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Message To The Troops
From the Editor’s Desk
In the last issue of the “Skirmish Line” I featured an article entitled “Hunting with .58 Civil War Rifled Muskets & Carbines” by Toby Bridges. After the magazine was printed, I was informed by numerous individuals that Mr. Bridges pleaded guilty to 8ight of ten wildlife poaching charges in Montana. Mr. Bridges failed to appear in court so therefore felony warrants were issued for his arrest. We here at the N-SSA do not condone the illegal hunting practices that Mr. Bridges engaged in and in no way support any illegal harvesting of game. Due to Mr. Bridges actions, I will no longer feature further articles from Mr. Bridges in the “Skirmish Line”. - Editor
Message to the Troops
Greetings Members of the N-SSA, Skirmishers and Friends,
As we prepare for the trek to our home range , Fort Shenandoah, to participate in the premier event- the Spring National N-SSA competition I pause to reflect on the changes and challenges we have faced in the past year.
Our organization has weathered a pandemic, loss of key participants and modification in the way in which we interact and enjoy this sport. We now use virtual meetings to conduct business, try and stay a safe distance when in large gatherings but most of all we persevere to continue to promote and enjoy this sport that we all love. There has been a concerted effort to continue to promote and interact with the public at key events to get the N-SSA message and theme out to the public.
For those of you who have worked to support those efforts we owe each of you a huge thank you! Without continued public exposure our sport will die on the vine. The key to our future success is fresh new members, bringing new ideas and enthusiasm to this sport. Male or Female- young or old go out and recruit a new member and guide them to know and love this sport of history, heritage and competition.
When you arrive at the Fort this year, take a few minutes to seek out and thank those who maintain the property. From the property manager to the host teams, their efforts keep our fort and range in a good state of repair. If you can help out with a small project or participate in the Work Day planned for later in June. If you live far away, contact Jeff in the property management committee and ask what small project can you help with while you are at the fort- take out a few hours and give back to your organization.
Lastly, as we make plans for “Decoration Day” or as some call it Memorial Day I reflect on how this year it has a much deeper meaning for me. My mentor and friend John Sharrett participated in as many ceremonies and salutes as he could squeeze in during that 3 day weekend. This year I will be carrying on his tradition in his memory. Aas you celebrate that weekend remember the brave Women and Men who defended this country from all foes domestic and foreign and gave the ultimate sacrifice in doing so. Their blood paved the way for the freedoms we enjoy this day. As you fire salutes and have fun at picnics and BBQ remember those folks and others that gave you those freedoms.
See you at the fort! Mike Davenport #5494 Dismal Swamp Rangers Tidewater Region
EDITOR NOTE~ Regional Commanders: in every issue there is a spot for you to address the organization. Send me an email to nssaeditor@gmail.com. Use this as your time to address your region, the organization or whatever you choose. This is your magazine, feel free to utilize it.