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Introducing innovative online courses, now available to St. Johns Upper School students through Global Online Academy (GOA).
GOA offers St. Johns Upper School students the opportunity to learn virtually as a part of a broader global community while gaining crucial online learning skills they’ll need for college and beyond. Through GOA, Upper School students can learn about relevant, real-world topics they might not otherwise be able to study, from Arabic and architecture to legal thinking and medical problem solving.
Students who take a GOA course will learn far more than just the content of that course. Learning how to learn online is a lifelong skill. All GOA courses are designed to support students in developing the following core competencies:
◆ Collaborate with people who don’t share your location
◆ Communicate and empathize with people who have different perspectives from your own
◆ Curate and create content relevant to real-world issues
◆ Reflect on and take responsibility for your learning and that of others
◆ Organize your time and tasks to learn independently
◆ Leverage digital tools to support and show your learning
To ensure all students have the opportunity to build these skills, GOA courses:
◆ Are small to ensure personalized support.
◆ Are led by an expert teacher trained and supported by GOA’s staff.
◆ Bring together global rosters of students from a variety of different schools to create unique opportunities for collaboration and perspective-sharing.
◆ Are primarily asynchronous: teachers design the coursework and calendar, and students work on their own schedules, gaining important independent learning skills along the way.
View the current course catalog at sjcds.net/goa.
Courses are available to Upper School students by application only. The Upper School Office approves all applications for GOA coursework and completes all GOA course registrations.
Upper School Course Matrix
This matrix represents a typical progression for a St. Johns Upper School student, but it is possible that some variation will arise for individual students. St. Johns students must enroll in five courses each semester. We recommend that students pursue four years of five courses from each of the following departments: English, math, science, social studies, world languages, and fine arts. Most courses are offered each school year, but some electives are offered only when there is significant student interest.
Department Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
English (4 years required)
English 9 (H) English 10 (H) English 11 (H) AP English Language
English 12 (H) AP English Literature
Public Speaking and Communications (Grades 10-12)
Chalice Yearbook (H)
African American Literature (Grades 10-12)
Honors Creative Writing Workshop (Grades 10-12)
Honors Cinema Studies (Grades 10-12)
History & Social Sciences (4 years required)
World History (H) Modern World History (H) AP Modern World History
U.S. History (H) AP U.S. History
United States Government Ethics
AP U.S. Government & Politics
Math (4 years required)
Algebra 1B Geometry (H)
Geometry (H) Algebra 2(H)
Algebra 2 (H) Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications College Algebra
H Pre-Calculus
Science (3 years laboratory science required)
Through the class of 2024: Physics (H)
Class of 2025 onwards: Biology (H)
World Language (2 levels of one language)
Through 2024: Chemistry (H)
2025 onwards: Chemistry (H)
H Calculus Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications
Through 2024: Biology (H)
2025 onwards: Choice of Laboratory Science Course
Through 2024: Science Elective
2025 onwards: Science Elective
French 1, French 2 (H), Honors French 3, Honors French 4, AP French Language
Latin 1, Latin 2 (H), Honors Latin 3, Honors Latin 4, AP Latin
Spanish 1, Spanish 2 (H), Honors Spanish 3, Honors Spanish 4, AP Spanish Language
Honors Introductory Linguistics (Grades 10-12)
Misc. Career Internship (.5 credit for year-long course)
AP Psychology (Grades 11-12)
AP Capstone Research (Grade 12)
Honors Art History & Criticism (Grades 10-12)
Sports in Global Life (.5 credit, Grades 10-12)
Economics (.5 credit)
The Holocaust (.5 credit)
United States in the 60’s (.5 credit, Grades 10-12)
AP Macroeconomics (.5 credit, Grade 12)
Comparative World Religions (Grades 10-12)
AP Statistics
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
Statistics, Probability & Other Math Applications
AP Chemistry
AP Physics 1
AP Biology
AP Environmental Science
Marine Science
Anatomy & Physiology (H)
Physics (H)
Forensic Science
Computer Science Computer Technology Intern 1, Computer Technology Intern 2 Intro to Computer Science 1 (.5 credit)
Intro to Computer Programming 1 (.5 credit)
Intro to Computer Programming 2 (.5 credit)
AP Computer Principles (Grades 10-12)
AP Computer Science A (Grades 11-12)
Performing Arts Symphonic Band, Honors Symphonic Band St. Johns Singers , Honors Singers
Percussion Methods
Music Theory
AP Music Theory (Grades 11-12)
Theatrical Performance, Honors Theatrical Performance Technical Theatre, Honors Technical Theatre (1 credit required)
Visual Arts
Fitness (.5 credit)
Team Sports (.5 credit)
Foundations of Art
Sculptural Practices (H)
Graphic Arts & Design (H)
Painting and Printmaking (H)
AP Portfolio Disciplines
(H) - Indicates classes also offered at the Honors level.
