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Well-Being Education

What is the nature of Well-being Education in Grades 7 and 8?

Well-being Education gives students the opportunity to explore personal and social issues pertinent to their development as well as nurturing their awareness of national and global issues. We encourage students to examine their own values and beliefs, make connections between their lives and wider society and consider perspectives other than their own.


The aim of Wellbeing Education is to:

Examine influences (socio-cultural factors) and consequences (positive and negative) and debate choices that students experience in life. We support the development and implementation of strategies (personal, interpersonal and societal) to enhance their own well-being and the well-being of others.

What is the approach to learning?

The whole curriculum is designed to link learning to life outside school and make connections between subjects and cross-curricular themes and dimensions. Utmost is the aim to provide a secure environment through which students can explore issues with openness and confidence. Activities are varied to cater for a wide range of learning styles but there is an emphasis on group discussion, presentations and rigorous debate. Students need to be active learners by participating in discussions and exploring their views on personal, social and cultural issues.

What is the subject content?

The Well-being programme of study at SJII is based on students developing an understanding of how influences, consequences and strategies affect the well-being of self, others and society.

The specific topics of study are modified yearly in accordance with world issues that arise as well as the particular needs of the year group. However, these can be broadly classified into the following:

Grade 7

• Mindfulness

• Personal Identity

• Friendships

• Mental Health

• Relationships and Sexuality

Grade 8

• Mindfulness

• Personal Identity

• Mental Health

• Drug Awareness

• Relationships and Sexuality

What is the nature of assessment?

The students are assessed through SJI International’s own continuous monitoring of student performance.

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