L I F E S T Y L E • FA S H I O N • N AT U R A L L I V I N G • I N S P I R AT I O N • R E A L S TO R I E S • H E A LT H & F I T N E S S
skin deep exposures
Disclaimer: The articles in this issue are opinion pieces, based on personal research and experience. None of the information provided has been approved by the FDA. We at Skin Deep Exposures Magazine are not doctors or health care professionals. Nothing in this magazine is intended to diagnose or cure any disease. The information in this magazine is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have a serious medical condition or before starting any new treatments, please consult your doctor or health care profesional. Implementing any of the tips or strategies suggested in any of our articles is done at your own risk.
“Above a l l , b e t h e h eroi n e of you r l ife, n ot th e vi c ti m.” - NORA EPHRON Photograph by Naomi Mautz
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They promise us healthier, younger looking skin clear of blemishes, the beautiful skin we dream of. All we have to do is invest in their product. Your favorite celebrity is endorsing it, you have to break the bank to buy it and all of the magazines and talk shows are calling it a miracle serum. It must be legit, right? Well… let’s just say that as subpar as the FDA has been about food regulations, it has been much more lax when it comes to regulating beauty products! There are NO pre-market approvals that have to be gained before a product hits the shelves. The majority of the beauty products we bring into our homes contain synthetic chemicals that are known skin irritants, endocrine disruptors, and even carcinogens. Did you know that your skin is the largest organ you posess and it is responsible for the absorption of over 60% of the toxins that enter your system? Contstantly forcing our bodies to absorb synthetic chemicals that they are not epuipped to deal with causes a dominoe effect of hormonal disruptions and other problems within our system’s natural functions. The things absorbed by our skin can potentially gain access our blood stream and all of our organs and tissues. Over time, the constant introduction of synthetic chemicals has the potential to cause permanent disruptions, damage and very serious health conditions. The truth about skin health is, that there is no need for any over the counter beauty products. Nature provides everything our bodies need to be healthy, including the health of our skin. There are so many natural options using fruits, vegetables and plant oils. The exciting thing about using more natural remedies for skin care- besides knowing you are not pumping harmful chemicals into your body- is that results can be seen almost immediately. Your body becomes less occupied with trying to adjust or fight off foreign materials and can focus on natural detoxification and cell generation. Switching to a more natural skin care regimine is easier than you think.
Try these 6 easy, all natural and chemical free alternative skin care options for acne prone skin. (Page 63) If you do decide to continue with over the counter products, the most important practice to adopt is looking at labels. Be sure to avoid these fourteen dangerous chemical ingredients at all costs! There are some great options out there. Parabens, Synthetic Colors, “Fragrance”, Phthalates, Triclosan, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Formaldehyde, Touene, Propylene Glycol, Benzophenone, PABA, Avobenzone, Homosalate and Ethoxycinnmate.
Learn more about the dangers of these synthetic
chemicals. Plus get free DIY solutions for skin, hair and body care using all natural ingredients on our blog. www.sdemagazine.com
On The Cover // 37 Jaylynn: Breaking the Cycle of Obesity The Editor’s Desk // 78 What I Am Up To Right Now
16 What’s on your must read list this summer?
EDITORIALS — To My Little Girl // 18 Angela Thompson Is Obsessive Planning Hindering Your Life? // 31 Melinda Thompson His First Love // 34 Naomi Mautz
09 Do you know what’s in your skin care products?
FEATURE: Q & A // 65 Mina West: Spoken Word Artist HE A LT H & F I T NE S S — Paleo Hot Chocolate // 56 Enjoy Life Foods The Health Benefits of Yoga // 46 Learn how to relieve pain, sleep better & boost your mood
43 Suffering from stress, chronic pain or insomnia? Try yoga.
NAT U R A L L I V I NG — Lavender Oil // 25 Essential Oil Must Have Peppermint Oil // 27 Essential Oil Must Have Coconut Oil // 29 Pantry Must Have There’s An Oil For That // 77 Natural Alternatives Using Essential Oils B E AU T Y — Natural Skin Care // 63 For Acne Prone Skin Summer Color Trends // 69 For Your Nails FASHION — Fashion Trends // 59, 61 The Trends Of Summer The Go-To Weekend Wardrobe // 62 Chelsie Hudnall S PEC I A L I NT E R E S T — 5 Best Summer Reads // 19 C.J. Anaya
Our 3 favorite nail colors for summer
That’s Clever: Upcycling For The Home // 35 Kyley Bussewitz The Food Allergy Conversion // 54 Christ Wolfe
22 Essential oil must haves.
CONTACT US S K I N D E E P E X PO S U R E S MAGAZ IN E Issue Eight Summer 2015
WEBSITE: www.sdemagazine.com
E D I TO R I A L & PRO D U C T IO N N AO M I M AUT Z Editor in Chief Photographer M I C H AEL M AUT Z Cre ati ve Di re ctor
cover and cover story photography by SMPhotography
W EN DY C AR N S Technical Editor M EL I N DA T H O M PS O N Contributions Director
on the cover
CO NT R I B U TO R S C.J. Anaya (Author, Book Reviewer), KYLEY bussewitz
“I remember the exact moment I realized I had a problem. I was craving cheesecake so I literally drove to 3 or 4 different places looking for the best cheesecake I could find. When I had my mind set on a certain food it was like something took over me and it was all I could think about. I decided I should probably get some of their yummy potato soup and french bread for dinner as well. When I got home I went to town on the potato soup and french bread. I found myself shoveling the food in my mouth as quickly as possible because I wanted to hurry up and get to the cheesecake I had been craving. I ended up eating an entire 20oz container of potato soup, 1 loaf of french bread, AND the slice of cheesecake. My stomach was uncomfortably full and I noticed this numbing sensation in my brain. I fell asleep soon after eating. When I woke up I had a horrible stomachache and headache. I remembered the numb sensation I felt in my brain before passing out and thought to myself, “This must be how drug addicts feel.” It was the first time I ever even considered the fact that I may have a food addiction.”
(Home Decor, Artist), ANGELA thompson (Editorial), CHRISTA wolfe (Editorial, Special Interest), SMiramontes (SMPhotography), JAYLYNN miramontes (Cover story), MINA west (Featured Interview), ENJOY life foods (Recipe)
S PO NS O R S Colorado Custom Building and Remodeling www.coloradocustombr.com Joyful Funk Home Decor www.facebook.com/joyfulfunk After This Chapter: Bookish Things Shop
http://society6.com/nmma Naomi Mautz Photography www.naomimautzphotography.com
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. -Zig Ziglar
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Editor’s Note that flock of sweet faces surrounding me, the afternoon gatherings for lunchtime and the random hugs throughout the afternoon. But a weight was also lifted as I had eight whole hours of distraction free work time. I was no longer sneaking phone calls in during cartoon time or carting my laptop to the table by the window so I could simultaneous cram some work in while monitoring playtime outside. It was amazing how much I could get done before the school bell rang at the end of the day.
I love summer vacation! I realize that is not a novel statement as most children and teenagers the world over have proclaimed these very words as they race from the school house on that glorious last day of the school year. What I mean is, that as a mom with three school aged children, I LOVE summer vacation! Now, there are plenty of mom’s out there who are with me in this declaration, but I have noticed that most mom’s with school aged kids look at me like I have lost my mind when I utter these words in mixed company. I certainly get it. There are often disntinct phases to the experience of motherhood. There is the novelty phase which ususally lasts for the first year or two after becoming a mom. This is the stage when everything is new and exciting and super cute. So much development happens in those first two years that you feel like if you blink you will miss something. In the novelty phase being a mom becomes somewhat of an obsession.
CONNECT WI TH SDE ! I and the rest of t he S DE team wou ld love to connec t w it h yo u . Check out ou r Tuesd ay Mo rning Coffee Facebook gro u p . Jo in t he disc ussion every Tu esd ay a s we talk about the issu es t hat af fec t u s. Sometimes serio u s so m et im es not so mu ch. fa cebook.com/gro u p s /s d eins p ires
My girls and I at the Glen Eyrie Castle. Manitou, Colorado
Next there is the “Waiting for school to start” phase. In this phase, the novelty has begun to wear off as the reality of motherhood as an everyday, for the rest of your life job starts to set in. For working moms this is the phase when you begin to fantacize about all of the money you will save once you can drop Junior off at school instead of day care every day. For stay at home mom’s, this is either a time of daydreams of having a bit of the “personal” space back that you traded in for diapers and daily trips to the park, or it is a time of panic as this precious time you have at home with them is quickly slipping through your fingers. Then there is the “school” phase. This phase came a few years later than usual for me as I chose to homeschool my kids for about four years. This last year was my first experience with sending the kids to school for the day. For the first couple of months I was like a fish out of water. It had been ten years since I had an empty house to myself. The silence was unnerving. As a work from home mom this time quickly became a huge breath of fresh air for me! I still severely missed having
So, why do I love summer vacation? I love it because it is three months of the year that I get to have my kiddos back with me all day again. Don’t get me wrong, I obviously love school time and the personal space that comes with it, but I also desperately miss the flock of sweet faces surrounding me all day, the afternoon gatherings for lunchtime and the random hugs throughout the afternoon. There is all of the fun summer stuff to do together. I love summer because it allows me to have my cake and eat it too. I get to thuroughly enjoy my eight hours of uninterupted time to work, clean and have afternoon coffee with friends during the school season. I then get to enjoy the lazy summer days full of swimming pools and iced tea, family vacations and the constant echo of giggles in the backyard during the summer season. It is quite the incredible deal if you ask me. I give thanks every day for the opportunity to enjoy both worlds. There are obviously other mom phases in my future, but for now I am very much enjoying the “school” phase as I try to remember to relish every moment. Is time speeding up or is it just me? So whether you are a mom or not, I hope you are enjoying every drop of the life phase that you are in right now. Happy Summer!
