Early English Books: A Single Owner Sale | Skinner Auction 3117B

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Early English Books: An Important California Collection Sale 3117B


July 20, 2018



Early English Books: An Important California Collection


Devon Eastland Department Director 508.970.3293

Auction Information Auction 3117B


Absentee Bidding

Friday, July 20 12PM

Wednesday, July 18 12 to 5PM

T: 617.874.4318 F: 617.350.5429

63 Park Plaza Boston, MA

Thursday, July 19 12 to 7PM Friday, July 20 9AM to 12PM

General Inquiries 617.350.5400

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View all lots online at www.skinnerinc.com cover : 177 ; interior back cover : 90 ; back cover : 144



Lot 157: Sarbiewski, Maciej Kazimierz (1595-1640) The Odes of Casimire. London: Printed by T.W. for Humphrey Moseley, at the signe of the Princes Armes in Pauls Church-yard, 1646.

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A Passion for Collecting: Henry and Emily Folger’s Hunt for First Folios Lecture by Andrea Mays

Thursday, July 19th, 2018 5:30PM Reception | 6PM Gallery Walk | 63 Park Plaza, Boston, MA

Andrea Mays, like fellow New Yorker Henry Folger, has been possessed by a lifelong obsession with Shakespeare and his times. A former student of Frank McCourt (who chronicled those days in his memoir Teacher Man), Andrea spent much of her Manhattan girlhood holed up in the New York Public Library listening to vinyl LP recordings of performances by the Royal Shakespeare Company. Throughout high school, she carried around in her rucksack tattered, paperback copies of the Folger Library editions of Shakespeare’s plays. Andrea has degrees in economics from the State University of New York at Binghamton and from UCLA, and teaches economics at California State University at Long Beach. In Washington, DC, she was a presidential appointee to the U.S. International Trade Commission, where she served as economist to the chairman. She divides her time between California and Washington, where her Gilded Age townhouse, the residence of Daniel Chester French while he sculpted the Lincoln Memorial, stands in the shadow of the Folger Shakespeare Library. The Millionaire and the Bard: Henry Folger's Obsessive Hunt for Shakespeare's First Folio is her first book.

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1 A Description of Tangier, the Country and People Adjoyning. London: Printed for Samuel Speed, at the Rainbow in Fleetstreet, near the Inner Temple-Gate, 1664. First and only edition, quarto, engraved portrait opposite title; rare; no auction sales since 1965; six U.S. copies in ESTC; bound in modern full calf, 7 1/8 x 5 1/4 in. A-L4, M2. http://estc.bl.uk/R12756 $3,000-4,000

2 A Necessary Doctrine and Erudicion for Any Chrysten Man, set furth by the Kynges Maiestye of England. &c. [London: Imprinted in Fletestrete by Thomas Berthelet, printer to the kynges hyghnes, the xxix. daye of Maye, the yere of our lorde, 1543]. Small octavo, title page printed within woodcut compartment, this work is commonly known as The King’s Book, being Henry VIII’s post-divorce version of The Bishop’s Book; the introduction was ostensibly written by the King himself; text printed in black letter throughout, bound in later full calf, rebacked in 1907, worn, some minor worming; ex libris Halifax Literary & Philosophy Society (bookplate), and Thomas Brown Wilber (blindstamp in ffep), with an older Quaritch condition note penciled inside back board, 5 3/8 x 3 1/2 in.


“It was the King who secured the compliance of the political nation for his divorce and orchestrated the parliamentary statutes of 1533-35. Once the course had been set by the enactment of the Supremacy Act, Henry’s policy was marked by a remarkable, if not always serene, consistency. The King intervened personally to ensure that the Bishop’s Book of 1537 reflected his vision of a reformed, purged, but theologically orthodox church. Nor was the last decade of the reign marked by a conservative reaction, as is usually supposed. The King’s Book of 1543 pursued the search for an elusive middle way by reaffirming both reforms accomplished and Catholic theology.” (Quoted from the article “The King’s Reformation,” a review by Andrew Pettegree published in History Today of The King’s Reformation: Henry VIII and the Remaking of the English Church by George Bernard, Yale University Press, 2005. https:// www.historytoday.com/andrew-pettegree/ king%E2%80%99s-reformation) A-T8. http://estc.bl.uk/S109055 $3,000-5,000


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3 Acosta, Jose de (1540-1600) Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies. London: Printed by Val: Sims for Edward Blount and William Aspley, 1604. First edition in English, quarto, type ornaments and woodcut “The” on title, ex libris Sir George Chudleigh and his daughter-in-law, Lady Mary Chudleigh, the poet, with several extensive manuscript text annotations on title, last few leaves, and some instances in the text, this copy sold in the Fleming sale at Christie’s New York on 18 November 1988; bound in full pale olive green calfskin by Leighton, elaborately gilt spine; some minor staining to text leaves, last leaf repaired, lacks final blank, b4, a few headlines shaved, boards a bit rubbed, 7 1/4 x 5 1/4 in.


The Historia Natural y Moral established Acosta’s reputation as a keen observer capable of relating detailed and realistic descriptions of the New World. A Spanish Jesuit by training, Acosta first traveled to the Americas in 1570. In addition to notes on the natural history of the places he visited, including Peru (where he crossed the Andes), Panama, and Mexico, Acosta also describes Incan and Aztec customs and natural geographical features, such as tides, lakes, rivers, and mineral resources. He also established several universities in South America, where native languages were carefully studied and recorded, and was responsible for bringing a printing press to Peru in the 1570s. A4 (A1 present, blank save signature mark), B-Z8, Aa-Pp8, a4, b3. http://estc.bl.uk/S100394 $8,000-12,000

4 An Olde Thrift Newly Revived. Wherein is Declared the Manner of Planting, Preserving, and Husbanding Yong Trees of Divers Kindes for Timber and Fuell. London: Printed by W[illiam] S[tansby] for Richard Moore, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstanes Churchyard, 1612. First edition, quarto, authorship variously assigned to Rooke Churche, Robert Chambers, or R. Churton; rare, five U.S. copies listed in ESTC; illustrated with a large folding woodcut plate of an instrument used to measure “boord, or any solide, round or square bodie, be it Timber, stone, glasse, or any such like, and also to take the heighth of a Tree, or of any thing else” bound between pages 74 and 75, followed by further necessary diagrams, tables, and formulas for calculating these measurements, bound in full modern crushed burgundy morocco, decorated in blind with gilt lettering on spine, 6 3/4 x 5 in. A3, B-P4. http://estc.bl.uk/S107648 $6,000-8,000 5


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5 Antoniszoon, Cornelis (b. 1499) The Safeguard of Sailers, or Great Rutter. Containing the Courses, Distances, Soundings, Floods, and Ebbs. London: Printed by W.G. for Wil. Fisher at the PosternGate near Tower-Hill, and Benj. Hurlock over against St. Magnus Church near LondonBridge, 1671. Quarto, translated from the Dutch by Robert Norman, editor’s preface signed W.B.; text woodcuts, one folding woodcut plate, one text leaf folded with woodcut; the Harrison D. Horblit copy with his bookplate; rare, two U.S. copies in ESTC; no auction sales since 1939; later speckled calf boards, rebacked and recornered, chipping to head, tail, and corners, 6 3/4 x 5 in. A2, B-Z4, Aa-Kk4, Ll2. http://estc.bl.uk/R17514 $3,000-5,000


6 Augustine of Hippo, Saint (354-430) Of the Citie of God: with the Learned Comments of Io. Lod. Vives. London: Printed by George Eld, 1610. First edition in English, folio, De Civitate Dei, translated into English by John Healey, large woodcut printer’s device on title, bound in full contemporary English calf with large gilt lozenge on both boards, rebacked, repairs to board corners and edges; last twenty or so leaves with water stains and spotting, a few text leaves with water stains, 11 1/8 x 7 1/4 in. A4 (A1 is blank), A-Z6, Aa-Zz6, Aaa-Zzz6, Aaaa-Iiiii6, Kkkk3 (lacking final blank Kkkk4). http://estc.bl.uk/S106897 $3,000-5,000

7 Ávila y Zuniga, Luis de (c. 1490-c. 1560) The Comentaries of Don Lewes de Auela, and Suniga, great Master of Acanter, which treateth of the great vvars in Germany. London: in aedibus Richardi Totteli, 1554. First English edition, a translation of Commentarios de la Guerra de Alemania, an account of the Schmalkaldic War (1546-1574); small octavo, text in black letter, woodcut initials; rare, no copies listed in the auction record; ESTC locates five U.S. copies; bound in full olive morocco, rebacked, spine tooled in gilt, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 in. A-U8, (U7 and U8 blank and present). http://estc.bl.uk/S100247 $4,000-6,000


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8 Bacon, Francis (1561-1626) Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Naturall Historie in Ten Centuries. London: by John Haviland for William Lee, and are to be sold by Iohn Williams, 1635. Small folio, engraved title (dated 1631) and portrait bound opposite one another before typographical title; divisional title for The New Atlantis, bound in a contemporary Cambridge, England binding of full tan calfskin, ruled in blind, lightly speckled, with an unusual bird tool used in each corner, both boards, a book handed around to Cambridge undergraduates in its time, with 17th century signatures of at least four different users or owners of the book, two mention St. John’s College, contemporary parchment guards and printer’s waste pastedowns, a well-preserved binding, old scratches to leather boards, 11 1/8 x 6 7/8 in. [pi]2, A-Z6, Aa-Bb6, Cc4 a-g4 (g4 blank & present). http://estc.bl.uk/S106936 Gibson 174. $2,500-3,500

9 Balcanquhall, Walter (1586?-1645) A Large Declaration Concerning the Late Tumults in Scotland. London: by Robert Young, His Majesties Printer for Scotland, 1639. First edition, small folio, fine engraved portrait of Charles I bound opposite title, very good contemporary binding, lightly speckled calf ruled in blind, with contemporary morocco label, unsophisticated, with some contemporary marginal notes, 10 3/4 x 7 in. [pi]2, B-Z4, Aa-Dd4, Ee6, Fff-Zz4, Aaa-Ggg4, Hhh6. http://estc.bl.uk/S116832 $1,500-2,500



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10 Bale, John (1495-1563) The First Two Partes of the Actes or Unchast Examples of the Englysh Votaryes. London: [Part I] Imprynted by Abraham Vele, dwellying in Paules Churcheyarde at the synge of the lambe; [Part II] by [S. Mierdman for] for Johan Bale, 1551. Small octavo, two parts in one volume, the first part was originally published in 1546, this is the first appearance of the second part; woodcut on title showing Bale presenting his book to Edward VI (re-used in second part), text in black letter; some toning to first title, small water stains, otherwise good; ex libris book collector and diamond merchant Albert Ehrman’s (1890-1969) Broxbourne Library, with his diamond-shaped “Pro viribus summis contendo ex libris” bookplate with slogan and initials pasted on ffep, and rubber stamp with initials inside the back board; ex libris Charles Palmer, with his bookplate inside front board; bound in later half leather and marbled paper boards, hinges weak, 6 x 3 5/8 in. Bale was known for his harsh criticism of the Catholic church. As a former monk who resigned from his order and married, he denounced clerical celibacy and chastity, and other Catholic beliefs that he considered more superstition than religion. He composed this work while in exile. 10

*4, A-K8 (K8 blank & present); A-P8, Q4. http://estc.bl.uk/S100594 $3,000-5,000

11 Barleti, Marin (c. 1460-1512 or 1513) The Historie of George Castriot, Surnamed Scanderbeg, King of Albanie. London: Imprinted for William Ponsonby, 1596. First edition in English, translation of Historia de Vita et Gestis Scanderbegi by Zachary Jones; engraved portrait of George Castriot, [aka Skanderbeg] (1405-1468) bound opposite the title; bound in full contemporary calf with gilt arms of Elizabeth I tooled on both boards, ex libris Boies Penrose II with armorial bookplate, additional Boies Penrose Old East India House bookplate; contemporary signatures of Gilbert Dethis, Knight, and Charles Harris on ffep; inner joints clumsily repaired with black leather, spine rebacked, corners repaired, 11 1/4 x 7 1/2 in. [para]2-8 (lacking initial blank [para]1), A-Z6, Aa-Vv6. http://estc.bl.uk/S113043 $3,000-5,000


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12 Boemus, Johann (c. 1485-1535) The Fardle of Facions, Conteining the Aunciente Maners, Customes, and Lawes, of the Peoples Enhabiting the Two Partes of the Earth, Called Affrike and Asie. London: Printed by Jhon Kingstone, and Henry Sutton, 1555. First English edition of Omnium Gentium Mores, Leges et Ritus translated by William Waterman, octavo, title printed within woodcut compartment (title remargined along top edge), bound in full black morocco, gilt, a.e.g., rebacked, Cardiff Castle bookplate, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. The Fardle of Facions is considered the first scientific approach to ethnography available to English readers. *4 (*4 blank & present), A-Y8, Z4. http://estc.bl.uk/S102775 $4,000-6,000

13 Böhme, Jakob (1575-1624) Mysterium Magnum; [bound with] Durant Hotham’s (1617-1691) The Life of Jacob Behmen; [and] Böhme’s Four Tables of Divine Revelation. London: Printed by M. Simmons for H. Blunden, at the Castle in Corn-Hill, 1654. First edition, double-sided engraved frontispiece bound opposite the typographical title page in Mysterium Magnum, The Life of Behmen bound first; Four Tables bound last; contemporary or near-contemporary marginal notes intermittently throughout, almost all covered over with paper slips, bound in modern sheepskin, 10 1/2 x 7 in.


Life of Behmen: [A]1, B-F4, G3. http://estc.bl.uk/R211359 Mysterium Magnum: [pi]2 (two-sided engraved frontis and title), A2, A4, a4, B-H2, I-Z4, AaZz4, Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa-Oooo4, Pppp3. Four Tables of Divine Revelation: H2-H5, I4, K3 (lacking final ?blank K4). http://estc.bl.uk/R175590 $4,000-5,000



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14 Boorde, Andrew (1490?-1549) The Breviary of Healthe, for All Maner of Sickenesses and Diseases the which may be in man or woman, doth folowe. London: Imprynted in Fletestrete at the synge of the George next to saynt Dunstone’s Church by Wyllyam Powell, 1552. Second edition of one of the earliest English books on diet, quarto, title printed within woodcut compartment, fullpage woodcut on verso of title, text in black letter, woodcut initials, rebound in full crushed brown morocco, neatly resewn without being washed or trimmed, corners of final two leaves mended, ex libris Sir Robert Throckmorton, with his engraved bookplate pasted inside the front board, housed in a custom box, 7 1/2 x 5 1/4 in. “Boorde’s Breviary contains a mine of folklore, old proverbs, old-fashioned remedies which still survive, forgotten elements of diet, obsolete customs, and much positive information concerning the inner habits of the nation.” (Osler)


“Besides describing traditional varieties of mental illness, Boorde separated as ‘Demoniackes’ a group of violent or suicidal patients who might need exorcism over and above the standard remedies of ‘madnes.’ It is interesting that he classed separately as ‘frantickness’ the toxic delirium due to herbane (hyoscyamus) since at the present time hallucinogens and fantasticants, both natural and synthetic, are receiving much attention in psychiatric research.” (Hunter & MacAlpine) A-Q8 (Q8 blank & present), R8, B-C8, D4. http://estc.bl.uk/S106254 $6,000-8,000

15 Botero, Giovanni (1540-1617) Observations upon the Lives of Alexander, Caesar, Scipio. Newly Englished. London: Printed by A. Islip for Iohn Iaggard, 1602. First edition in English; rare, five US copies in ESTC; no auction sales since 1962, ex libris Anthony Jaggard of Winfrith Court, with bookplate, bound in modern full speckled calf, period style, title slightly toned, early signatures to title, 5 x 3 1/4 in. Botero argued against the amoral political philosophy of Machiavelli’s The Prince on religious grounds, and because in his opinion, it simply would not work. Inspired more by Aquinas, Botero’s basic philosophy was more liberal and a precursor to the work of Locke and Adam Smith. In this work, he reflects on the lives of three leaders of the ancient world. A-P8, (lacking A1, blank save signature mark), Q3, (lacking final blank Q4). http://estc.bl.uk/S104631 $2,000-3,000


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16 Boyle, Robert (1627-1691) Certain Physiological Essays and Other Tracts; Written at Distant Times, and on Several Occasions. London: Printed for Henry Herringman at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New-Exchange, 1669. Second edition, quarto, half-title present, ex libris Robert Eyre, with his bookplate, contemporary full calf, rebacked, small worm trail neatly mended to several text leaves, some minor marginal stains, 8 1/4 x 6 1/4 in. In this work, Boyle puts forth several essays outlining his corpuscular theory of matter. Discourses on physics, chemistry, meteorology are published here, as he explores a particulate theory of matter, over the previous Aristotelian theories of the past. “When Boyle spoke and wrote of chemistry as an integral part of natural philosophy, and of chemical experiments as the key to natural philosophy, it might be thought that he was speaking rhetorically, for it is obvious that, except in spirit, the two sciences were generally accounted quite distinct. But there was one area where the two sciences did share an interest, though their approach was entirely different, an area of peculiar interest for the seventeenth-century scientists; this was in the consideration of theories of matter. This was the one area where [...] Boyle succeeded in integrating his physics and his chemistry, and in using chemical experiments to support his physical theory, thereby injecting physical theory into chemistry.” (Quoted from Marie Boas’s Robert Boyle and Seventeenth-Century Chemistry, Cambridge: University Press, 1958, p. 75)


A-Z4, Aa-Pp4, B-E4, (final E4 blank & present). http://estc.bl.uk/R17579 $3,000-5,000


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17 Boyle, Robert (1627-1691) Experiments and Considerations about the Porosity of Bodies. London: Printed for Sam. Smith at the Prince’s Arms in S. Pauls Church-Yard, 1684. First edition in English, octavo, contents good (some toning), bound in modern half leather with antique-style marbled paper boards, 6 3/4 x 4 1/4 in.

18 Boyle, Robert (1627-1691) Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours. London: Printed for Henry Herringman at the Anchor in the lower walk of the New-Exchange, 1664. First edition, octavo, title page printed in red and black, illustrated with one folding engraving (closed tear), bound in full modern calf, ruled in gilt, antique style, 6 1/2 x 4 in.

A-I8, K4 (K4 final blank present). http://estc.bl.uk/R17645 $3,000-4,000

A8, a8, b4, B-Z8, Aa-Dd8, Ee4. http://estc.bl.uk/R19422 $3,000-5,000

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19 Boyle, Robert (1627-1691) Short Memoirs for the Natural Experimental History of Mineral Waters. London: Printed for Samuel Smith at the Prince’s-Arms in St. Paul’s Church-yard, 1684/5. First edition in English, octavo, contents good, bound in modern half leather with antique-style marbled paper boards, 6 3/4 x 4 1/4 in. A8, B1, C-I8, K7 (K2-7 are printer’s ads; lacking final blank K8). http://estc.bl.uk/R15100 $2,500-3,500


20 Boyle, Robert (1627-1691) The Aerial Noctiluca: or Some New Phoenomena, and a Process of Factitious ShelfShining Substance. London: Printed by Tho. Snowden, and are to be sold by Nath. Ranew, bookseller in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, 1680. First edition in English, octavo, bound in modern half leather with marbled paper boards, 6 1/2 x 4 in. “Perhaps the most interesting example of [Boyle’s] mixture of interrogation and experimentation concerns noctiluca, the phosphorescent substances brought to [his] attention by J.D. Krafft, [...] and which Boyle wrote up in his The Aerial Noctiluca. This was a typical virtuoso display which capitalised on its strangeness and wonder, while Krafft and the other originators of the substance were careful to protect their rights by keeping the method of preparing it a secret. Boyle however, tried his usual methods.” (Quoted from Michael Hunter’s Boyle Studies) [pi]2, *2, B-H8, (with errata preceding title and final blank, H8, present). http://estc.bl.uk/R22714 $4,000-6,000


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21 Brathwaite, Richard (1588-1673) Natures Embassie: or, the Wilde-Mans Measures: Danced Naked by Twelve Satyres. London: Printed by [Richard Field] for Richard Whitaker, 1621. First edition, octavo, title printed within remarkable woodcut compartment depicting the dance described in the title; separate title pages for The Second Section, The Shepheards Tales, Omphale, and His Odes (collation continuous); rare, six U.S. copies listed in ESTC; bound in full crushed russet levant by Riviere, central gilt lozenge on each board, lettering to spine, inner gilt dentelles, a.e.g.; ex libris John Camp Williams, with his diamond-shaped morocco book ticket, joints a bit dry, head and tail lightly rubbed, corners bumped, 6 1/4 x 4 in. A4, B-R8, S4. http://estc.bl.uk/S1516 $10,000-12,000

22 25

22 Brinkelow, Henry (d. 1546) The Complaynt of Roderyck Mors, Somtyme a Gray Fryre. Imprinted at Savoy [i.e. Strasbourg]: per Franciscum de Turona [i.e. Wolfgang Köpfel, 1542?] Octavo, title page provided in pen facsimile, rare, no auction sales since 1953; three U.S. copies listed in ESTC, approximately fifteen leaves with marginal or corner paper restorations, neatly done, lost text made up in pen facsimile; ex libris Harold Marshall; bound in full 19th century red pebbled morocco by T. Aitken, elaborately gilt-tooled spine, gold tooling on boards, inner gilt dentelles, a.e.g., 5 1/4 x 3 1/4 in. A-H8. http://estc.bl.uk/S106579 $5,000-7,000

23 Bromhall, Thomas (fl. circa 1658) A Treatise of Specters. Or, an History of Apparitions, Oracles, Prophecies, and Predictions. London: Printed by John Streater, dwelling in Well-Yard, near the Hospital of S. Bartholomews the Lesse, 1658. First edition, folio, bound in later full sheepskin, title page with some discoloration, ex libris Harvard College Library with bookplate on rear endleaf with William A. Jackson’s initials in pencil at center of release stamp; 10 7/8 x 6 1/2 in. A3, B-Z4, Aa-Nn4, Oo2, Aaa-Kkk4, Lll-Rrr2. http://estc.bl.uk/R12412 $1,500-2,000 24 Browne, William (1590-c. 1645) Britannia’s Pastorals. First and Second Books. London: Printed by Iohn Haviland, 1625. Octavo, woodcut printer’s mark with flaming heart on title page, full-page woodcut of a poem in the form of an intricate knot, bound in full crushed navy blue morocco by Stikeman & Co., ornately gilt spine, inner gilt dentelles, a.e.g., 5 3/4 x 4 in.

