2016 Skills Ontario Competition Guide

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Welcome to the 27th OTSC


would like to personally welcome you to the 27th Ontario Technological Skills Competition (OTSC). This is a tremendous year for us, as it marks the last year that the OTSC will be held at RIM Park in Waterloo and we look ahead to our move to the Toronto Congress Centre in 2017. I fondly reflect on the 14 years that the OTSC has been hosted at RIM Park in Waterloo, and for five years before that at the Kitchener Auditorium. The OTSC moved to the Kitchener Auditorium in 1997, after several years in Hamilton. In 2002, the OTSC moved to RIM Park, where it saw growth in the number of contests, participants, and spectators each and every year! With 67 contest sites, 44 elementary challenges and workshops, and over 20,000 spectators, we have simply run out of space at RIM Park! And we have grown once again this year, with a record number of 2,100 contest competitors from high schools and colleges across Ontario. There are 2,000 students participating in our Elementary Workshops – the most ever; we have added a new First Nations Métis and Inuit (FNMI) Conference in conjunction with the OTSC; and the Young Women’s Conference once again reached capacity within minutes of registration opening, with over 1,400 girls attending over two days.

Please join me in thanking the City of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener for their tremendous support for the success and expansion of the OTSC over the years. We also extend a special thank you to Conestoga College for being the host college for so many years, and President John Tibbits for his tremendous support. Thank you also to our talented and dedicated volunteers; without them we simply couldn’t host the OTSC as smoothly and efficiently and we do. Thank you to our generous sponsors who donate time, finances and materials to ensure that our competitors are able to succeed. This year, as our guests tour the competition site, they will see first-hand what 9.2 million dollars of in-kind support can accomplish. Thank you to our educator friends for being mentors and for encouraging their students to follow their dreams. And finally, thank you to you, for joining us today. Your excitement and encouragement makes these hallways come alive. I wish the best of luck to everyone competing today, and look ahead with excitement for our move to the Toronto Congress Centre for the 2017 OTSC!

Gail Smyth Executive Director of Skills Ontario

1 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

We Are Opportunities. The City of Waterloo is a place of opportunities, whether you’re looking for a job, skilled labour or investment prospects. We’re also home to networks of support, including the Accelerator Centre, Communitech and the Waterloo Region Small Business Centre. We help companies grow and prosper. Waterloo is opportunities.

wearewaterloo.ca 2 Skills Ontario

Table of Contents 1

Message from Gail Smyth, Executive Director


Message from Minister Liz Sandals


Message from Minister MaryAnn Mihychuk


Message from Conestoga College



73 Job Interview 75 OTSC Closing Ceremony

11 Skills Ontario Board of Directors

77 Our Heartfelt Thanks

13 Where You’ll Find Skills Ontario

79 Team Ontario: Competing Nationally

15 OTSC: Celebrating 19 years in Kitchener-Waterloo

81 The Skills Work!® School Board Award of Distinction

16 2016 OTSC Qualifying Competitions

81 Skills Ontario Leadership Award

19 27th OTSC Schedule of Events


23 Career Exploration Showcase

81 Monetary Awards 83 The Dick Hopkins Award

25 Young Women’s Conference

83 College Award of Distinction

27 Meet Our Mentors

83 Glenn Beatty Award

31 Skills Work!® Summer Camp

83 Award of Excellence

31 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) Conference

84 2016 OTSC Partners and Sponsors

33 Contest List 35 Elementary Career Awareness Workshops


39 Elementary Technology Challenges 42 Thank You Kitchener-Waterloo 45 Skills Ontario Alumni


47 OTSC Contest List 57 OTSC Pin and Medal Design Winners

3 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

4 Skills Ontario

To the OTSC Attendees


n behalf of the Ministry of Education, I am delighted to extend my best wishes to the participants of the Ontario Technological Skills Competition.

Congratulations to the contestants for reaching this stage in the competition, as well as to all those who have encouraged and supported them along the way. You are all an inspiration to other students across Canada. I commend Skills Ontario for organizing this wonderful event and for helping to build enthusiasm around skilled trades and technologies in our province’s publicly funded education system. Please accept my best wishes for an enjoyable event. Sincerely

Liz Sandals, Minister / Ministre Ministry of Education / Ministère de l’Éducation

J’ai le plaisir, au nom du ministère de l’Éducation, de souhaiter la bienvenue aux participantes et aux participants des Olympiades ontariennes des compétences technologiques. Félicitations aux concurrents d’avoir atteint ce niveau de la compétition ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui les ont soutenus jusqu’ici. Vous êtes une source d’inspiration pour les élèves du Canada tout entier. Je félicite aussi Compétences Ontario d’avoir organisé cet événement avec brio et de susciter autant d’enthousiasme à l’égard de la technologie et des métiers spécialisés au sein du système d’éducation financé par les fonds publics de notre province. Je vous souhaite à toutes et à tous de très bonnes Olympiades.

5 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Get Skilled in the Trades Skilled Trades Programs Aircraft Structural Repair Technician Aviation Fundamentals Aviation Technician – Aircraft Maintenance Aviation Technician – Avionics Maintenance Aviation Technology – Aircraft Maintenance and Avionics Aviation Technology – Aircraft Maintenance and Structures Broadcasting – Television and Video Production Building Construction Technician Civil Engineering Technician/Technology Construction Carpentry – Renovation Techniques Culinary Management Culinary Skills – Chef Electrical Techniques Food and Beverage Service Graphic Design Machinist – Mechanical Technician Mechanical Engineering Technician/Technology Motive Power Technician Plumbing – Mechanical Techniques Welder Fitter – Mechanical Technician

Apprenticeship Programs Auto Body and Collision Damage Repairer Automotive Service Technician Cook Apprenticeship General Carpenter General Machinist IT Technician Marine Small Engine Technician Metal Fabricator Railway Car Technician Truck and Coach Technician

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6 Skills Ontario

It’s an Exciting Time


pring is in the air and with it comes the annual provincial/territorial skills competitions that will lead to the Skills Canada National Competition in Moncton, New Brunswick, in June. It’s an exciting time.

As the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, I couldn’t be more proud of the terrific work done by all of the Skills Canada organizations, their volunteers, schools, business partners and the students themselves. The competitions are challenging and allow participants to pursue very important careers in the skilled trades and technologies. I’m especially happy to see so many of you reaching out to young women, Northern residents and our newcomers and showing them the value and fun of getting involved in the skilled trades. The Government of Canada offers a number of grants and loans for apprentices and those pursuing training in designated Red Seal trades. There are also tax credits, support for training programs and other help for those of you considering the trades as a career option. You don’t have to do it alone; we’re here to give you a hand. We need young up-and-comers in our workforce to help lead the way to a strong, vibrant Canadian economy. There will always be a demand for trained tradespeople who can offer professional quality workmanship through the carpentry, plumbing, computer skills, baking/cooking, and other skills demonstrated at the competitions offered here in Ontario.

Le printemps est de nouveau a nos portes, de meme que le debut des olympiades provinciales et territoriales annuelles des metiers en vue des Olympiades canadiennes des metiers et des technologies qui auront lieu a Moncton (Nouveau­ Brunswick), enjuin. II s’agit d’une periode excitante. En tant que ministre de l’Emploi, du Developpement de la main-d’reuvre et du Travail, j e suis impressionnee par I’ excellent travail accompli par tous Jes organismes Skills/ Competences Canada, leurs benevoles, Jes ecoles, Jes partenaires d’affaires et Jes etudiants eux-memes. Les competitions sont difficiles et permettent aux participants de poursuivre une carriere tres importante dans Jes metiers specialises et Jes technologies. Je suis tres heureuse de constater que de nombreux evenements s’adressent auxjeunes femmes, auxjeunes du Nord et aux nouveaux arrivants, et leur font valoir !’importance et le plaisir de participer aux metiers specialises.

You’re on the right path. The Skills Canada competitions offer you a great opportunity to show your talents. I wish you all the best.

Le gouvemement du Canada offre un certain nombre de subventions et de prets pour Jes apprentis et ceux qui suivent une formation dans des metiers designes Sceau rouge. Nous proposons egalement des credits d’imp6t, du soutien pour Jes programmes de formation et d’autres formes d’aide pour ceux et celles d’entre vous qui envisagent Jes metiers comme choix de carriere. Yous n’ avez pas a le faire seuls; nous sommes la pour vous donner un coup de main.

The Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, P.C. M.P. Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour

Nous avons besoin de sang neuf au sein de notre main-d ‘reuvre afin d’ouvrir la voie a une economie canadienne forte et dynamique. II y aura toujours une demande pour des gens de metier formes qui peuvent offrir un travail de qualite professionnelle, que ce soit dans Jes domaines de la menuiserie, de la plomberie, de l’informatique, de la patisserie, de la cuisine ou dans de nombreux autres domaines faisant l’objet de competitions tenues ici, en Ontario. Yous etes sur la bonne voie. Les competitions de Skills/ Competences Canada representent une exceliente occasion de montrer vos talents. Je vous souhaite a tous la meilleure des chances

7 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

CAREER-FOCUSED EDUCATION All the great trades, apprenticeships, diplomas, and degrees you expect including programs in: • Automotive Service/ Truck & Coach • Business • Carpentry • Culinary • Design • Information Technology • Masonry • Media • Robotics

Proud partner of Skills Ontario for over 25 years! www.conestogac.on.ca Waterloo Region

8 Skills Ontario

The End of an Era…

and a New Beginning


t’s my pleasure to welcome you to the 27th Ontario Technological Skills Competition (OTSC), and the final one to be held here in Waterloo Region. We have been honoured to work with Skills Ontario as the host college for this annual event since 1997. We’ve come a long way together, providing opportunities for a growing number of young people across the province to develop and showcase their talents in skilled trades and technologies. This year’s event promises to be the biggest ever, with almost 70 contests, more than 2,000 competitors and 20,000 spectators.

Young people who choose to pursue skilled trades careers will find above-average pay, job security, flexibility, variety, rewarding work and unlimited opportunity. Many skilled tradespeople are also entrepreneurs, running their own businesses and charting their own course for success.

Over the years, we’ve witnessed many successes, with local students excelling at the provincial, national and even international levels. College faculty and staff have honed their skills serving as volunteers, trainers, coaches and judges at the local level and on the world stage.

But many parents, students and even educators have a limited understanding of the nature and potential of skilled trades and technology careers. Early and sustained exposure through events such as OTSC can help build that understanding and highlight the value and importance of technical careers and education to young Canadians.

It is with some regret that we step back from our hosting role as the annual OTSC moves away from our community, but we can all be proud of the tremendous growth that has necessitated the move to a larger venue beginning in 2017. The growing shortage of skilled labour is widely recognized as one of the greatest threats to Canada’s economic competitiveness.

That’s good for students and important for Canada, as our economy evolves and numerous industry sectors struggle to find qualified workers. Congratulations to all of this year’s OTSC participants, and to the teachers, coaches and families who have supported your journey. I hope you will consider this as the first step towards your successful future.

John Tibbits, President Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

CONESTOGA COLLEGE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND ADVANCED LEARNING Conestoga is a provincial leader in trades and apprenticeship training, delivering a comprehensive range of programs in the construction, motive power, industrial and service sectors in response to growing industry needs. The college hosts a variety of workshops and events each year designed to encourage young students to explore careers in trades and technology.

