Southern Jewish Life
July/August 2019 Volume 29 Issue 7
Southern Jewish Life P.O. Box 130052 Birmingham, AL 35213 Temple Beth Tefilloh, Brunswick, Ga.
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
shalom y’all
Cleaning out the notebook… There have been several instances of people talking past each other in the news lately, thinking that there is a conversation going on but not grasping what is being said. Far too much ink has been spilled on whether it is proper to call the detention centers on our Mexican border “concentration camps.” There has been some pushback, as one might wonder where the gas chambers and crematoria are, while others bristle at the assumption that an analogy to Nazi Germany is being made in labeling those facilities. Critics of the president have spent close to three years lambasting him as the second coming of Hitler, comparing the U.S. to 1930s Germany, making all manner of Nazi analogies. With all that, when the detention facilities along the border are called “concentration camps,” how can those same people protest when people assume it’s another Nazi allusion, and assert they are merely using the generic definition of concentration camp? This is 2019. For at least 70 years, when people hear the term, the Holocaust immediately springs to mind, not some nebulous Funk and Wagnalls concept. It’s like asking people in 2019 why they are so upset by a swastika when it’s really an ancient Sanskrit symbol of well-being. Calling these facilities concentration camps may be true in the generic sense, but it is hard to believe assertions that there is no intent to make a Nazi comparison. The border facilities have been thoroughly overwhelmed by unprecedented huge numbers of illegal immigrants because of our dysfunctional policies, and the country has been trying to catch up. Regardless, it’s a far cry from rounding up people for extermination, and overheated rhetoric only polarizes the situation, hardening positions and making it more difficult to gain widespread support to address the problem. Tennessee has had several instances lately of public figures putting their feet in their
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
>> Commentary
Maccabi USA leader praiseson Birmingham Games mouths. Last month, we reported a Memphis judge who approvingly reposted a piece by
a Holocaust denier. IThis havepast hadmonth, the honor of attending many Maccabi around the calls world. Israelfor Coffee County District Attorneycompetitions Craig Northcott faced forFrom censure, to Australia to South America, Europe and the JCC Maccabi games around the United States referring to Islam as “an evil belief system” and comparing it to Klan membership, and saying and Canada, I have loggeddomestic many miles seeing how can be a vehiclecouples, to help build he would not prosecute violence casessports involving same-sex as heJewish does not identity, especially in our young. recognize their marriages (leaving aside that Tennessee law regarding domestic violence does not require thattothe parties are married).for the first time and fell in love with not just the city I felt honored come to Birmingham as we dayenu it is enough. But some alsolevel accused claiming butFor thethat, people. Yousay, have taken — Southern hospitality to a new with Northcott your kind of and caring that Constitutional apply only to Christians. Since the vast majority in the media lean to the left, approach to therights JCC Maccabi Games. and are often unfamiliar or hostile to religious views from the right, it is easy to make that leap. Led by the Sokol and Helds, your hard-working volunteers were wonderful. They partnered Here is what he actually said: “There are no constitutional rights. There are God given rights with your outstanding staff, led by Betzy Lynch, to make the 2017 JCC Maccabi games a huge hit. protected by the constitution. If you don’t believe in the one true God, there is nothing to I want to take this opportunity as executive director of Maccabi USA to say thank you on behalf protect. No one other than God has given us any rights.” of everyone involved. This nation’s founders were Christian, though despite what many think, their theological I hadwouldn’t just returned from 20th World Maccabiah games in Israel with(exhibit a U.S. delegation of the views exactly bethe popular among today’s evangelical crowd 1: Look at over 1100, who joined 10,000 Jewish athletes from 80 countries. Back in July the eyes of the entire Jefferson Bible, which is sans miracles and Jesus’ resurrection). Jewish were on Jerusaleminand Maccabiah. This pastthat month withdo 1000 and govBut world they did acknowledge ourthe founding documents rights notathletes come from coaches from around thefrom world in and Birmingham, youin became the focaland point. ernment. Rights come thebeing divine are inherent each person, the government’s role is to safeguard everyone has, though it has been far from perfect in Everyone from the those Jewishrights community andalready the community at large, including a wonderful doingforce, so. are to be commended. These games will go down in history as being a seminal police If rights from community man, i.e. government, they also taken away man. We know moment forcome the Jewish as we build to the can future bybe providing such by wonderful Jewish how dangerous that can be. memories. What Northcott was saying was a simple acknowledgement of this. If there is no God, where Jed do Margolis the God-given rights come from? If the answer is man, what is to keep man from changing Executive them? Director, Maccabi USA Indeed, when confronted on Facebook by the chair of his county’s Young Republicans, Northcott clarified that those rights are universal, and “freedom religion supremacists wouldoflike to seecomes pushedfrom back God On evenCharlottesville when that freedom results in rejecting him.into ” a corner and made to feel lesser. We stand Now, if he followed that example and applied theand laws of for Tennessee across the board, with pray the family of Heather Heyer,he Editor’s Note: This reaction to the events in wouldn’t be in trouble. who was there standing up to the face of this Charlottesville, written by Jeremy Newman, And to end on a lighter note, at last month’s hate. Southern Baptist Convention in Birmingham, Master of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Theta Colony President J.D. Greear had some advice in today’s ubiquity of social media and the ease at which We recognize the essence of the American at Auburn University, was shared by AEPi things can be mis-represented. He urged people who extend their arms in prayer to “avoid a narrative as a two-century old struggle to rid National, which called it “very eloquent” and bad photo op” and have their elbows bent slightly, ourselves of such corners, and allow those in praised “our brothers at AEPi Theta Colony at so nobody can make comparisons to Nazi salutes. them the seat at the table that they so deserve. Auburn University and… the leadership they Given the gotcha nature of the Internet, that’s It is the struggle to fulfill the promise of the display on their campus.” good advice. DeclarationLawrence of Independence, that “all men are Brook, Publisher/Editor created equal… endowed by their Creator with White supremacy has been a cancer on certain unalienable rights.” We know our work our country since its beginning, threatening is far from finished, but we know we will not its hopes, its values, and its better angels. move backwards. The events that took place in Charlottesville When men and women, fully armed, take represented the worst of this nation. Those to the streets in droves with swastikas and who marched onto the streets with tiki torches other symbols of hate, it is a reminder of how and swastikas did so to provoke violence and relevant the issues of racism and anti-Semitism fear. Those who marched onto the streets did are today. It is a wake-up call to the work that so to profess an ideology that harkens back to needs to be done to ensure a better, more a bleaker, more wretched time in our history. welcoming country. But it should not come A time when men and women of many creeds, without a reflection on how far we’ve come. races, and religions were far from equal and far America was born a slave nation. A century from safe in our own borders. A time where into our history we engaged in a war in part Americans lived under a constant cloud of to ensure we would not continue as one. We racism, anti-Semitism and pervasive hate. The events that took place in Charlottesville served found ourselves confronted by the issue of civil rights, and embarked on a mission to ensure as a reminder of how painfully relevant these the fair treatment of all peoples no matter their issues are today. skin color. Although we’ve made great strides, Auburn’s Alpha Epsilon Pi stands with the it is a mission we’re still grappling with today. Jewish community of Charlottesville, and with the Jewish people around the country and around the world. We also stand with the minorities who are targeted by the hate that was on display in Charlottesville. We stand with the minorities of whom these white 4 July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
America was also born an immigrant country. As early as the pilgrims, many groups and families found in the country the opportunity to plant stakes, chase their future, and be themselves. Few were met with open
July2019 2019 April
Southern Jewish Life PUBLISHER/EDITOR Lawrence M. Brook ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER/ADVERTISING Lee J. Green V.P. SALES/MARKETING, NEW ORLEANS Jeff Pizzo CREATIVE DIRECTOR Ginger Brook SOCIAL/WEB Emily Baldwein PHOTOGRAPHER-AT-LARGE Rabbi Barry C. Altmark CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Rivka Epstein, Louis Crawford, Tally Werthan, Stuart Derroff, Belle Freitag, Ted Gelber, E. Walter Katz, Doug Brook BIRMINGHAM OFFICE P.O. Box 130052, Birmingham, AL 35213 14 Office Park Circle #104 Birmingham, AL 35223 205/870.7889 NEW ORLEANS OFFICE 3747 West Esplanade, 3rd Floor Metairie, LA 70002 504/432-2561 TOLL-FREE 866/446.5894 FAX 866/392.7750 ADVERTISING Advertising inquiries to 205/870.7889 for Lee Green,; Jeff Pizzo,; or Annetta Dolowitz, Media kit, rates available upon request SUBSCRIPTIONS It has always been our goal to provide a large-community quality publication to all communities of the South. To that end, our commitment includes mailing to every Jewish household in the region (AL, LA, MS, NW FL), without a subscription fee. Outside the area, subscriptions are $25/year, $40/two years. Subscribe via, call 205/870.7889 or mail payment to the address above. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without written permission from the publisher. Views expressed in SJL are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff. SJL makes no claims as to the Kashrut of its advertisers, and retains the right to refuse any advertisement.
Documenting this community, a community we are members of and active within, is our passion. We love what we do, and who we do it for.
agenda interesting bits & can’t miss events
Members of Mobile’s Jewish community held a farewell luncheon for Rabbi Dana Kaplan, who was rabbi at Springhill Avenue Temple from 2015 to 2018, on June 11 at Ralph and Kacoos. He was previously rabbi of B’nai Israel in Albany, Ga. This month, he will become the new rabbi of Temple Beth Shalom of the West Valley in Phoenix, Ariz.
With huge deficits, American Hebrew Academy abruptly shuts down On June 11, an unexpected email shocked the American Jewish community as the American Hebrew Academy announced the “end of the Academy Era” after an “18-year dream.” The email from the school’s chief executive officer, Glenn Drew, stated that “Due to insufficient growth in enrollment and our inability to secure adequate funding to cover future school expenses, the American Hebrew Academy is regretfully announcing that classes for the 2019-2020 academic year have been canceled.” The school opened to much fanfare on Sept. 10, 2001, mortgage-free, as the only pluralist Jewish boarding high school in the country, the product of visionary Maurice “Chico” Sabbah and built on a 100-acre campus in Greensboro, N.C. Sabbah died in 2006. Though it was announced that Sabbah was launching the school with $100 million in contributions, news of the closing focused attention on the school’s large budget deficits and inability to attract the numbers needed to sustain itself. The closing came as a shock, as up until the end, the school was embarking on enhancements to its program. In early May, the school announced “two new important academic initiatives for the 2019-2020 academic year which will expand the offerings available to new and returning students.” In August, the school was to become a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, “a natural progression in the Academy’s 18-year evolution as a college prep school.” The school also announced that their collaboration with Guilford College would be expanded this fall to increase the number of college courses available to Academy students, so “highly motivated students” could earn a year’s worth of college credits before graduating from the Academy. Sabbah was born and raised in New York, with a Sephardic father and Eastern European mother. He was an irrigation specialist in the early days of Israel and served in the Israeli army, then served in the U.S. military in Korea. He worked in the reinsurance industry, and in the early 1970s he moved
to Greensboro and his business “grew beyond his wildest expectations.” He started a legacy of quiet, behind-the-scenes philanthropy. After his parents died and he said Kaddish daily, with students from the local Jewish Day School assisting with services, he set out to establish a Jewish high school to rival the prestigious northeastern prep schools, with facilities to match. One estimate had Sabbah spending $10 million on the land and $100 million on the buildings. The athletics complex was said to cost over $11 million. The school was referred to as Sabbah’s dream, but in the June 11 email, Drew said “It has been a dream fulfilled for 18 years, and it is a dream that must unfortunately come to an end.” Drew is Sabbah’s nephew. Though there was much fanfare at the school’s beginning, the second day the school was open would bring huge challenges to Sabbah. His reinsurance company, Fortress Re, was involved in reinsurance of airplanes, and each of the four airliners used in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attack was reinsured by him through three Japanese companies. When his company could not pay its share, the Japanese companies continued on page 6 July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
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continued from page 5
filed suit for over $1 billion. Fortress Re ultimately had to pay $400 million, and it took a while for the school to be separated from the legal proceedings, as there were accusations that funding which should have been in reserve for claims had instead gone to the school. That case was settled in 2005. While the school was built for 400 students, the final year had an enrollment of 134. A few years ago, the school dropped the term “pluralistic,” as Drew said it was too easy to misinterpret. The school also started to emphasize attracting students from around the world to help boost the numbers. With the closing, students enrolled for next year suddenly had nowhere to go, and faculty members found themselves unemployed at a time when most schools had already set their faculty for the coming year. Ben Gamla Preparatory Academy in Hollywood, Fla., said it would take in students affected by the closure. Ben Gamla is not a boarding school but would work with students to find housing, and is the only Hebrew English charter high school in the U.S. As such, there is no tuition charge. Salem Academy in Winston-Salem is opening its doors to female students from AHA. When the school opened, it was said that there was money in the bank to keep it running for at least 10 years. In the immediate aftermath of the closing, news coverage showed huge deficits in the school’s budget in recent years.
