Painted with Light

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Al l pi ct ur esar eCopyr i ghtMi chael Her r mann,2009

T hepi ct ur esi nt hi sbookwer et aken dur i nga t r i pt ot heS out hofF r ancei nS ept ember2009. T heonl ycamer aIhadwi t hmewasaPanas oni cL umi xL X3, acamer at hatIr eal l ys t ar t edt ol i keaf t erex per i ment i ngwi t hi tf ors omet i me. T hecamer ai sver yl i ghtcompar edwi t ht heDS L Rt hatIus ual l yus eand t hei magequal i t yi squi t egood. T hegr eatadvant ageoft hos es mal l pocket s i z edcamer asi st hatyoucan car r yt hem ar oundwi t hyoual l t het i meand us et hem asaki ndofdi ar y ors ket chbook. Apar t i cul ar l yus ef ul f eat ur ei st heabi l i t yt os etever yt hi ng,i ncl udi ngt hef ocus , manual l y.Is hotal l i magesi naper t ur epr i or i t ymode,f orconveni ence. Af t ert aki ngs omehundr eds hot sIchangedt hef ocuss et t i ngt o manual f ocusandt ookphot ost hatar ei nt ent i onal l ybl ur r edoroutoff ocus . Il i ket hebl ur r edi magesact ual l ymor et hant heonesIhadt akenbef or e, mai nl ybecaus et hey r emi ndmeofs omeF r enchI mpr es s i oni s tpai nt i ngsand l eavemor es pacef ori magi nat i on. Mi chael Her r mann,2009

Al l pi ct ur esar eCopyr i ghtMi chael Her r mann,2009

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