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What is the nature of Computer Science at IGCSE level?

Computer Science has become vitally important in all our lives. Computer systems affect most of the things that we do, for example data analysis, controlling machinery, navigating planes, supporting administration and communication. In this context, Computer Science refers to the holistic understanding of what computer systems are and develops a student’s ability to use algorithmic thinking to solve problems using technology.


Students will gain experience in planning, designing & developing coded solutions to a range of problems using the Python programming language and a variety of theoretical concepts they have studied. It is important to recognise how creativity is an important aspect of algorithmic thinking, and problem solving does not always involve developing code; students will however develop significant coding skills over the duration of the course.

The subject requires students to employ fundamental concepts of computational thinking as well as knowledge of how computers and other digital devices operate. The iGCSE Computer Science course is engaging, inspiring and rigorous. It has the following characteristics:

• draws on a wide spectrum of knowledge.

• enables and empowers innovation, exploration and the acquisition of further knowledge.

• interacts with and influences cultures, society and how individuals and societies behave.

• raises ethical issues.

• is underpinned by a computational thinking methodology of problem-solving.

What is the approach to learning?

The course enables students to develop algorithmic problem-solving skills in a high-level programming language and using a variety of practical and non-practical methods. The content covered at IGCSE level will prepare students for progression towards the IB Diploma Computer Science courses. Resources will be made available via a supportive and interactive Computer Science E-Learning platform.

What is the subject content?

Section 1 - Theory of Computer Science

1. Data Representation and Data Transmission

Using binary & hexadecimal number systems, data storage and transmission principles and technologies.

2. The Internet and its uses

Understanding internet protocols, network security, online data transfer and encryption.

3. Hardware & software

Developing an appreciation for key internal hardware & the role of the operating system.

4. Automated and emerging technologies

Explore issues relating to automation, robotics, artificial intelligence and digital currencies.

Section 2 - Practical Problem-Solving & Programming

5. Algorithm design and problem-solving

Learning how to approach problem solving in a computational way using decomposition, pseudocode & flow diagrams.

6. Programming

Developing an understanding of algorithms, including variables, conditions, iteration and arrays.

7. Databases

Develop an understanding of query languages and entity relationships.

8. Boolean logic

Develop an understanding of logical problem statements, expressions, circuits and truth tables.

What is the nature of assessment?

During the period of the course, students will experience a wide range of tasks, including:

• Analysing and developing algorithms to solve problems

• Exploring computing concepts, system components and design using appropriate terminology

• End of topic tests

• End of year and mock examinations

• Theoretical & practical problem solving and programming tasks that develop student’s ability to put computational thinking into practice

At the end of the course, students will sit an examination consisting of two papers. Students will be required to make reference to pre-release materials provided and will involve some practical preparation in lesson time.

This question paper consists of short-answer and structured questions set on Section 1 of the Subject content.

This paper consists of short-answer and structured questions set on Section 2 of the Subject content. All questions are compulsory. 20% of the marks in this paper are in relation to a scenario-based question.

Design & Technology

What is the nature of Design & Technology at IGCSE level?

IGCSE in Design & Technology is a two year course that encourages students to think creatively, problem solve and build their capacity for imagination, innovative thinking, creativity and independence. We follow the Cambridge course that offers one year to develop knowledge, understanding and practical skills, and one year to complete all assessed coursework and prepare for the final IGCSE exam.

What is the approach to learning?

Students will develop the skills which designers use within the context of materials and their processing. Students will gain practical experience so they can get a broad understanding of materials, processes and technology, in order to become competent in using resistant materials. Students will solve real life problems by applying their design skills to practical situations. They will utilise the skills learned in Math, Science and Art and Design to produce solutions that meet the needs of people. All homework is to support and enrich the class work.

What is the subject content?

The projects during the first year encourage students to identify, consider and solve problems through creative thinking, planning and design, and by working with different media, materials and tools to produce made products. Students gain technical knowledge, design awareness and develop skills such as initiative, resourcefulness, enquiry and ingenuity. They also develop the communication skills central to the design process. Students who choose Design & Technology usually spend additional free time working outside of normal class time using the Facilities. e.g. 3D printing, laser cutting etc. In the second half of the first year, students will begin their assessed coursework component.


Grade 9 – Non assessed (for the final IGCSE Grade) part of the course.

Students will work with different materials such as wood, metal, plastic, textiles, paper and boards, improving practical skills through a range of focused practical tasks. As the students gain confidence they will develop interdisciplinary skills and their capacity for imaginative and innovative thinking. The students will design and manufacture projects based on real life situations. Students will be introduced to advanced Computer Aided Design software packages. They will learn a foundation of key skills before building on them to produce a range of challenging 3D models.


Component 2: Project (50% of final grade)

In Grade 10, the students will begin their coursework. This is an individual project. The students will produce a folder of work and a made product. This is a School based assessment. This is internally assessed and externally moderated. Students will work through the following assessment criteria:

1. Identify a need or opportunity

2. Analyse research leading to a design brief

3. Research into the design brief resulting in a specification.

4. Generation and exploration of design ideas

5. Development of proposed solution

6. Planning for production

7. Product realisation

8. Testing and evaluation.

Component 2 (the individual Project) forms a significant part of the teaching assessment requirement of this syllabus. It is important that students select a project by which they are really inspired. Examples of these are: Lighting, storage, and furniture.

Externally Assessed Exam

During the IGCSE exam period students will have two examinations which are externally assessed:

Component 1

Paper 1 (25% of the final grade)

1 hour 15 minutes

Product Design Exam

This is a written and drawing paper. Paper 1 tests the Common content: Product Design and also knowledge of the specialist option: Resistant Materials

Component 3

Paper 3 (25% of the final grade)

1 hour

Section A contains 10 compulsory questions, worth 25 marks. In Section B candidates choose one out of three questions, each worth 25 marks. Resistant Materials content and Common content may be assessed in either section of the examination paper. Candidates may use a calculator in the examination.

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