A long-time supporter and sponsor of the Ontario Technological Skills Competition, Conestoga was awarded the event’s College Award of Distinction in 2009, 2010 and 2013. Students from Conestoga have received close to 300 OTSC medals, with many moving on to compete at the national and world skills events.

9 2016 OTSC Competition Guide



10 Skills Ontario

One of over 250 programs waiting to be discovered.

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Skills Ontario Board of Directors Chair



Mr. Shaun Scott Linamar Corporation

Mr. William Chan Hydro One

Mr. Louie Leombruni ArcelorMittal Dofasco

1st Vice Chair



Mr. Ray Lavender Snap-on Tools of Canada Ltd.

Ms. Karen Creditor Ontario College Application Service

Mr. Manuel Martins Gowlings

2nd Vice Chair



Mr. Jim Madder Confederation College

Mr. Ian Cunningham Council of Ontario Construction Assoc.

Ms. Gail Smyth Skills Ontario




Ms. Cheryl Manuel Deloitte Inc.

Mr. David H. Green Stratmarc Associates

Mr. David Thomson OACETT




Ms. Christine Bradaric-Baus Mohawk College

Mr.Warren Hoshizaki District School Board of Niagara

Mr. Chris Whitaker Humber College

11 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

12 Skills Ontario

901-150_ann_Skills Ontario guide date de parution : mars 2016

Where You’ll Find Skills Ontario Kitchener - Head Office 100 Campbell Avenue - Unit 11 Kitchener, ON N2H 4X8 Phone: 519-749-9899 / 1-888-228-5446 Fax: 519-749-6322 Email: info@skillsontario.com Website: www.skillsontario.com Greater Toronto Area Office c/o Carpenters’ Local Union 27 Training Centre 222 Rowntree Dairy Road, Suite 2 Woodbridge, ON L4L 9T2 Phone: 905-652-8805 Fax: 905-652-8806 London Office c/o Fanshawe College, Room A1047 1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard P.O. Box 7005 London, ON N5Y 5R6 Phone: 519-452-4430 ext. 4852

Ottawa Office c/o La Cité collégiale 8700 boul. Jeanne D’Arc Nord Orleans, ON K4A 0S9 Phone: 613-742-2493 ext. 2520 Sudbury Office c/o Collège Boréal 21 Lasalle Boulevard Sudbury, ON P3A 6B1 Phone: 705-560-6673 ext. 4165 Sault Ste. Marie Office c/o Sault College 443 Northern Avenue Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 4J3 Phone: 705-759-2554 ext. 2540 Thunder Bay Office c/o Confederation College P.O. Box 398, 1450 Nakina Drive Thunder Bay, ON P7C 4W1 Phone: 807-475-6462 or 807-475-6677

Toronto Office - North c/o Humber Centre for Trades & Technology 110 Carrier Drive Toronto, ON M9W 5R1 Phone: 416-675-6622 ext. 78088 Fax: 416-675-8522 Whitby Office c/o Durham College, Whitby Campus 1610 Champlain Avenue Whitby, ON L1N 9B2 Phone: 905-721-2000 ext. 4225 Windsor Office c/o St. Clair College Main South Campus 2000 Talbot Road West Windsor, ON N9A 6S4 Phone: 519-972-2727 ext. 4620

Toronto Office - Central c/o George Brown College 146 Kendal Avenue, Room D305 Toronto, Ontario M5R 1M3 Phone: 416-415-5000 x 4318

Use #OTSC2016 to share your experiences and photos of the largest skilled trades and technology competition in Canada!





13 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

for every skill there are boots to fill With some of the most state-of-the-art equipment and facilities available, Confederation College is the perfect place to learn the latest real-world techniques in preparation for a career in the rapidly expanding skilled trades sector. Good luck to all competitors in the 2016 Ontario Technological Skills Competition!

dreamdo.ca T H U N D E R B AY, O N TA R I O 14 Skills Ontario

Celebrating 19 years in Kitchener-Waterloo


s we celebrate the 27th Ontario Technological Skills Competition (OTSC), there is lots of excitement on the horizon as well as lots of reason to reflect on the past. 2016 marks the 19th and final year Skills Ontario has hosted the OTSC in Kitchener-Waterloo. Our time in Kitchener-Waterloo has been nothing short of incredible as Kitchener and Waterloo have provided venues that allowed Skills Ontario to grow year after year for each of the past 19 years. For the 2016 OTSC we currently have wait lists in nearly every component of the OTSC: contests, Young Women’s Conferences, Elementary Workshops, Career Exploration Exhibitor Booths and Elementary Challenges. The venues in Kitchener-Waterloo have done a tremendous job supporting us through our growth; we couldn’t have asked for better partners in hosting the OTSC. However, we have reached a point where we have simply outgrown RIM Park! 2017 will see an exciting new chapter for Skills Ontario as we move our cornerstone event to one of Canada’s premier convention facilities, the Toronto Congress Centre.

The new home of the OTSC will allow us to better meet our mandate to encourage more students to consider careers in the skilled trades and technologies as first choice career options. With increased space, we will be able to host more Career Showcase Exhibitors, more competitors, more contests, and more spectators. All of this means that we can better achieve our ultimate goal of inspiring more youth to pursue a career in the skilled trades and technologies. Skills Ontario wants to thank the communities of Kitchener-Waterloo and Conestoga College for their incredible support over the past 19 years, we couldn’t have asked for better partners. We can only hope that we will develop partners in Toronto that come close to what we have become accustomed to in the Kitchener-Waterloo community. Please mark your calendar for the 2017 OTSC, May 1-3, 2017 at the Toronto Congress Centre!

Barry Harrison Director of Competitions Skills Ontario

15 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

2016 OTSC Qualifying Competitions


ualifying Competitions were introduced in 2005 because some contests are simply too popular. For these contests, students must first compete at a Qualifying Competition before they advance to the OTSC. The Competitions are held simultaneously at eight colleges across the province, and this year, they took place on Saturday, April 16, 2016. The 2016 Qualifying Competitions included the following contests: • 2D Character Animation (Team of 2) • Carpentry-Individual

Skills Ontario would like to thank the host colleges listed below for their support and the use of their facilities. We are also grateful to OTSC Technical Committee Members Steve Benns (Culinary Arts), Terry Posthumus (2D Animation), and the following individuals for lending their time, dedication and expertise:

• Culinary Arts • Small Powered Equipment • TV Video Production (Team of 2) • Welding The top three school boards in each contest from each location were eligible to advance to the 2016 Ontario Technological Skills Competition. Qualifying Technical Committees, consisting of representatives from each participating college and the OTSC Technical Committee Chair, work together to create the scopes, projects and judging criteria for these competitions. The same contest projects and judging criteria are used at all eight locations to ensure consistency across the province.

Cambrian College College Contact – Shari Love 2D Character Animation – James Munro Small Powered Equipment – John Weiss

Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology College Contact – Ryan Drouin Carpentry-Individual – Jill Rydall/Andy Ross Culinary Arts – Derek Lawday TV Video Production – Chris Kosloski and Stephanie Fehr Welding – Pierre Beaudoin



Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology College Contacts – John Kantola and Heather Robinson

Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology

Carpentry-Individual – Shaun Daniels

College Contact – Carly Root

Culinary Arts – Richard Gemmill and Ladonna Colosimo

2D Character Animation – Roberto Acosta

Small Powered Equipment – Patrick Bailey

Carpentry-Individual – Don Webb

TV Video Production – Michael Moore

Culinary Arts – Peter Blakeman

Welding – Jim Dyson

Small Powered Equipment – Rob Zuk TV Video Production – Anthony Savoia Welding – Mike Nicholas

Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology College Contact – Sharon Dale 2D Character Animation – Lianne Wong Carpentry-Individual – Rob Murison Culinary Arts – Patrick Hersey Small Powered Equipment – Blaine Young TV Video Production – Matt Brickman Welding – Lawrence Oudekerk

St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology

College Contacts – Russ Phin and Jennifer Cadeau

College Contact – Sean Elliott

2D Character Animation – Donna Graves

Carpentry-Individual – Kim Woodman

Carpentry-Individual – Steve Dick and Jamie Seaby

Culinary Arts – Ignatius D’Souza

Culinary Arts – Richard Hendy and Leslie Leacy

Small Powered Equipment – Rob Davidson

Small Powered Equipment – Michael Mol

TV Video Production – Mike Leon (Brand Heroes)

TV Video Production – Jennifer Cadeau

Welding – Bob Denison

Welding – Ray West

Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Skills Ontario also thanks ToonBoom Animation Inc. for their donation of Harmony Essentials for the 2D Character Animation contest and Milwaukee Tools for supplying the tools for the carpentry contests.

College Contact – Tina Antunes 2D Character Animation – George Paravantes Carpentry-Individual – Matt Regimbal

For more information on Qualifying Competitions please contact otsc@skillsontario.com.

Culinary Arts – Eric Deletroz Small Powered Equipment – Roy King TV Video Production – Karen Young Welding – Rob Clark and Colin Wildman 17 2016 OTSC Competition Guide




18 Skills Ontario

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Bon succès dans votre quête de l’excellence!

27th OTSC Schedule of Events Monday, May 2

Elementary Technology Activity Day

RIM Park and Manulife Financial Sportsplex

8:30 am - 4:00 pm Elementary Challenges Students in grades 4 through 8 compete for medal standings in 12 challenges, ranging from LEGOŽ Robotics to Green Energy. 8:45 am - 3:00 pm Elementary Career Awareness Workshops Over 2,000 elementary students enjoy the opportunity to participate in a variety of skilled trades and technology-related hands-on activities. 9:30 am - 3:00 pm Career Exploration Showcase More than 70 exhibitors provide interactive displays promoting careers in the skilled trades and technologies. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Young Women’s Conference at Bingemans Registration & Interactive Booths - Female students in grades 7 and 8 arrive and visit different booths all related to trades and technologies. Keynote address from Kate Campbell, HGTV Canada. Students will enjoy a Pita Pit lunch before leaving for the OTSC at RIM Park. In the afternoon, students arrive at RIM Park and compete in an OTSC Scavenger Hunt. Students will have the opportunity to explore the largest skilled trades competition in the country. They will cheer on competitors and explore the career exploration showcase.

19 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Apprenticeships offer you the opportunity to learn a highly skilled trade through practical job experience and in-school training.


20 Skills Ontario

Tuesday, May 3

Ontario Technological Skills Competition (OTSC)

RIM Park and Manulife Financial Sportsplex

OTSC Competitor Sign-in at each of the contest sites.

7:00 am - 7:30 am

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Ontario Technological Skills Competition Over 2,000 students compete in 67 skilled trades and technology contest areas. 8:00 am - 10:00 am OTSC Competition Breakfast and Tour Hosted by Shaun Scott, Chair of the Board of Skills Ontario. This event is by invitation only. 9:30 am - 3:00 pm Career Exploration Showcase More than 70 exhibitors provide interactive displays promoting careers in the skilled trades and technologies. 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm FNMI Conference The FNMI Conference will offer Aboriginal students (grades 7-12) an opportunity to celebrate the success and skill of First Nation, MÊtis, and Inuit youth in Ontario. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Young Women’s Conference at Bingemans Registration & Interactive Booths - Female students in grades 9-12 arrive and visit different booths all related to trades and technologies. Keynote address by Jamie McMillian, Founder, Journeyman. Students will enjoy a Pita Pit lunch before leaving for the OTSC at RIM Park. In the afternoon, students arrive at RIM Park and compete in an OTSC Scavenger Hunt. Students will have the opportunity to explore the largest skilled-trades competition in the country. They will cheer on competitors and explore the career exploration showcase.

