SkillsPlus Annual Report 2012

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Our Mission is to improve the life options of disadvantaged individuals through employment and learning opportunities.

Our Vision is to inspire individuals to believe in themselves and to achieve self-reliance in their communities.


• Inclusion • Innovation • Teamwork • Integrity • Achievement



CONTENTS Who Are SkillsPlus?


Board of Directors and Leadership Team


Our Locations


Our Programs


Chairman’s Report


CEO’s Report


Strategic Plan 2012


Employment Services


Training Services


Investing in our People


Financial Snapshot 2011 - 2012


WHO ARE SKILLSPLUS? SkillsPlus is a not-for-profit, community based employment and registered training organisation (RTO), established in 1984 to provide employment & education support to young people in the Frankston region. SkillsPlus is recognised as an innovative provider, bridging the gap between disadvantaged people and employers. Commenced trading as Skillshare, providing skills training in partnership with local employers in the manufacturing industry to unemployed people and over the coming years Youth Support Service and Skillshare grew throughout the Peninsula. Began providing Disability Support Services. Registered with Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority. Commenced Work For the Dole in Bayside, Monash and Peninsula.

Commenced Job Network program - Bayside and Peninsula.

Target traineeships for long term sustainability.

Announced long term partnerships with Myer and Ritchies for retail traineeships.

Rosebud office opened and a partnership with Ostara formed.

Dandenong, Moorabbin & Upper Ferntree Gully offices opened to provide WFD, DES and PSP programs.

Provided a Disability Co-ordination Officer Program in partnership with Gippsland TAFE, which eventually was awarded to SkillsPlus in their own right from 2008 onwards and continues to service the southern regions of Melbourne. AMEP meets the needs of emerging CALD / New migrants / refugees in Peninsula Region (partnership with AMES).

Received the WFD Prime Minister’s award for outstanding Community Activity in Chelsea.

Successful in providing Victoria Works Program for the Victorian State Government. In Bayside ESA we provided Career Start - Graduates with a Disability. In Maroondah & Bayside ESA SkillsPlus provided Mature Age Works, Transport Skills, developing partnerships with employers in Transport and Logistics, providing accredited training and placing jobseekers. Awarded Better Skills Better Care program funding from Department of Health and Ageing, delivering accredited training to new & existing staff in the Aged Care sector.

Commenced operations as a Workplace Learning Co-ordinator in the Peninsula ESA. SkillsPlus was awarded the Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program for SE Melbourne Region. Wells Street training centre and Playne Street employment services facility in Frankston undergo a 1.1 million dollar upgrade. Delivered outreach services to BlueScope Steel workers affected by redundancy and provided outplacement service to over 100 workers. Also in 2011, SkillsPlus relocates its Moorabbin branch to larger, upgraded facilities in Cheltenham. Opened new offices in Dandenong and Springvale as well as newly expanded and refurbished training facilities in Upper Ferntree Gully.



Robert Maughan Chairman

Malcolm Taylor Deputy Chairman

Cheryl Barnett Director

Brenda Pritchard Director

David Hodge Director

Neil Toyne Director

Sue Staggard Director


Susan Cattermole Chief Executive Officer

Keith Parton General Manager Training Services

Pinping Liman Lim Financial Controller

Ben Vasiliou General Manager Employment Services, Marketing & Business Development

Chris Cotterill Human Resources Manager


OUR LOCATIONS SkillsPlus Upper Ferntree Gully Disability Employment Services Learn Local Youth Education

SkillsPlus Springvale

Learn Local Language Literacy and Numeracy Program


SkillsPlus Cheltenham

Language Literacy and Numeracy Program Learn Local Youth Education Disability Employment Service Workplace Training (Office Based)

SkillsPlus Dandenong

Job Services Australia Disability Employment Services Learn Local Youth Education

SkillsPlus Frankston Employment Services

Job Services Australia Disability Employment Services National Disability Coordinaton Officer Program

SkillsPlus Frankston Training Services

Learn Local Worplace Learning Coordinators Program Language Literacy and Numeracy Program Youth Education

SkillsPlus Rosebud

Job Services Australia Disability Employment Services Learn Local Language Literacy and Numeracy Program Youth Education


OUR PROGRAMS National Disability Coordination Officer Program

The National Disability Coordination Officer Program (NDCO) aims to improve the transition of students with a disability from their compulsory school education into options including TAFE, University and employment.

Disability Employment Services

Disability Employment Services provides long term, personalised support to people with disabilities to build capacity, look for work and stay in employment.