Comparing the Numbers
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
John Newsom of the Greensboro News and Record tweeted that on the higher-education beat, “I’ve seen some schools in financial distress. This, tho, wow.” The school’s Form 990 for the year ending June 30, 2017, shows total revenue of just under $5 million, with almost $4.6 million from tuition. Expenses were listed at $18 million. In the previous year, contributions were listed at just under $3 million, for total revenue of $7.6 million against expenses of $17.3 million. American Hebrew Academy listed 157 employees on its form, with total salaries at $5.5 million before benefits and payroll taxes. The total package for Drew was just under $540,000. For comparison, there are three Top-75 boarding schools in the region. The ranking had American Hebrew Academy ranked 82nd. Indian Springs School, just south of Birmingham, has 315 students, with one-fourth of them boarding. The school reports 121 employees, with revenue of $10.15 million, $9.6 million from tuition, and $11.75 million in expenses. The compensation package for the head of school is just over $300,000, with total salaries at $3.9 million. Asheville School in North Carolina has 294 students. The school lists 159 employees and expenses of just under $18 million in 2017, with revenue of $25.6 million, $14 million of which was from tuition. The head of school’s compensation package is listed at $283,000, with total salaries just under $5.7 million. McCallie School in Chattanooga, a Christian boys’ school, has 936 students in grades 6 to 12. They list 602 employees and revenue of $49.4 million, $32.8 million from tuition, with $44.1 million in expenses. The head of school’s compensation package is around $640,000, with total salaries at $16.4 million. Another prominent boarding school, Webb School near Knoxville, has about 300 students. Their filing shows 172 employees and revenue of $12.3 million, over $9.3 million from tuition. Expenses were $11.7 million, including salaries of $4.3 million and a headmaster package of $380,000.
THIS IS AUBURN. “This wonderful country of ours allows us to gather together, to be Jewish and be free… I’m grateful I can be Jewish and a basketball coach in the SEC.”
— Auburn Head Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl, at the 2017 JCC Maccabi Games Opening Ceremony
Photo by Rachel Glazer, courtesy Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life
From left to right, Lt. Col. R. Robert Bartran III, Rabbi Aaron A. Rozovsky, Michele Schipper, Major Terry Adair.
Department of Defense honors Michele Schipper, ISJL On June 24, the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life’s annual education conference had an event unlike anything in previous conferences. Michele Schipper, ISJL chief executive officer, was honored with an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Patriot Award. The award was presented to her by Lieutenant Colonel R. Robert Bartran III, Battalion Commander of the 112th Military Police Battalion Mississippi Army National Guard and Full-Time Mobilization Readiness Officer for the Mississippi National Guard; and Major Terry Adair, Executive Officer and Full-Time Administrative Officer for the 112th Military Police Battalion Mississippi Army National Guard. Schipper was given this award in recognition of extraordinary support of ISJL’s director of rabbinical services, Rabbi Aaron Rozovsky, who serves in the National Guard. Schipper was nominated by Rozovsky, who serves as Battalion Chaplain of the 112th Military Police Battalion Mississippi Army National Guard. Between ISJL and the Army National Guard, “I have two of the best jobs in the world,” Rozovsky said, as he introduced the award presentation. He spoke of the challenges of balancing civilian employment with deployment and service, adding: “If it wasn’t for our families, our communities, our employers… we could not do what we do.” Bartran thanked Schipper for her support of the Guard, and of Rozovsky. Bartran also noted that “there are only five rabbis in the National Guard — and so to have (Rozovsky) assigned to me, and here in Mississippi, is such a thrill.” Adair then read the text of the award presented to Schipper: “The Office of the Secretary of Defense Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve recognizes Michele Schipper, Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life, as a Patriotic Employer, for contributing to national security and protecting liberty and freedom by supporting employee participation in America’s National Guard and Reserve force.” The two Baton Rouge congregations will be “Celebrating Shabbat Together” on two weekends this summer, with each congregation’s rabbi diving the sermon at the other congregation. On July 12 at 6 p.m., services will be at Beth Shalom, with B’nai Israel Rabbi Jordon Goldson speaking. The other weekend will be Aug. 9 at 6 p.m. at B’nai Israel, with Beth Shalom Rabbi Natan Trief speaking. A potluck dinner follows each service.
WE ARE COMMUNITY. Hillel, Auburn University’s Jewish student organization, was the recipient of the 2015 AU Student Involvement Award for Overcoming Adversity.
s i n c e 19 8 3
Over 3,000 cars, trucks and SUV’s across New Orleans! July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
agenda Randall Burke will be the visiting rabbi at Temple Shalom in Lafayette this year. Last year, he served the nearby Gates of Prayer in New Iberia. A Scottsdale, Ariz., native, he is an ensign in the U.S. Navy and will be promoted to chaplain upon ordination. Need a pastrami on rye, potato knish or matzah ball soup fix? Last year’s first run was a sold-out success, so Chabad of Mobile will have its Pop-Up Kosher Deli again this summer. On July 29 and Aug. 1, selections will be available for dine-in or takeout from 4 to 7 p.m. An early pickup option will be available. Menus and pre-ordering are available at
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Collat Jewish Family Services in Birmingham is coordinating a new monthly mitzvah opportunity. Volunteers are needed to pack and deliver food boxes for low-income seniors on the second Sunday afternoon of each month. Volunteers may sign up just once or as often as they choose. All deliveries are within a five-mile radius of the Levite Jewish Community Center. The groceries are supplied by the Senior Grocery Initiative, a Federally-funded program of the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama. To volunteer, contact Jennifer Nemet at CJFS, Temple Beth Shalom in Fort Walton Beach is co-sponsoring a forum on the rise of anti-Semitism in the U.S. and abroad. Dan Leshem, director of the Hillel at Florida State University, will be the guest speaker for the July 23 program at The Chapel at Seaside in Santa Rosa Beach. A Holocaust scholar, Leshem was previously executive director of the Kupferberg Holocaust Center at Queenborough Community College in New York, and was associate director for research at the Shoah Foundation in Los Angeles. From 2006 to 2010, Leshem was resource manager for Holocaust Denial on Trial at Emory University in Atlanta, archiving the Holocaust Denial libel suit in England later dramatized in the film “Denial.” The forum is open to all. A reception will begin at 6 p.m., with the program at 7 p.m. Temple B’nai Israel in Florence will once again be a venue for the annual W.C. Handy Festival, held from July 19 to 28. On July 27 at 2 p.m., Rabbi Nancy Tunick, husband Scott and their son and daughter will perform as the Tunick-Whitehead Family Singers, performing a selection of country and sacred Jewish music, “From Generation to Generation.” The festival has over 200 events, including the B’nai Israel concert, known as “A Gig at the Gogue.” The Israeli Scouts/Tzofim Friendship Caravan tour will stop in Shreveport for a July 25 concert at B’nai Zion, starting at 7 p.m. The event is open to the community. On June 5 and 6, Slater Torah Academy in Metairie held a successful 36-hour online campaign, raising $60,000 in 36 hours from 270 donors. Since their new building was completed five years ago, the school’s enrollment has grown to 75 students, and the school expects enrollment to reach 100 in the next few years. Birmingham’s Temple Emanu-El is starting “Mother’s Here,” where congregants will volunteer to pick up those who want to attend Shabbat services on Friday evenings but are unable to drive. Those wishing to volunteer or who need a ride should contact the Emanu-El office.
As part of the Summer Crawls in the ‘Ham, Temple Beth-El Rabbi Stephen Slater, Bob Greenberg and Hillel Connections will do a Crusher to Crusher history hike at Ruffner Mountain Preserve on July 14 at 8 a.m. Brunch will be served. On July 28 at 4:30 p.m., there will be a Sephardi Jewish Kitchen Crawl at the home of Ronit and Eyal Ron, with Sephardi dishes and a discussion on what makes Jewish food Jewish. continued on page 28
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
The Temperature Isn’t The Only Thing That Spikes in Summer
Legislation would honor Rosenwald through National Parks designation Would be first to honor a Jewish American Jackson Davis Collection, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library
One of the first Rosenwald schools, in Chehaw, Ala. After years of building strong public support in communities across the nation, the National Parks Conservation Association celebrated the introduction of the Julius Rosenwald and Rosenwald Schools Study Act, requiring the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resources study of the sites associated with the life and legacy of noted philanthropist and businessman Julius Rosenwald, with a special focus on the Rosenwald Schools. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, and Reps. Danny Davis of Illinois and Steve Cohen of Tennessee officially introduced the historic legislation on June 13. The bill is the first step toward creating a multi-site national park to preserve Rosenwald’s legacy, which would also be the first national
Rescuing remaining Rosenwalds There are several efforts in the region devoted to preserving Rosenwald Schools. Of the over 5,000 schools that were built, a very small number remain standing. The River Road African American Museum in Donaldsonville acquired one of the few remaining Rosenwalds in Louisiana in 2001, moving the Central Agricultural School building from Convent, where it was slated for demolition. The building is a rare four-room school house, and is situated in downtown Donaldsonville, not far from the museum. As part of the museum’s 25th anniversary celebration, there is an effort to raise $250,000 to finish the project, including adding electricity and plumbing to the building. The museum plans to use it for community events, STEM camps, music and theater. A few events have already been staged there, with the help of generators and portable restrooms. The museum will have its 25th anniversary gala on Oct. 6 at the Water Campus in Baton Rouge, with proceeds going toward the Rosenwald project. Oak Grove School in Gallion, one of Alabama’s few remaining Rosenwald buildings, was placed on the 2019 Alabama Historical Commission Places in Peril list. The list highlighted Rosenwald Schools in general a few years ago, but this year noted that “there is a lack of organizational funding and deferred maintenance that has left the school with urgent repairs needing to be made.” The Oak Grove school was built in 1925 and served the African American community in Hale County as a Two-Teacher School. The school relied on community investment when it was built and served the community until 1968. The building was listed to the National Register of Historic Places in 1998. Now, the school is owned by the Oak Grove School Heritage Center, which needs help with planning and funding. In Hineshaw, Ga., there is an effort to have the Liberty County School System protect the historical Hineshaw Shaw Rosenwald School that was built there in 1931. The building was used until the early 1990s and is now “in utter disrepair.” The Liberty County High School Museum held an exhibit about the school last fall.
For some reason, Summer can bring out the worst in people and they realize there might be a problem. Perhaps it’s the Summer parties with barbeque, hot dogs and alcohol. It can also be a dreaded time for those with addiction. There’s an increased focus on drinking, even during the daytime. Maybe there’s family get-togethers, stress or strain. And of course, there are plenty of nosy questions from well-meaning partygoers about why you’re not cracking a beer, too. Sometimes these events can feel less like a celebration and more like a minefield. As you’re invited to pool parties and cookouts, plan ahead by knowing who is coming. What’s the food and drink situation going to be? The more you know in advance, the better prepared you’ll be to navigate the situation. Recovery doesn’t have to be the elephant in the room. There are many reasons for not drinking alcohol. Plan your answers before you go… health related are always acceptable. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, the best plan is to get professional help. Most people can’t do it alone. Bayshore Retreat isn’t like the ‘big box’ rehabs. We limit our clientele to six for a reason. We focus on quality, not quantity. Clients receive about 30 hours a week of counseling. This includes individual, group, and Life Skills. Our goal is to empower our clients within themselves. Sometimes this might include spiritual support, and always it’s to help them find the underlying reasons. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, give us a call.