Naomi Mautz
C. J. anaya
KYLEY bussewitz
CHELSIE hudnall
Talented author of the Healer Series and sought after book reviewer, C.J.’s passion for reading and writing led her to following her own dreams of becoming a published author. C.J. Anaya was born in Utah and raised everywhere else. As a mother of four children and wife to “the most deliciously, handsome looking Latino.” As always, she has plenty to write about.
Kindergarten teacher and artist, Kyley loves being crafty from scrapbook pages to renovating new furniture. She enjoys spending time snowboarding in the mountains. She also stays active by doing yoga, running, and dancing. Kyley loves discovering new restaurants and could go shopping every day if time allowed it.
Military wife and First grade teaching assistant, Chelsie is a bubbly and optimistic fashion fanatic. Besides fashion and outfit planning, she loves reading, shopping, being at home and working. You can check out Chelsie and more of her fashion posts on her blog www.
ANGELA thompson
MELINDA thompson
New mom to a beautiful baby girl, Angela loves to laugh. She also enjoys getting out of the house whenever possible. “My life is nothing without God though. He is my everything, he is what I breath, and live for.” She has a passion for writing that she is just now beginning to explore.
Melinda is first, a wife and a child of God. While not yet a mother to human children, she is a pommy mommy to her two precious fur babies. She is also a self proclaimed geek and possessor of the force. Her hobbies range from sports to board games. A willing adventurer and lover of people, she will try anything once.
Military wife and mother of five children who are her life, Christa loves drawing, painting and singing. Her fascination with the beauty of the English language and her ability to make people laugh with her light-hearted sense of humor have led to her passion for writing.
Blog: www.authorcjanaya.com Twitter: @CJAnaya21
PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN FOR THIS ISSUE: Michael Mautz, Naomi Mautz Photography, S.Miramontes SMPhotography, Canva.com and Creative Market.
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CONTRIBUTE TO SDE MAGAZINE Would you like to see your story, artwork or editorial piece in our upcoming Fall Issue? We are always looking for new contributors. Get in touch @ sdemagazine@gmail.com.
I need you to realize you will never be, nor have you ever been a caterpillar. You have always been the butterfly.
TO M Y LI T T LE G I RL By Angela Thompson
our grandmother is one of the most amazing people I have ever known. She is miraculous in intelligence, wit, endurance, service, and many more qualities that outshine so many people around her. She teaches me so much through her life. She constantly encourages me to be better and I want to encourage you to always be better. I need you to realize you will never be, nor have you ever been a caterpillar. You have always been the butterfly. Our self image is what God wants to change. It’s never been about ‘’doing’’ better, or ‘’becoming’’ better. We are made into the butterfly when we just surrender and be better through Him. This is so hard... I know. I struggle with this daily! Even moment to moment. My self image can become too wrapped up in what your grandpa, your father, or even what I imagine you think of me. I don’t want that pressure for you. It only paves a road for depression to enter your life. The only one you need ever measure up with is God. I heard someone say, ‘’You can’t let God down because you were never holding him up.’’ What a powerful statement!! I had never held perfection until I held you. An unblemished creation of God... Something so pure, and so beautiful. God has made us all in His perfect image, but the sad reality is I have often lost sight of that... I have betrayed Him so many times I can’t even count. The Devil knows just how many times he has made me his. I don’t want that for you. You, my sweet little one don’t have to fall into the traps of vanity and insecurity. I want to teach you to live in the freedom of not worrying about what people think of you. Base your confidence in something unchangeable, and then you can be unshakable. I don’t want degrees on your walls as much as I want integrity in your heart. I don’t want the perfect size clothes in your closet. I want you to experience perfect joy in your life. I don’t want you to be the favorite of your peers as much as I want your faith to be a blessing to yourself and others. All of this is a choice. The Devil likes to make us think that we have no choice... in what we like, how we are, or who we love. These are all false. If God can take my corrupted heart, and in one sweep make it as pure and unblemished as a newborn... then how can I tell the same God that “I just am what I am”?
My desire for you is that you will safeguard the purity of your life, your heart and your body and be better than the world will tell you you can be. Our circumstances aren’t always our choice, but our responses are. Do not become the mistakes you make or the labels those mistakes can give you. Instead, learn to respond to your emotions, impulses, and shortcomings with a Godly understanding of what’s right. Nothing is lost unless we give it away. Your purity can not be lost. It’s a commitment to love HIM more than anyone else, and to forgive yourself for the times you fall short. Love yourself because God has made you great. I don’t want you to feel less than what you are. With every mistake your love for His grace will grow. You can be better than me... and even your grandmother. Make every generation love God more and learn to embrace the peace of the perfection you were created in through his love and grace. You are perfect ‘’mi preciosa’’. A powerful God made you perfect. Live in that perfection.
For centuries, historians have speculated that the Queen of Sheba is nothing more than a seductive legend; but when undercover agent Omar Zagouri finds a tomb in a tunnel beneath Jerusalem, he unearths cryptic clues that may lead to the queen’s final resting place. This discovery, if authentic, could throw into question the governmental claim to the Holy Land—and prove the Bible false. Wealthy collectors, ruthless archaeologists, and officials from Egypt, Ethiopia, Israel, and Yemen scramble to find and lay claim to the secret site.
The kids are out of school and family vacations are in your near future, but until you get the chance to take said family vacation it is up to you to find a way to not only entertain the kiddos, but entertain yourself. Since I’m always happy to help, I’ve come up with three, great summer reads to get you pointed in the right direction. SKIN DEEP EXPOSURES MAGAZINE
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Dr. Richard Lyon of Brown University, the world’s leading expert on the queen, is found murdered in his office, setting off a chain of deadly events. Omar desperately works to piece together the puzzle to locate the queen’s burial ground, fearing another assassination will take place. He teams up with one of Lyon’s protégées as well as with his ex-girlfriend, agent Mia Golding, in order to unravel the truth about the queen, expose a murderer, and reveal a timeless story of love, revenge, and sacrifice. BOOK REVIEW: Finding Sheba focuses on different nations fighting to discover the final resting place for the queen of Sheba. Omar and Mia, two Israeli operatives are trying to find the culprits responsible for the attempted assassination of the Coptic Pope while Jade and Lucas, are hot on the trail of clues to the Queen’s resting place. The story follows several different characters who all meet up in the end with their own pieces of the puzzle adding to the bigger picture, which is, in my opinion, pretty darn awesome. This thriller by H.B. Moore was simply astounding. The exhaustive research the author must have done, and the wonderful
attention to detail painted a vivid picture of every location she introduced the reader to. The historical information about the peoples, the varying cultures and their beliefs concerning the queen of Sheba’s role in their history provided the perfect setting for an intriguing race to find the queen’s final resting place. Is she in Egypt, Yemen or perhaps Ethiopia? You’ll have to read this book to find out. The stakes are upped when a radical group known as the AWP, a glorified thieving organization, threatens the lives of everyone involved. They have incredible resources and corrupt men in high places, and figuring out whom to trust is only part of this harrowing adventure. Alongside this gripping tale, the author carries us back in time to tell the story of Nicaula, the queen of Sheba, and shares the most epic love story of all time. She takes the legends and stories and creates a living, breathing young girl with relatable worries, fears and heart stopping love. This addition to the novel was masterfully woven into the storyline. I couldn’t help, but imagine what it must have been like for such a young woman to rule a kingdom during a period of time when women were treated like possessions or cattle to be bought and sold to the highest bidder. I’m a sucker for strong female characters and this book is chalk full of them. H.B. Moore is an author I plan to cyber stalk. That came out creepy, but I stand by my statement. With her clean, concise writing style and flawless storytelling, I couldn’t help but belly-dive into this book. I’ve caught the bug. I’m now completely obsessed with my own personal quest for finding Sheba, and perhaps that’s exactly what the author wanted to share with us. A burgeoning desire to dive into our history and explore the “what ifs” of our past. If so, H.B. Moore has more than accomplished her task. I highly recommend this book to all fans of history, thrillers and epic love stories.
