16 minute read
Our Former Scholars: Where are they now?
from Humanitas 2019
Since SJI International opened its doors in 2007, it has awarded more than 200 scholarships. Of that number around 40 are still at school completing the IB Diploma, and many of the more recent cohorts have yet to embark on their university education. However, we thought it timely to look and see how our scholars have fared since leaving school and to share updates on some whose education at SJI International was most generously sponsored - by you, our donors.
Bachelor of Economics from the University of Queensland; Currently teaching Economics at SJI International Malaysia
“The SJI International Scholarship was nothing short of life-changing. I remember joining the school just after my mother had passed away. It was also the first time that I had left home, so there were a lot of challenges that I faced, particularly in the first few months. Nevertheless, with the guidance of my teachers and the admin staff of the school, I am glad that I managed to complete the IBDP and secure a full tuition fee scholarship with The University of Queensland. It is amazing to know that most of the staff that have seen me through the most challenging two years of my life are still working at SJI International. The experience had certainly inspired me to join the education space and become an Economics teacher at St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia. I am also managing the hostel at SJIIM, which reminded me of the days when I used to stay in Katong under the SJI International hostel. I hope to return to my alma mater as a teacher one day when I have enough teaching experience to qualify to enter its gates.” CLASS OF

European Social and Political Studies from University College London on an SPH Scholarship; Currently Coordination Officer in the Director General’s Office, International Union for Conservation of Nature
“The scholarship gave me the opportunity I needed to develop in the way I have today. My time at SJI International was and is precious to me, as are the memories I still have of the place.”
Bachelors of Accountancy, SMU 2014; Masters in Applied Economics, UMich Ann Arbor 2016; Currently doing Fiscal Policy at the Ministry of Finance “Wouldn’t have gotten the chance to experience the great education received at SJII without the scholarship. Great teachers, learning pedagogy, school environment.”
BS in Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), 2015; MS in Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017; PhD student, Economics, University of Southern California (USA) “The SJI International scholarship allowed me to receive education under the IB philosophy. The most valuable thing I got from my time at SJI International is a “growth mindset.” I felt that I could join a choir, play a sport, learn a new language even if I had never done it before because we were all there to learn how to learn. This growth mindset has given me confidence in taking on a rigorous academic career in economics.”
BSc (Honours) Physiotherapy from SIT-TCD, 2015; Currently taking Masters in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Healthcare with Imperial College London
“The scholarship gave me an opportunity to an education that I would not have received elsewhere. One that not only focussed on academics, but building my social skills and instilling in me to share
my blessings with those who are less fortunate.” OF
Studied Medicine at NUS; Currently a Psychiatry resident at the National Healthcare Group
“The teenage years are such a vulnerable time in terms of personal and academic development and I can say with total certainty for me, that the opportunity to attend SJII rekindled a love for learning that had almost died. Without the emotional, creative and academic guidance I got at SJII, I would never have made it into the prestigious medical program at NUS or had confidence in my own ability to hold my own there. I owe my every professional success to SJII
and am a proud, thriving alumnus.”
Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Cincinnati; Currently a Facade Consultant for a Singapore-based international engineering firm
“I have always thought that SJII was the turning point of my life. Without it, my life would have been so drastically different. I had supportive peers and teachers that helped me throughout my molding years and that definitely prepared me well for the right university. Til this date I still have great gratitude towards Mr. Andrew Bennett and my scholarship donor.”
Graduated Law from Christ Church, University of Oxford; Currently an Associate at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
“The SJI International scholarship was a privilege, but also a challenge to internalize what sets SJI International apart - Lasallian values. I hold those values dear to me, having seen them in action in my time in SJI International, and try to live my life by them. “
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry- UBC 2015; MD Year 3- Memorial University of Newfoundland
“The scholarship helped to bring me into a different environment from the one that I grew up in. This helped me start to think for myself and to evaluate a lot of preconceptions I used to hold about the world. Some of my most transformative years, and endowed a sense of service that will surely continue to guide me in my future work as a physician.”
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry- UBC 2015; MD Year 3- Memorial University of Newfoundland
“I can confidently say that SJII made me a far better/ all-rounded and an open-minded person than I would have been otherwise. This exposure and the values I picked up at SJII continues to help me set myself apart at work from the typical software engineers. SJII experience is priceless.”
BA (Literae Humaniores), University of Oxford, 2019; MPhil (Classics), University of Cambridge, 2020; Associate - Colabs Partnerships at NVPC - Towards a City of Good “The scholarship opened many doors for me, and my SJII experience remains fundamental to my academic performance and personal values. I made lasting friends at SJII who, despite diverse career paths across the world, remain in contact and continue to be sources of meaningful friendship. The mentorship by teachers, counsellors, and staff at SJII continues to inspire me towards ideals of service and kindness. More generally, the IB programme and SJII’s pedagogy grounded in me a holistic outlook towards learning and experiences, which enabled me to take full advantage of my university education and work experience.”