25 Buchanan, George (1506-1582) Ane Detectiovn of the Duinges of Marie Quene of Scottes, Touchand the Murder of hir Husband, and hir Conspiracie, Adulterie, and Pretensed Mariage with the Erle Bothwell. London: Printed by John Day, [1571]. First edition, small octavo, a translation in Scots dialect, possibly by Thomas Wilson, of De Maria Scotorum Regina, bound in contemporary limp parchment tooled in gilt with a crowned Tudor rose and the initials “A.G.” on both covers, inside a gilt-ruled compartment with fleur-de-lis tooled at each corner, lacking ties, housed in a custom clamshell box, 5 3/4 x 3 7/8 in. A-Y4 (final leaf, Y4, blank and present, with evidence of bearers). http://estc.bl.uk/S106062 $6,000-8,000

A-Y8. http://estc.bl.uk/S105932 $3,000-4,000

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26 Bunyan, John (1628-1688) A Holy Life, the Beauty of Christianity: or, an Exhortation to Christians to be Holy. London: Printed by B.W. for Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultry, 1684. First edition, 12mo, rare, three U.S. copies listed in ESTC; bound in full crushed navy blue morocco by F. Bedford, spine ornately gilt, inner gilt dentelles, a.e.g., ex libris Cardiff Castle, with bookplate, 5 1/2 x 3 in. A-I12, K6. http://estc.bl.uk/R30867 $6,000-8,000

27 Bunyan, John (1628-1688) Differences in Judgment about Water-Baptism, No Bar to Communion. London: Printed for John Wilkins, and are to be sold at his shop in Exchange-Alley, 1673. First and only edition, octavo, added later frontispiece from The Pilgrim’s Progress, the Britwell copy, ex libris George Goyder, bound in full navy blue crushed morocco by Bedford, a few rust stains, 6 1/4 x 3 3/4 in. A-G8, H7, (lacking final blank H8). http://estc.bl.uk/R21419 $8,000-10,000



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28 Buoni, Tommaso (1574-1607) Problemes of Beauty, Love, and all Humane Affections, with a Discourse of Beauty by the Same Author. Translated into English by S.L. Gent. London: Printed for Edward Blount, and William Aspley, 1618. First edition, 12mo, rare, no auction sales; ESTC lists two U.S. copies (both at Harvard); title page and errata remargined, ex libris Frances Freeling and Samuel Boddington (with bookplates); contents good, later boards, rebacked, hinges starting, 5 x 2 1/2 in. Perhaps you have wondered, “Why is Love called a flame, a fire, and the like?”; “Why doe Lovers in the presence of those they Love knowe not how to frame their speech?”; or “Why hath nature geven to every thing a Desire?” this rare text shines some early 17th century light onto these and other questions that still persist in 2018.


B-O12, P10. http://estc.bl.uk/S1065 $4,000-6,000 29 Burghley, William Cecil, Baron (1520-1598) The Copie of a Letter Sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza Ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine Declaring the State of England. London: Imprinted by I. Vautrollier for Richard Field, 1588. First edition, quarto, one of several variants printed in the same year, a contemporary account of the defeat of the Spanish Armada, printer’s device on title. [Bound with] Certaine Advertisements Out of Ireland, Concerning the Losses and Distresses Happened to the Spanish Navie, upon the West coastes of Ireland, London: Imprinted by I. Vautrollier for Richard Field, 1588; bound by Lloyd of London in later full gilt parchment over boards, rebacked, a.e.g., title page with light even overall gray discoloration, contents not similarly affected, 7 x 5 in. A-E4, F2; A-B4, [C]2. http://estc.bl.uk/S108407 $12,000-15,000

30 Burton, Henry (1578-1648) Or an Unmasking of the Mystery of Iniquity, Folded up in a Most Pernitious Breeve or Bull, sent from the Pope lately into England. London: Imprinted by W. Joens for Michaell Sparke, 1627. First edition, quarto, rare, no auction sales since 1964, the Huth copy; title page with woodcut illustration showing Charles I attempting to defend his kingdom from the Pope by stabbing him while the Bull is presented by one of the Pope’s men, with leaf explaining the title page illustration bound opposite, bound in full tan calf by Clarke & Bedford, a.e.g.; a large copy, with deckle edges showing, 7 3/4 x 6 in. Burton’s work is a line by line rebuttal of the papal bull issued on May 30, 1626, in which Urban VIII advised Catholic citizens of Great Britain to decline the Oath of Allegiance prescribed on Charles I’s accession to the throne. [pi]2, para4, 2para4, a4, **4, [section sign]3, A-N4. http://estc.bl.uk/S122485 $1,500-2,500

31 Calvin, Jean (1509-1564) Foure Sermons of Maister Iohn Calvin, Entreating of Matters Very Pofitable for our Time, as may bee seene by the Preface. London: for Thomas Man, dwelling at Pater Noster Rowe, at the Signe of the Talbot, 1579. Quarto, rare at auction, last copies offered in the 1920s; title page printed within typographical ornament border. [Bound with] Anthony Anderson’s (d. 1593) The Shield of our Safetie, London: by H. Iackson in Fleetestreate, beneath the Conduite, at the Signe of S. Iohn Evangelist, 1581, first edition, four U.S. copies listed in ESTC, A1 (blank save signature and type ornaments) present before title; title page printed within typographical ornament border, the two titles in contemporary limp parchment, stab-stitched, some spotting, softening to paper in top right corner in a section of the second work, 7 3/4 x 5 3/4 in. Calvin: [manicule]4, ***2, A-H8 (H8 blank and present). http://estc.bl.uk/S107288 Anderson: A-X4 (half-title and colophon leaf present). http://estc.bl.uk/S100137 $2,000-3,000

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32 Camões, Luís de (1524-1580), trans. Sir Richard Fanshawe (1608-1666) The Lusiad, or Portugals Historicall Poem. London: for Humphrey Moseley, at the Prince’s Arms in St Pauls Church-yard, 1655. First edition in English, illustrated with engraved frontispiece bound opposite title, two full-page engraved portraits: one of Prince Henry of Portugal, the other of Vasco da Gama (1469-1524); bound in full contemporary (c. 1670) speckled calf, gilt-tooled spine, an unsophisticated copy with gilt-tooled spine, some wear, front joint tender, contents generally good, water stains, 12 x 7 1/2 in. The Lusiads, considered one of the most important Portuguese poems, is an epic work on the subject of Vasco da Gama’s explorations in the Americas. [pi]1, A4, a4, b2, [two plates], [unsigned singlet: a verse by Tasso on da Gama], B-Z4, Aa-Ff4. http://estc.bl.uk/R18836 $6,000-8,000

33 Campion, Edmund, Saint (1540-1581) Two Histories of Ireland. The One Written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer, Dr. of Divinity. Dublin: Printed by the Society of Stationers, 1633. First edition, small folio, title page printed within woodcut compartment, bound in contemporary speckled boards, rebacked, 11 x 7 1/4 in.


Edmund Campion was the first Jesuit priest to be executed in England under the Statutes of the Elizabethan Act of Supremacy in 1581. [para]6, A-L6, M4; Aa-Ss6, Tt4 (Tt4 blank likely integral). http://estc.bl.uk/S118078 $3,000-5,000

34 Cartwright, John, of Magdalen College, Oxford (fl. circa 1599) The Preachers Travels. Wherein is set downe a true Iournall, to the confines of the East Indies, through the Great Countreyes of Syria, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Media, Hircania and Parthia. London: Printed for Thomas Thorppe, and are to bee sold by Walter Burre, 1611. First edition, quarto, title page printed within a border of typographical ornaments, without blank leaf A4, bound in later full polished marbled calf with two russet morocco labels on spine, front board detached, book ticket of Myers & Co. of London pasted inside the front board, 6 7/8 x 5 in. Cartwright, as an agent of the Muscovy Company, travelled widely across the Middle East. “The account of his journeys is one of the most valuable of the period.” (Quoted from Raymond Howgego’s, Encyclopedia of Exploration to 1800, p. 197) 33


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A3, B-O4, P2. http://estc.bl.uk/S107677 $10,000-12,000

35 Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle (1624?-1674) The Life of the Thrice Noble, High and Puissant Prince, William Cavendishe, Author’s Presentation Copy. London: Printed by A. Maxwell, 1667. First edition, folio, author’s presentation copy, with inscription to English antiquary Robert Thoroton (1623-c. 1678) on ffep, “Robt. Thoroton ex dono Authoris,” with the full-page engraving, The Duke and Dutchess [sic] of Newcastle and their Family engraved by Pierre Clouwet (1606-1677) after Abraham van Diepenbeck (1596-1675) bound opposite the first leaf of the preface; bound in full contemporary dark calf, tooled in gilt, nicely rebacked and recornered, 11 1/2 x 7 1/2 in. [pi]2, (a)-(c)2, (d)3, (e)2, B-Z2, Aa-Ff2, Gg3 (with added leaf), Hh-Zz2, Aaa-Bbb2, [one unsigned leaf], Ddd-Eee2. http://estc.bl.uk/R30741 $7,000-10,000


36 Cervantes, Saavedra, Miguel de (15471616) The History of the Most Renowned Don Quixote of Mancha: and his Trusty Squire Sancho Pancha. London: Thomas Hodgkin, and are to be sold by John Newton at the three Pigeons over against the InnerTemple Gate in Fleet-street, 1687. Folio, engraved frontispiece (torn with loss along inner margin, repaired), illustrated with eight additional full-page engravings (for a total of nine, including the frontis), English translation by John Phillips (1631-1706), some stains and tears to contents, bound in modern half leather with marbled paper boards, 12 x 7 in. [eight preliminary leaves: frontis, typographical title, dedication (unsigned), Something instead of an Epistle to the Reader (A2), two unsigned leaves with dedicatory verses that begin: “Amadis de Gaul” and “The Unknown Knight,” first two leaves of contents (A2 and unsigned)], c2, B-R4, S3, T-Z4, Aa-Oo4, Pp3, Qq-Zz4, Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa-Iiii4. http://estc.bl.uk/R25756 $4,000-6,000


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37 38

37 Coignet, Matthieu, sieur de La Thuillerie (1514-1586) Politique Discourses upon Trueth and Lying. London: Printed by [John Windet for] Ralfe Newberie, 1586. First English edition of this French-language courtesy book, a translation of, Instruction aux Princes pour Garder la Foy Promise, by Sir Edward Hoby, woodcut printer’s device on title page, large woodcut arms on verso of title, repairs to inner margin of title, not affecting text; title page cropped at the top, cutting into the first line of the title, some minor defects to text leaves, bound in full modern calf, without the final blank, Q6, 7 3/4 x 5 1/2 in. [para]6, A-8, Q5. (Lacking final blank Q6). http://estc.bl.uk/S108450 $2,000-3,000

38 Colonne, Guido delle (c. 1287) The Life and Death of Hector. One, and the First of the Most Puissant, Valiant, and Renowned Monarches of the World, Called the Nyne Worthies. London: Thomas Purfoot, 1614. First edition under this title, small folio, large decorative title page woodcut compartment with female embodiments of Wisdom and Science, shields for each of the four continents, the royal arms of James I, and a scholar at his desk, contemporary signatures of James and Elizabeth Calthorpe, and Edward Palmer on title, title with a defect to the bottom inner corner repaired on verso; bound in later speckled boards, rebacked, spotty discoloration to bottom inner corner throughout, 11 1/4 x 7 1/4 in. “A modernized verse paraphrase of the Troy Book of John Lydgate, which was in turn ‘a very much amplified version of the prose Latin Historia destructionis Troiae of Guido delle Colonne, in turn a condensed version of the Roman de Troie of Benoît de Sainte More.” (Quoted from “Lydgate’s Troy Book,” Early English Text Society, extra series 97, p. ix) [pi]2-6 (lacking [pi1] first blank; A-K6, L9, M-Z6, Aa-Cc6, Dd3 (lacking final blank Dd4). http://estc.bl.uk/S119764 $2,500-3,500


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39 Conestaggio, Girolamo (1530-c. 1616) trans. Edward Blount (1562-1632) The Historie of the Vniting of the Kingdom of Portvgall to the Crowne of Castill. London: by Arn. Hatfield for Edward Blount, 1600. First edition in English, large quarto, authorship sometimes attributed to Juan de Silva, original title: Dell’unione del Regno di Portogallo alla Corona di Castiglia, was published in Genoa in 1585; ex libris Johannis Johnson, perhaps John Johnson of Cranbrook, with a Magdalene College, Cambridge inscription, (1662-1725); James Ibbetson, with his 18th century armorial bookplate; John Blount, with his bookplate inside back board and stencil on verso of title; Richard Duncan Radcliffe, with bookplate; Albert George Sandeman; and Patrick W. Sandeman, with bookplates; bound in full parchment over stiff boards, title page mounted; water staining; 10 1/4 x 7 1/2 in. A-Z6, Aa-Ee6, Ff4. http://estc.bl.uk/S108618 $2,500-3,500

40 Contarini, Gasparo (1483-1542) The Common-Wealth and Government of Venice. London: Imprinted by Iohn Windet for Edmund Mattes, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Hand and Plow in Fleetstreet, 1599. First and only edition in English before 1801, typographical ornament on title, stab-sewn with alum-tawed slips and bound in full contemporary limp parchment with polished surface, in very good contemporary condition, 7 3/4 x 5 1/2 in. This English translation of Contarini’s De Magistratibus et Republica Venetorum was first published in Paris in 1543. It documents and records Venice’s unique system of government in the period. Contarini composed the work while he served as ambassador to Charles V, and extols the inherent harmony and fairness of the Venetian system. [fleuron]4, A-Z4, Aa-Gg4 (Gg4 blank & present). http://estc.bl.uk/S108619 $3,000-5,000


41 Cornwallis, Sir William (1579-1614) Essayes. London: Printed [by S. Stafford] for Edmund Mattes, at the signe of the Hand and Plowgh in Fleet-street, 1600. First edition, part one only, 12mo, woodcut device on title, bound in full olive morocco by Mounteney, tooled in gilt, a.e.g., in a custom half morocco box, 4 3/4 x 2 1/2 in. Cornwallis influenced the essay-writing styles of Montaigne and Bacon, and helped define the English style of the genre. A4, B-N8, O2. http://estc.bl.uk/S108699 $3,500-4,500


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42 Coryate, Thomas (1577-1617) Coryats Crudities; Hastily Gobled up in Five Moneths Trauells. London: by W[illiam] S[tansby], 1611. First edition, lacking the errata leaf, quarto, illustrated with extra engraved title signed by William Hole, full-page woodcut arms of the Prince of Wales between a3 and a4; and the following engravings by Hole: Tomaso Odcombiano meeting Margarita Emiliana opposite page 266; folding plate of the Amphitheater of Verona before page 311; folding plate of the Strasbourg clock after page 452; folding plate engraved portrait of Frederick IV, Elector Palatine of the Rhine (1574-1610) on page 496; text engraving of a dragon on Bbb3 verso; bound in full dark brown morroco by Bedford, lavishly blind-tooled, gilt spine lettering, a.e.g., very minor rubbing, ex libris travel historian and book collector, Boies Penrose II (1902-1976), author of Travel and Discovery in the Renaissance, 1420–1620, published by Harvard University Press in 1952, with his bookplate inside the front board; a3 slightly smaller, with repair to gutter, minor professional paper repairs to some text, 8 x 5 7/8 in. [pi]2, a8 [singlet with Prince’s arms bound between a3 and a4], b1, b4, b2-8, c-g8, h-l4, B-C8, D1, D3, D2-8 [eleven leaves signed D: the last leaf of An Oration in Praise of Travell; three leaves of Laurence Whitaker’s Elogie; and seven leaves containing the beginning of Coryate’s Observations of France], E-Z8, Aa-Zz8, AaaCcc8, Ddd4, [3E]1 (signed Eee3), lacking [3F]1 (errata leaf). http://estc.bl.uk/S108716 $12,000-15,000 43 Cosin, Richard (1549?-1597) An Apologie for Sundrie Proceedings by Iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall, of Late Times by Some chalenged, and also Diversly by them Impugned. London: Imprinted by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, 1593. Enlarged second edition of which two variants exist, quarto, separate title page and collation for second and third parts, bound in full contemporary limp parchment with a polished surface, ex libris Richard Mostyn of Penbedw Denbighshire, with his engraved bookplate pasted inside the front pastedown, good contemporary condition, trimmed at an odd angle originally with some occasional incursions to some headlines, 7 1/4 x 5 1/4 in.


“An apologie for sundrie proceedings by jurisdiction ecclesiastical (1593) is his major work. He expressed the views that Magna Carta implied that the English monarchy did not have absolute power, but that it had no application to ecclesiastical jurisdiction.” (Quoted from Alan Cromartie’s, The Constitutionalist Revolution: An Essay on the History of England, 1450-1642, 2006, pp. 131 and 139) A-V4, Aa-Tt4 (Tt4 blank & present), [pi]2, B-Z4, Aa-Kk4. http://estc.bl.uk/S122948 $1,500-2,500


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44 Cotgrave, Randle (d. 1634?) A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues. London: by Adam Islip, 1611. First edition, folio, title page printed within elaborate woodcut compartment, contents in remarkably good condition, bound in full contemporary calf, gilt lozenge on each board, gilt tools in center of each compartment, rebacked, 11 1/4 x 7 1/4 in. Cotgrave’s work is an important landmark in comparative lexicography. [A]4 (A1 blank and present), B-Z6, Aa-Zz6, Aaa-Zzz6, Aaaa-Nnnn6 (Nnnn6 blank & present). http://estc.bl.uk/S107262 $1,000-1,500

45 Cotton, John (1584-1652) God’s Mercie Mixed with His Iustice, or His Peoples Deliverance in Times of Danger, Laid Open in Several Sermons. London: by G.M. for Edward Brewster, and Henry Hood at the Bible on Fleet-Bridge, and in S. Dunstanes Church-yard, 1641. First edition, quarto, rare, no auction records, last listed for sale in a 1952 Goodspeed’s catalog, no subsequent editions published; bound in later full dark morocco, tooled in gilt by Matthews, marbled endleaves, 7 1/4 x 5 1/2 in. “John Cotton, the majority of the English Puritans knew, was the American with the widest reputation for scholarship and pulpit ability; of all the American ministers, he had been consulted most frequently by the prominent Englishmen interested in Massachusetts; of all of the American ministers, he had been the one to supply England not only with descriptions of his practice, but with the theoretical base for it. John Cotton, the majority of the English Puritans concluded, was the prime mover in New England’s ecclesiastical polity.” (Quoted from Larzer Ziff’s The Career of John Cotton: Puritanism and the American Experience, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1962, p. 197) A-K4. http://estc.bl.uk/R2386 $2,500-3,500

46 Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556) A Confutatio[n] of Unwritte[n] Verities. [Wesel?: Printed by J. Lambrecht?, 1556]. First edition, small octavo, text printed in black letter; rare, no copies offered at auction since 1964, ESTC locates six U.S. copies; finely bound in full mottled calfskin, boards ruled in gilt, gilt-tooled spine, inner gilt dentelles, ex libris George Goyder with his bookplate and penciled signature and notes, title slightly dusty, 5 1/4 x 3 1/4 in. This text was written in answer to Dr. Richard Smith, who maintained that there were truths requiring belief which were not expressed in Scripture. A-P8, O7 (lacking final blank, O8). http://estc.bl.uk/S109030 $6,000-9,000

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47 Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556) Catechismus, That is to Say, a Shorte Instruction into Christian Religion for the Synguler Commoditie and Profyte of Childre[n] and Yong People. London: Gualterus Lynne excudebat, 1548. First edition, octavo, title printed within woodcut compartment, full-page woodcut on verso of title; twenty-six text woodcuts, one signed Hans Holbein; large woodcut on colophon; rare at auction, the last complete copy (lacking no printed leaves) was offered for sale in 1937; the four copies listed in auction sales between 1953 and 2010 have all lacked either title, colophon, or text leaves; two variants listed in ESTC, neither of which description corresponds directly to the details of this copy, colophon in this copy reads, “Imprynted at London for Gwalter Lynne, dwellyng on Somers kaye by Byllynges gate,” with no mention of Nicholas Hill; D1r line 1 begins: “ymage”; L1r, line 5 ends: “of”; both variants in ESTC are rare, with each showing two U.S. copies only; bound in full blue morocco tooled in gilt, a.e.g. (becoming decased); ex libris William Van Mildert, with his bookplate, 5 1/4 x 3 1/4 in.


This Catechism, explicitly created for the instruction of children and young people, was a translation prepared by Cranmer of the text by German Lutheran theologian and reformer Justus Jonas (1493-1555). ( )6, A-Y8, Aa-Ll8, Mm7 (lacking final blank Mm8). http://estc.bl.uk/S109272 http://estc.bl.uk/S109276 $12,000-18,000

48 Crouch, Nathaniel (1632-1725) The Surprizing Miracles of Nature and Art. London: Printed for Nath. Crouch, at the Bell next Kemp’s Coffee-House in ExchangeAlley, 1683. Second edition, 12mo; engraved frontispiece, illustrated with five additional full-page engravings of the natural and occult disasters, and wonders of the world; rare at auction, no sales since 1966; bound in contemporary speckled calf boards, rebacked, 5 5/8 x 3 1/4 in. In this populist work, Crouch describes comets, prodigious plagues of various birds and animals, and other strange appearances in the heavens on and the seas. Two engravings depict the Seven Wonders of the World. A-K12. http://estc.bl.uk/R11001 $2,000-3,000 48


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49 Davenport, John (fl. circa 1646) The Witches of Huntingdon, their Examinations and Confessions; exactly taken by his Majesties Justices of Peace for that County. London: Printed by W. Wilson, for Richard Clutterbuck, 1646. First edition, quarto, rare; ESTC lists five U.S. copies; no auction sales since 1930; bound in full crushed russet morocco by Riviere, inner gilt dentelles, a.e.g.; light dampstains, some leaves lightly browned, 7 1/4 x 5 1/4 in. A-B4, C2. http://estc.bl.uk/R200949 $2,000-3,000


50 Day, Richard (b. 1552) A Booke of Christian Prayers. London: Printed by John Daye, dwellyng over Aldersgate, 1578. Quarto, illustrated with woodcut borders on title page and text leaves throughout, with a full-page woodcut of Queen Elizabeth at prayer in her chapel, this work is also known as Queen Elizabeth’s Prayerbook; this copy bound in contemporary calf boards, tooled in gilt with central lozenge, rebacked, leather from boards relaid over new boards, signature A misbound after signature B, table at end (Oo3 and Oo4) supplied from a copy of the 1608 edition and re-margined, slight rubbing to spine and board corners, boards slightly reflexed, 7 1/4 x 4 3/4 in. [manicule]4, B4, A2, C-Y4, Aa-Oo4 (Sig. A misbound after sig. B; Oo3 & Oo4 supplied from 1608 edition). http://estc.bl.uk/S121845 http://estc.bl.uk/S109435 $8,000-12,000 51 Demosthenes (c. 384-322 BC); Thomas Wilson, trans. (1525?-1581) The Three Orations of Demosthenes. London: Imprinted by Henrie Denham, 1570. First English edition, quarto, title page printed within typographical ornament border, woodcut view of Athens on A3r; ex libris George Goyder, with his bookplate pasted inside the front board, bound in later half leather, marbled paper boards, 7 x 5 1/4 in. [pi]4, *4, **4, A-Y4 (Y4 blank & present). http://estc.bl.uk/S109558 $4,000-6,000


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52 Donne, John (1572-1631) Biathanatos. A Declaration of that Paradoxe or Thesis that Self-homicide is not so Naturally Sin, that it May Never Be Otherwise. London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Princes Armes in St. Paul’s Churchyard, 1648. First edition, second issue, with cancel title, quarto, title page printed in red and black, decorated initials, list of authors cited precedes signature A, final blanks Ee3 and 4 present, bound in contemporary ruled sheepskin, neatly rebacked in calfskin, lettered in gilt on spine, with later wove endleaves and pastedowns in keeping with the feel of the original, board edges somewhat frayed, ex libris W.E. Hope Vere, Craigie Hall, Craigie Hall Library, with two bookplates inside the front board, never trimmed, 7 1/2 x 5 1/4 in.


