While welcoming children from all backgrounds and faiths, our ethos, values and principles have a firm foundation in the Catholic faith and the 340-year tradition of the De La Salle Brothers.
St. Joseph’s Institution International
We are a school where people are important and relationships are valued, underpinned by The Virtues Project in the Elementary School and SMILES (Spirituality, Mutual Respect, Internationalism, Leadership, Experiences, and Service) in the High School. Our team of caring and dedicated teachers strive to create an environment where children can grow and develop in a safe and nurturing atmosphere Our students are empowered to be resilient and critical inquirers. We aim to inspire an enthusiasm and curiosity for learning, as well as encourage the pursuit of excellence and achievement of personal best in all endeavours. 14
We strive to nurture students who:
are sensitive and considerate in their dealings with other people
lack prejudice and are enterprising in establishing relations with people who are different from them
are willing to seek challenging experiences that will facilitate their personal growth
are risk-takers
are willing to lead and to accept responsibility in society, particularly in order to serve others
strive to make full use of their talents