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The Gadfly
www.issuu.com/sjcgadfly www.facebook.com/sjcagadfly Founded in 1980, the Gadfly is the student newsmagazine distributed to over 600 students, faculty, and staff of the Annapolis campus. Opinions expressed within are the sole responsibility of the author(s). The Gadfly reserves the right to accept, reject, and edit submissions in any way necessary to publish a professional, informative, and thought-provoking newsmagazine. The Gadfly meets at the Naval Academy. Wear your dress whites. Articles should be submitted by Friday at 11:59 PM to sjca.gadfly@gmail.com. Staff Nathan Goldman • Editor-in-Chief Ian Tuttle • Editor-in-Chief Hayden Pendergrass • Layout Editor Reza Djalal • Photographer Sasha Welm • Cartoonist Jonathan Barone • Staff Will Brown • Staff Jacob Glass • Staff Andrew Kriehn • Staff Robert Malka • Staff Sarah Meggison • Staff Kevin Morris • Staff Contributors Bridget Bergin (ed.) Lucinda Dukes Edinberg Formaggio Elettrico Jess Kjellberg
ell, Johnnies—we’re a bit sparse this week. We like to say that the Gadfly is the “voice of the Polity,” but it appears that the Polity is not speaking! Got thoughts? musings? opinions? We know you do! Send them our way! We’re also always in need of your finest photography and your impeccable design skills. Submit your work at sjca.gadfly@ gmail.com. We hope to hear from you! !
he words “college food” have many negative connotations. We’ve all heard about the dreaded “freshman fifteen,” the inedible cafeteria food, and bizarre products like the pop-up hot dog toaster. We’ve heard that we’ll starve during college and that we’ll eat way, way too much. For most new college students, food is perhaps not as much of a concern when choosing a college. Most of us are trying to figure out financial aid, location, majors, and leaving home for the first time. But food is such a vital part of our lives. While the majority of us may have never had to run a household or cook for ourselves, the question of what and how to eat is now brought to the forefront. Must college students be resigned to four years of unhealthy eating choices? Like most decisions, the decision to eat well and eat correctly is not always easy. But it’s “for the sake of the Good,” right? To offer Johnnies some help, I’ve begun a blog focusing on dining at St. John’s from the perspective of a student. Once a week or so I will explore a single dish from the upcoming menu—its history, creation process, etc.—and I’ll provide some general information about the Dining Hall. I’ll also be writing a bit about nutrition for college students and how to eat a balanced diet while navigating the Dining Hall and college life. Pictures will be included, of course! Check it out at www.gastrokitty.blogspot.com. “Formaggio Elettrico”
60 College Avenue Annapolis, Maryland 21401 sjca.gadfly@gmail.com
The student newspaper of St. John’s College
olity Radio needs more editors! Not only do we want your voice (which, by the way, we find to be suave, sonorous, and scintillating), but we want your editing skills! Never edited before? We’ll teach you! Think it’s a totally boring slog? You’ve just been doing it wrong! Come out to our meetings (Fridays, 6 PM, General Hartle Room, BBC) and we’ll schedule a time to get you editing. And not only are you doing a good thing (getting these great episodes out faster), but you’re also setting yourself on the right path to a successful hobby or career in podcasting/radio and gaining our love and praise. So what’re you waiting for?! We’ll see you this Friday! Sincerely, Archon Jess Kjellberg Vice-Archon Robert Malka
The Gadfly
Ian Tuttle
r. President,” Mitt Romney asked President Obama Pardon for the moment how the ad strips Romney’s policy during last Thursday’s townhall debate, “have you recommendation of its vital qualifications (namely, that he looked at your pension?” would have proposed a structured bankruptcy for the auto in“You know, I don’t look at my pension,” the president re- dustry, which would allow a manageable rebuilding process), plied. “It’s not as a big as yours, so it—it doesn’t take as long.” and that Romney’s plan—as Washington Examiner columThe Washington Times published an interesting note in its nist (and St. John’s College alumnus) Tim Carney wrote last pages the day after that exchange: the journalists covering the month—is approximately what Obama actually did, though debate from the media room at Hofstra University erupted the president unsurprisingly called for more direct federal into applause at the president’s retort. aid. Pardon