Responsibility for publication of this controversial tract was conferred in death by Donne to his son. Circulated only in manuscript during the poet’s lifetime, this is the first published version of the text presented to the public. [para]3, cancel title, (*)2, A/[para]4, A-Z4, AaEe4 (Ee3 & Ee4 blank & present). http://estc.bl.uk/R13916 $2,000-3,000

53 Donne, John (1572-1631) Biathanatos. A Declaration of that Paradoxe, or Thesis, that Selfe-homicide is not so Naturally Sinne, that it may never be otherwise. London: Printed by John Dawson [for Henry Seile], 1644. First edition; undated title, quarto, bound in later full calf, nicely done in period style, some contemporary notes on free blanks, ownership inscription dated 1699 on title, ex libris University College London, four-line contemporary manuscript note at the foot of page 30, 7 1/4 x 5 1/2 in. “Every Tuesday I make account that I turn a great hourglass, and consider what a week’s life is run out since I writ. But if I ask myself what I have done in the last watch, or would do in the next, I can say nothing. If I say that I have passed it without hurting any, so may the spider in my window. [...] I have often suspected myself to be overtaken [...] with a desire of the next life, which, though I know it is not merely out of a weariness of this, [I suspect] worldly encumbrances have increased.” (Donne, in a 1608 letter to his friend Henry Goodyer) [para]4 (first leaf blank and likely integral), (*)2, A/[para]4, A-Z4, Aa-Dd4, Ee2. http://estc.bl.uk/R13744 $12,000-14,000 53


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54 Donne, John (1572-1631) Pseudo-Martyr. London: Printed by W[illiam] Stansby for Walter Burre, 1610. First edition, quarto, the H. Bradley Martin copy, with book tickets and plates of Harold Greenhill, Clarence S. Bemens, and Leonard Klein, bound in very good contemporary limp parchment, contents good, housed in a custom phase box, 8 3/4 x 6 1/2 in. After Henry VIII led the British people into the protestant religion, his citizens struggled with royal allegiances and religious conscience. In Pseudo-Martyr, Donne, himself a converted Catholic, advises British Roman Catholics to take the Oath of Allegiance to James I. This is Donne’s first appearance in print.


A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Ggg4, Hhh2, [para]2. http://estc.bl.uk/S109984 $25,000-35,000 55 Du Moulin, Peter (1601-1684) Directions for the Education of a Young Prince. London: Printed for H. Brome at the Gunin St. Paul’s Church-yard, 1673. First edition; 12mo, two U.S. copies in ESTC, ex libris Arnold Muirhead, with his bookplate, bound in full modern calf, retaining the original page size, with contemporary red edge coloring, some faint marginal dampstaining, 5 1/8 x 2 3/4 in. DuMoulin’s work on the education of a young prince to age seven includes chapters on shamefacedness, fear, curiosity, credulity, natural vicious inclinations in children, pride, willfulness, lying, intemperance, the qualities of a governess, and other topics. A6, B-F12 (F12 final blank and present). http://estc.bl.uk/R31384 $3,000-4,000

56 Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre (1622-1687) The Manner of Making of Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate. London: Printed for William Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple Bar near Devereux Court, 1685. First and only edition, 12mo, woodcut illustration of “the coffee tree” and a coffee bean roaster on page 9, bound in full 18th century speckled calf, gilt-ruled boards and spine (bottom section of spine chipped and missing, front board detached), marbled endleaves, a.e.g., trimmed a bit close along the foot, 5 1/4 x 3 in.


[pi]1, A-E12, F10. http://estc.bl.uk/R4072 $3,000-4,000

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57 Ellis, John (1710?-1776) The Natural History of Many Curious and Uncommon Zoophytes. London: Printed for Benjamin White & Son, 1786. First edition, large quarto, illustrated with sixty-three uncolored plates, bound in full contemporary polished tree calf, spine tooled in gilt, somewhat dry, corners bumped, 11 1/2 x 9 in. Ellis’s important work on corals gives a snapshot of the species living in the earth’s oceans in the late 18th century. [pi]2, B4, B-Z4, Aa-Dd4, 63 engraved plates. http://estc.bl.uk/T145682 $800-1,200

58 Elyot, Sir Thomas (1490?-1546) Pasquyll the Playne. London: Thomae Bertheleti, 1540. Second edition (two appeared in 1533); title page printed within architectural woodcut border dated 1534; large woodcut of Elyot’s coat of arms on the verso of C7 with the slogan “Face aut Tace”; rare, no auction sales; two U.S. copies listed in ESTC; bound in later limp parchment, contents somewhat water stained, with some spots, 5 3/4 x 3 3/4 in. Pasquil the Playne is a semi-serious prose dialogue set in ancient Rome on the various flaws and merits of speech versus silence. Because Elyot was part of Henry VIII’s court, and friends with Cromwell and Wolsey, one may suppose that it portrays some aspects of that scene. Elyot is among the pioneers of English prose literature. A-C8, (final blank, C8, appearing only as a 1 1/4 in. stub). http://estc.bl.uk/S108773 $5,000-7,000

59 Elyot, Sir Thomas (1490?-1546) The Image of Governaunce Compiled of the Actes and Sentences Notable, of the Most Noble Emperour Alexandre Severus, Late Translated out of Greke into Englishe. London: Imprinted in the house of Thomas Berthelette, 1549. First edition, small octavo, title printed within architectural woodcut border, text in black letter, bound in full modern calf, some minor faults to text, title remargined, some light worming, a few spots, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. In Writing Under Tyranny: English Literature and the Henrician Reformation, Greg Walker writes that, The Image of Governance, “far from being a straightforward life of an ideal emperor, is actually a complex, bitter, and at times savagely satirical rumination on princely power and its perversions, probably prompted at least in part by the fall of Elyot’s patron and friend Thomas Cromwell. Many of the details highlighted in the text seem designed to comment upon contemporary events and Henry’s slide into tyranny in the course of the 1530s.” A-Z8, Aa4. http://estc.bl.uk/S111496 $4,000-6,000


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60 Erasmus, Desiderius (d. 1536) Apophthegmes, that is to saie, prompte, quicke, wittie and sente[n]cious saiynges. London: by Ihon Kingston, 1564. Second English edition, octavo, woodcut ornament at foot of title, first word in italic type, text in black letter, ex libris George Goyder, with his signature and notes in pencil, ex libris Henry Cunliffe, with his bookplate pasted inside the front board, along with this note, “purchased at Hugh Thomas’ Sale, December 1853,” bound in straight-grained russet morocco, spine a trifle rubbed, title toned, some side notes trimmed too closely, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. This translation was prepared by Nicholas Udall, a playwright, clergyman, and teacher. He was celebrated for his rendering of Erasmus’s Apophthegmata into English, and famous for authoring Ralph Roister Doister, generally regarded as the first comedy written in the English language. *-**8 (**8 blank & present), a-z8, A-H8, I10 (I10 blank and present). http://estc.bl.uk/S101673 $4,500-6,000

61 Estienne, Henri (1531-1598) A Mervaylous Discourse upon the Lyfe, Deedes, and Behaviours of Katherine de Medicis. At Heydelberge [i.e. London: Printed by H. Middleton?], 1575. First edition, octavo, rare, five U.S. copies listed in ESTC, bound in full later calf, fore-margins of title and following leaf reinforced, 5 1/4 x 3 1/4 in. “Between 1575 and 1579, at least nine French editions [of this work] were published, [...] in English, Latin, and German versions as early as 1575. Modeled satirically on a Latin saint’s life or Legenda, the Discours Merveilleux purports to expose the devious and perverse character of Catherine de Medici, which threatens to lead to the destruction of the French Kingdom. At once an anti-Italian and misogynist assault on the Queen Mother, the Discours Merveilleux represents one of the foundational texts behind the notorious image of Catherine as the Black Queen.” (Quoted from an article by Leah Chang, The George Washington University, published on the University of Virginia website: https://explore. lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/show/renaissance-inprint/frenchwarsofreligion/catherinedemedicis)

62 Evelyn, John (1620-1706) Numismata. A Discourse of Medals, Antient and Modern. London: Benj. Tooke at the Middle TempleGate, in Fleetstreet, 1697. First edition, folio, title page printed in red and black, illustrated with text engravings, ex libris Sir Frederick Evelyn, 3rd Baronet (1734-1812), and direct descendant of the author, with his engraved bookplate; bound in full tan calf, gilt tooledspine, marbled endleaves, a.e.g., rubbed and marked, contents generally good, 12 1/2 x 8 in. A-Z4, Aa-Xx4, Yy-Zz2, Aaa2. http://estc.bl.uk/R21821 $600-800

A-M8, N2. http://estc.bl.uk/S101750 $800-1,200

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63 Fabyan, Robert (d. 1513) Chronicle. [London: Printed by Richard Grafton for John Reynes, dwellynge at the sygne of saynte George in Pauls churcheyarde, 1542]. Folio, third edition continuing the Chronicle up to the year 1541, (variant, possible earlier version or pirated edition) two parts bound in one volume, on the first title, only the compartment was printed, with no text inside, with printer’s initials WR at the feet of the two flanking columns (McKerrow & Ferguson 20); this copy seems to vary from either 1542 edition cataloged in ESTC as it has no title, printer information, or date on the first title, no colophon information in either volume, and no printer information or imprint date on divisional title for the second volume; bound in later blind-tooled boards, gilt-tooled spine, resewn, marginal paper repairs to preliminary and final leaves, some other scattered defects and repairs, some contemporary manuscript annotations, text printed in black letter throughout, lacking one text leaf in the second volume: (Aaa6, page 288/289), 11 1/2 x 7 3/4 in. “The present copy is an example of this third edition (1542). In addition to a continuation of the history to 1541, significant alterations were made to earlier events to conform to Protestant sensibilities. The pope became ‘bishop of Rome,’ King Henry II lost his moniker of ‘hammer of the Holy Church,’ and Thomas Becket was not ‘martyred’ to become a ‘blessed saynt,’ he was ‘murdered’ because he was a ‘traitorous bishop.’ A fourth edition, printed in Catholic Marian England, reverted to the former text.” (http://clarklibrary. ucla.edu/collections/tudor/chrzanowski/titlelist/1542f/) A6, B4, a-x6, y8, z6, A-E6, *6, aa-zz6, Aaa5 (lacking Aaa6), Bbb-Sss6. http://estc.bl.uk/S117883 http://estc.bl.uk/S106729 $4,000-6,000

64 Ferrand, Jacques (b. 1575?) Erotomania or a Treatise Discoursing of the Essence, Causes, Symptomes, Prognosticks, and Cure of Love or Erotique Melancholy. Oxford: Printed by L. Lichfield and are to be sold by Edward Forrest, 1640. First edition, octavo, title page printed in red and black within typographical ornament border; neatly bound in full leather, period style, some paper flaws at the head of some leaves, 5 3/4 x 3 1/2 in. Ferrand’s work first came out in French in 1610. Scholars wonder whether Burton had a copy of the first French edition, and borrowed from it for his Anatomy of Melancholy, or not. The Inquisition showed an interest, and tried Ferrand for heresy. Today, the work provides a rare insight into 17th century understandings of anxiety, depression, love relationships, gender roles, and other matters related to psychology and social assumptions and norms. a-b8, c4, A-Z8, (Z7 & 8 blank & present). http://estc.bl.uk/S102065 $6,000-8,000 65 Fleming, Abraham (1552?-1607) The Diamond of Devotion, Cut and Squared into Sixe Severall Points. London: Printed by Henri Denham dwelling in Pater Noster Rowe, being the assigne of William Seres, 1581. First edition; 12mo, title page printed within type ornament border, woodcut coat of arms on verso of title, each leaf of text printed within an ornament border, text in black letter; rare; ESTC lists three U.S. copies; no auction sales, bound in full contemporary blind-tooled calf, rebacked and repaired with new label and date at foot of spine; spine repair a bit rough, boards with a contemporary feel, blind-ruled compartments with central acorn tool on both boards, cloth ties lost, no endleaves or pastedowns, 5 x 2 3/4 in. A-N12, O10 (lacking colophon leaf, O11 and final blank, O12). http://estc.bl.uk/S102282 $3,000-5,000


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66 Fletcher, Giles (1549?-1611) The Russe Common Wealth, or Maner of Gouernement by the Russe Emperour, (commonly called the Emperour of Moskovia) with the manners, and fashions of the people of that Countrey London: Printed by T[homas] D[awson] for Thomas Charde, 1591. First edition, octavo, title printed within typographical ornament border, text in Roman letter, ex libris Newberry Library with their bookplate marked duplicate and withdrawn in 1993 with librarian’s initials, bound in later full calf, a.e.g., hinges very tender, 6 x 4 in. Fletcher served as English ambassador to Russia in 1588. Cultural observations such as his, written from an outsider’s perspective at the end of the 16th century, are uncommon. A3 (lacking first leaf, A1, blank except for signature mark), B-P8, Q4. http://estc.bl.uk/S102293 $15,000-25,000

67 Florio, John (1553-1625) Queen Anna’s New World of Words, or Dictionarie of the Italian and English Tongues. London: Printed by Melch. Bradwood, for Edw. Blount and William Barret, 1611. Second edition, an expanded version of Florio’s A Worlde of Wordes, originally published in 1598, illustrated with a fine engraved portrait of Florio by Hole bound after the preliminary leaves, title page printed within a woodcut border, bound in contemporary or slightly later speckled calfskin, rebacked, with the engraved ticket of S. Sudbury, Bookseller & Stationer, Swaffham; later endleaves added at the time of the repair, 11 1/2 x 7 1/4 in. Florio was the first translator of Montaigne’s works into English, was a friend and possible influencer of William Shakespeare, and contributed this important Elizabethan English/ Italian dictionary. [para]6, [port]1, A-Z6, Aa-Zz6, Aaa-Eee6, Fff4 (blank Fff4 blank & present), Ggg-Qqq4 (Qqq4 blank & present). http://estc.bl.uk/S121353 $7,000-10,000



68 Fludd, Robert (1574-1637) Mosaicall Philosophy: Grounded upon the Essentiall Truth or Eternal Sapience. London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, at the Prince’s Armes in St. Paul’s Church-yard, 1659. First English edition of Fludd’s Philosophia Moysaica, folio, illustrated with text woodcuts, bound in full contemporary speckled calf, ruled and tooled in blind, dry, joints cracked, very aged cursory repair to foot of spine, 11 1/4 x 7 1/4 in. Fludd was a well-known Paracelsian who pursued science and the occult. Astrologer, mathematician, cosmologist, Rosicrucian apologist, and follower of the Hermetic Qabalah, Fludd also corresponded with Johannes Kepler on the relative merits of scientific and hermetic approaches to our understanding of the natural world. [A]2-4, B-Z4, Aa-Oo4, Pp6, (First leaf, A1, blank and lacking). http://estc.bl.uk/R6980 $5,000-7,000


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69 Freire de Andrade, Jacinto (1597-1657) The Life of Dom John de Castro, the Fourth Vice-Roy of India. London: for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Sign of the Anchor on the Lower Walk in the New Exchange, 1664. First edition, folio, variant with errata; illustrated with engraved frontispiece portrait of Castro, full-page engraving bound opposite dedication, doublepage engraved plan of Dio, one text leaf torn with losses to a few words (repaired), a few other bottom outside corners torn with loss of blank margin, bound in contemporary full speckled calf, rebacked, 11 1/4 x 7 1/2 in. D. João de Castro (1500-1548) was a Portuguese nobleman, explorer, and fourth viceroy of Portuguese India. He spent an adventurous youth traveling east with Vasco da Gama’s son, Estêvão. He formed strong opinions about navigation. “This science of navigation is poorly distributed among the men, or because they act like idiots, which for a long time and continuous exercise they reach many particulars, though with all their works are never to gain authority in their office, or those who have no experience, but with much learning and great practice in the science of mathematics, reached the shadow of this art but not the true science.”


[pi]2, a1, *2, 2*2, 3*2, 4*1, B2, C3 (C1 cancel and its replacement with different setting both present), D-Z2, Aa-Zz2, Aaa-Zzz2, AaaaEeee2. http://estc.bl.uk/R7129 $1,500-2,000

70 Fuller, Thomas (1608-1661) A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine. London: Printed by J.F. for John Williams at the signe of the Crown in Pauls Church-yard, 1650. First edition, folio, additional engraved title bound opposite armorial “Lector” plate; illustrated with twenty-seven additional folding plates (mostly maps), bound in contemporary speckled calf, rebacked, with gilt-tooled spine, 12 1/2 x 8 1/4 in. [pi]2, A-F4, G6, H-Z4, Aa-Hh4, Ii6, Kk-Rr4, Ss6, Tt-Xx4, Yy6, Zz2, Aaa-Zzz4, AaaaBbbb4. http://estc.bl.uk/R18096 $4,000-6,000 70


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71 Gabelkover, Oswald (1539-1616) The Boock of Physicke. Dordrecht: Isaack Caen, 1599. First edition, small folio, illustrated with ornate finely engraved title by Dolens with a view of Dordrecht and a dedication to Queen Elizabeth with her arms at the top of the page; previous bookseller’s description inserted indicates that this copy is from the Phillips collection; bound in very good full contemporary limp parchment, becoming slightly decased, 10 3/4 x 7 1/4 in. Gabelkover’s organized approach to folk remedies includes a long table of contents in alphabetical order listing an exhaustive list of medical and pharmaceutical treatments. For joint pain he suggests application of a live frog, “sew him on a cloth with his four feete, & he will presently die, if he waxe rubicunde, it is a signe that in that part there are corruptede bones.” Remedies for pimples take up five pages; also treated: “stincke of the svveate,” and “how to make ones hayre fayre, yellouwe coulrede, and Longe.” Separate sections are dedicated to men, women, and diseases of young children, in addition to fevers, agues, gout, fistulas, bruises, and the other familiar human bodily complaints. Gabelkover’s is one of the earliest vernacularlanguage collections of remedies. [pi]2, [cross]-[2 crosses]6, [3 crosses]8, A-Z6, Aa-Kk6. http://estc.bl.uk/S121243 $12,000-15,000

72 Galileo, Galilei (1564-1642) trans. Thomas Salusbury (d. 1666) Mathematical Collections and Translations the First Tome. London: Printed by William Leybourn, 1661. First edition of Galileo’s works in English, folio, illustrated with four folding engravings; and many text diagrams; the text also contains works by Benedetto Castelli (15771643); Johannes Kepler (1571-1630); and a letter about the arrangement of the solar system by Paolo Antonio Foscarini (1565-1616); this copy was a prize book presented to Benjamin Mulock for mathematics by University College London in 1849 and bears a label to that effect; bound in half leather and buckram boards with the emblem of the College tooled in gilt on both boards, binding rubbed, water stain in bottom corner more than halfway through, contents otherwise good, 13 1/4 x 8 1/2 in. In Galileo’s Dialogo sopra i Due Massimi Sistemi del Mondo, two interlocutors discuss the merits of the Copernican versus the Ptolemaic system. Its publication put the author under the immediate scrutiny of the Vatican; the charge was heresy. The Dialogo remained banned by the Catholic church until 1835. The strength of Galileo’s work and the truth of the carefully prepared mathematical and observational work behind it overwhelmed thousands of years of religious dogma. In this moment, when research, logic, and the scientific method began to replace superstition and blind acceptance, western thought entered a new era. The first appearance of Galileo’s work in the English language, presented in a large folio format, represents the arrival of a new direction in critical thought that continues to structure our understanding of the world today.


[pi]1, *6 (two leaves unsigned, two signed *2, two signed *3), A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Rrr4, [Hhh]-[Iii]2, Vvv-Zzz2, Aaaa6+[para1], Bbbb-Qqqq4, Rrrr2 (without the half-title and errata leaf). http://estc.bl.uk/R19153 $35,000-50,000


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73 Gelli, Giovanni Battista (1498-1563) Circes of Iohn Baptista Gello, Florentine, Translated out of Italion into Englishe by Henry Iden. London: [Imprinted in Poules Churchyarde, at the signe of the holy ghost by Iohn Cawood, printer to the Quenes Maiestie], 1557 [i.e. 1558 or 1559?]. Small octavo, two editions dated 1557, ESTC does not define a precedence, however, despite the date given on the title page date, internal textual evidence indicates that this edition was printed early in Elizabeth’s reign (post 17 November 1558); rare, no auction sales since 1982, three U.S. copies in ESTC; title page printed within typographical ornament border, bound in full pebbled russet morocco by Bedford, spine gilt, a.e.g., a trifle rubbed, 5 x 3 1/4 in.


