Prisms: Spring 2014 | Volume 24

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St. Joseph Notre Dame High School 1011 Chestnut Street Alameda, California

PRISMS STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Amelia Khoo Literary Editor: Natalia Layson Art Editor: Christopher Oberempt Layout Editor: Daniela Chaparro Foreign Language Editor: Isabela Reid STAFF MEMBERS Quentin Fernandez Janet Gonzalez Serena Milroy Maya Rowell Emilio Sanchez Jackson Sundheim COVER DESIGN Jackson Sundheim INSIDE COVER DESIGN Christopher Oberempt ADVISER Elizabeth Peláez Norris ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Paula Cekola Concha Castellanos Deitrick Jennifer Dlugosh Jean Kuznik Andrew McKee Mark Ritter

PRISMS is a literary-art magazine published by students of St. Joseph Notre Dame High School in Alameda, California. Submissions may be turned in to Mrs. Norris in Room 10 throughout the year. They are judged anonymously by PRISMS staff. Up to four submissions may be published per issue by any single contributor. As “a rainbow refraction of light,” PRISMS reflects the diversity of the SJND student body through different media, genres, and languages. Funded by St. Joseph Notre Dame High School, PRISMS is shared and enjoyed by our school community. Each SJND family receives a free copy. Printed by Urban Art Lithography, 2331 C St., Sacramento, CA. Adobe InDesign CS3. Font: Times New Roman. 7 pt. 8 pt. 9pt. 10 pt. 11 pt. 12 pt. Brother Laser Printer HL-5140. Cover & Text: Titan Gloss 80#. Ink: Black and Four Color Process. Perfect Bind. 700 copies.

TABLE OF CONTENTS CEREMONY………………………………….…...…......................................8 Olivia Ballesteros FAMILIA ..................…………………….…...….............................................9 Jessica Marquez CITY GIRL..........………………………….…...…..........................................9 Austine De Los Santos UNDER THE RAIN.........................................................................................10 Sean Obligacion FEEL THE BEAT..............................................................................................10 Lamont Banks SINFONÍA EN POESÍA...................................................................................11 Kevin Dyer NEW LIFE........................................................................................................12 Matthew Conroy MELTING WHITE ROSE................................................................................12 Gina Bonardi MUJER.............................................................................................................13 Erik Castillo AVENIDA 34....................................................................................................14 Bianca de la Cruz FRUITVALE BLUES.......................................................................................15 Olivia Ballesteros FLASH FORWARD.........................................................................................15 Mikio Akima GOLDEN CONNECTION..............................................................................16 Julian DeGuzman SPARKS WILL FLY.........................................................................................16 Taylor Griffith ODE TO LIGHT...............................................................................................17 Lena Jennings A RECOLLECTION OF SUMMERS PAST...................................................17 Aaron Stanek ODA AL VERANO..........................................................................................18 Ryann Malicdem VELEROS........................................................................................................20 Marissa Quinones LA PLAYA DE LOS CABOS..........................................................................22 Alfonso Alonso LA PLAYA.......................................................................................................23 Maya Rowell OCEANIC WONDERS...................................................................................24 Alexa Martinez WAVES OF INSPIRATION.............................................................................24 Gwen Dybas BARCELONA..................................................................................................25 Giulia Marinos

ROME...............................................................................................................25 Dalton Green HOLLAND.......................................................................................................26 Jonathan Schuitema JAPAN..............................................................................................................27 Amelia Khoo LIGHTS............................................................................................................28 Amy Wang DRAGON FRUIT.............................................................................................29 Amy Wang SPLASHDOWN...............................................................................................29 Taylor Griffith PORTRAIT.......................................................................................................30 Justin Pasion NON-TRADITIONAL SELFIE.......................................................................30 Isabel Reyes WRINKLES......................................................................................................31 Natalia Layson TIME................................................................................................................32 Amelia Khoo SIN SENSACIÓN............................................................................................34 Isabela Reid UNA PÍLDORA...............................................................................................35 Giulia Marinos CATHARSIS....................................................................................................36 Jonathan Schuitema THE NEXT DAY..............................................................................................36 Will Keane HERMANOS...................................................................................................37 Erik Castillo HOLOCAUSTO...............................................................................................38 Carlos Mora MY LAST GOODBYE.....................................................................................40 Janet Gonzalez TALK TO ME...................................................................................................42 Jarod Sutton NIGHTMARE...................................................................................................43 Thong Dinh MASK...............................................................................................................43 Francisca Chaparro MY CULTURE.................................................................................................44 Katherine Hanover FEATHERS......................................................................................................45 Oscar San Miguel LA LLORONA.................................................................................................45 Oscar San Miguel

SUEÑOS DESVANECIDOS............................................................................46 Katherine Hanover DISILLUSIONMENT.......................................................................................47 Thong Dinh IN MEMORY....................................................................................................47 Emma Doud FRIENDSHIPS AND MEMORIES.................................................................48 Mika Olaguer THE CIRCLE...................................................................................................49 Courtney Shojinaga LA VENGANZA..............................................................................................50 Chioma Amuzie ON THE INSIDE..............................................................................................51 Austine De Los Santos PIECES OF SERENITY....................................................................................51 Michael Ong RECUERDO.....................................................................................................52 Natalia Layson NIGHT PIER.....................................................................................................53 Alexandra Aubry THE DUCK OF THE LAGOON......................................................................53 Natalia Layson LA HORMIGA.................................................................................................54 Maya Rowell A BUZZ LIFE...................................................................................................55 Taylor Blumkin VASE................................................................................................................55 Courtney Shojinaga OIL SPILL........................................................................................................56 Taylor Blumkin I HATE MILK..................................................................................................56 Jason Tran ODA AL PASTEL DE ÁNGEL........................................................................57 Katherine Hanover FIREHOUSE.....................................................................................................58 Will Schmidt DANCE DANCE DANCE...............................................................................58 RJ Pimentel LA SALSA PICANTE......................................................................................59 Dalton Green EVERY SUNDAY.............................................................................................60 Marissa Quinones BEACH.............................................................................................................61 Olivia Ballesteros PICKING UP THE PIECES..............................................................................61 Austine De Los Santos

7 WAYS TO LOOK AT ALMA OLAGUER....................................................62 Mika Olaguer MI ANGEL DE LA GUARDA.........................................................................63 Astrid Hernandez VISTA DE UNA SILLA DE RUEDAS............................................................64 Isabela Reid LAMENTATION..............................................................................................66 Alexa Martinez ONCE UPON A TIME.....................................................................................67 Amelia Khoo EL ERIZO.........................................................................................................68 Jackson Sundheim IN REMEMBERANCE....................................................................................68 Quinn Gilchrist BOXED IMAGINATION.................................................................................69 Amy Wang FLOATING SHAPES.......................................................................................69 Manru Wu SOFT WATER..................................................................................................70 Julian DeGuzman OH, INVERTED WORLD...............................................................................70 Marissa Quinones HE SAID MABE..............................................................................................71 Karina Leon LA CASA OSCURA........................................................................................72 Janet Gonzalez A LETTER HOME...........................................................................................73 Karina Leon ANXIETY.........................................................................................................74 Lynnea Jawad TUESDAYS......................................................................................................75 Amelia Khoo NUBES.............................................................................................................76 Jackson Sundheim PATH TO THE SKY.........................................................................................77 Jackson Sundheim I DARE YOU...................................................................................................77 Daniela Chaparro CHILDHOOD’S END......................................................................................78 Will Keane

Dedicated to Deacon Jimmy Macalinao, D. Min. Who continually calls us to explore the possibilities in our lives

POSSIBILITIES measured predictability disguised as quiet chaos characterizes the world around us can you see it in the spiraled perfection of shells on the beach and the swirling madness of galaxies overhead? can you hear it in the melodic whistling of the wind? nature speaks to us in her most honest language: don’t speak. just listen to the oscillating waves of the ocean. feel the gravitational pull, the alluring magnetism ever calling you, beckoning you to explore search find create your own predictability, discover the mathematical precision that lies in the quiet chaos endless possibilities wait here beyond let PRISMS be your guide Amelia Khoo Editor-in-Chief