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
community park honoring a Jewish American. The son of German Jewish immigrants, Julius Rosenwald earned financial success after joining the leadership team at Sears Roebuck in 1895, transforming the small business into a retail powerhouse of the early 1900s. Rosenwald used his fame and fortune for the benefit of humankind, focusing his efforts towards the advancement of education for African Americans in the South, which at the time was deeply segregated. Through a collaborative project, Rosenwald and Booker T. Washington, activist and leader of the Tuskegee Institute, changed the course of African American education in the United States. Over a 20-year period, Rosenwald partnered with African American communities from Washington to Texas, providing seed funding for the construction of 5,357 schoolhouses and other educational buildings in 15 states. “The story of Julius Rosenwald, a philanthropist that changed the dynamics of education for African Americans in the early 20th century, and the thousands of schoolhouses he helped construct, is extraordinary. These schools are an important part of our country’s history, and must never be forgotten,” said Theresa Pierno, president and CEO for the National Parks Conservation Association. “Thanks to the leadership and tremendous political support of Senator Durbin and Congressmen Davis and Cohen, and the efforts of communities and partners organizations across the country, we are one step closer to preserving Rosenwald’s legacy for millions of people to experience now and for generations to come. NPCA will continue to work tirelessly until the Rosenwald Schools are part of our nation’s Park System.” Rosenwald Schools — many of them basic, one or two-room structures — were a source of pride and affection in their communities. Local organizations have honored and preserved Rosenwald Schools for decades, and in 2016, NPCA, the National Trust and a group of committed advocates launched the nationwide Rosenwald Park Campaign to establish the Julius Rosenwald and Rosenwald Schools National Historical Park as a unit of the National Park System. “Julius Rosenwald’s legacy is inextricably linked to the advancement of African Americans in education, science and the arts,” said Alan Spears, NPCA’s Director of Cultural Resources. “His philanthropic activities enhanced opportunities for individuals and communities to thrive. It’s rare that the gifts of one man can touch and benefit so many and in ways so profound. We still have much to learn from and be inspired by in the story of Julius Rosenwald and the Rosenwald Schools.” 10
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
community Tenn. student speaks out against Nazi salutes at her school Sent to principal but “not disciplined” after classmates take reenactments too far, program will be discontinued An 11-year-old girl in Murfreesboro, Tenn., is being commended for speaking out as classmates persisted in doing Nazi salutes in school, and the school has decided to discontinue a program that sparked the controversy. When the girl told classmates to stop doing the Nazi salutes, she was sent to the hallway and then to the principal’s office to wait for her mother to pick her up, leading her father to post the account on Twitter on May 14. Her father, Keith Gamble, chair of the Department of Economics and Finance at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreeboro, asked for expressions of support for his daughter’s actions, support that poured in from around the world. The Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee, along with the Southeast regional office of the Anti-Defamation League in Atlanta, has been working with the family and the school system. As part of a fifth-grade Living History project at the McFadden School of Excellence, among
the historical figures assigned to students to portray was Adolf Hitler. Each student portraying an historical figure was to dress the part, and the student assigned to portray Hitler was instructed to perform the Nazi salute as part of the act. In a series of tweets, the Gambles explained the timeline. The project began in early April, with students receiving their assignments. At the first rehearsal in mid-April, when the student portraying Hitler gave the salute, “10-20 classmates observing the performance return the salute.” After the Gambles’ daughter became upset by it, she was given “an open platform at that time to appropriately voice her concerns and share with her peers her feelings,” but then she was told “not to address it again” if classmates persisted. Many students did persist, reportedly regularly doing the salute around campus. As she told the students that it was wrong, rumors started
that a group of the students planned a group Sieg Heil salute when she entered a classroom. Concerned, she waited outside of the classroom until she could follow the teacher in, and the
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
teacher told the class that the Nazi salute is wrong and they should not make it any more. The salutes subsided for a while, picking back up after more rehearsals. At the final rehearsal on May 9, about 10 to 20 of the 75 students once again returned the Sieg Heil salute. After none of the teachers said anything, the Gambles’ daughter shouted for them to put their hands down. She was removed from the classroom for being “disrespectful.” Because of the bullying over this issue, “school feels lonely sometimes” for her, Gamble said. In a hallway conversation with a teacher after she was removed from the rehearsal, she expressed that the salute is wrong and the teachers should have done something about it. Mrs. Gamble said that was interpreted as her being disrespectful to teachers, and she was brought to the principal’s office. The teacher called Mrs. Gamble to tell her that her daughter was “disciplined and removed from the classroom” and they should discuss proper classroom etiquette. In the timeline, Mrs. Gamble said the teacher told her at the end of the conversation that her daughter’s disruption was a response to other students “giving it back.” When Mrs. Gamble asked what “it” was, she was told “the Nazi salute,” which was the first time she had heard of the salutes happening at the school. According to James Evans, communications director for Rutherford County Schools, the Gambles’ daughter was not disciplined or punished for her actions, but had been removed from the classroom so she could calm down. Furthermore, he said, the school agreed that the students’ actions were “completely inappropriate.” The performance was that evening, and the next day was the school’s “McTonys” awards for Living History performances. When the World War II sketch won an award and the student playing Hitler went up to get the award, a few students gave the salute, but no higher than head level. Mrs. Gamble was in the audience and noticed it. When her daughter’s group won an award, she used her speech time to mention the salutes and urged parents to talk to their children about why the gesture is wrong. The Gambles, who are not Jewish, are close friends with a family that belongs to Nashville’s Congregation Micah. Upon hearing about the problems at school, that family got them in touch with Micah Rabbi Laurie Rice, who referred them to the Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee. Deborah Oleshansky, the Federation’s director of community relations, said “that’s what we’re here for,” whether an incident involves someone Jewish, a non-Jewish friend, anything related to anti-Semitism or anti-Israel bias, anything “even peripherally connected to the Jewish community.” On May 17, David Hoffman, associate regional director of the Anti-Defamation League’s office in Atlanta, said they worked with the family and school system even before the issue became national news. “They recognize the problems with the assignment itself and the impact that ensued with other students who were seen giving the salute,” he said. There will no longer be portrayals of Hitler. The principal spoke to the entire fifth grade “to clarify the issues and make it clear that giving the Nazi salute was unacceptable behavior.” An email went out to parents reiterating that “we do not condone any type of symbolism or actions that can be interpreted as hate-filled or insensitive.” Further action included recommendations that the school have an educational program for students, utilizing expertise from the ADL’s No Place for Hate and A World of Difference Institute programs. “Going forward, the district indicated they plan to do district-wide staff training on the Holocaust and anti-bias,” Hoffman said. Shelley Rose, ADL deputy regional director, said the ADL considers simulations to be a bad teaching tool. “It is completely irresponsible to have a student dress up as Hitler and do the Zeig Heil sign — no matter what the age.”
community The Tennessee Holocaust Commission stated “The impact of the lesson would have been strong enough through analysis and use of primary source documents; role playing and simulation were unnecessary,” and this is “another reminder that Holocaust education and well written standards guiding this instruction must remain a priority in Tennessee.” Oleshansky said there will be continued outreach to educators to sensitize them, and a workshop for Jewish parents is being planned, to help identify and understand issues of anti-Semitism, whether incidents are anti-Semitic or just seem so, and what resources are available when an incident occurs. “If issues come up, we are a resource,” she said.
Rachel Stern named MSJE Judaic advisor Rachel Stern is returning to the area on a part-time basis as the Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience’s Senior Judaic Advisor. Stern was the first full-time director of education for the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life in Jackson, an organization that grew out of the original MSJE in Utica, Miss. She recently became the inaugural director of the Rapoport Center and the chief learning and engagement officer for Shalom Austin. Stern will provide expertise and guidance in the presentation of Jewish beliefs and practices throughout the museum’s exhibits. The museum is slated for a 2020 opening in New Orleans. “I can think of no better person to help us interpret the religious aspects of exhibits,” said Museum Executive Director Kenneth Hoffman. “Rachel has such wonderful experience creating educational curricula that is not only informative, but accessible and engaging.” “As a Jewish educator I’m always looking for new ways to connect people to Judaism,” said Stern. “I’m thrilled to be part of this project and utilizing the museum as a platform to teach and celebrate Judaism.” Many of the museum’s exhibits will be historical in nature, tracing Southern Jewish involvement in local, regional and national events. The museum is also planning a unique gallery where visitors can explore Judaism — its fundamental beliefs, branches, life cycle events, and holidays — using a rich collection of artifacts that were used by Southern Jews over the past 200 years. Highlighted items will include a Torah from El Dorado, Ark.; a Seder plate recovered from a Hurricane Katrina-flooded home, tefillin from Demopolis, Ala.; a ketubah from Portsmouth, Va.; and a 19th century chevrah kedisha ledger from Vicksburg, Miss. Visitors will also be able to learn about Jewish practices and even quiz themselves through an interactive multimedia display. The gallery will be housed in the museum’s soaring four-story atrium showered with natural light. “The purpose of this gallery is not only to display many of our beautiful ceremonial objects,” Hoffman explained, “but to give our many non-Jewish visitors a ‘Judaism 101’ lesson in customs and beliefs.” In June, the museum moved its collection to New Orleans from the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life. Anna Tucker, the museum’s new project coordinator, oversaw the move of over 4,000 items. The museum is scheduled to open in mid-2020. Tucker was previously assistant manager of the Museum of History and Holocaust Education at Kennesaw State University, and most recently served as special projects curator at Kennesaw’s Deptartment of Museums, Archives and Rare Books. She is also co-author of the forthcoming book, “The Temple at 150 Years.”
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
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McInerney named Coca-Cola Scholar, region’s first-ever Diller honoree
Happy Hour
Katelyn McInerney, who recently graduated from Mountain Brook High School near Birmingham, has been recognized as one of the country’s most outstanding high school leaders by the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation and has been awarded a $20,000 college scholarship. She also was named the region’s first-ever recipient of the Helen Diller Family Foundation’s Teen Tikkun Olam Awards. The San Francisco-based Diller Awards selects 15 Jewish teens from across the U.S. to receive a $36,000 prize “for exceptional leadership and engagement in initiatives making the world a better place.” The prize is to further an initiative or the recipient’s education. The Diller recognition was based on McInerney’s founding of Special Siblings, a non-profit support group for children who have siblings with special needs. The group meets monthly at the Homewood Public Library. With a sister who has autism and is bipolar with profound ADHD, McInerney spent a lot of time in waiting rooms, and realized there were a lot of kids in the same circumstance of being concerned for a sibling, and feeling powerless and scared. Her father, Kerry McInerney, said she started the group in 2017 as a Girl Scout Gold Award project. In the group setting, children can share their feelings about what their siblings are going through. The project also teaches empathy, advocacy and acceptance, to combat bullying, de-stigmatize special needs and create a more inclusive society. The group will expand to the Raleigh, N.C., area soon. The 31st class of Coca-Cola Scholars includes 150 high school seniors, selected from a pool of 95,715 applicants. They were judged based on academic excellence, leadership and service demonstrated in school and community activities as part of a three-stage selection process. McInerney was also founder and president of her school’s Sign Language Club. She is a National Merit Scholar, received the Downtown Birmingham Kiwanis Club Youth of the Year scholarship and the Alabama Elks Association Most Valuable Student scholarship. She was selected as a Bronfman Fellow and traveled with 25 other North American teens to Israel. McInerney also had the opportunity to work in Farah Lubin’s Learning and Memory Neuroscience Lab at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. While there, she worked with a Ph.D. candidate on her study of the genetics of epilepsy. The daughter of Kerry and Jennifer McInerney, and the late Hope Cogen McInerney, she will attend North Carolina State University on the prestigious Park Scholarship and has recently been accepted into the Ben Franklin Scholars Program where she intends to double major in chemical engineering and Spanish. “We believe that identifying these young leaders throughout the country and encouraging their passion for serving others not only empowers the students, but also lifts up those around them,” said Jane Hale Hopkins, President of the Foundation. “The Coca-Cola system is dedicated to giving back to the communities they serve, and the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation is proud to be a part of that commitment.” In addition to receiving college scholarships, Coca-Cola Scholars came to Atlanta April 4 to 7 for Scholars Weekend, where they served as the guests of honor at a celebratory banquet, participated in a leadership development curriculum, and were welcomed into a vibrant and growing family of alumni that have become a powerful force for positive change in the world.
