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!"#$%&'(#)*+*# by M.W. Fogleman A’13
had a plan. For one year, I sat down to write. While I learned tween us was evident. The June crew had a glow of dirt and tanned to wield words better than ever before, the plan cracked and skin, of smiles and laughter, of adjustment and capability; they my words were ousted as lifeless, for I myself was lifeless. When were a crew. The July crew was awkward, intermingled, anony rejection (a chest wound) fell, all of my silently festering soul mous; we were clean and cautious; we would shed tears and sweat wounds started screaming again, and I started gleaming glances before we knew each other. It would be one month before the situ at all of the dreams I’d been dreaming, including dropping out. It ation was inverted, before we were a crew, before we had the glow, seemed like insanity to those around me, a foaming fantasy, so I before we, too, were a part of the community. left campus to call Campbell by the waterside. He hadn’t answered One month, indeed! I had no idea how I would make it, but I’d when I’d called him previously, but those calls had been idle itch been told by the wise woman that anyone can do anything for a es; Campbell must have smelled the burning necessity when he month, and I could, I did, I’m done and changed. I lived one month picked up. With his voice I remembered all that we’d had together, of full days, of hard work, of health and happiness. Every day we all that we loved about him, all the wisps of wisdom we’d found woke up early, ate breakfast, went to work, worked, ate lunch, by the latenight candlelight. There was a reason he’d left when worked, bathed in a swimming hole, came home, did chores, ate others, including me, had stayed. He told me that, as always, it was )1&&7,8#%&)#9%)#%#:7**!&#!,#9<&4#!<2#;7"!,7#5&%::'#6,%*91&48#7@ not my plotted and rotted plans that mattered—it was the present, hausted and notquiteyetreadytodoitagain. On Saturdays we the now, the moment. I should decide to return or leave in late had half days, and we had Sundays off. In total, I worked at 13 August, on the very moment I was meant to move magnetically. area farms, almost all of which were organic. We weeded, hoed, My laughter, so innocent and full, so resoundingly pure after such harvested, fertilized, seeded, transplanted, tilled, butterknifed, poison, startled those on the docks, but I couldn’t help it. I thanked moved bales of hay, mulched, staked, trellised and untrellised. him, leaped up, and started running with joy despite the gawking, We also managed to do a little work with horses, honeybees and falling was rising and rising was falling. cows. The work was hard, sweaty, and dirty, it was hot, cold, and I went looking for ways to start living again and found Many smelly, but it was evidently important. We’d hand some food to Hands Farm Corps, a brandnew educa our CSA members who would thank us and tional program whose stated goal is to grow tell us how much they enjoyed it, or we’d farmers and help farmers grow. It was radi harvest food from our farm and take it home cal and I was ripe. It didn’t matter that I to prepare for dinner that night. didn’t want to be a farmer, because I wanted Our farm couldn’t always feed us, so we to live and they wanted people who were did have to get food elsewhere. At one farm, still breathing, thinking, living. It took some the leaders traded their labor for food; we pacing back and forth and a few doses of went to farmers’ markets; we went to sever purposeful redirection by those who love al grocery stores; we dumpsterdived. Is ten me so much they hear when my heart skips a hours of labor worth seventy or eighty dol beat from telephone wires away, but I did it. lars of dairy? Why is so much good, organic, I left for Amherst, MA, by Amtrak the day and local food wasted at farmers’ markets? The Many Hands Farm Corps, in Amherst, after my twentieth birthday. I had no plans, Massachussetts grows all sorts of produce. Where does all of the food in conventional no expectations; I was a new man in a new photo courtesy of Many Hands Farm Corps grocery stores come from? How is Whole decade. Foods able to offer organic and local food George Daniel the bearded picked me up in his messy white in a format which is so similar to conventional grocery stores? Subaru. We drove past the farm—I’d get to see it later—towards Why is so much food available in dumpsters? These questions and their house. When I saw it, its perfection, its possibility for home others like them presented themselves to us over the course of one and community, I couldn’t believe they’d pulled it off, those men month. I think all of us had some kind of desire to “understand !"