Community Based Learning Programs Work
It is a well known fact that no one likes to learn alone. Yet, as Learning & Development professionals, we tend to provide a huge library of content to our audience in the hope that they will consume it. But the reality is far away from hope. Turns out that just giving content is a fraction of the work required to be done. There needs to be something more.
If you have not experimented yet, try going with community based virtual learning workshops. Again remember, human being are more social than prefer to be alone. So, if you leverage this psychological fact in your designs, it will work wonders for you. So instead of just throwing content, try to structure it into a virtual learning community where everyone can come together and participate and interact.
Key benefits of this virtual learning approach are:
1. Helps create a learning culture in the organization
2. Allows for practical knowledge and skills
3. Scope for personalized learning path