Abby Jensen Photography
Contributors Victor Fleming In this issue, we debut a new feature, the Steamboat Crossword by Victor Fleming. A judge for 25 years in Little Rock, Arkansas, Fleming is married to Steamboat Springs artist Marion Kahn. In his side hustle as a cruciverbalist, he is the author of over 1,000 published crossword puzzles, including 47 in the New York Times. For his newest gig as Steamboat Magazine’s cruciverbalist, he has created a “Puzzling Table of Contents,” (page 37) in which six clues have the parenthetical “(p. _).” Are you wondering what that means? Then sharpen your pencils and have at it.
Paul Knowles In the story “Far from the Heart of Texas,” (page 30) Paul Knowles explores the strange period in history when the Yampa Valley was part of the Texas territory. “I have always been fascinated with the story, mainly because it always elicits some kind of reaction one way or the other,” Knowles says. “When I moved to Steamboat 20 years ago I had no idea I was living on old Texas claims.” That all changed when Knowles began seriously collecting antique maps from the era of Westward Expansion. Now as the assistant director of the Museum of Northwest Colorado in downtown Craig, Knowles uncovers and shares the stories that make Northwest Colorado one of the most fascinating regions in the American West.
Lisa Ruff
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. –Albert Einstein Images available for purchase
Gallery: Pine Moon Fine Art 117 9th St., Steamboat Springs, Colorado 970-879-2787 •
Since her first trip through Sand Wash Basin to Brown’s Park to fish the Green River over three decades ago, Lisa Ruff has been fascinated by the fabled wild horses of Sand Wash Basin. A glimpse of a band of mustangs trailing their yearlings made her appreciate the tenacity of these noble beasts. When given the opportunity to study the relationship between a mustang yearling and its teen trainer for the Meeker Mustang Makeover, she approached the story from what the horses can teach us about who we are as humans as we forge bonds with wild animals. Read the story, “Mustang Makeover,” on page 32. SM