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Meet the 4th Quarter Tokens for Tomorrow Groups
With Tokens for Tomorrow, every time you bring in a reusable shopping bag, we honor your commitment to reducing waste with a token worth 8¢ that you can give back to one of these local organizations:
Family Promise

The mission of Family Promise is to come together as a community to support homeless families as they work to provide loving homes for their children. Family Promise strives to meet the needs of homeless children and their family through their shelter, transitional housing, prevention and diversion programs through case management and the support of the community.
Friendship House

Friendship House believes that by treating all people with respect and kindness, they can help transform lives into those of self-sufficiency and abundance. They provide two clean and sober emergency shelters, one transitional house, one permanent low-income shared living house, a daily meal service, an innovative employment training program, and many other services to our house-less neighbors.
The Holding Space Birth & Wellness Cooperative

Founded by two female Navy veterans in 2021, The Holding Space focuses on the life transitions of women, providing an environment of awareness, compassion, and safety by offering affordable, comprehensive, and personalized support groups and health and wellness education to the community. HSBWC is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors and has an all-volunteer staff.
Welcome Home Skagit

The mission of Welcome Home Skagit is to create pathways to community living that remove barriers to housing stability throughout Skagit County. Their vision is to create a community free of homelessness through a five-part spectrum for transitioning those experiencing or facing homelessness to stable community living where no such system currently exists.