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Thanksgiving Letter to the Editor
Dear Skagit Valley Food Co-op,
This is a time for “Giving Thanks,” and I wanted to send a sincere THANKS to all employees and volunteers, past and present, who have created the stellar community icon that is the Co-op.
Thank you also for the Golden Jubilee celebration! It brought tears to my eyes and rekindled memories of my initial cooperative involvement in 1973: Tempe, Arizona. “Gentle Strength Food Co-op.” …Church basement on Saturdays. Unpacking and shopping fragrant bulk foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, and local dairy goods, and honey! Heading home afterwards to make a massive fruit salad folded into fresh whipped cream. Joy of working together, side-byside, with other co-op volunteers. And the feeling of Making A Difference!

Much gratitude also for the “Jubilee’s” moving speeches, great music, fantastic food, and joyful children’s activities. What a success!
My last thank you is for the wonderful Natural Enquirer which seems to get BETTER with each issue! The writers and other contributors convey heartfelt emotion, passion, and LOVE. I am over the top with Thanks-giving to you all!
Most sincerely,
Proud Member, Ruth L