#$%&'#(%&)*#+%,-#.!,/*012#3%*#-%4&1567&28#%&)#297'#37,7# food”, and I think even the most agriculturallyaware members of clearly magnanimous. Eric gave me a quick tour. I could take a our group had some notions about organic, local food and conven shower and do laundry once a week; if it was yellow, I was sup 21!&%:8# 1-/!,27)# "!!)# 29%2# 37,7# 6:%,157)8# ,75&7)# !,# *A<%*97)# ;'# /!*7)#2!#:72#12#-7::!38#;<2#1"#12#3%*#;,!3&8#=#9%)#2!#><*9#12#)!3&?# the people we met and the experiences we had. Many of the farm we would have communal breakfast, lunch and dinner; they had ers we met were in everincreasingdebt, or they were rich enough beds, couches, guitars, banjos, compost piles and tree forts. This ",!-#/,7B1!<*#:1B7*#2!#>!%2#!&#3129!<2#3!,,'1&4#%;!<2#-!&7'8#*!# was a house that would truly be lived in; it would be my home, that it was clear that growing good, organic food for a local com our home. -<&12'#3%*#&!2#&767**%,1:'#%#/,!52%;:7#!,#76!&!-16%::'#*<*2%1& I jumped in to help make dinner, a few dishes for a potluck com able one. Similarly, the workers were paid poorly in relation to the posed of meals made by local chefs, corpsmen and women from )1"56<:2'#!"#2971,#:%;!,8#39169#-7%&2#29%2#297'#37,7#71297,#'!<&48# last month, as well as our CSA members and some of our farmer /,1B1:747)# 6!::747# *2<)7&2*# !,# 4,%)<%27*# 39!# *%6,1567)# 91497,C friends—all to celebrate the success of the June crew, the old and paying, easier jobs for work that matched their ideals about ethics, wizened, and the July crew, the new and ready. The difference be food, or the world around them, or they were poor, legal migrant
,-.#./#!%&"00000 workers or poor illegal immigrants who worked long hours and that morality was reminiscent of religion, so she preferred to speak seemed to have little to no chance at running a farm themselves in terms of ethics—was foreign to me. One consequence of this one day. I understand that much of conventional agriculture—de distinction was that that she chooses to be a vegan—she does not !"#$%&'%()*%+*#%,-%.#/&(0($#*1%("*#0)(0($#*1%-#/)(2(3#/*1%4,",50/,6% feel compelled or obligated to be one. Another vegan that we met farming, GMOS—uses illegal immigrants, and that those farms did not agree; she felt (perhaps morally) obligated to be a vegan, might collapse without them. I want to be perfectly clear that when as do I. All of these conversations revealed facts, questions, and we worked with migrant workers and illegal immigrants, I did not differences surrounding not just food, but also ethics and empathy. ask them many questions because I felt uncomfortable, and when I Our time at Many Hands afforded all of us daily (re)revelations did ask them questions they stated that they were happy to be able of the basicbutoftobscured idea that eating good food with peo to feed their families; it is evidently a complex issue with many ple you care about, whether they be your coworkers, friends, or 78/(8&2#*%8"$%4+/9'%782+#%0,":(0)*%).8)%;%$,%",)%+"$#/*)8"$%),%8"'% family, is the basis of any happy, healthy community. For an entire satisfactory degree, but something felt wrong at those farms, like month, we ate almost no food alone, something which I think was the world was groaning with the weight of us, our civilization. a feat even for those in the crew who regularly eat meals with their On several occasions I realized how little I’d been exposed family, or with friends in dining halls or apartments. Meals did not to the nature which surrounds us and the food that nourishes us. just mean food: they meant smiles, laughter, and good conversa Those of us who encounter food solely at grocery stores are Wang tion. Our work also offered us plenty of spontaneous snacks: rasp Lung’s sons, a generation of humanity without years or even days berries, melons, carrots, all of them given to us in gratitude and joy of hardearned appreciation of food and land, of animals and the by the farmers we were working with. We were not just consuming earth. How could we be anything other than apathetic without the food together; we were growing food together. The deeper foun experiences which are necessary to feel those earthgroans? I real dation of the idea of sharing food is about its origins: food that is (3#$%).8)%).#%&,+<+#)*%$($%",)%=/,>%,"%&+*.#*1%).8)%).