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community Waycross choir promotes harmony Georgia high school group mobilizes after synagogue where they perform was vandalized
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When members of the Ware County High School chorus heard that the only synagogue in Waycross, Ga., had been vandalized, memories of performing there each year for the Morris Jacobson Brotherhood Ceremony spurred them to action. On June 7, dozens of students and other community volunteers spent the morning inside and outside the Waycross Hebrew Center, working with congregants to clean up the damage and do some general sprucing up. On May 29, police responded to a tip from a passerby that there was damage at the building. An individual had broken a window to gain access to the building, ransacked and took items from the kitchen and discharged a fire extinguisher throughout the sanctuary. Two kitchen windows and a window in the men’s bathroom were broken, and a side door was unlocked. A menorah was damaged, but the ark and Torahs were not touched. Al Jacobson, who leads the congregation, said that makes them think it was a teenager. Dozens of footprints — and paw prints apparently from a small dog — tracked through the sanctuary in the fire extinguisher powder. There were also blood stains, supposedly from the burglar getting cut on the window. The Waycross Police collected evidence and is looking for suspects. “The detectives have quite a bit of evidence to work on, but no suspect,” Jacobson said. Bhumi Patel, a senior at Ware County High School, started assembling choir members and alumni, saying on Facebook “I think it would be a nice gesture for us to let our local congregation know just how much we love and appreciate them.” That turned into a planning meeting on June 5, where the June 7 effort was coordinated.
The Ware County High School Chorus performs annually at Waycross Hebrew Center 16
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
Greta Thomas, choir director, said “when we heard about the events that happened, it was just tragic. And we wanted to do our part.” While the congregation had managed to get some of the interior cleaned on their own, she said “there’s still a lot in there.” In addition to cleaning the interior, volunteers cleaned up outside, doing landscaping and working on the Morris Jacobson Brotherhood Garden. Their work “was outstanding,” Al Jacobson said. With the choir performing there each year, Thomas said, “we consider the people of the congregation to be like family,” a sentiment that was echoed by several students in a Facebook video posted at the beginning of the cleanup. The Jewish community of Waycross officially organized in the 1920s, and built their synagogue in 1952. With around 35 families at its peak, the congregation was never large enough to have a full-time rabbi. Today, Jacobson said, there are only two Jews in the immediate area, two more 26 miles away and only five within 75 miles. “We also have about 5 to 10 non-Jews that attend Friday night services on a regular basis. But we are holding our own.”
The Birmingham connections at inaugural OU women’s conference Birmingham’s Sarah Rezonzew represented Knesseth Israel at the inaugural Leadership Summit for the Orthodox Union Women’s Initiative, which was organized by a former Birminghamian. The lay leadership conference, held May 20 and 21 in New Jersey, was designed to encourage and develop women serving as lay leaders within their communities. “The goals of the program were to nurture lay leadership, enhance leadership skills and create a collaborative space,” said Adina Shmidman, founding director of the OU Women’s Initiative. “It was inspiring to see a group of women, incredibly diverse in age, experience and hashkafa, coming together to share their passion for the Jewish community.” Shmidman’s husband, Rabbi Avraham Shmidman, was rabbi of Knesseth Israel from 1998 to 2007. The 100 participants were nominated by 56 communities around the United States, Canada, Israel, the United Kingdom and South Africa. Sessions focused on leadership strategy and communication, public speaking, engaging and retaining volunteers, creating compelling programming, effective use of social media, honing and growing one’s personal leadership strengths and work-life balance, community spiritual growth, board and donor relations and other lay-leadership challenges for 21st century Orthodox women. Rezonzew said she and her husband have become greatly involved with activities at Knesseth Israel, and Rabbi Moshe Rube suggested the conference to her, “especially since I have such an interest in women’s leadership, empowerment, and enriching their lives.” She said the conference was “a wonderful event” and it was “helpful to see what other organizations are doing and what programs are having impacts in their communities.” She added that she is now working with Rube to turn what she learned into “positive programming for our synagogue.” The OU Women’s Initiative works with Orthodox nationwide communities to identify and address women’s spiritual, educational and communal needs by expanding and enhancing Torah learning opportunities by women and for women and by creating innovative programming to meet the needs of women at all ages and phases.
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
BHEC’s L’Chaim to honor area Holocaust survivors
To volunteer to cook or serve contact Priscilla Denard ( To organize your “When Pigs Fly Kosher BBQ” Team contact Seth Diamond ( To become an event sponsor contact Dan Tourtellotte ( This program is made possible by Marvin and Ruth Engel Fund and the Unrestricted Fund of the Birmingham Jewish Foundation. 18
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
The Birmingham Holocaust Education Center will honor Alabama Holocaust survivors and their families at the annual L’Chaim event on Aug. 18. “Holocaust Survivors from Generation to Generation” will be at the Jemison Concert Hall at the Alys Stephens Center at 2:30 p.m. The program, a combination of entertainment, education and recognition, will feature The Magic Shtetl Klezmer Band under the direction of Alan Goldspiel and special entertainment arranged by Keith Cromwell of Red Mountain Theatre Company, including vocalists Cantor Jessica Roskin, Caleb Clark, Tracy Winborn, and student performers from RMTC’s Conservatory. According to Deborah Layman, producer of L’Chaim, the personal stories of these survivors are the very reason for the BHEC’s existence and the core of the organization’s work statewide. The BHEC uses these stories to teach new generations about the consequences of hate and indifference. At one time, the center knew of 120 Holocaust survivors in Alabama, with 74 of them in the Birmingham area. Today, survivors with whom the BHEC is acquainted or involved number only 13 in Birmingham, two in Huntsville and one in Northport. Layman said the survivors “grew up in Jewish households in Germany, Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia, in large cities, small cities, towns or shtetls with Jewish customs, Jewish food, Jewish liturgy, music, and humor. In honor of our survivors and the lives they enjoyed before the horrors of the Holocaust, L’Chaim 2019 will celebrate the rich Jewish culture.” There will also be an emphasis on bearing witness. “As the number of living survivors dwindles, it becomes vitally important that we bear witness on their behalf to keep their stories — and the lessons to be learned from the Holocaust — alive for new generations,” Layman said. At the event, “we will also witness the stories of minorities who are surviving hatred in our community today.” Honorary co-chairs for the event are Karen Allen, Neal Berte and David Silverstein. Tickets are $50 for adults, $25 for students, and are available at A dessert reception will follow. The event is the culmination of the center’s annual fundraising campaign, and proceeds will benefit BHEC programs, which keep the history and lessons of the Holocaust alive so that new generations will apply these lessons to their own lives and make a difference in the world for the benefit of all humanity.
Photo by Rabbi Barry Altmark
Honorees Jesse Unkenholz, Harold Apolinsky, Susan Greene, Ilene and Allan Wilensky
Now hiring: A Birmingham Jewish Community CEO Annual awards evening seen as part of a “pivotal moment” in local history
At the annual Birmingham Jewish Community Event on June 11, there was a strong sense that this is a pivotal moment in Birmingham’s Jewish history. The annual event was a joint program of the Birmingham Jewish Federation, Birmingham Jewish Foundation and Israel Bonds. Jesse Unkenholz gave a short overview of Jewish Birmingham United, an effort to unify agencies and share resources across the community. He said there was also a 90-minute version of his talk, available by request. With Richard Friedman stepping down as executive director of the Birmingham Jewish Federation at the end of December after 37 years in the position, the community has begun a search for a community CEO, who will not only head the Federation but be in charge of overall community visioning and planning. Friedman said it is a time where the “community is looking forward, ready to embrace a whole new chapter.” He recalled being in the living room of Hal and Judy Abroms in the early 1980s, discussing his becoming the executive director. “This job is a sacred trust,” he said. Jewish Birmingham United comes from community-wide Reimagine Jewish Birmingham conversations, with deliberations by the Next Gen Committee of those under 40 who are serving on community boards. Last October, the group’s preliminary plans were announced, with an emphasis on community collaboration and pooling of resources, and meetings began with the boards of all 10 community agencies, synagogues and Chabad. Unkenholz said the United group is “asking that the Federation would take the baton and hire a new CEO of the Federation, while keeping in mind the vision we laid out.” He said they want to make sure the local institutions are there “to build the community we want,” and the Federation is the best vehicle to make it happen. Unkenholz added that work must continue and be a community effort.
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
community “We cannot wait for this person to show up and fix everything for us.” One major challenge will be the Annual Campaign, which has declined 20 percent in the last five years, Campaign Chair Jimmy Filler reported. He also noted that gifts from the under-45 members of the community last year were under $90,000 in a $2 million campaign, and he issued a challenge of at least five $1,000 Israel Bonds sales to those 40 and under. In his remarks on behalf of Israel Bonds, Filler acknowledged some controversies currently being debated in the Jewish community, such as the Israeli elections, pluralism issues and the peace process. He warned that in these controversial times, “never use politics as an excuse not to buy Israel Bonds.” As part of the evening, four awards were presented. Harold Apolinsky received the N.E. Miles Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by Birmingham Jewish Foundation Executive Director Sally Friedman. She noted that Apolinsky “took us from the theoretical to the real and practical” when the idea of a foundation started in 1979. “You showed us how the tax code encouraged us to be philanthropists,” and enabled the small-community Foundation to be able to do “what the big boys do.” Apolinsky spoke of going to Washington to testify against the estate tax, and how so many people had no idea how it works. Over the years, the threshold for the estate tax has gone from $600,000 to $22 million. He was the second president of the Foundation, and it was during that term that the Foundation made its first grant. Robin Greene Wall presented her mother, Susan Greene, with the Susan J. Goldberg Distinguished Volunteer Award, noting that Goldberg “was one of my mom’s closest friends… and a second mother to me.” Greene said she and Goldberg went to Camp Barney Medintz together, were sorority sisters at the University of Georgia and served in the United Jewish Appeal Young Leadership Cabinet together. Among many of Greene’s activities were terms as president of the Federation and the N.E. Miles Jewish Day School, where she also co-chaired the $3.5 million Building for the Future campaign. Unkenholz received the Joanie Plous Bayer Young Leadership Award. Lisa Engel said he believes in miracles, and that “our Jewish community will continue as vibrant, strong and collaborative.” Unkenholz has “an unwavering vision of what we can be,” she added. He acknowledged the Next Gen committee, “without them, I didn’t do anything.” This year’s Israel Bonds honorees were Ilene and Allan Wilensky, who Filler, long-time community Bonds spokesperson, said have been among the most dedicated supporters of Israel Bonds over the years. Also during the evening, Hilary Gewant was succeeded as Federation president by Lisa Engel, and Scott Gewant succeeded Richard Pizitz, Jr., as Foundation president. Gewant noted that this transition in community professional leadership “has the potential to be a transformative moment.”
