Historic Arms & Militaria | Skinner Auction 3805B

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Historic Arms & Militaria

3805B | October 29, 2021 | Marlborough

Historic Arms & Militaria


Featuring the William Rose Colonial & Revolutionary War Arms Collection, Part I

Militaria online October 20–28, 2021 | www.skinnerinc.com

October 29, 2021 | 10AM | Marlborough Skinner is proud to present the William Rose Colonial & Revolutionary War Arms Collection, Part I. A United States Navy veteran with a life-long passion for colonial and Revolutionary War history, Bill Rose’s collection chronicles the evolution of military arms, equipment, and documentary items used in early America. Part I of this collection features nearly 180 lots of rare and important 17th and 18th century muskets, bayonets, pistols, swords, powder horns, accoutrements, and documents used by British, French, and American forces who served in America’s colonial wars and American Revolution.

New lower 17.5% buyer’s premium for Historic Arms & Militaria auctions!

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Christopher Fox militaria@skinnerinc.com 508.970.3137

MA LIC. 2304

Left to right: 11, 3, 15, 7, 4, 69 Hilt Details from the Rose Collection. this page & back cover: 22 Rare 34th Regiment of Foot Dublin Castle Pattern 1769 Short Land Service Musket, 1776, and lock detail. $8,000-12,000 Company “D” of the 34th was the Grenadier company and was one of only two companies of the regiment to serve in British General John Burgoyne’s army which surrendered at Saratoga, October 17, 1777.

23 54th Regiment of Foot Pattern 1777 Short Land Service Musket, c. 1777-83. $5,000-7,000

50 New Hampshire Battalion Marked French Model 1763/66 Infantry Musket, Maubeuge, France, 1773. $15,000-25,000

Muskets & Bayonets Nearly thirty muskets and bayonets represent the principal arms carried by 18th century armies in America. Included are rare and important regimentally marked British muskets associated with forces that served in New York and New England; examples of scarce muskets provided to American forces by France in the early years of the American Revolution including a fine New Hampshire Battalion-marked musket; and American muskets made at the outbreak of the War for Independence often constructed from recycled foreign parts. The muskets are complimented by a selection of socket bayonets including examples of unusual patterns and several with interesting markings.

51 Scarce French Model 1763 Infantry Musket, Saint-Etienne, France, mid-1760s. $6,000-8,000

83 Rare Early New England Fowler, late 17th/early 18th century. $4,000-6,000

86 New England Militia Musket, c. 1765-75. $2,000-4,000

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53 U.S. Surcharged French Model 1771 Socket Bayonet, c. 1771. $400-600

94 American Musket Socket Bayonet with Small Sword Blade, third quarter 18th century. $200-250

31 Early Anglo/Dutch Cavalry Pistol, late 17th century. $3,000-5,000 32 Early British Militia or Volunteer Cavalry Pistol, Francis Smart, London, c. 1695. $4,000-6,000 33 Early British Contact Dragoon Pistol, Godfrey Taylor, c. 1700. $3,000-5,000

Full descriptions and images online at www.skinnerinc.com

Pistols Most pistols used by 18th century forces were carried by cavalry and dragoon troops. The Rose Collection is particularly strong in this regard. Over twenty lots of mostly cavalry and dragoon pistols trace the evolution of these indispensable side arms from their prestandardized forms of the late 17th century through the American Revolution.

34 Irish Militia or Volunteer Cavalry Pistol, probably James Powell, Dublin, Ireland, c. 1750. $2,500-3,500 56 Early French Dragoon Pistol, c. 1690-1700. $4,000-6,000 58 French Dragoon Pistol by Antoine Penel & Fils, Saint-Etienne, France, c. 1710-30. $3,000-5,000 104 American Dragoon Pistol, Hudson River Valley, New York, c. 1775-80. $2,000-4,000

Swords & Polearms Over fifty swords of all types and polearms represent the edged weapons carried by infantry, naval, and cavalry troops and their respective officers. Ranging from simple, utilitarian weapons created in America to highly detailed basket-hilted swords made in Scotland and England, the swords and polearms in this sale are sure to shine in any collection.