2 SLAYERS by C.J. Hill
For centuries, historians have speculated that Dragons exist. They’re ferocious. And they’re smart. Before they were killed off by slayer-knights, they rendered a select group of eggs dormant, so their offspring would survive. Only a handful of people know about this, let alone believe it - these “Slayers” are descended from the original knights, and are now a diverse group of teens that includes Tori, a smart but spoiled senator’s daughter who didn’t sign up to save the world. The dragon eggs have fallen into the wrong hands. The Slayers must work together to stop the eggs from hatching. They will fight; they will fall in love. But will they survive? BOOK REVIEW: This story surprised me right from the beginning. I fully expected to be immersed in some kind of fantasy world, but this was modern day. Young adult fun with a cast of hip, smart, snarky characters who must work together in order to defend the world against a meticulously planned attack by Overdrake and his dragons. I worried that taking this kind of mythical creature and planting it into today’s society would be difficult to believe let alone accept. The author sets up the conflict, the characters and their collective mission in a way that fully prepares you to believe in a world where dragons do, in fact, exist. Tori is the main character, a privileged senator’s daughter who would be easy to dislike since we immediately assume she must be a rich snob. However, her sweet heart and genuine concern for others makes it impossible to hate her
for even a moment. In fact, when she mistakes her camping companions for bellhops you can’t help but find her blunder a bit endearing since it was a genuine mistake and not an attempt to insult the people around her. She’s simply used people around her. She’s simply used to a certain kind of lifestyle, but quickly adjusts to the new situation. The book focuses on Tori and her cocampers as they reluctantly train to be dragon slayers. The intricacies of any co-ed group dynamic are explored with wonderful dialogue, understated tasteful humor, character development and romantic connections of the heart-stopping variety. I started this book at five in the evening and finished it at two in the morning. Could. Not. Put. It. Down. Got no sleep-thanks for that C.J. Hill--and bought the second book immediately afterward. C.J. Hill is another author I plan on following. I can’t wait for my kids to get old enough to read this book. They are going to love it. I highly recommend it for any age, but teens everywhere will most certainly enjoy this, whether they are fantasy lovers or not.
THE VILLAIN by May Nicole Abbey
A fall and crash. A violent journey through the doorways of time. A villain or hero in the making. Rosemary Mayfield teeters on the brink of ruin. With the murder of her parents she is left the sole guardian of her younger brother and sister. Once a wealthy socialite in New York City, she now finds herself stranded in the untamed wilderness of the American West. When a wounded man comes crashing through her roof, as rough as the savage land, it is against her better judgment to bring him into her home and her heart. But she soon discovers he holds a secret that shatters everything, and she must make a choice, unaware that often destiny hinges on a single moment. Fresh from an unsavory past and a violent fall through time, Nicolas Ekkridon awakens to find himself cared for by three orphans ignorant of the role he played in their parents’ untimely death. They accept and embrace him, and a lifetime of hardened barriers begin to crumble. On the precipice between good and evil, only Rosemary and her spirited defiance stands between him and villainy. But time and space are against them. As its weaving tentacles envelop them in an indifferent grasp, they are swept into a shattering series of circumstances that threaten the very makeup of their lives. But when time can be bent, nothing is written in stone. BOOK REVIEW: The Villain is one of those books you pick up and read in one sitting. The kind that surprises you with its powerful and compelling characters and its poignant message. To say that I was surprised at how much the story touched my heart would be an understatement. Our heroine, Rosemary, is faced with the daunting task of raising her little brother and sister in the wilds of the untamed west after her parents are killed while being robbed on a train heading west. Born and bred a genteel lady, she is ill equipped to deal with such an abrupt change in fortune, but her savior comes in the form of Nicholas Erikkdon when he crashes through the roof of their humble cabin. Rosemary has been instilled with an uncompromising sense of right and wrong, what is proper and what is improper. It is difficult to throw everything she’s learned out the window and recognize that social graces can have no place in the wilds of the
west. I found her fierce desire to cling to those social graces rather amusing because the author did a really wonderful job of showing how Rosemary used it as more of a safety net in order to put on a brave face and deal with the certain knowledge that she was incapable of providing for her siblings. Her flaws are tempered with her kind heart and fierce protective nature where her siblings are concerned. She could have given up when her parents were killed, but she doesn’t. She’s a very strong, flawed, yet likable character. Nicholas is riddled with guilt and tormented by some serious mistakes in his past. Though one would assume he must be the villain, I think the author took on a difficult theme by slowly changing Nicholas’ archetype from that of villain to hero. She only could have managed it if her character had some inherent good to begin with, but it can’t be brought to the forefront without the necessary interactions between him, Rosemary, and her siblings. His heart begins to soften and a hero slowly emerges, though we find that the villain can easily return if certain choices are made and a different path is presented to him. The pacing of his character development was perfect. His slow acceptance of his love and dependence on Rosemary, Benjamin and Emily are perfectly plotted. He’s scarred and imperfect with a heart of gold hidden beneath. Benjamin and Emily are two characters that are as distinctive and essential to the story as the main characters are. One is trying to find his place in this world while the other lives between two worlds, locked in her own fairy tale which makes Emily wise beyond her years. I loved them both so very much. This book is the fourth in the series, but can be read as a stand-alone due to the fact that each book deals with a different love story. I wasn’t aware that it was the fourth book until I finished it, but it certainly helped me accept the idea of time travel within a Wild West romance a little easier after that. I think that was the only downside to reading the book out of order. The time travel thread combined with the Wild West felt a little strange. Now that you’ve been forewarned, you won’t think it strange at all.
These next two paragraphs are going to have some spoilers, which is something I don’t usually do, but felt it necessary in order to express my feelings about the book. So just a heads up if you want to skip them. I really wanted that first meeting between Nicholas and Rosemary to happen as the action unfolded and not in flashbacks. I think the reason I felt this way is because this moment when Nicholas is playing the villain and robbing her on the train plants an idea in his head that eventually leads him to her. It’s just so darn important. Her fierce refusal to give him what he wants and her brave defiance touches a chord in his heart and then he ends up saving her and her siblings when the train explodes. I think this pivotal moment could have been the prologue. It’s a personal preference as a reader, but to experience the scene as it is happening would have been great since it is the beginning of Nicholas’ journey from villain to hero. It could even be written from Nicholas’ point of view even though the rest of the story is told from the heroine’s point of view. This also would have made his actions, reactions and interactions within the story that much more compelling because we’re then seeing everything through Rosmary’s POV, but we understand Nicholas’ motivation and internal conflict. Also, even though I recognize that the time travel idea was established in the first novel, I think Nicholas’ encounter with the lawmen and then his jump through that time travel portal could have be inserted into the book as part of the prologue as well as his last thoughts before going through the portal being that of Rosemary…and then he’s crashing through planks of wood (the roof) and blacks out. Once again, these are also just my personal musings and the brainstorming of a fellow author who is enamored with another author’s work. Creative license is part of the game, though, and I think this author has done an amazing job of developing and then writing such a touching story. I honestly can’t wait to start the series from the beginning. I highly recommend this book to fans of western romances, time travel and all of you hopeless romantics out there.
About C.J. Anaya Talented author of the Healer Series and sought after book reviewer, C.J.’s passion for reading and writing led her to following her own dreams of becoming a published author. C.J. Anaya was born in Utah and raised everywhere else. As a mother of four children she can be found at any given time changing diapers, playing dress-ups with her daughters, getting her fanny kicked in Mario Kart by her snarky little son, and escaping into a corner of the house with her kindle for a nice, quiet (lol in her dreams) read. She is also married to “the most deliciously, handsome looking Latino.” As always, she has plenty to write about.
CO NNEC T W IT H C. J. : Bl og: w w w.a u tho rc j a n aya . co m Good rea d s: w w w.good re a d s. co m/c j a n aya Twi tter : @ CJAn aya 2 1 C he ck ou t C .J. Anaya’s b oo k rev i ews o n sd e m a g a zi ne .com . Wa nt mo re bo o k re v i ews? Vi si t w w w.a u thorc j a n aya . co m.
HONOR by Rachel Rossano
“Never fight a demon with dessert.” The Earl of Dentin excels in his position as Securer of the Realm. But the king’s order to pluck an orphaned child from a loving home unsettles Dentin. When a dark-eyed woman challenges his honor regarding the mission, Dentin finds himself unable to justify his actions or get her out of his mind. Something about her lack of fear intrigues him.
Monster hunting isn’t just a job, it’s a way of life. Freddie Westman, a reporter for a paranormal magazine, is one of the best in the business, but now it’s personal. His good friend, Jim Penderry, has disappeared, and the signs point to sinister forces from beyond the grave.
Lady Elsa Reeve attempts to avoid the marriage of convenience her brother and mother demand of her. She understands the need to pay off her brother’s massive debt. She only wants her family to consider her wishes in the process.
Sophie Penderry is more at home with her nose in a book, but insists on helping Westman find her missing brother. Even a loner like Westman needs an ally to watch his back. After all, these demons are not just the stuff of folklore and children’s nightmares. These dark monsters lurk in plain sight…
As Elsa becomes further entangled in a snare of her brother’s creating, only one man defends her. But can she trust Dentin, her unlikely champion, and his motives? With a murderer on the loose, Elsa’s fate in jeopardy, and a traitor plotting against the king, Dentin finds his priorities shifting in an unexpected direction.
Victorian fun, filled with mystery, monsters and romance. Winner of the Wattys 2014 HQ Love Award BOOK REVIEW: London Shadows was a fun, quick read that explored the supernatural goings on in the regency era. I love paranormal and regency romances, and this book encompassed both of those parameters so I knew it was something I wanted to take a chance on. I’m quite happy that I did.