Gelli’s work is a series of ethical and philosophical dialogues much read in the Elizabethan period even before Henry Iden published this English translation. In Observations on the Faerie Queen, 1754, p. 258, Warton notes, “Circe soon became a very popular book, and was translated into English (as likewise into other languages) in the year 1557, by one Henry Iden; so that, probably, Spenser had read it; and might be induc’d to consult that Dialogue, from its mention in the preface.” A-S8, T4. http://estc.bl.uk/S105721 $6,000-8,000

74 Gerbier, Balthazar (1592?-1667) Counsel and Advise to all Builders; for the Choice of their Surveyours, Clarks of their Works, Bricklayers, Masons, Carpenters, and other Work-men therein Concerned. London: Printed by Thomas Mabb, dwelling on St. Pauls-Wharff neer the Thames, 1663. First edition, octavo, pages slightly rippled, bound in full modern calf, neatly ruled in gilt, 5 1/2 x 3 3/8 in. “An exact Architect must have the Art of Drawing and Perspective; ought to know what appertains to each Inhabitants Conveniency: Since there is a vast difference between the House of Prayer, and a Prince’s Palace, and meaner Habitations, nor is a Laboratorium for a Chymist fit either for Baking or Brewing.” a1, b7 (without leaf marked b3), a2-8, c-g8 (thirty-nine dedicatory epistles, one contents leaf), B-H8. http://estc.bl.uk/R16624 $4,000-6,000 74

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75 Gesner, Conrad (1516-1565) The Newe Iewell of Health, wherein is Contayned the Most Excellent Secretes of Phisicke and Philosophie, Devided into Fower Bookes. London: by Henrie Denham, 1576. First edition, quarto, large woodcut on title, illustrated with numerous text woodcuts throughout, including three large woodcuts on each of the three divisional titles, later calf, a.e.g., 7 1/2 x 5 in. This English translation of Gesner’s Thesaurus Euonymi Philiatri de remediis secretis, first published in Latin in 1552, takes as its subject the chemical preparation of medicines by distillation. George Baker, the family physician of the de Veres wrote the translation, and dedicated his work to Anne Cecil de Vere, Countess of Oxford, whose arms appear on the verso of the title page. Baker contends that his translation was intentionally opaque “I would not have every ignorant asse to be made a chirurgian by my book, for they would do more harm with it than good.” The Newe Iewell of Health plays a part in the Anti-Stratfordian conspiracies surrounding Shakespeare’s identity. Those who promote Edward de Vere, 17th Earl Oxford as the true Shakespeare draw a connection between George Baker’s presence in the de Vere household, and Sonnet 119’s allusions to alchemical apparatus illustrated in this book. A/*4, A-Y8, Aa-Ll8, Mm2. http://estc.bl.uk/S103060 $8,000-12,000 75

76 Glauber, Johann Rudolf (1604-1670) The Works of the Highly Experienced and Famous Chymist Containing Great Variety of Choice Secrets in Medicine and Alchymy. London: Printed by Thomas Milbourn, for the Author; by D. Newman; and W. Cooper, 1689. First edition, folio, illustrated with engraved frontispiece and nine full-page woodcut and engraved illustrations extraneous to the collation, including a repeat of the frontispiece, ex libris Bradford Public Library, with their stamp on the verso of the title, frontispiece, and each plate, some edge wear, discoloration, and marginal reinforcements to typographical title and plates; bound in modern half leather, 13 3/4 x 8 3/4 in. Glauber was an industrial chemist and chemical engineer who made contributions to the study of wine production informed by his knowledge of chemistry, and improved the design of furnaces and distillation equipment. He was also an apothecary and provided free medical treatment to the poor. He was the first to synthesize and isolate antimony trichloride, arsenic trichloride, tin tetrachloride, and zinc chloride. Soldium sulfate, which he produced as a safe and effective laxative, is called Glauber’s salt in his honor. [pi]1, A2, (a)1, (b)2, unsigned leaf with four woodcut figures, B-5U2; AZ2, AaZz2, Aaa-Kkk2; A-Z2, Aa-Cc2. http://estc.bl.uk/R21872 $2,000-3,000



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77 Gower, John (1325?-1408) De Confessione Amantis. London: Imprinted in Fletestreete by Thomas Berthelette, the XII daie of Marche, 1554. Folio, third edition, title printed within woodcut compartment, text in two columns, black letter, bound in full crushed brown morocco by Riviere & Son, ruled in blind and gilt, gilt tooling to spine and boards, edges gilt over marbling, neatly rebacked; ex libris Matthew C. D. Borden (1842-1912), with his bookplate inside the front board; two faded ownership inscriptions to title, 18th century marginal notes, some slightly cropped, short paper restoration to upper blank margin of title and second leaf, 10 3/4 x 7 3/8 in. Confessio Amantis (The Lover’s Confession) is a Middle English poem by John Gower of 33,000 lines. In it, an elderly man’s confessional to the chaplain of Venus creates a frame for a collection of shorter narrative poems. In the prologue, Gower explains that he writes at the request of Richard II. Gower’s is one of the great works of late 14th-century English literature, along with those of Chaucer, Langland, and the Pearl poet. The form of Middle English employed by Gower in the Confessio is a direct precursor of modern English and thus helped lay the foundation for modern English literature.


78 Grafton, Richard (1572?) Graftons Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande Newly. London: In aedibus Richardi Tottyll, 1569. First edition, octavo, printed in black letter, large crible woodcut initials, blindembossed library stamp to title, bound in handsome modern dark brown calf, 16th century style, with blind-tooled lozenges and gilt initials on boards, cloth ties, some headlines and side notes trimmed, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in.

79 Greco, Gioacchino (c. 1600-c. 1634) The Royall Game of Chesse-Play. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Anchor, 1665. First edition in English, octavo, portrait frontispiece of Charles I, woodcut border of title cropped along two edges, woodcut of a chessboard on page 14, bound in later speckled calf, rebacked, some water staining, affecting mostly the last three signatures, 5 3/4 x 3 1/2 in.

[pi]8, para8, 2para8, 3para8, [4 para]4, A-Z8, Aa-Bb8, Cc3 (lacking Cc4, final blank). http://estc.bl.uk/S122606 $3,000-5,000

Greco was a famous professional chess player of the Italian romantic style. His model games are still used for teaching. He pioneered the first smothered mate (a checkmate delivered by a knight in which the mated king is unable to move because he is surrounded, i.e. or smothered by his own piece), came up with a clever queen sacrifice, and used the wrong rook pawn theme. A8, a2, B-H8, I4, K1, (A1 blank, errata on verso of last leaf). http://estc.bl.uk/R23418 $5,000-7,000

*6, A-Z6, Aa-Hh6, Ii5 (lacking final blank, Ii6). http://estc.bl.uk/S120946 $8,000-12,000

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80 Grew, Nehemiah (1641-1712) The Anatomy of Vegetables Begun. With a General Account of Vegetation Founded thereon. London: Printed for Spencer Hickman, printer to the R. Society, 1672. First edition, octavo, illustrated with three folding engravings with microscopic views of plant anatomy bound at the end of the text; contents very good, bound in full contemporary calf, neatly rebacked, 6 1/4 x 3 1/2 in. A8, a8, B-O8 (N6 blank & present; O8 blank likely present). http://estc.bl.uk/R30321 $3,000-4,000


81 Guevara, Antonio de (c. 1490-1544) A Chronicle, Conteyning the Lives of Tenne Emperours of Rome. London: for Ralphe Newberrie dwelling in Fleetestrete, 1577. First edition in English, translated by Edward Hellowes, quarto, title page printed within typographical ornament border, contemporary blind-tooled boards, rebacked (front board detached), two letters dated 1652 and each addressed to the Earl of Panmure used as front and rear endleaves, numerous contemporary inscriptions inside front and back board, final leaf torn with loss (not affecting text), 7 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. [para]4, A-X8, Aa-Ii8, Kk7 (lacking final ?blank Kk8). http://estc.bl.uk/S103534 $2,500-3,500

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82 Gunter, Edmund (1581-1626) The Description and Use of the Sector, CrosseStaffe, and other Instruments. London: Printed by William Iones, for Iames Bowler, 1636. Quarto, added engraved title, engraved frontispiece of the instrument (toned and mounted), one constructed volvelle, one woodcut plate on its own slip, extraneous to collation, text diagrams and typographical tables printed throughout, contents generally good, bound in full contemporary full calf, rebacked, new endleaves, 7 1/4 x 5 1/2 in. [pi]4, b4, B-X4, Y2; Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Kkk4, Lll2 (Lll2 blank & present); Aaaa-Iiii4; [pi]1, A-O4. http://estc.bl.uk/S103555 $5,000-8,000

83 Hall, Thomas (1610-1665) Comarum Akosmia. The Loathsomnesse of Long Haire. London: Printed by J. G[rismond] for Nathanael Webb, and William Grantham at the Signe of the Bear, 1654. First edition, octavo, rare; no auction sales since 1939, first word of title trimmed almost completely away, title soiled, some headlines trimmed, bound in half leather and marbled paper boards, rebacked, 5 1/4 x 3 1/2 in. “But when may wee say that a mans Haire is too long? The Haire of a Mans Head is too long when tis an impediment to him, and hinders him in the workes of his calling; Therefore such men as are faine to get Strings or Fillets to tie up their Haire that it fall not in their eyes when they worke, offend in excessive LongHaire.” A4, B-H8, I7, (lacking final ?blank I8). http://estc.bl.uk/R13863 $1,000-1,500

84 Hartman, George (fl. circa 1696) The Family Physitian, or A Collection of Choice, Approv’d and Experienc’d Remedies. London: Printed for Richard Wellington, at the Lute in St. Pauls-ChurchYard, 1696. First edition, one of two variants dated 1696 with differing imprints, octavo, advertisement leaf bound opposite title, illustrated with double-page engraving of distillation equipment; ex libris Kenneth Garth Huston, with bookplate; repair to title at date, bound in contemporary speckled calf, rebacked, some toning, pale mottled browning to some leaves, 6 1/2 x 4 in.


Hartman’s collection includes a remedy for stupidity, and others for deafness, small pox, cancer, and many other maladies, in addition to cosmetic preparations, winemaking, and culinary recipes. A-Z8, Aa-Kk8. http://estc.bl.uk/R19842 $1,000-1,500

85 Haudicquer de Blancourt, Jean (b. 1650) The Art of Glass. London: Printed for Dan. Brown at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar; Tho. Bennet at the Half-Moon, D. Midwinter and Tho. Leigh at the Rose and Crown, and R. Wilkin at the King’sHead in St. Paul’s Church-yard, 1699. First edition, octavo, half-title present, illustrated with nine full-page engravings, extraneous to collation, contents in good contemporary condition, bound in full tan speckled calf, ruled in blind, gilt spine, red label, front board nearly detached, 7 1/4 x 4 1/2 in. Blancourt’s meticulously illustrated text contains much detailed information on the fabrication of glass, crystal, enamel, false stones, pearls, and mirrors. He also describes the enameling process and how adding minerals, metals, herbs, and flowers to glass will change its color and qualities. The final section is about making glass eyes.


A-Z8, Aa8. http://estc.bl.uk/R16918 $2,500-3,500

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86 Heresbach, Conrad (1496-1576) Foure Bookes of Husbandrie, Collected by M. Conradus Heresbachius. London: Printed [at Eliot’s Court Press] for Iohn Wight, 1586. Third edition, quarto, an English translation of Heresbach’s Rei Rusticae Libri Quatuor; type ornament block in center of title, woodcut coat of arms on verso of title, one woodcut botanical text illustration, Wight’s large woodcut printer’s device on verso of last leaf, with colophon, bound in marbled sheepskin boards, nicely rebacked, ex libris Booth Grey, with his engraved bookplate pasted inside the front board, 7 1/2 x 5 1/4 in. ()4, (*)4, (**)3 [lacking (**)4], A-Z8, &8, Aa2. http://estc.bl.uk/S103977 $4,000-6,000


87 Hewlett, John (fl. circa 1665) The Description and Use of a Quadrant. London: Printed for the Author, 1665. First edition, octavo, illustrated with folding engraving of the quadrant, woodcut text illustration of constellations; rare, one copy listed in ESTC worldwide, at the Bodleian; bound in modern blue calf, 5 1/2 x 3 1/4 in. [A]4 (A1 blank & present), B-D8, E4, (E4 blank & present). http://estc.bl.uk/R19278 $5,000-7,000

88 Heydon, John (b. 1629) The Harmony of the World, Being a Discourse of God, Heaven, Angels, Stars, Planets, Earth; the miraculous Descentions and Ascentions of Spirits. London: Printed for Henry Brome, 1662. First and only edition; engraved portrait frontispiece bound opposite the title, woodcut text diagrams; rare, no copies at auction since 1950; five U.S. copies listed in ESTC; bound in later half leather, marbled paper boards, two or three leaves trimmed along fore-edge, touching text, 5 3/4 x 3 1/2 in. In this rare astrological work, English Neoplatonist occult philosopher and astrologer, Heydon describes the preparation of “Rosie Crucian” medicines. *8 (frontis, title, *3-8), a-c8, d7 (lacking d8 ?blank), B-R8, S4. http://estc.bl.uk/R16451 $4,000-6,000 88


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89 Heywood, Thomas (d. 1641) Gynaikeion: or, Nine Bookes of Various History Concerninge Women. London: Printed by Adam Islip, 1624. First edition, small folio, engraved title; later half calf and marbled boards, 10 3/4 x 7 in.


Playwright and Shakespeare contemporary, Heywood’s work is a study of women real and mythic and gives interesting insight into western culture’s perception about females and femininity. During Heywood’s lifetime two very different queens ruled England while several others were imprisoned and executed. Each of the nine books is named after a muse, and takes her attributes as its inspiration to extrapolate. The fourth book, Melpomene, describes “Women incestuous, adulteresses, and such as have come by strange deaths”; Terpsichore, the fifth book, is about “Amazons, and other women famous either for valour or beautie”; Urania, the eighth book, is concerned with poetesses and witches; and the final chapter, Calliope, shows the punishments given to the “vitious” and the rewards reaped by the virtuous. A2-6, B-Z6, Aa-Rr6 (first and last leaf are blank & lacking in this copy). http://estc.bl.uk/S119701 $2,500-3,500

90 Higden, Ranulphus (d. 1364) Polycronicon. Translated by John Trevisa, with the 13571460 Continuation by William Caxton. Southwark: Peter Treveris for John Reyne, 1527. Folio, title printed in red and black with woodcut bust of Henry VIII, half-page woodcut of St. George and the dragon, Reyne’s device, numerous woodcut initials, six small woodcut illustrations, one full-page woodcut illustration of a battle scene, historiated woodcut frame surrounding colophon, final quire possibly supplied from another copy; inscriptions to title, contemporary and later; bound in later full calf, good, early ownership inscription of Robert Church, with inscriptions in Greek on title and later ownership inscriptions of the Hervey family, 11 x 7 1/2 in. aa8, bb-hh6 (hh6 blank & present), a-y8, z6, A-S8, T6, U8. http://estc.bl.uk/S119426 $15,000-25,000


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91 Higden, Ranulphus (d. 1364) Polycronicon. Translated by John Trevisa, with the 13571460 Continuation by William Caxton. Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, 13 April 1495. Folio, 382 of 398 leaves, lacking aa8, bb6 (fourteen leaves, consisting of the title page, Proheme, and part of the table), colophon X8, and the blank leaf hh6; title page supplied in very good facsimile, printed on both sides; colophon likely in facsimile, some leaves repaired and remargined, most extensive repairs to the colophon leaf, table bound at end; contemporary notes throughout, the word “Pope” struck out by hand throughout the text; ex libris Robert Barclay (1751-1830) of Bury Hill, with his bookplate; ex libris Ross Winans (1796-1877), American inventor and one of its earliest multi-millionaires, later full calf, rebacked, front board detached, a.e.g., 10 1/2 x 7 1/2 in. Rare at auction, the last copy was offered for sale in 1976.

92 Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679) Philosophicall Rudiments Concerning Government and Society. London: Printed for J.G. for R. Royston, 1651. First English edition of De Cive, 12mo, extra engraved title, and three additional full-page engravings, bound in very good later calf, period style, contents good, 5 3/4 x 3 1/4 in. De Cive, which anticipates Hobbes’s Leviathan, was originally written in Latin and published in Paris in 1642; it is organized into three sections: Liberty, Dominion, and Religion. Hobbes proceeds from man’s natural condition and natural laws, asserts the need for order and a stable government, and then explores the social importance of religion. A12, B8, [S4], C-R12, S3, (per ESTC, the leaf printed as S4, an index of chapters, is bound between B8 and C1). http://estc.bl.uk/R202404 $6,000-8,000

382 of 398 leaves, lacking aa8, bb6 (fourteen leaves, consisting of the title page, Proheme, and part of the table), X8 colophon, and the blank leaf hh6; collation: a-y8, z6, A-S8, T6, V-X8, cc-gg6, hh5. http://estc.bl.uk/S106488 $40,000-50,000


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93 Holinshed, Raphael (d. 1580?) A Fragment of the Chronicles: Gerald of Wales’s The Irish Historie. [London: at the expenses of Iohn Harison, George Bishop, Rafe Newberie, Henrie Denham, and Thomas Woodcocke, 1587]. Folio, title page printed within ornate woodcut compartment, bound in later full calf, rebacked, contents good (some spotting), text printed in black letter, two columns, with historiated woodcut initials, 14 1/2 x 9 in. Gerald of Wales (c. 1146-c. 1223) traveled on an expedition to Ireland with King Henry II’s son John in 1185. This trip was the basis for his Irish History. A-Q6, R2. http://estc.bl.uk/S122178 $2,000-3,000

94 Hooper, John (d. 1555) Certeine Comfortable Expositions of the Constant Martyr of Christ, M. Iohn Hooper. London: Printed by Henrie Middleton, 1580. First edition, quarto, title printed within typographical ornament border, text in black letter. [Bound with] John Knewstub’s (1544-1624) The Lectures of John Knewstub, upon the Twentith [sic] Chapter of Exodus, and Certeine Other Places of Scripture, London: Imprinted for Thomas Woodcocke, 1579, third edition, rare, two U.S. copies, both at Folger, title within arch-topped woodcut compartment, the two bound in contemporary calf boards with large gilt lozenge on both boards, original silk ties lost, cut marks to front board, rebacked, new endleaves, 7 1/4 x 5 in. 92

Bishop Hooper was executed for heresy and burned at the stake by Queen Mary I for his radical Protestant views in Gloucester on February 9, 1555. Knewstub was an English clergyman and a participant in the Hampton Court Conference of 1604, representing the Puritan perspective. Hooper: [para]4, B-Q8, R2. http://estc.bl.uk/S104196 Knewstub: A-V8, X2. http://estc.bl.uk/S106831 $2,000-3,000

95 Hurault, Michel (d. 1592) A Discourse upon the Present State of France. [London: J. Wolfe], 1588. Variant of the first edition dissimilar to the three described in ESTC in minor details but most closely resembles the 98-page version STC 14003, the third line of the title is in roman type, and the imprint reads, “Imprinted at London”; quarto, large woodcut printer’s device on title, bound in modern half leather, buckram boards, Bradford City Libraries stamp inside front board, some toning to gutters, 7 x 5 1/4 in. A2-4 (lacking A1, blank except for signature mark), B-M4, N1 (lacking N2 final ?blank). 98 pages. http://estc.bl.uk/S104313 $2,000-3,000


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96 Jewel, John (1522-1571) A Viewe of a Seditious Bul Sent into Englande, from Pius Quintus Bishop of Rome, Anno. 1569. London: Printed by R. Newberie, & H. Bynneman, 1582. First edition, octavo, large woodcut device on title, text in black and roman letter, woodcut headpieces and initials; editor’s introduction signed “Io: Garbrand”; finely bound in full speckled calfskin, inner gilt dentelles, a.e.g., ex libris George Goyder with his bookplate and penciled signature, 6 x 3 3/4 in.


The papal bull, Regnans in Excelsis was issued on 25 February 1570 by Pope Pius V and stated that “Elizabeth, the pretended Queen of England and the servant of crime,” was a heretic, and that her subjects were justly released from holding any allegiance to her, even when they had “sworn oaths to her.” Further, the Queen was excommunicated from the Catholic church, along with anyone who obeyed her orders. A3 (lacking A1, blank except for signature-mark), B-M8. 175 pages. http://estc.bl.uk/S2759 $2,500-3,500

97 John Chrysostom, Saint (d. 407); trans. Evelyn, John (1620-1706) The Golden Book of St. John Chrysostom, Concerning the Education of Children. London: Printed by D[avid] M[axwell] for G[abriel] Bedel and T[homas] Collins, at the Middle Temple gate in Fleet-street, 1659. First edition, first issue, one of two variants with the same date but slightly different imprints listed in ESTC, all are rare, seven U.S. copies total for both variants; title page printed in red and black; translated into English by John Evelyn (1620-1706), bound in full crushed red morocco by Elizabeth Greenhill, blank corner of four leaves torn away, not affecting page numbers or text, 5 3/4 x 3 in. Evelyn translated this work in the months following the death of his five-year-old son, Richard. The dedication, addressed by Evelyn to his brothers, is an extended tribute to his deceased son. In it he describes Richard’s learning, piety, character, personality, and disposition. “But my tears mingle so fast with my inke, that I must breake off here, and be silent.” A3-12 (lacking two preliminary blanks: A1 & A2), a12 (a12 blank & present), B-E12. http://estc.bl.uk/R10323 $6,000-8,000 97


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98 Jonstonus, Joannes (1603-1675) The Idea of Practical Physick in Twelve Books. London: Printed by Peter Cole, Printer and Book=seller, at the Sign of the Printing=Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1657. First edition, folio, rare, four U.S. copies listed in ESTC, bound in later half, extensive notes (some contemporary) on free endleaves at back, bound in modern half leather, rubbed, 11 x 7 in. [pi]1, B2, C3, **2, ***2, C2-4, D-E4, F3, r-z4, aa-cc4, dd1, C-E2, F-Z4, Aa-Kk4, Ll2. http://estc.bl.uk/R8913 $1,000-1,500

99 Joye, George (c. 1495-1553) The Letters whyche Johan Ashwell Priour of Newnham Abbey besydes Bedforde, sente secretly to the Byshope of Lyncolne, in the yeare of our Lord M.D.xxvii. [Strassburg, i.e. London?: Printed by T. Raynald and W. Hill?, 1548?]. Second edition, first printed in Antwerp in 1531; rare, no auction records; ESTC lists three U.S. copies; Cardiff Castle bookplate pasted inside front board, bound in full 19th century blind-tooled sheepskin by Bedford, gilt-lettered spine, 5 x 3 1/4 in. Joye was a 16th-century Bible translator responsible for an Old Testament translation published in the 1530s. He also proofread Tyndale’s New Testament translation. “In [1527] Ashwell addressed a secret letter, written partly in Latin and partly in English, to John Longland, the Bishop of Lincoln, bitterly complaining of the heretical opinions held by George Joye, a bold advocate of Lutheranism, with whom he had lived on terms of great intimacy. The epistle unhappily fell into Joye’s hands, and the reformer withdrew to Strasburg to escape the effects of the bishop’s displeasure. [...] One of the most singular passages in the book is Ashwell’s earnest entreaty to the bishop ‘that no creature maye know that I or any of mine do shew you of these thinges, for then I shal leusse the favor of many in my contree’ — a passage clearly showing that the Reformation in England was eagerly expected by the prior’s neighbours. A second edition of the pamphlet was published by Joye at Antwerp in 1531. Ashwell apparently somewhat modified his opinions with the times, and in 1534 he was among the first to take the oath of supremacy to Henry VIII as head of the church. But he appears to have resigned the post of prior of Newnham before 1539, when the monasteries were finally dissolved.” (https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/John_Ashwell) A-C8, D4. http://estc.bl.uk/S100275 $4,000-6,000


100 Kingsmill, Andrew (1538-1569) A Viewe of Mans Estate, wherein the Great Mercie of God in Mans Free Justification by Christ, is Very Comfortably Declared [...] Wherein is Annexed a Godly Advise Touching Marriage. London: Imprinted by H. Bynneman, for Lucas Harison and George Bishop, 1576. Second edition, octavo; rare, one U.S. copy in ESTC; title page printed within typographical ornament border (tear with loss to bottom right corner, repaired), bound in modern limp parchment, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in.