Southern Jewish Historical Society plans Charlottesville weekend The Southern Jewish Historical Society will have its annual conference, “Jews, Race and Public Memory,” Oct. 25 to 27 in Charlottesville. Among the conference organizers are Josh Parshall, historian at the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life, and Stuart Rockoff of the Mississippi Humanities Council. Presentations include “Birmingham, Jews and Public Memory, 18711920,” and “Jewish Mayors in Reconstruction-Era Louisiana and Mississippi.” Michael Cohen of Tulane University is among the presenters. Registration is available at Registration deadline is Sept. 25.
community Knesseth Israel rezoning request withdrawn by potential buyer Once again, a proposed sale of the Knesseth Israel building in Birmingham seems to have fallen through. A week before the June 3 meeting of the Mountain Brook planning commission, the potential buyer withdrew its application for rezoning the property to be used as a medical facility. On June 2, Gabriel and Sarah Rezonzew, who had started a petition on opposing the rezoning to “save the Knesseth Israel Congregation,” declared “victory.” The petition had received 150 signatures, but the Knesseth Israel leadership reiterated its support for the current owner’s plan to sell the building. In 2016, the building was put on the market with the idea that the congregation would then move into the rabbi’s home across the street, which the congregation owns, free and clear. Since the building was dedicated in 2007, the congregation has struggled financially. In 2012, the building was put on the market after it was announced that the congregation still owed the bank $3 million on the $8 million project. After a year on the market, Jimmy Filler, and Fred and Brenda Friedman bought the property, which became the Fred and Brenda Friedman Center for Jewish Life. Knesseth Israel was allowed to remain in the building, which was also made available for other community initiatives. In 2016, the property went back onto the market, as KI’s then-president Ken Ehrenberg stated the building had become “a financial burden to its owner.” For the congregation, the expenses of being in such a large facility were also unsustainable, and moving into the rabbi’s house would also help balance the congregation’s budget. Last summer, it was thought that a sale was imminent and the congregation would be moving out immediately after the High Holy Days, but the rezoning delayed the process.
Deli Day in Dothan On May 9, Temple Emanu-El in Dothan held its 2019 Deli Day, selling over 1,625 meals. In addition, 460 meals were donated to the local community. July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
“Freedom” play opens at National WWII Museum Holocaust survivor, Irish immigrant find common ground “Freedom,” which opens at the National World War II Museum on July 5, has been in development for over two decades. Playwright Joyce Pulitzer said when they started writing the play, the theme about immigrants dealing with their pasts while becoming Americans “wasn’t that poignant, but today the story is really hot.” “We’re excited” about this month’s run at the New Orleans institution. “It’s been a long Lorraine LeBlanc and Curtis Billings in “Freedom” journey.” Set in 1998, “Freedom” is the story of a Ho- also skeptical on how three people could write a locaust survivor and an Irish immigrant who play, but joined the effort. meet just hours before their U.S. naturalization Pulitzer said their philosophy during the ceremony. Both have deep wounds from their writing was “it doesn’t matter whose line it is as pasts, and through that forge a connection long as it makes the play better.” through learning about their commonalities. During the writing, Pulitzer and Greenberg The story isn’t just about finding the freedom met with local Holocaust survivor Anne Levy, that comes with being an American, but also the and they spent time at the home of Felicia freedom to face the truth about one’s self. Fuksman, who had spent four years in the Lodz In America, she said, there are so many op- Ghetto, then was sent to Ravensbruck. She importunities to be free. “Here you can be who you migrated to New Orleans in 1950. are.” Pulitzer said the Holocaust survivors in Over the years, Pulitzer said, four writers col- New Orleans were called the New Americans, laborated on the project. She recalled being at because they wanted to be assimilated. “They Disney World with her grandchildren, when a weren’t the Polish-Americans or the Russea of humanity sprang up and she lost track of sian-Americans.” her family momentarily. She said that moment Pulitzer invited Sean Patterson, who teaches of fright gave her a taste of the emotions when drama at Metairie Park Country Day School, to families were suddenly separated in the 1940s read the script. He then signed on as the fourth in Europe. writer. Greenberg also died before the show The experience stayed with her, and she start- made its debut. ed contemplating what she would have done if In July 2013, the play’s first run was at the she had been in a concentration camp. “I would Contemporary Arts Center, where she said “it have done pretty much anything,” she said. did very well” despite not being part of a season Pulitzer has also written “Cherries Jubilee,” ticket package — so every ticket sold had to be which won the Big Easy Best New Play award someone specifically wanting to see that show. in 1999, and “Life, Liberty, and Social Security.” Through some connections, she was able to In 1998, she started working on “Freedom” approach the National World War II Museum, with “history buff ” David Seelig, contrasting a venue she really wanted to host the show, bethe experience of a Holocaust survivor with cause the museum “has been so significant to that of a former member of the Irish Republican our city.” And, she added, they have a Freedom Army, who had lived in a ghetto because he was pavilion. Catholic. Seelig was not well for much of the The play will be directed by Maxwell Williams time that they collaborated, and he died before of Le Petit Theatre. Curtis Billings will play the it the play was completed. role of Danny, the Irish immigrant, while LorPulitzer also approached Kitty Greenberg, raine LeBlanc, who played Holocaust survivor who headed the drama department at Isidore Yetta in the 2013 production, returns in the role. Newman School. Greenberg was skeptical, but Pulitzer said she had a “degree in chutzpah,” and The show will be at BB’s Stage Door Canteen, convinced Greenberg to read the draft. She was July 5, 6, 12, 13, 19 and 27.
community A Sunflower legacy Lewis family leaves scholarships fund to Delta State The Delta State University Foundation announced on June 17 that it received a $300,000 gift from the Norma and Celian Lewis Charitable Remainder Trust for scholarships for DSU students from Sunflower County, Miss., in what is the largest gift for scholarships for Sunflower County students in DSU history. The Lewises once coowned Lewis Grocer, Inc., one of the South’s largest wholesale grocery companies, headquartered in Indianola, which is in Sunflower County. Celian and his brother, Morris, took over the family business from their father, Morris Lewis Sr., who in 1894 emigrated at age 13 from Poland to Lexington, Miss., in Holmes County, about an hour away in the sprawling Mississippi Delta. “My parents felt that the Mississippi Delta gave them a lot. The community was very important to them, and they wanted to give back,” said Richard Lewis of Atlanta. “There’s a special feeling people get when they drive through the flatlands of the Mississippi Delta. Sunflower County gave my parents a sense of place, a quality of life, and sense of community — a community with its own educational program in Delta State University. By giving to Delta State, my parents wanted to help Sunflower County residents improve their lives. The thought is, how can we promote investment in Mississippi without first investing in the people of Mississippi? Delta State represents a way for my parents to do that. Their ultimate desire was that Mississippi should prosper.” “This generous Lewis family trust gift is a terrific way to support the higher education and career goals of Sunflower County students, as well as Delta State,” said Delta State University President William N. LaForge. “I am most grateful to the Lewis family for creating such a meaningful legacy that honors the family and the community they called home.” The Lewises established the trust in 1999. Celian Lewis, who died in 2008, attended Tulane University; served in the Army in World War II, reaching the rank of major; and retired in 1979 as president of Lewis Grocer and Sunflower Stores, which decades earlier had relocated to Indianola from Lexington. Norma Lewis, who died in May 2018, was a native of Australia. The couple met in Sydney while Celian was director of food distribution for the South Pacific during World War II and Norma was secretary to the executive officer of the Army. They married on May 13, 1947, in St. Anne’s Church in Dixon, Ill., and raised three children: Richard Lewis (Susan DeRose) and Karen (Steve) Castellaw of Atlanta, and Bill (Marye) Lewis of Nashville. They had four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Celian Lewis held many civic leadership roles, including serving as the first president of the Indianola Junior Chamber of Commerce and president of the Chamber of Commerce. After Hurricane Camille in 1969, at the request of Gov. John Bell Williams, Lewis set up a food distribution center in Biloxi and organized others for surrounding areas. He also was a Rotarian for 57 years, and maintained his membership at Lexington’s Temple Beth El. Upon the couple’s retirement to Destin, Fla., in 1985, Lewis volunteered with the chamber of commerce and Meals on Wheels. “This gift from Mr. and Mrs. Lewis is a testament to their dedication and support toward the Mississippi Delta,” said Rick Munroe, vice president for university advancement and external relations.
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
Educators explore Jewish learning at ISJL conference Left, Rabbi Matt Dreffin talks text. Below, The Bible Players in action.
On June 23, about 150 Jewish educators from throughout the South converged on Jackson for the annual Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life education conference. The conference is part of the training and networking for congregations that use the ISJL’s standardized religious school curriculum. Brad Cohen, an educator from Baltimore, led two keynote sessions on vulnerability and classroom dynamics, and ISJL Director of Education
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
Rabbi Matt Dreffin spoke about making text study enticing. The ISJL Community Engagement Team introduced Jewish social justice modules, and there were experimental minyanim, including “Minyan on the Aleinu Express.” The comedy duo The Bible Players demonstrated parts of their children’s show, as well as bits of their “Rated Resh” show for adults. The conference ran through June 25.
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Yes, I need to reserve my ad space in Southern Jewish Life’s Women in Business special issue…
community Birmingham’s first antiques mall turns 40 by Lee J. Green
Birmingham’s first antiques mall, Hanna Antiques on the Southside of downtown, turns 40 this month, and owner Bonnie Includes a Hanna Picard treasures the many memophoto an d ries they’ve made. And you get a profile in our Special Section! profile in the “Our dealers and our customers have be1/4 pg or 1/3 pg, 150 words plus photo Special come a second family to us,” she said. “And plus 2 photos 1/2 page or larger, 200 words Section we’re seeing multiple generations of family. I love that. It’s what is most rewarding about You can tell your story to the entire Jewish community this.” Hanna Antiques offers a large assortment in our area by advertising in this special annual edition. of European, American and mid-century furniture, rugs, chandeliers, vintage linens, Call us today to find out how! china, paintings, mirrors, fine and costume jewelry, lamps, fishing reels, pottery as well SPECIAL WOMEN’S ISSUE RATES as collectibles. The 27,000-square-foot building and 38 showcases can And you get a profile in our Special Section! house 100 dealers, and there are currently a few openings for new dealers. 1/4 pg or 1/3 pg, 150 words plus photo In the mid-1970s, Picard got interested in refinishing, and after moving 1/2 page or larger, 200 words plus 2 photos back to Birmingham from Memphis, she started Hanna Antiques as a refinishing shop in 1979. Birmingham Office: Lee Green (205) 870-7889, “I started refinishing in a small basement in the house I lived in while New Orleans Office: Jeff Pizzo (504) 432-2561, I was going to school and working as a waitress,” she said. “After four months, I rented the 10,000-square-foot building across the street from Hurry — the deadline is July 29! Magnolia Park. My business model was to refinish a certain amount of furniture to pay rent and other expenses. I really didn’t know how to run a business, but I quickly learned and took advice from others.” Some antiques dealer friends came into the store one day and suggested she start an antiques mall, since she had plenty of space in the building she wasn’t using. The friends and Picard would regularly attend monthly flea markets. They got interest from several other antiques dealers who wanted to be a Help Support Independent, Quality, part of this new antiques mall concept. Original Southern Jewish Journalism! “It was something new to Birmingham and people really gravitated to it quickly,” she said. “Over the years I have had dealers do well here and For almost three decades, Southern Jewish Life has then start their own antiques stores.” been an important asset to the Jewish communities of the Deep Picard said another joy of Hanna Antiques is sharing it with family. “I South, telling unique stories, covering important issues and develmet my late husband Sandy in my store. He loved learning about antiques Our Jewish Community News Magazine oping a national reputation for quality journalism. We bring the and got the ‘antique bug’ immediately,” she said. small communities of a wide region together, to form a stronger He came to work at the store full time the next year. “My parents Southern Jewish community, and help keep our• communities on Office: Birmingham Office: (205) 870-7889 New Orleans • Toll Free (866) worked(504) for free432-2561 on weekends and became dealers 446-5894 after they retired,” she the national and international map. Fax (866) 392-7750 • • P.O. Box 130052, Birmingham AL 35213 said. As part of our mission, we send the magazine free to every Now, Picard’s son, John, is continuing the family legacy by working to known Jewish household in our coverage area. If you are one of conduct estate and moving sales. those receiving the magazine for free and want to express your apShe said the antiques and collectibles worlds have changed with the preciation and support, please consider supporting us through a advent of the Internet, online auctions and purchasing. But Picard said voluntary subscription. that Hanna Antiques has been able to use the Internet as a resource, and If you want to go further and want to help ensure that our publito their customers, nothing can replace the experience of shopping there. cation remains a vital part of our community in an era when other “Trends come and go, but value is always ‘in.’ The Internet has expandcommunities are seeing their publications scale back or close ened our knowledge to help us learn more about collectibles and their valtirely, we welcome your contributions! (Some of our colleagues do ues to be able to sell online,” she said. full-blown annual donation campaigns). “Though some go on the Internet to purchase something, the physical You can contribute online at, or mail to P.O. Box hunt is still more fun,” said Picard. 130052, Birmingham, AL 35213. Our normal subscription is $25 She also said Hanna Antiques takes great pride in being green, as all of for one year, $40 for two years, but we welcome your support, no their merchandise is recycled. “And my logo is the same green from the matter the size. beginning,” she added. Looking back, Picard said it’s hard to believe it has been 40 years. “To We thank you for your continued support as we tell our me, this is not work, it’s fun. I still love it to this day,” she said. “I can’t stories — the stories of Southern Jewish Life! imagine doing anything else in my life.”