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42 French Grenadier Hanger, second quarter 18th century. $1,000-1,500

65 American Dragoon Saber, last quarter 18th century. $3,000-5,000

15 British Dog’s Head Infantry Hanger, mid-18th century. $2,000-4,000

79 Silver Hilt Small Sword, likely America, first half 18th century. $1,000-2,000

69 New Hampshire Dog Pommel Saber, c. 1760-80. $2,500-3,500

119 American Spontoon, c. 1770-80. $500-700

11 British Naval Cutlass, mid-18th century. $1,000-1,500

123 Prussian Hulsen Infantry Regiment Spontoon, mid-18th century. $600-800

77 American Naval Cutlass, mid-18th century. $1,000-2,000 3 British Grenadier Hanger, Samuel Harvey, Birmingham, England, c. 1750-65. $1,500-2,500 7 Scottish Officer’s Basket Hilt Broadsword, mid-18th century. $2,500-3,500 4 British Heavy Cavalry Saber, c. 1780. $1,000-2,000

Personal Items & Documents Military collectibles go well beyond weapons and Rose Collection includes an abundant selection of scarce leather cartridge boxes, sword and bayonet belts, rare gilded brass British and French officers’ gorgets, and a diverse selection of military buttons from the American Revolution. Some of the more personal items in the Rose collection connected with 18th century soldiers include powder horns, documents, and pocket books. Rare documentary items include 18th century American officer commissions and numerous items connected to Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775, and the siege of Boston.

2 Engraved Gilt-brass British Officer’s Gorget, England, c. 1770-90. $1,500-2,500 1 Rare French Officer’s Gorget, France, third quarter 18th century. $2,000-3,000

142 Benjamin Hewins Flame-stitch Wallet, c. 1770-80. $200-300 Benjamin Hewins Jr. of Stoughtonham, Massachusetts, was a private in Captain Edward Bridge Savel’s 1st Stoughtonham Company, Colonel Robinson’s Regiment, and marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775. 97 American Shoulder Cartridge Box, last quarter 18th century. $1,000-1,500 140 Printed Massachusetts Provincial Soldier 1760 Campaign Enlistment Form. $200-300

141 Nathanael Low 1775 Almanack with Notations Regarding the Fight at Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775, printed by John Kneeland, Boston, 1775. $800-1,200 115 Horn-handled Folding Pocketknife, London, England, second half 18th century. $200-250 171 British 63rd Regiment of Foot Officer’s Button, c. 1775. $800-1,200 100 Frederick Bigelow, 2nd Connecticut Regiment, Siege of Boston Carved Powder Horn, Roxbury, June 4, 1775. $5,000-7,000

Distinguished Private Collections In addition to the Rose Collection, we are offering items from many fine private collections. An important highlight is a rare U.S. Navy contract Cyrus B. Allen Elgin Patent cutlass pistol that survives with its original leather holster/scabbard. Additionally find a rare Massachusetts militia sword, 18th century powder horns, and weapons from the Revolution and Civil War. Browse the sale at www.skinnerinc.com.

180 Miles Beech Carved Powder Horn, Wallingford, [Connecticut], December 9, 1763. $4,000-6,000

182 Silver Hilted Eagle Pommel Captain Daniel Millett, Salem Light Infantry Hanger, Benjamin May, Birmingham, England, c. 1778. $3,000-5,000

86 Dunmeyer Percussion Rifle, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, second quarter 19th century. $2,000-4,000

187 Rare Cyrus B. Allen Elgin Patent Cutlass Pistol with Original Holster/ Scabbard, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1837. $15,000-25,000 Serial number 34 of 150 made under contract with the U.S. Navy for the South Seas Exploration Expedition. The United States’ first official percussion handgun.

188 Major Oliver Alexander Horner, Cole’s Maryland Cavalry, Remington New Model Army Revolver and Associated Items, c. 1863. $1,500-2,000

Militaria online 3785T | October 20–28

Mexican War Veteran’s Medal in Silver Identified to Jefferson C. Davis. $4,000-6,000 Inscribed Albumen Carte de Visite Photograph of Disabled Civil War Veteran Alfred A. Stratton, c. 1870. $200-300 2.15-in. Whitworth Artillery Shell from Fort Anderson, North Carolina, c. 1865. $600-800 Felt Pikelhaube Helmet and Framed French Assignats. $300-500 French Royal Artillery Corp “Roman” Saber with Scabbard, early 19th century. $400-600

Full catalog online at www.skinnerinc.com

The timed online auction offers a wide selection of militaria and collectible firearms from the 19th and 20th centuries. Muskets, rifles, pistols, and swords spanning the late 18th century through the Civil War, and a strong offering of World War I & II military rifles and handguns provide bidders with many opportunities to fill holes in or add to existing collections. The numerous modern sporting and target firearms on offer allow collectors to acquire highly collectible arms when demand vastly outweighs supply in the traditional retail market.

Smith & Wesson Model Number 2 Revolver, c. 1863. $400-600

Nickel-plated Dale Woody Custom Engraved Colt Model 1873 Single-action Army Revolver, Revolver made in 1876. $1,500-2,500

Spreewerke P.38 Semiautomatic Pistol, 1943-44. $400-600

Colt U.S. Model 1917 Double-action Revolver, 1920. $500-700

C.O. Audette .300 Winchester Magnum Bolt-action Target Rifle, late 20th century. $500-700

63 Park Plaza | Boston, MA 02116



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