Our December auction offers over 400 lots of artifacts and ritual objects representing tribal cultures from across the world. We begin our journey in Central America with a number of fabulous gold pendants and jade axe gods from Costa Rica. A rare stone Olmec celt and large Teotihuacan stone mask are featured from Mexico. Peruvian cultures are exemplified by Chimu copper pectoral ornaments and Chancay textiles.
You will also find a broad range of African art in this auction—figures from the Dogon peoples of Mali, Ivory Coast masks and figures, and a number of Nigerian and Congo pieces, some of which originate from the prestigious New York gallery Pace Primitive. Artifacts from the South Pacific include war clubs, stone food pounders and spatulas, wood and woven masks, and unusual neck rests.
Native American tribes from across the continent are also represented. Northeastern crook knives, baskets, and bowls, as well as Plains beadwork, clubs, pipes, a rare painted tipi model, and an exceptional early g