Job Services Australia

Job Services Australia offers a range of services and information to help job seekers make the right choices for the future.

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Learn Local

Learn Local delivers a range of high quality pre-accredited courses and nationally accredited qualifications.

Youth Education

rnative Youth Education provides an alte ged school setting for students disenga on. from mainstream educati

Workplace Trainin

g Workplace Training enables an emp loye e to wor k and earn an income, whilst obta recognised qualification. Trainingining a nationally can on-the-job, off-the-job, or a combina comprise of tion of both.

Language Literacy and Numeracy Pro

gram Language Literacy and Numeracy Program provides initial, basic and advanced acc language training, as well as bas redited English ic and advanced literacy and numeracy training to eligible job seekers.




CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2011-12 has been another significant year for SkillsPlus with management strengthening the organisation’s ability to deliver on its mission and vision. As I reflect on the last 12 months I am reminded of the significant achievements we have made. The Board itself has undertaken two of its most important tasks. Appointment of a new CEO and development of a new three year strategic plan. In November 2011 Skillsplus welcomed its new CEO Sue Cattermole. Sue brought with her proven success in leadership, strong management and a passion and commitment for our work. In the last 8 months she has already built a strong leadership team ready to take on new challenges. Our new 2012-15 strategic plan was launched in June 2012. In this we have four key strategic directions underpinned by the importance of building creative and effective services to provide opportunities in our communities. However we strongly recognise that to do this we need to work in partnership with other services to identify where needs are not being met and to seek to expand our services to provide coverage in new areas. We also seek to raise our profile in the community, expand our funding base and continue to actively advocate on behalf of our service users to ensure they have a voice and access to the same opportunities that the rest of the community expects. We also recognise that we need to continually invest in our own internal capacity to ensure that we are able to meet the challenges that we face. We have also revisited our vision, mission and values. Although our mission and vision remain broadly the same we have revised our values to better reflect the work that we do and the way we wish that work to be carried out. The values of integrity, inclusion, achievement, teamwork and innovation strongly underpin our work and our approach to the people that we work with. This year we have invested in the refurbishment of two new sites in Springvale and Dandenong as well as the purchase of a range of new IT equipment for our students. We have also undertaken a staff remuneration review to ensure that we remain competitive in attracting high quality staff. Our recent staff survey shows that we proudly have a happy and committed workforce who strongly connects with our vision, mission and values. The sound financial position achieved for the year is recognition of the committed management and staff and demonstrates our ability to be a sustainable deliverer of employment and training services. With the changing marketplaces and economic conditions


it is a strong focus of management to ensure good stewardship and value for money in the services we provide on behalf of Government. SkillsPlus has a long and proud tradition of providing quality services for those who in our local communities are often excluded from opportunites to secure open employment, to develop their existing skills and to complete their education. We are committed to ensuring that the most disadvantaged in our community continue to receive effective services that meet their needs and help them achieve their goals. Central to this position has been the Board’s focus on ensuring governance processes are at the highest standard. The Board has continued to support professional development of its Directors to ensure that we have an experienced and skilled Board. The Board also has an annual review of its performance to ensure continuous improvement. Therefore we can be confident that the Board is well equipped to support and guide management through the fulfillment of its new strategic plan, as well as providing the necessary foresight to address the challenges ahead. SkillsPlus depends upon the involvement and passion of our staff. On behalf of the Board I would like to express my appreciation to our outstanding new CEO, Sue Cattermole, and to our excellent Executive and leadership team who, supported by dedicated professional staff, have led the development of SkillsPlus over the past year. We also value our key funding partners, State and Federal Governments, as well as the many other strategic partners that we work with. We look forward to more exciting years ahead. Whilst stepping down as the Chairman of SkillsPlus at the AGM in October 2012 due to a recent interstate move, I will remain committed to supporting SkillsPlus as a Director. I thank everyone associated with SkillsPlus for the wonderful support provided during my period as Chairman which has been a great honour. Bob Maughan OAM Chairman

