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Before and After Hours in the Library
The Heinrich Learning Resource Center is open before and after school for our Middle and Upper School students, from 7:30 a.m. until 8:00 a.m and after school from the closing bell until 5:30 p.m.. No registration is required.
Club Sparty
Club Sparty provides students through Grade 8 with after school enrichment activities, such as sports, dance, theater, and much more. Sessions usually run for 6-8 weeks and are offered at various times throughout the School year. Visit sjcds.net/ClubSparty for schedules and registration.
Field trips, Spring Break travels, curricular travels, and grade level experiences build camaraderie among students, broaden perspectives, create lifelong memories, and put learning into action. The Grade 8 Mountain Trip is one of St. Johns’ alums most beloved memories. This weeklong experience in the mountains of North Carolina sets the stage for the rest of their year and their transition to Upper School.