“Southern Jewish Life is a vital community asset”
Southern Jewish Life
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
community Biscuits’ Rosenberg putting up impressive numbers in quest for Majors by Lee J. Green Montgomery Biscuits Pitcher Kenny Rosenberg continues to toss bagels in the fourth year of his professional career, and his strong season earned him a spot on the Double-A Southern League mid-season AllStar team. As of late June, Rosenberg posted a 6-1 record with a 3.20 earned run average and 73 strikeouts. His overall minor league career record is 25-12 with a 4.07 ERA. “I am continuing to learn and develop my pitches. I came to spring training this year as strong as I have ever been,” he said. “I am committed to doing whatever it takes to help our team win. Whether they need me to start or in relief, I am happy to do my part.” Rosenberg, whose father is Jewish and mother is Catholic, grew up just north of San Francisco in Mill Valley, Calif. He said the family celebrated all holidays. “My agent, Paul Cohen, is Orthodox, so I have learned some from him and his family too,” he said. When Rosenberg was 5 years old, he started in coach-pitch baseball. “I always loved baseball from an early age. I was small but good with my hands,” he said. Rosenberg started playing on his high school varsity baseball team his junior year. They were in a smaller conference and scouts didn’t take much notice despite his being a conference all-star pitcher his senior year. “College was always the plan, though. Getting a quality education was important to my family and me. Plus I wanted to go a baseball program with a strong reputation that could help me to develop my skills,” he said. Rosenberg would earn a degree in journalism at Cal State Northridge and got drafted by the Tampa Bay Rays in the eighth round of the 2016 Major League Baseball draft. He advanced to Single-A Bowling Green in 2017, then spent all of 2018 with the Charlotte, Fla., Stone Crabs in a higher-ranking level of single A. On June 18, he pitched a perfect inning in relief during the Southern League All-Star game. Jewish Baseball News also proclaimed him Minor League Pitcher of the Week on June 9, after a June 5 outing where he pitched six innings, giving up one run on three hits while striking out nine. He followed it up with his third straight win on June 12, giving up one run in eight innings to go 6-1. Before his professional baseball career, Rosenberg had not been to the South. He said he has enjoyed being in Montgomery and traveling to other Southern League cities. “We got to play the Birmingham Barons in the Rickwood Classic earlier this year,” he said. “That’s the oldest stadium in America and I got to meet some great former players. That was one of the coolest things I have ever been able to do.” He plans to soon visit the Rosa Parks Museum in Montgomery. “I love it here in the South and I sure have had my share of great barbecue,” said Rosenberg, who turns 24 on July 9. But his goal is to make it further south, as in Tampa Bay. “This is an important step but it’s just a step in the whole process,” he said. “My goal is to make the majors and have a successful career.” After that, Rosenberg hopes to get a job in baseball communications. “I love playing baseball, writing about baseball and talking about baseball,” he said.
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
community >> Agenda
continued from page 8
The North Louisiana Jewish Film Series at the Robinson Film Center in Shreveport continues with “Prince of Egypt,” July 23 at 10:30 a.m. Space is limited to 20 people, and reservations are $15. On Aug. 4, Camp Chai, the North Louisiana Jewish Federation’s Day Camp, will there will be a Logan Martin Lake Crawl with swimming, kayaking and attend the screening. water tubing at the Bromberg family lake house. Reservations will be Pensacola’s Temple Beth El is having its 12th annual poker night, limited. the congregation’s largest fundraiser, on Aug. 17. The No Limit Hold’em Temple Beth El in Pensacola will gather for the Crosstown Band tournament is $100 for the first 100 pre-registered participants, $110 community concert in the Maritime Park Amphitheater, July 21 at 6 at the door. Participants get $3,000 in chips and can rebuy for $100 p.m. Bring a chair and something to share; Beth El will be by the large until 7:15 p.m. There is a one-time add-on of $5,000 from 7 to 7:15 p.m. blue shade structure. Blinds start at 25/50 and go up every 45 minutes until the break at 7 Hadassah Birmingham will hold a sneak peek to this year’s Side- p.m., then at 30 min. intervals. Doors open at 4:15 p.m., play begins at walk Film Festival, Aug. 4 at the Levite Jewish Community Center. The 5 p.m. Refreshments are free, there will be a cash bar and prizes. event will be facilitated by Michele Forman, director of the UniversiA special meeting of the Ahavas Sholem Cemetery Association ty of Alabama at Birmingham Media Studies Program. Popcorn and will be held at Anshe Sfard in New Orleans on Aug. 7 at 7 p.m., for the drinks are included in the $10 admission. purpose of considering a proposal that the Articles of Incorporation The Temple Beth-El Men’s Club will have a Family Night Out at Re- (Charter) be amended to extend the life of the Corporation. Relatives of those buried in the cemetery are invited to attend. gions Field to watch the Birmingham Barons, July 18. Birmingham’s Knesseth Israel is collecting items for its annual Estate Sale, which will run Labor Day weekend, except for Shabbat. Donations may include antiques, vintage decor, artwork, gently-used books, toys, DVDs, videos, games, housewares, bric-a-brac, Judaica, furniture, sports equipment, vintage décor, glassware, barware, kitchen and bath. Clothing is not being included this year. Donation forms are available inside the lobby. Donations and purchases support the programs and services of Knesseth Israel.
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Knesseth Israel in Birmingham will host a Women’s High Tea on Sept. 18. Details and registration information will be available later this month.
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
health/wellness an annual SJL special section
Avoid Heat Related Illnesses With temperatures on the rise, there is a greater risk for heat related illnesses, especially for those who have a chronic health condition or take certain medications that interfere with normal body response to heat. It’s important to know the warning signs for heat related illnesses and how to stay cool and healthy this summer. Exposure to abnormal or prolonged amounts of heat and humidity without relief or adequate fluid intake can cause various types of heat-related illness. Heat related illness can occur in two ways, exertional What are the signs or and non-exertional. symptoms of heat stroke? Exertional heat illness occurs when an individual exerts them- Confusion selves in a hot environment, such Fainting as practicing football on a hot Body temperature of 104°F or higher day without any breaks. Non-ex- Hot, dry skin ertional heat stroke occurs when Nausea and vomiting an individual is trapped in a hot Rapid heartbeat environment. Examples of this Quick, shallow breathing would be an infant left in a car Loss of balance and coordination Seizures on a summer day. Heat exhaustion results from a loss of water and salt in the body. It occurs in conditions of extreme heat and excessive sweating without adequate fluid and salt replacement. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body is unable to cool itself properly and, if left untreated, can progress to heat stroke. Heat stroke, the most severe form of heat illness, occurs when the body’s heat-regulating system is overwhelmed by excessive heat. It is a life-threatening emergency and requires immediate medical attention. Heatstroke is an extreme medical emergency, for which one should call 911 right away. Until help arrives, move the affected person into the shade or at least away from the heat source. Remove the person’s clothing, fan the person, and apply cool water or wet towels or sheets. If available, apply covered ice to armpits and groin. Change the towels and sheets when they are no longer cool. Continue these activities until help arrives. Heat related illnesses can be prevented. It’s important to drink plenty of fluids during vigorous or outdoor activities. Stay away from alcohol or fluids with caffeine, such as tea, coffee and cola, as these can lead to dehydration. Make sure to dress in light colored, lightweight, tightly woven, loose-fitting clothing on hot days. Schedule vigorous activity and sports for cooler times of the day and take frequent breaks to rest in shady or cool areas. Stay protected from the sun by using sunscreen, wearing a hat and sunglasses, and using an umbrella. If possible, try to spend as much time indoors on very hot and humid days. Never leave a child or animal in an unattended car, even if the windows are cracked open. If you or someone you know exhibits signs or symptoms of heat stroke, seek emergency help immediately.
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Your CBD Store opens in Mountain Brook CBD oil can cure ails such as joint and muscle pain, anxiety, sleep deprivation, headaches as well as prevent the onset of epileptic seizures. Last month, Your CBD Store opened in Mountain Brook, and owner Joe Tanko said he is excited to be able to help people with products made from industrial hemp. “The reason I got into this was to help other people,” said Tanko. “I am an avid golfer and CBD oil has helped me to heal so I can play more. It has helped people feel better in a number of ways.” The THC level in the CBD oil is “non-traceable.” The 2018 Agriculture and Nutrition Act also changed the legal status of hemp from a controlled substance to an agricultural commodity, paving the way for the widespread sale of CBD oil. Your CBD Store Mountain Brook offers tinctures — liquid drops placed under the tongue — topical creams, water-soluble pills and bath bombs. They even have products made for dogs and cats that help pets with anxiety, joint pain as well as other ailments. “We’re not doctors and we suggest people consult with their physician (or veterinarian as pertaining to their pets) before starting on CBD oil products,” said Tanko. “It’s not one size fits all, but we listen to what our customers say and can recommend based on our personal experiences; research on what has worked, as well as what other customers have told us works for them.” People can start feeling the positive effects of water-soluble products within 5 to 10 minutes, so those are recommended more for acute pain. CBD tinctures can take one to two hours to start working, so those are more for chronic conditions. Manager Conner Hodgkins said the tinctures come in a variety of flavors and doses. “We even have flavors that dogs like in our dog treats,” he said.
Saturdays 9:30am sundays 1pm 30
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
Conner said Your CBD Store corporate has researchers on staff responsible for the development and testing of products, led by Dr. Anthony Ferrari, who has a doctorate in analytical chemistry.
Nationally Funded by: L.E. Phillips Family Foundation
“Just about every day we learn more about what’s working and advancements,” said Hodgkins. “Plus there are many testimonials out there from people who said how CBD oil worked for them when other things they tried didn’t.”
Integrated solutions for pain management in New Orleans Integrated Pain and Neuroscience pioneered several pain management treatments in the New Orleans area, including medical acupuncture, bone marrow aspirate concentrate and deep tissue laser therapy. But IPN prides itself on the education its team of professionals provides to patients, with a focus on holistic wellness. “The single most important thing is helping our patients to maintain a healthy, pain-free life,” said Integrated Pain and Neuroscience’s Michael Francis, a New Orleans native who ran the Pain Clinic at Tulane for 10 years. “We’re here not just to help them improve their quality of life, but to also provide them with the knowledge on what they can do for themselves.” Francis studied Tai Chi for years and continues to teach it. He also advises patients on a diet rich in foods that can help their body, including fish oil and anti-inflammatories such as turmeric. “Tai Chi, yoga and meditation are all important pieces of the wellness picture,” he said. “The key is to do things that are good for our mind and body. The less we concentrate on the pain, the less pain we have.” Eric Royster founded Integrated Pain and Neuroscience with a mission to solve the puz-
zle of debilitating pain. IPN’s board-certified, fellowship-trained physicians combine both interventional and integrative pain management techniques to relieve chronic and acute pain. Interventional pain management uses more traditional medical treatments to address pain, such as minimally invasive medical or surgical procedures that interrupt the nervous system’s transmission of pain messages from the nerve endings to the brain. Integrative pain management integrates complementary and alternative medicine into a treatment plan with techniques including deep tissue laser therapy, acupuncture, psychiatry, nutrition and physical therapy. IPN also offers headache therapy through occipital nerve blocks and other alternatives to pharmacologic therapy, to help patients achieve pain relief and decrease both intensity as well as frequency of headaches. They recently expanded their services to include Ketamine infusion therapy, which is being used to treat chronic and acute pain — especially those suffering from chronic pain, chronic migraines, treatment-resistant depression and post-traumatic stress disorder — on an outpatient basis.