Wednesday, May 4

Closing Ceremony - OTSC

Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Closing Ceremony Gold, Silver and Bronze awards are presented plus over $60,000 in monetary awards. New for 2016, job offers from Magna will be awarded to medalists in 3 manufacturing contests (Automation Control, Industrial Mechanic Millwright and Mechatronics), and Hy-Mark will be offering apprenticeships to the post-secondary gold medalists in the Plumbing and Sheet Metal contests! *Tickets are required for non-competitors and can be purchased at the door for $10. Team Ontario Meeting - This meeting directly follows the Closing Ceremony and is for gold medal winners advancing to the Skills Canada National Competition in Moncton, New Brunswick. 21 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Gold medal, 2015 Michael Tull Silver medal, 2015 Cameron Medri Silver medal, 2015 Kevin Borden Bronze medal, 2015 Zane Wiens Silver medal, 2014 Jimmy Ngn Silver medal, 2014 Eric Fanzolini

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22 Skills Ontario

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Career Exploration Showcase


ur annual Career Exploration Showcase presents an exciting opportunity for students, educators and parents to see what’s out there in the skilled trades and technologies.

With over 70 interactive and engaging booths from a wide variety of organizations and industries, students are given a chance to try their hand at the skilled trades and technologies; they explore careers in various fields, discover what they like, and learn about the career paths to get them into the field. All visitors are encouraged to ask questions and engage in the hands-on displays provided by the organizations listed below.

This year we are holding a contest entitled “Showcase your Selfie in a Career.” We invite visitors to the Career Exploration Showcase to take a selfie with their favourite booth for a chance to win a prize! The booth with the most Selfie’s will be awarded the People’s Choice award. Interested in exhibiting in future shows? Please email info@skillsontario.com.

2016 Career Exploration Showcase Exhibitor List 91.5 The Beat (Corus Radio Kitchener)

ABS Machining Algonquin College Apprenticesearch.com Halton Industry Education Council Cambrian College Canadore College CCIF Skills Program Centennial College - School of Transportation Cimetrix Solutions CLAC College Boreal Conestoga College Confederation College Consulab Educatech Inc. CSA Group

CWA Foundation Durham College Eaton Electric ECAO/IBEW Electrical Safety Authority Fanshawe College Fleming College General International George Brown College Georgian College Grand River Occupational Health & Safety Inc. Haas Factory Outlet Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) Humber College iDesign Solutions Infrastructure Health & Safety Association In-House Solutions Ironworkers Local #736 Lambton College Landscape Ontario Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa

Culinary Arts Institute Linamar Corporation LiUNA Local 183 Training Centre Loyalist College Magna International McCordick Glove & Safety Miller Milwaukee Ministry of Labour Mitutoyo Mohawk College MTCU - Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities Niagara College Northern College Nortrax OACETT OETIO OMTC Ontario College Application Services Ontario College of Trades Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

Pre-Apprenticeship Training Institute Provincial Lift Truck Randstad Sault College Seneca College Service Canada Sheridan College Skilled Trades College of Canada Skills Ontario/TCC Softplan St. Clair College St. Lawrence College Stanley Black and Decker Tele-Data Connections The Walters Group Welder/Fitter Demo Trotec Laser Canada TSSA UA - Sprinkler Fitter Demo Volvo Waterloo North Hydro Inc. WSIB

23 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

APPLY NOW TO START A SKILLED TRADES PROGRAM THIS SEPTEMBER Become a W. Garfield Weston Foundation Fellow at Loyalist College and receive up to $4,000 and a tuition credit.

loyalistcollege.com 24 Skills Ontario

Young Women’s Conference

Think Skills…Think Future!


he Think Skills… Think Future! Young Women’s Conferences provide a welcoming environment where 1,400 female students from across the province explore career opportunities in the skilled trades and technologies.

The conference is held at Bingemans in Kitchener from 9:00 am - noon, Monday May 2nd for girls in grades 7 and 8 and Tuesday May 3rd for girls in grades 9 through 12. Students will take part in an interactive tradeshow with simulators, demonstrations, hands-on activities, and an opportunity to talk with female mentors about their rewarding careers in the skilled trades and technologies. Girls will learn about many different industries, apprenticeships, and Ontario college programs, as well as hear from inspiring keynote speakers, and try their hands at a group building challenge.

The students then catch a shuttle bus courtesy of Skills Ontario to RIM Park to explore the Ontario Technological Skills Competition and Career Exploration Showcase. It is truly a future shaping event! This conference is a benefit of Skills Ontario affiliated schools and all students must pre-register to participate.

25 2016 OTSC Competition Guide


Good luck to all the 2016 participants! Explore your career opportunities at Linamar.com/Careers

26 Skills Ontario

Meet Our Mentors


kills Ontario has a team of over 175 dedicated volunteer mentors for Young Women’s Initiatives programs in 2016. These mentors share their expertise and insight about working in the skilled trades and technologies with young female students at Career Exploration Events across the province throughout the year, and at the Young Women’s Conference. We share a few of our Young Women’s Initiatives mentors’ stories and advice in this feature section, and hope that they may further inspire you! If you are interested in becoming a mentor for the Young Women’s initiatives, please email info@skillsontario.com to learn more.

r Chelsey Rae Hooker Current Roles SQF (Safe Quality

Food) Practitioner, Red Seal Baker Patissier, Service Divisional Board Member Organizations Lentia Enterprises Ltd,

Ontario College of Trades Skilled Trade Field Baker Patissier Why is being a mentor important to you?

I believe that everyone has the potential to succeed, but sometimes it’s more difficult when you’re young and not sure where you want to go or what you want to be. All it takes is one person to support you at the right time in your life to make you believe in yourself and realize your own amazing potential. Throughout my career, amazing people have helped me realize my potential through mentorship and it is important to me to help other young people find the right path for themselves as well.

How long have you been involved with Skills Ontario?

4 ½ years and counting! (as a supporter, competitor, coach, mentor, and volunteer) Advice for young women entering the skilled trades/technologies

You do not have to have everything figured out right now, just keep moving forward, learn as much as you can from your experiences, and find something you’re truly passionate about. Oh, and don’t confuse your career with your identity; deciding to change career paths does not take away from who you are as a person, it just adds a facet to your repertoire of skills; embrace it and move on (this is still hard for me sometimes). What changes have you seen with inclusion and diversity in the workplace throughout your career? Just in speaking to

previous generations of tradeswomen, I have found that there is much more inclusion and acceptance than ever before. There are no words to express my admiration and appreciation to the amazing ladies who have paved the way for our generation of tradeswomen. My advice for the next generation…

do what makes you

happy and support each other.

27 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Kathy Clout Jamie McMillan Current Role

Journeyman Ironworker / Boilermaker/ Advocate / Activist / Public Speaker Organization

KickAss Careers

Skilled Trade Field Ironworker / Boilermaker Why is being a mentor important to you? Once discovering the trades in my late 20’s and signing on as an ironworker apprentice, my eyes were opened to a new world of possibilities and information I thought important to share with others. Promoting careers in trades and technology became a very important part of my life.

Now I am so blessed to have great opportunities to speak to students (especially young women) about my career path and educate them about the many alternate careers paths available to them in trades and technology through apprenticeship and college. My story has made an impact on others and nothing is greater than the success stories of those I helped influence to pursue careers in construction. How long have you been involved with Skills Ontario?

I believe my first mentorship event was in 2006. I look forward to many more years of successful events raising awareness and changing lives. Advice for young women entering the skilled trades/technologies

You will work approximately 1/3rd of your life once entering the workforce. Do what you love, take chances and no matter what, never give up. When someone tells you can’t do it use that negativity as your positive drive to prove that not only can you meet their expectations, you can exceed them. What changes have you seen with inclusion and diversity in the workplace throughout your career?

There have been some improvements to jobsite facilities and better fitting PPE (personal protective equipment).

28 Skills Ontario

Kathy Clout Current Role

Owner and Master

Electrician Organization Clout Industries Inc. Skilled Trade Field Electrical Key responsibilities Develop and run a Contracting

Company Why is being a mentor important to you?

I was the only girl in way too many work situations and never really understood why other girls didn’t want to try a good job like what I was doing. So, I wanted to show other girls that they are just as capable as me to make good money and learn interesting things. How long have you been involved with Skills Ontario?

Over 10 years Advice for young women entering the skilled trades/technologies

We are still pioneers, paving the way for other girls to follow in our steps. With that, comes the responsibility of being aware that your actions affect all other girls trying to follow your path. Also, nothing is really as hard as you think it is. You just need to try and see for yourself. Once you believe this, learning new skills becomes addictive. What changes have you seen with inclusion and diversity in the workplace throughout your career?

Many more companies have women in decision making roles and are happy to bring other women into nontraditional roles. For the next generation, my hope is that…

Females wanting non-traditional careers won’t hear statements like, “We can’t hire women because they would be a distraction.” I also wish the females of the future will have more faith in their own abilities.

Jules Lewis Alyssa Light Current Role

Owner - Speaker and Business Development Specialist Organization The Profitable Innovator – [We] capitalize on your ‘it factor’ to powerfully generate revenue. Skilled Trade Field

Previously, Goldsmithing

Why is being a mentor important to you?

Being a mentor is part of who I am – there are teaching and learning opportunities around us. I am grateful for those who have taken me under their wings, and equally grateful for those under mine. How long have you been involved with Skills Ontario?

I have been involved with Skills Ontario for about 5 years. I started with an invitation to run programs for the summer camps in Guelph and Kitchener-Waterloo then moved into mentoring at Young Women’s Events in several cities in SW Ontario. I am now involved in judging Prepared Speeches at Provincials and Nationals, Young Women’s Events, Summer Camps, Young Women’s Conferences, and I have even had the privilege of supporting the Skills Ontario team with presentation training. Advice for young women entering the skilled trades/technologies

Be a sponge; the irony of a sponge is that when it’s wet it will absorb more easily. If you let your mind dry out it takes more to get it going again. Take what is being offered – ask questions and let others support/help you… that’s why we mentor! For the next generation, I would like to see… A group of people who see each other for their potential, and work together to develop communities that people want to live and work in. I get so excited when young people ask for help and then take it – we are all in this together!

Current Roles Professor and Coordinator of Building Renovation Program, Carpenter and Owner/Operator Organizations

George Brown College, Jules & Tools (Residential Renovations) Skilled Trade Field Carpentry, building renovations

Why is being a mentor important to you?

Being a mentor is important to me because I want girls and young women to be aware of all their options. If seeing me do what I do allows a young woman to consider a career in the skilled trades, then my mission is accomplished. Even if she ultimately doesn’t choose skilled trades as a career, as long as she is aware of it as an option and doesn’t automatically dismiss it because of societal gender role expectations. I am a mentor because I never want a woman to be restricted by the ridiculous notion of “men’s work” and “women’s work.” Work is just... work. How long have you been involved with Skills Ontario?

