Skinnie Magazine Issue 127 - February/March 2013

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CONSUMABLES It’s The Small Things


RONDA ROUSEY First Lady of the UFC


SKINNIE GIRL Danielle Souza


SOUND STRIKE Encouraging a Facebook Generation


SKINNIESCENE The Rundown On What You Missed








FEB/MAR 2013 J ISSUE NUmber 127 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PUBLISHERS Jimmy Clinton and George Giordano ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

EDITORIAL Editor-In-Chief Jimmy Clinton Bobby D. Lux, Jasen T. Davis, Alex Mendoza, Eric Bonholtzer, Katie Evans, Kristie Bertucci, Patrick Douglas, Lacy Ottenson, Elysia McMahan, MM Zonoozy Contributing Writers

For editorial submissions, email ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ART & DESIGN Art department

Morgan Desmond


PHOTOGRAPHY Michael Vincent, Alan Rivera, Sean Myers, Joanna Miriam, Wil Marques, Damian Tsutsumida, Genevieve Davis, Karen Curley, Harmony Gerber, Edison Graff, Timothy Sheppard, Erik Faiivae, Christian Sosa, Cody Black Tammy Rapp, Todd Scheuerell

Contributing Photographers


Sales & Marketing Marketing Director

Jason Zahler Matt Lee, Jose Lanza, Julius Lopez and Ariel Mendoza Advertising

For all sales inquiries email ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Administrative House Of Designs Morgan Desmond Angela Jugon Raquel Lopez, Cynthia De Los Santos and Ryan Mercer Webmaster

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Contributing Staff


FASHION Fashion Director

Michelle Ngo Linh Duong

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Consumables 1

it’s the small That Make Life So Entertaining... 1 iPhone 4 Bamboo Case

3 Rudy

5 blk

Take your stalking photography to the next level with this bamboo camera. If your girlfriend happens to have a bamboo forest outside her house you will be in luck with this nifty little camera, as you remain hidden amongst the shrubbery…

Ready to freak your friends out at your next gathering, hang this on your bathroom wall and lightly and rhythmically chant as they shut the bathroom door. Then you can always sell them the cure to the curse for 5 buck. By being stylish and making money at the same time.

we can promise you its not sewer water, Freak out your friends and co-workers with this ink black spring water. We are pretty sure it wont turn your tongue black… I mean we’re pretty sure…

by SigniCASE


2 F in Exams Book

It’s a proven fact that people respond to most reverse psychology, give this little book to your friend, sibling, offspring and you may get them to turn around there grades yet. Will make a good stalking stuffer in 9 months.

TikiHead Tissue Box Cover



6 SNOW WHITE holding apple Mac Book Decal

4 V for Vendetta Mask Wall Display

You can never be to prepared for revolution. With the state of affairs in our country, it might not be a bad idea to have this in our house, and besides it looks pretty cool on your wall too. $$$


fulvic-enhanced all-natural mineral water

Well…Looks like sweet little snow white joined the apple cult with the rest of us. Or is this just another cute decal for your 5 year olds apple notebook? $5


For that label whore in your life these Calvin Klien sheets would make a great gift, or you could just keep them for yourself and get your sexy on! $150+ Want a Review? Ok, say you have this really cool product and you’re wondering to yourself, “How do I get my really cool product reviewed by Skinnie Magazine?“ Pay attention now! Ready? Email us at

2 3





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The First Lady of The UFC

Ronda Rousey Still Making History By Bobby D. Lux


Ronda Rousey is familiar with making history.At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Rousey, in her second Olympic games, became the first American to bring home a medal in Judo, capturing bronze in the middleweight division. On February 23 at the Honda Center in Anaheim, Rousey will have another first notched in her belt when she competes against Liz Carmouche in the first ever women’s fight in the history of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Rousey and Carmouche won’t be in just any fight on the card either; they’re the main event, another first. And that belt all these notches are going on? It’s the first UFC Women’s Bantanweight Championship, which is around the waist of the twenty-six year old Southern California based fighter. It’s a seemingly improbable rise for Rousey and women’s mixed martial arts in general when as recently as two years ago, before Rousey even had her first professional fight, UFC President Dana White was clear about women fighting in the Octagon. In a word, the prognosis was “never.” But then Rousey, who has won all six of her fights by first round submission, armbarred her way into the collective MMA consciousness. Suddenly, the word “never” was no longer relevant as the UFC opened its cage door to women and specifically, to Ronda Rousey.