BOOK REVIEW: I really enjoyed the first book in this series entitled, Duty. This second book, which can be read as a stand-alone, was also delightful. Rachel Rossano has a beautiful way with words, descriptions and the fundamental laws of romantic connections. Historical romance is mixed with a hint of fantasy due to the fictitious world the author creates. Lord Dentin is a misunderstood nobleman as a result of his less than desirable position as the king’s right arm man. In charge of securing the safety of the realm, it is his unfortunate duty to mete out justice all over the kingdom no matter the danger to his person or the hatred that inevitably follows. Love is obviously a difficult thing to entertain when honor and justice must prevail, which is why Lord Dentin’s loss of control when it comes to a certain female makes his character so delightful. This book promises and delivers intrigue, suspense, damsels in distress, duels, gallant knights and anything else your historically romantic daydreams could ever hope for. This medieval tale holds a little something for everyone.
The beginning starts out with a gripping fight scene between Freddie and a demon summoned by a mysterious wielder of black magic. A book is always engaging when it starts out with an obstacle for our MC to overcome. So by the time the fighting ended I was fully invested in the book, emotionally attached to the MC, and determined to solve the mystery of the missing young girls alongside Freddie and whoever else happened to be along for the ride. That someone else came in the form of Sophie. I had a few reservations considering her character. She seemed a bit too dainty to take on demon hunting, but her proper and delicate sensibilities soon gave way to her true spirited nature, and I found that I loved her just as much as I loved Freddie. She wasn’t quite the obvious heroine that I’m used to, but was more independently strong and resilient in an understated sort of way.
I hope this list kick-starts your summer reading while introducing you to some worthwhile authors in the process. May your reading adventures come stocked with handsome rogues, fierce females, nefarious villains and insurmountable obstacles. Enjoy the journey, and happy reading, everyone! SKIN DEEP EXPOSURES MAGAZINE
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It took some time for me to sense any chemistry developing between Freddie and Sophie. Certain things she said or did received no reaction from Freddie and vice versa. The romance moves very slowly, which is fine in any novel, but I felt that there were some crucial moments of bonding that just weren’t explored with much depth. The book certainly could have been longer with these types of scenes added in, and I wouldn’t have complained about it one bit, but I think the author was going for more of a fun, lighthearted adventure without allowing too much of the romantic elements to overshadow the thrill of the mystery. My personal preference, however, is for authors to imbue their story lines with a bit more dialogue and interaction that illuminates that growing romantic connection between the main characters. For me, it simply makes the suspense of the paranormal story line that much more compelling because the characters have more to lose if their emotions are completely invested in one another. The plot was great fun, and certainly cleverly delivered. There was one plot twist I expected, but wasn’t entirely certain until the very end and then a few other plot twists were able to catch me by surprise. I loved it so very much. There were a few questions left unanswered. We really didn’t get much history on the group called the London Shadows or the players involved. I would have liked to have learned more about them as it seemed that this aspect of the plot was briefly touched on and then glossed over. I also wanted to know what was going to happen between Jim and the young lady he had been engaged to. She seemed much more upset about the ending of their engagement. Then for him to say, “Oh well, I am over it,” seemed a bit strange. I didn’t buy it at all. I’m kind of hoping the author will add a follow up novel to this book and write Jim and his ex-fiance’s story with another paranormal adventure thrown in there. She certainly left room for more to follow. I would like to add that there are a few illustrations in the ebook provided by the author that are just gorgeous. This author is super talented. I enjoyed London Shadows. It was a lighthearted, clean romance with plenty of humor, wit and paranormal adventure thrown into the mix. You really can’t go wrong with a fun combination like that when an author like J.L. Weaver takes hold of the reigns. Glad to have her in the driver’s seat.
Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a small handful of coconut oil and gently apply to sun burned skin for relief from stinging and to speed healing. (Diluting lavender oil in a few drops of almond or Jojoba oil also works well.)
Lavender helps lower elevated blood pressure levels, and can be used for hypertension.
Rub 2-3 drops of lavender oil in your cupped palms, then use the inhalation method to calm the mind. Rub a couple of drops on your feet, temples and/or wrists for an immediate calming effect on the body and a great sleep aid. You can also rub a drop of Lavender oil on your palms and smooth on your pillow to help you sleep.
Add a few drops to your bath water before soaking or to your body wash in the shower. You can also add a few drops to a humidifier, vaporizer or diffuser.
Add a few drops to any carrier oil (coconut, almond, jojoba…) and massage into sore muscles and joints to help relieve pain and stiffness.
“Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has a sweet, floral aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Lavender’s aroma is great for relaxing and winding down before bedtime; add to bath or diffuse to create a calming and comforting environment. Lavender essential oil may complement your favorite shampoos, lotions and skin care products. Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it.” [Young Living]
Discover more uses for lavender oil at www.sdemagazine.com/ uses-for-lavender-essential-oil/ SKIN DEEP EXPOSURES MAGAZINE
Lavender oil is a gentle and soothing option to help calm skin and reduce blemishes at the same time. Incorporate lavender into your everyday beauty regimen to help prevent breakouts before they happen.
According to Texas-based dermatologist Dr. Naila Malik, lavender is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it helps reduce itching, swelling, and redness that occurs as a result of many skin irritations and insect bites. Rubbing a few drops of Lavender oil on exposed skin will keep bugs away in the first place.
Colorado Custom Building and Remodeling is a licensed and insured company with over 30 years of experience that is committed to quality, value and integrity. CCBR not only specializes in custom home improvement/remodels to any room of the house, but we excel at aiding in your design ideas for that perfect, personalized room. Is it a new house you want? We do that too! We will build the home you want from the ground up. Regardless of the size of your project, if you can dream it – we can plan, design and deliver your dream home.
PEPPERMINT -Uses for Peppermint OilRELIEVE STOMACH ACHE, INDEGESTION & GAS: Place 1-2 drop in a glass of water and drink the mixture. RELIEVE COLIC IN INFANTS: Diffusing 1-2 drops of Peppermint is at least as effective as simethicone in the treatment of colic in infants. EASE & PREVENT CRACKED NIPPLES DURING BREAST FEEDING: Add 1-2 drops to a glass of water and drink the mixture. REMOVE DANDRUFF & LICE: Try blending peppermint oil into your massage oil, shampoo, bodywash or body lotion. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help cool your skin and remove dandruff (and lice) from your scalp. RELIEVE ITCHING SKIN: Apply 1-2 drops to skin to stop itching caused by bug bites, hives, poison ivy or poison oak. HEADACHE RELIEF A few drops of peppermint oil massaged around the temples, the base of the skull, along the hairline, inside of wrists or directly onto the forehead. You can also add a few drops to a humidifier, vaporizer or diffuser. “Peppermint (Mentha piperita) has a strong, clean, fresh, minty aroma. It is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for supporting normal digestion, including promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal system comfort.” [Young Living]
Discover more uses for peppermint oil at http://www.sdemagazine.com/for-the-love-of-peppermint/ SKIN DEEP EXPOSURES MAGAZINE
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STOP NAUSEA Rub a drop of peppermint oil on the abdomen or place a drop in a cup of hot water and sip it. COOL A FEVER Mix 2-3 drops of peppermint oil with a carrier oil and apply to the torso. Place a 2-3 drops on a wet washcloth and apply to the skin all over to help cool a fevered body. **Always use carrier oil when applying to skin.
COCONUT OIL -Uses for Coconut OilFOR HEALTHY HAIR: Coconut oil is an excellent conditioner and helps the re-growth process of damaged hair. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing and healing damaged hair. Rub a small amount of coconut oil through your hair after washing HEART DISEASE PREVENTION: Coconut oil is beneficial for the heart. It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in actively preventing various heart problems like high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Coconut oil does not contain the saturated fats commonly found in vegetable oils, thus it does not lead to increase in LDL levels, and it reduces the incidence of injury and damage to arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis. BOOST IMMUNITY: Studies have shown that coconut oil can help our bodies build resistance to viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. It can also help to fight off yeast, fungus and even candida. It also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control helping to improve insulin use within the body. Coconut oil has spent many years being demonized because of its content of saturated fat. While this claim is true, it is also misleading. Coconut oil contains a unique strain of fatty acid called a Medium-Chain Triglyceride (MCT). Most of the fatty acids in the diet are long-chain or short-chain fatty acids, but the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are metabolized differently. The most predominant MCT found in coconut oil is lauric acid. Coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid, making it nature’s richest source. coconut oil also contains Linoleic acid (a very powerful polyunsaturated fatty acid containing omega-6 and omega-3 primarily found in beef and dairy products has been linked to long-term weight management and optimal health) and Oleic acid (a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid with many health benefits including help in the reduction of blood pressure, increases fat burning to help with weight loss, protects cells from free radical damage, may prevent type 2 diabetes, prevents ulcerative colitis and generates brain myelin).
Discover more uses for coconut oil at http://www.sdemagazine.com/health-benefits-of-coconut-oil/ SKIN DEEP EXPOSURES MAGAZINE
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ALL DAY ENERGY: Mixing a tablespoon of coconut oil and a teaspoon of chia seeds into a cup of greek yogurt in the morning is a great way to get a natural and effective al day energy boost. ANTI-AGING / HEALTHY SKIN It can delay the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. It also helps in treating psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. It can help protect the skin from free radicals, which can cause skin to look older and more tired.
