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The Firing Line
Another winter has come and gone; I hope the snow has finally melted in your area. For the first time in qyears, I can say that statement as I now live in the mountains of North Carolina and experiencing snow again. With the passing of winter, it means Skirmish Season is upon us again. Our weekends once again are spent shooting and camping with friends. Now that our days are getting longer, we have more time for shooting. I have been enjoying my evening shooting time behind my house on my little range. But like many of you I can’t wait to smell that Shenandoah sunshine at the upcoming nationals.
Last issue I mentioned that we would have a guest article from Seth Isaacson. You can check out his article on the revolvers of General Ulysses S. Grant (that you can potentially own!) on page 35. The Rock Island Auction Company is giving us an exclusive article on this piece. If you want to continue to see more articles from them on potential items coming up to auction, please let me know.
This issue of the Skirmish Line is jam packed with useful shooting tips and stories. I will continue to feature articles from past Skirmish Lines in our upcoming issues but as always, if you have an article, please send it to me. Ask anyone who has sent me an article that started with an idea, we will get you to the point of a real article.
Finally, I wanted to thank everyone who reached out to me after the last issue with John. He meant a lot to me, and the organization will surely miss him. Thank all our guest writers and returning columnists. Without your contributions this magazine would not be the success it is.