How has your training for this fight been affected by all the added promotion? Not so much. I like that I’m kind of used to having the circus around because when I get to the fight itself I’m very much adjusted to it. Liz is having to deal with all of this first time; it’s going to be a lot more shocking to her, being exposed to an event of this magnitude. Whereas, I feel like I’ve been on a constant push since winning the Strirkeforce title [from Miesh Tate] last year. Two years ago you were getting ready for your first fight at King of Cage in a country club and now you’re headlining a UFC pay per view at the Honda Center… It was actually a garage at the country club because it started raining. It was an outdoor garage. They moved us down to the second level so they could cover the top. It didn’t seem that country-clubby; it seemed like we were in a parking structure. 13

“ I met every goal that I set for

myself… I think we expected more obstacles, more difficulty than we actually had. ”


Two years ago, was this even on the radar, was this even a possibility? It was a possibility. That’s why I made it a goal of mine. That it would happen as quickly? I met every goal that I set for myself… I think we expected more obstacles, more difficulty than we actually had. You’ve been on a rollercoaster for the last year and a half with all of your success, how has it changed your life? Well, I’m not driving around in a car with one working window and no air conditioning anymore, which is kind of cool. Literally, it’s much cooler. It’s a little more comfortable and a little more simple and it’s also more complicated at the same time. Photo Credits Previous Page: Esther Lin/Forza LLC Below: Kari Hubert/Forza LLC Next Page: Esther Lin/Forza LLC

I feel like I have just as much work; just a more focused area. Before, I had all these different jobs, all these troubles from getting from A-to-B or just paying the rent. Now I don’t really have as much trouble with financial stuff and other jobs, but there’s so much more work required just with the fighting. It feels like I doing just as much work as I ever have. How does this experience compare with training and competing in the Olympics? I’m having a lot more fun. It’s really grueling, training for the Olympics. It’s a not so glamorous, thankless position to be in a lot of the time. Think of all the five hundred or so US Olympians that go to every Olympics, but you can only name a handful off the top of your head, if that.A lot of our Olympic teams, they spend their whole life trying to get there, trying to represent our country in the Olympics, and they don’t walk away with much. It’s much harder to train for the Olympics. A lot of times you’re just scraping by… and then you end up with a handshake at the end most of the time. Which accomplishment means more to you, being the first American to medal in Judo, or being the first UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion? Well, I’m not going to consider myself the first UFC Women’s Champion until I actually win a fight in the Octagon. So, you can ask me that question after wards and I’ll have a good answer for you. Deal. Do you consider yourself a role model for women or women athletes? I see myself as a role model to my younger sister and that’s the only person I really feel any responsibility towards. To everybody else, I don’t have total control over my public image or how I’m perceived or presented to anybody else that I don’t know. So, I’m not going to stress over something that I really don’t have that much control over. If I serve as positive role model to girls, I’m happy to do that, but I’m also not going to worry about as much because sometimes things are going to come across the wrong way. I can sit my little sister down and explain things to her and why things are that way and talk to her and be a real role model to her.To everybody else, I feel like I can’t really do that. I’m doing the best I can, but my only real responsibility is to my little sister. Do you feel the need to create any sort of media persona, like what Tito Ortiz did in the past, or what Chael Sonnen is doing now, to help promote yourself? It seems impossible to try and make a million new friends, you know? You can’t really come across make people completely understand you with a little blip of a video here or an interview there or sentence taken out of context. You can’t control it, so there’s going to be a persona created whether you want to or not because it’s impossible for them capture who you actually are, so I try to make it as close to who I am as possible, but you also have to embellish a little bit to make it entertaining... Regardless of who you are, a persona is going to be created. How is it training for someone who you seem to like and get along with versus someone like Miesha Tate where there was animosity? Does that change your training or your approach to the fight? No. Me and Sarah Kaufman were totally cool too. I didn’t have a problem training for that either. It was one of the best camps ever and [now] I’m in the best shape I’ve been in my entire life. I’m completely emotionless when I fight. I don’t have an opinion about anything and so whether or not I like the person doesn’t really have anything to do with it. If you have a day of no training, no media, no interviews, what would an ideal day be for you? I would be on my couch with my dog not talking about myself once [laughs]. I’m fed up with me. On my days off, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want anyone to ask a question about me. I want to sit on my couch with my and watch something about zombies. 15

AT A GLANCE Favorite Band? Sublime is my favorite band. I’m not really into one genre over another. Good music is good music, regardless of what genre it is, but I gravitate more towards alternative. Favorite Movie? You know what, when I was the Beijing Olympics, I would watch Fight Club over and over and over. I love that movie!