101 La Noue, Francois de (1531-1591) The Politicke and Militarie Discourses of the Lord de la Novve. London: Printed for T[homas] C[adman] and E[dward] A[ggas] by Thomas Orwin, 1587. First English edition, quarto, title page printed within typographical ornament border, with woodcut device (discolored, mounted), ex libris Charles Arthur Wynne Finch, with his bookplate, bound in later full speckled calf by John Bumpus, marbled endleaves, somewhat rubbed, some defects to contents, including some damp staining and speckling, 7 3/4 x 5 3/4 in.

A-L8, M4. http://estc.bl.uk/S106683 $2,500-3,500

A Captain with the French Protestant Huguenot military forces, de La Noue was shot in the left arm at the Siege of Fontenay in 1570. The arm was later amputated, and a blacksmith from La Rochelle fashioned the Captain a prosthetic arm with a hook for holding his reins, earning him the name Brasde-Fer: Iron Arm. A-Z8, Aa-Ff8, Gg7 (lacking Gg8, final blank). http://estc.bl.uk/S108246 $2,500-3,500

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102 La Perriere, Guillaume de (1499-1565) The Mirrour of Policie. A Worke No Less Profitable than Necessary, for Princes, Magistrates, and Governours of Estates and Commonweales. London: Printed by Adam Islip, 1598. First edition, the rarer (three U.S. copies) of the two variants dated 1598, with four preliminary leaves, quarto, illustrated with two large folding woodcuts and text woodcuts throughout, later full red morocco, some faint damp stains to interior pages, 7 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. [para]4, A-Z4, Aa-Kk4, Ll3 (lacking final blank Ll4). http://estc.bl.uk/S5123 $2,500-3,500


103 Lamb, Francis (fl. circa 1673) Astroscopium: or Two Hemispheres, Containing all the Northern and Southern Constellations. London: Printed by W. Leybourn, for the author, and are to be sold by R. Morden at the Atlas in Cornhil, 1673. First edition, octavo, folding engraving of the constellations in the two hemispheres tipped onto B1 (first leaf of text); folding engraved illustration tipped onto page 37; double page engraving bound between E2 and F1; bound in full contemporary sheepskin, sympathetically rebacked, with a new label, period style, 6 1/4 x 3 7/8 in. A6, B-D8, E2, F-G8. http://estc.bl.uk/R41264 $3,000-5,000

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104 Lanquet, Thomas (1521-1545) An Epitome of Cronicles. London: Imprinted in fletestrete in the house of Thomas Berthelet, 1549. First edition, quarto, lacking title page (colophon leaf bound as first page), also lacking preliminary A4, full calf, worn, covers detached, 7 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. A2-3 (lacking title, A1 and prelim A4, colophon leaf bound in place of title), A-F4 (F4 blank & present), A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Zz4, AaaaDddd4 (colophon leaf, Dddd4, bound as the first leaf). http://estc.bl.uk/S108238 $2,000-3,000


105 Lawrence, Thomas (fl. circa 1664) Mercurius Centralis: or, a Discourse of Subterraneal Cockle, Muscle, and Oystershels. London: Printed by J[ohn] G[rismond] for J. Collins, and are to be sold at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1664. First edition, 12mo, one of two variants printed in 1664, the other with R. Royston’s name in the imprint, nonetheless inscribed on verso of imprimatur leaf, “ex dono Mr. Royston,” rare, one U.S. copy at Folger; the Britwell Court copy, a note by Thomas Thorpe, bookseller, dated 1867, attributing the Royston inscription to the hand of John Milton (who, in 1664, and been blind for some years), bound in 18th century mottled calf, gilt-tooled spine, 4 7/8 x 2 3/4 in. Lawrence tackles one of the questions that vexed many 17th-century scientists, naturalists, and philosophers: how to explain the existence and origin of ancient fossilized shells. Without knowledge of the exact age of the earth, and relying on religious works as the ultimate authority of all things ancient, it was difficult to square the existence of fossils with the biblical stories of creation and the flood. A-D12, E4. http://estc.bl.uk/R30491 $2,000-3,000


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106 Leybourn, William (1626-1716) The Art of Numbring by Speaking-Rods: Vulgarly termed Nepeirs Bones. London: Printed by T[homas] B[raddyll] for H[annah] Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1685. Second edition, 12mo, illustrated with folding engraved table; rare; no auction sales since 1966; ESTC lists four U.S. copies; bound in full modern red morocco, 4 7/8 x 2 3/4 in. “Napier’s bones is a manually-operated calculating device created by John Napier of Merchiston for calculation of products and quotients of numbers. The method was based on Arab mathematics and the lattice multiplication used by Matrakci Nasuh in the Umdet-ul Hisab and Fibonacci’s work in his Liber Abaci. The technique was also called Rabdology. Napier published his version in 1617 in Rabdology, printed in Edinburgh, Scotland, dedicated to his patron Alexander Seton.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Napier%27s_bones)

107 Livius, Titus (64 or 59 BC-AD 12 or 17); trans. Philemon Holland (1552-1637) The Romane Historie. London: Printed by Adam Islip, 1600. First edition in English, folio, large printer’s woodcut device on title, first word of title is xylographic, woodcut portrait of Queen Elizabeth on verso of title, portrait of Livy; ownership inscription of William Walter dated 1600 on title; ex libris Algernon Capell, Earl of Essex, Viscount Maldon, and Baron Capell of Hadham, with his engraved bookplate dated 1701 pasted on verso of title, and likely in his binding of speckled calf, with gilt spine, and gold-tooled red morocco shelf-mark on spine with intertwined initials XS surmounted by a crown; ex libris James Heron Watson, with his bookplate; a solid binding, nicely rebacked, contents good, 12 1/2 x 8 1/4 in. [A]6, B-Z6, Aa-Zz6, Aaa-Zzz6, 4A-4Z6, 5A5Z6, 6A-6F6 (First and last leaves are blank and appear integral). http://estc.bl.uk/S114001 $4,000-6,000

A4 (title, A3, two unsigned leaves), B-D12, E7 (lacking E8). http://estc.bl.uk/R20104 $3,000-5,000


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108 Llwyd, Humphrey (1527-1568) The Breviary of Britayne. [London: Imprinted by Richard Iohnes: and are to be solde at his shop, ioynyng to the southwest doore of Paules Church], 1573. First edition in English, small octavo, title page printed within typographical ornament border, an English translation of Commentarioli Britannicae Descriptionis Fragmentum, with an index, printed in black letter, printed side notes, woodcut initials and ornaments, a large copy, with some deckle edges showing, bound in full parchment, tooled in gilt, ex libris book collector and diamond merchant Albert Ehrman’s (18901969) Broxbourne Library, with his diamondshaped “Pro viribus summis contendo ex libris” bookplate with slogan and initials pasted inside the front board and rubber stamp with initials inside the back board, and penciled initials on ffep, contents very good, 5 3/4 x 3 1/2 in. In this work, Llwyd coins the term “British Empire.” A8, [para]8, [para]*4, **2, B-N8. [Preliminaries bound in a different order compared to ESTC collation, all are present]. http://estc.bl.uk/S108126 $3,500-4,500



109 Locke, John (1632-1704) An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding in Four Books. London: Printed [by Elizabeth Holt] for Tho. Basset, and sold by Edw. Mory at the sign of the Three Bibles in St. Paul’s Church-yard, 1690. First edition, second issue with cancel title-page with irregular block of type-ornament in five rows and Edw[ard] Mory’s name in the imprint, folio, contemporary signature of William Serocold on title, and extensive marginal notes in several places; inserted note from the same vintage signed by John Roughead; title and some preliminary leaves somewhat with marginal browning and chipping, several table of contents leaves at the end detached from binding; bound in full modern calf, 12 3/4 x 7 1/2 in. A4, [a]2, B-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Ddd4. $25,000-30,000


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110 Locke, John (1632-1704) Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money. London: Printed for A. and J. Churchil at the Black Swan in PaterNoster-Row, 1695. Second edition, octavo, untrimmed and bound in limp paper wrappers, with errata leaf bound at the end, some internal foxing, 7 x 4 1/2 in. This work is a reply to William Lowndes’s A report Containing an Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins, in which Locke opposes Lowndes’s plan as Secretary of the Treasury to raise the nominal value of silver coinage as opposed to determining value by weight alone. Locke felt strongly that the amount of precious metal in a coin should be directly related to its value, taking into account the overall quantity of coin in circulation. Influx of foreign silver into Great Britain made Lowndes feel that a central bank should set the value of currency. A-H8. http://estc.bl.uk/R201949 $7,000-9,000 111


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111 Love, John (fl. circa 1688) Geodaesia: or, the Art of Surveying and Measuring of Land, Made Easie, by Plain and Practical Rules, How to Survey, Protract, Cast up, Reduce or Divide any Piece of Land Whatsover. London: for John Taylor at the Ship in S. Paul’s Church-Yard, 1688. First edition, quarto, title page printed in red and black, woodcut text illustrations and typographical tables; eleven U.S. copies listed in ESTC, bound in full speckled calf, sympathetically rebacked with old spine replaced, new red label, top leaf edges somewhat soft, ffep, title, and dedication leaf top marginal edges repaired/reinforced, 7 5/8 x 6 in. [pi]4, (a)-(b)4, B-Z4, Aa-Bb4, Cc2, *A-*F4, *G2. http://estc.bl.uk/R1523 $6,000-8,000

112 Machiavelli, Niccolo (1469-1527) The Florentine Historie. London: by T[homas] C[reede] for VV[illiam] P[onsonby], 1595. Folio, first edition in English, small folio, title within ornamental woodcut border, title slightly browned, margins of title somewhat chipped, bound in contemporary tan lightly speckled calf, ruled and tooled in blind compartments, corner tools with initials I.W.; rebacked, 10 3/4 x 7 1/8 in. A-T6, V4 (V4 may be integral blank or binder’s endleaf). http://estc.bl.uk/S113983 $3,000-5,000

113 Markham, Gervase (1568?-1637) Hungers Prevention: or, the Whole Arte of Fowling by Water and Land. London: Printed by A[ugustine] Math[ewes] for Anne Helme and Thomas Langley, 1621. First edition, octavo, woodcut frontispiece showing ways of catching game birds bound opposite title, illustrated with text woodcuts, bound in later diced russia, a.e.g., five U.S. copies; some water staining, two leaves with long vertical tears parallel to gutter, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. In this work, Markham discusses the use of decoys and shows plans for very elaborate waterfowl traps, he also writes about hunting dogs and falconry. A-S8, T7, (lacking final blank T8). http://estc.bl.uk/S112097 $3,500-4,500

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114 Mediolano, Joannes de (fl. 1100) Regimen Sanitatis Salerni. This Boke Teachinge All People to Governe them in Helthe, is Translated out of the Latyne Tonge in to Englyshe by Thomas Paynel. [Londini: In aedibus Tho. Bertheleti typis impres., 1541]. Quarto, lacking the final leaf with printer’s device, title page printed within woodcut compartment, text in black letter throughout, later brown calf boards, professionally rebacked, with new endleaves, ex libris Arthury Dalrymple, with his bookplate pasted inside the front board, 7 x 5 in. The Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum was originally written in Latin as a medieval didactic poem in hexameter verse. Annotations and commentary by Arnold of Villanova soon followed. The poem was a great success and was translated into languages across Europe; the first English translation by Thomas Paynell was printed by Thomas Berthelet in 1528. The Regimen concerns itself with daily domestic medical practice, including hygiene and diet. Written in the 12th or 13th century, it is organized around the fundamentals of Medieval medical science: the humors and the temperaments. Its sections make healthful recommendations to the reader regarding intake of food and drink, habits of sleeping and waking, effects of motion and rest on the body, along with excretions and retentions, and the passions of the soul. It also includes a section on bloodletting. A6, B-Y4, a-h4, i3 (lacking i4, final leaf with printer’s device). http://estc.bl.uk/S116433 $3,000-5,000 114

115 Milton, John (1608-1674) Eikonoklastes in Answer to a Book Intitl’d Eikon Basilike. London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, next dore to the gilded Lyon in Aldersgate street, 1649. First edition, quarto, title page printed in red and black, bound in reddish brown crushed morocco by Riviere, gilt boards and spines, a.e.g., rebacked, 7 1/8 x 5 1/2 in. Milton’s work is an anti-royalist response to the Eikon Basilike and a justification for the execution of King Charles I, which occurred earlier in 1649. [pi]1, B-Z4, Aa-Ii4, Kk2. http://estc.bl.uk/R202156 $7,000-10,000 116 Milton, John (1608-1674) Of Reformation Touching Church-Discipline in England: and the Causes that hitherto have hindred it. London: Printed for Thomas Underhill, 1641. First edition of Milton’s first published work, quarto, with the errata and blank, ex libris Fairfax of Cameron, with bookplate, bound in full navy blue crushed morocco, inner gilt dentelles, a.e.g., 7 x 5 1/4 in.



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[pi]2, B-M4, N2, (final blank N2 present). http://estc.bl.uk/R17896 $3,000-5,000

117 Milton, John (1608-1674) Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. London: Printed by S. Simmons, and are to be sold by T. Helder at the Angel in Little Brittain, 1669. First edition, seventh title page with 1669 imprint; no comma after Helder, with the word “Angel” in roman type in imprint, quarto, trimmed a bit close, marginal loss to bottom corner of one text leaf, full polished modern calf, tooled in blind, 6 3/4 x 4 1/2 in. A4, a4, A-Z4, Aa-Tt4, Vv2. http://estc.bl.uk/R13352 (sixth state of title) $10,000-15,000

118 Milton, John (1608-1674) Paradise Regain’d. A Poem in IV Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. London: Printed by J.M. for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleetstreet, near Temple-Bar, 1671. First edition of both works, second issue of first work, with “loth” on page 67 correctly printed; two parts in one volume, octavo, license leaf present, bound in contemporary speckled boards, very neatly rebacked, with a good label, contents good, contemporary ownership inscriptions to ffep with an early purchase price noted, ex libris George Goyder, with his bookplate on ffep, and small engraved bookplate with the slogan “Quod Vult Valden Vult,” likely from the Mansel family, 7 x 4 1/2 in.


[pi]2, B-O8, P4. http://estc.bl.uk/R299 $5,000-7,000


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119 Monardes, Nicolás (c. 1512-1588) Ioyfull Newes out of the Newfound World, wherein are Declared the Rare and Singular Vertues of Divers and Sundrie Herbs, Trees, Oyles, Plants, & Stones. London: Imprinted in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Quenes Armes, by [Thomas Dawson for] William Norton, 1580. English translation of Dos Libros, with additional material appearing for the first time in this edition, quarto, title printed within typographical border incorporating Thomas Dawson’s initials, four parts in one volume with some divisional title pages which do not interrupt the collation, lacking *1 ?blank; illustrated with eleven text woodcuts, all but one showing plants, the other depicting an armadillo; bound in later full speckled calf, ruled and tooled in gilt with gilt tooled spine, a.e.g., rebacked, somewhat rubbed, 7 x 5 in. In this work, Monardes writes about the uses and cultivation of important new world plants with pharmaceutical virtues, including quinine, sassafrass, cassava, rhubarb, ginger, curare, tobacco, and many others. Additional treatises on the medical properties of the bezoar stone, iron and steel, and snow appear for the time in this 1580 edition.


“[Monardes’ Dos Libros was] the first treatise on Central and South American medicinal plants, and for many years the most important work on the medicinal plants of the New World. Working from Seville, Spanish doctor Nicolás Monardes managed to compile an impressive catalogue of New World medicinal plants. He bought specimens from merchants and sailors, grew some of them at his own garden, performed therapeutic experiments on his patients, and interviewed many travelers to obtain information about the uses of the plants among American natives.” (Quoted from Jeremy Norman’s History of Medicine and the Life Sciences, http://www.historyofmedicine. com/id/2068) *3 (lacking *1 ?blank), A-Z4, Aa-Ss4, Xx5 (first leaf unsigned) Tt4, Xx1, Yy4, Zz2. http://estc.bl.uk/S125126 $8,000-12,000


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120 Montemayor, Jorge de (1520?-1561) Diana of George of Montemayor: Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong of the Middle Temple Gentleman. London: Printed by Edm. Bollifant, Impensis G[eorge] B[ishop], 1598. First edition, folio, title page printed within elaborate woodcut compartment with bull’s head at the foot, bound in full modern leather, repairs to final leaf, contents generally good, 11 1/4 x 7 1/2 in.


An early romance originally written in Portuguese, The Seven Books of Diana was first published in its original language in 1559. It popularized the theme of shepherd and shepherdess romances and was followed by many imitators. Shakespeare is thought to have been a reader, as the plot involving Proteus, Julia, and Silvia from Two Gentlemen of Verona was borrowed from Felismena’s Tale in Diana. a4, A-Z6, Aa-Rr6, Ss8. http://estc.bl.uk/S122233 $10,000-15,000

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121 122



121 More, Cresacre (1572-1649) D.O.M.S. The Life and Death of Sir Thomas Moore. [Douai: Printed by B. Bellière, 1631?] First edition, quarto, dedication begins on [cross]2 recto, manuscript note on title dated 1639, bound in full straight-grained navy morocco, tooled in blind and gilt, a.e.g., ex libris Mathew Wilson and Frances Mary Richardson Currer, with their bookplates, spine and boards somewhat faded, 7 1/4 x 5 3/4 in. Dibdin described More’s biography of his great-grandfather in this way, “of its scarcity and merit there can be but one opinion, it is in every aspect the most valuable piece of biography extant of More.” [cross]4, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Hhh4. http://estc.bl.uk/S112843 $6,000-8,000

122 More, Sir Thomas (1478-1535) A Dialogue of Cumfort against Tribulation. Antwerp: Apud Iohannem Foulerum, Anglum, 1573. Second edition, octavo, woodcut printer’s device on verso of title; woodcut portrait of More after Holbein on *8; the Huth copy, with the Wykehurst Park bookplate pasted inside the front board, bound in gilt pebbled 19th century brown morocco, slightly rubbed, marbled endleaves, a.e.g., title page discolored, reinforced along fore-edge margin on verso, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. “The Dialogue is a reflection on worldly power, the transience of pleasure, and the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. While it is a spiritual reflection, the treatment of themes of worldly power by a major political figure and humanist also characterizes it as a work of political thought.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_ Dialogue_of_Comfort_against_Tribulation)

123 More, Sir Thomas (1478-1535) A Frutefull Pleasaunt, & Wittie Worke, of the Beste State of a Publique Weale, and of the Neweyle called Utopia. London: Imprinted by Abraham Vele, dwellinge in Pauls Churchyarde, at the signe of the Lambe, 1556. One of two edition printed in 1556, this example with the colophon dated 1556, text in black letter, first English edition was published in 1551, issues of the 1556 publication date are the second edition, ex libris Vernon Watney (rubber stamp and morocco book label); Richard Wright, M.D., and George Goyder, later full calf, gilt spine, 4 3/4 x 3 1/4 in. A-S8. http://estc.bl.uk/S103392 $40,000-60,000

124 More, Sir Thomas (1478-1535) The Supplycacyon of Soulys. London: William Rastell, 1529. First edition, small folio, title with full stop at end, dedication on verso of title; the H. Bradley Martin copy, with his bookplate and original receipt from 1978; bound in half brown calf and green buckram boards, 10 3/4 x 7 1/4 in. With this text, More refutes the work of Simon Fish, a 16th-century Protestant reformer and English propagandist, who published Supplication for the Beggars in 1529, railing against the Catholic clergy. It was enough to get him condemned as a heretic by the church. He was meant to stand trial, but was claimed first by the Bubonic plague. A-L4 (K2 and K3 transposed). http://estc.bl.uk/S123347 $5,000-7,000

*8, A-Z8, a-d8, **4. http://estc.bl.uk/S112884 $2,000-3,000

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125 Moxon, Joseph (1627-1691) A Tutor to Astronomie and Geographie: or an Easie and Speedy Way to Know the Use both the Globes, Coelestial and Terrestrial. London: Printed by Joseph Moxon, and sold at his Shop on Corn-hill, at the signe of Atlas, 1659. First edition, quarto, engraved frontispiece bound opposite title, woodcut and engraved text illustrations, ex libris William Edward May, with his bookplate, bound in full contemporary speckled sheepskin, rebacked, with corners repaired, the foot of E1 torn with loss, some text leaves trimmed closely along bottom margin, 7 1/4 x 5 1/4 in. *4, A-Z4, Aa-Ff4, B-F4. http://estc.bl.uk/R23159 $2,500-3,500

126 Moxon, Joseph (1627-1691) The Use of Astronomical Playing Cards. London: The Playing-Cards, and these Books are Sold by Joseph Moxon on Ludgate-Hill at the Signe of Atlas, 1676. First edition, octavo, rare, two U.S. copies and one U.K. copy in ESTC, Harrison D. Horbilt copy, with his bookplate, bound in full speckled sheep, rebacked, 6 1/4 x 3 3/4 in. In this work, Moxon describes methods for finding major stars and constellations by using his astronomical playing cards. The four suits are Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, based on the position of the sun. The cards themselves are quite rare. The Schreiber Collection at the British Museum has one incomplete and defective late 17th century set. A-C8, D4. http://estc.bl.uk/R218374 $4,000-6,000 126