CEREMONY Kneeling strong we make the altar Woven blankets with our offerings Lighted candles with blessed prayers Dripping wax through our ceremony Burning sage disperses to the sky As smoke lingers on our clothing Drums send vibrations through my heart Ancient songs bring memories back. Withering marigolds in our hair Vibrant petals everywhere Dancing begins with four directions Men, Women, Children, Elders Sweat drips down our faces The sun goes down and we all circle Final prayers in song and word A time of celebration for our ancestors We hold back our tears. Night approaches as we wait for the last spark I see bright faces by the fire Mouths open, sharing unforgotten stories of loved ones I feel the warmth of comfort around the fire As my ancestors sit with me on the earth once more. Olivia Ballesteros ‘15

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FAMILIA Jessica Marquez ‘16 Scratchboard

CITY GIRL Austine De Los Santos ‘14 Pen & Ink

UNDER THE RAIN The world fades to gray While a blanket of clouds covers the sky The air moistens And the drizzle begins to blur the trees Umbrellas open Like a sea of flowers that bloom in the spring While you stand Under the rain Sean Obligacion ‘15

SINFONÍA EN POESÍA El cielo se desnuda de su color, Las nubes tapándolo como una cobija. Ya no puede tapar sus sentimientos Con su corazón lleno de melancolía. Su primera lágrima pega la ventana de una casa, Y luego otra. Más y más vienen y en un momento Muchas gotas de agua Golpetean a la ventana como un tambor. En ese momento, Un niño siente la tristeza del cielo y Decide escribir un poema. Kevin Dyer ‘14 SYMPHONY IN POETRY The sky strips itself of color, Its dark clouds covering it like a blanket. It can no longer hold itself together With its heart heavy with melancholy. Its first teardrop hits the window And then another. More and more gush down Water drops play the window like a drum In that moment, A boy feels the sadness of the sky and Decides to write a poem. Kevin Dyer ‘14

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NEW LIFE The rain Held captive in immense castle clouds Falls as sharply as needles Or as lightly as soft beads Washes all Leaving blossoming roses under the sun Matthew Conroy ‘15

MELTING WHITE ROSE Gina Bonardi ‘17 Pen & Ink 12 PRISMS 2014

MUJER La playa canta Las olas, el viento, las espumas gritan Oigo su voz entre las olas, entre las espumas Mujer morena, suave y cálida Su respiración da vida Las palmas dan sombra, pero su belleza Luminosa brilla como la luna en la noche Dejo huellas en su cuerpo Para que no me olvide Erik Castillo ‘14 WOMAN The beach, it sings The waves, the air, the foam shout I hear her voice in the waves, in the foam Lovely woman, smooth and warm Her breathing gives me life The palms give shade, but her beauty Shines luminescent like the moon at night I leave footprints on her body So that she won’t forget me Erik Castillo ‘14

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AVENIDA 34 Cada domingo Al sonido de las campanas Din don din don din don Caminamos por la calle. El dulce aroma de canela y atole Meneando por el aire Alcanzándonos con un tierno abrazo. Gente llena de alegría, Niños jugando, sonrisas luminosas Nos saludan cariñosamente, Todos listos para entrar en el templo. Bianca de la Cruz ‘15 34th AVENUE Every Sunday To the sound of the bells Ding dong ding dong ding dong We walk down the street. The sweet aroma of cinnamon and atole Sway in the air Reaching us in a tender embrace. Joyful people, Kids playing with a bright smile Greet us kindly Everyone ready to enter God’s home. Bianca de la Cruz ‘15

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FRUITVALE BLUES Olivia Ballesteros ‘15 Photography

FLASH FORWARD Mikio Akima ‘14 Photography

GOLDEN CONNECTION Julian DeGuzman ‘15 Photography

SPARKS WILL FLY Taylor Griffith ‘15 Photography

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ODE TO LIGHT The Light invades the room and reaches the harmless spaces and the sunlight comes fast through the window that even the strongest shades can’t block her out until she reaches the window eagerly waiting to enter the room to blind the darkness Lena Jennings ‘14

A RECOLLECTION OF SUMMERS PAST I remember summers of the past, a blazing sun in the sky, and tall green corn around me. I remember warm nights, radiant stars between the clouds. To recall those summers is to recall the person that I was. Aaron Stanek ‘15

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ODA AL VERANO Las luces del carnaval destellan El carrusel gira Los fuegos artificiales asustan Los grillos chirrían Los sonidos del reggaetón Y los chisporroteos de la parilla Inundan las orejas Un aroma de dulces Se entrelaza con el aire salado, Y danza por todo el muelle Corazones inquietos revolotean Como monarcas en mi estómago Cuando voy por la ladera boscosa Y vuelo por la noche abierta Las largas horas del día Fluyen como un arroyo de verano El crepúsculo halaga el cielo Se ilumina con mejillas rosadas Mientras el sol se despide de la tierra Las nubes y las estrellas persiguen la luna Hacia el horizonte Mientras Oxford y Medianoche se arrastran Hasta que el cielo pare la brisa balsámica El verano infinito nunca cesará Ryann Malicdem ‘14

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ODE TO SUMMER Carnival lights flash The carousel spins Fireworks scare Crickets chirp The sounds of reggae And the sizzling grill floods my ears An aroma of confections Intertwines with the salty air, And dances across the crowded pier Restless hearts flutter Like monarchs in my stomach As I go down the wooded slope And fly across the open night Long hours of day Flow like summer’s creek Twilight flatters the sky He lights up with rosy cheeks As the sun kisses the land goodbye Clouds and stars chase the moon Over the horizon While Oxford and Midnight creep in Until heaven halts the balmy breeze The infinite summer will never cease Ryann Malicdem ‘14

VELEROS Llévame al mar Así puedo disfrutar de los sabores y olores Y todo lo que veo Llévame al mar Donde puedo oír a Los niños jugando por la orilla Donde puedo oler Un dulce día de verano Donde puedo ver Rayos del sol Brillando en la distancia Llévame al mar Donde puedo oler Arena granulada a lo largo de la costa Donde puedo oír Gritos de alegría de los niños Donde puedo saborear Olas saladas hasta contra mi cubierta Llévame al mar Donde puedo oír Palmeras luchando en el viento Donde puedo sentir Llévame al mar Salpicas tímidas de las olas Así puedo saludarles con mis velas Donde puedo apreciar Y dejar que las algas Amaneceres y atardeceres Cepillen mis lados de madera Del calor tórrido de julio Y dejar que los peces Naden debajo de mí casualmente Llévame al mar Así puedo jugar en las olas Apreciar el verano Como los niños Jugando en la costa Y enamorándome de la brisa de verano Marissa Quinones ‘14

SAILBOATS Take me out to sea So I can enjoy the tastes and smells And everything I see Take me out to sea Where I can hear The children play by the shore Where I can smell The sweet summer’s day Where I can see The rays of the sun Glimmering from afar Take me out to sea Where I can smell The grainy sand along the shore Where I can hear Screams of childhood happiness Where I can taste The salty waves up against my deck Take me out to sea Where I can hear The palm trees wrestling in the wind Where I can feel The shy splashes of the waves Where I can enjoy The sunrises and sunsets Of July’s steamy heat

Take me out to sea So I can wave with my sails And let the seaweed Brush my wooden sides And let the fish Swim under me casually

Take me out to sea So I can play in the waves Enjoy summer Just like the children Playing on the shore And falling in love with the summer breeze Marissa Quinones ‘14

LA PLAYA DE LOS CABOS Las aguas cristalinas, las aguas del mar Llenas de vida, brillante Olas impredecibles rompiendo la arena Quitándome la tensión de la rutina diaria Caminando por el agua Sobre la arena, disfrutando de la vista del mar Respirando el aire fresco y agradable El agua corriendo entre los dedos de mis pies Calmando el dolor del trabajo constante El calor del sol del día El aire fresco de la noche La luna brillando sobre la playa Recordando aquellos días me deja con tristeza Hasta que suceda de nuevo. Alfonso Alonso ‘16 THE BEACH IN LOS CABOS The crystal clear waters of the sea Full of life, very bright Unpredictable waves washing over the sand Removing stress from my daily routine Walking through the water On the sand, enjoying the view of the sea Breathing in the cool and pleasant air Water running between my toes Soothing the pain of constant work The heat of the sun of the day Fresh, cool air at night The moon shining over the beach Remembering those days leaves me sad Until it happens again, next time. Alfonso Alonso ‘16

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LA PLAYA Día soleado, Agua fría, Mar tranquilo, Arena cálida. Por cada paso en la arena, Sentía mi sangre en cada vena. Me sentía una con las olas y la arena, Mis venas, las olas, mi sangre, y la arena. Maya Rowell ‘15 THE BEACH Sunny day, Cold water, Calm sea, Warm sand. With each step in the sand, I felt my blood in each vein. I felt one with the waves and the sand, My veins, the waves, my blood, and the sand. Maya Rowell ‘15

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OCEANIC WONDERS The ocean whispers and crashes With the same pulse Of tranquil and neverending waves That call me to the coast Time after time Shining like the stars In the night sky The deep blue holds many secrets.