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CEO’S REPORT At SkillsPlus we cannot seek achievement for ourselves without individual successes and prosperity for our community. We strive to support the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own. During my first 8 months at Skillsplus I have seen many achievements by the 5329 individuals who accessed SkillsPlus’s services in 2011/12. Many have overcome significant personal challenges to find and keep a job, gain new skills or complete their education. During the year we have opened two new facilities in Springvale and Dandenong. Our new Springvale site was opened in February 2012 from which we offer our Langauge, Literacy and Numeracy program. This program aims to provide practical English language skills and vocational skills whilst developing knowledge about the Australian workplace for the high number of migrants living in the local community. I am always amazed when I attend the site to see the passion of the teachers and the commitment of the students, including the creation of a SkillsPlus song. Our new Dandenong site has just recently opened and offers a range of programs across employment and training services. Over the last 12 years we have become very aware of the unique challenges of the local economic conditions in the Greater Dandenong region and their impact on employment opportunities, which is why we have strategically invested in our new Dandenong office to offer greater integrated training and placement services tailored to the needs of the local community. Our achievements for the year have also included growth in our youth education programs. Many of the young people who access our programs have not had normal education experiences that other young people enjoy. A major concern for us continues to be poor educational outcomes for young people in our communities. Supporting our young people to continue their education is important, not only to develop and maintain their sense of self worth and reduce isolation but also for the long term benefits of enhanced employment opportunities and future independence. This has also been an important year for us in setting our strategic direction for the next three years. Our 2012-15 Strategic plan sets out our aims and objectives for the next three years to everyone connected with SkillsPlus, including our Board, our staff, people who use our services, families/carers and other stakeholders. The Plan also informs potential service users, funders and stakeholders about the direction SkillsPlus in headed in.

Key directions for us include developing relevant services, based on listening carefully to the community. SkillsPlus has commented on key issues and become involved in public debate over the last 12 months. The messages we are presenting are intended to help shape policy at both State and Federal Government levels with a key focus on improving outcomes for the most vulnerable people in our communities. We also see partnerships with the community, individuals, government, businesses and other community organisations as vital to improving the effectiveness of our services. Across Victoria, and from mid 2012 Queensland, we are committed to working with other organisations, through sharing insights and developing innovative services that will benefit our communities. I would like to thank the local community for their continuing support, in particular our funding partners, businesses and local residents. Our staff have continued to demonstrate their wholehearted commitment and compassion to support individuals to believe in themselves. I would also like to thank our Board of Directors and in particular the support and insight of our Chairman, Bob Maughan who has been on the Board for 3 years and Chairman for the past 2 years. Bob is stepping down as Chairman at the 2012 AGM, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank Bob for his support in my first 8 months. The next 12 months will be an exciting time for everyone at Skillsplus with challenges and opportunities ahead in serving the community and supporting individuals to achieve their goals. Susan Cattermole Chief Executive Officer

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2012 The 2012-15 SkillsPlus Strategic Plan sets out a broad framework of how we intend to deliver our future services in order to meet the changing needs of the disadvantaged groups that we work with. Out of the four strategic directions that have evolved in this plan, three are people focused, with the core motivation being on the work SkillsPlus provides within the community. The fourth direction is ensuring that we have the internal capacity to deliver these services.

uild and grow pathways to employment to create more opportunities B within our communities. CONTEXT Our first strategic goal will strengthen existing services as we continually evaluate our current programs to ensure that they meet local needs. We use this evidence to review, adapt, and update our current programs to increase the impact we make in the communities that we work with. We will use our resources and knowledge to develop new service responses in population growth areas and areas of unmet need. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1. Explore the feasibility of establishing a Social Enterprise. 2. Expand on new opportunities within Training services through the creation of a business development arm. 3. Expand employment services into neighbouring high growth geographic areas on a stand-alone basis and/or in association with a complementary service provider.

4. Continue to provide employment services through successfully tendering for major contracts. 5. Review the demand for our current training services scope, ensuring that it meets the needs of the labour market and align service offerings accordingly.

KEY MEASURES OF SUCCESS 1. The business is diversified into a third but related segment. 2. Training services are developed in line with the vision of the organisation.

3. New geographic areas are established. 4. Expansion of on-line training services.

evelop and maintain strategic partnerships to improve outcomes and D services. CONTEXT We are committed to developing innovative service responses to meet increased demand or unmet need through new partnerships and the expansion of existing relationships. The flexibility to work closely alongside other likeminded partners will facilitate strategic growth and provide an enhanced capacity to seek out and respond to new opportunities. We will embrace collaborative approaches as the basis of building partnerships to improve our services and the outcomes which we deliver to our clients. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1. E stablish durable relationships with partner organisations based on mutual respect and trust, and enhancing client and community outcomes. 2. D evelop criteria by which to assess potential partnership opportunities and partners / strategic alliances.

