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Introduction to Upper School
St. Johns’ Upper School courses fulfill the requirements for admission to the most selective colleges. Students should exercise care in selecting courses so that they satisfy St. Johns graduation and college admission requirements.
In order to provide students with a liberal arts education and to prepare them for matriculation into higher education, St. Johns requires that students successfully complete the Upper School courses listed in the chart below. In addition to the required core courses shown, St. Johns further requires students to successfully complete at least five academic courses each semester. It is the responsibility of students to complete all graduation requirements.
The minimum load for a student is five academic classes each semester. If a student fails to pass a course for a semester, he or she must make up or retake that course if it is a requisite for graduation. If it is not a course necessary for graduation, the student must replace the unearned credit by taking an additional course (beyond the required five) in a subsequent semester.
Twenty-three Upper School credits are required for graduation from St. Johns. Algebra, Wellness, and World Language credits may be earned in Grade 8.
English Four credits (English 9, 10, 11, 12)
Science Three laboratory science credits (Biology and Chemistry required)
Mathematics Four credits (Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry required)
History & Social Sciences
Four credits (World History, Modern World History, U.S. History, Government, Ethics)
World Language Two credits of the same language
Fine & Performing Arts
One credit
One credit
Elective Courses At least four credits
To be awarded a diploma from St. Johns, seniors must have an Upper School cumulative average of 2.0 and a senior year average of 2.0, with no failures, including semester courses. Seniors who do not meet these criteria will not be allowed to participate in graduation activities and may be asked not to attend graduation exercises. Retests in subject areas are not given to seniors to meet graduation requirements.
Course Registration
The course registration process typically begins in February. A detailed registration timeline and corresponding documents will be distributed by the Upper School Office.
Grading System
Detailed information about St. Johns’ grading system is available in the Student Handbook. Also included is information on the grading scale, academic reports, athletic eligibility, homework, test/exam policy, tutoring, missed work, and academic progress.
In order to be promoted to the next grade, the student must have a 2.0 final grade point average and must have at least a C- average in continuing levels of English, Mathematics, and World Languages. A student must attain at least four credits to be promoted to the next grade.
If a student does not meet these requirements, the Administration discusses various remedies with the student and parent—e.g., summer school, repeating the grade, or dismissal, depending on the situation.
The final grade for a summer school make-up class is averaged evenly with the final grade previously earned in the year-long class of the same subject.
Academic Achievement Center
St. Johns’ Academic Achievement Center (AAC) staff are available to help all students identify and meet their academic goals. The center offers a supportive learning environment that will help prepare students to become effective, independent learners. In addition, it will help students strengthen their academic and organizational skills, which will allow them to reach their full potential.