Maybe it’s the mystery of the ocean That brings me back each time. Alexa Martinez ‘14

WAVES OF INSPIRATION Gwen Dybas ‘14 Scratchboard 24 PRISMS 2014

BARCELONA The curves of the streets Gently turning Bending gracefully and effortlessly The waves of the Mediterranean Hugging the coast A pas de deux of sea and sand A chromatic cornucopia of flavors Saffron paella and a rainbow of fruit Bright as her swinging skirt The rhythm of the streets Pedestrians fit in harmony Choreography on stage A mixture of tongues A melody begging for a dance Giulia Marinos ‘14 ROME I can hear the cobblestone streets of Rome. There are many details I can recall about those paths: buildings that were new at some point in the past, crowds of foreigners that can recall the memories of the streets when the buildings cannot. The old man has finished his story, surrounded by more grandchildren than he can remember. He is disabled, with delicate knees and a forgetful mind. Some of these children know that their grandfather has lost some of his story’s details, just as some of his grandchildren’s names have been forgotten. In front of the Coliseum, I recognize the many faces of old age, beneficial yet detrimental. I need to leave this city right now. There is someone I need to visit! Dalton Green ‘14 PRISMS 2014 25

HOLLAND What are you? Are you the barges that purr while sliding along the glass canal? Are you the humble structures which stand with sophisticated posture? Are you the endless fields that feed the carefree cows? Your soft embrace is like the gentle touch of a comforting mother or perhaps the presence of an old friend Busy when you want to be yet free from burden reserved and cultured You are a sanctuary a haven for the soul a harbor for the spirit You are the orange nation You are the Netherlands Jonathan Schuitema ‘14

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JAPAN at first glance, her eyes will show only dark clarity. those eyes are pools of velvety water, serene and calm, without waves at second glance, you will see koi swimming with intent beneath the pond’s surfaceflashes of brilliant oranges and pure whites, the bustle of daily life look at her eyes again. those eyes are made of a thousand years of history and spilled blood covers each page. she wears some scars with pride (others with shame)

the wave of every pond the redness of every scar

movement of every koi

are waiting to be seen if only someone takes the time to look into her eyes Amelia Khoo ‘14 PRISMS 2014 27

LIGHTS Bursts of red here Splatters of gold there Paper dragons line the hallway Colorful blossoms placed tastefully on the table Little tangerines decorate platters of sweets Wishes are made for the New Year Prosperity, longevity, happiness Rustling of wrappers, crackling of shells Fortune cookies are opened Revealing hopeful words for the future Bright lights line the walkways Scarlet lanterns dance in the nighttime breeze Bamboo shoots sway and brush against each other Illuminated by the festive mood Children frolic across the lawn Licking their sticky sweet fingers Eagerly tearing open their envelopes of red Candied melons slowly melt on their tongues Glasses of golden liquid crash together with cheers Droplets spill and splatter across the grass Loud booms suddenly explode into showers of colors Contrasting against the night sky Dazzling hues rain down from above Surrounded by resplendent shades of red and gold Glowing and radiating with brilliance As the final flare slowly fades away into smoke As the lights extinguish one by one As the strips of gold and red are torn down My eyelids droop and close, Ending this celebration, Ending tonight. Amy Wang ‘14

DRAGON FRUIT Amy Wang ‘15 Acrylic

SPLASHDOWN Taylor Griffith ‘15 Photography

PORTRAIT Justin Pasion ‘16 Pastel

NON-TRADITIONAL SELFIE Isabel Reyes ‘16 Acrylic

WRINKLES Forged from time shaping folds of skin Gathering at corners of eyes where knee-slapper jokes etch careful carvings Scribbling lines on aging foreheads the final remnant of meticulous contemplation Forming bags under eyes concealing secrets whispered in dark of night s w a e g i g h i g n i g n g down Collected and counted Perpetual souvenirs Trophies of yesterday’s past Natalia Layson ‘15

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TIME she tried to outrun time, because she was six years old and she could. she bounded across the way as a child does, lightly, faster, faster, and she never looked back. she flew by time and now she was fifteen, and they told her he was gone, and she ran faster to combat the sting of salty tears now she was sixteen, and running for the eyes of a boy twice as fast as she now she was twenty-two, and she stuffed the diploma with its gold-embossed lettering into her pocket. nothing mattered but running from time.

twokidsthreehousesafewjobssomemoreschoolafewgrandkids later she grew tired. she slowed down with the heavy weight of sandwiches packed, patients seen, dogs cats fishes buried flushed down the toilet with mournful eyes. time was catching up you could see it on her face and in the veins that suddenly appeared like apparent rivers on her hands. she sighed and swatted away at the presence of time, which inched closer and closer like a looming cloud. she fell and time tapped on her shoulder and whispered in her ear she smiled. “okay.” she tried to outrun time, because she was six years old and she could. she slowed to a walk and accepted time’s hand for the very same reason. Amelia Khoo ‘14

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SIN SENSACIÓN El chico, aburrido, mira el menú. Nada le apetece. Las palabras se mezclan como si estuvieran en una sopa de alfabeto. Por fin, elige una ensalada pequeña. Cuando llega la comida, él le da una mirada llena de asco. No es que no le gusta comer, sólo es que no le da la sensación de emoción como el comer les da a otros. Con cuidado, lleva su tenedor al plato y pincha una hoja crujiente de lechuga. La lechuga es áspera en su boca; la siente rara. Su lengua rodea la hoja y mastica violentamente. Se siente como si estuviera comiendo un trozo de cartón. Por fin, con dificultad, lo traga, sin que tenga ninguna sensación, buena o mala. Mirando su plato lleno, da un gran suspiro. No sabe a nada. Isabela Reid ‘14

WITHOUT FEELING The boy, bored, glances at the menu. He doesn’t like anything he sees. The words mix together as if they were in an alphabet soup. Finally, he chooses a small salad. When the food arrives, he gives it a look of disgust. It’s not that he doesn’t like to eat; it’s just that eating doesn’t bring the sensation of excitement that it brings to others. Carefully, he brings his fork to the plate and stabs a crunchy leaf of lettuce. The lettuce is rough in his mouth; it feels foreign. His tongue surrounds the leaf and he chews violently. He feels as if he were eating a piece of cardboard. Finally, with some difficulty, he swallows, without having any kind of sensation, neither good nor bad. Looking at his full plate, he gives a deep sigh. He doesn’t taste anything. Isabela Reid ‘14

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Una píldora Cuarenta miligramos Cada mañana

One pill Forty milligrams Each morning

Las letras Concentre Símbolos extraños Paciencia. Las letras ¿Qué significan? Concentre, paciencia.

Letters Concentrate. Foreign symbols Patience. Letters What do they mean? Concentrate, patience.

Letras Palabras Frases Párrafos Esperan en la página Silencio Concentre, paciencia.

Letters Words Sentences Paragraphs Wait on the page Silence Concentrate, patience.

Confuso Desconcertante Un rompecabezas Sin todas las piezas Frustrante Exasperante Un código sin clave Concentre, paciencia.

Confusing Baffling A puzzle Without all the pieces Frustrating Exasperating A code without a key Concentrate, patience.

¿Alivio? Sí.

Relief? Yes.