The number of infusion therapies needed varies based on one’s diagnosis, symptoms and body’s response to the treatment, but results typically last for three to six months. “Ketamine is an anesthetic agent that has been in use for more than 40 years and plays an integral part in blocking pain receptor loops,” said Francis. “It’s more effective than other agents for the control neuropathic pain.” Integrative Pain and Neuroscience also has begun offering an investigative treatment for pain using one’s own cells, autologous stem cells. The patient is the donor and the recipient, preventing any risk of rejection or allergic reaction. The cell therapy procedure Royster offers uses Bone Marrow Aspiration taken from the back of a patient’s hipbone to treat the targeted area. They offer the treatment to patients with conditions including osteoarthritis of the joints, chronic partial rotator cuff tears, pinched nerves, muscular tears and disc-related back pain. The procedure is fast, comes with very few risks, and is performed in an office setting. IPN has locations in Uptown, Metairie and Slidell. For more information, go to
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
Craig Rousso building better smiles at Diamond Smiles Craig Rousso, a dentist with Diamond Smiles Dentistry in Homewood, smiles when recalling how much of an inspiration his father — Daniel Rousso of Rousso Facial Plastic Surgery and Day Spa — was to him when making a decision about his career. “I loved the fact that dad always played an important part in making people feel and look better,” said Rousso. His older sister, Emily, is also in the dental field, in pediatric practice in the Birmingham area. “We all work on the face. My sister and I work on the inside and our dad works on the outside. We are always referring patients to each other.” Rousso recognizes that the knowledge he has learned in the medical field from his dad, even before choosing the dental profession, has helped him tremendously in his career. Rousso graduated from dental school at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, then attended residency in advanced general dentistry in Santa Barbara, Calif., before coming back home to Birmingham. He then joined Diamond Smiles Dentistry after Edgar Luna believed it would be a great partnership in the Homewood location, especially since Rousso also had a keen interest in high-end cosmetic dentistry. Rousso credits his residency in keeping him up to date in the most recent advancements in dentistry. Patients can replace old amalgam fillings with a new resin-composite, and can even have the option to do inlays or onlays with a ceramic porcelain that gives better quality than even newer composite fillings. For many years, silver fillings have been made from amalgams containing mercury. Over time, the silver turns into grey and black spots, which can indicate a failure in the filling, and will leak mercury. Rousso says, “for those who have had the fillings for multiple years, there is a very high likelihood
that the seals have worn off and decay has come back. Sometimes we don’t see the damage until we take out the filling.” Rousso also provides cosmetic crowns and veneers. “These newer materials allow our office to provide you with beautiful, but natural looking teeth,” said Rousso. He works hand in hand with their elite labs to provide the perfect design to match the patients’ facial features and smile desires. For those who want straighter teeth but don’t want the hassle or look of conventional braces, Rousso offers Invisalign, a clear removable retainer that is molded to the shape of one’s mouth. Patients can wear the clear retainers for a determined length of time and can see a significant improvement, without a mouth full of metal. At Diamond Smiles Dentistry, Rousso utilizes digital scanners and x-rays to help gain an enhanced attention to cancer screening and overall oral health, often eliminating the need for traditional impression materials, while greatly reducing exposure to radiation. Rousso provides a customized treatment plan to match a patient’s oral history and treatment goals. This helps decide frequency of visits and helps educate patients to impact their overall systemic health. “These days, the electric toothbrush is relatively inexpensive. You can get an entry level model for a few dollars and just change the brush out as needed,” he said. “The electric toothbrush gives a more thorough cleaning of the teeth.” They are especially great for anyone that may have physical mobility problems and are great for young children. Rousso said his favorite dental procedure is “anything to make the patient feel better. Relieving someone of pain or doing a complete smile makeover, having the patient smile at the end of the day is what I love.”
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July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
Wellness: A Family Affair for Dr. Rousso The Rousso family focuses on bringing smiles to the faces of patients with wellness solutions. For more than 25 years, Daniel Rousso has helped patients from as far away as New York City at his Birmingham clinic, Rousso Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medical Spa. His son, Craig, is a dentist and his daughter, Emily, is also a dentist, specializing in pediatrics. Rousso’s wife, Nancy, is an instructor with Villager Yoga. “We enjoy being able to make people feel good and look better,” said Rousso. “It is something we all share.” Rousso has more than 33 years of experience in exclusively facial plastic surgery and skin aesthetics. “We are continuously learning new techniques, technologies and products to stay ahead of the curve,” he said. One of those new, minimally invasive procedures that has proven to be very effective for tightening the skin is the PiXel8 Radio Frequency Micro-Needling system. It uses multiple small needles that apply gentle electric currents deep within the skin layers to stimulate and remodel collagen and cause elastin cells to regenerate. This results in a firmer, smoother and more consistent skin surface. “It takes just three treatments about a month apart to make a dramatic difference. And there is no downtime,” added Rousso. For those seeking to eliminate fine wrinkles on the lips, the new Volbella works well, he said. This filler works on the wrinkles without plumping up the lips. Another new product, Voluma, builds up the cheekbone area. Rousso said that they use Botox and fillers on patients, and these procedures have zero downtime. “Fillers and Botox can freshen your appearance tremendously,” he said, “but when these minimally invasive treatments just don’t cut it anymore, many patients opt for surgery for a more permanent solution.” Rousso is internationally renowned for his contributions to the field of facial plastic surgery and routinely performs facial rejuvenation procedures, including facelift, eyelid surgery, nasal (cosmetic and functional) surgery, cheek/chin augmentation surgeries, lip enhancement procedures, dermabrasion, chemical peeling, laser resurfacing surgery, endoscopic surgery, and hair replacement, including their newest hair restoration procedure utilizing the NeoGraft follicular unit extraction (FUE) method. “Hair replacement is a large part of why men come in here, but today more men are coming in for general skin care,” he said. Rousso is proud to be involved in a program called Faces of Honor, which aids injured soldiers who need facial plastic surgery, at no cost. He recently did a rhinoplasty on a solider injured in Iraq that had breathing issues, as well as nasal deformities. “This is my way of saying thank you to the brave men and women who have served our country,” he said. With it being summer in the Deep South, Rousso stressed the importance of regularly using sunscreens. He recommends an SPF of 50 to 100. “It’s critical they use sunscreens with zinc or titanium oxide,” he said. “The sun is strong here in the Deep South, but at least with high humidity, one’s skin retains moisture versus a dry climate.” Rousso also recommends routine skin examinations to look out for crusty sores that won’t heal. Those could be basal cell or squamous cell cancers. “If those are caught early when they are small, there is a very high cure rate,” he said. “Something such as melanoma (dark spots) could be more worrisome.” In addition to adding new technologies, products and procedures, last year Dr. Rousso added a new doctor to the practice for the first time in 25 years. Austin Adams, who is from the New Orleans area and trained at Vanderbilt University, came on board in July 2018. “Dr. Adams is an excellent surgeon. He can perform many of the same surgeries and procedures that I can,” said Rousso. “That has really helped us to grow the number of patients that we can help.”
Make Your Summer Escape Plan Make Your Summer Escape Plan with our Special Summer Spa Packages with our Special SpatoPackages Summer is here and weSummer have your plan a healthier,
more beautiful season. Whether off, Summer is here and we have your you’re plan tojetting a healthier, road-tripping or season. staying right where you jetting are, plan more beautiful Whether you’re off,to spend some much-deserved “me”where time you at Escape DaytoSpa! road-tripping or staying right are, plan spend some much-deserved Escape Dayproducts Spa! Therapeutic Massage & other modalities | “me” Organic time Facials at featuring Hylunia® Dermasweep™Massage Microdermabrasion Treatments | All-Facials Natural, OrganicHylunia® Airbrush products Tanning Therapeutic & other modalities | Organic featuring Manicures & Pedicures | All-NaturalTreatments Body Treatments & WrapsOrganic | Full Body Waxing with Dermasweep™ Microdermabrasion | All- Natural, Airbrush Tanning NuFree® | &Xtreme Lash® Eyelash Extensions | Couples,& Group Manicures Pedicures | All-Natural Body Treatments Wraps&| Individual Full Body Packages Waxing with NuFree® | Xtreme Lash® Eyelash Extensions | Couples, Group & Individual Packages
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
by Daniel H. March
Personhood in Dementia, a la Martin Buber’s I-Thou
METAIRIE 605 Metairie Rd, Metairie, LA 70005 504.309.8778 | @hemlinemetairie
Martin Buber, the Jewish German philosopher, published in 1923 his “Ich und Du,” “I and Thou,” describing the all-important way that we relate to one another and to God. Buber recognized that every relationship that a person forms with anyone or anything in existence is based on one of two perspectives — I-It or I-Thou (You). These two views of living in the world describe us either as being separate from things or in relationship with others. Applied to human relationships, we either live in relationship with others or we treat them as things, separate from ourselves, a means to an end, or objects to be manipulated. This has far-reaching implications on how we live life, either apart and disconnected, or in relationships, intimate and rich. Buber’s concepts have direct application to healthcare. We are created to live in relationship with the other for whom we care. Relationships are the basis of the personhood we accord to others as a Thou (You). Relating to people as a Thou requires emotional investment, risk, commitment and intimacy. This is in contrast to treating persons as an It, a task to be completed instead of a person to be served and loved. Buber said that “All real living is meeting,” being present, aware, open without hidden agendas or pretense. Too often, we don’t allow ourselves to get close to the people around us, the people we serve or sometimes even our own family members. Emotionally, we keep them at an arm’s length because we don’t feel we can trust the other person or we don’t want to reveal our true selves out of fear of getting hurt. When we grant others the personhood of the Thou, we treat them with grace, allow them and ourselves the freedom to let down our guard. At the same time, we cease trying to manipulate other people or use them as a means to an end or see them as a task to complete. When we allow this to happen, just maybe, we will begin to discover the gift of the people around us, as we enrich each other’s lives. Whether in a healthcare setting or at home around the dinner table, we were created to live in relation with one another, in community. When we treat others as a Thou, we glimpse the Holy. Our relationships transcend the daily grind and allow us to see the higher ethical and moral purpose for which we are created. Daniel H. March is executive director of the Fair Haven Retirement Community in Birmingham.
Advancements in fertility offer new hope The world of fertility continues to be fertile ground for innovation in recent years, and has allowed New LIFE Fertility Leaders to offers new hope to its patients. “It is a constantly changing medical field. Fertility thrives on innovation,” said Barry A. Ripps, who earned his medical degrees from the University of Alabama School of Medicine in Birmingham, opened his practice in 1994 and created New Leaders In Fertility & Endocrinology, aka “New LIFE,” in 2000. The practice has grown and now has offices in Pensacola, Panama City, Destin, Mobile, Dothan, Tallahassee and Biloxi. Ripps said female fertility declines with age, with measurable changes as soon as the late 20s. Some women are choosing cryo-preservation of their eggs earlier in their 20s. “Then, if they are ready to have a baby when they are in their 30s, for example, there would be a higher rate of successful pregnancy, since a healthy egg is the prime factor in a successful conception,” he said. “This technology just came about in recent years.” Another new technology can also help to identify the causes of a miscar-
Special Section articles by Lee J. Green 34
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
health/wellness Stand Out This Summer with a New Head of Hair!
riage. “We can now perform genetic testing on the embryo itself. And when there is a loss, it is something patients can even do at home,” said Ripps. “If the miscarriage was due to a genetic issue, it offers couples new hope to keep trying.” Fertility specialists can also conduct tests to ascertain how receptive the uterus would be to an implantation of an embryo. Whereas previously a 40 percent implantation rate might have been favorable, those numbers can be improved to the range of 60 to 70 percent. Some health factors haven’t changed when it comes to increasing chances of fertility. Ripps recommends a healthy diet and cutting out smoking. “A woman who is in good shape and leads a healthy lifestyle increases her chance of conception,” he said. “We are there every step of the way to help couples in any way we can.”