IS OBSESSIVE PLANNING HINDERING YOUR LIFE? by Melinda Thompson If you are anything like me, planning is an important part of your life. You may even realize you are a bit of a control freak. I am beginning to admit that myself. Or, you could be on the opposite end of the spectrum from me and consider planning the bane of your existence. Both traits have their merits and downfalls. As a hardcore planner, I keep a very intense excel spreadsheet of our budget to track where our money goes. I work for a financial adviser who helps other people plan so we save for retirement. We have life insurance as part of our emergency plan. However, for all of that, the saying holds true, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” Life is full of surprises, and no amount of planning can change that. This fact often leaves me angry and disappointed. On the other hand, people who prefer to take the unexpected as it comes probably feel less disappointment when things don’t go as intended. This is a good thing, but sometimes, not having a plan can leave you in a pretty tight spot. I’ve been wondering how many things I have certainly overlooked, missed out on or gave up on because I insist on planning for everything. Becoming more conscious of that, I’ve been thinking there has to be some middle ground where you can make plans and still live in the moment. In hopes of meeting my foot loose and fancy free people in the middle, I have prepared a list (planning, I know) of a few things planners and non planners can try incorporating to meet somewhere in the middle. Like they say in sports, if you aren’t
- EDITORIAL getting better, you’re getting worse. So here’s to making positive life changes and enjoying the journey toward self improvement. Instead of planning every detail or nothing at all, plan for only the crucial and important things. An agenda could simply account for the major events instead of every second in between. Or if you are the kind of person to never plan, making sure you capture the must do action items can help you to not overlook or forget something needed or wanted. Leaving time open in your day, during a trip or even in a very busy schedule could open you up to the ability to say yes to something spontaneous. I’m not talking “Yes Man” status where you say yes to everything, just being open to something new and unplanned. Learn to be more willing to accept a change in plans. If something comes up or things vary from the initial plan, adjust on the fly. If you get so distressed over something unexpected, you may miss out on an even better opportunity. A change of plans doesn’t indicate a failure on the planners part. Most people struggle with change, but if we can learn to be more flexible with our plans, maybe we can learn to see change as a normal part of any plan. Sometimes it’s the things that we don’t plan for that turn out to be the best part of an experience.
Make options a part of your plan. For those inclined to stick to an agenda, seeing something penciled in could give you heartburn. Being more flexible is a good compromise because it allows you to make a plan but also has built in choices for when things change. Just think of it as upgrading from a typewriter to a word processor, easier to make changes and a lot more efficient. Plus, if you are in a mixed group for whatever you are planning, undoubtedly some will be planners and some will be spontaneous.
“Sometimes it’s the things that we don’t plan for that turn out to be the best part of an experience.” Stop looking at life as a series of to-do lists. I am so bad about planning and counting down one event to the next. Most of my life happens between the big things. The daily grind, life’s monotony, holds most of our experiences. Each minute and second of the day is a gift and a moment we can never get back. Instead of living for the big things, learn to look for the joy in every small moment. It will take some conscious effort no matter how you’re wired, but we should all try to slow down and enjoy the ride.
Catch us in between issues on our blog. Each week we share posts on all of your favorite subjects including Health & Fitness, Natural Living, Fashion, Beauty, For the Home, Book Reviews and HERstory features. We look forward to connecting with you! www.SDEMAGAZINE.COM
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NATURAL LIVING / HEALTH & FITNESS Every Wednesday we feature a new natural living or health and fitness post to help you achieve health and happiness.
FOR THE HOME & FASHION For new home decorating ideas, upcycling, how-to’s, DIY’s and craft projects, check us out every Thursday. Fridays are all about fashion. -
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BOOK REVIEWS / FEATURES We have your next favorite book every 1st and 3rd Saturday. For our featured stories, check in every 2nd & 4th Saturdays.
Being a “Mom of Boys” (MOB’s) can be tough. Boys can zap your energy and try your patience. They will rough house and be loud and leave behind a minefield of Legos in every room. They will get dirty, they will not hesitate to share their bodily functions or talk about their bodily
love and acceptance for your son? Is he being taught to be a gentleman and that it is not a courtesy for a man to treat a woman with respect, it is expected. Are you demanding that he treat you well, that he treat everyone well? Be a strong, self-respecting mom and he will later seek out a
functions. They will want to sword fight and wrestle and throw all of the pillows and blankets (that you just picked up) on the floor to build a fort. But they will also give the best bear hugs, and dress up as super heroes and knights and insist on rescuing you, the beautiful princess. They will pick you flowers and defend your honor and make you feel like the most beautiful and precious person alive.
similar partner to be kind and loving to and who will be kind and loving to him.
Yes raising boys is very different than raising girls but it is important for us “MOB’s” to remember some very important things about our jobs in raising our boys. 1. HIS MOM IS HIS FIRST LOVE. Just as you will fall madly in love with your little bundle of energy and hijinks, he will fall madly in love with you as well (in the healthiest possible way). You are HIS mom to love and protect and honor and fight for. Little boys learn how to love and care for women first and foremost from their moms. They also learn how to be loved by women from their moms! 2. HIS MOM IS HIS FEMALE PROTOTYPE. . Just as he will learn to love and be loved by women from his mom, he will also learn what it means to be a woman and the expectations that women will have of him as a man. . He will also learn what it means to be a man in reference to women from his mom. Are you modeling respect and kindness,
3. HIS MOM TEACHES HIM WHAT HE IS WORTH. Now, his mom is not the only person in a boy’s life who instills a sense of identity in him, but she plays a very important role! Are you setting up clear boundaries with your son from an early age, creating a safe environment from which to discover the world and himself? Boundaries are so important for our children as they give them clear expectations and limitations. Boundaries and loving discipline help children build self-confidence and teach them responsibility and accountability. In addition to setting healthy boundaries, are you creating an environment of unconditional love and acceptance? Does your son know that he is precious no matter what? Raising good men is a wonderful and honorable job to be gifted. Parenting is just hard sometimes and can sometimes be an overwhelming responsibility whether you are raising girls or boys. Shaping men who are gentle and kind who treat women and children well is such an important role for us “MOB’’s” Raising men who will become devoted husbands and loving fathers and all around good people is an amazing opportunity and you are up to the task!
by Kyley Bussewitz
1. Have an old picture frame you aren’t fond of, or is not
2. Window screens are another item that can always
3. You will need a wooden hanger, lace or tulle, sticker
4. Any piece of wood you may have lying around in your
getting the appropriate use on your wall? Make it into a dry erase board. A fresh pop of color around the frame and solid paper on the picture part will be all you need. A new set of markers is a must have as well. You can also revamp an old glass window into a dry erase board. These converted dry erase boards are fun for kids, decorating, grocery lists, menu items listed at a party table, or daily inspirational quotes.
gems which can be found at any craft store, scissors and possibly some glue. Place your sticker(s) on the largest part of the hanger. Cut any excess off of the design sticker once it is attached. Tie some tule or lace in a big bow around the hanger’s hook.
be revitalized. You can use them to display your favorite jewelry, or as a photo holder. In order to use a window screen as a vanity for your jewelry you will need hooks or simple paper clips will do the trick. This way you can see all of your jewelry at the same time and get better use out of all of your pieces. A window screen picture holder is even easier. Just grab some twine, tape, small clothespins and your favorite photographs. Tape the twine to the back and clip your photos on with the clothespins.
garage can be easily transformed using paint or stain and colorful drawer knobs into a one of a kind coat hanger. If you want an even more dramatic coat hanger, refurbish an old door.
JAY LYNN MI RAMONT E S photo by: S.Miramontes SMPhotography
Breaking The Cycle Of Obesity
Obesity runs in my family. One of my biggest idols, my grandmother, weighed in at around 350lbs for most of her life. I spent most of my childhood around my grandmother, which resulted in me adapting her unhealthy relationship with food. We had weekly family game nights at my grandmother’s house where we bonded over all different types of fried foods and desserts. My grandmother also used food to reward her grand children for good behavior; usually in the form of ice cream and 99-cent Burger King Whoppers. I spent a lot of time at my grandmother’s house because I got to eat pretty much whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. By the time I was 11 years old I weighed close to 170lbs but I was convinced by relatives that we just had the “fat gene” so I was destined to be obese for my entire life. I made it through my teenage years fluctuating between 170-185lbs. I was self conscious of myself but I learned to accept the fact that I would never be able to change my “fat gene”. My first year of high school is when I began to notice that my weight was noticeably different from everyone else’s. I was being made fun of by several other students and my self-esteem was dropping rapidly. In one argument in the 9th grade another student called me a “fat jelly roll” in front of the rest of the class and I ended up walking out of class and never returning to that school. After that incident my mother enrolled me in independent studies where I completed the rest of my high school education. Since I pretty much sat at home while on independent studies I had no friends and all of the time in the world to comfort myself with food. Eating was the only thing that made me feel better about myself. I continued to comfort myself with food in all high stress situations and by the time I reached 21 years old I was 200lbs. My self-esteem was at an all time low but I continued to eat my feelings away. I remember the exact moment I realized I had a problem. I was craving cheesecake so I literally drove to 3 or 4 different places looking for the best cheesecake I could find. When I had my mind set on a certain food It was like something took over me and it was all I could think about. decided I should probably get some of their yummy potato soup and French bread for dinner as well. When I got home I went to town on the potato soup and French bread. I found myself shoveling the food in my mouth as quickly as possible because I wanted to hurry up and get to the cheesecake I had been craving. I ended up eating an entire 20oz container of potato soup, 1 loaf of French bread, AND the slice of cheesecake. My stomach was uncomfortably full and I noticed this numbing sensation in my brain. I fell asleep soon after eating. When I woke up I had a horrible stomachache and headache. I remembered the numb sensation I felt in my brain before passing out and thought to myself “This must be how drug addicts feel.” It was the first time I ever even considered the fact that I may have a food addiction.
