Revert Magazine - Issue 8

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TwentyFour • Chris Peach • War of the Roses • Boardroom



News................................................... pg.4-7 Boardroom......................................... pg.8-9 Time.Between.................................. pg.10-13 War.of.the.Roses.............................. pg.14-17 Aperture.......................................... pg.18-21

NEWS So here’s the latest offering of Revert, some of you may consider it as late but I’d rather put it out late than put out a shabby issue. First off let’s make sense of the sick photo below of Dave Allen in the USA. Well he’s been on the European Emerica team for a crazy ten years now. This year he also joined Death skateboards and has his first ever pro board on sale around the UK now.

Continuing the Death news and their adding of team riders with Washington Street regular Zarosh joining Death to be the second US rider alongside Patrick Melcher. Next issue might be adding another US name to that list with an AM, however Zorlac is keeping his lips sealed. Zorlac is also now handling Rough Neck Hardware, True Love Skateboards and Teenage Runaway Wheels.

Crossfire held the second Xmas jam at Bay66 Skatepark in London on the 9th December, with an interesting Whale Wallie, which Chris Oliver took some money home for skating. Alongside Greg Nowik on the Mini, Boots on the Rails and Rob Smith on the Taj Mahal Wallride (I don’t understand?) footage from this should be somewhere online by now.

Photo: Wig/A4

Dave Allen Back Smith

Address 42b Blyburgate Beccles Suffolk NR34 9TF Telephone 07917 391197

Photographers Stephen Keable Wig / A4 Chris Peach



Editor Stephen Keable Art & Design Stephen Keable Sales & Marketing Stephen Keable

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NEWS The Third Foot (Hence shot of Dougy to the right) organised SOS (Skater Owned Shop) jam took place at The Works Skatepark in Leeds on the 10th December with a turn out from all over the country. Some notable tricks included Woody’s Back round the Bowl, Phil Shore’s One Wheel Nosewheelies and Tom Harrison’s Flip Back Smith on the driveway block which you can see on The Story Store website (Check the slow-mo on the last trick, lucky). Other Story news they are putting out their second video through the Story Filmakers Guild with the release of Forays a New Zealand flick. Also the Love Story trailer is up there too. Unabomber have just dropped the Urbane-mob video, which I haven’t seen yet. Did speak to a few people who went to the premiere and Grove drinks an entire bottle of vinegar! The skating real good too, look out for Frank and Tom Watts! 6

Yet more video news Smash Skates in Suffolk are filming for Ramp It Baby, the next video from SharmanCam, You Tube the name for trailers and footage. Final bit of talk on videos is the long awaited Fully Flared which is in the last stages and due early next year, can’t wait!

New proper skate magazine TriSickle has arrived and looks pretty nice, pick up a copy from your local skateshop, or if they don’t stock it, get them to contact Other magazine news is that ASM (Action Sports Media) publisher of Kingpin, has announced the merger of ASM, 4130 Publishing (Document) and Permanent Publishing (Sidewalk). As it currently stands all three magazines will continue to hit shelves each month. Major London news in the form that the underground skate plaza is nearly finished as is Cantelowes!

Dates for Diary 26th December Boxing Day fun at Central Skatepark in Manchester, including Death Match on Mini Ramp!

27th December The Works Skatepark in Leeds is holding a Xmas Jam, midday - 10pm.

30th December Christmas Carvery at Unit 23 Skatepark, Dumbarton, Scotland.

27th January Duffs All Nighter at Interact in Burnley.

Dougy Crail Slide

Halloween Frightener

Boardroom Skatepark, Leicester Boardroom Skatepark in Leicester held a dope little jam this Halloween just gone. So headed up to see the Leicester crew and have a good little skate. The Boardroom is a great little park tucked away in amongst a load of factories making socks and other things, in Leicester. It’s a small park but rammed full of good things to skate, including a newly surfaced bowl painted pool blue complete with faux pool tiles. All around the walls are several brightly coloured monster cartoons by Gavin Strange of the Jam Factory. So as you approached the park on this night you were greeted by a 9ft Grim Reaper across the door, walking between him and his sithe to enter.

