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Skip West
Skip West offers a broad spectrum of services as a skilled financial advisor, including retirement planning, budgeting, taxes, legacy planning, and estate planning. He also helps clients determine their insurance needs, including life insurance, disability insurance, and long-term care insurance. His commitment to personalised service sets Skip apart from other advisors. He works with clients to develop individual programs based on their desired retirement lifestyle, whether travel, volunteering, working a "retirement job," or simply relaxing. Skip also believes in giving back to the community and frequently gives seminars and teleconferences. He covers various topics, including protecting oneself from stock market risk, having a guaranteed income for life, retirement strategies for women, and how not to outlive your money. His seminars are often free and provide valuable insights into the financial planning world. Growing up, his father taught Skip a mantra that has helped propel his success throughout his life: "Always do more for others than they do for you, no matter what it takes." His support of clients during emotional times, such as estate planning, reflects this philosophy. He helps them navigate the stress through preparation and empathetic support. In addition to his passion for financial planning, Skip believes that having a sound mind and body is a gift that comes with responsibility. He strives to keep his mind and body fit and sharp through faith and discipline. This commitment to self-improvement is reflected in his dedication to attending continuing education events and keeping abreast of current events, such as the CARES Act and its updates and annuities during the pandemic.