Tuesday, March 13, 2018
The Voice of San Jose City College Since 1956
Volume 85 Issue 3
Arming teachers in schools controversial Students, staff skeptical of Trump’s proposal BY ALIX DUHON TIMES STAFF
President Trump suggested the idea of arming teachers in the wake of 17 deaths in a mass shooting on Feb. 14, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Only the teachers highly trained to manipulate weapons should be allowed to carry guns, in exchange these teachers would receive a pay bonus, Trump said. Angel Coronado, 27, communication major, thinks that it is not a bad idea to give protection to the teachers but to arm them with ammunition and guns would be an extreme way to take action. “We should think about preventative causes and teachers having weapons as the last resort,” Coronado said. “That idea should just be out of the question until it’s really necessary.” Dorothy Holland, 38, communication major, agrees with more security on school campuses but not
with armed teachers because they could be uncomfortable carrying guns. “The teachers already have a lot of stress and a lot of responsibility
with students to try to compose, to have a gun, no one may not even be comfortable with the gun,” Holland said. She also mentioned the fact that the teachers’ job is to
teach students. “They are there to teach and not there to be super heroes, or try to feel like they have to save someone’s life,” Holland said.
The news of the shooting was, for some students, not surprising in the wake of so many other shootings. “Unfortunately we’ve seen it before … These things are getting so common,” general education student Carlos Pinal, 32, said. “It’s not the first time, and it’s probably not going to be the last.” The responsibility for this trend of gun violence, broadcasting major Daniel Habteyes (alias DMoney) said, belongs to everyone. “We have to point fingers at ourselves and take the time to learn, educate ourselves about guns, how to use them, how to store them, and what they are good for and what they are not good for,” Habteyes said. SJCC faculty members reacted too. Political science professor Lisa Herrington said she appreciates having security guards on campus, but that as a teacher she would not carry a gun. “I became a single Mother when my kids were four, three and 15 months old,” Herrington said, relating to the need for security at home and at school. “I developed a few rules for survival … one of which was: no alcohol or guns in the house.”
I became a journalist overnight
10/10 would recommend BY JOEANNA LOPEZ TIMES STAFF
On the first day of my journalism class, I walked into room 302 and there were barely any students in a class full of computers that led to a conference room. All walls in both of the rooms were covered in award certificates and plaques. A whole award-winning print and online newsroom. I came to the class expecting to get an add slip to learn about Media Production. I figured we would learn how to generate content for online websites, maybe learn about apps and media ethics. I had no idea I was also going to actually produce the newspaper. But I instantly liked the idea. Instead of a traditional classroom structure, I would instead seek stories, schedule interviews and work more collaboratively with classmates than ever. Not only is this so different than any class I have ever taken; this is easily the most engaged and interested I have ever been in any class. To physically hold a finished piece of work you were a part of
Editor Benjamin Castro has four awards, but only two hands. PHOTO BY JOEANNA LOPEZ / TIMES STAFF
Times staff showing their stuff, from left: Gio Gaxiola, Joeanna Lopez, Tammy Do, Nick Johnson, Reginald Webb and Benjamin Castro. made for people that probably of the success and populardon’t even care or know that it ity vinyls have had in recent is made entirely for them feels years and that we win over and amazing. Seeing my name in capture readers’ attention. These print for the first time took me traditional methods of music and out! 10/10 would recommend. news are supporting the arts, too, I really like that I am the comyou know! poser of something; I don’t sing It is no phenomena or trend or play, but I can put sentences that students have plenty to say together. and that our voices are as valuBeing that it is a school able as they are important since newspaper, we are encouraged to nearly ever. cover stories that would be of inOur adviser Farideh Dada terest and benefit to the students, guides us and is available for our audience. advice, but does not determine And to be entirely honest, it the subject or content of articles. feels as though we don’t have a She does not censor our work, very captivated audience. We’re holding out hope that our newspaper will catch some See JOURNALISM, page 3
Times staff wins dozen
Photographer wins for sports coverage
The Times swept up 12 awards from Long Beach at the 2018 California College Media Association Awards on Saturday, March 3. Six former and present staff members received recognition for their work for the paper, in categories including editorial writing, photography, ad design, illustration and social media use. w First Place: Best B&W Advertisement - Benjamin Castro w First Place: Best Sports Photograph - Benjamin Castro w Second Place: Best Illustration
Cartoon - Magnolia Lonero w Second Place: Best Special Issue/ Section - Times Staff w Second Place: Best Infographic - Benjamin Castro w Second Place: Best Photo Illustration - Benjamin Castro w Second Place: Best Online Ad Benjamin Castro w Third Place: Best Editorial Jordan Elliott w Third Place: Best Non-Breaking News Story - Anne Caillat w Third Place: Best Use of Social Media for Single Story - Patrick Jenkins w Honorable Mention: Best Headline Portfolio - Times Staff w Honorable Mention: Best Social Media Platform - Jordan Elliott, Rudrik Suthar
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