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127 Mulgrave, Constantine John Phipps, Baron (1744-1792) A Voyage towards the North Pole undertaken by His Majesty’s Command 1773. London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, for J. Nourse, 1774. First edition, quarto, illustrated with fifteen folding plates, views, and illustrations (three of which are folding maps), and thirteen folding typographical tables, half-title and Directions to the Bookbinder both present; bound in contemporary sponged calf, with gilt spine, marbled endleaves; some marginal softness to fore-edges, neat repairs to endcaps and corners, 10 x 8 in. “This expedition of the Racehorse and Carcass, undertaken for the purpose of discovering a route to India through the northern polar regions, was blocked by pack ice north of Spitzbergen. The valuable appendix gives geographical and meteorological observations, zoological and botanical records, accounts of the distillation of fresh water from the sea, and astronomical observations. The voyage is perhaps best remembered for the presence of young Horatio Nelson, as midshipman aboard the Carcass, and his encounter with a polar bear.” (Quoted from The Hill Collection of Pacific Voyages at the University of California, San Diego, New Haven & Sydney: William Reese Company & Hordern House, Ltd., 2004) [A]4, B-L4, M-O1 (three folding typographical tables), P4, Q1, R4, S8, T4, U2, X-Z4, Aa4, Bb1, Cc4, Dd1, Ee-Nn4, Oo2, P1, Qq2 (Qq2 blank and ?integral). http://estc.bl.uk/T152604 $3,000-5,000 130

128 Mun, Thomas (1571-1641) England’s Treasure by Forraign Trade. Or, the Ballance of our Forraign Trade is the Rule of our Treasure. London: Printed by J. Flesher for Robert Horne at Gresham-College, in the first Court in Bishopgate-street, 1669. Octavo, bound in contemporary speckled sheepskin, rebacked, corner repairs (very neatly done), later endleaves, 6 3/4 x 4 1/4 in. Director of the East India Trading Company, Mun advocated for a positive balance of trade for England, with the theory that when exports exceed imports, wealth should steadily increase. He also advocated a ban on the importation of goods available domestically, the reduction of export duties on goods produced domestically from foreign markets, and the use of English vessels for shipments. A-M8, N4. http://estc.bl.uk/R32105 $10,000-12,000

129 Norden, John (1548-1625?) The Surveyors Dialogue. London: Printed [by Simon Stafford] for Hugh Astley, dwelling at S. Magnus corner, 1607. First edition, quarto, illustrated with text diagrams, water staining and some worming, bound in full modern calf, period style, 7 1/4 x 5 1/4 in. Norden’s work is the first 17th-century English publication on the subject of surveying. It is “important because of Norden’s clear account of the operation of the court of survey and because of his efforts to reconcile the differences between surveyor and tenant.” (Quoted from A.W. Richeson’s English Land Measuring to 1800, 1966)

130 Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of (15401614) A Defense of the Ecclesiasticall Regiment in Englande, Defaced by T.C. in his Replie agaynst D. VVhitgifte. London: Imprinted by Henry Bynneman, for Humfrey Toy, 1574. First edition, octavo, title printed within typographical ornament border, some headlines trimmed, bound in half leather with marbled paper boards, likely 18th century, rebacked, 5 x 3 1/4 in. [pi]2, A-M8, N2 (first and last blanks, pi1 and N2 may or may not be integral). http://estc.bl.uk/S101105 $1,500-2,500

A2-8, (lacking first leaf, A1, blank but for signature mark), B-Q8, R6 (final two leaves blank & lacking). http://estc.bl.uk/S113314 $3,000-5,000

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131 Norton, Robert (d. 1635) The Gunner Shewing the Whole Practise of Artillery. London: by A.M. for Humphrey Robinson, and are to be sold at the three Pidgeons in PaulsChurch-yard, 1628. First edition, small folio, title page printed within militaristic architectural woodcut compartment comprising cannons and the model of a fort under siege; illustrated with thirty-five plates, many of which are double page, bound in contemporary calf, rebacked, some plates trimmed close, occasional minor marginal tears, generally good, 11 1/4 x 7 in. Norton was an authority on artillery in this period. He was also an accomplished and published mathematician, and a friend of John Smith, the Virginian. Norton was appointed Engineer of the Tower of London for life. A6, B-Y4. (blanks A1 and Y4 are likely integral). http://estc.bl.uk/S115254 $4,000-6,000

132 Norton, Thomas (1532-1584) To the Quenes Majesties Poore Deceiued Subiectes of the North Countrey, Drawen into Rebellion by the Earles Northumberland and Westmoreland. London: Imprinted by Henrie Bynneman, for Lucas Harrison, 1569. One of three issues published in 1569, small octavo, the Huth copy (sold July 11, 1917, lot 5359), bound in 19th century red straightgrained morocco, cathedral style (some side notes and headlines cropped); ex libris Miss Richardson Currer, with her bookplate facing Huth’s leather ticket on ffep; ex libris Sir Mathew Wilson, with his bookplate below Huth’s; rare, three U.S. copies listed in ESTC, 5 1/4 x 3 1/2 in. This small work was published at the height of the Revolt of the Northern Earls, an unsuccessful attempt by Catholic nobles from Northern England in 1569 to depose Queen Elizabeth I and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots. A-C8, D4. http://estc.bl.uk/S121955 $4,000-6,000 132


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133 Nye, Nathaniel (b. 1624) The Art of Gunnery. London: Printed for William Leak, at the signe of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the two Temple Gates, 1648. Second edition, octavo, engraved portrait frontispiece of Nye at the age of 20 by Hollar bound opposite title, illustrated with three folding woodcuts and two folding tables, with the section entitled, A Treatise of Artificiall Fire-Works, two U.S. copies only, both at William Andrews Clark; bound in full speckled calf, rebacked (some scratches to front board), a.e.g.; 6 x 3 7/8 in. “Believing that war was as much a science as an art, his explanations focused on triangulation, arithmetic, theoretical mathematics, and cartography, as well as practical considerations such as the ideal specification for gunpowder or slow matches. His book acknowledged mathematicians such as Robert Recorde and Marcus Jordanus as well as earlier military writers on artillery such as Niccolò Tartaglia and Thomas Malthus.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Nathaniel_Nye) A8 (A1 is frontispiece), [cross]4, B-F4, G2, a-f8, g4, (g4 blank and present). http://estc.bl.uk/R216539 $4,000-5,000 133

134 Ovington, John (1653-1731) A Voyage to Suratt, in the Year, 1689. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, at the Judges Head in Fleet-street, and the InnerTemple-Gate, 1696. First edition, octavo, lacking the half-title, illustrated with one folding table and two folding engravings, bound in modern half leather, marbled paper boards, 7 1/8 x 4 1/4 in. Ovington visited Madeira; the coast of Africa; and its coastal islands, Surat, India; the Cape of Good Hope; and other locations along this route. The text also includes a list of coins used in the near and far east, including Persia, Japan, and China. His account contains anything of interest, including notices of local cuisine and customs. A2-8 (lacking half-title A1), B-Z8, Aa-Pp8, Qq7 (lacking final blank Qq8). http://estc.bl.uk/R26896 $3,000-5,000

135 Palingenio Stellato, Marcello (c. 1500-1543) The Zodiake of Life. London: Imprinted by Robert Robinson dwelling in Feter Lane neere Holbourne, 1588. Quarto, third edition of the English translation of Palingenio’s Zodiacus Vitae, title printed within typographical ornament border, bound in later speckled calf boards, tooled in gilt, rebacked, 7 3/4 x 5 1/2 in. This important Renaissance poem was prescribed as a textbook in many schools. Bruno praised it. The mathematician Thomas Digges learned Book XI by heart. Gabriel Harvey approved the translation. Shakespeare may have studied it. [para]4, A-P8, Q-R4, T3 (lacking final blank T4). http://estc.bl.uk/S113952 $4,000-6,000 135

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136 Parkinson, John (1567-1650) Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris. Or, A Choise Garden of all Sorts of Rarest Flowers. London: Printed by R.N. and are to be sold by Richard Thrale at his shop at the signe of the Cross-Keys at S. Pauls-gate, going into Cheap-side, 1656. Folio, “second impression much corrected and enlarged,” extra woodcut illustrated title by Switzer present; illustrated with large botanical woodcuts throughout; with type ornament above imprint on typographical title page; bound in full speckled calf, gilt-tooled with an unidentified armorial stamp on both boards: an eagle displayed holding a serpent and the slogan, “Litem Natura Diremit,” a quote from Ovid; rebacked, some leaves browned, 13 x 8 1/2 in. Parkinson was one of England’s most accomplished botanists. His book is replete with images and descriptions of all types of ornamental plants, herbs, and food crops. *6, A-Z6, Aa-Zz6, Aaa-Eee6, Fff8. http://estc.bl.uk/R29251 $1,500-2,500 137 Perkins, William (1558-1602) Six Titles Bound Together, London: Printed by Iohn Legate, dwelling in Little-Wood-streete, 1621. How to Live and that Well. In all Estates and Times: specially when Helpes and Comforts Failes; Two Treatises; A Direction for the Government of the Tongue According to Gods Word; A Graine of Musterd-Seede; A Declaration of the True Manner of Knowing Christ Crucified; and A Salve for a Sicke Man; 12mo, bound in full contemporary limp parchment, ruled and tooled in gilt, somewhat discolored, detached from text block, but generally good, good internally, 4 3/4 x 2 3/4 in. How to Live: A-D12, (D12 blank & present); http://estc.bl.uk/S94687 Two Treatises: A-G12, (G10, 11, & 12 blank & present); http://estc.bl.uk/S107185 A Direction: A-E12; http://estc.bl.uk/S112875 Musterd-Seede: A-C12; http://estc.bl.uk/ S107126 A Declaration: A-C12; http://estc.bl.uk/ S107125 Salve: A-H12, I6, (I5 & 6 blank & present); http://estc.bl.uk/S94690 $2,000-3,000

138 Perrault, Claude (1613-1688) Memoir’s for a Natural History of Animals. London: by Joseph Streater, to be sold by T. Basset, et al., 1688. First edition in English, small folio, engraved frontispiece, title page printed in red and black, two parts in one volume, including separate title page and collation for The Measure of the Earth, the two illustrated with thirty-five full-page engravings, illustrations for the second work bound in the first; contents very good, bound in full contemporary speckled calf, rebacked, 11 1/2 x 8 in. Perrault’s philosophy of medicine sprung from Galen, Greek physician of the Roman era, who understood biology in terms of the four humors (i.e., black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood). As the Age of Enlightenment saw the development of animal and plant classification systems, believers in a mechanistic theory of animal function, like Perrault and Buffon resisted. In mechanism, living things are thought to be akin to complicated machines, containing parts that lack any intrinsic relationship to one another. Although Galenism and mechanism kept Perrault from make significant contributions to modern biology, his work maintains its own inherent scientific value, given the parameters of his philosophies, and also serves to document the steps and missteps along the way to a better understanding of biology. [pi]4, a2, b3, A3, B-Z4, Aa-Ii4, Kk-Nn2; [pi]2, B-F.4. http://estc.bl.uk/R2399 $6,000-8,000 139 Pett, Sir Peter (1630-1699) A Discourse of the Growth of England in Populousness and Trade since the Reformation. London: Printed, and are to be sold by Randall Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1689. First edition with this title, folio, rare, no auction copies, ESTC has seven U.S. copies; bound in full contemporary calf, rebacked, contents good, ex libris Bradford Public Libraries, with a few stamps, red sealing wax on title, 12 1/4 x 7 3/4 in.

140 Pettus, Sir John (1613-1690) Fodinae Regales. Or the History, Laws and Places of the Chief Mines and Mineral Works in England, Wales, and the English Pale in Ireland. As also of the Mint and Mony. London: Printed by H[enry] L[loyd] and R[obert].B[attersby] for Thomas Basset at the George in Fleetstreet, near Cliffords Inne, 1670. First edition, small folio, author portrait frontispiece opposite typographical title, text engravings of coats of arms of the Society of the Mines Royal, and the Society for the Mineral and Battery Works (both given by Queen Elizabeth in 1568) on pages 22 and 23; two full-page engravings of mines; bound in full modern calf by Bayntun of Bath, contents crisp, 11 1/2 x 7 3/8 in. [pi]2, A-L2, M4, N-Z2, Aa-Ii2. http://estc.bl.uk/R190 $3,000-4,000 141 Petty, Sir William (1623-1687) Several Essays in Political Arithmetick. London: Printed for Robert Clavel at the Peacock, and Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, 1699. First edition under this title, octavo, bound in contemporary speckled calf boards, rebacked, corners bumped, 7 1/2 x 4 1/4 in. “By tinkering with data and simple models, [Petty] came up with many of the ideas- how to measure GDP, why the money supply and banks matter, how lasting unemployment affects the economy- that form the bedrock of modern economics.” (https://www.economist. com/finance-and-economics/2013/12/21/ petty-impressive) A2, A2-8, B-T8, U4. http://estc.bl.uk/R22460 $4,000-6,000

[pi]1, B-Z2, Aa-Zz2, Aaa-Zzz2, Aaaa-Dddd2. http://estc.bl.uk/R18340 $2,000-3,000

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142 Platt, Sir Hugh (1552-1608) Delights for Ladies to Adorne their Persons, Tables, Closets, and Distillatories. London: Printed by H. L[ownes] and R. Y[oung] and are to bee sold by Iames Boler, 1628. 12mo, text leaves printed within typographical borders, two U.S. copies listed in ESTC, bound in later sheepskin, rebacked, 4 x 2 3/4 in. Platt’s popular little treatise went through many editions. It is filled with beauty preparations, instructions for the preservation of food (nuts, lobsters, marigolds, etc.), recipes for candies, perfumes, alcoholic beverages, and more. A-G12, H11, (lacking final leaf H12, blank except for borders). http://estc.bl.uk/S107188 $3,000-4,000

143 Plutarch (45-127 AD); trans. Philemon Holland (1552-1637) The Philosophie, Commonlie Called the Morals. London: Printed by Arnold Hatfield, 1603. First edition in English, folio, bound in full sponged calf by Riviere, marbled endleaves, boards reversed when rebacked, a.e.g.; ex libris James Hale Bates (bookplate), and the Garden Ltd. (label), 12 3/4 x 8 1/4 in.


[para]4, A-5X6, 5Y4, 5Z6, 6A-6E4, 6F6. http://estc.bl.uk/S115981 $4,000-6,000

144 Porta, Giambattista della (1535?-1615) Natural Magick. London: Printed for Thomas Young and Samuel Speed, and are to be sold at the Three Pigeons, and at the Angel in St. Paul’s Church-yard, 1658. First edition in English, folio, engraved title incorporating representations of fire, chaos, air, art, nature, earth, water and Porta (remargined); typographical title printed in red and black, ex libris Alexander Watt, with his bookplate pasted inside the front board; text woodcuts throughout, some light foxing, some leaves remargined, some browning to text leaves; bound in calf boards, rebacked, 11 x 7 in. Porta’s imaginative work contains many medical treatments, folk recipes, and instructions for crafts possible and implausible. He proposes that a dog may be generated from a tiger, that burning hare’s fat in a lamp will make ladies remove their clothes and dance in the nude, and ways to produce monstrous births. He writes a chapter on increasing “Houshold-stuffe,” which contains recipes and instructions on preserving food. Other chapters are on changing metals, counterfeiting precious stones, the wonders of the loadstone, physical experiments, beautifying women, distillation, optics, perfuming, artificial fires, and more.



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[pi]2 (engraved and typographical title, C2, D-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Iii4. http://estc.bl.uk/R33476 $2,000-3,000

145 Prynne, William (1600-1669) Histrio-Mastix. The Players Scourge, or Actors Tragaedie. London: Printed by E[lizabeth] A[llde], [Thomas Cotes, Augustine Mathewes,] and W[illiam] I[ones] for Michael Sparke, and are to be sold at the Blue Bible, in Greene Arbour, in little Old Bayly, 1633 [i.e. 1632]. Quarto, first edition, second state, with imprint altered and errata on ***4 verso, bound in later full calf, gilt-tooled, with decorative spine, ex libris Frederick Shum, Bibliotheca Bathoniensis, with his bookplate pasted inside the front board, University London College Library duplicate, with stamp on verso of title, contents good, 7 1/2 x 5 1/4 in.


Histrio-Mastix is the most extensive and spirited Puritan attack on English Renaissance theater of its time. Prynne mentions Shakespeare by name. The book condemns almost every manifestation of dramatic performance of the period, including the use of young male actors representing women onstage, the “obscene lascivious love songs, most melodiously chanted out upon the stage,� and even the celebration of Christmas (pagan, according to Prynne). Prynne was imprisoned for writing the book, had his ears cut off twice, and was branded on both cheeks with the letters S and L (for Seditious Libeller). Histrio-Mastix was banned and publicly burned. [A]1 (lacking first blank), *4, **8, ***4, B-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Zzz4, Aaa*-Kkk*4, Aaaa-Zzzz4, Aaaaa-Nnnn4 (Nnnn4 blank & present), Ooooo-Zzzzz4, 6A-6R4. http://estc.bl.uk/S115316 $2,000-3,000

146 Ptolemy, Claudius (c. 100-170 AD) The Compost of Ptolomeus, Prince of Astronomie. London: Printed by M. P[arsons] for Henry Gosson, and are to be sold by Edward Wright, 1638?. Octavo, woodcut on title, numerous small woodcuts to text, including astrological signs, a very small world map, some physiognomy cuts, and some of chiromancy; rare; no U.S. copies in ESTC; no auction records, bound in later full tan calf, 5 1/2 x 3 1/8 in. A-I8. http://estc.bl.uk/S112005 $3,000-5,000


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147 Rainolds, John (1549-1607) The Summe of the Conference betwene John Rainoldes and John Hart: Touching the Head and the Faith of the Church. London: [printed by John Wolfe] impensis Geor. Bishop, 1584. First edition, quarto, bound in an exceptional contemporary dark brown calfskin Oxford binding, with large blind-tooled lozenges on both boards, hand-rubricated printer’s waste pastedowns and endleaves, and fragments of the original cloth ties, unsophisticated and unrepaired, slightly rubbed, some minor worming, contents good, 8 x 5 3/4 in.


Rainolds iniated the project that resulted in the translation and publication of the King James version of the English Bible. In the early 1580s, following Edmund Campion’s defense of Catholic principles, Francis Walsingham sent the Jesuit John Hart to meet with Rainolds for an extended discussion of the issues between Protestantism and Catholicism. This work is an account of their exhaustive disputations on the complicated topic. A-Z8, Aa-Zz8, Aaa8, Bbb6. http://estc.bl.uk/S115546 $2,000-3,000




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148 Ramesey, William (1627-1675) Astrologia Restaurata; or Astrologie Restored: Being an Introduction to the General and Chief Part of the Language of the Stars. London: for Robert White, 1653. First edition, engraved portrait frontispiece bound opposite title; extensive contemporary notes, including square astrological charts including birth dates of members of the Walford family, and the note, “Sex Solidis at London January 1656” inscribed over front free endleaves, and another note that mentions Lilly; other notes in the text, including references to astronomical events; bound in contemporary leather boards, corners and spine repaired, those repairs now aged and failing (especially the rebacking), rare, six U.S. copies listed in ESTC; later pastedowns and endleaves added at the time of rebacking, 11 1/2 x 7 1/2 in. [pi]1 (frontispiece), [A]4, (a)-(d)4, B-F4 (F4 blank & present), G6, H-P4, Q6, R-Z4, AaCc4, Dd6, Ee-Ss4, Tt6, Uu2. http://estc.bl.uk/R20735 $1,000-1,500


149 Ramesey, William (1627-1675) Helminthologia. Or, Some Physical Considerations of the Matter, Origination, and Several Species of wormes, Macerating and Direfully Cruciating Every Part of the Bodies of Mankind. London: Printed by John Streater, for George Sawbridge, dwelling on Clerken-well Green, 1668. First and only edition, octavo, fine portrait of the author at age 42, as Royal Physician to Charles II bound opposite title (remargined at foot), illustrated with folding engraving of twenty-five types of worms (minor closed tear); ex libris Sion College Library, with stamp on verso of title and sell order stamp from 1938 below; bound in contemporary sheep boards, rebacked, 6 1/2 x 4 1/4 in. “Worms the Subject, and worms the Readers, and a worm the Author of this Book; which must all ere long, be swallowed up of Eternity and be worm-eaten; the Author himself and the proudest Reader as soon as the Book, we are inclosed by in mud-walls, and paper-walls are as durable.” *8 (portrait, title, *3-8), A-Z8, Aa4, (Aa4, the last leaf, publisher’s ads, no errata in this copy). http://estc.bl.uk/R24073 $1,500-2,500

150 Randolph, Bernard (b. 1643) The Present State of the Morea, Called Anciently Peloponnesus: Together with a Description of the City of Athens, Islands of Zant, Strafades, and Serigo. London: Printed, sold by Will. Notts, at the Queens-Arms in Pell Mall, Tho. Basset in Fleetstreet; and Thomas Bennet, at the Half-moon in St. Paul’s Churchyard, 1689. [Bound with] The Present State of the Islands of the Archipelago (or Arches), Sea of Constantinople, and Gulph of Smyrna; with the islands of Candia, and Rhodes, Oxford: at the Theater, 1687, quarto, two volumes bound in one, the first title is a third edition, second title is a first edition; the two together illustrated with two plates in the first title and four in the second, large folding engraved illustrations and maps; bound in contemporary speckled calf boards, rebacked, somewhat dry and scuffed, ffep and first plate attached to each other along the gutter edge but detached from the binding, with a Sotheran stamp, two older ownership inscriptions to title, 8 1/4 x 6 1/2 in. Morea: A-C4, D2. http://estc.bl.uk/R4193 Islands: A-P4. http://estc.bl.uk/R7743 $10,000-15,000

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151 Rathborne, Aaron (1572-1618) The Surveyor in Foure Bookes. London: Printed by W. Stansby for W. Burre, 1616. First edition, elaborate engraved title page by William Hole; finely engraved portrait by Francis Delaram (fl. 1615-1624) on A4 recto of the dedicatee, a sixteen year old Charles I of England as Prince of Wales; engraved portrait of the author on the final leaf (X4) by Simon van de Passe (1595?1647); text diagrams, large text woodcut on page 130; bound in full contemporary limp parchment, fragments of alum-tawed ties, from the Kenney Collection, with their book ticket pasted inside the front board, 10 1/2 x 7 in.