Over 5 years Advice for young women entering the skilled trades/technologies

Work hard and maintain a positive attitude. Ultimately, that’s what you will be judged on in the workplace. While barriers do still exist for women in the trades, competence is what will boost you over any hurdles you may encounter. I can honestly say that being a woman in my field has been more of an advantage for my business then it has ever been a hindrance. I would like the next generation to… be free to make decisions about their lives, careers, and actions without feeling constrained by what society considers appropriate based on our genders. Women have been working in construction for many, many years – chipping steadily away and creating cracks in the establishment. The next generation will pry those cracks wide open!

29 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Educating and supporting the future ready workforce At Mohawk, we’re preparing the next generation of graduates for success in the pursuit of challenging and rewarding careers in skilled trades. Mohawk students benefit from our substantial investment in state-of-the-art equipment and labs, allowing them to gain relevant experience and skills. Learn more at


Mohawk is a leader in Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship training

30 Skills Ontario

Skills Work!® Summer Camps Exploring Careers in Skilled Trades and Technologies, One Hands-on Activity at a Time


kills Work!® Summer Camp is a week-long day program for kids entering grades 7-9. Through hands-on activities relevant to the skilled trades and technologies, campers develop communication, problem-solving and teamwork skills. Campers take part in hands-on counselor and industry-led workshops in the industrial, construction, motive power, services and technology sectors; they explore careers in skilled trades and technologies through interactive games and entrepreneurship programs. The camps are facilitated in partnership with colleges, industries and community volunteers who are committed to giving the campers an outstanding hands-on experience.

Summer 2016 dates and locations still available: July 4 - 8

Confederation College, Thunder Bay

July 11 - 15

Bruce Power, Tiverton Humber College, Toronto (North Campus) Loyalist College, Belleville

July 18 - 22

Conestoga College, Cambridge/ Kitchener (Cambridge & Doon Campuses) All Girls Camp Georgian College, Owen Sound Campus Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island

July 25 - 29

Collège Boréal, Sudbury Francophone Camp Mohawk College, Stoney Creek

(STARRT Institute)

August 8 - 12 St. Clair College, Windsor

FNMI Conference

(First Nations, Métis, Inuit)


his year, Skills Ontario is piloting a new mentoring and information session geared towards First Nation, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) students and stakeholders at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition (OTSC). The FNMI Conference will provide Aboriginal students and other stakeholders an opportunity to celebrate the success and skill of FNMI youth in Ontario. Skilled trade and technology professionals will provide advice, guidance and inspiration to the conference participants. Representatives from colleges will also provide valuable information about programs, resources, and funding available to students at their institutions for students who want to pursue a career in the skilled trades and technologies.

Conference participants will also have the opportunity to check out the OTSC contests and interactive booths at the Career Exploration Showcase. Agenda:

May 3, 2016 at the OTSC

10:00 am

Conference Sign-In Begins Arrive before 1:00 pm to check out the OTSC!

1:00 pm

Doors Open to FNMI Conference (light lunch provided)

1:15 pm

FNMI Conference begins

3:30 pm

FNMI Conference ends 31 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Practical skills Hands-on training

niagaracollege.ca myfuturenc@niagaracollege.ca

32 Skills Ontario

Contests List Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page .. . . . . . . . . 47 2D Character Animation . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 47 3D Character Animation . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Aesthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 47 Aircraft Maintenance . . . . . . . Architectural Technology and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . 49 Auto Collision Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Auto Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Auto Service Technology . . . . . . 51 Automation and Control . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Baking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Brick Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Cabinetmaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Carpentry - Individual . . . . . . ........ . . 53 Carpentry - Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 CNC Machining . . . . . . . . . . . . . CNC Woodworking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Computer Aided Manufacturing . 55 Culinary Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Electrical Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Fashion Design . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . 57 Floristry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Graphic Design - Presentation Graphic Design - Studio Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . 59 Hairstyling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Heating System Technician . . . . . . . . . . 59 Heavy Equipment Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Home & Team Building . . . . . . . 61 Horticulture and Landscape . . . . . . . 61 Industrial Mechanic Millwright IT Network Systems Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 IT - Software Solutions for Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page . . . . . . . . . 61 Job Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Job Skill Demonstration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Landscape Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Mechanical CAD . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 63 Mechatronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Mobile Crane Operator . . . . . . . OTSC Pin and Medal Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 .. . . . . . . . 65 Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powerline Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 . 67 Precision Machining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Prepared Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Refrigeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Restaurant Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Robotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Robotics and Control Systems .. . . . . . . . 69 Sheet Metal Work . . . . . . . . . . Skilled Trades Entrepreneurship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 . . . . . . . . . 69 Small Powered Equipment . . . . . . 69 Steamfitter/Pipefitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Truck & Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 TV & Video Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Website Development . . . . . . . . 71 Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Workplace Safety . . . . . . . . . . Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page Character Animation Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Construction Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Green Energy Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Health and Safety Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 LEGO速 Mechanics Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 LEGO速 Robotics Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Technology Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 TV Video Production Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

33 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Take a hands-on approach to your career.

Skilled Trades You want a job that’s well-paid and skills that are in demand. Sheridan offers just that – you will learn the skills Ontario industry needs and a credential employers respect. Electrical Engineering Technician Electrical Techniques Mechanical Technician – Tool Making Mechanical Techniques – Tool and Die Maker Mechanical Technician – Plumbing Welding Techniques


34 Skills Ontario

Elementary Career Awareness Workshops


hrough a wide variety of hands-on workshops, young people have the chance to experience the skilled trades and technologies. Held on the first day of the Ontario Technological Skills Competition, the Career Awareness Workshops are intended for students in grades 7 and 8. Workshop topics cover four sectors of the skilled trades (Construction, Industrial, Motive Power and Services), as well as Technology.

Auto Body provided by: Sean Slaven of Absolute Solutions

Affiliated elementary schools may register up to two groups of 20 students each to participate in either the morning or afternoon sessions.

Automation: A Hands-On Approach

The date for next year’s Elementary Workshops is Monday May 1st, 2017, and registration will open at the beginning of January. For more information, please email info@skillsontario.com.

Automotive Service

provided by: D&D Automation

provided by: Centennial College, School of Transportation


After Effects Animation provided by: Conestoga College

Architectural Design provided by: David Wray

provided by: Loyalist College

Electrify your Future provided by: IBEW

Electronics: Making the Connection provided by: Conestoga College

Electronics In Motion provided by: Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technologies

Elementary Robotics Workshop using VEX IQ provided by: iDESIGN & ProBots

Fashion Design provided by: Cecile Smith

35 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

36 Skills Ontario

Floristry provided by: Ronda Nix

Fun with Wood provided by: Conestoga College

Graphic Button Design & Assembly provided by: St. Clair College/Mohawk College

Heating Systems Technician provided by: HRAI

Napkin Folding provided by: Conestoga College

Plumbing provided by: UA Local 527

Refrigeration provided by: Shane McCarthy

Sheet Metal Workshop provided by: Fanshawe College

In-House Solution CAD/CAM provided by: In-House Solutions Inc.

Industrial Mechanic: Air and Math and how they work for us in our daily lives provided by: Sheridan College

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provided by: ESRI Canada

Horticulture and Landscape provided by: Landscape Ontario

Lean Manufacturing

Union Gas Meter Set Up and Piping Activity provided by: Union Gas

provided by: Procor Ltd.

Learn to Build with Brick provided by: Ontario Masonry Training Centre and Conestoga College

Mechatronics “Be the PLC” and Pneumatic Workshops provided by: Festo Inc.

Mohawk Community Builders provided by: Mohawk College – Construction Engineering - Building Renovation Technician program

Understanding Control Wiring provided by: EATON

Website Development provided by: Conestoga College

Welding provided by: Miller Electric

Workplace Safety provided by: Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)

37 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Earn While You Learn

Get a rewarding career. Become an apprentice. CLAC supports member apprentices with • • • • •

Apprenticeship tuition reimbursement Scholarships and awards Industry-leading wages and benefits Multicraft opportunities Cutting-edge skills and safety training

CLAC is a proud partner of Skills Ontario. Reach your career goals with CLAC. Visit clac.ca/apprentice.

38 Skills Ontario

Elementary Technology Challenges


ach year, students from across Ontario from Grade 4 through 8 venture to RIM Park to compete at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition. In teams of either 2 or 4, competitors participate in the following Elementary Technology Challenges:

Character Animation Challenge Teams of 4 are given a theme and guidelines to create an animation using Toon Boom and Flash. Competitors are to create their animation including a character, storyline, script and a poster to match. Teams are judged on the acting, timing and setting, as well as the over-all story quality. Participants: Grades 4-6 and 7&8 Suppliers:

Studica Inc., Conestoga College, Toon Boom

Tech Chair:

Terry Posthumus, Humber College

Construction Challenge Individual teams of 4 are asked to bring a design to construct a scale model of a modest and affordable house for a well deserving family. Projects are judged on creativity, quality, team work, demonstration of basic practical and theoretical knowledge of Residential House Design and Construction. Participants: Grades 7&8 Suppliers:

Green Energy Challenge Teams of four will design and construct a waterwheel using the materials given. Competitors are judged on quality of design and construction, economic use of materials, and overall performance as a waterwheel and amount of voltage produced. Participants: Grades 7&8 Tech Chairs: Stephanie Landers, Ontario Water Assoc., Matt McLean, The Hayter Group

Health and Safety Challenge Teams of two are required to conduct a workplace health and safety inspection of a mock workplace and document the hazards found. The team also delivers a prepared health and safety presentation. This challenge helps build the students’ health and safety knowledge, ability to work as a team, literacy, vocabulary and presentation skills. Participants: Grades 7&8 Sponsor:

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB)


Grand River OHS and Industrial Safety Trainers, Ampere, DOT Furniture, Gracious Living Corp., WH Lubricants

Tech Chair:

Mary Wilson, WSIB

Ontario Plant Propagation, Milwaukee Tools

Tech Chair: John Deelstra, Mohawk College

39 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Ontario’s colleges produce the graduates needed in the new economy.

Proud supporters of Skills Ontario 40 CO_SkillsCanada_ad 2016_7.75x9.9.indd 1 Skills Ontario

2016-03-10 3:16 PM

LEGO® Mechanics Challenge

Technology Challenge

Teams of 4 are presented with a problem-solving situation and given LEGO® kit to solve. Using reading, drawing and construction skills to build their LEGO® model they present their solution as a team.

Teams of 4 use hands-on tools (i.e. saws, drills, glue guns) to complete a challenge based on the concepts taught in the Science and Technology Curriculum. Knowledge and ability to make and use gear and pulley systems as well as understanding matter and energy are tested in this engaging and co-operative challenge.

Participants: Grades 4-6, 7&8 Tech Chairs: Ian Dudley, OCDSB, Christopher Van Dop, OACETT

Participants: Grades 4-6, 7&8 Tech Chairs: Annelies Groen, TDSB, Andre Wozniak, TDSB

LEGO® Robotics Challenge Teams of 4 compete using ROBOLAB™, LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT or LEGO EV3 robotics kits and software. The challenge consists of designing, constructing and programming an autonomous LEGO robot to accomplish specific tasks. Teams will be required to complete a skill testing quiz on LEGO® Robotics and its concepts, as well as design a poster with guidelines and materials supplied.

