5 Emotions that Evoke Customer Action Presented by: Freddy
Table of Content Introduction Five strong emotions that evoke action
Belonging Fear Personal Value Gratification Trust
Conclusion Contact us
Introduction When you connect with consumers, you’re able to tap into emotions. Emotions lead to action and action is what every business owner wants. Humans are irrational beings in the sense that sometimes l ogical reasons don’t motivate us to act. Emotions are often the driving force in the actions we take. If your goal is to have your consumers take action, here ar e five strong emotions that evoke action.
Five strong emotions that evoke action
Belonging Fear Personal Value Gratification Trust
Belonging Human nature is such that we have a strong desire to belo ng to a group, clan, gang, family, or social network. Just look at commercials – if you drink this beer or drive thi s car you “belong” to a fun, attractive, social group. Companies that focus on the feeling of belonging find great ways to monetize customer communities. Examples: American Express, Yankees or Red Sox, Mac o r PC.
Fear Fear is a powerful emotion, which is why we see it used oft en to create urgency. Companies play off the fear of “missing out” and fear of mi ssing the “amazing one-time offer”. While this emotion is great for creating urgency, if used too often it may cause your customers to purchase from you o nly when there is an “amazing one-time offer” on the table.
Personal Value Values are judgments about how important something is to us. Values are often subjective – we make a judgment of how i mportant something is relative to something else. Values may also be principles that help us make important personal decisions. These would be considered personal values. For example, if a person highly values creativity, she may s trive to find a career that will allow her to be creative, with t he value of monetary wealth further down the list of prioritie s. Companies that use personal value include: Good Earth, G NC, Toms
Gratification We live in a society of instant gratification. Injecting urgency into your marketing language such as no w, today, instant access, within 24 hours, etc. will appeal to the emotional trigger of instant gratification. It is often in the benefit of SaaS based companies to offer i mmediate free access to a product because of the sense o f gratification.
Trust If you’re in it for the long game, trust is what you’re aiming f or. Once customers truly trust you, they will buy from you repe atedly, with minimal cognitive effort. Before getting to that point, you need to prove to them that you can be trusted. This isn’t something you can fake. You must sincerely mea n what you say and do.
Trust These tips will help you gain trust from your customer base : Be transparent Display testimonials prominently Reduce perceived risk Be human Display trusted and recognized brands Use the Blemishing Effect Use specifics in your copy Trust is the most powerful emotion a business can elicit in i ts customers and employees.
Conclusion Skipio drives higher response rates, but also helps automat e your follow up to keep it consistent. Skipio provides you with both the technology and the medium to connect with consumers. Imagine having the ability to build a personal relationship fo cused around trust with each of your customers on a mass l evel.
Contact us
Skipio Street No. 615 North 150 East American Fork, Utah Zip Code: 8403-2902 Phone No. : 800-800-0134 Website: https://skipio.com/ Email: support@skipio.com