“Aaron Rathborne described himself as ‘A gentleman practitioner in the mathematiques.’ In 1616 he published The Surveyor in Foure Bookes, deemed at the time to be the most complete book on surveying in the English language. Today a copy of this book is considered quite rare. For historians of surveying, it presented the first complete picture of a seventeenth century surveyor at work and of his instruments. The frontispiece has a structure supported by two allegorical figures of Arithmetica and Geometria surmounted by celestial and terrestrial globes. The upper vignette depicts an experienced surveyor trampling “fools and dunces underfoot.” The Surveyor was one of the first books to strongly advocate the use of mathematics in survey projects. In his book, Rathborne presented the basic principles of geometry and discussed their applications in surveying. He advocated use of the recently introduced decimal arithmetic of Simon Stevin (1585) and urged the employ of the ‘new pocket tables’ of logarithms.” (Quoted from Frank J. Swetz’s “Mathematical Treasure: Rathborne’s Surveyor in Four Books,” Convergence, July 2014. https://www.maa.org/press/periodicals/ convergence/mathematical-treasure-rathbornessurveyor-in-four-books) A-V6, X4 (A1 blank & present; cancelled leaves in signature O; O3 verso with “58 4/5” on fifth line). http://estc.bl.uk/S116149 $4,000-6,000 152 Resta, Sebastiano (1635-1714) The True Effigies of the Most Eminent Painters and other Famous Artists that have Flourished in Europe. London: Printed in the Year, 1694. Folio, first edition in English, utilizing the engraved title from the Dutch version, c. 1661, the title, Het Gulden Cabinet, still visible when held to the light, printed typographically beneath a slip of paper with the English title specially printed, trimmed, and mounted on top; engraved title by Cornelis Meyssens after Abraham van Diepenbeeck, Antwerp: Ian Meyssens; engraved title followed by English typographical title; added engraved title beginning the first portrait section, which is illustrated with twenty-two engravings; second portrait section with engraved title and an additional 100 portraits; bound in a speckled and paneled English calf binding, sympathetically rebacked and recornered, 12 1/4 x 7 3/4 in.



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[pi]1, A-D2, E1. http://estc.bl.uk/R6548 $2,000-3,000


153 Reynolds, John, of the Mynt in the Tower (fl. circa 1627) An Advice Touching the Currancie in Payment of our English Gold. London: Printed by B[ernard] A[lsop] and T[homas] F[awcet] for Ben. Fisher, and are to bee sold at his Shop at the signe of the Talbot without Aldersgate, 1627. One of three editions dated 1627, octavo, all three variants are rare in ESTC, this edition with one U.S. copy: Huntington; bound in modern half leather, marbled paper boards, Macclesfield copy, with North Library bookplate, ESTC notes imprint date cropped in all known copies, true of this copy as well, last letter of last work in lines four and seven of title, 5 1/4 x 3 in. This manual was printed to provide proper weights and values for each English coin, i.e., piece-weight in grains to pounds, shillings, pence, and farthings, and to allow weighed coins that had been clipped and therefore carried a diminished value to be weighed and valued based on their actual weight, as opposed to their nominal face value. A2-8 (lacking A1, blank but for signature mark, ornaments, and rules), B-C8. http://estc.bl.uk/S115892 $4,000-6,000

154 Rutherford, Samuel (1600?-1661) Lex, Rex: the Law and the Prince. London: Printed for Iohn Field, and are to be sold at his house upon Addle-hill, neer BaynardsCastle, Octob. 7., 1644. First edition, quarto, variant with month and date noted in imprint, typographically printed dialogue bound opposite title, like a frontispiece; bound in full contemporary speckled calf, rebacked and recornered, a little light water staining, 7 1/4 x 5 1/2 in. Rutherford’s argument, that the people have the right to depose an unjust king, was unpopular after the Restoration of Charles II to the crown. Rutherford’s work was ordered to be publicly burned and he was charged with high treason, although he died before trial. A4, a-d4, B-Z4, Aa-Ll4, Mm-Rr2, Ss-Zz4, Aaa-Nnn4, Ooo2. http://estc.bl.uk/R12731 $6,000-8,000

155 Saint Germain, Christopher (1460?-1540) Three Titles Bound Together: The Fyrste Dyaloge in Englysshe; The Secunde Dyalogue; [and] Here after Foloweth a Lytell Treatise. [London: Robert Wyer, 1531]; [London: Imprynted in Southwarke by Peter Treveris, 1531]; [London: Thomas Bertheletus, 1531]. Ocatvo, a modified translation of Saint Germain’s Dialogus de Fundamentis Legum Anglie et de Conscientia, three separate imprints bound together, woodcut devices, later speckled calf boards, rebacked, contents good, contemporary annotations, 5 1/4 x 3 1/2 in. In 1528, St. Germain published his first book, Dialogus de Fundamentis Legum Anglie et de Conscientia, The work was often referred to as Doctor and Student, after its two interlocutors, a doctor of divinity and a student of laws. Saint Germain examines the relationship between English common law and personal conscience. The published English translation was likely written by St. Germain himself. He augmented the work, adding A Second Dialogue, and New Addicions. I: a-u4; II: A-X8, Y6; III: A-D8. http://estc.bl.uk/S104738 http://estc.bl.uk/S104655 http://estc.bl.uk/S3800 $10,000-12,000

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156 Sammelband of Fourteen British Almanacs, 1690. Octavo, including the following almanacs: 1) John Partridge’s (1644-1715) Merlinus Liberatus, http://estc. bl.uk/R29094; 2) William Winstanley’s (1628?-1698) The Protestant Almanack, http://estc.bl.uk/R27510; 3) Henry Coley’s (1633-1695?) Nuncius Sydereus, http:// estc.bl.uk/R36752; 4) Thomas Strutt’s The Weavers Almanack, not in ESTC which lists a 1688 edition printed by R. Holt, this edition printed by Elizabeth Holt; 5) George Parker’s (1654-1743) Mercurius Anglicanus, http://estc.bl.uk/R29088; 6) John Tanner’s (fl. circa 1636-1715) Angelus Britannicus, http://estc.bl.uk/ R28271; 7) Nicholas Greenwood’s (fl. circa 1689) Diarium Planetarum, http://estc.bl.uk/R28985; 8) Jonathan Dove’s Dove, http://estc.bl.uk/R28223; 9) John Gadbury’s (1627-1704) Efemeris, or a Diary, http:// estc.bl.uk/R28229; 10) Richard Saunder’s (1613-1675) 1690. Apollo Anglicanus, http://estc.bl.uk/R28260; 11) William Andrews’ (fl. circa 1635-1713) News from the Stars, http://estc.bl.uk/R18446; 12) John Wing’s (16431726) Olympia Domata, http://estc.bl.uk/R28284; 13) Edward Pond’s Pond an Almanack, http://estc.bl.uk/ R30632; and 14) William Winstanley’s (1628-1698) Poor Robin, 1690, http://estc.bl.uk/R218666; London and Cambridge imprints, all for the year 1690, many rare, most with printing in red and black, woodcuts, etc., with contemporary parchment strips used as bookmarks for each title, contemporary edge gilding, bound in modern half calf with marbled paper boards, 5 3/4 x 3 1/2 in. $1,500-2,000 156

157 Sarbiewski, Maciej Kazimierz (1595-1640) The Odes of Casimire. London: Printed by T.W. for Humphrey Moseley, at the signe of the Princes Armes in Pauls Church-yard, 1646. First edition in English, translation by G. Hills, added engraved title and typographical explanation of engraving present, along with typographical title; rare, no auction sales since 1965; bound in full contemporary dark morocco, ornately gilt tooled over both boards and spine, marbled endleaves, unsophisticated and seemingly without damage or repair, contemporary inscriptions to ffep dated 1650, 5 3/4 x 3 1/4 in. Sarbiewski was a Jesuit priest from Warsaw and one of the most important neo-Latin poets of the 17th century. He was especially admired in Great Britain. A6, B-G12. http://estc.bl.uk/R210098 $3,000-5,000


158 Semedo, Alvarez (1585-1658) History of the Great and Renowned Monarchy of China. London: Printed by E. Tyler for Iohn Crook, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Ship in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1655. First edition in English, folio, illustrated with portrait frontispiece of the author and one full-page engraving; separate title for Martin Martinius’s Bellum Tartaricum,with portrait frontispiece; full-page engraved map on Kk3 verso titled, Situs Provinciarum Imperii Sinici, dated 1654; lacking the folding map; bound in full contemporary calf, later endleaves, ex libris Lord Walpole of Woolterton, with his engraved bookplate, binding worn, joints tender, a few scattered water stains, 11 1/8 x 7 in. A4, (A)1, B-Z4, Aa-Qq4, Rr3 (lacking final ?blank Rr4). http://estc.bl.uk/R22006 $3,000-5,000


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159 Sendivogius, Michael [aka Michal Sedziwój;] (1566-1636) A New Light of Alchymie: Taken out of the Fountaine of Nature, and Manuall Experience. London: Printed by Richard Cotes, for Thomas Williams, at the Bible in Little-Britain, 1650. First English edition, quarto, containing Paracelsus’s Of the Nature of Things, and A Chymicall Dictionary, each with a separate title page and separate collations; contemporary full brown sheepskin, sympathetically rebacked with a new lettering piece, flat spine, sewn on sunken alum-tawed sewing supports, printer’s waste tabs, no endleaves, early 19th century ownership inscriptions on inner board and at top of title, some toning, good contemporary feel, 7 x 5 1/2 in.


Sendivogius was a pioneering Polish alchemist, philosopher, and medical doctor who was able to purify and create several acids, metals and other chemical compounds, and first described air as a compound substance that contained oxygen, a never before described and as yet unnamed element essential to life on earth. A4, A-U4; Aa4, Aa-Ss4, [pi]1, Aaa-Fff4. http://estc.bl.uk/R203736 $4,000-6,000

160 Serres, Jean de (1540?-1598) An Historical Collection of the Most Memorable Accidents, and Tragicall Massacres of France. London: Thomas Creede, 1598. First edition in English, small folio, large bookplate of William Stirling Maxwell pasted inside front board, in a full calf Stirling Maxwell binding, 11 1/4 x 7 1/2 in. This important work, by the official historian of France under Henry IV, provides a reliable contemporary account of the 16th century religious conflict between Catholics and Calvinists. A-Z6 (A1 blank), AA-CC6; Aa-Zz6, Aaa6, Bbb4. http://estc.bl.uk/S121331 $1,000-1,500 160

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161 Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. London: for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, and R. Bentley, at the Anchor in the New Exchange, the Crane in St. Paul’s Church-Yard, and in Russel-Street Covent-Garden, 1685. Fourth folio, engraved portrait frontispiece of the poet by Martin Droeshout facing the typographical title (neatly remargined), with the ten lines of verse by Ben Jonson beneath; with the anonymous Epitaph by John Minton; the leaf L1 printed in a smaller typeface; printed in two columns throughout, within single rule borders; bound in full red morocco gilt by Riviere, inner gilt dentelles, elaborately gilttooled spine, a.e.g., slightly rubbed, hinges a bit tender, page 87/88 (H2) very neatly extended at top; ex libris Roderick Terry, with his bookplate, 14 1/8 x 9 in.

162 Smith, John (b. 1648?) The Art of Painting. London: Printed for Samuel Crouch, at the Corner Shop of Pope’s Head Ally, on the right hand next Cornhill, 1676. First edition, octavo, rare, three U.S. copies in ESTC, bound in very good contemporary or slightly later marbled sheepskin, 5 1/2 x 3 1/4 in.

[pi]2, A4, A-Y6, Z4, Bb-Zz6, *Aaa-Ddd6, Eee8, Aaa-Zzz6, Aaaa-Bbbb6, Cccc2. http://estc.bl.uk/R202288 $65,000-80,000

A2-8 (lacking license leaf, A1), B-F8, G2. http://estc.bl.uk/R37566 $6,000-8,000


Smith’s work was written to assist other makers of sundials in painting the faces of their devices. He describes grinding colors with oil, the tools of painting, gold leafing, recommends color choices, gives recipes for glue, provides a reading list “for him that would be a Compleat Dialist,” describes how to paint sun dials, painting interiors (“wainscot, doors, windows, posts, rayles, pales, gates, and the like”), and makes suggestions with an eye to the preservation painted surfaces “to resist weather, and preserve Timber or woodden works from rotting.”

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163 Somers, John, Baron (1651-1716) The Security of English-Mens Lives, or the Trust, Power, and Duty of theGrand Jurys of England. London: Printed for T. Mitchel, 1681. First edition, octavo, bound in full contemporary tan calf, rebacked, title page lightly dust soiled, occasional rust spots, otherwise very good, 6 1/4 x 3 1/2 in. Somers influenced Locke’s work, ten years before the publication of his Treatise on Civil Government. In fact, Locke had a second edition of Somers’ work in his library. Somers words, “The principle ends of all civil government, and of humane society, were the security of mens lives, liberties, and properties”; also influenced Jefferson’s choice of words in the Declaration of Independence. A-K8, L4. http://estc.bl.uk/R33648 $3,000-5,000


164 Spenser, Edmund (1552?-1599) The Faerie Queene. Disposed into Twelve Bookes, Fashioning XII. Morall Vertues. London: Printed for William Ponsonbie, 1596. Second edition of the first volume, quarto, woodcut printer’s device on title, full-page woodcut of Sir Guyon at the beginning of the second book, contemporary calf boards ruled in blind and gilt with gilt central lozenge, rebacked, title page defective at head, torn with loss in bottom right corner (repaired from verso), first signature with marginal paper repairs at head, a large copy, with deckle edges showing at the bottom margin of some leaves, 7 3/4 x 5 1/2 in. A-Z8, Aa-Oo8. http://estc.bl.uk/S117748 $4,000-6,000

165 Sprat, Thomas (1635-1713) A Relation of the Late Wicked Contrivance of Stephen Blackhead and Robert Young. London, in the Savoy: Edward Jones, 1692. First edition, quarto, with imprimatur leaf, bound in full contemporary red morocco, tooled in gilt, marbled endleaves, a.e.g., a bit worn, but unsophisticated, without subsequent repairs, ex libris John Henry Augustus Selwyn (1712-1751), and the Society of Writers to Her Majesty’s Signet, both with bookplates, with the 1794 signature of Isaac Reed, and a signed note tipped in before title, 8 3/4 x 7 in. A-I4, K2; Aa-Xx4, Yy2. http://estc.bl.uk/R24611 $1,000-1,500


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166 Stedman, John Gabriel (1744-1797) Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam. London: for J. Johnson, 1796. First edition, two large quarto volumes, engraved frontispiece in volume one; titles to both volumes engraved; small paper edition, volume one illustrated with two folding engraved maps, one folding plate, and thirty-seven full-page engraved plates (thirteen plates by William Blake); volume two illustrated with thirty-four full-page engravings and one folding map, contents good, the two volumes bound in uniform brown calf, rebacked, 10 3/4 x 8 1/4 in. (2) Stedman was a Dutch soldier deployed to put down an uprising of enslaved people on the island of Suriname. His illustrated text became an important document in the abolitionist movement. I: [pi]2 (frontis & title, a3, b4, c2, B4, C6, D4, E4, *E3, F-Z4, Aa-Mm4, Nn4, *Nn1, Oo-Zz4, 3A-3G4. II: [pi]1, b2, B-Z4, Aa-Zz4, 3A-3E4, 3F2, 3G4. http://estc.bl.uk/T146566 $3,000-4,000

167 Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595) Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The Recouerie of Ierusalem. Done into English Heroicall Verse, by Edward Fairefax Gent. London: by Ar[nold] Hatfield, for I[ohn] Iaggard and M[atthew] Lownes, 1600. First edition of the complete English translation, first state, the poem begins on B1 with the line, “The Sacred armies and the godly knight,� with no cancel; small folio, title page printed within fine ornamental type border, bound in full navy blue calf by Zaehnsdorf, spine elaborately gilt, inner gilt dentelles, gilt ruling on boards, marbled endleaves, a.e.g., 10 1/8 x 7 in. 167


A4, B-Z6, Aa-Kk6, Ll4. http://estc.bl.uk/S117565 $3,000-5,000

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168 Taylor, John (1580-1653) All the Workes of Iohn Taylor, the Water Poet Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into One Volume by the Author. London: Printed by I[ohn] B[eale, Elizabeth Allde, Bernard Alsop, and Thomas Fawcet] for Iames Boler, 1630. First collected edition, folio, engraved title signed T. Cockson, illustrated with twenty-five text woodcut portraits of English monarchs; bound in full contemporary speckled calf, gilt-tooled spine with label (neat repairs to endcaps, cloth ties lost), ex libris Lyonel Tollemache, with his signature; contents with some closed tears, water staining, folded corners, 11 1/4 x 7 1/4 in. A-N6 (C1 & C6 in duplicate, the two missing leaves, C2 & C5 inserted from another copy), O2, Aa-Qq6, Rr4, Ss2, Aaa-Iii6, Kkk8 (leaves bound out of order, and with bifolium Kkk3 & Kkk4 in duplicate), Aaa-Lll6, Mmm8. http://estc.bl.uk/S117734 $5,000-7,000


169 Tempest, Sir Richard (1619-1662) An Entertainment of Solitarinesse. [London?: no printer], 1649. First and only edition, engraved frontispiece opposite title, the dedication signed (in type, not a handwritten signature) by the author from Amsterdam, December 20, 1648; rare; no auction records; one U.S. copy in ESTC: William Andrews Clark; bound in later full sheepskin, rubbed, 4 3/4 x 2 1/2 in. Tempest was a supporter of King Charles I who fled to the continent after being taken by Robert Lilburne (1613-1665), signer of the king’s death warrant, in the action at Cartington Castle in 1648. Although information is scant, due to the scarcity of this work, it may have been printed around the time of Charles I’s execution, although it was written before that event. The frontispiece is a crowned Tudor rose. A6, B-G12. http://estc.bl.uk/R209519 $800-1,200


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170 The Book of Common Prayer, in a Royal Binding. London: Printed by John Baskett, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1735. Large folio, a variant of the only 1735 folio edition described in ESTC, this copy with the phrase, “Price One Pound Five Shillings Unbound” at foot of title; engraved frontispiece opposite title, title printed in red and black, ruled in red throughout, bound in full contemporary dark blue morocco elaborately decorated with a wide rolled tool along the board borders, central gilt royal arms on front and back boards, spine tooled with the initials of George III, ex libris Earl of Dalhouse, with his engraved bookplate, original cloth ties lost, a.e.g., unsophisticated, some abrasions to boards, corners bumped, contents good, 18 x 11 1/4 in.


[pi]2, a-c4, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa4, Bbb2. variant of: http://estc.bl.uk/T230496 $3,000-4,000

171 The Excellency of the Pen and Pencil, Exemplifying the Uses of Them. London: Printed for Dorman Newman, at the KingsArms in the Poultrey, 1688. Second edition, octavo, illustrated with engraved frontispiece; one folding plate; one full-page plate; and nineteen text illustrations, some headlines cropped, printed on heavy paper, a corner or two torn, some stray sketches, bound in modern half leather with marbled paper boards, 5 3/4 x 3 1/2 in. The anonymous author describes techniques of drawing the human figure, and the physical and chemical techniques used in copper-plate engraving and mezzotint. A8 (frontis, title, A3 & A4 to the reader, A5-A8 table), A-H8. http://estc.bl.uk/R11233 $3,000-5,000 171


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172 The Great Herball Newly Corrected. London: Thome Gybson, 1539. Folio, title page printed within elaborate architectural woodcut compartment, rare, ESTC lists three U.S. copies; the last copy offered at auction was incomplete and sold in 1949; bound in full blind-tooled calf over bevelled boards, with the original leather covering used as pastedown linings, free endleaves are parchment (binding somewhat dry, rubbed), a.e.g.; ex libris Christopher William Beaumont Pease, with his bookplate, with an additional Pease family bookplate done in gilt stamping with the motto “Pax et Spes” inserted, 10 1/2 x 7 1/4 in.


This work is the fourth printed English translation of the Circa Instans, a popular Medieval herbal which circulated in manuscript form before the advent of printing. “The success of the Circa Instans resulted from its pragmatic, user-friendly structure, which made it especially useful to medical practitioners. The collection provides a selection of about 270 natural substances derived from plants, animals and minerals. Plants are the most consistently represented category, with everyday, readily available substances appearing more frequently than rare or exotic ones. The text is structured in alphabetical order, regardless of whether the substance is mineral, vegetal or animal in origin. This alphabetical organisation made it easier to search for a specific item within the text.” (Quoted from a blog post by Dr. Iolanda Ventura posted on the Wellcome Library’s website: http://blog.wellcomelibrary. org/2017/02/a-medieval-medical-bestsellerthe-circa-instans/) [pi]4, A-Z4, Aa-Bb4, Cc6. http://estc.bl.uk/S119819 $25,000-35,000

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173 The Royal Game of the Ombre. London: Printed for William Brook, dwelling in the Black Swan Inn-Yard in Holborn, 1660. First edition, octavo, rare work on card-playing; one copy in ESTC, at the British Library, no U.S. copies; the only other edition, dated 1665, shows two British copies only; bound in modern calf, some spots to title, 5 1/2 x 3 3/8 in. “L’Ombre is a Spanish Game at Cards, as much as to say, The Man: so he who undertakes to play the Game, sayes, Yo so l’Ombre, or, I am the man.” Ombre is a fast-moving trick-taking-card game known as one of the earliest card games in Europe, and a classic of its genre, related to Euchre, Boston, and Solo Whist. It is complicated to play and was very popular in England in the 17th century. It is unclear whether the other known copy of this edition contains the added leaf present here. A8 (+one leaf inserted between A3 & A4, printed on recto only, with the headline, “Additions/ Concerning Taking In, to be inserted page 5”), A8 blank and present. http://estc.bl.uk/R182930 $6,000-8,000


174 Thévenot, Melchisédech (1620-1692) The Art of Swimming. Illustrated by Proper Figures. With Advice for Bathing. London: Printed for Dan. Brown at the Swan without Temple-Bar; D. Midwinter and T. Leigh at the Rose and Crown, and Robert Knaplock at the Angel, in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1699. First edition in English, variant, 12mo, half-title present, illustrated with forty engraved plates, bound in very good contemporary speckled tan calf, boards giltruled, spine label, contents good, joints cracking slightly, 6 1/2 x 3 3/4 in. This is Thévenot’s most famous work, and was a popular guide to swimming techniques in the 18th century, including the breaststroke. Ben Franklin was a fan of The Art of Swimming; he mentions it in his autobiography. A-C12, D6. http://estc.bl.uk/R2501 $2,500-3,500

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175 Thomas, William, Clerk of the Council to Edward VI (d. 1554) The Historye of Italye. London: Imprinted in Flete-strete nere to Saicnt Dunstans Church by Thomas Marshe, 1561. Second edition, title page printed within woodcut compartment, bound in full later calf, front board detached, some small piercing wormholes, lacking two blanks, 6 7/8 x 5 in.