#(/%:,>#/*% grown and prepared with care and thought, love and concern is go had been planted and harvested, that they had leaves which had ing to taste better. A good, homecooked meal will invariably taste been trimmed, and that they had been ar better than anything cooked for a ranged eversocarefully. I realized that dining hall or a fastfood restaurant. some crops are easier to grow than others, Again, this is not a new discovery, and that some crops are so weak that if we but an ancient fact that modern civi didn’t like them so much maybe we’d let lization conceals with PopTarts and them die off. I realized how much food TV Dinners, an ancient wisdom that is used in enormous quantities to make we must reclaim with our own two new products—tomato sauce, salsa, wine, hands (but just one mouth). So go! milkshakes—and how having those prod Cook a meal; invite friends and fam ucts available at all times often requires ily over; enjoy! Make it a regular oc #",/4,+*% 4,",50/,6% -8/4*1% *80/(!0("=% currence, a means to understanding diversity and soil quality for massproduc Displaying the fruits of their labor, participants in the one another, and a way of life. tion. I experienced more of these revela Many Hands Farm Corps show off a bountiful harvest. For me, Many Hands Farm Corps tions when talking with one of the young photo courtesy of Many Hands Farm Corps. was not just a job and an educational women in our crew, who was a vegan. opportunity, a perhapsjustoncein While I sympathized with her basic premise of not eating meat, I mylifetime chance to learn about hard work and food; it was also wasn’t knowledgeable enough about each animal product (dairy, a chance to live. The farming life is one of experience and ac #==*1%!*.?1%()*%,/(=("*1%$#)8(2*%@=/8**5-#$1%-/##5/8"=#1%-80),/'%-8/4*?% tion—we worked hard, got dirty, and lived communally. In one and ethical considerations to understand the entire vegan attitude; month, I was afforded so many chances to do something I’d never when we worked together, I took some time to learn about vegan done before, to get uncomfortable and shout for joy. I jumped off a ism by asking her about every facet of her decision. I learned the /,09%8"$%("),%8%289#1%/#0()#$%4'%6,#)/'%8)%*A4,/#50846!/#*1%.(9#$% obviousbuthidden facts that in order to get milk, dairy farmers mountains, and went on a night hike to a cemetery, where I saw have to repeatedly impregnate their cows, separate them from their a shooting star; I pooped outside, got poison ivy, drank raw milk, calves, and ultimately kill them for meat when they can no longer made medicine, drove a golf cart, saw snakes, went mushroom produce milk. Furthermore, she told me that we are the only spe hunting, ran a rototiller, helped with Food Not Bombs, dumpster cies to drink another species’ milk, or to drink milk after the age dived, went on a ropeswing, ate at a restaurant we provided with of two. She told me about the notsoobvious ethical atmosphere produce, saw a blacksmith, stood under a waterfall, helped move which her choices about food gave birth to, namely that by sacri a car, picked up hitchhikers, played tug of war and murder in !0("=%0#/)8("%-,,$*%-,/%.#/%#).(082%0.,(0#*1%*.#%-,+"$%*,4#).("=% the dark. I got in a constant rhythm of doing something; if there in common with the experience of her kosher stepsister. For her, was nothing going on, we made our own plans. In the months and veganism was the closest she came to a religious experience or '#8/*%),%0,4#1%;%.,6#%),%9##6%).#%2(-#5!/#%&+/"("=1%),%/#4#4&#/%).#% tradition. Her careful distinction between morality and ethics— rhythm of doing and move my feet to the beat.
An Interview with an Alum
Liam Wallace, a member of Ex Libris, the student career club at St. John’s, set up an interview with Dr. Stephen J Forman, A’70, to discuss his career and how St. John’s led him there. Dr. Forman is the Chair of the Department of Hematology and Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and the Director of the T Cell Immunotherapy Research Laboratory at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in Los Angeles, and is on the St. John’s Board of Visitors and Governors. He was presented with the Alum ni Association Award of Merit in 2010. [Editors’ Note: Because !"#$%&'() will not go to print next 3''2;#3'#,.>'#%,!$'(#)!#&(%/?-'#=!),#),'#$'%!(-#.(-#),&1-#0.1)$#!"#),'#&()'1>&'3#,'1'5K !"#$%&%$'"($)*(+,$"(-$'"($#./-,%$-"$*"$&/-"$0,%&1&/,$#2&3,$ 4,&/*$.-$5-6$7"2/89:$ It was a combination of jobs that I had had during high school. While at St. John’s, I had given serious thought to pursuing graduate studies in philosophy of science, but I felt a really strong pull to engage the world in a different and direct way, and not remain within the walls, if you will, of the academy. Ultimately, I was able to do both, i.e. have a contemplative academic career, but one that has connected me to other human beings, and the realities of their lives in a very direct way.