3. Develop and implement a relationship management system to strengthen relationships with existing partners and allies. 4. Explore opportunities to expand services at existing sites and in new geographic areas through forming strategic alliances.

KEY MEASURES OF SUCCESS 1. Improved relationships with existing partners. 2. Mutually beneficial partnerships are formed which enhance the outcomes for clients.


3. Expansion of our services into new locations and new services developed at existing locations.

Work with our stakeholders within our sectors to further enhance the profile and reputation of SkillsPlus. CONTEXT A major shift in SkillsPlus’s organisational culture needs to be a focus on our external environment. We will increase our contribution to the future direction of the sectors we work in, to further our aims and to underpin our service delivery. Our focus will be on building relationships and striving to be more collaborative in our work with local communities in which we deliver services. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1. Implement a marketing and online strategy including strategies for business development and future growth. 2. Review and reassess the current and desired image of SkillsPlus and realign as necessary, including at a high level as well as consistency in branding in regard to service locations, vehicles, logos, brochures etc. KEY MEASURES OF SUCCESS 1. The profile of SkillsPlus is significantly raised as a leading employment and training organisation providing high quality services with our stakeholders. 2. Increased participation in activities that support local communities

3. Implementation of an effective customer relationship management system 4. Engage in a range of external advocacy activities related to SkillsPlus’ services and broader social issues which impact our client group.

3. Membership on a number of key Government and Peak policy forums and committees

I ncreasing effectiveness and capability through good governance, organisational excellence and workforce development. CONTEXT We are committed to building individual staff and SkillsPlus wide capability by attracting, engaging and retaining a professional and skilled workforce. Our focus on developing the capability of our people will ensure SkillsPlus’ strategic direction is realised. We will increase our operational effectiveness, providing resources to enhance our communication and engagement across the organisation. We will develop the capacity of our organisational support systems through enhanced IT, Quality, Risk Management, Compliance and reporting frameworks. We will ensure that we make adequate planning for the future as an organisation and be flexible enough to adapt to an increasingly competitive and uncertain funding environment. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1. D efine and evaluate the values and culture of the organisation, assess the current culture and values and ensure it is in line with the SkillsPlus vision. 2. D esign, develop and implement induction, performance management, staff development, succession planning, remuneration management and acquiring and protecting corporate IP. 3. D evelop a new quality assurance framework for SkillsPlus integrating Service Standards, Quality, and Compliance and Risk Management.

4. Document service delivery models to leverage future contracts, drive service delivery performance and ensure continuous improvement. 5. Long term sustainability of the organisation through good governance and financial management.

KEY MEASURES OF SUCCESS 1. C onsistently improving staff engagement and satisfaction. 2. I ncreased opportunities for SkillsPlus staff to receive training based on business needs. 3. D evelop employee value proposition for new staff coming to SkillsPlus.

4. All services meet and/or exceed contractual KPIs. 5. Sufficient resources are generated for existing and future needs, based on a diversified funding base.


EMPLOYMENT SERVICES SkillsPlus delivers 3 programs under the banner of Employment Services: Job Services Australia (JSA) and Disability Employment Services (DES) which are both funded by the Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). We also deliver the National Disability Co-ordination Officer which was transferred over to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) during the year. We have supported over 1443 participants in our employment services programs this year, with 671 achieving an employment placement and a further 312 participants entering education or training to up-skill and increase their employment prospects.

Job Services Australia Our program is delivered from 3 locations; Frankston, Rosebud & Dandenong. We are a specialist provider to Youth at Risk in all 3 locations and our Dandenong site also specialises in supporting migrants and refugees from a culturally & linguistically diverse background. We have been delivering the program since 2009 with our consortium partners Adult Multicultural Education Service (AMES) and the Springvale Community Aid & Advice Bureau (SCAAB). We work with our participants to overcome their non-vocational and vocational barriers to entering the workforce. Our core focus this year has been increasing the work

opportunities for our participants by creating new and strengthening existing partnerships with local employers. We now proudly partner with hundreds of local employers in the South Eastern region of Melbourne to provide work experience and ongoing employment opportunities for participants in various industries such as Manufacturing, Retail, Health & Community Care, Hospitality, Warehousing and many more. This has led to an increase in the DEEWR rated performance standards across all JSA sites including our Dandenong site achieving the highest possible rating of 5 stars.

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We have su orted over 1443 participp employment servicpants in our this year, with 671es programs achieving an employment plac and a further 312 pa ement entering education rticipants or training to up-skill and increa se their employment prospe cts.

