Energy Sector Event: Oil and Gas

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Unconventional Oil and Gas: Event Overview


The 2012 Veteran Opportunities ‘Science & Technology’ Event Series:


n June 27, 2012 Veterans Opportunity Magazine will team with VetConnec! to host the first in a se‐ ries of Science & Technology conferences featuring a job and enterprise expo in Morgantown, West Virginia (WVA). The event will present opportuni!es to Veterans seeking employment, career and business‐enterprise opportuni!es in and around the region’s unconven!onal energy sources within the Oil & Natural Gas industry sector. According to industry sources, North American drillers keep 2,000‐plus rigs busy everyday. Moreover, the technolo‐ gies being employed today will poten!ally double or triple the na!on’s energy reserves as a result of innova!on in the development and commercializa!on of Natural Gas and Tight Oil reserves.

In addi!on to Veterans, invited to par!cipate and a#end the event will be the broad community of industry representa!ves, exis!ng and poten!al solu!on providers, industry related organiza!ons & associa!ons as well as government, all of which are stakeholders in growing the region’s local workforce and job crea!ng small businesses. The WVA conference & expo is one leg of a series of planned Veterans Opportunity Science & Technology (STEM) related events to take place in the North Central region of West Virginia. These events are designed to bring Veterans in direct contact with their opportunity to par!cipate in industries that are driven by innova!on related to science, technology, engineering and math. From the advanced mechanics used in maintaining heavy equipment, to the so‐ phis!cated drilling techniques used, without a doubt, the region’s unconven!onal energy industry is one of the best examples of where workers and entrepreneurs, many of whom are Veterans, are teaming to transform the West Virginia economy and have the state trending towards: • • • • •

Increased numbers of job opportuni!es from high‐to‐low tech posi!ons; Dedicated educa!on, training & mentorship programs; Supplier and business development programs and ini!a!ves; and Coordinated industry & organiza!on/agency collabora!ve efforts and Informed strategies for inves!ng in the industry

Why Veterans istorically, veterans have contributed to the well being of the na!on by bringing to the civilian workforce, job per‐ formance quali!es that underscore posi!ve characteris!cs they developed while in military service. Leadership, dedica!on and discipline are common traits that have helped transform America’s global economic status. It has also contributed to diver‐ sity being accepted in the American workplace. Addi!onally, mil‐ itary research and applied technological innova!on have resulted in innova!on that have produced the earliest computers, used to crack codes and simulate nuclear explosions. The Internet was also developed as a result of a military research project.


Throughout the 20th and now the 21st century, technological in‐ nova!on’s intended use was not just designed to create an efficient and effec!ve figh!ng force. Innova!on in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) have over the

decades been integrated into our consumer lifestyle as a result of its use in the Military. Computer simula!on so&ware programs, commercial naviga!on systems, medical treatments for pain, as well as popular types of transporta!on vehicles and communica‐ !on systems are all part of the legacy of the military‐consumer complex. Impressively, the men and women of America's armed forces have remained adap!ve and competent in their opera!on of exis!ng and emerging technologies deployed by the military throughout our recent history. It is for this reason, that the men and women who have performed extraordinarily well on behalf of our country, are deserving of jobs, careers and business/enterprise opportuni‐ !es in technology driven industries that produce products that are rooted in military innova!on and development. As a result, “The New Millennium Veteran.” is prepared and ready to forward the American dream.

What a"endees can expect at the Conference and Expos: • Networking opportuni!es in the morning Contenental Breakfast, EXPO and Lunch and A"er Hours • Explore hiring and enterprise strategies , best prac!ces and be be#er prepared in naviga!ng opportuni!es in the Oil and Gas sector. • Recall highlights of the event and select ac!vi!es recorded on videotape and distributed on mul!media pla$orms including digitally • Interpersonal communica!on with select exhibitors showcasing their brand of opportuni!es for veterans Benefits to Clean Energy Partners and Sponsors Pla!num Sponsor $ 4,495 • Communicate job, career and business opportuni!es to the Veteran community Exclusive Event Title sponsor privilages (call for details) • Form strategic rela!onships with na!onal & regional Veteran support en!!es VO Magazine prominently posi!ond Full Page Color Ad • Provide opportuni!es in support of the host region of West Virginia Gold Sponsors $ 1,750 Workshop or Presenta!on sponsorship & • Global promo!onal value for the Energy Industry sector Magazine Full Page Color Ad • Pre & post conference promo!on using all forms of mul!media/distribu!on sources VO Exhibitor privilages $ 350 • Ongoing exposure with the strategic use of repurposed video content (event exposure, a#endent w/handout materials on table) Recieve more event sponsorship detail contact: • Rela!onship building within industry sectors and/or the Veteran stakeholders; • Opportuni!es for supplier networking/rela!onship development and biz matching adver! For more informa!on contact: Stanley J. Richardson Johnson Media Tech, Inc. Execu!ve Producer 201 Penn Center Blvd., Suite 400 Pi#sburgh, PA. 15235 412.825.5170 PH NEO MEDIA QR Code & Reader h#p://

Our Strategic Media Partners & Gold Sponsor :

West Virginia Veterans Employment and Enterprise Conference & Expo Veteran opportunities in & around West Virginia’s shale gas industry today and in the future June 27, 2012: in Morgantown, West Virginia at the Lakeview Golf Resort

Times 6:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Registration Open

7:00 AM – 7:45 AM

Key Note: Welcome w/ Company Profiles and Networking Continental Breakfast Plenary session: Panel Discussion: 7:45 AM– 9:00 PM The Regional Impact of Unconventional Energy’s New Supply & New Demand 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Exhibit Hall Open “Where the Jobs Are” featuring: the Strategies and insight for entering or accelerating your top priority CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS Veteran Owned Business as an Oil & Gas industry related jobs where there is a high demand for service provider Veteran workers ” (Breakout Session) (Breakout Session) Ancillary job opportunities for Vets & Spouses Enterprise opportunities: 9:45 - 10:45 am service/ low tech positions a consideration for Women, in and around energy development and Service Disabled Veterans Wounded Warriors operations Top 5 things every Vet should know when Business financial literacy 101 10:55 - 11:55 AM pursuing employment in the The economics of becoming a unconventional viable supplier to the Oil & Gas sector Oil and Natural Gas industry Casual Lunch w/Video Profiles & Music: and Acknowledgements 12:00 - 1:30 pm Exhibit Area Remains Open

1:45 - 3:00 pm

A Guide to Regional Career and Training opportunities and resources 3:00-3:30 pm 3:00 – 4:00 pm

Investment outlook & opportunities impacting regional economic and community development in around the unconventional Oil & Gas energy industry

EXHIBIT AREA CLOSED Cash Bar Cocktails /Networking

4:15 PM /END EVENT We welcome and encourage the participation of potential sponsors and exhibitors who are engaged in: Benefits to Exhibitors & Sponsors: Employment services and workforce development; Education services and training; Demonstrate support among clients and employees for US Veterans Business and enterprise development services; Meet Veterans who will prove to be a valuable asset to your business and Venture funding, lenders and accounting; supply chain; Community based organizations and associations serving Learn best practices & advantages for hiring & doing business with Veterans; job, business and education-career advancement Build relationships with participating West Virginia based Veteran advocates; and organizations and businesses; Local, state and federal government agencies that promote Connect with potential business clients, government agency representatives; economic, employment and business development. Valuable networking opportunities with other co-sponsors and exhibitors;

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