Thomas spent five years abroad traveling in Italy and France in the 1540s. He was a scholar of Italian history and language, and a clerk of the Privy Council under Edward VI. Thomas was executed for treason after the collapse of Wyatt’s Rebellion under Mary I. His History of Italy is believed to have been suppressed and publicly burned, likely after his execution, however, it was subsequently reprinted, as in the present example by Thomas Marshe in 1561. A3 (lacking A4 blank), [para]4, A-S4, T3 (lacking T4 blank), U-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Hhh4, Iii2. http://estc.bl.uk/S118386 $4,000-6,000

176 Thucydides (460-395 BC) The Hystory Writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the warre, whiche was betwene the Peoloponesians and the Athenyans. London: William Tylle, 1550. First edition in English, a translation from Claude de Seyssel’s French version; folio, title page printed within elaborate woodcut compartment incorporating the arms and initials of Queen Elizabeth I; marginalia to title and occasionally throughout, including many signatures of William Dudley dated 1714; and signatures of Thomas, Richard, and John Read c. 1730, and earlier signatures of John Cosey, Robert Reynet, John Jodwett, and others; bottom corner of title neatly reinforced, bound in late 17th or early 18th century full sheepskin boards, ruled and tooled in blind, rebacked, printed on heavy paper, single column black letter throughout, Z1 and Z2 with older marginalia trimmed away from bottom margins (repaired), bottom blank margin of Ll2 trimmed away; minor worming, 11 3/4 x 7 3/8 in. A-Z6, Aa-Oo6, Pp4. http://estc.bl.uk/S117701 $4,000-6,000


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177 Topsell, Edward (1572-1625?) The Historie of Foure-Footed Beastes; [bound with] The Historie of Serpents. London: Printed by William Jaggard, 1607 [and] 1608. First editions of both titles, folio, title page of Beastes with woodcut of the gorgon; both titles illustrated with woodcuts of animals throughout, bound in full leather, rebacked, 12 1/4 x 8 1/4 in. “Topsell’s work is remembered chiefly for its detailed and vigorous illustrations, including the famous image known as Dürer’s Rhinoceros. The illustrations have been widely reproduced in many contexts, and Topsell’s bestiary has been reprinted in various modern editions, usually in greatly reduced form. [...] Topsell, repeating ancient legends, assigns exotic attributes to actual animals. He writes, for example, that: True toads have a toadstone in their heads that protects people from poison. Weasels give birth through their ears. Lemmings graze in the clouds. Elephants worship the sun and the moon and become pregnant by chewing on mandrake. Apes are terrified of snails. Of the procreation of mice, Topsell writes, it ‘is not only by copulation, but also nature worketh wonderfully in ingenduring them by earth.’” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Topsell) Beastes: A2-6 (lacking first blank, A1), [para]6, [2para]8, *2, B-Z6, Aa-Vv6, Aaa-Xxx6, Yyy7 (lacking final blank Yyy8). http://estc.bl.uk/S122276 Serpents: A2-6, B-V6, Aa-Hh6. http://estc.bl.uk/S122051 $8,000-10,000


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178 Torsellino, Orazio (1545-1599) The Admirable Life of S. Francis Xavier. Paris [i.e. Saint-Omer: At the English College Press], 1632. First and only English edition before 1801, rare; no auction sales since 1922; ESTC lists five U.S. copies, engraved title, bound in full gilt calf by Bedford, gilt-tooled and lettered spine, a.e.g., rebacked, 6 3/4 x 4 3/4 in. 178

“During the first half of the 17th century the English College Press at St. Omer, France, under the direction of John Wilson, SJ, was the most important source of the proscribed Catholic literature that nourished the piety and loyalty of English recusants.” (Catholic Encyclopedia) [pi]1 (engraved title), A4, a4, e4, B-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa-Iiii4. http://estc.bl.uk/S118493 $5,000-6,000

179 Tryon, Thomas (1634-1703) A New Method of Educating Children. London: Printed for J. Salusbury, at the Rising-Sun in Cornhill; and J. Harris, at the Harrow, 1695. First edition, 12mo, six U.S. copies listed in ESTC, bound in full contemporary speckled sheepskin, rebacked, printer’s waste fly leaves, 5 3/4 x 3 1/4 in. “The Master and Tutors shall neither Whip, Beat, nor shew Anger or Passion toward any Child, be he never so dull: But instead of such Correction, shall take the dull Child aside, and Commend and Praise him for his Endeavours; inform him how many men of mean Birth have advanc’d themselves to a Noble Pitch of Eminence and Glory, by their Learning, Vertue, and Sobriety; and by these Means they shall excite and prompt him on to an honourable Ambition and Emulation. This, no doubt, will have a good Effect.” A4, B-E12, F8. http://estc.bl.uk/R34678 $6,000-8,000


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180 Tryon, Thomas (1634-1703) The Way to Health, Long Life and Happiness; or a Discourse of Temperance. London: Printed and sold by Andrew Sowle, at the CrookedBillet in Holloway-Lane near Shoreditch, 1683. First edition, octavo, bound in full contemporary unsophisticated calf, some light wear, generally good, headcap chipped, 7 x 4 1/4 in.


“Tryon’s ideas on historical and philosophical matters were heavily influenced by ancient Pythagoreanism, Hinduism, and the teachings of German occultist Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. He considered himself a Christian and tried to reconcile Biblical, Pythagorean and Hindu teachings. His conviction was that there was one true original religion of mankind, followed by Moses, Pythagoras and the Indian Brahmins, but perverted by the majority of Christians. According to him, the main tenets of that faith were pacifism and non-violence to animals; benevolence to all species and vegetarianism were prerequisites for spiritual progress and a possible restoration of Paradise. He explicitly advocated animal rights.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_ Tryon) [pi]4, b4, B-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Zzz4, AaaaQqqq4 (This book is printed in eights but signed in fours). http://estc.bl.uk/R10677 $2,000-2,500

181 Vergil, Polydore (1470?-1555) An Abridgement of the Notable Woorke of Polidore Vergile. London: Imprinted within the precincte of the late dissolued house of the Grey Friars, by Richard Grafton, printer to the Princes grace, the. xvi daie of Aprill, the yere of our lorde, 1546. First edition, (this edition dated April 16, 1546 was presumably published before the edition dated January 25, 1546 because of use Old Style dating, persistent in the British Isles until 1752; in this system, the year changed on March 25, Lady Day); small octavo, a translation and abridgment of Polydore Vergil’s De Inventoribus Rerum prepared by Thomas Langley (d. 1581); five U.S. copies listed in ESTC; this variant with a2r catchword: ’lyfe’; and “Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum” at foot of title; some minor soiling to preliminaries, bound in full later calf, rebacked, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. A8, a-u8, x7 (lacking x8 ?blank). http://estc.bl.uk/S107600 $3,000-5,000



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182 Verheiden, Jacob (active 1590) The History of Moderne Protestant Divines. London: 1637. Second edition, octavo, lacking engraved title page, illustrated with forty-five engraved text portraits of protestant divines including Hus, Erasmus, Luther, Melanchthon, Zwingli, Bucer, Calvin, Bale, Tyndale, Cranmer, and many others; bound in later half leather, rare; nine U.S. copies in ESTC; no auction sales since 1995, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. The section on English writers was drawn from Henry Holland’s Heroologia Anglica. A3-8, a8, B-Z8 (lacking engraved title, text leaf H8, and final signature Aa, which consists of six text leaves and two blanks). http://estc.bl.uk/S119100 $1,500-2,000 183 Vigo, Giovanni da, (1450?-1525) The Whole Worke of that Famous Chirurgion Maister Iohn Vigo: Newly Corrected, by Men Skilfull in that Arte. London: Printed by Thomas East, 1586. Quarto, title printed within typographical ornament border, text in black letter, full olive calf, front board detached, ex libris Eugene Somer Flamm, with his bookplate inside the front board, 7 1/2 x 5 1/4 in. Although Vigo is generally known today only for his mistaken treatment of gunshot wounds (he supposed that gunpowder poisoned the victim and recommended a treatment that involved the use of boiling oil), his work on surgery was enormously successful. It was translated into English, Latin, Italian, and French and reprinted dozens of times in the 16th and 17th centuries, making him one of the best known surgeons of his day. (para)10, A-Z8, Aa-Zz8, Aaa-Lll8. http://estc.bl.uk/S107484 $4,000-6,000


184 Vitruvius (80-70 BC-15 BC) An Abridgment of the Architecture of Vitruvius. London: Printed for Abel Swall and T. Child, at the Unicorn in St. Paul’s Church-yard, 1692. First edition, octavo, engraved frontispiece bound opposite title, bound in contemporary speckled sheepskin, joints split, boards almost complete detached, 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. [pi]2, a4, B-K8, L7, M-N8, O7. http://estc.bl.uk/R19317 $4,000-6,000

185 Webb, John (1611-1672) An Historical Essay Endeavoring a Probability that the Language of the Empire of China is the Primitive Language. London: Printed for Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Gresham Colledge, 1669. First edition, octavo, title page printed in red and black, illustrated with folding engraved map of China, bound in modern half leather with marbled paper boards, 6 3/4 x 4 in. In this fascinating work, Webb argues that the Chinese people speak the original language spoken by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. His work is also valuable for its insight into the cross-cultural connections between the English-speaking world and the Far East in the mid-17th century. A4, B-O8, P3, (lacking final blank, P4). http://estc.bl.uk/R24606 $7,000-10,000

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186 Webster, John (1610-1682) The Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft. Wherein is Affirmed that there are Many Sorts of Deceivers and Impostors. London: Printed by J.M. and are to be sold by the Booksellers in London, 1677. First edition, folio, bound in full contemporary speckled sheepskin, ruled in blind, later label and date on spine, old repair to head cap, front joint starting, 11 1/8 x 7 1/8 in. [pi]4, a4, B-Z4, Aa-Yy4 (Yy4 blank and appears integral). http://estc.bl.uk/R12517 $2,000-3,000 187 Wentworth, Peter (c. 1530-1596) A Pithie Exhortation to her Maiestie for Establishing Her Successor to the Crowne. [Edinburgh]: Imprinted [by Robert Waldegrave], 1598. First edition, octavo, bound in full red morocco by Riviere, gilt-tooled spine, a.e.g., 5 1/4 x 3 1/2 in. 186

“Two years before his death, Peter Wentworth wrote in the Tower [of London, where he was imprisoned and eventually died] his famous book, A Pithie Exhortation to Her Majesty. [...] [It was] written in answer to Dolman’s treatise advocating the claims of the Infanta Isabella to the succession [see Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610]. [The work is] constitutionally excellent and biblically learned. Wentworth says himself of the other tract that the lord treasurer ‘affirmed at the counsell table that he had three severall times perused’ the book and found nothing but what he thought to be true, and stood assured would at last come to pass, as indeed it did by the accession of James I.” (DNB) [A]3 (lacking first blank [A]1), B-O8 (I6 blank & present), P7 (lacking final blank P8). http://estc.bl.uk/S119716 $8,000-10,000 188 Wheler, George (1650-1723) A Journey into Greece. London: for William Cademan, Robert Kettlewell, and Ansham Churchill, 1682. First edition, folio, illustrated with text engravings, and six additional engraved plates extraneous to the collation (of which four are full-page plates of coins and two are printed on smaller slips of paper), bound in full modern calf, ex libris E.S. & H. Lloyd, with bookplate, 11 1/2 x 7 3/4 in. [pi]1, A2, a-b2, B-L4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Ppp4, Qqq2. http://estc.bl.uk/R9388 $1,500-2,000



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189 Whetstone, George (c. 1544-1587) The English Myrror. A Regard Wherein al Estates May Behold the Conquests of Envy. London: Printed by I. Windez for G. Seton, and are to be sold at his shop under Aldersgate, 1586. First edition (two variants only were published in 1586, no subsequent editions), quarto, title page printed within border of typographical ornaments, woodcut coat of arms of Queen Elizabeth with an acrostic in her honor printed on title verso, ex libris Sir Richard Newdigate of Arbury with his engraved 1709 bookplate pasted on ffep, the H. Bradley Martin copy, with his bookplate, along with those of the Arbury Library and the Later Library [an Elizabethan collection] of Herschel V. Jones (all pasted inside the front board); [Bound with] a defective copy of Rainoldes’s A Chronicle of all the Noble Emperours of the Romaines, London: Thomas Marshe, 1571, (lacking title, preliminaries, two leaves in the first signature and one in the last, see collation), first title complete, contemporary marginal manuscript notes (slightly trimmed), slightly later sponge-decorated calf, rebacked, marbled edges, 7 1/2 x 5 1/2 in.


Two of Whetstone’s works are thought by scholars to have been used by Shakespeare: his 1582 Historie of Promos and Cassandra, a prose tale from which William Shakespeare apparently drew the plot of Measure for Measure (although it is thought that the bard was probably familiar with the story in an earlier dramatic form); Whetstone was also an acknowledged source for Much Ado About Nothing. Whetstone: [para]4, A-P8. http://estc.bl.uk/S111678 Rainoldes: [four preliminary leaves consisting of incomplete portions of the epistle dedicatory and to the reader, no title, preliminary leaves incomplete], A2-6 (of 8), B-Z8, Aa-Dd8, Ee2-7. http://estc.bl.uk/S115791 $6,000-8,000

190 Whitaker, Tobias (d. 1666) Peri Ydroposias: or, a Discourse of Waters: their Qualities, and Effects Diaeticall, Pathologicall, and Pharmacaeiticall. London: Printed for Iohn Grismond, at the signe of the Gunne in Ivie-Lane, 1634. First edition, 12mo, rare; no auction sales; ESTC lists two U.S. copies; calf boards, rebacked, 4 3/4 x 2 1/2 in. Whitaker’s first published work, by his second he had decided that wine was the necessary liquid for making the most of life. A2-10 (lacking A1 ?blank), B-G12, H6. http://estc.bl.uk/S101856 $3,000-5,000 190

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191 Whitgift, John (1530?-1604) An Answere to a Certen Libel Intituled, An Admonition to the Parliament. London: by Henrie Bynneman, for Humfrey Toy, 1572. First edition, quarto, title page printed within typographical ornament border, text in black letter, large elaborate woodcut initials; the Stirling Maxwell copy, bound in straight-grained navy blue morocco with his initials and coat of arms tooled in blind on front board, spine lettered in gilt, a.e.g., some rubbing, bottom back board corner leather peeling slightly; ex libris Robert Vaughan Hughes, with his bookplate pasted inside the front board, 7 x 4 3/4 in. Macaulay described Whitgift as “a narrow, mean, tyrannical priest, who gained power by servility and adulation.” The 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica entry moderates slightly, suggesting that Macaulay’s point of view is “tinged with rhetorical exaggeration;” but nonetheless asserting that “Whitgift’s extreme High Church notions led him to treat the Puritans with exceptional intolerance.” A4, a2, B-Y4, Aa-Pp4. http://estc.bl.uk/S122025 $2,500-3,500


192 Whittingham, William (c. 1524-1579) A Brieff Discours off the Troubles Begonne at Franckford in Germany Anno domini 1554. Abowte the Booke off off [sic] common prayer and Ceremonies and continued by the Englishe men theyre to thende off Q. Maries Raigne in the which discours the gentle reader shall see the very originall and beginninge off all the contention that hathe byn and what was the cause off the same. [Heidelberg: Printed by M. Schirat], 1575. Second edition, quarto, rare, only three copies have been offered at auction since 1979; title page trimmed down and mounted, leaves of first signature a bit dusty with some damage along the gutter edge and a small hole on A3 affecting three a few letters in words on three lines on each side of the page, this wear is confined to the first signature; lacking final blank Dd6, ex libris James Erskine of Alva with his bookplate pasted on the verso of A3; 19th century half dark morocco and paste paper boards with gilt emblem of the Society of Writers to the Signet on both boards, 7 1/4 x 5 1/2 in. “Educated at Brasenose College, Oxford, Whittingham became a Protestant and Reformed Churchman; as such, it was necessary to flee England when Mary I ascended the throne and initiated her policies of hostility and persecutions against Reformed Churchmen. By 1554, Whittingham made his way to Frankfurt, Germany, where he joined a group of Protestant exiles from Mary’s reign. There, he met John Knox and became a supporter of Reformed Theology, a force that would inform and shape later Elizabethan divines. (This would later be pushed back by Laudian forces of anti-Calvinism in the 17th century.) He also married the sister of John Calvin. He took over Knox’s role as established, ordained and recognised minister to the English congregation of exiles in Geneva. In Geneva, he started the work for which he is best remembered, a Bible translation that came to be known as the Geneva Bible. In 1560, Whittingham returned to England, and was made dean of Durham in 1563, an office he held at his death in 1579—a Protestant, Reformed, Genevan, Prayer Book and Anglican divine.” (DNB)



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A-N4, O2, P-Z4, Aa-Cc4, Dd5 (lacking final blank Dd6). http://estc.bl.uk/S119880 $3,000-5,000


193 Wigan, Eleazar (fl. circa 1700) Practical Arithmetick, an Introduction to ye Whole Art. London: Sold by I. Lenthall Stationer att the Talbott against St. Dunstans Church in fleet Street Where are Sold Severall Printed Coppy Books and all Sorts of Stationary Wares, [1701?]. Large quarto, second edition, engraved portrait opposite title (trimmed and remargined at foot), engraved title and throughout, sixty numbered leaves, rare, three copies at auction, two copies of this variant in ESTC worldwide; bound in later half calf, marbled paper boards, 11 1/4 x 8 3/4 in. portrait, title, 60 numbered text plates/leaves. http://estc.bl.uk/R18813 $3,000-5,000

194 Willfsford, Thomas (b. circa 1612) Nature’s Secrets. Or, the Admirable and Wonderfull History of the Generation of Meteors. London: Printed for Nath. Brook at the Angel in Cornhill, 1658. First edition, octavo, engraved portrait of Willsford at the age of 46 by Vaughan opposite title (trimmed close at fore-edge), full-page woodcut of a weather glass, or perpetual calendar on page 150; Druce Donation stamp on title; short tear at the top inner gutter of B1, bound in slightly later full leather, rebacked, 6 1/4 x 3 3/4 in. Willsford discusses astronomy and the four elements in the first section, and then moves on to meteors, comets, and “blazing stars.” He cites Tycho Brahe, the Pre-Socratics, Acosta, Cardanus, Pliny, and others. The third part is taken up with weather prediction, in the fourth, prodigious meteors, earthquakes, and diseases. A-O8, (first signature collation counts portrait frontispiece, perhaps A1 lacking ?blank; final signature contains four leaves of bookseller’s ads, listing 84 items available from Nathaniel Brook). http://estc.bl.uk/R204119 $2,000-3,000

195 Willis, Thomas (1621-1675) Pharmaceutice Rationalis: or an Exercitation of the Operations of Medicines in Humane Bodies. London: Printed for T. Dring, C. Harper, and J. Leigh, and are to be Sold at the Corner of Chancery-Lane, and the Flower-deLuce over against St. Dunstan’s in Fleet-street, 1684. Folio, illustrated with fourteen engraved plates, bound in full modern calf, contents good, 12 1/4 x 7 3/4 in. “The leading English exponent of chemistry was Thomas Willis, who was Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy at Oxford in 1660, and moving to London in 1666, acquired the largest fashionable practice of the day. Willis was a remarkable example of the capacity of the English physicians for close, careful clinical observation. His work on nervous diseases and on hysteria are justly esteemed for their many striking clinical pictures, of which his description of dementia paralytica is perhaps the most important. His Pharmaceutice Rationalis gives a valuable epitome of the materia medica of his time. The second part has been praised by Osler for its description of whooping cough.” (Quoted from Fielding Garrison’s An Introduction to the History of Medicine) A-T4, U-Z2, A-Z4, Aa-Ee4, Ff1. http://estc.bl.uk/R40709 $4,000-6,000

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196 Worlidge, John (fl. circa 1660-1698) The Most Easie Method for Making the Best Cyder. London: Printed for George Grafton, at the Mitre in Fleetstreet, near Temple-Bar, 1687. First edition, quarto, half leather, marbled paper boards, Studley Castle inscription to title dated 1886, 7 7/8 x 6 1/4 in. A-B4, (B4 present with notice of the publication of a book ordered by the Royal Society: Denys Papin’s A New Digester, or Engine for Softning Bones, which was published in 1687). http://estc.bl.uk/R1887 $3,000-5,000

197 Xenophon (c. 430-354 BC) Xenophon’s Treatise of Householde. [London: Imprinted in Fletestrete by Thomas Berthelet, printer to the kynges moste noble grace, 1537.] Octavo, title printed within woodcut compartment, text in black letter throughout; an English translation of Xenophon’s Oeconomicus by Gentian Hervet, bound in full modern calf, 5 3/4 x 3 3/4 in. 196

Xenophon’s Oeconomicus is considered one of the earliest works of household management and economics, and includes interesting treatments on topics such as relationships between men and women, city versus country life, and the ancient Athenian issues of slavery, religion, and education. Its revival in the Renaissance is documented by this translation. A-G8, H7 (lacking final blank H8). http://estc.bl.uk/S122085 $2,500-3,500 198 Yarranton, Andrew (1616-1684) England’s Improvement by Sea and Land. To Out-do the Dutch without Fighting, to Pay Debts without Moneys, to set at Work all the Poor of England with the Growth of our own Lands. London: R. Everingham for the Author, to be sold by T. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheap-side, and N. Simmons at the Princes Arms in S. Paul’s Church-yard, 1677. First edition, license leaf present, illustrated with six folding engravings (tears and multiple folds to maps), unclear variant information from ESTC; this copy has page 193 numbered and signed correctly; ex libris Royal Agricultural Society of England Library, stamps on verso of title and last leaf, modern half leather, marbled paper boards, toning, spotting, trimmed slightly, 7 1/8 x 5 1/4 in. As a navigation engineer, Yarranton was committed to England’s improvement and is credited with making several British rivers navigable, including the River Avon. a-b4, c2, A-Z4, Aa2. http://estc.bl.uk/R221084 $3,000-4,000


End of Sale 3117B


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Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, Old Colony Railroad and Ferry Poster. Boston: Rand, Avery, & Co., 1875, sold for $1,353

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Fine Books & Manuscripts November 18, 2018 | deadline September 15

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The copyright in all images, illustrations and written material produced by or for Skinner, Inc. relating to a lot, including the contents of this catalog, is, and shall remain at all times, the property of Skinner, Inc. and shall not be used by the purchaser, nor by anyone else, without our prior written consent. 13. These conditions of sale shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (excluding the laws applicable to conflicts or choice of law). The buyer/bidder agrees that any suit for the enforcement of this agreement may be brought, and any action against Skinner in connection with the transactions contemplated by this agreement shall be brought, in the courts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or any federal court sitting therein. The bidder/buyer consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts and waives objections that it may now or hereafter have to the venue of any such suit. Revised January 21, 2015


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Jane D. Prentiss


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Chris Barber, John Colasacco, Stephen L. Fletcher, Karen M. Keane, Marie Keep, Kerry Shrives, Stuart G. Slavid, Robin S.R. Starr, Laura V. Sweeney

63 Park Plaza Boston, MA 02116 617.350.5400 Fax 617.350.5429


274 Cedar Hill Street Marlborough, MA 01752 508.970.3000 Fax 508.970.3100

130 Miracle Mile, Suite 220 Coral Gables, FL 33134 305.503.4423 Fax 305.709.2143

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