16 17





Photographer Krystle Lina Makeup Artist Rosa Rodriquez Wardrobe Stylist Jesse J Collections Videographer/Photographers Asst Jason Monroe 19


skinniegirl 21


22 23

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Sound justice from the

SounD strike Encouraging Generation Facebook To Get Off Their Ass


On April 23rd, 2010, the implementation of Arizona Senate Bill 1070 – also known as the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act – turned the media world upside down. The sun-drenched state was converted into a politically charged battlefield catering to a more than a local audience, but rather the world at large due to the surprisingly strict elements outlined in the Republican favored legislation. The bill stipulates that those registered as Resident Aliens within the borders of the Arizona state must carry their documentation with them at all times. Law officers are also allowed to perform a lawful stop, detention or arrest if they suspect the person in question is an illegal immigrant, even if it is not connected to any particular suspicious activity. In addition, local and state officials are prohibited from imposing on Federal immigration laws, and those assisting, or housing immigrants, are subject to punishment as well. The reactions from within the state, as well as the rest of the world, were an immediate media fixation. Headlines proposed the birth of a contemporary form of prejudice, supposedly justified due to the bill’s intent to support the “attrition through enforcement” doctrine, or by rooting out the illegal immigrants in the states would prevent the further decay of the state’s structure with recent crime rates on the rise related to drugs and various murders near the Mexican borders. Overall, the bill’s passage was amongst the primary sources of countless heated discussions detailing America’s recent adoption of laws such as Proposition 8 and SB 1070 – all targeted at limiting the freedoms of particular sexual orientations and ethnicities. Though the Supreme Court struck down three other provisions implied by the legislation of SB 1070 due to violation of the US Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, they upheld the right for law makers to request immigration documents during any law related stops. As such, the bill’s continued existence spurred the political juices of people such as Zach de la Rocha and Connor Oberst, who in early April began talks of forming a coalition that would unite to boycott against the politically unjust motives of the Arizona government and anyone supporting the legislation. “Sound Strike kicked into gear around May 2010,” Javier Gonzalez explains. “I was an activist in LA for years, and through my association with those types of causes I met

By Alex Mendoza

Zach and grew to know one another through a common just cause. As the idea of Sound Strike spread out and needed more people to help out, I was approached and more than willing to lend a hand.” Sound Strike is a unique organization that boasts the support of many politically charged acts/artists/groups and political organizations against all forms of prejudice; especially those tied with the controversial aims of SB 1070. With the Rage Against the Machine frontman and Connor Oberst providing the foundation and funds necessary to fuel the group’s humble beginnings, within two years it has attracted acts such as Immortal Technique, Lupe Fiasco and countless others willing to lending their talents as a means to bring awareness to a worthy cause. “There are obvious expectations when big names are involved. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called if Rage can do a show, and I’m thinking to myself, ‘Yeah, sure! Let me give ‘em a call right now,” Javier laughs. “There’s lots of politics both within the movement, and outside of it with the perpetuators who spread the hate. Plus different musicians come from different perspectives, so there are challenges to get everyone on the same page, but it’s cool to make such a huge impact when everything come together.” 2011 brought forth another series of bills aimed at further limiting the rights of undocumented immigrants; some of which targeted those who were children of undocumented parents directly at schools, or even going as far to denying American citizenship to those born to illegal immigrants within Arizona. Thirteen major concerts were cancelled in the course of a few weeks, and the financial impact was significant; not to mention those cancellations were among of the most viewed news stories of the entire year, but still begging the question as to why the support numbers from other key entertainment figures were still low – regardless of the coverage involved. “The entertainment industry frowns upon people taking political stances. When we have artists reach out to artists, it’s easy, but when we get into the web of managers, representations and publicists, those are the ones we end up on a road block with,” Javier states carefully. “The industry is in a bad economic state with the music available online, and the artists need the labels to get their music into films, to get good budgets and big 27