Cada mañana Cuarenta miligramos Una píldora

Each morning Forty milligrams One pill

Giulia Marinos ‘14

Giulia Marinos ‘14

THE NEXT DAY Dirty and cold, scared and alone, Surrounded by the poor and the rats. Without family or faith in any god, she survives. With violence and blood everywhere, she survives. New strength with every sunrise, And new resolve with every sunset, She survives. She survives for herself, but also for The white rose she keeps protected in her pocket And in her heart. It is for herself and the rose that she survives to see The next day. Will Keane ‘14

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HERMANOS Balazo tras balazo Sangre cae al suelo Llena el hoyo en donde descansamos Muchos de nuestros hermanos han caído en ese hoyo Y nunca han regresado Oramos cada noche por ellos Esperando que estén con Dios Y cada día Balazo tras balazo Pregunto si hoy es el día en que me caigo yo. Erik Castillo ‘14 BROTHERS Bullet after bullet Blood falls to the ground It fills the hole where we rest Many of our brothers have fallen into that hole And never have they come back We pray for them every night Hoping that they are with God now And every day Bullet after bullet I ask if today is the day I die. Erik Castillo ‘14

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HOLOCAUSTO Quebró el mundo Seis millones de víctimas hechos esclavos Al entrar, vieron un dragón, Un monstruo enorme tocando el cielo Rugiendo furiosamente Vomitando fuego y humo Haciendo el cielo oscuro con cenizas Como un volcán en erupción. Desnudos en el frío, Los mandaron como corderos al matadero Madres con sus hijos a sus pechos, Hijos sujetando las manos de sus padres Todos subiéndose sobre los demás. Torcida por la agonía La madera dice toda la historia. Los atormentados entraron en la quijada del dragón Su rugido resonando por las paredes Saliendo del mundo, entrando al infierno, Y al cerrarse la puerta Se rindió la esperanza A gemidos y el rechinar de dientes. Carlos Mora ‘14

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HOLOCAUST It broke the world Six million victims made slaves Upon entering, they saw a dragon, A giant monster touching the sky Furiously roaring Vomiting fire and smoke Making the sky dark with ash Like an erupting volcano. Naked in the cold They were led like lambs to the slaughter Mothers with children at their breast Sons clenching their father’s hands People climbing over each other. Warped by agony The wood tells the entire story. The tormented entered the jaws of the dragon Its roar resonating against the walls Exiting the human world, entering hell And at the closing of the door Hope surrendered To the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Carlos Mora ‘14

MY LAST GOODBYE “It’s not too late…” Into their arms, I go. But what happened next, Felt like the final blow. A last tear ran down my cheek, And I whispered, “Good-bye.” I pulled back and glanced out, Then I was looking at the sky. An arm reached towards me, But it was too late; I was falling with a smile, All I had to do was wait. No more fingers pointed at me. Not a laugh in my face. “Good-bye, cruel world,” I say “I’m off to a better place.” My memories appear before me, I see accomplishments I’ve made, All my friends who made me smile, And the family I betrayed.

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My dreams follow afterwards, All the goals I’ll never meet, The successes and failures That make my life complete. Still waiting as I fall, When the pain starts to heal. I see an arm reaching out, And I realize this is real. I hold out my arms, But I’m so far away. I’m just another victim On which suicide preys. I give in and close my eyes. I know I have seconds left. Too bad that those seconds Are filled with regret. Tears run down my face, As I open my eyes. The hug becomes tighter, As the evil in me dies. Janet Gonzalez ‘15

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TALK TO ME Don’t you dare let that steel Touch your perfection It’s not even worth it You already have my affection Let the escape fall Leave your fears behind And be your own savior Be the hero in your mind Don’t you dare let That crimson river flow Just open your eyes I’m right here, you know Every person is special You’re no exception Every word I say Is nowhere close to deception The day you bleed Today it won’t be So whatever you need Come talk to me. Jarod Sutton ‘15

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MASK Francisca Chaparro ‘17 Pen & Ink

NIGHTMARE Clandestine creatures of the shadows Playing Beneath the ominous rays of the moon Benevolent by day Malevolent by night You implant in me Hopelessness The night lingers Disoriented, I faint Drowned in snaring thoughts Soon, I wake in the embrace of my bed, And life Is normal once again. Thong Dinh ‘14

MY CULTURE To most my culture is a complete surprise Because of my blonde hair, freckles, and green eyes. I am fifty percent German and fifty percent Greek; If I say so myself, my heritage is unique. A part of my Grecian culture that stands out Is the many family traditions that we follow, no doubt. These traditions involve joining together as one, To celebrate certain holidays and have some fun. One of these holidays is coming very soon, Occurring the month right before June. American culture adores a furry bunny, But we Greeks believe this is extremely funny. Greek Easter greatly differs from the norm, Our customs take shape in a disparate form. First of all we hard boil eggs and dye them red, Symbolizing Jesus’ sacrifices and lessons he spread. Each person chooses an egg and pairs up with a friend, Looking for the perfect contender, this is not pretend. Pick one end, tap it against the side of another, If yours cracks from the blow -- “Oh brother!” Whichever egg doesn’t crack continues in the game The key is to be last with no ends broken through. Generations may pass, but our customs hold true; Traditions keep one’s culture alive, from my point of view. Katherine Hanover ‘14

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FEATHERS Oscar San Miguel ‘14 Charcoal

LA LLORONA One summer evening, I was playing out by a river When my mother called me to get inside or “You’ll get the shivers!” I didn’t understand, since it was still awful warm But she cried out once more, with fear in her words So I stumbled towards the house, confusion on my face “Be careful m’ijo, or she’ll take you and leave without a trace” What? Who? I looked but no one was around I listened for a moment, but I heard not a single sound She looked me in the eyes and I could see her fear “I need to tell you something,” she said, while choking back the tears “I need to warn you, now, of the Weeping Woman, cursed to walk the shores La Llorona is what we called her, and she will cry forevermore You see, she used to be a beautiful woman who married a man so kind But he went away for work, leaving them behind When he returned, he was thrilled to see his children, but forgot about his wife She grew jealous of her children, drowned them, and took away their lives So I warn you now be careful of the water, Or you, too, will be led like a lamb to the slaughter.” Oscar San Miguel ‘14

SUEÑOS DESVANECIDOS De la salida del sol Hasta su puesta Sentándose en cajas Esperando Tazas, sombreros, cajas Permanecen vacíos Como sus corazones De la salida del sol Hasta su puesta “Por favor, ayúdanos!” Pero la gente pasa Sin parar Evitando el contacto con los ojos Mirando adelante De la salida del sol Hasta su puesta El sonido de las monedas Todavía un misterio Sueños se desvanecen Como fotos viejas De la salida del sol Hasta su puesta Sin ingreso Sin futuro Sin felicidad Tazas, sombreros, cajas Permanecen vacíos Como sus corazones y almas Katherine Hanover ‘14

FADING DREAMS Sunrise To sunset Sitting on crates Waiting Cups, hats, boxes Remain empty Like their hearts Sunrise To sunset “Please, help us!” But people pass by Without stopping Avoiding eye contact Looking forward Sunrise To sunset The clinking of coins Still a mystery Dreams fade Like old pictures Sunrise To sunset No income No future No happiness Cups, hats, boxes Remain empty Like their hearts and souls Katherine Hanover ‘14

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DISILLUSIONMENT Flames of the sun Another day at the beach Torrents from the skies Comfort indoors Abundance of water A mountain of food Inside my world, Life is perfect Ah. Sweet, blissful ignorance Flames of the sun Refuge in the shade Torrents from the skies Insufficient warmth Abundance of water…? A mountain of food…? My walls break down, As my world clashes with reality Ah, the bane of my ignorance… Life, in the end Is not perfect after all Thong Dinh ‘14

IN MEMORY Emma Doud ‘16 Scratchboard

FRIENDSHIPS AND MEMORIES Some people disregard my quietness. Sometimes people think that I don’t have anything to say, which is untrue because everyone is entitled to an opinion. It takes a lot from a person to keep a conversation going with me – they’re oblivious to the uncomfortable peeling of my many layers. With each conversation, short or long, a wall crumbles down, and slowly, my identity is revealed. Anticipating trust with a cautious attitude, I immerse myself in a friendship, afraid of how it will turn out, scared of the future. I assume real friends will understand my many complexities. But that’s all in my head, because I’ve never considered their perspective. That’s when the issue occurred to me – I couldn’t deal with being alone. The reason I became so aware of it is because I started to depend heavily on my friends to make me happy. But little did I know, I was being conceited and selfish. I yearned for my friends to always be with me; I didn’t know how to make myself happy without them. I didn’t like the idea of being alone, so I dealt with it by hanging out with my friends as much as I could. They distracted me from facing my fears of loneliness. Suddenly, I became uncommunicative. I didn’t understand why I hated being alone so much. But as time went on, dependence on those so-called “friends” came with a price. It escalated to a point where they didn’t need me. I was back to square one – they took my quietness as an indication that I didn’t care. Their relationships with each other grew closer and closer, without me, and I was stuck, confused about what I did wrong. Unnecessary drama with the stresses of school took its toll on me, and loneliness became familiar. I felt so alone and empty; I was mostly desperate for someone’s sympathy. I’d yet to realize how far I had sunk and how stupid I felt. Feeling alone was like a virus – I needed the right medica-

