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Announcing the 2021 SKA Science Conference
from Contact 06
We are very pleased to announce that abstract submission for the 2021 SKA science meeting, entitled “A precursor view of the SKA sky”, is now open through our OnAir page below.
Visit skatelescope.org/SKAscicon21 to access it.
In the year that marks the establishment of the SKA Observatory, as well as the start of SKA construction activities, we want to bring the focus to science, with the new and exciting results that are being produced by the SKA precursors and pathfinders and their implication for SKA.
The Conference will be a fully virtual event, to be held on 15-19 March 2021. It will include plenary sessions organised by the SOC, as well as splinter sessions organised independently by the Science Working Groups. The format will allow participation across all time zones.
The registration fee is £40 per person (£20 for students), to cover the cost of the online platform.
We look forward to seeing many of you there!
By the Scientific Organising Committee