On entrance you received a pair of “Ghoulish Glasses” which weren’t easy to skate in however did contain some nice little sweets to give you a good sugar rush. Anyway back to the skating Leicester hosts some rather good skaters by the look of the skating on show, with Luke Walker from Casino, on one killing the rail, check the casino website for footage. Fitting with the night some of the Death team were there including Steak who Hammered round the bowl and Vert wall most of the night. Be sure to check the Boardroom out online at

Eric Thomas Late Shove It 8


Photos: Chris Peach





War of the Roses The Works, Leeds

Despite being half Yorkshire myself, I was raised in the South of England so I guess that makes me a Southern wimp. Which would explain why I only went to one half of the War of the Roses. It also had a little to do with not being able to make up my mind until Saturday evening. So off went a little crew (very little Me, Ash from Smash and his Girlfriend Cloe) heading up the A1 past that crazy hat shaped Little Chef, really want to skate that. We got to Leeds early on and it wasn’t all that busy, most likely due to people still recovering and sobering up for the drive from Burnley. So we got a little non ram packed skate in.


Then came the fun as more and more people turned up, including the Scottish contingent, who had setup camp at the brand new pool. The comp began with Ideal Bob and Sidewalk Ben on the microphone, chanting “Grind It!”, “Slide It” and “Stinking Badger!” amongst others. Divided up into little jams at different sections of the park including the Jersey Barrier, Rail, Road Gap, Driveways and ending with the brand new pool. All with cash prizes. Yorkshire took home this year’s title with 6 wins, Lancashire with 4 wins, Scotland with 2 wins and Wales with 1 win. Best skater at Burnley Andy Scott and best skater at Leeds Pete Rigby.

Greg Nowik Shove It HeelямВip 15

Yorkshire 6:4 Lancashire Mark Baines Full Cab Transfer 16

Visit for the Lancashire side of things and for the Yorkshire side of things. 17

Photo: Chris Peach


Here: Wag - FS Nollieflip Left: Chalky - Switch FS Flip 19

Harlow Charlie FS 180

MIcheal Casey - Nollie Flip - Norwich

Twenty Four

Sadlergate, Derby

Twenty Four is the closest Derby has to a Skate Owned Shop, as it is operated by the experienced hands of Danny Calow. Just happens to be owned by his girlfriend Claire who has been snowboarding for 10 years and runs the snowboard end of things in the shop.


In my eyes the shop purely benefits from it being a snowboard shop too, as it makes the shop easier to run financially, I mean £400 for a bit of snowboard kit, and you’re sorted for the week!

Moggins - Late Shove

Questions with Danny Calow Introduce yourself, name where you from etc? Danny Calow originally from Darlington Co. Durham but now in Derby. So lets sort the people who will whinge about Twenty Four not being skater owned, I see Twenty Four as a Skateshop which shares it’s space with a snowboard shop, do you agree? Twenty Four is a skatestore first and foremost, however as it is also a business, some changes are necessary in business and opening a snowboard section was a planned evolution, my girlfriend Claire who started the shop in 2001 has been snowboarding

for more than 10 years, her then business partner was a girl called Squirrel who was a skateboarder of around 5 years, I have now been there for over 2 years, there should be no argument about the background ethics of the shop, we are skater, rider owned whatever anybody else wants to say about it. For the people who don’t know tells what qualifies you to run the skate end of things?

How come you left? It was time to get on with my own thing. All them guys are great, apart from Moggins. Have you got anything planned for the shop (Videos etc) in the near future? Yeah always in the background there is stuff going on, but when the time is right, vids will be released, I still would rather skate than film.

Skateboarding for about 15 years, been in the industry with sponsorships for over 10 years, I should think I kind of know what’s happening, plus I have a natural ability for pissing people off, perfect.

What’s it like having a miniramp at the Blue Dog a few doors down the road?

What was it like riding for Death? Any stand out stories?

Thanks to all the regulars that continue supporting the shop, that’s it I guess.

The Death Squadrophenia tour was the total highlight of all them years, non stop party for just over a week, I remember wishing it would never end and that was on the last day, that was just before Cates kicked the shit out of Cashman, then I couldn’t wait to get home.

Perfect for the summer days, everyone should have one. And finally any thanks or final thoughts?



Danny Calow - Nollie 360

Twenty Four is based in Derby on Sadlergate just a few doors down from the Blue Dog pub. Postcode is DE1 3NL for you Sat Nav users.

Darren Pearcy Front Smith 25

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