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tion to fix my attitude, to make me well, to make me sane again. I eventually resurfaced – a new Mika came out of me – when I realized that I needed to stop sulking around and really do something about this issue. A seed was planted in my mind: embrace the right people – those who embrace you. I slowly formed new relationships with people and welcomed the few friendships I should have kept close in the first place. And then it slowly occurred to me: my new friendships were a blessing in disguise. They were my medication. Looking at my old friends now, they’re happy. It’s a constant struggle to see their happiness and how I can’t be a part of it, but I’ve learned to just deal with it. I let the fear of being alone get the best of me, but with the friends I have now, I’ve vanquished the murky waters I treaded in when I was at my darkest and lowest. I somehow usurped the sulking Mika, and remained victorious in the end. As time went on, I learned that it’s okay to be alone sometimes; it gives you enough breathing room to realize if you’re okay or not. With this attitude, I am confident that I’ll meet extraordinary people who will somehow impact my life and hopefully direct me into the desired future I envision. Mika Olaguer ’14

THE CIRCLE A circle winding ‘round A road with no end A path everlasting Away from your friend Hurt by each other Ire burns in your heart A domino effect That tears us apart Courtney Shojinaga ‘15

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LA VENGANZA Fuego Apasionado dentro de ti Ardiendo en tu alma Te elimina la razón Irradian calor y enojo Te obliga a tomar medidas Contra los malos No hay nada mejor Chioma Amuzie ‘15 REVENGE Fire Passionate within you Blazing in your soul Rids you of your reason Heat and anger radiate He forces you to take action Against those in the wrong There is nothing better Chioma Amuzie ‘15

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ON THE INSIDE Austine De Los Santos ‘14 Pen & Ink

RECUERDO Recuerdo la escarlata y el oro del sol Cubriendo nubes opacas Sobre el mar trullo Recuerdo el murmullo de las olas Canturreando en las rocas En harmonía perfecta Recuerdo la brisa suave Llevando aves pálidas Sobre el cielo magnífico Recuerdo sacando fotos Sentando en silencio Tranquila Natalia Layson ‘15 REMEMBRANCE I remember the scarlet and gold of the sun Covering opaque clouds Above the teal sea I remember the murmur of waves Humming on rocks In perfect harmony I remember the soft breeze Carrying pale birds Over a magnificent sky I remember taking pictures Sitting in silence Tranquil Natalia Layson ‘15

NIGHT PIER Alexandra Aubry ‘15 Charcoal THE DUCK OF THE LAGOON Tiny tangerine feet Paddle softly Droplets shimmer on his head Of deep green Like the waters from whence he comes He slowly lifts his wings Of ivory and chestnut. He poses for my picture as I toss him bread crumbs. Natalia Layson ‘15 PRISMS 2014 53

LA HORMIGA Hola, hormiga No eres mi amiga. Mordaz y roja Más pequeña que una hoja. Viviendo en un hormiguero Con tus antenas como sombrero. Diligente pero fuerte Quisiera conocerte. Tú no tienes fronteras Conoces tu mundo entero. Maya Rowell ‘15 THE ANT Hello, ant You aren’t my friend Stinging and red, Smaller than a leaf. Living in an anthill, With your antennae as a hat. Diligent but strong I’d like to know you You have no borders, You know your whole world. Maya Rowell ‘15

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A BUZZ LIFE Taylor Blumkin ‘16 Photography

VASE Courtney Shojinaga ‘15 Pastel

OIL SPILL Taylor Blumkin ‘16 Photography I HATE MILK Jason Tran ‘16 Photography

ODA AL PASTEL DE ÁNGEL Verano, La mesa con un ejército de platos en una fila, Los rayos del sol se reflejan en las cucharas, Estas armas brillantes esperan la batalla, El fuerte del pastel pálido, superior, crea sombras. En julio un aguacero de crema espesa inunde el fuerte, El tejado protege como una esponja, Seca el campo de batalla. Fragancia dulce llena el aire, Fresas corren y rodean el perímetro ¡Debemos convertirnos en aliados! ¡Vamos a terminar esta batalla! El pastel de ángel muestra su valor, y extiende sus alas. Despacio, se levanta una bandera blanca. Los ingredientes se unen como una reunión de aromas, Creando una brisa caliente desde los cielos. Todo es libre y el pastel de ángel es seguro. Katherine Hanover ‘14

ODE TO ANGEL CAKE Summer, The table with an army of bowls in a line, The rays of the sun reflected in the spoons, These shiny weapons wait for the battle, The fort of cake pale, large, creates shadows. In July a downpour of thick cream floods the fort, The roof protects like a sponge, Dries the battlefield. Sweet fragrance fills the air, Strawberries run and surround the perimeter. We must become allies! Let’s finish this battle! The angel food cake displays its courage, and extends its wings. Slowly, a white flag is lifted. The ingredients come together like a gathering of aromas, Creating a warm breeze from the heavens. All is free and the angel food cake is safe. Katherine Hanover ‘14

FIREHOUSE Will Schmidt ‘14 Charcoal

LA SALSA PICANTE La salsa Caliente como fuego Calurosa, intensa y ponderosa Una cascada de fuego cae De la botella Y baila hacia el plato Entre los tacos Las enchiladas Una explosión estallando En la lengua Dalton Green ‘14 HOT SAUCE Spicy sauce Hot like fire Burning, intense and powerful A cascade of fire falls From the bottle And dances toward the plate Among the tacos The enchiladas An explosion bursting On the tongue Dalton Green ‘14

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EVERY SUNDAY Waiting all weekend For that last meal today It’s a family tradition For dinners on Sunday My dad is in the kitchen Sharing stories with me He recalls his childhood In New York City Watching my dad cook Sauce and pasta scents fill the air It’s the aroma of memories Being created and shared Grabbing sliced peppers To snack on before the meal My dad used to do the same As his grandma made veal That’s why I love Sundays It’s our Italian tradition Sitting around the table And just reminiscing Marissa Quinones ‘14

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BEACH Olivia Ballesteros ‘15 Charcoal

PICKING UP THE PIECES Austine De Los Santos ‘14 Charcoal

7 WAYS TO LOOK AT ALMA OLAGUER I. Often overlooked, because of her height Exactly five feet, a perfect medium Tiptoeing everywhere she goes Just to reach the stars II. Internally, a lion Aggressive toward her goals, protective of her family Roaring into society Making sure her opinion is heard III. Time ticking away Every second, minute, hour, day Spent with no regret Not even diminishing the intensity of her stance IV. Deep inside the peak of herself Is infinite compassion “What say you, can you love this woman?” For she blinds you with her everlasting light of serenity V. Gentle with your heart She softens your soul Slowly beckoning you to come near Unfolding a beautiful mosaic VI. This orchid, blooming in the sun’s embrace Flourishing with delicate colors that draw your attention This golden collage of care and protection Is difficult to decipher VII. Seven, a special number Seven days into July, perfection was born This tiny flower, a reference to perfection Is Alma Olaguer, my orchid, my savior Mika Olaguer ‘14

MI ANGEL DE LA GUARDA Mi ángel de la guarda, te fuiste De mi vida como si fueras un Globo flotando en el cielo Mi ángel de la guarda, entre tus Manos me cargaste como si Fuera una muñeca de porcelana, Delicada y frágil Mi ángel de la guarda, te besaba Tu mejilla y te abrazaba como Si nunca te volviera a ver Mi ángel de la guarda, corren las lágrimas De mis ojos como un río grande Porque te extraño Y te quiero mucho como Jesús nos Ama a todos; no voy a decirte Adiós, abuelito, solo te diré MY GUARDIAN ANGEL Hasta luego, mi ángel de la guarda Astrid Hernandez ‘16