BlueScope Partnership In late 2011 BlueScope steel announced a major reduction in its production of steel at its Westernport Plant in Hastings, which resulted in large scale redundancies. SkillsPlus entered into a partnership with BlueScope Steel to provide onsite support to over 80 redundant workers. Over a 6 week period we supported the affected workers by providing links to local and national employment opportunities as well as referrals to local training providers to gain the new skills and qualifications required for differing industries. The Department of Employment, Education & Workplace Relations announced a Labour Adjustment Package which saw increased funding opportunities for redundant workers and enabled our team to engage a range of support services including Chisholm TAFE to ensure all aspects of the affected worker’s transition out of BlueScope Steel were supported. Our team were able to build new partnerships with large employers such as BHP Billiton and Xstrata Coal Mines to relocate some workers to the resources sector where their existing skills could be utilised. Overall we supported 62 redundant workers back into the workforce and a further 21 into further education & training.


EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Disability Employment Services Our program is delivered from 5 locations in Frankston, Rosebud, Dandenong, Cheltenham and Upper Ferntree Gully, with outreach support provided to Yarra Junction. We have been supporting participants with a permanent disability, illness, injury or mental illness since 1993 and have a strong record of partnering with local employers to re-engage our participants back into the workforce. In the past year we have adapted our service to accommodate the needs of a growing population of people with mental illness and young people with an intellectual disability. Over 39% of our participants are enduring mental illness while over 9.2% have an intellectual disability. A significant achievement for our team this year has been the partnership with our Training Services department to deliver a Certificate I in Work Education to young people unsure of their future

Kelly’s Story Kelly is 19 years old and suffered from severe mental illness including depression and anxiety. Our team engaged a Youth Worker from our community partner Taskforce to provide 1:1 support and counselling. This holistic approach also enabled Kelly to return to study and undertake her Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning with our Youth Education department. We supported Kelly with career planning and were able to gain an interview at a local doggy day care business. Kelly was successful in gaining the position and with intensive on-going support from our team, Kelly continues to enjoy her part time work and continues her study.


after secondary school. This program has seen 12 young people with a disability undertake work experience, increase their literacy & numeracy skills as well as building confidence to secure a job in the open employment market. We have also spent the last 12 months working incredibly hard on the Request for Tender for Disability Employment Services, which was put to a public tender process in May 2012. This was the first open competitive tender process for this program, so we took this as a learning opportunity to reflect on and continuously improve the service that we provide to the most disadvantaged members of our community. All levels of the organisation worked tirelessly to ensure the very best submission was put forward, and we look forward to the announcements later in 2012.

National Disability Coordination Officer Program We have hosted the NDCO program since January 2008. Our NDCO team cover the Southern Melbourne region which includes the local government area’s of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston, Stonnington, Greater Dandenong, Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula. In 2012 the NDCO program moved to the newly expanded Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE). This new portfolio will facilitate better links between industry, innovation, science, research and tertiary education along with the Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education and International Education programs. NDCO achievements for the year have included; • Delivering the “Managing Mental Health” and “Disclosing Mental Illness” workshops to over 160 Managers & Staff working in the Disability Employment Services program

• Developing the Parents and Career Transition Support (PACTS) workshops & guide for parents of a child with an intellectual disability. Our workshops and guide are the first of its kind and have made a significant impact on the lives of young people and their families. Our program is now on offer to all parents of a child in a special school in the Southern Metropolitan region. • Delivering our ‘Creating Confidence, transition for people with a disability’ workshops to over 218 staff professionals in the Southern Metro region • Involved in establishing the ‘Ticket to Work’ project in the Bayside and Kingston Region. The ‘Ticket to Work’ project is a unique opportunity for students with a disability to attain qualifications while at school with the support and commitment of a network of professionals and employers. The project was also selected as a finalist in the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development’s “Excellence in Education” Awards

• Organising the annual “Pathways and Possibilities Forums” for over 200 key staff involved in the transition of people with a disability


TRAINING SERVICES We are a Registered Training Organisation with a strong reputation for the delivery of high quality training services. We deliver a range of preaccredited courses, short courses and nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate I to Diploma level. Our Training Services programs are delivered through 5 departments; Learn Local, Workplace Training, Youth Education, Workplace Learning Coordinators and the Language, Literacy & Numeracy Program. In the past year we have supported over 3385 students to build their skills and reach their educational goals.

found “SkillsPlus ment during place me a work nd the support I got e a my course g. I’m now in full tim in was amaz loyment.” - Kate emp

Tanika’s Story I tried several alternatives but it wasn’t until I walked through the doors of SkillsPlus in September of 2011 that I realised my future finally had potential again. I had one goal and that was to pass. Annie never fails to find a way to create a positive atmosphere in the classroom, setting it apart from any other class, making it more than possible to get across the finish line. Now I feel as though I am walking away with a new start in life.