Children’s Hospital of Alabama clears the air about asthma Asthma can be a scary diagnosis for a child and their parents. It’s a disease that makes it hard to breathe. This happens because airways in the lungs get swollen, smaller and filled with mucus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 13 people has asthma. Molly Bolton, Asthma Program Nurse Practitioner at Children’s Hospital of Alabama, says the common symptoms of asthma include coughing — especially at nighttime — as well as chest pain or chest tightness, and difficulty breathing or a wheezing, whistling sound when breathing. There’s no cure for asthma, but it can be managed to prevent flare-ups. “Our goal is that children with asthma can run and play and do the things any other child can do,” said Bolton. There are multiple treatment measures Asthma Symptoms that can be used in the management of Cough asthma. These include quick relief medi- Chest pain cines that help relieve asthma symptoms Wheezing within minutes, and controller medicines that manage asthma by preventing flareTreatment of Asthma ups. Controller medicine is taken every Quick relief medicine day, even when a child feels well. If you’re concerned your child might Controller medicine have asthma, make a note of the symptoms and any “triggers” that are causing the symptoms and share with your child’s pediatrician. Notice if flare-ups occur inside or outside, or are they exercise-induced? “Talk to your pediatrician about the symptoms that are concerning to you. Try to let them know what makes the symptoms worse or better,” said Bolton. She said if one’s child is diagnosed with asthma, a pediatrician will probably recommend seeing your child every three to six months. “Asthma is chronic, long-term and may change over time,” Bolton added. By partnering with a child’s pediatrician and following their recommendations for management of asthma and avoiding triggers, that child should be able to stay healthy and breathe well.
Moishe House awarded Jerusalem prize Moishe House was awarded the Jerusalem Unity Prize in the international category, during a ceremony at the residence of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. Moishe House received the prize for its worldwide success in engaging Jewish young adults in meaningful ways and empowering them to create their own vibrant communities. Through a global ecosystem of interconnected programs, the Moishe House model ensures that Jewish young adults are equipped and inspired to create Jewish homes and access Jewish events every day of the week. Established in 2006 in Oakland, Calif., Moishe House rapidly expanded, with New Orleans becoming one of the earlier communities to establish a house.
Visit with Dr. Rogers and her team at Hair Restoration of the South to discuss medical and surgical options for your thinning hair. • Follicular unit extraction (FUE) • Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) • Platelet rich plasma (PRP) • Medical therapy (finasteride, minoxidil, and more!)
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RHODES. FULBRIGHT. TRUMAN. GOLDWATER. COLLEGE FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME. In the past three years, Millsaps Collegehas claimed all five with two Rhodes Scholars, four Fulbright Scholars, a Truman Scholar, a Goldwater Scholar, and a College Football Hall of Fame inductee. WHICH ONE WILL YOU EARN?
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
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Ingredients 205/939.3805 2 lb. chicken, boned and skinned ¾ cup oil 6 medium onions, finely chopped 1 tablespoon garlic/ginger paste, or fresh minced ginger/garlic
If qualified, you can buy or change your Medicare Supplement any month of the year.
Dry Masala 8-10 cardamom pods, crushed 8-10 clove, crushed 2 curry leaves 2 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon red chili powder 1 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon salt
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½ cup coconut cream ¼ cup cashews ¼ cup golden raisins 1 teaspoon dried fenugreek leaves ½ cup fine coconut powder Generous pinch of saffron
Instructions: Slice chicken into 2-inch by 2-inch pieces, set aside. In a heavy skillet or pan, heat oil and add garlic, ginger paste. Cook for a minute and add onions to the skillet. Over medium-high heat, cook onions until the onions start to turn brown, about 10-12 minutes. Add crushed cardamom pods, cloves and curry leaves, cook for another 5 minutes until leaves start to turn brown. Add ground coriander and chili powder. Add the chicken pieces and cook until meats turn white, about 5 minutes. Add boiling water and salt, reduce heat to medium, cover and simmer until chicken is fork tender. Stir in coconut cream, cashews, raisins, coconut, dried fenugreek leaves and saffron. When ready to serve, reheat thoroughly and garnish with freshly chopped coriander leaves.
Taj India by Lee J. Green For 25 years this month, Taj India has been currying favor with customers who love Indian food, and the restaurant located within a block of Temples Emanu-El and Beth-El will celebrate with a special event on July 27. “We are still working out some of the details, but it will be our biggest celebration ever,” said Aman Judge, who owns Taj India with his wife, Navi. “We plan to have an extended buffet, one complimentary wine or beer, and some entertainment.” Aman’s brother, Manjet, came to Birmingham in 1994 to start Taj India. Aman was working at a family Indian restaurant in northern California, when Manjet asked them to come and join him in 2006. “I had been to Birmingham a few times to visit him and other family” who owned convenience stores in the area, he said. “I really saw great growth potential for Taj India and we’re grateful that the support has concontinued on page 37 36
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
community >> Rear Pew Mirror
continued from page 30
“I mean, you can take a two-week Caribbean cruise, but who can put a time limit on freedom?” Expense was another hurdle to clear in enticing tourists, especially considering it’s 40 years. Sheliach explained their rationale, “who can put a price on freedom?” The Sheliach brothers might make a comeback, though, with a different biblical experience that would be even more immersive. “With climate change,” says Aaron, “the oceans are rising at a significant rate. Some day soon, people will thank us for building a real ark. Even those officials that grant maritime permits and the animal rights groups who’ve already sent us their opinions.” Doug Brook is growing his hair long to re-enact the story of Samson. And taking more vitamins. To read past columns, visit For exclusive online content, like
>> Taj India
continued from page 36
tinued to grow over the years.” When the Judges came in, they expanded the lunch buffet, which now has twice as many items as it did when they came. They have also greatly expanded the regular menu, which includes numerous kosher-style items including Indian curries, chicken flavored with dry spices and mint leaves; a crispy savory fish with yellow lentils and a tangy sauce (Fish Pakora); a northern Indian specialty of baby corn simmered in spiced spinach, and Kadhi Lamb, a boneless lamb cooked in a rich, tomato-based masala sauce. Aman Judge said everything on the menu is made fresh daily from family recipes. They work with local farms and food providers as much as possible. “It’s all from scratch. We even make our own yogurt,” he said. In addition to introducing many customers to various Indian foods, Taj India has also shared Indian culture and holiday celebrations. They have events celebrating Holi in the spring and Diwali in the fall. “This is not only a great way to share our foods but also our culture, holidays and traditions,” he said. “Those holidays have become events at Taj India our customers greatly look forward to.” The Judges recently closed the Chester’s Chicken location they started at a Shell station in Crestwood. But the Taj wraps started there — eggplant, spinach and chicken — will be served at Taj India. Aman Judge said Taj India has been proud to serve the Birmingham area for a quarter of a century and they look forward to many more years. He responded to those who inquired about the fate of the Highland Plaza tenants. “We have signed a lease through July of next year, and if we were to move, we would certainly remain in this area,” said Judge.
Makarios Kabob & Grill 940 20th St South Birmingham Tel: (205) 731-7414 Fax: (205) 731-7416
Makarios Kabob & Grill at The Ranch House 2931 Columbiana Rd Vestavia Hills Tel: (205) 979-6495 Fax: (205) 979-6425
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
rear pew mirror • doug brook DINE AT AN “AMERICAN CLASSIC” AS RECOGNIZED BY
Forty summer getaway The Jewnion – Judaica’s Most Fined News Source
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SOMEWHERE IN THE SINAI DESERT — The boldest tourist attraction in the history of Israel, the Middle East, and perhaps the world is shutting down before welcoming a single guest. “Let Your People Go” promised to be the most comprehensive, realistic re-enactment of the exodus from Egypt since the Bible itself. The brainchild of the Sheliach brothers, it was intended to provide an immersive experience for those who don’t get enough from the Passover Seder, Shavuot celebration of the giving of the Torah, and eating in a Sukkah. “At seder a few years ago,” says Moshe Sheliach, co-founder of Let Your People Go, “my daughter asked what it was really like to be in the desert during this historic event. My father told her to just Google it, which I wouldn’t let her do until after yuntov, and I thought there should be a way to experience it beyond the limits of a search engine. “So, this whole enterprise started out for her, even though she did just Google it later that night.” Moshe and his brother Aaron decided it was kismet to run the business together. Their sister Miriam wanted nothing to do with it. According to Aaron, “she told us that we’re both nuts.” The brothers faced various challenges from the onset. Not only is the beginning of the journey within Egypt, but so is the Sinai desert itself now. Egyptian officials were less than thrilled with supporting an attraction that portrays them as adversaries. “We’re less than thrilled,” said one Egyptian official in an official statement, on the condition of anonymity. The mechanics of rigging the Red Sea to part proved formidable as well. “Cecil B. DeMille and the Almighty both did it,” says Aaron Sheliach, “and technology has come a long way since then.” Acquiring enough chariots to chase tourists from Egypt to the Red Sea was expensive, especially considering many would be destroyed every time the waters unparted. Harder to resolve was that the people hired to portray Egyptian soldiers and Pharaoh quickly formed a union to protect themselves from the frequent drowning to death their jobs would entail. Another factor to consider was the tourists themselves. Would they make the same choices as the Israelites? Would they run to the sea when they’re supposed to? What if they can’t Ready for the handle the run? The Sheliach brothers had a simple plan. “People will be here most authentic to re-enact what really happened,” says experience of the Aaron. “When Moses told them what to do, they did it. If they’re serious Exodus? Didn’t enough about re-enacting to come here and do it, they’ll do what they’re think so… told.” Similarly, people will not be allowed any modern technology. No cell phones or other devices and, much like Moses himself, no GPS or other map resources. “We thought it sounded like a wonderful retreat from the burdens of modern society,” says Moshe, “but it seems that some people aren’t interested in giving up their gadgets for too long. Even Shabbat is a struggle for many of them.” In truth, one of the most fundamental flaws in their plan was how comprehensive the experience would be. It was planned to be a full 40 years. According to Moshe, “we eventually learned that most people don’t have that many vacation days from their jobs, and people who are retired don’t generally have that much time, either. continued on previous page
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
community JCRS has record number of camp scholarship applicants Jewish Children’s Regional Service announced that the education committee, as of late June, had funded over $180,000 in college scholarship awards to 70 Jewish students from its seven-state region, with another 15 to 20 applications still in the works. The New Orleans-based agency also said they had a post-Katrina record of 435 applications for summer camp aid, granting scholarship assistance to 391 students to attend 51 different non-profit Jewish sleepaway camps this summer.
Chanukah Gifts Applications Due
For over 20 years, JCRS has been providing Chanukah gifts to Jewish children and youth whose families have been struggling economically . The program has developed into one that annually assists over 300 Jewish youth and institutionalized Jewish adults. Thousands of small gifts are shipped to families with children, and children from the neediest families also receive Chanukah department store gift cards each year, if they apply by July 15. To receive maximum gift consideration, electronic applications to the Oscar J. Tolmas Hanukkah Gift Program must be filled out at by July 15. Gift cards are not guaranteed for applications filled out after July 15. Each child in the program receives at least 8 small gifts, one for each night of Chanukah, and a child’s interests can be included in the application. Since thousands of gifts must be secured, sorted, wrapped and shipped, the agency requests that families register early for maximum consideration.
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life
July 2019 • Southern Jewish Life