distribution deals, so the artist can’t always say ‘Screw it, this is what I want to do!’ It also takes thought and some research, but in most cases these people don’t tend to do a whole lot of that, and it’s not just being down with activism. It’s about money, and less and less people – artist wise at least- are getting involved cause they’re dependent on labels to get their stuff out and they don’t want to rock the boat if it is going to hinder their image, or their sales.” Recent social activist trends such as the infamous 2012 Kony Campaign illustrate the sensationalist nature of Generation Facebook, assuming that millions upon millions of people clicking ‘Like’ on one’s cause is an immediate guarantee for immediate support, but without actually having to stand up and do something. Fast-forward to a few months later as the proposed April date passed, with nary a Kony poster in sight. And just like that, the cause that spread like wildfire within days registered with little more than a whimper, say for the stories of Kony frontrunner Jason Russel’s mental breakdown for the inherent backlash of his campaign – to which all his family and supporters state that he devised it all with the noblest of intentions. “It’s kind funny how you’re asking people to stand up for something on Facebook, and they’re sitting down. You somehow think that when you click like that you did something, but like anything else, it’s an alternative form of communication, and people wanna’ be lazy and turn it into activism,” Javier observes. “To me, it’s just a fascinating way to talk to people and I personally don’t know anyone who goes on the Internet, or watches TV, and suddenly they want to go do something noble. In the end, it is more about the fact that people have false expectations. It is the same with bands, too. They say: ‘We have 7,000 likes’, and then only 100 people show up to their show. You still gotta’ promo, man, and pass out fliers!” With such politically centered discussions, it is impossible to ignore the lingering phantoms of the Occupy Wall Street movement, designating another form of prejudice between the financial advisors holding all the keys as the elite “1 %”, while the remaining 99% find themselves in dire straits more so than any generation in recent history. Particular artists found themselves amidst the crowd – such as Kanye West – while his “Watch the Throne” cohort Jay-Z proceeded to create a political trend through fashion with his short-lived “Occupy All Streets” t-shirt line.


In situations such as these, especially considering the genuine hard work that people such as Javier partake upon to defend the human rights of people in this nation, it is nearly impossible to question whether or not these artists are doing it for a legitimate cause, or simply out to earn press. “We really mean it when we say these guys don’t ask for anything. They give a significant amount of their personal money, and they’re not trying to get on the cover of Time magazine. We’ve had a couple of meetings with artists and Zach explaining stuff to them, and they’ll be like ‘Wow! You’re really articulate and I just thought you were a big shit talker’,” Javier recalls. “If you’re not there, you don’t see the hard work they put in, so of course it’s easy to say these guys are faking their motives, but they don’t have an alternative motive and these guys are legit. Bands like Rage have quite a record of accomplishment when it comes to these types of issues. This one time I actually had a reporter ask me ‘Is this soundtrack a gigantic cover for promoting Zach’s new album as One Day as a Lion?’ and I’m thinking to myself, ‘Sure, he’s going to spend 2 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote an indie album?’ Honestly, I think it’s just the cynics trying to get some bullshit reason to say something.” “And because of that unsettling trend, the American people have a hard time connecting and going deeper, because there are distractions forged not just in entertainment, but in the manner upon which the media displays these skirmishes and they are forced in your face. It is a different kind of system and form of communication in media and American viewers do not want to be offended when they are watching TV.” “The American people need to understand the types of activism we see here are much different from the activism that takes place in the rest of the world. What we have here are more like skirmishes, getting Christians hating on the Gays and get the whites southerners hating on the Mexicans and prevent people from figuring out hey we probably have more in common than we thought. But a lot of that takes sacrifice and struggle and we love going to the ball game, having a 50 inch plasma, got a nice ride, good music, drinking beer, smoking a joint and life’s good – but no money in the bank account.” 29







choice By Alex Mendoza


Listen Closely... 1


Turbo Negro


DZ Deathrays



Melody Gardot

Sexual Harassment


Early Birds

The Absence

Two minutes into the blistering maelstrom of Turbonegro’s opening track, “I Got a Knife”, frontman Hank Von Helvete growls, “He will violate you!” The lyric serves as a braggartlike statement in regards to his knife, amplifying the kitsch of the song to unforeseen heights. The remaining nine tracks follow suit – rock-fueled vignettes of unnamed subjects in relatable scenarios, with their Scandinavian interpretation of styles used by Alice Cooper and Mötley Crüe at their finest form yet.