TV Video Production Challenge Teams of two competitors each are required to produce a two to three minute informational/promotional video on the theme stated at the beginning of the challenge. Competitors must use their time to plan, script, shoot and edit the final video, all in one day. Participants: Grades 7&8

Participants: Grades 4-6, 7&8



Tech Chairs: Kathleen Ferrao, DPCDSB, Kathy Paciejko, DPCDSB

ATS Automation Tooling Systems Inc., Conestoga College

Tech Chairs: Simon Grubb (Grade 7&8), Steve Sangster (Grade 7&8), Luke Persaud, TDSB (Grade 4-6)

Apple Canada

AGO Industries Inc. is a proud supporter of Skills Ontario and the 2,100 youth competing at the OTSC!

Praxair Canada supports the Ontario Skills competition –

ll participants! a o t k c Lu Good

Industrial Gases & Blends

Welding Equipment

Industrial Supplies

Safety Products

Technology Solutions

41 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

This is a tremendous year for us, as it marks the last year that the OTSC will be held at RIM Park in Waterloo and we look ahead to our move to the Toronto Congress Centre in 2017. We fondly reflect on the 14 years that the OTSC has been hosted at RIM Park in Waterloo, and for five years before that at the Kitchener Auditorium. The OTSC moved to the Kitchener Auditorium in 1997, after several years in Hamilton. In 2002, the OTSC moved to RIM Park, where it saw growth in the number of contests, participants, and spectators each and every year! Please join us in thanking the City of Waterloo, the City of Kitchener, and Conestoga College for their tremendous support for the success and expansion of the OTSC over the years. We look ahead with excitement for our move to the Toronto Congress Centre for the 2017 OTSC!

44Eaton corp ad E 7.75 x 9.9 final.indd 1 Skills Ontario

15-03-24 11:14 AM

Skills Ontario Alumni Ryan Gomes Employment Title: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer M1 Category

Maintaining aircraft so they are fit and safe for flight in accordance with their type certificate; assessing aircraft status to determine maintenance actions required; train and sign-off on Aircraft Maintenance Technician Logbooks. Key responsibilities:


Aircraft Maintenance

Years competed: 2010 OTSC and Skills Canada National Competition; 2011 WorldSkills

Gold; Gold at Skills Canada National Competition; Bronze at WorldSkills 2011 Placement:

The OTSC has helped my career in more ways than one, but I believe that it taught me that what I am doing does matter, and it was that positive reinforcement that allowed me to excel in my field. It is so important for past alumni to be involved with the OTSC because without volunteers who are dedicated to their field, the competition cannot run every year. I feel that you should give back to those who have given you so much, and these kids competing need us to reinforce that what they are doing is truly remarkable.

Jessica Nelson Employment Title:

Graphic Designer

Key Responsibilities: I create digital graphics and art to help people further their business and personal branding needs. I work on illustrations, websites, logos, and much, much more. Contests:

2015 Pin Design Contest


First Place

I think that the OTSC helped my career success by giving me the confidence that I needed to take it to the next level. Winning a province wide design contest reminded me that I am a talented designer. It is important with me to stay involved with the OTSC because it was such an amazing experience that opened my eyes to new opportunities and great people. I want other people to have the same discoveries as I did.

Shane Kennedy Employment Title:

Corporate Chef

Key responsibilities: Food and beverage menu research and development, menu design and implementation, training and support, public relations, media appearances Contest: Years competed: Placement:

Restaurant Service

2001, 2002

Gold; Silver at Skills Canada National Competition

The Ontario Technological Skills Competition was the opportunity to further develop and hone my skills from the regional and school levels. With peers, colleagues, and industry professionals teaching and guiding me, I was

able to learn from some of the best local restauranteurs and chefs. They say “practice makes perfect.� With the opportunity to learn with other students and in turn compete at the School, Regional, Provincial, and National competitions, I was able to develop industry leading skills that continue to support my career to this day. Staying involved with the OTSC ensures that my support is added to the other 1000+ volunteers helping to set up, facilitate, and tear down the OTSC every year. This sets the stage for the thousands of yearly competitors to ensure their competition and dreams have a stage to perform on. OTSC is an amazing event that helps to build the skills and careers of budding students in the trades and I plan to continue supporting this event so that I can return the benefit it has already shown me. 45 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

WE DRIVE INNOVATION Today’s automobiles are complex machines, with thousands of highly engineered parts and systems working in unison to deliver peak performance through a balance of power, control and efficiency. Magna’s unified global network is equally complex, with thousands of employees worldwide working in unison to design, develop and manufacture world-class automotive systems in a way that builds confidence from all our stakeholders and the communities in which we operate. In our challenging and rewarding environment our people are our greatest asset, they imagine what’s next, determine what’s needed, and do what it takes to make it possible. Drive your passion.


46 Skills Ontario

OTSC Contest List 2D Character Animation Teams of two (2) are given a theme, provided a soundtrack, and are then challenged to tell a story. The contest will focus on the competitors’ abilities to tell their story on paper through storyboarding. They will then bring their story to life by creating and animating the depicted scenes. Suppliers:

Studica Inc., Conestoga College, Toon Boom Animation

Tech Chair:

Terry Posthumus, Humber Institute and Toon Boom

Aesthetics Using real life volunteers, the aesthetics competitors are judged on their ability to provide facial treatments, foot care, hand care and make-up application to industry standards. Suppliers:

St. Lawrence College, LCN Canada, Intercosmetics

Tech Chairs: Diana Boboti-Senis, St. Lawrence College, Trila Miller

Aircraft Maintenance Today’s modern Aircraft Maintenance Technicians require significant knowledge and skills in order to maintain the safety of all types of aircraft. Competitors will demonstrate a sampling of the knowledge and skills required to maintain and troubleshoot aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft systems. Suppliers:

Canadore College, Centennial College, Confederation College

Tech Chair:

Ryan Gomes

3D Character Animation Using a fully realized 3D animated character capable of expressing emotion, the teams must create a short movie. Competitors then share their animation, storyboard and model sheets to a panel of judges during a final formal presentation. Suppliers:

Conestoga College, Studica Inc.

Tech Chair:

Terry Posthumus, Humber Institute and Toon Boom

47 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

T:7.5” S:7.5”




M{zd{3 Driving innovation starts with the pursuit of knowledge. Experience it in the MAZDA3 with Mazda’s Graduate Program. Find out more at mazda.ca/grad

D R IV ING MATTERS 48 Skills Ontario





Auto Collision Repair Competitors will be judged on their abilities in auto body repair. The contest will include: welding, measurement, the replacement of a rocker panel or quarter panel and bumper repair. A written exam will also be administered.

Architectural Technology and Design Using Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) software, competitors must showcase their design and drawing skills. The designs/drawings are judged on three broad categories: architecture, engineering and construction.


Conestoga College


Studica Inc., Cimetrix Solutions Inc., Chief Architect

Tech Chairs: Norbert Axtmann, David Wray, Joel Foster, Becky DeKlyne


Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada, Miller Electric


Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute, Canadian Collisions Industry Forum, Henlex Smoke Extraction, AGO Industries, 3M Canada Inc., Praxair Canada Inc., Snap-On

Tech Chairs: Bill Speed, Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute, Hartley Ellis, Ontario College of Trades

Auto Painting Competitors will be assessed in auto body preparations and painting techniques. Activities will include dent repair, priming and refinishing. A theoretical exam will also be administered.


PPG Canada Inc., 3M Canada Inc.


LQK, Canadian Collisions Industry Forum

Tech Chairs: Jesse Kennelly, Daniel Chudy, Centennial College

49 2016 OTSC Competition Guide







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TRUEVIEW™ offers professionals the ability to bring light directly to their work as well as control beam intensity and direction for greater productivity on the jobsite.

Through the use of high quality LEDs, MILWAUKEE® designed optics, and REDLITHIUM™ Batteries, TRUEVIEW™ lights shine brighter and last longer.

Reinforced, impact resistant housings and lenses stand up to the challenges of industrial use, and superior temperature management protects LEDs throughout their life.


50 Skills Ontario

Auto Service Technology Competitors will be challenged with real life automotive repair situations. Engines are assigned and participants may have to assess brakes/steering/suspension, electrical, body functions/vehicle performance, engine systems and fabrication.


Mazda Canada Inc., Snap-On Tools of Canada Limited

Tech Chairs: Martin Restoule, Algonquin College, David Weatherhead, Centennial College

Automation and Control Students are tested on their abilities and skills in wiring motor controls and developing a programmable logic controller program to operate devices and equipment, according to given specifications.


Rockwell Automation Canada Inc.


Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd., Fluke Electronics Canada

Tech Chairs: John Sousa, Rockwell Automation Canada Inc., John McKenzie

NEW FOR 2016 Job offers from Magna will be awarded to medalists in three manufacturing contests (Automation Control, Industrial Mechanic Millwright and Mechatronics), and Hy-Mark will be offering apprenticeships to the post-secondary gold medalists in the Plumbing and Sheet Metal contests! These opportunities speak to the recognized quality of the young people who compete at the OTSC, and Skills Ontario thanks

for their tremendous support of the OTSC.

Baking The Baking contest judges competitors based on their competence and professionalism. Secondary participants must bake: yeast/bread rolls, a decorative cake, choux pastries and lemon meringue pie. Post-secondary competitors will showcase their professionalism in commercial baking by baking a mousse cake, miniature French pastries, a sponge cake and a chocolate box. Competitors must come prepared with their own recipes.


Garland Canada


Canadian Linen and Uniform Service, Sysco Foods, Chef Hats Inc., Cacao Barry/Callebaut

Tech Chairs: Brittany Calsavara, Ruth Bleijerveld

Brick Masonry Using a set of drawings, competitors must complete a masonry project. Projects may include, construction of brick walls or surfaces and decorative brickwork. Competitors will be judged on their abilities in brick laying, block laying, setting out and drawing.


Ontario Masonry Training Centre


Spec Mix, Conestoga College, Forterra Brick, Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association, Conestoga College

Tech Chairs: Tim Maxson, Ontario Masonry Training Centre, Rene Letoile, Conestoga College - Waterloo Campus 51 2016 OTSC Competition Guide


Your Path to Success Starts Here

civil building geomatics chemical bio-science electrical electronics computer mechanical industrial resources mining geological environmental forestry Get certified. Join the innovators advancing the engineering technology profession.

The mark of professionalism Through membership with OACETT, engineering and applied science technicians and technologists earn the right to use one of our protected titles:

The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) is the certifying body for engineering and applied science technicians and technologists, representing more than 25,000 members.

Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.) Certified Technician (C.Tech.) Certified technicians and certified engineering technologists meet industry standards to protect the public. They are committed to keeping Ontarians safe and advancing the future of technology.

OACETT certification is recognized by industry, government and colleges as a measure of Learn more about OACETT quality and competence. 416-621-9621 | oacett.org | info@oacett.org

52 Skills Ontario

Cabinetmaking Students will be judged on their woodworking/ cabinetmaking skills. The challenge will include the creation of a piece of furniture or cabinet by hand. Competitors will be graded on accuracy, fit and finish, and a written test.


General International Mfg (Co) Ltd., Bessey Tools Ltd.


Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd., Conestoga College, Lee Valley Tools Ltd.

Tech Chairs: Steve Bader, Conestoga College, Douglas Coleman, Judith Nyman Secondary School

Carpentry - Individual The competitors will be evaluated on their carpentry skills required for residential construction. Competitors may be asked to interpret detailed drawings as they safely and accurately measure, layout and assemble framing systems such as floors, walls and roofs. Competitors should be familiar with both Western Platform Framing and aspects of Post and Beam Construction along with the installation of wall openings, sheathing, decks, stairs and trim.


Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd.


Gillies Lumber

Tech Chairs: Len Rance, Loyalist College, Andy Ross, Canadore College, Matthew Bradley, TDSB

Carpentry - Team In teams of two (2), students will be graded on their practical abilities pertaining to carpentry. Teams will be given a project (eg. toy box) and assessed on general practices, blueprint reading, design/layout, construction and assembly of project.


Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd., Gillies Lumber


Mohawk College, Featherlite Industries Inc.

Tech Chairs: Travis Pede, Niagara College, John Deelstra, Mohawk College, Stanley Riewald, Mohawk College

CNC Machining

Competitors are to program, by either manually writing code or using CAM software, a CNC machine to create a finished project to exacting specifications.


Sandvik, Haas Automation, Mitutoyo


Eaton, Sowa, In-House Solutions

Tech Chairs: Lou Dropka, Conestoga College, Jurgen Hierholzer, Georgian College

CNC Woodworking Competitors will design and create projects using a Woodworking CNC Machine. Each affiliated school can send in three projects prior to the OTSC, and the projects will be judged on creativity and machining, as well as fit and finish. The awards ceremony for this contest takes place during the OTSC. 53 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

54 Skills Ontario

Computer Aided Manufacturing


Participants receive a detailed drawing of a part that must be programmed for a vertical CNC milling machine. Utilizing CAM software, competitors must program the part using 2D geometry construction methods. Competitors must select appropriate roughing and finishing methods to machine the part and to use proper tools.

The Electronics contest tests competitors on the current, state-of-the-art, electronic industry standards. Participants may be asked to: interpret schematic diagrams, identify electrical components and construct/troubleshoot circuits.

Sponsor: Sponsor:

In-House Solutions Inc.


Conestoga College

Tech Chairs: Sandy McClintock, In-House Solutions Inc., Mariana Lendel, In-House Solutions Inc.

Culinary Arts To evaluate through competition, the professional culinary skill and talent of the next generation of Chefs by having them cook and display hot and cold dishes in accordance with established trade rules. This contest presents an exciting view into Culinary Arts and showcases new culinary trends to the visiting public. Suppliers:

Chef’s Hats Inc., Affair Rentals, Canadian Linen and Uniform Service, Sysco Foods

Tech Chair:

Steve Benns, Fleming College

Fluke Electronics Canada

Tech Chairs: Paul Cianflone, St. Michael High School, Randy Gallant, Humber Institute

Fashion Design Students are to demonstrate their Fashion Design skills through illustration, apparel drafting, clothing construction and communication. Tech Chairs: Cecile Smith, Cardinal Newman High School, Encrico Sartor-Séguin, conseil des écoles catholique de Centre-Est

Electrical Installations Competitors will be expected to complete specific tasks from written instructions and provided electrical schematic diagrams. Secondary level tasks will relate to residential electrical wiring. Post Secondary level tasks will relate to electrical wiring in the industrial, commercial and institutional fields.


Eaton Canada, ECAO/IBEW


Nedco Electrical Supply, Princess Auto, Independant Electrical Supply, Southwire, Ideal Industries (Canada) Corp., Featherlite Industries Inc.

Tech Chairs: Patty Demonte, IBEW Construction Council of Ontario, Virginia Pohler, Electrical Safety Authority

55 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

56 Skills Ontario


Graphic Design - Presentation

Competitors will create a floral symmetrical arrangement, a centre piece, a vase arrangement, a spiral hand tied bouquet and a cascade bridal bouquet. Competitors must present their arrangements using proper botanical or common names.

In advance of the actual competition date, the competitors must create a theme and visual concept promoting the Ontario Technological Skills Competition geared to an audience of youth aged 14-21. Three promotional pieces are required, which will be formally presented to a panel of judges on the date of the contest. Tech Chair:


Highland Evergreen, Hofland Floral, Staalduinen

Tech Chair:

Ronda Nix

Geographic Information Systems The GIS competitors are asked to generate a digital map from a digital image, add data in a digital map, use GIS as a tool to compare, contrast and analyze geographic data, and produce a series of maps showing the results of the analysis. Working in teams of two, the competitors must present their GIS solutions to solve a real-life problem to a judging panel. Suppliers:

ESRI Canada, Conestoga College

Tech Chair:

Jenn Parrott

Cameron Mackay, icontact design

Graphic Design - Studio Production Students will be challenged in various aspects of Studio Production. This may include practical skills in such applications as Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and/or Adobe Illustrator. Project planning, knowledge of design basics, and technical competence is a must.


Konica Minolta


Conestoga College

Tech Chairs: Nick Kuipers, St. Clair College, Phil Richardson, Mohawk College

OTSC Pin and Medal Design Contest Each year, a unique pin and medal is designed and produced for competitors at the OTSC. This contest encourages competitors to use their creativity and design skills and see their ideas come to life. The chosen design will be distributed as the official OTSC 2016 pin and the official medal given to top competitors.

2016 Pin Design Winner The 2016 OTSC pin was created by Emily McGregor who is in 2nd year Graphic Design at Mohawk College in Hamilton.

2016 Medal Design Winner This year’s Gold, Silver and Bronze medals were designed by Jared Howie, who is a grade 11 student at R.S. McLaughlin CVI in Oshawa. Are you inspired to get involved and showcase your design skills and creativity? The 2017 Pin and Medal Design Contests will be available on our website after September 2016. This contest is open to all students who attend a high school or college affiliated with Skills Ontario.

57 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

INVEST IN Snap-on is a trademark of Snap-on Incorporated. ©Snap-on Incorporated 2015.





58 Skills Ontario

Hairstyling The competitors must demonstrate their technical and creative skills by creating three different fashion-conscious looks during the hairstyling contest. These looks include a men’s cut and style, women’s trendy salon cut and style and ladies elegant evening hairstyle. Tech Chair:

Patricia Ristich, Exhale Spa and Salon

Heavy Equipment Service This contest will assess competitors’ skills in correctly inspecting, repairing and adjusting detached and/or mounted heavy duty equipment (i.e. tractor) components. Suppliers:

Battlefield Equipment, Nortrax, Toromont CAT

Tech Chairs: Angelo Spano, Centennial College, Paul Hoggarth, Nortrax

Heating System Technician Competitors must demonstrate through practical and theoretical application their skills in heating system fundamentals. This may apply to electricity, pressure, mechanics and combustion of gas heating systems, with special attention given to Health and Safety regulations. Requires knowledge of controls, tools and testers used in the industry.


Technical Safety & Standards Authority, Lennox Inc., Hy-Mark


Fluke Electronics Canada, HRAI, IPEX Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd., Smiths Group / Flex-Tek Division

Home & Team Building Students will demonstrate their skills and talent in construction technology. Over two days of competition, teams of four (4) will be evaluated on their abilities in carpentry, electrical and plumbing.


Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd.


Paton Brothers, Featherlite Ladders, Electrozad Supply Company, Hubbell Canada

Tech Chair:

Jim Leslie, Fanshawe College

Tech Chairs: Tom Mallings, Lennox, Adam LeRoy, Hy-Mark

59 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Ensuring danger is only an illusion.

If you’re having fun in Ontario, there’s a good chance we’re involved. TSSA regulates the technical and safety standards for Amusement Devices along with a number of other industries such as Fuels, Pressure Vessels, and Elevators. Visit our booth to learn about the career opportunities in these fields and how we work to ensure a safe environment for all. TSSA is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the 2016 Ontario Technological Skills Competition and would like to thank the Consumers Advisory Council through their Safety Education Fund for making this sponsorship possible.

60 Skills Ontario

Horticulture and Landscape Competitors, in teams of two (2), will be tested by building a garden based on a common set of criteria and drawings. Components of this may include, creating wall(s) from precast paving units, laying paving stones, plant selection and placement of landscape rocks.

Sponsor: Permacon Suppliers:

Gelderlands Inc., City of Waterloo, STIHL, Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd., TNT Property Maintenance, Featherlite, Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association, Steed and Evans, Battlefield

Tech Chairs: Robert Tester, TNT Property Maintenance, Brandon Gelderman, LADS, Eckhard Lutz, Michael Pascoe

Industrial Mechanic Millwright This contest will test the skills and knowledge of each competitor in the areas of fluid power (hydraulics or pneumatics), metal layout, machining and fabrication as well as the assembly and alignment of mechanical power transmissions and components.


Sheridan College, Magna


George Brown College, Festo Inc., FIXTURLASER NXA Pro, Mitutoyo

Tech Chairs: Richard Dupp, Mohawk College, Craig Brazil, Sheridan College

IT Network Systems Administration The IT Network Systems Administration contest assesses a competitor within an environment suitable to a small to medium-sized business. Competitors are required to demonstrate their ability to build, configure and manage a network with a focus on virtual servers and workstations, and a combination of simulated and physical networking equipment. Suppliers:

Fluke Electronics Canada, Conestoga College, Cisco

Tech Chair:

Nick Gommans, Infusion Development Corporation

IT Software Solutions for Business IT Software Solutions for Business contest evaluates participants’ understanding and ability in document processing, spreadsheets, presentation, database software, as well as the integration between these applications. Supplier:

Conestoga College

Tech Chair:

Liz Stacey, Conestoga College

Job Interview Competitors will apply to a job by submitting a targeted resume and cover letter. They will then be interviewed for the position with questions about their skills, knowledge, education and experience. Tech Chair:

Janice Penner

61 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

For a world with new values.

62 Skills Ontario

Mechanical CAD The Mechanical Computer Aided Drafting contest evaluates a contestant’s knowledge of mechanical design and drafting standards by applying CAD software to solve typical mechanical engineering problems.


Conestoga College


Studica Inc., Cimetrix Solutions Inc., Javelin

Tech Chairs: Fred Fulkerson, Conestoga College, Jeremy Braithwaite, Loyalist College

Job Skill Demonstration Competitors will demonstrate and explain an entry level skill of their occupational expertise. The skill presented must reflect a contest area that is a component of the Skills Canada National Competition. Each competitor has up to 30 minutes for the demonstration. Tech Chair:

Mechatronics Using the supplied components, Mechatronics competitors must design, build and program a machine capable of accomplishing a specific manufacturing process. Competitors work in teams of two.

Greg Beselaere Sponsor:

Landscape Design

Festo Inc.

Tech Chairs: Greg James, Festo Inc., Jim Ackert

Using Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) software, competitors must showcase their landscape design and drawing skills. The designs/drawings are judged on creativity, meeting the client’s (and the site’s) requirements and plant selection.