that is a little different than the responsibility of other universities. >"$ '"($ 2.?,$ ./'$ +,1"00,/%.-&"/9$ "/$ 2"#$ -2&9$ 0.'$ 4,$ .33,?&.-,%:$ Implicit in this goal is to support aspects of student life in the college, ones that are healthy or health promoting—and I mean ),.)#"!1#=!),#0$:%,!/!4&%./#.(-#0,:$&%./#,'./),5#7#./$!#),&(2#),.)#3'# should not get too caught up in the idea that if you don’t aspire to be a tutor, there’s something less about you. I’m pretty vocal about ),.);#.(-#7#),&(2#),'#=!.1-;#+!$)#!"#3,!+#.1'#(!)#)?)!1$;#.(-#3,!#.1';# in many diverse ways, very successful people, both personally and 01!"'$$&!(.//:;#?(-'1$).(-#),.)#.(-#),':#2(!3#3,.)#7A+#)./2&(4#.=!?)# ;2.-$#.9$'"(+$9,/&"+$,99.'$"/:$ when we discuss this subject in board meetings. Our responsibility My senior essay was an analysis and comparison of the is to educate young people so they can engage the world and lead nature of causality in Hume and in Kant. I was interested in the their own thoughtful, moral, healthy lives outside the college. nature of causality, which gets very close to the understanding !"# $%&'()&*%# +'),!-# .(-# ),'# /&+&)$# !"# '+0&1&%./# 2(!3/'-4'5 !"#$%"$'"($4.3./1,$.$=.1@,%$912,%(3,$"(-9&%,$"A$5-6$7"2/89B$ ./%$-2,$&/-,+,9-9$-2.-$'"($2.?,$-2.-$4+"(*2-$'"($-"$5-6$7"2/89C ;2.-$#.9$'"(+$)+9-$,<=,+&,/1,$&/$.$2"9=&-.3$9,--&/*:$ &/-,+,9-9$&/$=2&3"9"=2'B$3&-,+.-(+,:$>"$'"($2.?,$-&0,: 6,'(# 7# 3.$# 89# :'.1$# !/-;# 7# 3!12'-# .$# .(# Yes, some, although it’s not at the level orderly in a cardiothoracic surgery unit led ),.)#&)#3.$5#7#),&(2#3,.)#7A>'#!=$'1>'-#&$#),.)# by a very famous heart surgeon. It was in D'$"#/$,<=,+&,/1,$#&-2$ that same sense of wonder that you acquire the early days of heart valve replacements 7"2//&,9$&9$-2.-$-2,'$ or experience at the college as you read and and people came from all over the world .+,$+,.33'$=+,=.+,%$A"+$ learn and develop insights, I still feel in the for surgery. It was a very exciting time 7# -!;# 3,'),'1# &)A$# $%&'()&*%# !1# %/&(&%./5# ./'-2&/*66691&,/1,B$4(9&/,99B$ 3!12# in medicine. I was hired by the nursing The second is that one does read other things -&1'%)!1#.(-#!('#),&(4#2&(-#!"# /'-#)!# .(!),'15# ,%(1.-&"/B$=(43&1$9,+?&1,B$ (!)# -&1'%)/:# 1'/.)'-# )!# 3!12;# .(-# $!+')&+'$# Part of the reason that I developed this ./%$,?,/$-2,$0&3&-.+'6 :!?# 1'1'.-# =!!2$5# B:# /&"'# &$# >'1:# =?$:;# .(-# summer internship program for the college ),'1'A$#.#%'1).&(#&()'($&):#)!#&)5#C?);#),.(2"?//:;# was to give students the opportunity ),'1'# .1'# !00!1)?(&)&'$# )!# 1'.-# .(-# ),&(25 )!# '<0'1&'(%'# .(:# *'/-# &(# =&!/!4:# .(-# +'-&%&(';# "1!+# I had never read Anna Karenina before, it wasn’t on the program, basic science to clinical or veterinary medicine, midwifery and I chose to read it two summers ago. That was my summer reading or public health. It is completely the student’s choice. and it was wonderful and I will always remember that summer. I don’t One of the concerns of the college, because it is so unique and 2(!3;#,.-#7#(!)#4!