Global CX Look and Feel Guide

3 How you present yourself is a reflection of Jet WhatAviation.isyour image 1 portraying today? 1 Image — Details, grooming, attitude, behavior, personality, posture, style, reflection, atmosphere, impression, confidence, appearance, elegance, presentation
The Philosophy It is important to set the right impression with your appearance. Being aware of what you wear, and how you wear it, is essential. Let’s start to focus on the overall image so that every day you can be proud and confident in the workplace.
5 The key elements described here will guide you when preparing for the Yourday.goal is to create a classy, sophisticated, yet approachable look that reflects the image and standards of our company.
Our Basics Even though the illustrations are male and female, the guidelines are generally applicable to everyone. Place your name tag on the right side of your outfit to put customers at ease addressingwhenyou Keep your collar turned down Keep your shirt neatly tucked in Keep sleeves rolled down

7 Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed A belt is to be worn on all uniform items that have belt loops Leave the bottom button unbuttoned Wear yoursquarepocketwithjacket/blazer

9 You are never fully withoutdresseda smile 2. 2 Smile — Accessory A curve that sets everything straight.
Our Details In whensummer,wearing a dress/skirt, finish your look with nude tights A classy sophisticatedand look is Makewell-tailoredsureyour outfit is not too short, tight or revealing

11 Keep pocketsyourfree from bulky objects Wear dark socks that are matching the suit pants or theredtounbuttonedcanThechinostopbuttonbeleftdisplaytheaccentoncollar

3 Attitude — Mindset Defines the way you see the world,and the world sees you.
Attitude 3 is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Positive attitude helps turn a challenging interaction into a successful exchange.
Our Finishing Make sure shouldAnytonotaccessoriesyourareanyhazardsafetyaccessoriesenhance your appearance instead of being distracting Your shoes are navy and the heels are a maximum of 3 inches high Wear closed-toe and IflengthandarelookComplementoftoshoesclosed-heelthataresafewearonalltypessurfaceyourwithnailsthatkeptatasafecomfortableyouwearnail polish, use officeappropriate colors

15 Match the style of your shoes with the elegance of your outfit Your hands are an extension of your goodneat,shoesMakewardrobesureyourarebrown,cleanandinrepair

17 The greatandsomethingbetweendifferencegoodsomethingisthe toattentiondetail 4 . 4 Attention to detail — Art Shows people that you care about them. It reflects professionalism and it enables you to create a a relationship with the customer. Stand out by delivering the SAM experience.
Pocket FoldingSquare 31 2 The Presidential fold

19 31 42 One tip up fold

21 Trust is built with consistency 5 . 5 Consistency — Principal Establishes your reputation and creates accountability. Consistency is what transforms average into excellence. Remain committed to delivering your best!
Our Grooming Keep your hair out of your appearancesurechoice,toMake-upfaceissubjectindividualjustmaketokeepyourelegant Choose a hair color that is within the natural hair color Attentionrangeto detail is the key to keeping your look polished

23 Keep your hair trimmed and tidy Wear natural eye color contact lenses Keep your beard neat and clean Wear scents such as perfume or aftershave in moderation

Let's showcase a global image that stands for a AuthenticSeamless, and Memorable experience.
The Stage is Yours Everything speaks. During each interaction your appearance and your behavior send an important message to our Ourcustomers.image builds trust and allows our customers to instantly feel at home whenever they return to Jet Aviation.
27 This guide empowers you to display the best version of yourself each and every day. The cornerstones of our image: — being approachable — an immaculate grooming — a positive attitude customerservice@jetaviation.comContact:©JetAviation,2022