AP - Indicates Advanced Placement classes.
Computer Science
Ap Computer Science Principles
Course Number: 720
Grade Level: 9-12
Type: Elective, Advanced Placement, full year, 1 credit
Prerequisites: A in current regular math course or B in current Honors math class
AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity, and how computing affects our world. Students will develop the computational thinking skills needed to fully exploit the power of digital technology and help build a strong foundation in core programming and problem-solving. Students take the College Board AP exam in May.
This is an online course.
AP Computer Science Principles Course Standards
1. Students will be able to evaluate the tradeoffs in how data elements are organized and where data is stored.
2. Students will be able to model the role of protocols in transmitting data across networks and the Internet.
3. Students will be able to evaluate the scalability and reliability of networks, by describing the relationship between routers, switches, servers, topology, and addressing.
4. Students will be able to evaluate the ways computing impacts personal, ethical, social, economic, and cultural practices.
5. Students will be able to design and iteratively develop computational artifacts for practical intent, personal expression, or to address a societal issue by using events to initiate instructions.
6. Students will be able to represent a step-by-step algorithmic process using sequential code statements.
7. Students will be able to design and iteratively develop programs that combine control structures including nested loops, compound conditionals, and lists.
8. Students will be able to construct solutions to problems using student-created components, such as procedures, modules and/or objects.
9. Students will be able to evaluate key qualities of a program through a process such as a code review.
10. Students will be able to create interactive data visualizations using software tools to help others better understand real-world phenomena.
11. Students will be able to use data analysis tools and techniques to identify patterns in data representing complex systems.
12. Students will be able to evaluate the ways computing impacts personal, ethical, social, economic, and cultural practices.
Course Number: 707
Grade Level: 9-12
Type: Elective, semester, ½ credit each
Prerequisites: None
Notes: Online Course
This two-semester course is designed to offer an introduction to computer programming. Students will work independently to learn the basics of computer programming along with the basics of computer science. The material emphasizes computational thinking and helps develop the ability to solve complex problems. This course covers the basic building blocks of programming along with other central elements of computer science. It gives a foundation in the tools used in computer science and prepares students for further study in computer science, including AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A courses. The course allows students to work independently in the text-based Python language. This is an online course.
Introduction to Computer Science 1 and 2 Course Standards
1. Students will be able to define hardware, software, and programs.
2. Demonstrate competencies of programming constructs, including: use of data types and variables, control structures (sequencing, looping, branching), and modularity (such as a function).
3. Students will be able to define, analyze, utilize, and list the rules and standards of a good algorithm.
4. Students will understand how abstractions hide implementation details when used in everyday objects and use abstraction to manage program complexity (such as a function to create recallable code).
5. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of number calculations and basic functions to real-world data.
6. Students will be able to define and code if statements, ifelse statements, nested elif (else-if) statements, nested if statements, and define and utilize Booleans (and, not, or).
7. Students will be able to define computer models and simulations, key features used to create simulations, and explain why these are used.
8. Students will be able to locate and correct errors in their code.
9. Students will be able to use the design process to iteratively develop a computing artifact.
10. Students will be able to assess a program by testing to verify correct behavior.
Computer Technology Intern
Course Number: 713
Grade Level: 11-12
Type: Elective, full year, 1 credit
Prerequisites: Approval by Computer Science department chair. Computer technology interns must possess a rudimentary working knowledge of and familiarity with both the Mac and PC platforms. Students must also have the ability to work independently over extended periods of time. Computer Technology Intern may be taken for more than one year.
The technology internship is designed to give students a solid foundation in problem resolution and a methodical approach to solving many of the problems facing today’s IT specialist. Working closely with the instructor, students are afforded the opportunity to troubleshoot and solve a wide range of technology issues.
Computer Technology Intern Course Standards
1. Students will solve a wide range of computer and technology problems varying in complexity.
2. Students will be able to install software, upgrades, and security patches in both a Mac and PC environment.
3. Students will be able to troubleshoot end-user issues.
4. Students will be able to install hardware in both a Mac and PC environment.
5. Students will be able to manage a working 3D Lab.
6. Students will be able to manage a working virtual reality (VR) lab.
7. Students will be able to mentor fellow students.
Course Number: 702
Grade Level: 11-12
Type: Full year, 1 credit
Prerequisites: Algebra 1 is required; Algebra 2 is recommended
AP Computer Science A is a full-year AP course for juniors and seniors who are serious about programming. Java requires a good mathematical background and strong problem-solving skills. The course will prepare students for the Advanced Placement Computer Science exam, level A. Students will learn to design and implement computer programs that solve problems relevant to today’s society, including art, media, and engineering. AP Computer Science A teaches object-oriented programming using the Java language and is meant to be the equivalent of a first semester college-level course in computer science. It emphasizes problem solving and algorithm development, and uses hands-on experiences and examples so that students can apply programming tools and solve complex problems. AP Computer Science A teaches fundamental programming topics including problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, the organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and ethical and social implications of computing.