My guardian angel, you left My life as if you were a Balloon floating in the sky My guardian angel, you held Me in your arms as if I Were a porcelain doll, Delicate and fragile, My guardian angel, I kissed Your cheek and hugged you As if I would never see you again My guardian angel, tears run From my face like a great river I miss you dearly and I love you like Jesus loves us all; I won’t say goodbye to you just yet, Grandpa, I’ll only say, see you Soon, my guardian angel Astrid Hernandez ‘16

VISTA DE UNA SILLA DE RUEDAS La galleta está al alcance de él. Alcanza hacia ella, Pero no la puede alcanzar. Puedes ver la frustración en sus ojos, En sus cejas que se unen en concentración. Intenta estirar sus piernas muertas, pero Es imposible. Levanta la mano al brazo de la silla, pero Es imposible. En un movimiento sacudido, todo su cuerpo se mueve. Las ruedas se mueven rápidamente, zumbando. En frustración, acelera Más y más Hasta que está muy lejos de las galletas. Silenciosamente, una lágrima pequeñita cae de su ojo. Caen más lágrimas, manchando su camiseta, Convirtiendo sus pestañas en faros relucientes. De su boca escapa un grito alarmante. La galleta le mira de arriba, burlándose, Recordándole de lo que nunca podrá ser. Isabela Reid ‘14

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VIEW FROM A WHEELCHAIR The cookie is within his grasp. He reaches toward it, But he can’t reach it. You can see the frustration in his eyes, In his eyebrows that join in concentration. He tries to stretch his dead legs, but It is impossible. He raises his hand to the armrest, but It is impossible. In a shaky movement, his whole body moves. The wheels move quickly, buzzing. In frustration, he accelerates More and more Until he is far away from the cookies. Silently, a small tear falls from his eye. More tears fall, staining his shirt, Turning his eyelashes into shiny beacons. An alarming yell escapes his mouth. Taunting him from above, the cookie looks at him, Reminding him of what can never be. Isabela Reid ‘14

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LAMENTATION The sea One of the most dazzling places in the world Wide blue seas with sandy shores Beautiful home to a myriad of creatures Dolphins, gray and sleek, play in the waves Jumping and splashing Turtles, green and elegant, Swim with other friends Of brilliant colors And sometimes come to the shore to hatch. Pelicans, with their broad wings, Soar above the sparkling water In search of dinner below the surface. All of these creatures, So diverse in color and size, Make the sea beautiful. But the heart of the sea is disappearing. The dolphins and fish no longer swim In the crystal clear blue seas But in seas of oil and pollutants. Innocent and defenseless, Pelicans and turtles sport Plastic necklaces Their fates sealed by The destruction of their homes What will you do to help? Alexa Martinez ‘14

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ONCE UPON A TIME the words had been spoken over and over they had been used thousands of times, and they were old, and tired, and empty under his feet were the crunching shells of words that had lost their hum long before his time an adjective here and there had long been forgotten couples of quotation marks had stayed together throughout the years he gathered them up in his arms and threw the steely words into the pot he set it over the fire and soon the verbs melted and the nouns bubbled he gathered up the melting pot of words and twisted them into shape, adding punctuation here and there, using the hammer of basic English rules to whip them into shape when he was finished he sheltered them from the rain with a cardboard shell precise new binding a shiny new book jacket now the words are phrases in a sentence in a book that inspires tears now he is showered with praise and gold stars and he is the only one who knows that those words were broken shells, crunching under his feet, once upon a time Amelia Khoo ‘14

EL ERIZO Parece mullido Pero es muy espinoso— Lindo y peligroso; Tierno por dentro, Agudo de espalda. Rueda lentamente por el bosque Como un espíritu inocente. Jackson Sundheim ‘15

THE HEDGEHOG He looks fluffy But is very spiny— Cute and dangerous; Tender underneath, Sharp on the back. He trundles through the forest Like an innocent spirit. Jackson Sundheim ‘15

IN REMEMBRANCE Quinn Gilchrist ‘16 Scratchboard

BOXED IMAGINATION Amy Wang ‘15 Colored Pencil

FLOATING SHAPES Manru Wu ‘15 Mixed Media

SOFT WATER Julian DeGuzman ‘15 Photography

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HE SAID MAYBE I walk the tired and lonely streets, away From places where we used to meet and eye The clouds that carried all our dreams of gray, And now those sorry splotches fill my sky. A ray of light still shines across my view And gives hope to my young and fragile heart. I try to look upon the world anew But my uncertainty obstructs the start. Without an answer I am torn between The bliss of dawn and my familiar woe Of dusk. I always wonder what you mean, And wish to know the things you think of so. And still a dream of love will play around Inside my head, as “maybe” echoes loud. Karina Leon ‘15

OH, INVERTED WORLD Marissa Quinones ‘14 Mixed Media PRISMS 2014 71

LA CASA OSCURA Paso todos los días por una casa, Una casa oscura, llena de mis temores. ¿Por qué te abandonaron? Podrá ser tu voz que escucho, Advirtiéndome de tu peligro, De ti, casa oscura, llena de mis temores. Negra, sucia, amarga. Hermosa. Cada día parece crecer, Junto con su misterio, La casa oscura, llena de mis temores. En las noches desaparece. Su color tan opaco que se pierde con el cielo, Amanece como una flor, despertando con la luz del sol. Otro día pasa sin encontrarme mis temores Y paso de vuelta por esta casa oscura. Mi casa oscura, que me protege de mis temores. Janet Gonzalez ‘15 THE DARK HOUSE Every day, I pass by a house, A dark house, filled with my fears. Why have you been abandoned? It could be your voice that I hear, Warning me about your danger, Of you, dark house, filled with my fears. Black, dirty, bitter. Beautiful. Every day it seems to grow, Next to its mystery, The dark house, filled with my fears. It disappears at night. Its color so opaque it gets lost with the sky, It appears like a flower, awakening with the sunlight. Another day passes without my fears finding me And I again pass by the dark house. My dark house, that protects me from my fears. Janet Gonzalez ‘15

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A LETTER HOME My Dearest Parents, Everything is fine. Life in the city is as grand as it can be In my decaying apartment. But don’t worry, Everything is fine. I work the standard nine to five At that one mall that had that one shooting, But don’t worry, Everything is fine. Couples walk in, And I help them pick out wedding ringsAnd yes, Mom, I am still single. Still. Single. But don’t worry, Everything is fine. When I get home from work, I fall asleep to the soothing sounds of rain at my window And obnoxiously loud dubstep from next door. But don’t worry, Everything Everything Everything is like a dandelion floret flying away from me, Like everything I’ve ever wished for isn’t what it seemed to be. But don’t worry. Please, don’t worry. I’ll be home soon And everything will be fine. Karina Leon ‘15

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ANXIETY You sit in the back row Clenched tightly in your hand One paper, ripping at the folded seams Name called and hands begin to shake A bead of sweat runs between your shoulder blades Front of the room Knees shaking hard, sure everyone can see them Unfold the worn paper once more Hands shaking so you can’t read the words Doesn’t matter, lips quivering too much anyway In your mind Stop. Calm down. The room is silent but for your ragged breath You start to hiccup, still haven’t spoken Minutes are hours, days The teacher’s eyes boring in, It’s no use. Stomach quakes a final, horrible time, Unclench your sweaty palms And run out The paper flutters to the carpeted floor. Lynnea Jawad ‘15

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TUESDAYS You’re sitting on a couch. Your legs are crossed, and there is a warm laptop melting metal into your thighs. It’s silent but for the buzz of the refrigerator and the honk of cars outside and the incessant humming of the computer. It waits for you to set the still air into motion and pound away at the black keys of the laptop, sitting there, all pure black shiny readiness, delivering letters into a word into a sentence into a piece that could maybe end up going somewhere instead of sitting in the “Untitled” folder on your computer. But Rome wasn’t built in a day, and words don’t come out as easily as they do in your dreams. Sometimes the letters get stuck, or the words don’t flow together, and you fix and fix and fix until the keyboard is as worn as the tips of each hand, and the last three fingers on your right hand are sore from pressing the “delete” button more times than you care to admit. Out of frustration you jump ship and command + a and press delete, only to command + z and beg for the words to come back again so you can fix them some more. There has got to be more to writing than sitting on a couch with heavy lids in hope of conjuring up some revelation that inspires bestseller prose (or at least some feeble haiku.) But for now you are sitting on a couch and your thighs are laptop metal burning with the fire of incompletion, and the tips of your hands are worn and the last three fingers on your right hand will ache forever and ever and ever, it seems, or at least until you command + a and press delete. Amelia Khoo ‘14