DZ Deathrays – take that in for a second. Granted the name immediately strikes as a cheap B-Movie rock band scare tactic, the Brisbane duo’s skillful fusion of myriad rock styles and brief musical flings with ‘80s inspired electronic riffs unveils a matchless wealth of musical depth. Tracks such as “Dinomight” are as bizarre as one might imagine, channeling an irresistible nostalgic charm that pays respect to the earliest incantations of old-fashioned rock and roll.

Opposed to Icelandic brethren Björk, Jóhann Jóhansson and Sigur Rós, Múm is the closest incarnation to anything that could evoke the experimental attitude of electronic wunderkind, Aphex Twin, or genre-benders Animal Collective. With “Early Birds”, the glitch-hop acrobatics run rampant, as the boundaries of their pop maximalist tendencies push beyond the threshold of sanity. Tracks such as “Gingúrt” are a prime example - the marriage of mountain-dwelling polka players and electronica becomes a tangible experience.

Nimble acoustic guitars and sultry blues overtones hold together the intricate framework of Melody Gardot’s latest musical offering. Holding true to her folksy jazz roots, her spellbinding vocals and the transparent orchestration capture the nostalgic atmosphere of summer skies and impossibly white sandy beaches one second (“Mira”), only to seamlessly transition into the scene of a smoky bar deep from the heart of a noir film minutes later (“So We Meet Again My Heartache”).


Various Artists

Behind Closed Doors: Where Country Meets Soul When Ray Charles covered “Georgia on my Mind”, the lines between country and soul were blurred. Decades later, U.K. record label Kent Records offers this fascinating compilation of various renown soul artists such as Aaron Neville, Al Green and Clarence Carter covering popular country recordings. The notion of such an assembly sounds absurd, but it is hard to deny the passion each singer brings to table – especially Aaron Neville’s delicate rendition of “The Grand Tour”.

No WebSite... sorry 31






For your viewing By Ramon Gonzales


Digging Deeper than Blockbusters 1



Safety Not Guaranteed



Beasts of the Southern Wild


The Invisible War

Something from Nothing – The Art of Rap

This black comedy directed by Richard Linklater manages to be just as creepy as the pedophile ‘stache Jack Black runs with throughout the film. Bucking his rep, Linklater actually uses some Hollywood heavyweights in Shirley MacLaine and Matthew Maconaughey to recount the smalltown Texas murder of Marjorie Nugent by a beloved funeral director, Bernie Tiede. Using actual townspeople, the morbid twist is in the somewhat justified murder of Nugent by Tiede. Generally disliked among the people of Carthage,Texas, Nugent was not only killed but the crime was kept secret for 9 months.

Winner of the 2012 Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, Safety Not Guaranteed is the kind of film that uses a ridiculous plotline to set up a fairly expected romantic twist. The reason for the outlandish setup is always an effort to easy the cheese factor of the story, but manages to make it cheesier in the end. Aside from a strong performance from Aubrey Plaza (nerdy, hot look for approachability) this one isn’t much different from the Katherine Heigl type films that most people shine on – even though it tries really hard to be.

Holy shit…there will be so much said about this film that any superlatives here would just come off as either condescending or plain idiotic. The debut from director Benh Zeitlin based on a play from Lucy Alibar, lush landscapes that resonate in fantastic cinematography, soaring musical accompaniment, and Oscar caliber performances from non-actors make this film not only a must-see, but a strong contender for a generational staples among film snobs and collectors.

Easily one of the most sobering facts of this documentary resonates in the more than 16,000 service women that were raped while on active duty by fellow servicemen. That is the grim reality of The Invisible War. Only 8 percent of rape cases are prosecuted in the US military and of that 8 percent, only 2 percent result in convictions. Emmy nominated director Kirby Dick takes on an a taboo among the US military in this Sundance lauded documentary that is bound to leave you speechless.

A documentary that aims to explain the roots of rap music makes sense coming from first time filmmaker and seminal gangster rapper, Ice-T. From New York to LA, Ice manages to collect stories and freestyle verses from the genre’s royalty, but never really connects the dots. Aside from giving no consideration to other geographically crucial hotbeds for rap music, the documentary plays out more like a tugjob then anything overly informative. Entertaining, but far from educating.