This is an online course.
Computer Science A - Java Course Standards
1. Students understand the basic ideas related to solving problems with computers, including primitive data types, control structures, methods, algorithm development, and complexity analysis.
2. Students can design, implement and analyze solutions to problems using object-oriented program design.
3. Students can understand and use fundamental data structures.
4. Students can understand implementation techniques, construct working classes, and use Java library classes and interfaces to create working programs.
5. Students demonstrate understanding of primitive data types such as int, Boolean, and double and use these in their data structures.
6. Students demonstrate abstract thinking to create programs which include strings, arrays, files, and lists.
7. Students can use abstract data types and analysis to evaluate the running times of different implementations of algorithms.
8. Students demonstrate an understanding of basic software development and create basic software.
9. Students can create graphical user interfaces by applying the same logic terminal based programs.
10. Students understand the ethical and social implications of computing systems, including privacy and legal issues, ethical use of computers, as well as how to respect others’ intellectual property.
In keeping with St. Johns’ educational objectives, the English Department seeks to broaden human sensibilities, refine sensitivity to language, build inferential thinking skills, and help students gain a better understanding of the human condition.
While Honors and Advanced Placement courses demand more than the regular classes in terms of depth, expanse, and complexity of coverage, all levels and courses emphasize writing opportunities in a variety of forms.
A student must attain at least a C- final average in order to enter the next level of English.
English 9
Literature to Life: An Empathetic Study of Poetry, Language, and Literature Across Cultures
Course Number: 030
Grade Level: 9
Type: Full year, 1 credit
In this course, we will examine poetry, language, and literature through the lens of empathy. From learning about how we write with the reader in mind to listening to poetry and applying it to real life, we develop empathy for one another. Topics examined will also include mechanics and style in writing, independent reading, class novels, and communication. In conjunction with the history class, the culminating project will be a research paper and presentation on the importance of empathy.
English 9 Course Standards
1. Students can create a specific thesis statement to support an argument.
2. Students can find and correctly cite secondary source materials in support of a research project.
3. Students can apply literary terms to analyze a variety of texts, including short stories, poetry, plays, novels, and nonfiction.
4. Students can produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to occasion, purpose, and audience.
5. Students can develop and strengthen their writing, as needed, by planning, revising, and editing based on the context and audience.
6. Students can apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning and style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
7. Students can prepare for and participate in a class presentation, and maintain maturity while leading the class.
8. Students can collaborate effectively in their respective roles to complete a group project.
9. Students can answer and pose relevant questions in a class discussion.
10. Students can understand how historical context and biographical details of authors affect the content, themes, and conflicts in texts.
Honors English 9
Literature to Life: An Advanced Study of Poetry, Language, and Literature Across Cultures
Course Number: 031
Grade Level: 9
Type: Honors, full year, 1 credit
Prerequisites: B in Honors English 8 or an A in English 8, evaluation of student’s writing, and department chair approval
Literature tells the stories of our lives—our hopes, our dreams, our successes, and our failures. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another leaves us with a better understanding of our own humanity and our place in the world. With an increased awareness and sensitivity toward each other, we enhance our relationships with one another, friend and foe alike. From learning about how we write with the reader in mind to listening to poetry and applying it to real life, we develop empathy for one another. Topics examined will also include mechanics and style in writing, independent reading, class novels, and communication. In conjunction with the history class, the culminating project will be a research paper and presentation on the importance of empathy.
Honors English 9 Course Standards
1. Students can create a specific thesis statement to support an argument.
2. Students can find and correctly cite secondary source materials in support of a research project.
3. Students can apply literary terms to analyze a variety of texts, including short stories, poetry, plays, novels, nonfiction.
4. Students can produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to occasion, purpose, and audience.
5. Students can develop and strengthen their writing, as needed, by planning, revising, and editing based on the context and audience.
6. Students can apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning and style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
7. Students can prepare for and participate in a class presentation, and maintain maturity while leading the class.
8. Students can collaborate effectively in their respective roles to complete a group project.
9. Students can answer and pose relevant questions in a class discussion.
10. Students can understand how historical context and biographical details of authors affect the content, themes, and conflicts in texts.