“It was the first time I ever even considered the fact that I may have a food addiction.” In June of 2011 my grandmother passed away of obesity related health issues; she was over 400lbs. I sat by her side in the hospital and one of the last things she said to me was “Honey, please don’t let anyone else in the family die the way I am. You need to take care of your mother and don’t let her end up like me”. ”. I knew if I didn’t make a change I would end up just like my grandmother. Even with this knowledge I continued to binge eat for another 9 months after my grandmother died. In fact I was probably eating more than I ever had in my life because I was trying to mask the pain of losing her so soon. In March of 2012 I weighed in at 217lbs and my grandmother’s last words haunted me every time I sat down to eat. I knew enough was enough and I had to make a change. One of my coworkers owned a crossfit gym and invited me to come try it out on one of their free days. I was absolutely terrified but I did it. I walked in the door and saw all these super fit people and I was immediately intimidated. I knew I would never look like any of these girls; After all, I had the “fat gene”. I decided to give it a try any way and it was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. For the first year of crossfit I continued to eat the same types of foods I always ate but I just limited my portion sizes and I went to 3-4 crossfit classes a week. Every single
work out was a struggle for me. I was always the last person to finish the work out which meant every one else that finished before me would surround me and cheer me on. They meant well but It frustrated me that everyone was watching the fat girl try to do what they do. My first year of crossfit consisted of a lot of negative self talk, anger, and more tears than I could count. I ended up losing 20lbs within the first year. During my second year of crossfit I began picking my coaches mind about nutrition clean eating. I was feeling good about myself but I knew that if I didn’t start fueling my body properly I would continue to be last in every single crossfit class I attended and I hated it. Over the 2nd year I began eating clean foods, cut out grains and dairy completely, and cut my serving sizes down dramatically. I stopped eating out and cooked every single meal at home. I set aside one day a week where I spent hours in the kitchen prepping every meal I was going to ingest for the week. This was a very slow and painful process but my body adjusted beautifully. During the 2nd year of crossfit I lost 40lbs. I am now in my 3rd year of crossfit and I continue to eat clean and attend crossfit classes 3-4 days a week. I have lost a total of 80lbs and I am no longer last to finish in my crossfit classes. In fact, just the other day I had a client
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who looks similar to the way I did when I began crossfit , come up to me and say “I wish I looked like you, I will probably never ever look like you”. I took this moment to sit down with her, show her my before pictures and explain the changes I had to make to get to where I am. She was shocked and said that she has been frustrated with herself and thinking of quitting but I gave her the hope she needed to continue to show up.
“ I knew enough was enough and I had to make a change... I was absolutely terrified but I did it.” To this day I still struggle with my food addiction. There are trigger foods that I absolutely cannot have in my house because I know that when I get stressed out the first place I will go is to the kitchen. When I am stressed out I no longer drive around looking for a place to pick up cheesecake. Instead I will go for a run or a hike and I feel great afterward. My journey has helped to inspire other family members such as my aunt who has lost over 60lbs and my cousin who has lost over 100lbs. We call our journey “A families quest to break the cycle of obesity.” I am certain that my grandmother is in heaven smiling down on us and I am thankful every single day for the words that she left me with.
“I was feeling good about myself but I knew that if I didn’t start fueling my body properly I would continue to be last in every single crossfit.”
“I am certain that my grandmother is in heaven smiling down on us and I am thankful every single day for the words that she left me with.”
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“Being addicted to food can be more difficult than being addicted to recreational drugs or alcohol because you cannot absolutely cut food out of your life forever.” Q: What kind of support system have you had through your process? Who has been your biggest cheerleader and how have they encouraged you? My biggest support system throughout my journey has definitely been my husband. In the beginning as I was learning proper portion control I would get what we call “Hangry” which is anger and frustration caused by hunger. My perception of what I needed to eat to become full and the reality of what I needed to eat were very far off. Until my body adjusted I was very grumpy and my husband definitely took the brunt of it. I’ve also had a lot of support from other members of my family who made their own weight loss commitments. Through talking to other members of my family I was able to determine that binge was something that they struggled with as well so it has been very nice to have people who understand where I am coming from by my side and supporting me. Q: What has been your biggest hurdle? My biggest hurdle has definitely been fighting the urge to binge eat. When life becomes stressful it is so easy to just pop open the refrigerator and eat. This is the major reason I avoid buying foods that I know I will binge eat on. I still slip up every once in a while but I am always conscious of the fact that I am in control of what I put in my mouth so one bad day doesn’t end up slipping in to a bad week or a bad month. Q: Why do you think Crossfit has been successful for you? Crossfit is the only fitness program that has worked for me because I don’t have to put any thought in to what kind of work out I will be completing for the day. Since the gym has predetermined WODs I can just show up and they tell me exactly what to do and it’s a coached session
so I always have someone making sure I’m doing movements correctly. I also really enjoy the friendly competition between athletes. We are all there “embracing the suck” together and encouraging each other. We push each other to do better. It’s like having a huge extended family that holds you accountable. Q: What is clean eating? Clean eating is simply eating foods that are free of chemicals. If you can not pronounce what is in the label then it shouldn’t go in your mouth. Q: What is a typical menu for your week? My typical weekly menu consists of two different types of meat (usually grilled chicken and steak), grilled vegetables, and a healthy carb such as sweet potatoes. Most of my healthy eating recipes come from Pinterest or fellow gym members. Q: What advice do you have for someone who might be struggling with the same issues? Make one change at a time and take it one day at a time. Always remember that the road to a healthier life is a life style change and it is not going to happen over night. I realize that most of my previous attempts at weight loss failed because I tried to become too healthy too fast. I would eat nothing but salads and then I would get tired of it and end up binge eating on the foods I really wanted. It wasn’t until I realized I didn’t have to make all of the changes at once that I became successful. Start with something simple like cutting out soda for a week, and then the next week cut out chips, then the following week vow to cut out all of the extra junk. Eventually every small change will move you toward a healthier life style. Zig Ziglar said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. SKIN DEEP EXPOSURES MAGAZINE
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JAYLYNN M I R AM O NT ES Photos by: S.Miramontes SMPhotography
There is a broad variety of schools, practices and goals for this discipline that originated in India. No one knows for sure how long yoga has been around, but it is speculated to have been practiced as early as the sixth century BC. The term “Yoga” means “to join or yoke together” and it functions to bring the body and mind together. Yoga is built around three main structures: exercise, breathing and meditation. The exercises are designed to put pressure on the glandular systems of the body in order to increase overall health and efficiency. Breathing techniques are central to the practice of yoga and the increased breath control helps to improve the overall function of body and mind. These two elements along with the practice of silencing the mind allows for a situation in which the body and mind can heal from everyday stress. There are over a hundred different schools of yoga. No matter which school of practice you choose to adopt, it is clear that yoga is a highly beneficial discipline and boasts a long list of amazing health benefits. Besides the overall health and wellness that yoga offers as a fitness regimen, yoga can help in the healing processes of such things as stress relief, mood disorders, pain relief and even insomnia. For these reasons alone, it is no wonder that the practice of yoga has endured the test of time. For more information check out americanyogaassociation.org Namaste Yoga is a wonderful program that offers an easy introduction to the practice of yoga in the comfort of your own home. Check it out at Namaste.tv. Also available for download on iTunes.
BRIDGE POSE TRY IT: Lying on your back, bend your legs and put your feet at your hips’ width. Lift your pelvis and hips, trying to move on to your shoulders. Put your arms along your legs with your palms facing down, or clasp your hands under your body on the floor. Hold for 5-10 breaths.
BOAT POSE TRY IT: Sit straight with bent legs. Press your palms against the mat behind your back and lift your legs. Balancing on your pelvic bones, move your arms in front of you parallel to the floor. Straighten your legs. Try to keep the angle between your legs and torso at 90 degrees. Keep your back straight. Hold for about 5 breaths.
CAMEL POSE TRY IT: Lift your thighs and pelvis up and forward while sitting on your heels or between feet. Press your palms against your feet and arch your back. Throw back your head. Keep your feet and knees at your hips’ width. Hold for about 5 breaths.
CHILD’S POSE TRY IT: Start on all fours with your arms stretched out straight in front of you, then sit back so your glutes (butt muscles) come to rest just above — but not touching — your heels. Hold the position for 5 to 10 breaths, and repeat as many times as needed for a good, soothing stretch.
CAT AND COW POSES TRY IT: Starting in an all-fours position, move into cat pose by slowly pressing your spine up, arching your back. Hold for a few seconds and then move to cow by scooping your spine in, pressing your shoulder blades back and lifting your head. Moving back and forth from cat to cow helps move your spine onto a neutral position, relaxing the muscles and easing tension. Repeat 10 times, flowing smoothly from cat into cow, and cow back into cat. Repeat the sequence as needed.
DOWNWARD- FACING DOG TRY IT: Sit on your heels, lower your head on the mat, stretch your arms forward. Go to the table pose. Push with your hands and straighten your legs. Extend your pelvic bones up and heels down. Let your head hang freely, stretch your waist. Hold for about 5 breaths.