Learn Local Our Learn Local team have commenced 2157 students into vocational and education training. We deliver a broad range of qualifications in modern, convenient and welcoming local community settings. We provide flexible, high quality, cost effective training to suit all needs with small class room numbers and one on one student support. Our Learn Local team also offer students the option of learning online, providing flexibility and the convenience of learning in any environment. We tailor our qualifications to suit a range of industries and our students’ needs, these include; • Community Services • Education & Training • Business Services • Transport & Logistics • Health Services • Retail • Hospitality Our fully qualified, specialist trainers ensure that participants are engaged and receive the highest standard of accredited training.

SkillsPlus Youth Education We provide an alternative school setting for a range of diverse young people to complete their Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL), the Certificate II in General Education for Adults (CGEA) and the Certificate I in Work Education. In each of our programs we place an emphasis on developing confidence, skills and strategies to manage students individual pathway plans into future employment & education opportunities. In the past year our Youth Education team have delivered VCAL, CGEA & Work Education to over 393 young people. Coupled with developing key literacy & numeracy skills, the key to success in our Youth Education program is the increased focus on employability skills and confidence of our young people. SkillsPlus strives to provide an innovative approach to Youth Education by developing partnerships with other like minded organisations. We engaged The Little Theatre Company (TLTC) to deliver a workshop called “Skin I’m In” which works to

build the resilience, self esteem, respect, positive relationships, public speaking and self expression for young people. TLTC deliver these through a variety of creative forums such as theatre, poetry, arts, magic and improvisation. SkillsPlus has also engaged motivational presenters including Glenn Manton and Brian Nankervis to support student confidence. Further examples of our commitment to our students have been the significant investment of new laptops at each of our delivery locations, to support the development of key computing skills required in the modern workplace.

“I feel I am We have don in a family. that I have ne e a lot of things ver do my life.” - Rattne before in ana

I started with SkillsPlus last year when I was doing Year 11. It was a smaller group then. We didn’t really get to use the laptops. This year that changed. I now get to use the laptops every day. It’s helped me with typing up information, it gets me more organised with work and it’s a lot neater. I have learned lots about Word like how to set up files, format them and change them. I really hadn’t used computers before so this was the first time that I really got to use them. We didn’t get to use them at the last school I was at. There was no access to the internet when we did get to use them. I use the internet to find out information quicker, look up information if I need to and it helps me to finish my work quicker. I have used my computer skills to put together a new resume, with the help of Graeme from SkillsPlus, which will help me to get a job at the end of the year when I finish school. Steven VCAL Student


TRAINING SERVICES Workplace Learning Coordinators Program The Workplace Learning Coordinators Program is a Department of Education, Early Childhood Development initiative and is in response to the Commonwealth Government’s National Partnership of Youth Attainment and Transitions. The program aims to create new opportunities for young people aged 15 - 19 years of age to improve their skills and workplace knowledge through ‘on the job’ experience whether it be via Work Experience, Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) or School Based Apprenticeships/ Traineeships (SBAT’s). We deliver the Workplace Coordinators Program within the Frankston Mornington Peninsula LLEN geographical area which incorporates two Local Government Area’s (LGA’s); Frankston City Council and Mornington Peninsula Shire Council. The focus of the program is to increase the numbers of young people undertaking workplace learning placements

in places of employment, with emphasis on industries that provide strong vocational outcomes. We aim to increase the alignment between Vocational Education and Training (VET) provision and local industry needs and increase the number of Koorie young people undertaking workplace learning placements Our program has included workshops at schools in “Work readiness” which have been extremely well received and have provided the program with additional students requiring assistance in sourcing quality placements. This model has opened doors for the WLC Program to assist schools in a variety of other areas including course counselling, Careers Expos, professional development for VCAL & VET staff alike. In 2011/2012 SkillsPlus has achieved over 500 placements in our Workplace Learning Coordinator Program.