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NUBES En las calles de mi infancia, Donde las brisas susurran Por mi cerebro y mi corazón Miro las nubes del cielo. Tienen formas variadas, Vacas, Serpientes, Castillos, Sedosas, pálidas, y suaves. Aún en el crepúsculo Atrapan los residuos del sol. Cuando las nubes se mueven a través del cielo, Siento el viento en mi cara, La caricia suave de las nubes sedosas. Jackson Sundheim ‘15 CLOUDS In the streets of my childhood, Where the breezes sough Through my brain and heart, I watch the clouds of heaven. They have varied forms, Cows, Snakes, Castles, Silken, pale, and smooth. Even in the dusk, They trap the remnants of the sun. When the clouds move across the sky, I feel the wind on my face. The smooth caress of silken clouds. Jackson Sundheim ‘15

PATH TO THE SKY Jackson Sundheim ‘15 Photography I DARE YOU I dare you To escape the clutches of your bed While the sun still hides. I dare you to clear out the intricate webs of your dreams that cling to your brain And walk until you feel the cool earth under your rain boots. Listen to the steady squishing sounds that shatter the silence, And when you feel its quiet brilliance, stop. Stand alone in the forest. Wait until the fog rolls down from the mountain’s face Coming over to meet you. Allow it to make your acquaintance by Placing a million misty kisses on your sleepy skin. Only then To your warm sheets may you return. Daniela Chaparro ‘14

CHILDHOOD’S END My little island, covered in leaves from the trees. They make you come alive, like fire in the fall, A warm home for me and my annual melancholy. A canvas of flame under my feet, a path To adventure and the peaceful silences That have littered my life. The green of trees in the summer. Heat and light shine through Arches over streets, Protecting us from the sun and its annual excitement While I hear the joyful noises That have littered my life. Next year, I will leave my island, And I’m not going to return in time To watch the changing of the leaves. But when I drive away, the last thing I see Is going to be the trees, waving goodbye, And welcoming another child Who needs the leaves. Will Keane ‘14

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CONTRIBUTORS MIKIO AKIMA’s photo “Flash Forward” depicts a beautiful sunset near his home. If he were granted one wish, he would love world peace - or maybe a personal concert with pop singer Ariana Grande. Sophomore ALFONSO ALONSO’s piece “La playa de Los Cabos” was inspired by a vacation to the crystal clear waters of Los Cabos. If junior CHIOMA AMUZIE had one wish she would wish for more wishes, but not simply for personal gain. She would use those wishes to request that her family members live long and happy lives. Blessed with gifts for both golf and the arts, ALEXANDRA AUBRY is also loyal and kind. If she could, she would wish for a billion dollars to help her family. When junior OLIVIA BALLESTEROS takes a break from jamming at music festivals and competing at volleyball tournaments, her creativity and independence is revealed in her reflective art pieces and poems that express her personality and culture. Junior LAMONT BANKS enjoys both basketball and percussion. A fun photophile, TAYLOR BLUMKIN would love a bigger room so she could have more wall space for her colorful pictures. Her photograph, “Oil Spill,” depicts a frozen motion scene of food coloring diffusing into a glass of water. Enthusiastic, creative, and outgoing, GINA BONARDI’s “Melting White Rose” was made on a sunny summer day. She enjoys creating beautiful things so others can be happy. Senior ERIK CASTILLO is well known for his talent onstage, but a passion for writing as well as a search for “literary fame” - inspired his poems “Hermanos” and “La mujer.” PRISMS Layout Editor DANIELA CHAPARRO wrote “I Dare You” when she became suddenly inspired by misty forests. In order to catch up on homework as well as sleep, Daniela would like to have the ability to freeze time. An artistic, bubbly dancer, FRANCISCA CHAPARRO’s piece “Mask” is a self-described “zentangle” of a diamond mask. Not only a skilled soccer player and track runner, MATTHEW CONROY is also insightful, thoughtful, and curious. He believes more in the journey than in the outcome. Wouldn’t it be awesome to run with a rainbow unicorn that sneezes gold coins? Curious, creative, and musical, BIANCA DE LA CRUZ longs for the ability to time travel in order to groove with the Bee Gees during the 70’s. Star of both stage and court, AUSTINE DE LOS SANTOS deals with the stress of her busy schedule through art. Her piece “On the Inside” depicts the inner stress one encounters in everyday life.

An extraordinarily talented photographer, JULIAN DeGUZMAN exhibits ingenuity in all of his art pieces. He seems to possess the power of telekinesis, as seen in his photos, from controlling flares of fire in “Golden Connection” to pacifying oceans in “Soft Water.” EMMA DOUD’s art piece “Remembrance” is in honor of her loved ones who have died from cancer. Emma describes herself as respectful, responsible, and fun to be around. THONG DINH describes himself as random, playful, and green. If he were to be granted one wish, he would love to live a real-life version of Pokemon. Senior GWEN DYBAS enjoys art, specifically surrealism, and loves challenging herself in her work. Her piece “Waves of Inspiration” portrays a dreamlike scene. A talented and creative musician, senior KEVIN DYER never runs out of energy - or ideas. His poem “Sinfonía en poesía” reflects his artistic process. A self-proclaimed enthusiastic “nerd” sophomore, QUINN GILCHRIST’s submission “In Remembrance” is dedicated to her grandfather who died of cancer in 2011. PRISMS staff member JANET GONZALEZ describes herself as quiet, shy, and creative. If she had one wish, it would be to live life in the moment because life is too precious to waste. Witty and pragmatic, senior DALTON GREEN wrote “Rome” as a response to the wonders of Italy. Junior TAYLOR GRIFFITH used contrasting techniques for his photos “Splashdown” and “Sparks Will Fly.” He describes himself as creative, loving and adventurous, and he would love to have the ability to teleport. KATHERINE HANOVER’s Greek origins inspired her poem “My Culture.” A young woman of many talents, she enjoys playing soccer, jamming out on the piano, and obviously, eating angel food cake and writing about it. Yum! ASTRID HERNANDEZ’s “My Guardian Angel” was inspired by her grandfather who passed away. If she had one wish, it would be for her family to be reunited. Giggly yet intellectual, LYNNEA JAWAD would wish for a million more wishes. Like her piece “Ode to Light,” senior LENA JENNINGS is all about illumination. She lights up a room. WILL KEANE’s “Childhood’s End” was inspired by the band Arcade Fire. If a genie were to grant him one wish, he’d wish for a factory that produces genies in bottles. Who wouldn’t want to corner the wish-fulfillment market? PRISMS Editor-in-Chief and Poet Laureate AMELIA KHOO was, is, and continues to be inspired by words. Unflappable and passionate, she welcomes the possibilities at her doorstep.

