1 minute read
from Mayfair Community Center | Summer 2023 | Community Activity Guide
by San José Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services Community Center Brochures

HIRLN (Head Injury Recreation and Leisure Network) invites you to join our group to attend a music performance brought to by the students of SJSU. Participants will need to pay own fees for parking. Please register in advance either on-line or in-person at nearest community center. Participants must be able to participate in a 1:8 participant to staff ratio and be able to attend to their own personal care needs or have attendant with them. Attendant will need to register for program or pay for own fees if wanting to participate.
*Date is subject to change due to performance schedule.
*No registration will be taken after July 21st due to early ticket purchase
Location: Music Building, Concert Hall 1 Washington Sq San José, CA 95192
Let’s take a walk! Come join us for our walking club around the local area. This will be a once-a-week program where a group of us will meet at a designated location, we can walk laps or miles, chat and hang out while enjoying the summer evening. Location information and pickup/drop off schedule will be sent out prior to start of program. All participants must wear comfortable workout attire with walking shoes and bring water This class is designed for adults with disabilities but, anyone may join Participants must be able to participate in a 1:8 participant to staff ratio and be able to attend to their own personal care needs or have an attendant with them.