6 minute read
Tansania - Dodoma
from skate-aid Mag No. 11
by skate-aid

skate-aid-matinee 2021

On July 4, 2021, it was "celebrate and promote" time again. Our founder and instigator Titus Dittmann had invited to a Sunday skate-aid-matinee in his backyard. Unlike the skate-aid-night, our annual charity gala at the Skaters Palace, our skate-aid family met for the first time exclusively and without the press present for a summer charity event in Münster-Handorf. The idea to organize an art happening in the summer months for the benefit of skate-aid was already on Titus' mind for a long time. The Corona-related cancellation of the skate-aid-night 2020 prompted him to tackle the idea of a modernly interpreted matinee under the motto "Art, Cars and Trash!" this year. A big thank you to all our supporters and friends!

Flaschenpost, Heimat Heroes, Böinghoff Catering, Leezen Heroes, Vanessa van de Forst, Nasila & the Taxi Band, Milestones Jazzband, Gelato Classico Eis, Atlantic Hotel, EMP, Westenergie, GOP Münster, Brennwerk OWL, Liba, Tovar, Skaters Palace, Einblick Fotografie, Bäckerei Schrunz, B&W, Tommi Hassels Lightsolutions, Dennis Klapschus, Nikolai Kampen, Tiziano Lucchese, Otmar Alt, Inga Guzyte and all the voluntary helpers–THANK YOU!

Amongst the approximately 150 guests – were the Federal Minister for the Environment Svenja Schulze and Member of the Bundestag Karlheinz Busen as well as celebrities such as André Gatzke, Lisa Feller, Steffi Stephan, Adam Riese, Toto Heim, Simon Gosejohann, Wolfgang Hölker and Siggi Spiegelburg. The family concept was without exception well received. The press was deliberately only called in afterwards so that the celebrities could spend a relaxed and great afternoon with their kids. Everyone was stoked about the original and stylish flair of the event.
Arranged in the form of an art walk through the garden, which impressed many of the guests. They could look at works by spray-artist Dennis Klapschus and “old master” Otmar Alt, as well as discover works by up-and-coming artists such as Tiziano Lucchese and Nikolai Kampen. A surprise for many: Titus, who emphasized in his speech to the guests how much he’s passionate about art and design, also exhibited some of his own works. The charity-clou: The guests could "donate the art” in favor of skate-aid. In our skate-aid info tent, we presented all our projects which had to be put on hold on and off during the Corona pandemic. Throughout the day, the guests enjoyed culinary and musical delights, with the sounds of Vanessa van de Forst, Nasila & the Taxi Band and the Milestones Jazzband from a pyramid sculpture built by Titus himself.


Servus! Ich bin die Sarah und komme gebürtig aus dem schönen Bayern. Da es in meiner Heimat viel Schnee gibt, habe ich mit 14 Jahren angefangen Ski & Snowboardunterricht für Kinder im Alter von 5 – 14 Jahren zu geben. Im Laufe der Zeit ist mir aufgefallen, wie schnell Kinder lernen können, dass sie nach dem Hinfallen immer wieder aufstehen und wie ihre Augen dabei funkeln.

Mit 22 Jahren habe ich dann beschlossen nach Münster zu ziehen, da ein Teil meiner Familie dort lebt. Ich habe in Österreich bei einem Skate/ Snowboardgeschäft gearbeitet und so bin ich irgendwie bei Titus gelandet.

Während der Arbeit im Shop habe ich die lieben Nachbarn von skate-aid kennengelernt und war dann direkt für sie bei der „skate-aid-night“ als helfende Hand am Start, wo ich dann auch die ganze skate-aid Family kennengelernt habe. Weil ich es einfache liebe und es mir unglaubliche Freude bereitet mit Kindern zu arbeiten, bin ich mittlerweile bei den „Skaten statt Ritalin“ und „Across the Bo(a)rders“ Workshops mit dabei.

FOTO EINBLICK FOTOGRAFIE Da meine Leidenschaft auch der Kunst gehört und ich zudem gerne handwerklich tätig bin, war ich mit der skate-aid Crew im „Kliemannsland“, wo wir einen Container zu einer „Board-Station“ umgebaut haben.
Mein emotionalster Moment war sicherlich bei unseren Skateboard-Workshops im Kinderheim in Siegburg. Die zwei Tage haben meine Sicht auf Kinder noch einmal komplett verändert, denn selbst wir als erwachsene Menschen können noch sehr viel von ihnen lernen: Das Vertrauen, das Sie in uns haben, den Mut, den sie haben und wie sie an all Ihre großen Träume glauben. Sprich – einfach nie aufgeben!
Durch meine vielen Erfahrungen möchte ich Kindern einfach weiterhin Spaß, Liebe und Leidenschaft am Skateboarden vermitteln, weil sie die Welt noch in ganz anderen Farben sehen. Ich möchte noch gerne ein herzliches Dankeschön an skate-aid dalassen, dass ich all diese schönen Momente miterleben darf, denn – „Jeder von uns ist Kunst, gezeichnet vom Leben“! Since my passion also belongs to art and I like to do handicrafts, I was with the skate-aid crew at the "Kliemannsland", where we converted a container into a "board station".
My most emotional moment was definitely during our skateboard workshops at the children's home in Siegburg. The two days completely changed my view of children, because even we as adults can still learn a lot from them: the trust they have in us, the courage they have and how they believe in all their big dreams. Just never give up!
Through my many experiences, I just want to continue to give kids fun, love and the passion for skateboarding, because they still see the world in completely different colors. I would like to leave a big thank you to skate-aid that I can experience all these beautiful moments, because - "Each of us is art, drawn by life"!
Servus! I’m Sarah and I come from the beautiful Bavaria. Since there’s a lot of snow in my home country, I started giving ski & snowboard lessons for kids aged 5 - 14 when I was 14 years old. In the course of time, I noticed how fast kids can learn, that they always get up again after falling down and how their eyes sparkle when they do so.
At the age of 22 I decided to move to Münster because part of my family lives there. I was working at a skate/ snowboard store in Austria and that's how I somehow ended up at Titus.
While working in the store I got to know the dear neighbors of skate-aid and then I was directly for them as a helping hand at the "skate-aid-night", where I also got to know the whole skate-aid family. Because it gives me unbelievable joy and I just love to work with kids, I’m now involved in the "Skating instead of Ritalin" and "Across the Bo(a)rders" workshops.