6 Quick-fixes to Look more Confident

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6 Quick-fixes to Look more Confident

Confidence is one of the best skill in life that you need to acquire. This is the key to all sort of success. Getting swayed the person who have lot of confidence is a natural phenomenon and you must have experienced it one point of time in life. It is said that confidence is like a muscle, the more you will use it, the more stronger it will get. Frankly speaking, it is not a chapter that you can finish reading in a night. It requires a lot of practice. However, there are ways through which you can project a confident personality. No matter how nervous you are, the bundle of nerves can be hidden with a bit of effort. Wanna know how? Here are some of the quick-fixes that can help you look more confident. Check them out.

Dress the occasion Your look is the first thing that can boost or reduce your confidence. Dressing according to the occasion is important. Whether you are about

to present a report to your boss or you are heading for the date with the girl you love, this is one aspect that can help you stand out. You must have felt that when you feel good when you look good. So, make sure that you are dressed well, regardless of the occasion. The attire should match your personality as well as the event. Not only the garment, even the style of underwear for men should be chosen accordingly. You just can’t get laid on the table in ugly undies. You should be ready in sexy bikini underwear. Similarly, thongs won’t help in the gym, you’ve got to be in boxer briefs. Indulge in grooming and take care of your skin. Pair the attire with timeless accessories that can help you pull off the suit look perfectly. Leave an lasting first impression and rest shall follow.

Do the homework Feel the heat at the moment is usual. However, you can get a hold of yourself if you are prepared well. If you have prepared for the event properly, you’ll surely feel confident. Prepare the presentation well, make the arrangements for the date or rehearse for the meeting or job interview. Do not take such events lightly or for granted. Confidence is the result of your inner instinct and it can be gained with hard work.

Control the body posture The stage fear can ruin the day of even the most confident personality. But there are certain body postures that can convey wrong message to the onlookers. Hence, whether you are nervous or fully-confident, you need to keep a check on your hand movement and postures. While giving presentation, keep you hands in front as if you are holding an imaginary ball. This conveys confidence to the audience. Keep the hands neatly on the table and put the fingertips together during interviews. Do not shake your shoulders and hands too much. Look straight ahead and talk making

eye contact. These are the few things that can help project an alluring impression.

Be yourself Confidence is silent and the insecurities are loud. The key is to be who you are. The biggest blunders take place when you fake yourself or try to push yourself to do what you can’t. So, just be who you are. Instead of trying to change yourself, brush up the positive qualities you have and work on the negative ones.

Work on your communication skills Speaking boldly and with intellect is the very first thing that can project a confident personality. The communication skill can do half the work for you. No one would bother about the way you stand and sit if you speak

well. So, working on the communication skill should be on your mind. Half of the confidence is reflected by the way you talk and present your views. So, talk politely and speak sense.

Do not forget to smile A smiling face can melt every heart effortlessly. Even the biggest blunder can be overlooked if you have a genuine smile all through the conversation. This is a easy way to catch with the situations in which you are not comfortable. While a sad face can even ruin a flawless conversation. So, no matter what, make sure that you are smiling.

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