DynaSCAPE Software, Conestoga College

Tech Chairs: Brandon Gelderman, LADS, Andrea Weddum

63 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

The Workplace Safety & Insurance Board is a proud 2016 sponsor of Skills Ontario To learn more about workplace health and safety at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition, visit us at one of these events: • Health and Safety Challenge for elementary students • Workplace Safety Contest for secondary students • Career Exploration Showcase

wsib.on.ca 64 Skills Ontario

Mobile Crane Operator


The mobile crane operator competitor will demonstrate the required skills necessary to safely and efficiently set up and operate a mobile crane. This is accomplished by; 1: conducting a complete pre-operational inspection and set-up. 2. operating a crane while moving a load in a control manner through a challenging obstacle course. 3. shutting the crane down using safe and efficient shutdown procedures. Each of the three tasks will be graded on a score sheet and must be completed within a set timeframe.

The Plumbing contest will assess the competitor’s knowledge of the plumbing system with a focus on accuracy of installation, quality of workmanship and gas and water pressure testing.


Operating Engineers Training Institute of Ontario


International Union of Operating Engineers Local 793


Praxair Canada Inc., Great Lake Copper, Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd., United Association Local 527, Uponor, Copper Alliance, Rigid

Tech Chair:

Chris Descoteaux, United Association Local 527

Tech Chairs: Carla St. Louis, Operating Engineers Training Institute of Ontario, Joe Dowdall, Operating Engineers Training Institute of Ontario

Photography The Photography contest will evaluate students’ skills in digital photography. Competitors will be graded on their photographic eye, digital capture, digital production, digital output and professionalism. Supplier:

Conestoga College

Tech Chair:

Peter May, One2One Photography

Powerline Technician The Powerline Technician contest will have competitors demonstrate the responsibilities of troubleshooting, maintaining and improving the electrical distribution system in a safe and efficient manner.


Infrastructure Health & Safety Association

Tech Chairs: Greg Williamson, Infrastructure Health & Safety Association, Dennis Smith, Infrastructure Health & Safety Association

65 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

STANDARDS AND YOU — IT’S ALL CONNECTED Join CSA Communities and discover the importance of standards and how they can impact your career. DISCOVER. CONNECT. COLLABORATE. VISIT:

66 Skills Ontario

Restaurant Service Restaurant Service competitors are tested on table dressing, serving real guests, taking orders, preparing cocktails/mocktails, wine identification and clearing and cleaning. Health and safety compliance is also tested. Suppliers:

Chartwells, Canadian Linen and Uniform Service

Tech Chairs: Matthew Worden, Chartwells, Fred Walker

Robotics Precision Machining Competitors will be given drawings for a mill piece and a lathe piece. They will have a set amount of time to machine the part to completion.


Sheridan College, Magna International Inc.


Mitutoyo, Conestoga College, AGO Industries

Tech Chair:

Jeff Oskam, Conestoga College

Prior to the official contest, teams of competitors design and fabricate a robot. The robot must be capable of competing with other student-made robots to move objects to a ‘goal.’ Competitors require drafting, mechanics, electronics, metalwork, woodwork and communications skills.


Randstad Canada


Toronto Catholic District School Board

Tech Chair:

Bob Tone, Tech On Eh!

Prepared Speech The Prepared Speech contest allows competitors to demonstrate their ability to clearly and effectively prepare and present on a pre-established theme. Speeches are 5 to 7 minutes in length. Competitors are evaluated on content, ability to convey their message and overall delivery. Tech Chair:

Peggy Curry, TD Canada Trust

Refrigeration Competitors will be required to troubleshoot a simple refrigeration and/or air conditioning system. Knowledge of HVACR industry regulations and the basics of refrigeration is a necessity. Suppliers:

Praxair Canada Inc., Keeprite Refrigeration, JTAC/Local 787, Fluke Electronics Canada, Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd., Emerson Climate Technologies

Tech Chairs: Shane McCarthy, JTAC/Local 787, Derek Sisera, Bart Golebiewski

Mario Blouin, Hearst, Ontario, winner of the inaugural Skills Ontario Leadership Award, 2016 67 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Define your future with Mechatronics.

Advanced high-strength steel for auto

The world is what you make it Ingenuity and creativity – they’ve been the driving force of our organization for more than 100 years. They’ve pushed us to develop and design ultra-advanced steel that’s transforming the design, performance and sustainability of autos – helping today’s vehicles meet aggressive new standards for fuel efficiency. It’s a contribution that will make a lasting impact for generations. See how we’re transforming tomorrow at dofasco.arcelormittal.com transforming tomorrow

THE BEAT BREAKFAST Weekday Mornings 5:30 to 9:00 Festo training equipment makes it possible for students to learn on versatile mechatronic systems that prepare them for the demands of the automation industry. Available as stand-alone or in various combinations, creating unlimited project capability. Proud Sponsor of Skills Ontario


68 Skills Ontario

2014 Skills Ontario.indd 1

29/01/2014 2:27:15 PM

Robotics and Control Systems

Small Powered Equipment

The Robotics and Control Systems contest provides high school students with experience in science, engineering and technology through a series of challenges involving mechanical systems, electronics, controls and sensors, automation, mobile robotics and programming. This multi-disciplinary competition exploits and advances their knowledge and capability in mathematics, physics, Technology and English. In Ontario this contest would relate to the new emphasis course in robotics and control systems.

The contest is intended to test the skill and knowledge of competitors in the air and liquid cooled engine field. Students will be assessed on their ability to assemble/ disassemble engines, carburetor theory and adjustments, and measuring and identifying parts.


Studica Inc.


Conestoga College

Tech Chairs: Derek Murphy, Studica Inc., Bob Tone, Tech On Eh!

Sheet Metal Work Competitors will use a mixture of basic hand techniques and intermediate level skills to form and fabricate seams, edges and locks in order to complete a project typical in sheet metal shops. Suppliers:

Milwaukee Electric Tool (Canada) Ltd., Fanshawe College, Henlex, Miller Electric, AGO Industries, Praxair Canada Inc., CBC Specialty Metals


Snap-On Tools of Canada Limited, STIHL, Meetz’ Small Engines, Fluke Electronics Canada

Tech Chairs: John Lawrence, Don Nafziger, Meetz’ Small Engines, Darrell Westenhoefer, Meetz’ Small Engines

Steamfitter/Pipefitter This contest will assess a competitor’s knowledge and skills in the fabrication of a piping system and components. Specific attention is paid to aspects of quality, workmanship and accuracy of work.


Mechanical Contractors Assoc. of Ontario

Tech Chairs: Ray Lemieux, Don Kreig

Tech Chairs: Larry Mailloux, Fanshawe College, Lawrence Oudekerk, Fanshawe College

Skilled Trade Entrepreneurship A good percentage of skilled trades persons will eventually go into business for themselves or find themselves in a position whereby they have an opportunity to take over an existing business. A solid business plan is necessary to demonstrate the potential for success and is often required to secure financing. This contest will help prepare students with a technical skilled trade ability to succeed with designing a business plan for their future businesses. Tech Chair:

Phil Cohen, St. Clair College

Truck and Coach This contest assesses competitors on seven truck components including brakes, electrical, fluid power, drivetrain, engine, steering and suspension, and a written test based on the Ontario College Truck and Coach curriculum.

Sponsor: Volvo Tech Chairs: John Dixon, Centennial College, Marc Poland 69 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Give Students Design Experience That’s Truly Hands On Proven. Powerful. Professional. 3D Printers Cimetrix Solutions’ academic 3D PRINTER bundles provide affordable, safe, reliable performance. Perfect for the classroom. Enhance and support STEM curriculum. Inspire new levels of thinking, liberate creativity, enable and support experiential learning.

Visit Us in the Mechanical CAD Competition Area 1-800-298-6437

70 Skills Ontario


Welding The contest will evaluate student’s abilities to safely work through all the tested welding processes, including layout, position, fit and tack welding. The interpretation and application of welding symbols will also be tested.

TV & Video Production


AGO Industries, Henlex Smoke Extraction, Praxair Canada Inc., Miller Electric, Randstad


Astron Specialty Metals, Chrima Iron Work Ltd., Husky Farm Equipment Limited

Tech Chair:

Robbie Duncan, Cambrian College

Teams of two (2) competitors are required to produce a 2-3 minute informational/promotional video on a theme given at the beginning of the challenge. Competitors must use their time to plan, script, shoot and edit the final video, all in one day. Suppliers:

Apple Canada, C to C Productions

Tech Chair:

Rob Currie, C to C Productions

Website Development Competitors participating in the Web Site Development contest will be given the opportunity to demonstrate, through practical and theoretical application, their skills in client- and server-side Web design and development.


Conestoga College

Tech Chairs: Dalibor Dvorski, Conestoga College, Phil Aylesworth, St. Clair College

Workplace Safety The Workplace Safety contest promotes health and safety knowledge through the use of practical, theoretical and presentation skills. Competitors will demonstrate health and safety principles including the ability to identify and assess workplace hazards and recommend corrective action. In the Presentation activity the competitor will demonstrate skills in research and presenting a health and safety topic. This competition helps build a competitor’s ability in life skills, literacy, time management, research, vocabulary, understanding of safe work practices and communication of information to others.


Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB)


Grand River OHS and Industrial Safety Trainers, Ampere, DOT Furniture, CWDHS, Gracious Living Corp., WH Lubricants, McCordick Safety

Tech Chairs: Mary Wilson, WSIB, Joy Tomes, Wes Mazur, Grand River Occupational Health & Safety Inc. 71 2016 OTSC Competition Guide


State of the art technology in the welding school training facility. Replacing outdated high volume source capture ventilation in re-circulation with electrostatic precipitators by the new low volume high velocity technology (LVHV) It’s a drastic improvement in source capture efficiency. It reduces the quantity of air make-up required.

Multiple blower systems allows for air-make-up modulation depending on the number of exhaust blowers in operation. This is an important energy conservation feature. Also of great value, a minuscule 200 SCFM of evacuation per welding booth Henlex flexible arms are very rugged. No flexible hose all aluminium casting, aluminium tubing and friction joint with 6 inch diameter adjustable friction disks . Pressure on the disk is hand adjustable, no tools needed. Henlex ( LVHV ) is a very competitive solution in many ways: Minimum capital investment. Very long lasting installation because of high quality and rugged construction. Easy installation with reduced pipe size. Energy consumption is minimal because of low exhaust volume.

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72 Skills Ontario

Phone 800-922-2522

Job Interview Integration


o achieve a place at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition, competitors need to demonstrate an excellence in their skilled trade; that’s a given. These contests allow participants to showcase their skills, talents and knowledge. Employability skills such as communications, teamwork and problem solving are also key skills that will accelerate job placement, retention and life-long success. The HR component is an opportunity for each competitor to participate in a 5-minute job interview, and to have their resume evaluated. The goal of incorporating interviews into each contest area is to test competitors in the area of employability skills, alongside the technical skills being tested in each contest.

Our sincere thanks to the following individuals for their dedication, enthusiasm, and continued support. Thank you so much for your assistance in recruiting this year’s HR volunteers: Lindsay Kelly, Boshart Industries Daniela Sartori, Premium HR Solutions Susan Milton, Conestoga College

This part of the competition would not be possible without the expertise and commitment of over 60 Human Resources professionals from across the province. Every volunteer makes a difference, and we appreciate their unique contribution.