('#)!#D)5#E!,(A$;#3,'),'1#),'#&+0?/$';#),'#-'$&1';# because people do not attend there accidentally, i.e. it is very much !"#1'.-&(4#),.)#=!!2;#.)#),&$#$).4'#!"#/&"';#3!?/-#,.>'#!%%?11'-#)!#+'5# =:#.#>'1:#%!($%&!?$#%,!&%';#&$#),.)#&)#$!+')&+'$#+.2'$#&)#,.1-#)!# 7# ),&(2# ),'# D)5# E!,(A$# '-?%.)&!(# ='%!+'$# 0.1)# !"# :!?1# 4'('$# leave the college. One of the issues that we’ve been discussing for and is the reason our graduates can pursue a diversity of a long time is that the college needs to begin preparing students for >!%.)&!($5# 7# ),&(2# 3,.)# 7# '<0'1&'(%'-# &(# 1'.-&(4#F((.# G.1'(&(.# /'.>&(4#),'#%!//'4'#!(#),'#*1$)#-.:#!"#"1'$,+.(#:'.15#7)#&$#.-+&))'-/:# is what I do every day. You’re going to use the St. John’s a dramatic statement, but it highlights that our obligations are '-?%.)&!(# )!# -'*('# :!?1# !3(# /&"';# (!)# ),'# !),'1# 3.:# .1!?(-5# (!)# @?$)# )!# ,'/0# 0'!0/'# +.2'# ),'&1# 3.:# ),1!?4,# ),'# "!?1# :'.1$# of study, but to complete the program prepared to confront the ;2.-$#,+,$'"(+$-2"(*2-9$"/$0,%&1&/,$4,A"+,$5-6$7"2/89:$ world and their life in the world after graduation. If we are going H!# +.2'# ),'# I?'$)&!(# .# /&))/'# +!1'# 4'('1&%;# 0.1'()$# +.:# .$2# to accept students into such a unique program, and remove them this: if you’re interested in medicine and science, why should in some way from a more traditional collegiate experience, then :!?#'>'(#4!#)!#D)5#E!,(A$#.)#.//J%.(#:!?#),&(2#!"#.#3!1$'#0/.%'# 3&),# ),.)# %!+'$# 1'$0!($&=&/&):# )!# ,'/0# )1.($&)&!(# ),'+# =.%2# !?)5# to go as a preparation for medical school? And I’ve tried to My own experience with Johnnies is that they are really prepared +.2'# ),'# %.$'# ),.)# &(# $!+'# 3.:$# &)A$# 01!=.=/:# ),'# ='$)# 0/.%'# )!# for anything, as their education prepares them for a number of go as preparation for medical school, because medicine in some callings, including science, business, education, public service and 3.:$;#+.:='#.)#),'#'<)1'+'$;#+.2'$#!('#%!("1!()#$!+'#!"#),!$'# '>'(#),'#+&/&).1:5#7)#&$#$!+')&+'$#>'1:#-&"*%?/)#"!1#$!+'#0'!0/'#)!# questions that you struggled with throughout St. John’s College: leave and determine what they want to do, but I believe that we E"/-&/(,%$"/$F*6$GH have a responsibility at the college to our students and their parents
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THE GADFLY McDonalds the Manifesto: A House Divided by McDonalds the Band
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No foolin
by Painter Bob !"1/++&3"#/%"?4/3"/"#&'2",# G'3"!"2&>$"34$"#&'+5"&6"34$"?&*5 !"5&+;3":+&?"3&"#/%"34,#"2&>$",#"3*'$ I&*"!"#'#9$13("!"),-43"7$1&)$" " 5$1$,>$5 J&"!"7$2,$>$(",3;#"7$#3("+&?("+&3"3&" " #/% G'3"3&"#/>$")%#$26K"34$"7'*5$+"&6" " 9*&&6 !"34,+:"!;22"-&"&'3"/+5"-,>$"#&)$" " /?/% A+5",6",3"?&*:#"&'3("!;)"2,>,+-"/" " #9&&6 !;22"?*,3$"/"#?$$3"92/%("1/22$5<<<" " E4$"4&2%"-&&6 A+5(",6",3"3'*+#"&'3("34/3",3")/:$#"'#" " /"),+3 L$;22"34*&?"/"-*/+5"7/22":+&?,+-" " ?$22"4&?",3;#"#9$+3
Untitled by Basho
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