A swimmer and PRISMS English editor, NATALIA LAYSON is on a refill crusade, e.g. hours in a day or a cup of Caribbean Passion from Jamba Juice. Awkward, non-generic junior KARINA LEON’s “He Said Maybe” reflects a personal experience. Summer is RYANN MALICDEM’s euphoria, as evidenced by his piece “Oda al verano.” An inquisitive adventurous senior, he wishes he had the ability to teleport - and, on top of that, a couple of extra inches would be nice. A self-proclaimed cupcake baker and enthusiast, GIULIA MARINOS loves to travel, as evidenced in her poem “Barcelona.” Paella cupcake, anyone? Senior ALEXA MARTINEZ’s passion is performing onstage, but her love for nature inspired the poems “Lamentation” and “Oceanic Wonders.” Her dream is to travel on Aladdin’s magic carpet to Broadway. Artistic, intelligent, and caring, JESSICA MARQUEZ’s piece “Familia” was inspired by the Day of the Dead celebration. CARLOS MORA’s powerful piece “Holocausto” details the horrible events of the Holocaust. If only he could solve the problem of war and pointless fighting! An avid volleyball player and student, junior SEAN OBLIGACION is a self-professed pluviophile. He expresses this enjoyment of rain in his poem “Under the Rain.” Senior MIKA OLAGUER’s piece “7 Ways to Look at Alma Olaguer” is an ode to her mother, Alma. Hurray for the 3 F’s: Family, Friends, and Food. MICHAEL ONG’s “Pieces of Serenity” depicts phases of his life. Michael describes himself as quiet, attentive, and amiable. Artistic, ambitious and eager, JUSTIN PASION’s “Portrait” was inspired by Iron Man. Like the superhero, he also dreams of living in a mansion with several fancy cars. RJ PIMENTEL’s fast-paced trumpet piece “Dance Dance Dance” was inspired by the composition “Sing Sing Sing.” His lifelong dream is to become a master programmer at MIT. MARISSA QUINONES loves sailboats and the ocean, as evidenced by her poem “Veleros.” Wouldn’t it be grand to have a pet octopus named Samson, who would stick with (to?) you forever! PRISMS Spanish Editor ISABELA REID’s Spanish roots have contributed to her talent both as a writer and staff member. A prize-winning filmmaker, she hopes to train under Steven Spielberg one day. Her Dream is in the Works! ISABEL REYES’s high-contrast portrait “Non-traditional Selfie” started out as an assignment but evolved into something she really enjoyed.

PRISMS Staff member MAYA ROWELL is brilliant. From Tennis Court Diva to defending her reign as the Queen of Snapchat, this PRISMS staff member plays the computer like a piano. Quiet and artistic, OSCAR SAN MIGUEL’s poem “La Llorona” was inspired by a Mexican legend. Though he is a man of few words, senior WILL SCHMIDT loves to express himself through art, as evidenced by his piece “Firehouse.” Bass guitarist JONATHAN SCHUITEMA’s poem “Holland” reflects his many visits there. His music piece “Catharsis” was inspired by progressive bass techniques. Dedicated, hardworking, and an overall active student, COURTNEY SHOJINAGA can be found putting on the golf course, shooting hoops on the basketball court, or creating a realistic still life in the art room. Junior AARON STANEK’s “A Recollection of Summer’s Past” depicts his experiences in Midwestern cornfields on hot summer days. Those were the days! PRISMS staff member JACKSON SUNDHEIM describes himself as impecunious, erudite, and splendiferous. In simpler terms, that means he is a poor, but splendid, smart person. Loud yet caring, JAROD SUTTON wrote “Talk to Me” because he didn’t want people to hate themselves. And he is a firm believer that chocolate heals all. Sassy, sarcastic, and artistic, JASON TRAN wishes to be successful in everything he does. An exemplary swimmer, pianist, artist, student, and admirer of anime, AMY WANG is a true Renaissance woman and potential cosmopolitan world traveler. MANRU WU’s piece “Floating Shapes” is a fun, colorful depiction of contrast and complexity. She describes herself as quiet, hardworking, and friendly.

82 PRISMS 2014


The Star Society of Creative Writers is a privileged membership organization of the SJND community. Membership is offered to students, alumni, and faculty whose creative writing has been published or has won an excellence award outside this community. Students must also have been published in PRISMS. Each member receives a star pin to wear at graduation. Caroline Abellar ‘04* Jared Alokozai ‘11 Lucy Álvarez ‘05 Ernesto Arévalo ‘10 Jose Ávalos ‘08 Yesenia Baires ‘09 Olivia Ballesteros ‘15 Fernando Barragán ‘12 Eric Baskett ‘13 Michelle Bautista ‘93 Jacqueline Belloso ‘13 Jessica Blomstrom ‘06 Ariana Braga ‘10 Tia Brown ‘11 Zoë Byrne ‘06 Danielle Campbell ‘06 Natalya D. Caraballo ‘07 Crystal Carrillo ‘12 Cynthia Carrillo ‘08 Kedron Diane Casteen ‘06 Tracy Castillo ‘10 Natasha Chacón ‘06 Daniela Chaparro ‘14 Sophia Chaparro ‘09 Claire Connacher ‘11 Ann Dam ‘06 Oliver Dam ‘10 Jo Anne C. Dantoc ‘05 Justine C. Dantoc ‘07 Bianca de la Cruz ‘15 Omar de la Cruz ‘11 Natalie De Leon ‘07 Danielle Diaz ‘05 Justin Dimig ‘06 Thong Dinh ‘14 Emily Dobrzanowski ‘10 Nigel Duniven ‘13 Christopher Duong ‘10 Crystal Estrada ‘12 Rachel Falkner ‘13 Jackie Favela ‘06 Diego Flores ‘06

Faculty and Staff:

Gabriel Flores ‘10 Martín Franco ‘08 Tia Gangopadhyay ‘11 Axel García ‘13 Genora Givens ‘09 Guadalupe Carolina González ‘13 Kimberly González ‘14 Rebecca González ‘12 Dalton Green ‘14 Casey Greer ‘12 Alyxandria Guzmán ‘07 Lydia Hall ‘14 Katherine Hanover ‘14 Desiree Harris ‘13 Gabriela Hinojosa ‘13 Patricia Jimenez ‘09 Jonathan Kachiu ‘10 William Keane ‘14 Amelia Khoo ‘14 Kate Lassalle-Klein ‘12 Natalia Layson ‘15 Robin Levy ‘13 Andrea Lino ‘04 Gabriela Lippi ‘08 Marisela Loza ‘07 Danielle Maddix ‘08 Ryann Malicdem ‘14 Megan Manning ‘10 Giulia Marinos ‘14 Peter Matarrese ‘06 Amanda Matoon ‘14 Chris McClintock ‘10 Allison Meins ‘09 Priscilla Mena ‘05 Rocío Molina ‘08 Annie Mooney ‘11 Joanna Mooney ‘06 Teresa Mooney ‘09 Jerónimo Mora ‘11 Martin Moreno ‘07 Paulani Mui ‘06 Karina Myers ‘13

Allegra O’ Donoghue ‘04* Mary Onglatco ‘11 Kim Owens ‘05* Tiffany Palmer ‘11 Jeremy Poggio ‘04* Christany Poggio ‘07 Michael Priest ‘05* Marissa Quinones ‘14 Jennifer Quintanilla ‘06 Christian Ramos ‘05 Jordan Rausse ‘12 Jessica Reader ‘05 Barry Reed ‘44 Isabela Reid ‘14 Katherine Riley ‘10 Megan Riley ‘11 Renato Rocha ‘07 Carlos Rodriquez ‘14 Emilio Sanchez ‘14 César San Miguel ‘11 Oscar San Miguel ‘14 Jonathan Schuitema ‘14 Kenn Scullin ‘44 Lily Smith ‘09 Gabrielle Soria ‘06* Sarah Su ‘10 Jesse Swatling-Holcomb ‘09 Lorena Tabares ‘08 Allison Tuazon ‘11 Imani Todd ‘12 Sara Torres ‘04 Nneka Umeh ‘08 Jenna Vacca ‘13 Kelley Villa ‘10 Mirella Villalpando ‘09 Alexander Weyand ‘01 Harrison Wilkes ‘03 Michael Williams ‘02 Norman Xie ‘09 Jessica Yalung ‘05* Alessandra Zambrano ‘13 Francesca Zambrano ‘10 Dulce Zamora ‘89

Susan Beck* Martha Carpenter Dempsey Lynn Kane Meza* Elizabeth Peláez Norris* Robert Williams

Honorary Member:

Mary Rudge, Poet Laureate of Alameda

*Charter Members



*Golden Seal Book Award Artists Embassy International

PRISMS 2013 2009

*Superior-Nominated for Highest Award Finalist National Council of Teachers of English

PRISMS 2013 2005 2003

*Most Outstanding Private School Literary-Art Magazine of the Year American Scholastic Press Association

PRISMS 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002

*First Place with Special Merit American Scholastic Press Association

PRISMS 2011 2010

*Excellence Award National Council of Teachers of English

PRISMS 2000 1999 1998 1996

*First Place Award American Scholastic Press Association


*Bronze Award for Outstanding Achievement Merlyn’s Pen: The National Magazine of Student Writing

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