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School Ethos

While welcoming children from all backgrounds and faiths, our ethos, values and principles have a firm foundation in the Catholic faith and the 340-year tradition of the De La Salle Brothers.

We are a school where people are important and relationships are valued, underpinned by The Virtues Project in the Elementary School and SMILES (Spirituality, Mutual Respect, Internationalism, Leadership, Experiences, and Service) in the High School. Our team of caring and dedicated teachers strive to create an environment where children can grow and develop in a safe and nurturing atmosphere


Our students are empowered to be resilient and critical inquirers. We aim to inspire an enthusiasm and curiosity for learning, as well as encourage the pursuit of excellence and achievement of personal best in all endeavours.

We strive to nurture students who:

are sensitive and considerate in their dealings with other people

lack prejudice and are enterprising in establishing relations with people who are different from them

are risk-takers are willing to lead and to accept responsibility in society, particularly in order to serve others

are willing to seek challenging experiences that will facilitate their personal growth

strive to make full use of their talents


The Five Core Principles of Lasallian Schools

Concern for the Poor and Social Justice

We are in solidarity with the poor and advocate for those suffering from injustices.


Faith in the Presence of God

We believe in the living presence of God in our students, in our community and in our world. Faith

Quality Education

We engage in quality education together as students, staff, and faculty by thinking critically and examining our world in light of faith.

Respect for All Persons

We honour and respect the dignity of all individuals.

CommunityMarket Analysis

Inclusive Community

We celebrate diversity and welcome all members of our community.

We are proud of our Lasallian Catholic heritage and offer many opportunities for Catholic children to explore and deepen their faith. They may participate in weekly catechism classes, daily prayers and weekly Mass in the school chapel. We also offer classes for preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.

With children from over 40 nations at the school, our community includes families from diverse backgrounds. We are a school where the culture, faith and traditions of each child are respected and celebrated.

The character education programme, underpinned by the Virtues Project and the school values, provides the vehicle for character development and, being nondenominational, is appropriate for all students regardless of the culture, faith and traditions of their family.

The religious education programme we offer is intended to deepen a student’s conviction in his or her own belief, as well as to create in our students a deeper understanding and appreciation of people’s differences, religious as well as cultural, in order to make the world a more peaceful place.

We stimulate the inter-religious relationship by including the study of Lasallian tradition and heritage within the religious education curriculum.

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