LEGS UP POSE TRY IT: Sit sideways against a wall. Bring up one leg then the other as you come to your back with legs extended up in the air. Relax arms to your sides. Close the eyes and breathe as you relax into the pose. For a simpler version, lie with your legs up a wall and extend your arms to your sides with your palms facing up. Hold for 5-20 breaths.
SUPPORTED FORWARD BEND TRY IT: Stand up straight, keep your back straight too. Bend your legs a little. Start bending forward to your legs, moving your stomach towards your thighs. When it becomes impossible to keep your back straight, lower your head and create a cradle with your arms above your head. For a more intense version, grab your legs with your hands. Let your head hang freely. Hold for 5-20 breaths.
CORPSE POSE TRY IT: Lie on your back. Stretch your backbone on the floor, helping with your hands. Straighten your legs, your toes relaxed and pointing outward. Put your arms along your torso with your palms up, your shoulders pressed to the floor. Close your eyes and relax. Try to calm your breath and mind as much as you can. Stay for 5-20 breaths.
Photography by Naomi Mautz
“Like so many in the world, I have lived with mystery pain, illness, and sundry symptoms that stymie the medical world and frustrate doctors�
The Food Allergy Conversion BY CHRISTA WOLFE
“It is amazing how many substitutions can be made for simple ingredients, and how tasty they really are in the end. “
Food is a dear friend. It has been beside me for the good times, great times, bad times and sad times, and I really like it a lot. I don’t love food, because I like to reserve the word love for the big nouns in life, like God and people, but that’s just me. It’s okay to say that you love food because love has many facets. I would say that I have a heavy-duty crush on food. Like most people, I have enjoyed a cake, pie or doughnuts, with every birthday; the obligatory wedding and groom’s cake; “Muffins with Mom” and “Donuts with Dad” in kindergarten; massive quantities of chocolate for every single holiday, and ropes and ropes of Twizzlers to keep me awake while I’m driving on long, cross-country trips. Blessedly, every day of my life has been punctuated by something delicious, and that is not something that I take for granted…especially now. Like so many in the world, I have lived with mystery pain, illness, and sundry symptoms that stymie the medical world and frustrate doctors to a point just
short of breaking their Hippocratic Oath and taking out a contract on my life, just to give some peace to theirs. I don’t mean to be a bother, but I really want to know why my legs have been swelling since I was in my 20s; why my hair is falling out; why I am so tired, but can never get any kind of restful sleep; why I’m gaining weight, and how after ingesting one, tiny Twinkie, I can clear a room in 8 seconds flat with the ensuing noxious fumes of a highly volatile colon. Twinkies shouldn’t do that, but because they do, I have recently been cursed, by a well-meaning physician, to a gluten-free (GF), soy-free, beef-free, caffeine-free, and stevia-free existence. It appears that Twinkies are not my only enemy. While this may seem like an odd combination of allergies to have, I have come to lovingly call it my “Cardboard Combo”. To understand this, consider emptying a box of snack cakes on a table, then watching your family relish the cakey, creamy
goodness, while you sit and eat the box. That’s what I feel I’m left with at the end of the day... cardboard. However, with the onset of gluten intolerance and Celiac’s disease in more and more people, I find myself sharing my cardboard with the masses. It is getting slightly easier to find reasonable facsimiles of my favorite foods though. As an example, I recently found some chocolate crème cookies that mimicked Oreos, and though they tasted very close to the real deal, the texture was indescribable...something akin to sand, but not as gritty. Please don’t think that I only eat junk food. I eat healthy foods too, but the “junk” is what I miss. I guess it says something when you realize that all of the healthy foods are the foods to which you aren’t allergic. What I wouldn’t give to be diagnosed with a green bean allergy, but alas, green beans are a “can do” food for me. Since I still like food so much, and miss all of the best tasting edibles, I have taken to looking online for the very best of the best recipes to accommodate my “Cardboard Combo” diet. It is amazing how many substitutions can be made for simple ingredients, and how tasty they really are in the end. My favorite ingredient thus far, is coconut flour, and bearing in mind that this flour sucks up moisture and requires more eggs
About the author Christa Wolfe
Military wife and mother of five children who are her life, Christa loves drawing, painting and singing. Her fascination with the beauty of the English language and her ability to make people laugh with her light-hearted sense of humor have led to her passion for writing.
and oil in the prevailing recipes, thereby making it super fatty and delicious, you may want to use it in moderation. This is very likely the reason why it’s my favorite. Allergy accommodating recipes are not cheap by themselves, but add in the extra ingredients and it becomes that much more expensive. That’s why you want to make sure that you find the
best recipes that not only fulfill your cravings, but also keep the cost low. I recently had a craving for pound cake, so I went online and found a reasonably easy recipe. My only problem was that I didn’t have the correct brand of GF flour. I had another brand of GF flour, so I used it instead. That was a memorable mistake. I failed to notice that the main ingredient was garbanzo bean flour, and when my family tasted the bean flavored pound cake, and experienced the ensuing gas, they decided to stay away from my GF food. They figured it wasn’t worth it to experience that more than once. That’s okay, more for me! Having converted my eating habits to a newand-improved plan, I have been blessed, and no longer feel cursed by the doctor (she may make it back onto my Christmas card list yet). The swelling is no longer present at all, and my weight has dropped, albeit just a bit. I do miss my Twinkies, but now that they look so much like Minions, I don’t want to eat them anyway. I am enjoying the recipes that I find online, many of which are on Pinterest, and have actually shared some accurate reproductions of favorites with my family…with minimal gas and gagging. Whether friend or foe, food is very literally a huge part of life, and while it may be a struggle, I hope you can discover your friendly foods and enjoy the deliciousness in life. Eat Up!
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“Having converted my eating habits to a new-andimproved plan, I have been blessed, and no longer feel cursed by the doctor”
Recipe by EnjoyLifeFoods.com
created using Canva
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1. FLORAL SCARF Spice up any plain outfit with a pop of floral. Grab a similar scarf at Southmoon Under $24 2. FLORAL DRESS Dressing up for a day at the office doesn’t have to mean a stuffy pant suit. pair this colorful dress with a black blazer for the office or a flirty cardigan for a night on the town. Get a similar style at Gap $69.95 3. FLORAL EARINGS These fun dangley earings add a nice girly pop to any outfit Get your at Novica $24.99
4. FLORAL BLOUSE Add a splash of color to your weekend with this comfy yet stylish blouse. grab a similar style at Nordstrom $78. 5. FLORAL WEDGES Wedges are a great way to dress up any outfit while maintaining the comfort factor. Grab a similar pair at Zappos $139 6. FLORAL NECKLACE This beautiful chunky necklace is the perfect addition for a cute summer strapless shirt or dress. Wow him on your next date night! Get yours at Novica $42.99
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1. CHARM NECKLACE The perfect accessory for the girl who just can’t decide! Showcase your own unique personality! Create your custom charm necklace at www.BaubleBar.com
4. DELICATE CAMEO Add this classic bling with a modern twist to your ensemble for a touch of nostalia. Get yours on Amazon $65
2. DIAMONDS & PEARLS They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. For a fancy dinner of date night this diamond and pearl bracelete might just be your best friend. Grab a similar style at JCrew $65
5. TEAR DROP JEWELS This layered teardrop statement piece is the perfect way to add some pizzaz! Grab a similar style at J CPenney $32
3. CHUNKY JEWELS A great statement piece to dress up a dipped neckline. Get a similar necklace at Stella & Dot $100
6. ANCHORS AWAY This charming nautical bracelete is a great accessory for casual or dressy attire with it’s beautiful combo of embelished beads and diamond studded anchor charm. Grab a similar style at Novica $45
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THE GO-TO WEEKEND WARDROBE fashion for the twenty-something BY CHELSIE HUDNALL
We all have busy weekends from time to time. There’s brunch with friends, weekend festivals, date nights and special occasions. Planning outfits for our busy schedules can get hectic sometimes. This can especially be the case when you are pushed for time, have a family to take care of, or have those last minute calls to lunch! Whatever the case may be, don’t stress. You don’t have to have a closet full of high end pieces to find the perfect outfit. Sometimes it is the comfortable staples that make the perfect go-to outfits. Here are three of my favorite go- to outfits that I reach for in a time crunch.
Let’s admit it, we all love to get out of the house and have some bonding time with our gal pals! Skinny jeans and a loose comfort tee can create the perfect low key night with the girls. Find a pair of skinnies that is just right for you. I always say if it doesn’t feel right, don’t wear it! Skinny jeans can be a challenge so make sure to choose a pair that is movable and not too tight. Wearing a loose tee will balance it out just right. Round out your look with a pair of comfy, yet stylish flats or if you are headed for a girls night out, grab a pair of cute heels instead.
Bold, colorful statement garments are all the rage right now. Low on bold colors? No problem! Use pastels the same way. Brunch or afternoon coffee is the perfect time to catch up with your favorite group of people after a long work week. So why not be fun and go with a simple look like these aztec shorts and bright pink polo shirt? Remember, everything doesn’t have to match just perfectly, pair complementing colors and it will all comes together in the end!
DATE NIGHT This is always a special night for any girl, but no need to be concerned about your outfit. I focus on keeping my look simple and feminine. Feeling good about yourself and comfortable with the way your clothes fit is important for those nights when you dont want to be worried about pulling and tucking contantly. I love this colorful, relaxed dress. A flirty fitted dress works well on these occassions. Pair it will some flirty heels or add some chic sandals for a “dressed down, yet still fancy” look.