Cambridge Aged Care’s relationship with Skills Plus has extended and flourished significantly since April 2012. The arrangement was facilitated through a SkillsPlus representative, Khristy Quarrell. The beginning of the courses were structured in consultation with myself, around the issues the home had and the training needs of the staff. The difference in the quality of my staff in the past six months has been significant and I believe a lot of that is due to the personal attention and flexibility provided by Khristy and her team. Rae Wallace Cambridge Aged Care

Workplace Training This year our Workplace Training team delivered industry based training to over 400 students across 10 different qualifications ranging from Certificate II to Diploma level. Our Workplace Training team provides flexible training for our students to learn in the workplace. We provide a tailored approach to new employees by developing a tailored and individual learning plan that is also relevant to their chosen industry and workplace. We also provide individual learning plans to existing employees looking to further develop their existing skills and knowledge.


Our employer engagement strategy and solid track record in business relationships ensures we realise the commitment we have made working to increasing the productivity and efficiencies in the workplace, whilst providing our students with the ability to up skill and gain a formal qualification. Workplace Training has achieved a significant growth of new business due to our quality of training. We have long standing and new relationships with very reputable employers such as Cambridge Aged Care and Ritchie’s Supermarkets.

Language Literacy and Numeracy Program Our Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program (LLNP) is designed to help jobseekers improve their language, literacy and numeracy skills. LLNP is funded by the Australian government and managed by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). In 2011- 2012, 435 students commenced training in our Language, Literacy and Numeracy program. The program follows themes with an employment focus. This year 69 students, completed their training and were gainfully employed, and a further 12 participants have enrolled in further studies. This year we were successfully accredited to deliver the Digital Literacy / International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) pilot program sponsored by ACFE.

The ICDL concept is a global computer literacy initiative developed to raise the level of knowledge about Information Technology (IT) and increase the level of competence in using personal computers and common computer applications for all the citizens of the world. 20 LLNP students have recently successfully completed the pilot program. In addition to their scheduled classes the LLNP students have planned, developed and participated in a range of cultural activities which have included Harmony Day celebrations, a Big Morning Tea, raising money for cancer awareness and a second anniversary celebration

When I came here my English was very low. I was in level 2. I could write just short sentences. I could not speak on the phone before. Now after one year I can speak a lot and that makes me very happy. I can write proper paragraphs, stories, and my resume. After few months at SkillsPlus my teacher asked me to give a presentation at the opening ceremony. I was nervous. But my teacher and other teachers supported me. I felt very happy after I gave the speech. I was in the newspaper with my friend and my manager. I felt very proud. After few months I was moved to level 3 because I did well. I also got the chance to complete an International Drivers licence course with SkillsPlus. It was much easier because the course was conducted by a teacher who teaches LLNP. I had great teachers and friends in this school. The teachers helped me a lot. I am going to get a job as a secretary. I have to make calls and take calls. Now I am very confident to do that. Jasna


INVESTING IN OUR PEOPLE As a community based organisation, our mission is to improve the life options of disadvantaged individuals through employment and learning opportunities. This is something we strongly believe in and pursue every day. We are a “people” business which is centred around our core Values, which guide us in our daily interactions with our people, our clients and the community. Our workforce development plan is an investment in building a highly engaged business, founded on personal leadership behaviours to ensure we encourage our people to not only achieve great results, but to achieve them in the right way. Our workforce development plan covers the following objectives; Retention, Communication, Flexibility, Learning & Development, Recruitment, Safe & Positive Culture and Administration.

“I have been fortunate to work in an environment that provid both fresh challenges and thees su pport to keep achieving my best” - Sally Bailey, NDCO Offic er

We continue to invest in the continuous improvement of our Human Resources practices, and by doing so, inspiring a sense of purpose and direction in our teams whilst improving the effectiveness of our services to the most disadvantaged in our community.

tunate tohose “I feel form w co pany work for amatch my own” values , Training - Mia Lutredinator Co-o

What’s it like to work at SkillsPlus?

