Personalities to Avoid if you really want to Fall in Love

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Personalities to Avoid if you really want to Fall in Love

Every person as a kid looks forward to having a future where there’ll be a good job/career, own a house and have a partner to come home to and settle down. The one being the one that matters most, if you choose the right partner to fall in love with and settle, your life would be nothing but a fairy tale. However, if you choose the wrong person to fall in love with, your life can take a U-turn get on the wrong track where it’ll be difficult to balance life.

This doesn ’ t restrict to a woman looking for love in a man, but also about men who are preparing themselves to fall in love with. There are personalities which aren’t meant to be loved because their kinds of problems are hard to understand and sign up with. If you are looking forward to falling in love with someone and want a long term relationship with them, you must avoid falling these personalities to have a pleasant courtship.

The commitment phobic

The very first person whom you should just keep a safe distance would be the ones who do not want to commit to any relationship. They are the ones who aim at getting the most difficult person head over heels for them, but when the chase is over, that ’ s where the curtains fall down and the show comes to an end. They lose their interest in you and find another difficult person to eye on. But, they would never take the leap of faith and commit to the relationship. Whether it is because of their failed past relationship or their personality, you certainly wouldn’t want to fall in love with them.

The control freak

I was watching a movie the other day where there was this guy (the lead protagonist who turns bad) who falls in love with a girl and marries her. While being in a relationship, everything seems to be okay and lovey dovey, but as soon as he marries her, he makes sure that only his will be done. From locking her up in the house prohibiting any contact with the outside world to making her do things the way he wants to, everything is controlled by him. This being an example, there would be men and women out there who are control freaks and want things to be done their way. It might start with smaller things in the beginning, but you never know how bad things get eventually in that relationship. Hence, the control freaks are not worth spending time with.

The "it’s-all-about-me� type

When it is about a relationship, there’s nothing called “it is all about me”. In fact, it is “all about us” and that’s what couples are supposed to live by. If a guy or a girl falls into this category, your being in the relationship would be negligible and it won ’ t mean anything because all that matters to them is - them and not you. He/she would be the person taking decisions in the best of interest of them as an individual rather than you two as together. Being in a courtship of so many years, the very experience I share with you is - no relationship works individually and if it does, there’s no love, it is only needs meeting and fulfilled.

The judgmental

Being judgmental these days is a normal thing. While you judge a person by his/her appearance when you don’t know him/her, how do you expect them to not to be judgmental in the relationship? They would criticize every possible thing around them, from the people, places to situations and everything else. What matters for them is to give judgmental remarks on everything that they come across. Hence, they would surely have a take on how you look, dress, talk and everything else that you do in front of them as well as when you’re not with them.

The liar

Who likes to date a liar? Surely you won’t, I won’t and nobody else would want to. A liar is a liar and he/she cannot change what his/her personality is all about. Whether it is hiding his location when you ask where are you to cheating on you with another person, you cannot trust someone who lies under your nose. Their life is a living lie which for sure will make your life being a trouble. You remember Pinocchio who lied and his nose grew? We really wish something like that happened in reality where we could catch them right when he/she throws the white across our faces. DO NOT fall in love with a liar, it will be your worst mistake ever.

The jealous/envious/possessive turned obsessive

A jealous or an envious person is someone who doesn’t like anyone else’s happiness. He/she would constantly nag for the goods that the others have and they don’t. Not only this, you talking to someone else would also be a grave problem for them because practically - you are their property now and no one else is allowed to trespass on their property. On the other hand, a possessive turned obsessive lover is someone who would keep a watch on your every move. More like stalkers, they would make sure that you are under the radar and would have a say on everything from you wearing a certain kind of outfit to you talking to another person. It does not matter who the person is, but they will take it as an opportunity where you can leave them and move on with the other person.

The bad boy/girl

Isn’t it always appealing to date a bad boy? The dark appeal, adventurous situations, trippy feels and other key features sound really fancy to anyone and everyone. But, the bottom line is - a bad boy/girl will always be the bad boy/girl. There’s always a mysterious feel attached to dating a darker personality which in turn gives a high on a personal basis. However, if the person has a dark side, which everyone knows about, it will affect your relationship somewhere down the line and you would not be able to handle it in good spirit.

The no-empathy

It was a long time ago when people thought that a person who shows sympathy for someone else is a godly soul. However, times have changed and now sympathy is what everyone does, but empathy comes around rare. However, if your partner does not empathize with you on a personal level and with others on the bigger level, he/she is not a humble personality. A man or a woman who cannot empathize is someone who does not and cannot feel for anyone else except themselves. There’s no point wasting time on them and falling in love them.

If you are going to fall in love with any of the above-mentioned personality, you need to take back your step, think about what you were going do and also look forward to the broader aspect and take the decision. After all, it is about your feelings, relationship and the future. Hope you find a beautiful soul.

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