for the moment that the tone of the president’s Those same enterprising journalists certainly were not campaign has, with this ad, fallen farther than ever from his the ones who subsequently found out that, as it happens, Mr. 2004 Democratic National Convention address, in which he Obama will rake in $191,300 per year as an ex-president (not famously proclaimed, “There are no red states or blue states, including what he will get from Illinois’s just the United States.” This ad constiextravagant pension program for former tutes a blatant, unembarrassed attempt The president’s decent to paint the president’s challenger not lawmakers), while Mr. Romney, despite jump shot and familiarity simply as wrong on policy but wrong as a his time as governor of Massachusetts, has no public pension plan. It was enough for with Jay-Z lyrics has not person. It’s not, according to the ad, that them to cheer a schoolyard insult at the managed to decrease Mitt Romney’s policies are disagreeable, rich kid. the country’s $16 trillion but that he, in his person, is foreign to the And Mitt Romney’s rich, in case you’ve understood “us”—and because he is difdebt, cut spending to ferent, he is repulsive. That’s quite the forgotten. But it would be hard to: the presmanageable levels, or re- turn from 2008’s Healer-in-Chief. ident’s campaign has been built around duce unemployment. that fact. But let’s confront some reality: Neither There’s a poll that comes around every Barack Obama nor Willard Mitt Romney year that is routinely treated over-seriously by media pundits: are “typical Americans,” however many hay bales they climb the “Who Would You Rather Have a Beer With?” poll. It’s not or philly cheesesteaks they consume. Obama’s personal net particularly relevant this year, given that one major party can- worth is $11.8 million; Romney’s is 16 times that. The averdidate is a devout Mormon who, per his faith, doesn’t drink, age American family makes $50,000 a year. Obama was a state but the question of the poll goes to something deeper: Who legislator, then a United States senator, as well as a two-time do you like? Which of these guys could you pal around with? New York Times bestselling author, not to mention a graduWith which of these guys could you pop a top and watch the ate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Romney game? earned a joint J.D./M.B.A from Harvard before co-founding President Obama has, for four years, hung his hat on his lik- Bain Capital, after which he rescued Salt Lake City’s 2002 ability and on his own log-cabin myth: that he’s just like you Winter Olympics and spent four years as governor of Masand me, a regular guy, but suddenly elevated to the presiden- sachusetts. We can quibble about the differences, but it has cy. It could’ve happened to anybody. America—ain’t it grand?! been decades since either man has had to plunder the sofa That’s great news if you’re the next audition slot on Barack cushions. Our presidents are not “normal folk.” Obama’s My New BFF: grab a brew and catch a Bears game. That’s not to say that we ought to discard the notion of a But it’s not automatically good if you’re one of the citizens “citizen executive”—the president ought to understand life under the inept Obama administration. The president’s de- for work-a-day Americans, ideally because, at least for a cent jump shot and familiarity with Jay-Z lyrics has not man- while, he has lived it—but can we dispense with the self-agaged to decrease the country’s $16 trillion debt, cut spending grandizing conceit that we can only vote for a candidate who, to manageable levels, or reduce unemployment. as National Review’s Florence King has put it, “falls into ecstaStill, it has not yet occurred to “the smartest guy ever to sies over pickup trucks”? become president” (per “presidential historian” Michael BeThe president does not need his-and-hers G6’s and a schloss) that competence might be preferable to camaraderie. 500-strong entourage for vacations in Martha’s Vineyard; but Take the most recent television ad from the Obama cam- the president also is not campaigning to be America’s twopaign, a 30-second spot featuring workers praising the auto- on-two partner. He is campaigning to help govern the world’s industry bailout for saving their livelihoods, and condemning most powerful nation. Romney’s 2008 advice to “let Detroit go bankrupt.” The spot I don’t really want a guy like me for that job. I want a guy ends with the words: “Mitt Romney. Not one of us.” who can be president. !
The Gadfly
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