My name is Geoff Hills, and I have worked for SkillsPlus since January 2011. I have worked in the capacity of Team Leader, Training & Compliance Officer and now as the Employment Services Manager – Upper Ferntree Gully. SkillsPlus has enabled me to build on my leadership skills by providing mentoring and support as well as external


professional development. I have also been involved in strategic & business planning, budgeting and preparing for tenders. I am very appreciative of this opportunity as in many other organisations I would not have been involved in this level of strategic work at my operational level. SkillsPlus also have a range of benefits that really support their employees. My team have a corporate uniform, monthly rostered days off, access to incentives, and more than anything, the opportunity to work closely with highly disadvantaged people, in an open & supportive environment. I look forward to spending the next few years building our business in the Eastern Region, whilst supporting the next generation of leaders in the business. Geoff Hills Employment Services Manager Upper Ferntree Gully

FINANCIAL SNAPSHOT 2011 - 2012 The information presented in this annual report has been derived from the Financial Report of SkillsPlus for the year ended 30 June 2012. A copy of the full financial report and the auditor’s report is available on disk, free of charge. Nature of operations and principal activities The principal activities of the Company are to provide educational and support services to long term unemployed with a focus on young people and people who are disadvantaged. There was no significant change in the nature of those activities during the financial period. Employees SkillsPlus employed 140 employees as at 30 June 2012 Review of results of operations SkillsPlus reported a surplus of $554,922. The total revenue of the year was $11,836,368 INCOME STATEMENT

Continuing Operations

2012 $

2011 $

Revenue Grants & Fees for Service Interest Received Total Revenue

11,713,669 122,699 11,836,368

10,255,975 133,607 10,389,582

Expenses Cost of Services Provided Salaries and On costs Occupancy Travel and Accommodation Operating Expenses Depreciation - Property, Plant and Equipment Depreciation - Leasehold Improvements Total Expenses

1,249,267 7,050,668 1,322,583 170,718 695,277 209,276 583,657 11,281,446

1,316,799 6,658,974 1,017,017 126,330 630,114 227,754 302,254 10,279,242



Net Surplus / (Deficit) from Continuing Operations REVENUE 2011-2012



Training Services



Training Services




Employment Services



2012 $

2011 $

Current Assets Cash at Bank and On Hand Leasehold Bonds and Security Deposits Accrued Revenue Receivables Prepayments Total Current Assets

2,227,019 169,289 713,179 101,569 145,561 3,356,617

2,090,484 101,395 508,311 496,276 130,343 3,326,809

Non-Current Assets Fixed Assets Total Non-Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS

2,188,405 2,188,405 5,545,022

1,769,816 1,769,816 5,096,625

Current Liabilities GST Payable on Sales Creditors and Accruals Grants in Advance Payroll and Clearing Accounts Provision for Employee Entitlements Total Current Liabilities

44,179 926,598 40,923 110,306 321,798 1,443,804

97,583 401,201 266,830 115,528 300,282 1,181,424

Non-Current Liabilities Provision for Employee Entitlements Total Non-Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES

29,149 29,149 1,472,953

34,417 34,417 1,215,841




Equity Capital Projects Reserve Accumulated Funds NET EQUITY

515,151 3,556,918 4,072,069

878,788 3,001,996 3,880,784

Corporate Governance Statement The Board of Directors of SkillsPlus is responsible for the corporate governance of the organisation. The Board guides and monitors the business and affairs of SkillsPlus to ensure that it achieves its objectives as set out in the Constitution and acts on behalf of its members by whom it is elected and whom it is accountable. To maximise it’s efficiency and effectiveness, the Board has formed a number of sub-committees that consider specific areas of SkillsPlus’s activities and report back to the Board. Each Committee of Governance and Risk, Audit and Finance, Remuneration and Nomination and Strategic Development and Monitoring operates under its own Board approved Charter.


Frankston | Employment Services 31 Playne Street PO Box 1162 Frankston VIC 3199 P | 03 9784 0400 F | 03 9784 0433 E |

Upper Ferntree Gully Unit 1, 1174 Burwood Hwy PO Box 7401 Upper Ferntree Gully VIC 3156 P | 03 8756 0200 F | 03 9758 7623 E |

Frankston | Training Services Level 2, 54-58 Wells Street PO Box 1162 Frankston VIC 3199 P | 03 9781 3388 F | 03 9781 1998 E |

Dandenong 44-48 Robinson St PO Box 7402 Dandenong VIC 3175 P | 03 9767 6900 F | 03 9767 6999 E |

Cheltenham 1236 Nepean Highway PO Box 2647 Cheltenham VIC 3192 P | 03 8587 7600 F | 03 8587 7640 E |

Springvale Cnr Boulton Street & Springvale Rd PO Box 366 Springvale VIC 3171 P | 03 9548 0066 F | 03 9548 0211 E |



2011 -1 2











Rosebud 13 Ninth Avenue PO Box 2239 Rosebud VIC 3939 P | 03 5982 0300 F | 03 5982 0755 E |


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