St. John's Vancouver // April 7, 2019 News and Events

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St. John’s Vancouver Things happening in the life of our church and in our community April 7, 2019



In Colossians 4, Paul exhorts his audience to ‘continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving,’ specifically so that the gospel of Christ might go forward. As a response to this exhortation, we’re meeting again for an evening of prayer.

Every Sunday in the Café Room at 9:00 am, Learners’ Exchange offers stimulating speakers and engaging discussions.

Coffee and tea will be provided. Please bring a snack to share if you are able.

April 7 // Martin Barlow Design, Fine Tuning, and the Multiverse


April 14 // Dr JI Packer Composing the Gospels

Today is Soup Sunday! After the Evening Service we will hear a ten minute reflection from Kathy Ross on the role of our physical bodies within the body of Christ. Trying to move away from the ancient Greek idea of our souls as separate from or more important than our bodies, Kathy will ask questions such as: How should we understand our bodies in light of the biblical view of creation and incarnation? And how do we use this biblical perspective to understand our bodies as ‘good’ even when they are not well? We will be downstairs after the Evening Service and will wrap up around 8:30 pm, but feel free to leave when you would like. We hope to see you there! LIFE EXPLORED TRAINING // APRIL 13 After Easter we are encouraging our small groups to run the Life Explored video course. It is seven sessions featuring a combination of short films and Bible interaction. The series was developed by Rico Tice and Barry Cooper at All Souls Church, Langham Place, England. The course shows how our deepest desires for happiness can only be satisfied in one person, Jesus Christ. Life Explored is sending their US trainer to help prepare our leaders. Small group leaders, those interested in being ‘table leaders’ in the Fall, and anyone else wanting to know more are welcome to attend the training on April 13. Registration is on the website and will close on Tuesday, April 9.

EVENSONG // APRIL 9 Evensong will happen on Tuesday, April 9 at 5:30 pm. We will meet downstairs at St. John’s Vancouver. CONDOLENCE Frank Andersen passed away on Monday, April 1. The date and location of the funeral are yet to be determined. Please pray for Anita Andersen and their two sons, Aaron and Christian Weisbrod. BIBLE CAMP 2019 Children from kindergarten to grade six are invited to a week of Bible Camp. Through the first week of July we’ll be exploring the wonder of God’s creation. Registration is now open on the website. Visit


In our Community UNION GOSPEL MISSION RETREAT // VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Each year UGM runs a weekend retreat for kids connected to UGM in the downtown eastside. They take about 50 kids from grades two to seven to Camp Kawkawa! This year the retreat is from Friday, June 7 at 3:00 pm until Sunday, June 9 at 4:00 pm. This weekend gives kids the chance to experience camp, get away from the city, and encounter Jesus. UGM is looking for adult volunteers to be cabin leaders, as well as a volunteer who is trained in lifeguarding. Accommodation, meals, and transportation from UGM to the camp and back will be provided. If you are interested in being involved, email SPRING LUNCHEON // MAY 11 Lighthouse Harbour Ministries, one of the ministries we support at St. John’s, is hosting their 2019 Spring Luncheon on May 11 at noon. All are welcome to attend to hear about the ministry to seafarers in North Vancouver and the Fraser Surrey Docks. The event will take place at Bethany Baptist Church, 22680 Westminster Hwy, Richmond. Please reserve your place by contacting Paul at 604-988-5084 or A freewill offering will be taken. PRACTICUM COUNSELLING STUDENS NEED CLIENTS! Practicum students from Trinity Western University’s ACT’s Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counselling programme are available to see clients for $20/hour session. Students are supervised by a professor and registered counsellor. For more information call Burnaby Counselling Group, (604) 430-1303. CAPILANO UNIVERSITY CONCERT // APRIL 13 & 14 The beloved classic, Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem, is the focus of the April 13 (8:00 pm) and 14 (3:00 pm) concerts by the 110 voices of Capilano University Choirs and the Vancouver Philharmonic Orchestra. They will also be performing Mozart, Vaughan-Williams, and Glinka. The concert will take place at the BlueShore Centre, Capilano University. For tickets: 604-990-7810 or

Calendar MONDAY, APRIL 8 10:45 am Little Years 7:30 pm

Quarterly Prayer Meeting

TUESDAY, APRIL 9 5:30 pm Evensong WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 7:20 am

Men’s Breakfast Bible Study

6:30 pm

Ekklesia (18 to 20-somethings)

THURSDAY, APRIL 11 10:00 am Women @ 10 7:30 pm Choir Practice FRIDAY, APRIL 12 6:00 pm

Youth (grades 7-12)

SATURDAY, APRIL 13 8:30 am

Life Explored Trainng

SUNDAY, APRIL 14 Matthew 21:1-10 7:30 am Holy Communion 9:00 am Morning Prayer 11:00 am Morning Prayer 6:00 pm Evening Prayer LEARN MORE AT SJVAN.ORG/CALENDAR

Holy Week The most important week of the Christian year - Holy Week - begins next week on Palm Sunday. During Holy Week, Christians around the world will recall Jesus coming to Jerusalem with the purpose to suffer and die on a cross for the sins of the world. In each of the Holy Week services we see Jesus, the King carry out his mission, described in Mark 10:45, For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Jesus comes to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday welcomed by many as King. However, as a King who rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, he comes in humility. He will serve the world by being utterly rejected and suffering terribly leading to his death on a cross. His death is our ransom, our release from all that enslaves and separates us from God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 You are warmly invited to take part in all our Holy Week services and to ask friends and family to come with you. Each service builds part of the narrative arc of the week, culminating in our Easter Sunday celebration.

The King Comes

Palm Sunday, April 14 // 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm Palm Sunday begins Holy week with a celebration that Jesus is the servant King who comes to save us by his suffering and death.

The King Serves

Maundy Thursday, April 18 // 7:30 pm In this communion service, we will hear the narrative of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet as their servant, and teaching us to love one another as he loves us. We will commemorate Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, where Jesus gave us the gift of knowing and remembering his costly sacrifice for us.

The King Sacrifices Himself

Good Friday, April 19 // 10:00 am (The Passion of St. Matthew) In this musical service, we will hear the complete story of Jesus’ suffering and death through several readings from the gospel of Matthew. Our choir will lead us in anthems and hymns that draw our hearts and minds to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

The King Enthroned

Easter Sunday, April 21 // 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm We will celebrate Jesus’ victory over sin and death with praise and music. Easter is the high point of the church calendar as we wholeheartedly rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus, our eternal life in Him, and that he is Lord of all!

St. John’s Vancouver Offices: 2325 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 3J2 | Phone: 604.558.4400 | Stay informed: | Engage with each other:

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