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73 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

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Skills Ontario

2016 OTSC Closing Ceremony


he Closing Ceremony is the formal awards show that concludes the Ontario Technological Skills Competition. Educators and competitors gather at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex to celebrate the skill, determination and excellence exhibited over the previous two days. In addition to winning gold, silver and bronze medals, competitors who reach the podium can receive monetary awards in many contests, an extra boost for their training and careers. New for 2016, job offers from Magna will be awarded to medalists in three manufacturing contests (Automation Control, Industrial Mechanic Millwright and Mechatronics), and Hy-Mark will be offering apprenticeships to the post-secondary gold medalists in the Plumbing and Sheet Metal contests! Recognition is also offered to the educators who help their competitors reach the podium, in the form of an Educator Pin attached to their competitor’s medal.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex 101 Father David Bauer Drive, Waterloo

For competitors, wristbands serve as entrance into the Closing Ceremony. For all others, tickets can be purchased at the door, cash only, for $10. We ask that all attendees of the Closing Ceremony show respect for their peers by staying for the duration of the event. Skills Ontario thanks the Ontario College of Trades for their sponsorship of the Closing Ceremonies.

75 2016 OTSC Competition Guide


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76 Skills Ontario

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Our Heartfelt Thanks


he Skills Ontario team is supported by a crew of over 1,000 dedicated volunteers that play a major role in making our programs and competitions so successful throughout the year. Our volunteers are generous with their time, energy and experience; they are an integral part of all we accomplish and without them, the quality of our programs would not be what they are. Volunteers help with everything from organizing and judging contests at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition and the Cardboard Boat Races, to mentoring young women in their career paths, to facilitating workshops at our Skills Work!速 Summer Camp Programs. Regardless of the task, our volunteers roll up their sleeves and dig in.

We all share the goal of working to better the lives of Ontario youth. If you, or someone you know, would like to volunteer with Skills Ontario at future events, please contact us at info@skillsontario.com. Our heartfelt thanks to all of our volunteers!

Facility Committee We wish to thank our volunteer Marshals for helping to make the 2016 OTSC a success. Shane Kennedy Justin Kelly Carlijn Moeser

Jake Francis

Jason Gliva

Charlie Matjenic

Alan Ramsay

Steve Wilson

Bill Davidson

Official Safety Service Provider

The Pita Pit is a proud supporter of Skills Ontario and the 2,100 youth competing at the OTSC!

Facility Sponsors


Giving Value Through Material Handling Solutions.

Facility Suppliers

Firman Fire and Safety Battlefield

Challenger Steed and Evans

77 2016 OTSC Competition Guide


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www.tmmc.ca 78 Skills Ontario

Team Ontario

Competing Nationally


ach year, Ontario’s most talented students compete at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition (OTSC) for the opportunity to represent our province at the Skills Canada National Competition. Those who have won gold medals earn the opportunity to showcase their abilities on a national stage and make Ontario proud. In June 2015, 69 competitors participated at the 21st Skills Canada National Competition in Saskatoon, with plenty of teachers, advisors and family members by their side. Team Ontario was very successful in 2015, bringing home 43 individual medals in 37 different contests, including 16 Gold, 13 Silver and 14 Bronze. Ontario was number one across Canada in the medal standings, earning medals in 60% of the contests, and placing in the top 5 in 80% of the contests (50 out of 61)! One 5th place competitor was only 5 points off of first place, showing how close the results can be!

Skills Ontario was able to share Team Ontario’s trip to Nationals in real time on Twitter and Facebook. With hundreds of followers, we were pleased to provide daily updates, as well as pictures and up-to-the-minute medal announcements to proud family and friends at home. For updates on Team Ontario’s successes at the 22nd Skills Canada National Competition in Moncton on June 5-7, 2016, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @skillsontario and join our Facebook page. For more information on this annual competition, please visit the Skills/Compétences Canada website www.skillscanada.com, or email otsc@skillsontario.com.

79 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

80 Skills Ontario

Honouring Achievement The Skills Work!® School Board Award of Distinction The Skills Work!® School Board Award of Distinction is presented to the school board that shows dedication to the promotion of skilled trades and technology careers. To determine which school board receives this award, we look to their students: at the OTSC, each secondaryschool competitor in the top 10 ranking, who scores over 60%, earns points for their school board. The award is presented to the school board with the highest score. Receiving this award is a sign of a school board’s continued commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a wide range of careers in the skilled trades and technologies. Hands-on learning is necessary within Ontario to ensure we have a healthy and stable workforce for the future, and school boards receiving this award are leading the way to ensure this will happen. Congratulations to the 2015 School Board Award of Distinction Recipient: Peel District School Board.

Skills Ontario Leadership Award 2016 is the inaugural year for the Skills Ontario Leadership Award. This award was created to recognize and honour an individual whose outstanding contribution to Skills Ontario fosters passion for the skilled trades and technologies, and whose mentorship of the young people we serve, opens doors for the next generation of skilled trades and technology professionals. Skills Ontario is proud to present Mario Blouin, (above left) a longtime supporter of Skills Ontario, a teacher at École secondaire catholique de Hearst in Hearst, Ontario, and a member of the Robotics Contest Technical Committee, with the inaugural Skills Ontario Leadership Award. Mario has influenced the lives of many young people from Northern Ontario to compete at the secondary level in Precision Machining, Welding, Small Powered Equipment and Robotics. His students frequently medal at both the provincial and national competitions and most recently, his robotics team advanced to the World Skills Competition in Brazil. Congratulations, Mario!

Monetary Awards These monetary awards are granted to young people who have demonstrated their passion for and commitment to the skilled trades and technologies by ranking in the top of their specialty at the Ontario Technological Skills Competitions. These awards financially assist competitors to continue pursuing their careers in the skilled trades and technologies. Our thanks to the 2016 OTSC Monetary Awards Contributors: American Technical Publisher

ArcelorMittal Dofasco

Colleges Ontario


Gary Cronkwright

Gene Haas Foundation

King Cole Ducks

Magna International




Ontario College of Trades

Ron Downey

Toronto Congress Centre


Women in Nuclear

TMMC Andy Verhoeve Award

Anglo-Franco Communications

81 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

Good Luck to All!

Uniting Technology with Education

Celebrating over 25 years of business, Studica.com is a premier value added reseller of software, computer hardware, learning tools and music technology for students and teachers. Studica.com offers products from Autodesk, Adobe, Microsoft, National Instruments, fischertechnik, Fourier, Realityworks and many more. www.studica.com

Walters Group is one of North America’s premier structural steel fabricator/erectors. We work alongside our clients and partners to design, fabricate and erect complex steelwork projects throughout North America.

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Never stand still. Thank you for competing in the Ontario Technological Skills Competition!

Volvo Trucks is a global leader in innovation. We are constantly improving fuel efficiency to honour our care for the environment, and continually improving our trucks for the comfort and safety of drivers. We are proud to sponsor initiatives in education across Canada, and in particular this competition. Congratulations to all competitors. We encourage you to ‘Never Stand Still’ in improving the world around you.

GOOD LUCK! 82 Skills Ontario

Volvo Trucks. Driving Progress

Dick Hopkins Award

Glenn Beatty Award

Dick Hopkins was a technology educator at Napanee and Sydenham high schools and Queen’s University Faculty of Education. He exemplified the energy and enthusiasm of a great technology educator who inspired a generation of teachers and students. A hard worker himself, Dick continually asked his students to push the envelope in order to do great things. Dick was a champion of skills competitions, encouraging his students to challenge themselves by showcasing their talents to the community and to the world. He vigorously promoted the skilled trades as career choices for his students.

Glenn Beatty was a participant in the CAD, CAM, CNC contests and gold medal winner in the 1997 OTSC and then progressed to the Canadian Skills Competition held in Red Deer, Alberta for another gold medal performance that same year. Following his outstanding performance at the skills competition, at both the provincial and national level, Glenn was hired by ATS Automation Tooling Systems in Cambridge, Ontario.

Dick passed away suddenly in October 2002. In honour of our friend and colleague, the Ontario Council for Technology Education (OCTE) and Skills Ontario have initiated an annual award of excellence for an outstanding technological educator in Dick’s name. This award is presented annually in recognition of Dick’s active participation and promotion of skills competitions and events. Congratulations to all 2016 nominees for inspiring their students to pursue their passions and for setting such high standards. The 2016 recipient is Kevin Shea, a passionate technology teacher for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. To nominate a worthy contributor for this award, visit us at www.skillsontario.com or email info@skillsontario.com.

College Award of Distinction Colleges across Ontario play a fundamental role in preparing tomorrow’s workforce with the hands-on education required to pursue careers in the skilled trades and technologies. With the College Award of Distinction, Skills Ontario acknowledges a college that has demonstrated commitment to this initiative, made significant investments to the skilled trades and technologies and strived for excellence in the classroom, shop and competition site. To determine which college will receive the yearly award, we take the results from student performances at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition and look to the college’s volunteerism and involvement in Skills Ontario events such as the Career Exploration Showcase, Young Women’s Initiatives, and Skills Work!® Summer Camps.

Grateful for the opportunity given to him and the impact that it had on his life, Glenn returned to Skills Ontario in 1998 as a volunteer. In January of 1999 we lost Glenn in a motor vehicle accident, representing a tremendous loss to the organization, the community, and to all those who knew him. As a tribute to Glenn, Skills Ontario presents the Glenn Beatty Award annually to a volunteer who embodies the dedication and passion for Skills Ontario that Glenn had. Congratulations to Russ Jessop. He is the recipient of the 2016 Glenn Beatty Award.

Award of Excellence Colleges Ontario and the Ontario Council for Technology Education (OCTE) would like to congratulate competitors on their achievements at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition each and every year. Over the course of the competition day, a number of competitors achieve their personal bests. To celebrate their dedication, their passion and their perseverance, the Award of Excellence is granted to the highest individual score at each annual competition, in both the secondary and post-secondary levels. In recognition of this outstanding achievement, the competitor’s school board is presented with a gold medal at the Closing Ceremony of the Ontario Technological Skills Competition. The competitor’s school is also honoured with complimentary affiliation with Skills Ontario for the year. Congratulations to our 2015 winners: OCTE (Top Ranking Secondary Student) – Kassandra Bot, Halton Catholic District School Board Colleges Ontario (Top ranking College Student) – Tyler Bukenburger, Mohawk College Ontario College of Trades (Top Ranking Apprentice) – Shane Tryon, MTCU Eastern

Congratulations to the 2015 College Award of Distinction Recipient: Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology. 83 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

2016 OTSC Partners and Sponsors HOST COLLEGE




84 Skills Ontario



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Giving Value Through Material Handling Solutions.


City of Kitchener

Little Electric

3M Canada



Apple Canada

Discount Car and Truck Rentals


Astron Specialty Metal



Battlefield Equipment

ESRI Canada

Procor Ltd.

Cacao Barry/Callebaut

Firman Fire and Safety


Canadian Collison Industry Forum


Steed and Evans

Canadian Linen & Uniform Services




Landscape Ontario

Sysco Foods




Skills Ontario is an apolitical organization that is focused solely on our mission statement: “to champion and stimulate the development of world-class technological and employability skills in Ontario youth.” As such, Skills Ontario obtains funding from various sources and the fact that it receives funding from these sources should not be taken as support or non-support for any particular organization’s political, social or religious beliefs. 85 2016 OTSC Competition Guide

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