32 33






cntrl - AlT By Alex Mendoza


Play at Your Own Risk 1

Batman: Arkham AsylumHarley Quinn’s Revenge



Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Diablo III


Lollipop Chainsaw


Game of Thrones

For PS3 & X Box 360

For PS3 & X Box 360

For Mac & PC

For PS3 & X Box 360

For X Box 360

“Harley Quinn’s Revenge” comes as a worthy downloadable content story picking up two weeks after the conclusion of “Batman: Arkham Asylum”. As it turns out, the Caped Crusader is missing, allowing players to experience the perspective of Batman’s sidekick: The Boy Wonder, Robin. Gameplay feels familiar, yet fresh as you get to use Robin’s unique weapons and skills in an enticing story that justifies the DLC’s price.

Considering the success of FPS titles such as “Call of Duty”and “Battlefield”, “Ghost Recon” offers an entirely different gaming experience. Whereas the previously mentioned titles thrive on a run-andgun strategy of sorts, “Ghost Recon” models itself on the realistic pace of battle. The ability to approach mission objectives in various forms, along with the flawless tagging and cover switch systems, provide a FPS geared for the methodical gamer.

Blizzard’s epic tale of dark fantasy returns twelve years after the release of “The Lord of Destruction” expansion pack. Set twenty years after the fall of Diablo, players find themselves thrust back into the world of Sanctuary to prevent The Lesser Evils, Belial and Azmodan, from destroying the world. The third installment features five new character classes, four extended Acts and hours upon hours of thrilling lootbased gameplay.

“Lollipop Chainsaw” is an ambitious attempt to capture the B-Movie spirit of zombie flicks, while maintaining enough innovative from a gameplay standpoint to keep players interested in the struggle of the busty protagonist, Juliet Starling. She wields a chainsaw, leaving trails of hot-pink energy as she tears through the hordes of zombies invading San Romero High School. However, the redundant design and gameplay keeps the game from retaining any charm, and feels more like a chore.

One would think that a video game based off a literary franchise as dark and brutal as “Game of Thrones” would be a match made in Heaven. Unfortunately, it would appear the potential of this title is far from reaching legendary heights. Graphics appear dated and the well-written story is crippled by terrible voice acting, buggy gameplay and redundant enemy encounters. Even more tragic considering George R. R. Martin was involved in its creation.

Final Verdict: Buy it!

Final Verdict: Buy it!

Final Verdict: Buy it!

Final Verdict: Burn it!

Final Verdict: Burn it!

34 35



President’s Day Weekend @ Body English in Hard Rock Hotel and Casino







p.038 Weekly Club Listings

p.040 Weekly Club Listings

p.042 Weekly Club Listings

p.044 Weekly Club Listings

p.046 Weekly Club Listings

Calendar Club Pictures

Calendar Club Pictures

Calendar Club Pictures

Calendar Club Pictures

Calendar Club Pictures p.041 Hard Rock

To Receive Updates on Skinnie Scene Club Listings or To Submit Your Events, E-mail: to be Added to Our Weekly Skinnie E-blasts. 37

Los angelesSkinniescene

Photos Courtesy of Jamie Barren of EVENTVIBE, SA Studios


02/20 Jay & Silent Bob Get Old @ Laugh Factory

XXX Starr Sisters @ Eden

XXX Starr Sisters @ Eden

XXX Starr Sisters @ Eden

XXX Starr Sisters @ Eden

XXX Starr Sisters @ Eden

FastPass @ Eden

FastPass @ Eden

FastPass @ Eden

FastPass @ Eden

FastPass @ Eden

02/26 Jay Mohr @ Hollywood Improv 2/27 Deluka, The Royalty, Xu Xu Fang @ The Satellite 3/2 Sound Tribe Sector 9 @ Hollywood Palladium

02/23 Coheed & Cambria @ The Wiltern 03/03 Meshuggah @ The Wiltern 03/08 Kix w/ Femme Fatale @ Key Club 03/16 Maroon 5 @ Staples Center

03/09 Flogging Molly @ Fox Theater

03/17 St. Patty’s Fest @ The Arena


Los angeles | Skinniescene

Lucha vavoom 10th aniversary

@ mayan theatre

Images by Karen Curley

this year Skinnie has TWO

Gifts for You! logon to enter and WIN not one, but BOTH of these great flicks!

The perfect gift for Dad. Bring home “The Bourne Legacy”


From the creator of Family Guy, Ted is the irreverent, hilarious story of the bond between a man (Mark Wahlberg) and his teddy bear, Ted (voiced by Seth McFarlane), who came to life as a result of a childhood wish...and refused to leave his side ever since.