MAKEUP REMOVER & MOISTURIZER Olive Oil makes a great natural makeup remover. Simply pour a teaspoon or so into your hands and massage into the skin for about 60 seconds. Rinse with warm water and towel dry. Apply an additional teaspoon of Olive Oil for a natural moisturizer that wont irritate your skin. Jojoba Oil can be substituted for Olive Oil as a cleanser and Coconut oil makes a wonderful moisterizer as well!
DAY & NIGHT ACNE SERUM 1 tablespoon Olive Oil (or Jojoba Oil) 3 drops Frankincense essential oil 3 drops Lavender essential oil 3 drops Tea Tree essential oil 3 drops Purification essential oil blend (Young Living) Combine all ingredients in a glass container with a dropper. Place 3-4 drops of serum in the palm of your hands and gently massage into the problem areas of your skin. Be sure your hands are clean before application and shake mixture well before each use. Store in a dry, dark area. Do not refrigerate.
3/4 cup strong brewed green tea 1/4 cup Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Apply a few drops of Tea Tree essential oils as a spot treatment on un-opened acne (or it will burn) in the morning and evening before bed to clear up sudden break-outs quickly! *Mix 2 drops of Tea Tree essential oil with 1 tsp of pure aloe vera or calendula oil for more sensitive skin.
Combine in a glass bottle. Shake the mixture well and use a cotton ball to apply the toner to your face. * While ACV balances your skin’s PH levels, Green tea has great anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties while also helping fight the signs of aging!
3 teaspoons RAW honey 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon Olive Oil (or Jojoba Oil) 1/4 teaspoon Castor Oil 2 drops Tea Tree essential oil
Apply the mixture to your face and let sit for 10-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Use this mask 2-4 times per week. * Cinnamon is great for acne prone skin, but if you have really sensitive skin, do a patch test first on the back of your hand to make sure the cinnamon will not irritate your sensitive skin.
Mix the ingredients in the palm of your hands and gently massage into your skin for about 60 seconds. Rinse with warm water. Finish by applying your favorite all natural moisturizer or serum. *Adding oil to your acne prone face seems counter productive, but in reality, drying your skin out can actually cause breakouts too! The key to healthy skin is a healthy PH balance. Natural oils like Jojoba, Olive Oil and even Coconut oil are really great for helping balance the PH levels of your skin.
Meet Mina West Spoken word artist from the United Kingdom. Her poetry is beautifully composed, raw and refreshingly honest as she addresses issues that we all struggle with but that often go unspoken in today’s society. She is not afraid to be real about the issues as well as her own life. She is a beautiful role model and the unapologetic passion she has for what she does is inspirational.
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While scouring YouTube about a month ago, I stumbled accross a video entitled, “Let’s Be Honest”, a performance of spoken word poetry written and orated by the incredible Mina West. The description for the video read, “This poem is on the temptations of having sex before being with the right person - taken from a Christ believer perspective. Poem aims to encourage people to seek for God’s guidance and have faith that his way will protect you in all things.” Naturally, I was intrigued. As I watched the video and allowed the words to sink in, I found myself mezmerized by the beauty of a voice, the perfect rhythm and intelligence of the words and the raw potency of the message. By the end of the video I was in tears as I sat in stunned silence for several minutes collecting myself. I immediately vowed to contact Mina in the hopes of convincing her to share her story and her poetry with Skin Deep Exposures. Mina replied to my email almost immediately saying that she would love to share a little about herself and her art to our readers. After I calmed from my excitement, I began a series of emails back and forth with Mina in what became a huge blessing in my life. She shared with me a little about who she is and the faith that guides her as she treads the waters of her craft. She is a brilliant artist with a firm grasp on the artistry of the spoken word. Her poetry is fluid and beautiful, powerful and intelligent. I highly encourage you to visit her website www.minawest.com and give her a listen. You wont regret it! I had the great privlege of interviewing Mina. Check out what she had to say.
Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself. Who is Mina West? I grew up and live in London England. Growing up I lived a bless life, I have a mother who always supports and encourages me to be my best - and I am forever thankful for that. I’ve always been the type of person to keep a notepad and write out my thoughts - at times it would sound cool and rhyme, other times honestly it was just me talking nonsense. But one thing for sure was that I loved to write, without the care of grammatical errors. It was a way in which I released my feelings, writing is like free therapy, and I thank God that he gifted me with a love to do it. Q: Where do you draw your inspiration from? The main influence on my life growing up is my wonderful mother, she is a workaholic - but she does it primarily because she wants to ensure the best life for her children and future grand children - her love knows no bounds when it comes to her children and she influences me in a positive way - allowing me to believe everything and all is possible. When it comes to inspiration I let my internal spirit guide me, and to do that I need to set time apart from the ‘outside’ world and just focus inwardly, that can be through a number of different things – prayer, fasting, meditation etc … I draw energy from positive people, people who step out of their comfort zone and pursue their dreams regardless of how scary or which obstacles come their way. I believe we all have a voice and a position to play in this world, understanding that is what I aim for. Like-minded people are what inspires me. Q: WHY did you decide to pursue poerty and the art of the spoken word? What does it mean to you? The first time I heard spoken word poetry, I could tell it was love (pre-warn I’m a cheeseball). It’s the type of art that plays to its own set of rules. I was amazed by the performance, the clever use of word play and how the artist clearly had something to say. I was fascinated by how
a performance of just words could hold my attention (especially as I have a short attention span), with the different elements of dynamic use of tone, facial expression, rhyme, repetition you name it, no poem is ever the same – but the power to create an atmosphere in the room with a simple sequence of words is the very element that excites me. Although the way in which I write is selfish, I never start a piece with the intention of an audience – it is always simply for me, a format for me to release thoughts I sometimes do not know or wish to share. I remember finally getting the courage to share a piece with a friend, her saying it was really good encourage me to go out and perform. The freedom I feel on the stage is like none other. I don’t care if people like it or not. I feel free! And that’s why I choose to pursue it.
“Believe in yourself and continue to strive to give the best you can.”
Q: What kind of growth have you experienced so far? I feel the journey is just beginning – my main growth right now is learning to unapologetic for who I naturally am. Q: What is the legacy you hope to leave by doing what you do? The phrase “tomorrow is never promised” really hits hard for me, it makes me think what on this earth will I leave, what am I personally contributing. Through my poetry I open up a part of myself, sharing stories - I just pray my stories help others. Legacy I hope to leave is really simple someone who was kind to all. Q: What advice, encouragement or wisdom do you have for others who are starting down a similar road? I’m still at the very start of the journey myself, all I can say is believe in yourself and continue to strive to give the best you can.
Q: Have you had to overcome any obstacles as you pursue your passion? My biggest road block has been myself, I started spoken word poetry years ago – but took a very long break (something like 4 years if I’m being honest). And that is because I let the pressures of the perceived “real world” control my desires. Thinking let me take the safe route and get a job that pays well. Before I go off on a tangent I do have a job – I just mean that should have not been the reason why I stopped doing what I was passion about. And after a while, I start to feel I am not creative any more, I begin to doubt myself and the cycle just escalates. I’m now in the head space where all I’m accepting is success and not allowing myself to dish out any more excuses.
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M I NA W ES T WWW. M I NAWE S T.CO M O N S E T: fi l m i n g “l et ’s b e h on es t” photography by: Jay White twitter @JayWhiteUK_
“The freedom I feel on the stage is like none other. I don’t care if people like it or not. I FEEL FREE! And that’s why I choose to pursue it.”
SUMMER COLOR TRENDS for your nails
COLOR COMPLIMENTS This color pairs well with
COLOR COMPLIMENTS This color pairs well with
COLOR COMPLIMENTS This color pairs well with
Relieve Insomnia
Support Digestion
Balance Hormones
* Lavender Oil * Patchouli Oil * Valerian Root Oil * Camomile Oil * Bergamot Oil * Vetever Oil * Spikenard Oil * Jasmine Oil * Frankincense Oil
* Peppermint Oil * Di-Gize Oil Blend * Ginger Oil * Roman Camomile Oil * Cumin Oil * Clove Oil * Cardamom Oil * Orgegano Oil * Lavender Oil
Relieve Stress
Increase Circulation
* Progessence Plus Oil (progesterone balance) * Thyme Oil (progesterone balance) * SclarEssence Oil (glandular functions) * EndoFlex Oil (endocrine support) * Clary Sage Oil (PMS symptoms) * Dragon Time Oil (PMS symptoms) * Sandalwood Oil (testosterone balance- for men and women) * Lavender Oil (cortisol levels & stress) * Frankincense Oil (cortisol levels & stress)
* Lavender Oil * Orange Oil * Ylang Ylang Oil * Camomile Oil * Bergamot Oil * Geranium Oil * Tangerine Oil * Jasmine Oil * Frankincense Oil
* Eucalyptus Oil * Cypress Oil * Basil Oil * Lavender Oil * Peppermint Oil * Grapefruit Oil * Marjoram Oil * Lemon Oil * Geranium Oil
Learn more about human trafficking and how you can join the fight and help spread awareness. www.rebeccabender.org www.twicecleansed.com
Photo by S. Miramontes SMPhotography