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Lands’ End School is St. Johns’ uniform vendor. To purchase Lands End uniforms, visit landsend.com/ school, click the “Shop by School” button, and use St. Johns Preferred School Number, 900101098. Dress codes for students in all three Divisions are in the Student Handbook, which can be found under each Division’s Topics page in Veracross, but we’ve outlined important details to note here:
Students found in violation of the dress code may not be allowed to attend class. They will be retained in the Division Office until appropriate attire can be supplied.
Students will need both regular uniform dress options and Special Occasion Dress options. Special Occasion Dress days are announced in advance.
All jackets, sweatshirts, and hoodies must be purchased from Lands’ End or another approved School vendor (Spirit Store or Fan Shop).
All clothing must be neat, clean, appropriately sized, in good repair (no holes or frayed hems), and worn as intended.

Clothing must not be tight, revealing, distracting, or offensive.
All shirts must be tucked in and belts are required with shorts and pants.
Girls’ dresses, shorts, skorts, and skirts may be no shorter than fingertip length with arms at girl’s side. Waistbands must fall at the natural waist. The goal is to keep attire within the guidelines of propriety required for the business of learning.
Flip-flops, slides, beach/water shoes, Crocs, or any shoes made wholly out of plastic or rubber are not permitted.
No unnatural hair color is permitted.
No visible tattoos are allowed.
Boys are clean shaven.
First Friday
The first Friday of every month is Spartan Spirit Dress Day! Students are encouraged to show off their School pride by wearing a Spartan t-shirt and jeans or uniform bottoms.