Las VegasSkinniescene

Photos Courtesy of Danny Mahoney/XS nightclub, SpyOnVegas, Isaac Brekken/WireImage


02/23 Rebel Pride Party @ ghostbar dayclub

Lil Jon’s Birthday @ XS

Brett Ross & Phoenix Marie @ LAX Nightclub

Common countsdown NYE @ Hyde

Common & Jeremy Piven countsdown NYE @ Hyde

Jeremy Piven drums @ Hyde

Shanna Moakler NYE @ Hyde

The Killers Kick Off New Year’s Weekend @ The Cosmopolitan

The Killers Kick Off New Year’s Weekend @ The Cosmopolitan

The Killers Kick Off New Year’s Weekend @ The Cosmopolitan

Chery Burke @ XS

02/25 EDX @ Marquee 03/01 Wolfgang Gartner @ XS 03/08 Bill Engvall @ Treasure Island 03/09 GBDC 90s Party ft. Jazzy Jeff @ ghostbar dayclub

03/16 Ferry Corsten @ Marquee 03/12 GBDC After Dart @ Moon Nightclub 03/14 Andrew Dice Clay @ Vinyl 03/15 Kathy Griffin @ The Mirage

03/22 Def Leppard @ The Joint

03/18 Lil Jon @ XS


Las Vegas | Skinniescene

presidents day weekend at body englis and the joint @

hard rock hotel & casino

Photos: Scott Harrison / Erik Kabik Photography, Carlos Larios / Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Hew Burney 41

Orange countySkinniescene

Photos Courtesy of Taylor Eszlinger


02/23 UFC 157 @ Honda Center

AlexDreamz @ Yost


Hoodie Allen @ Yost

Nervo @ Yost

R3hab @ Yost

Walk Off The Earth @ Yost

Wolfgang Cartner @ Yost

AIR @ Equinox


ZEDD @ Yost

02/21 Marilyn Manson @ Grove of Anaheim 2/23 TapouT UFC 157 Viewing/After Party @ OC Sports Grille 3/3 Galactic @ Yost Theater

02/26 OCMA Live Band Finals @ House of Blues Anaheim 03/15 Paul Rodriguez @ Brea Improv 03/17 St. Patrick’s Day @ Auld Dubliner Irish Pub 03/20 Imagine Dragons Night Visions Tour @ House of Blues

03/23 Hoodie Allen @ Yost Theater


Orange countySkinniescene

Vans Warped tour

@ The GREat park of irvine

Photos by Jen Reightley

Get Your Ad Here for information email 43

san diegoSkinniescene

Photos by Jeremy Wassink of


02/22 8th Annual Rockin the Pink Party ft. LAZRtag @ Ivy Nightclub











02/20 B.B. King @ Belly Up 02/27 Take Action Tour The Used @ House of Blues 02/28 G. Love & Special Sauce @ House of Blues

03/02 Adam Devine @ American Comedy Club 03/07 AC Slater @ FLUXX 03/15 SD’s Official St. Paddy’s Weekend Bar Crawl @ Gaslamp 03/17 shamROCK 2013 @ shamROCK Enterance

03/14 Alicia Keys @ Valley View Casino

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inland empireSkinniescene

Photos Courtesy of Vive Tequilla Lounge and Alex Trujillo


02/23 Party Rock @ Silk in Pechanga

Metal Mulitia’s Scummy @ Rack’s Billards and Bourbon

Bartender @ Rack’s Billards and Bourbon

@ Rack’s Billards and Bourbon

@ Rack’s Billards and Bourbon

@ Rack’s Billards and Bourbon

@ Vive Tequilla Lounge

@ Vive Tequilla Lounge

@ Vive Tequilla Lounge

@ Vive Tequilla Lounge

@ Vive Tequilla Lounge

02/28 Dennis Miller @ San Manuel Casino 03/02 Anjelah Johnson @ Pachenga 03/01 John Pinette @ Ontario Improv

02/26 The Originalities @ Racks Billiards and Bourbon 03/03 Carrie Underwood @ Citizens Business Bank Arena 03/08 Mickey Avalon @ Marquee 15 03/17 St. Paddy’s Day Parking Lot Festival @ Killarney’s Riverside

03/07 Bellator MMA @ Pachanga Casino 03/30 Daedelus @ The Glasshouse


Skinniesceneinland empire

MEZ Sports Presents


Photos by Alan Rivera 47


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