BA in Economics at New York University Abu Dhabi (20112015), MBA at Columbia Business School (2019-2021); MBA student; previously management consultant at McKinsey & Company
“Everything that has happened to me is only possible because of the generosity of the donors. A scholarship to attend SJI International in Singapore was that first critical step for me to receive better, more global education that has allowed me to truly develop myself into a global citizen. After SJI International, I landed another scholarship to attend New York University in Abu Dhabi, which opened up even more doors for me. Since then I have worked all over Asia, and now I am based in New York City
pursuing my MBA at Columbia Business School.” OF
Bachelor of Dental Surgery, NUS, 2016; Dental Officer at KTPH
“The scholarship gave me the opportunity to
experience a holistic education at SJII.” CLASS
Bachelor of Arts, Monash University, 2016; Programme and Institutional Funding Officer, Oxfam in Vietnam
“The SJI International scholarship I received has opened so many doors for me that it is fair to say I wouldn’t be here today without it. “
Anthropology, Yale-NUS, 2018; Research Executive at NUS, FASS, Social Service Research Centre
“[The scholarship I received] gave me opportunities to study at an institution with great values, that focused on its students and not only the grades they could produce but their development as individuals in society as well. Lots of great CCAs to join too!”
PhD in Economics, Harvard Business School & Department of Economics (commenced Aug 2020); joint JD, Harvard Law School (commencing Aug 2021) “SJII’s holistic education allowed me to focus on developing my confidence as a person, whilst the teachers nurtured my intellectual vitality and encouraged me to discover interdisciplinary links between fields and pursue my passions beyond the classroom. As I begin my research at the intersections of behavioural/public economics, law, and industrial organisation, there is no doubt in my mind that I owe so much of who I am (and what interests me!) today to the SJII scholarship and community.”
Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies, Nagoya University; Currently a corporate planner at Shinmei Industry Co. Ltd. Japan “It will not be an overstatement to say that the SJII scholarship meant everything to me. It is the scholarship that allowed me to turn my life around. Had it been not for it, I will most likely ended up as a worker with minimun wage back in Indonesia and being unable to pursue my dream.” OF
BA and MSci Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge (20142019)
“The SJI International Scholarship completely changed my life. It paved my way to Cambridge and helped me realise my passion for sciences; it also gave me a global, international perspective at a young age, and enabled me to receive world-class
Studying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the National University of Singapore
“The good values imparted by the school’s vision and the small but tight-knit community forged in SJI International are among the things I miss about my time there, when academics had yet to get as rigorous as they are now in Engineering.”
B.A. Law - University of Cambridge (2015-2018); L.M. - New York University School of Law (20182019); Bar Professional Training Course - City, University of London (2019-2020)
“My experiences at SJII were meaningful and formative. I am grateful for the very international IB curriculum (particularly, higher level history), the opportunities for participation in the wider community, and the wonderful teachers and school administrators.”
Bachelor of Science in Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences at the University of Melbourne; currently studying Master of Public Health
“The time management and critical thinking skills which I honed back in SJI International are certainly important skills for me as I fight my way to make the best out of my time here in university. What’s more, the holistic approach of teaching that SJI International offered me is also another plus point in terms of actively engaging myself in many different types of activities other than studying, which I think actually supported my study in a very meaningful way. Last but not least, the global perspective that I gained and the friendships that I made back in SJI International really play an important part of who I am today. All in all, SJI International was truly an irreplaceable and priceless experience and I am more than grateful for it. Thank you.”
Studying BBA-Entrepreneurship at Hong Kong Baptist University on a scholarship “These difficult times have proven to me that my SJI International scholarship has helped not only me but also my family. It provided me my HKBU education and opportunities to send help to my family which they need now more than ever. And I am always, and forever will be, grateful for that.
Currently enrolled in Pomona College, California; Class of 2023 “The scholarship gave me, more than anything, a greater sense of belief in myself... Being recognised as a scholar allowed me to aim higher than I ever could imagine, and allowed me to believe that I could become the person that I am proud to call myself today.” OF
Double majoring in Biology and Environmental Science, pre-vet track at Rhodes College
“SJI International truly is an amazing school and there are many great aspects, but to me, the greatest aspect is the people. I am extremely grateful to my scholarship sponsor, Khoo Teck Puat Foundation, for sponsoring my two years of education in SJI International. If not for the scholarship, I would never have been able to experience such a wonderful school programme here and I wouldn’t have accomplished
as much as I have today.”
BSc Mathematics with Management and Finance, King’s College London, 2022
“The scholarship provided me with an opportunity I would have never been able to obtain financially, and so I will always be grateful for it. SJII was a place I learnt so many more lessons than simple academics, and it has definitely shaped my current world-view today. Although I did not expect to be studying Mathematics at University, I am finding it extremely fulfilling and therefore can have no regrets about my path. I would also like to once again thank SJII for
the opportunity it gave me. “
Studying at University of
New South Wales “It was a privilege to be a scholar of SJI International as it developed my confidence in speaking and writing... I’m proud to have been a scholar at SJI International as that has equipped me with all the necessary requirements to accomplish greatness wherever I am.”
