere 21 participants fleeted, "This looks like the e-nd of Jn t he in t racollege eJu~~;~ tourney. [ Merchandising Club's dynasty in ASB government."
STUDENT UNION Commissioner Maries Alaimo a nd Study Edito r Norma Esling e r a re caug ht in attent ive moods as they listen t o ASB ca nd ida t es in q uad. Pictu re was taken by Royal Chambe rlain du rin g presid e ntia l debates. '
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City College Weekly Bulletin SUNDAY: May 22 1. Cultural Series. HANS CONRIED, 8'30 p,m., Men's Gym 2. STUDENT HAIRSTYLING CONTEST, Buchser College Union, ). p.rrL to 6 p.m. 3. PACIFIC NEIGH BO RS B£NEFI'1' I:I"ILI\1, 8 p.m., BuC'hSC r Colleg.f' Un io" Rrn . F-7 MO DAY: May 23 6. FRESHli>!AN CLASS MEET· . 1. Student Court, 12 Noon, ING, 11 am., Rm. S-12 Rm. U-205 2. VISTA REPRESENTATlVES, FRIDAY: May 20 ~ 9 a.m. to 4- p.m., Q uad 1. PEACE CORPS REPRESENT1. Stud.ent Concil A TIV-ES, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Quad 2. Student Court, 1 p.m., Rm U-205 TUESDAY: May 24 3. T e nnis, Calif. State at Ameri can 1. Student Couneil, 10 am., Rm. U-200 River 2. I.C.C. ~Ieetlng, 11 a.~lL 4. Fashi on Sh()W, 8 p.m. to .10 p .m., Rm. U-200. F:wulty Lo unge and Buohser 3. Music Recital, 11 a.m. College Union Rrn. F-7
TIIURSDAY: May 19 L Student Council, 10 a.m., Rm. U-200 2. Supt•eme Court, 11 am. Rm. U-205 3. Chess Awards, 11 a.m., Quad ~- PEACt; CO.RPS REI' RESENT· ATI VES, 9 ::..m. to 3 p.m., Quad 5. Philosophy Forum, 11 a.m.,
SATURDAY: May 21 WEDNESDAY: May 25 1. Studetlt Court, 10 am., L Track, N. Calif. Meet at Rm. U-205 Foothill, 1 p.m. 2. Tennis, Cal if. Sta.te :Lt .AmerLca o 2. Co·Ri'<l Night, 7:30 p.m ., Women's G)'ll> River