What is Discounted cash flow valuation?

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What is Discounted cash flow valuation? • DCF valuation includes estimation of cash flow generated by a business over long term and then discount the cash flows to present time. •

Present value of cash flows till perpetuity (over long term) is the intrinsic value of the Company.

This method is also known as intrinsic value method

Estimating future cash flows requires a good understanding of the industry, business and economy.

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Where can Discounted cash flow method be used Evaluation of a project or investment Valuation of bonds Valuation of a business Valuation of shares of a Company

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How to discount future cash flows? • DCF method involves forecasting the future cash flows from a business and then discounting those cash flows to the present period. • DCF Value = Present value of cash flows at end of period 1+Present value of cash flows at end of period 2+ Present value of cash flows at end of period 3+⋯+Present value of cash flows at end of period n • -

Present value of cash flows = CF / (1+r)^t Where, CF = Net Cash Flow at the end of year t t = Time period (year) r = discount rate or the cost of capital

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Steps to build a DCF model 1

Understand the business Analyze historical performance

2 3 4 5

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Project Future cash flows Calculate Terminal Value

Discount the Cash Flows using WACC Mobile: 9650010925

Understand the business Good understanding of the Company, Segments, Geographies

Growth strategy, future targets

Strategic priorities


Management background, track record Management

Government policies, Regulations, geo-political environment

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External Environment

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Industry dynamics, demand, supply, Customer preferences etc.

Analyze historical performance Financial performance

Operating performance Examples

Capacity and utilization

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Order Book

Price/ Margin per unit

Return on Investment

Financial performance

Capital Efficiency

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Project future cash flows

Cash flow forecast for 3-5 years TOP DOWN APPROACH


• High Level Forecasts based on historical performance - Revenue - Margins - Return on Investment - Capex

• Detailed approach • Forecasts based on operating drivers, Like - Price - Volumes - Production Expense - Capacity/utilization

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Calculate terminal value Terminal value is calculated after the forecast period (3-5 years) Perpetual growth method

Exit multiple method

• Assumes cash flows to grow at a stable rate till perpetuity.

g = Growth rate till perpetuity WACC = Weighted average cost of capital or Discount rate

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• Terminal value calculated based on average historical multiples (EV/EBIT, EV/NOPAT etc.) or transaction multiples for deals in the same industry (Transaction value/ EBITDA etc.).

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Discount the cash flows using Weighted average Cost of capital • DCF method involves forecasting the future cash flows from a business and then discounting those cash flows to the present period.

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Discounted cash flow method – Advantages and Limitations

- DCF method calculates the intrinsic value of the business based on future cash flows. - It is quite detailed - Helps do sensitivity analysis - Helps build scenarios (by changing assumptions)

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- DCF Valuation is Complex and time consuming. - Dependent on multiple assumptions (growth, margins, capex etc.) - Terminal value represents large portion of Total business value - Calculating cost of capital may not be straight forward

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