Liberal Arts freshman at Yale-NUS College
“The SJI International scholarship opened up opportunities for me that I would not have been able to access without the generosity of the sponsors of the programme or the school. It is a great blessing and privilege to be able to attend a school without me having to worry about the economic pressures normally associated with receiving an education. I learned so much from the compassionate and patient teachers who I was taught by, and also grew so much from being surrounded by a loving and serving community.”
Maths Major, Smith College, 2022 “The most important thing that I developed at SJII is perseverance and a good work ethic. I feel like what I have done and have not done in high school helps me to works better in college. I came from not doing so well for my maths in high school to majoring in mathematics, which is not something I would have thought of. I feel that since I struggle so much with maths and have come so far with it that I decided to stick with it. I met some incredible people at SJII that really changed my point of view (albeit only recognising this after graduation); my classmates, Mrs Teo, the other scholars. A lot of what I do now is just a continuation of what I did at SJII: I am still playing Gamelan (I wish I had learned more about Balinese Gamelan), I am still learning French (thanks to Mr. Punjabi) and I am still doing maths. I don’t know what I would do now if I hadn’t gone to SJII because I did go to SJII. If everything has a cause and effect in life, I am grateful and glad of the effects SJII has had on me.”
Studying Medicine at National Taiwan University “It was an honour to receive the SJII scholarship. The scholarship was an affirmation of my academic and holistic development and I really treasure my experience as a Josephian and Lasallian. It’s something I aim to live up to, even in university and in the future.”
Pursuing a BFA in Animation at the Savannah College of Arts and Design
“I believe that I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the SJI International scholarship. My journey at SJI International is filled with some of the best moments of my life. Friendships are built, cultures are shared, and new experiences that I’ve never thought I would live through. The scholarship, for me, serves way beyond just a stepping stone. It made me more confident in myself and pushed me into following my dream. To know that someone believed in me and recognized my potential truly drives my motivation to succeed in life. I am forever grateful for such an opportunity, and I hope to prove to my donors that what they invested in my
scholarship was worth it.”
Studying Mechanical Engineering at UCLA
“I would have never found out that I wanted to be a mechanical engineer without tinkering and crafting in SJII’s Physics Club. The scholarship enabled my stay in SJII and hence the club, which filled me with the passion and craftiness to pursue mechanical engineering in my life. It truly has paved the path and narrowed down my passion into what I would best be able to serve the world with.”
Studying Computer Science at NUS
“The SJII scholarship has given me the opportunity to discover myself while studying in SJII. Balancing my studies with my role in the Singapore National Fencing Team and my piloting course in the Singapore Youth Flying club has instilled in me a spirit of adventure and a drive for excellence, values which I carry with me till this day. Since graduating from SJII, I have served in the Singapore Army as a Tank Platoon Commander with the rank of Lieutenant. After leaving the force, I embarked on my greatest adventure yet on Semester at Sea, a four month study abroad program around the World. The SJII scholarship has helped to shape me into who I am today and for that I am incredibly grateful.”
Business Administration with Business Analytics, NUS
Incoming Freshman at Johns Hopkins University
“[Receiving the] scholarship [and attending SJII] developed my fundamental character traits, helping me become a person who tries his best to have a positive impact on people around me. Receiving this scholarship has taught me the importance of giving back to society and how a small act of altruism can have a huge impact on others.”
Medicine, University of Sheffield, 2024 “It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience a high-quality education which revolved around holistic and lasallian values. I had the best educational and social experience in those 3 years, truly unforgettable.”
International Sustainability Agriculture and Food Engineering, UniLaSalle, 2024 “The SJII scholarship was a milestone in my life that enabled me to pursue a greater dream than I have envisioned. Without it, I would not have been able to study overseas where I learned innumerable intercultural and life lessons. I would probably be in the Philippines, pursuing a mainstream course with survival outlook, rather than a more open-minded and meaningful one. The scholarship did not only change my values and perspective but also my life’s meaning. The goodwill of the sponsors and the school has inspired me to dedicate my knowledge and skills in something that could help other people and our planet - sustainability.” “Not only did my teachers guide and mentored me, they inspired me to take my ideas and put them to good use. It offered me the opportunities and the ability to develop close relationships that I would not have received or formed elsewhere. My time at SJI International will forever be precious.”
Hons. BSc Psychology Research and Public Policy. University of Toronto, 2021
“SJII exposed me to the people and opportunities that were necessary for me to be where I am today
- and for that, I am endlessly grateful.”
Colgate University on a scholarship; selected for the Alumni Memorial Scholars program which will aid him as he works on his research
“I have grown so much from all the opportunities given to me by the scholarship. Throughout my three years at SJII, I have made incredible and longlasting friendships, immersed myself in a culturally diverse environment and participated in so many fun and meaningful service opportunities. Thanks to the scholarship, I have become a more global citizen.”